Revenue Statement and Resolution of Rates and Charges 2015-16 ADOPTED 19 June 2015 G15.0619.002 PART 1 - REVENUE STATEMENT General Approach ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Concessions and Rebates................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Recovery of Rates and Charges ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Community Service Obligations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Statutory References ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Summary of Rates and Charges ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 (a) Rates and Charges ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Averaging of Valuations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Differential General Rates ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Separate Rates/Charges .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Special Rates/Charges ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Water Utility Charges ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Sewerage Utility Charges ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Waste Management Utility Charges ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 (b) Rebates and Other Concessions ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 (c) Limitations on Increases in Rates and Charges ..................................................................................................................................... 11 (d) Discount .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 (e) Due Date ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 (f) Interest .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 (g) Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges ....................................................................................................................................... 12 PART 2 - RESOLUTION OF RATES AND CHARGES 1 RATES AND CHARGES LEVY .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 2 AVERAGING OF VALUATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 3 DIFFERENTIAL GENERAL RATES ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 SCHEDULE 1 – INCLUSION AND IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION INTO RATING CATEGORY ............................... 16 ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES ................................................................................................................... 63 ANNEXURE B - COUNCIL DIFFERENTIAL RATING CODES .............................................................................................................. 68 ANNEXURE C - COUNCIL PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION CODES .................................................................................................... 69 ANNEXURE D - COUNCIL PERMANENT RENTED PREMISES / NOT PRINCIPAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE CODES ..................... 69 ANNEXURE E - COUNCIL TOURIST RENTED PREMISES CODES ................................................................................................... 69 ANNEXURE F - COUNCIL BENEFITED AREA CODES........................................................................................................................ 70 4 WASTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY CHARGES ....................................................................................................................................... 71 5 OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION SEPARATE CHARGE ....................................................................................................................... 71 6 RECREATIONAL SPACE SEPARATE CHARGE .................................................................................................................................. 71 7 CITY TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENT SEPARATE CHARGE ................................................................................................................ 72 8 VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE SEPARATE CHARGE ........................................................................................................................... 72 9 CONNECTING SOUTHERN GOLD COAST SPECIAL RATES A and B ............................................................................................... 72 10 SURFERS PARADISE MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION SPECIAL RATE ...................................................................................... 74 11 BROADBEACH MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION SPECIAL RATE ................................................................................................. 75 12 SURFERS PARADISE SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE ..................................................... 77 13 BROADBEACH SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE ................................................................ 78 14 COOLANGATTA SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE .............................................................. 79 15 SOUTHPORT SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE ................................................................... 80 16 MUDGEERABA LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE................................................................................ 81 17 MIAMI LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ............................................................................................... 82 18 DAVENPORT STREET, SOUTHPORT LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ........................................... 83 19 OXENFORD LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ..................................................................................... 84 20 PARADISE POINT LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ........................................................................... 85 21 GOLDEN FOUR DRIVE, TUGUN LOCALCENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ..................................................... 86 22 STATION STREET, NERANG LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ......................................................... 87 23 CHEVRON ISLAND LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ......................................................................... 88 24 MERMAID BEACH LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE ........................................................................... 89 25 GRIFFITH STREET COOLANGATTA CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM…………………………………………………… ...... ……90 26 WATER UTILITY CHARGES .................................................................................................................................................................. 92 27 SEWERAGE UTILITY CHARGES ........................................................................................................................................................ 109 28 TRADE WASTE UTILITY CHARGES ................................................................................................................................................... 118 29 PENSIONER RATE REBATE POLICY ................................................................................................................................................ 127 30 DISCOUNT ON RATES AND CHARGES ............................................................................................................................................ 128 31 TIME WITHIN WHICH RATES MUST BE PAID ................................................................................................................................... 128 32 INTEREST ON OVERDUE RATES AND REMEDIAL WORK CHARGES ........................................................................................... 128 33 CONCESSIONS (GENERAL) ............................................................................................................................................................... 129 34 CONCESSIONS – RATES REBATE .................................................................................................................................................... 129 35 CONCESSIONS - DEFERMENT OF RATES PAYMENT .................................................................................................................... 130 36 CONCESSIONS – DEFERMENT - PAYMENT BY INSTALMENTS .................................................................................................... 131 37 COST-RECOVERY FEES AND COMMERCIAL CHARGES…………………………………………………………………………………..131 APPENDIX 1 - WASTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY CHARGES ..................................................................................................................... 132 APPENDIX 2 - SPECIAL RATE SCHEDULE AND BENEFITED AREA MAPS ............................................................................................ 145 APPENDIX 3 - REBATE OF RATES POLICY FOR HOME OWNERS ......................................................................................................... 163 APPENDIX 4 - REBATE OF RATES POLICY FOR NON-HOME OWNERS ................................................................................................ 166 APPENDIX 5 - REBATE OF RATES POLICY – SCHEDULE OF REBATES ............................................................................................... 169 APPENDIX 6 - RATE DONATION, INFRASTRUCTURE CHARGES AND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FEE DISCOUNT POLICY ... 170 PART 1 - REVENUE STATEMENT 2015-16 General Approach Council has developed this Revenue Statement in accordance with its Revenue Policy, which aims to raise sufficient revenue to enable Council to: x ensure a balanced budget and provide a strong financial basis for effective management of expenditure programmes and debt; x provide services to the community based on principles of intergenerational equity; x sustain operating capability on a long term basis; x encourage a strong, growing and sustainable local economy with appropriate levels of infrastructure assets and facilities; x provide certainty of funding for the provision of infrastructure and services identified by Council in its long-term strategic financial plans and asset management plans. Council’s rate-setting and charging structures are based on the following principles, where applicable: x Equity – ensuring the fair and consistent application of lawful rating and charging principles, without bias, taking account of all relevant considerations. x Effectiveness/Efficiency –meeting the financial, social, economic and environmental, and other corporate objectives stated in Council’s Corporate Plan and other adopted policies. x Simplicity – to ensure widespread community or stakeholder understanding of a complex system. x Sustainability – revenue decisions support the financial strategies for the delivery of infrastructure and services identified in Council’s long term planning. These principles apply to the following activities: x making rates and charges; x levying rates and charges; x recovering rates and charges; x granting and administering rates and charges concessions; x charging for local government services and facilities; x charging for competitive services and facilities; x charging for business services and facilities (subject to National Competition Policy); x imposing cost-recovery and other fees; and x funding Council infrastructure. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI In making all rates and charges Council will also have regard to: x transparency - to inform the community of the basis of those rates and charges and hence Council’s accountability; x creating a rating regime that is cost effective to administer; x flexibility - taking account of changes in the local economy. Concessions and Rebates x Subject to the conditions determined from time to time in Council’s Rates Rebate Policy, Council may grant rebates on rates and charges to assist owner-occupiers: x Council may grant rebates of rates and charges to assist non-profit community organisations of the classes identified in Council’s Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy. x Council may grant rebates on water consumption and volumetric sewerage charges to assist persons affected by undetected water leakage within their property subject to the conditions determined in Council’s Water and Sewage Leakage Relief Policy. x Subject to the conditions determined in Council’s Voluntary Conservation Agreement Scheme Policy, Council may grant rebates of differential general rates to assist ratepayers, who are parties to voluntary conservation agreements with Council, to manage the natural value of their land parcels the subject of the agreements. x In accordance with Section 119 Local Government Regulation 2012 and Council’s Deferral of Rates Policy, Council may defer payment of some or all rates and charges to assist eligible persons who demonstrate to Council’s satisfaction that paying rates or charges will cause them hardship. In particular, Council may defer payment of certain rates and general charges to assist qualifying ratepayers who utilise the property as their principal place of residence and do not have the cash resources immediately available to make the payment. Recovery of Rates and Charges Council will exercise its rate recovery powers to reduce the overall rate burden on ratepayers, in which respect: x it will ensure transparency by making clear the obligations of ratepayers and the processes used by Council in assisting them meet their obligations; x it will make the processes used to recover outstanding rates and charges simple to administer and cost-effective; x it will critically evaluate the prospects of success before undertaking recovery action, to minimise prospective wastage of its resources in pursuit of irrecoverable money; x it will act consistently, to provide the similar treatment for ratepayers with similar circumstances; x it will act with flexibility by responding where necessary to changes in the local economy; Community Service Obligations Council may subsidise the operations of commercialised business units, or other operations that are subject to the Code of Competitive Conduct (vide Local Government Act section 97), to achieve social, economic, environmental, or other objectives associated with, or incidental to, the delivery of services by those operations. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Council may charge for such activities at a rate less than the full cost price of a service. The difference between the full cost price and the actual charge will be treated as a community service obligation (CSO). To ensure compliance with the requirement that CSOs be transparent, fully costed, and funded, each CSO will be funded from an identified budget. The budgeted amount will be based on the agreed unit price and the estimated quantity to be provided. Statutory References In this revenue statement, the short-form name in the left column below is a reference to the Act or Regulation described in the right column, adjacent the short-form name: Body Corporate & Community Management Act Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. Building Units & Group Titles Act Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980. Local Government Regulation Local Government Regulation 2012. Fire and Emergency Services Act Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990. H.S.P. Nominees Acts Registration of Plans (H.S.P. (Nominees) Pty. Limited) Enabling Act 1980 and Registration of Plans (Stage 2) (H.S.P. (Nominees) Pty. Limited) Enabling Act 1984. Integrated Resort Development Act Integrated Resort Development Act 1987. Land Valuation Act Land Valuation Act 2010. Local Government Act Local Government Act 2009. Mixed Use Development Act Mixed Use Development Act 1993. Sanctuary Cove Resort Act Sanctuary Cove Resort Act 1985. Sustainable Planning Act Sustainable Planning Act 2009. Restructuring Act South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009. Water and Sewerage Services Code for Small Customers in South East Queensland (made under the Restructuring Act). Customer Water and Sewerage Code 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Summary of Rates and Charges (a) Rates and Charges x Averaging of Valuations Averaging of valuations over 3 years will apply in the 2015-16 financial year. The principle is that the values effective for the 2015-16 financial year and each of the two previous financial years (2013-14 and 2014-15) will be averaged (the “3-year averaged value”). The 3-year averaged value will be used as the basis for calculation of the differential general rate in 2015-16 unless the 3-year averaged value is more than the value of the land for the 2015-16 financial year. x Differential General Rates A differential system of rates provides equity through recognising different uses made of different properties (both generally and with respect to the revenue-producing potential) and different service levels generated or potentially generated by different properties. Differential general rates incorporate the categories detailed in the Schedule 1 table, which begins at page 20. The basis for developing criteria that distinguish a category is the identification of particular characteristics or factors shared by all lands to be included in the category; for example: x Residential land is categorised by taking into account, but not limited to, whether or not the land is: o a principal place of residence (referenced by categories 1A;1B;1C,1P,1T;1U and 7A); or o rented to permanent residents or is not a principal place of residence (referenced by categories 2A to 2T and 7B to 7H); or o rented to itinerants (referenced by categories 3A to 3T and 7M to 7S). o multi-unit residential property (referenced by categories 8A to 8D). x Commercial land is categorised on its commercial use or in the case of vacant land, usable under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (referenced by categories 4A to 4T). x Farming land is categorised solely on the basis of whether it is valued under Land Valuation Act Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 2 for exclusive use of farming (referenced by categories 5A and 5B). x Newly subdivided land is categorised solely by reference to whether it is: o subject to a discounted valuation issued under Land Valuation Act Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 3; and o exempt from the minimum general rate as required under Local Government Regulation 2012 section 77, (referenced by categories 6B, 6C and 6G). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI When categorising land for differential rating purposes, Council has also had regard to the extent to which tourism and tourism-related business and industry uses continue to contribute to the demand for the provision of Council services across the City. Council considers that land used for those businesses (including premises used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants) and industries should generate a greater contribution to general rate revenue than land that is not used for a commercial purpose (including premises used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants). In addition, Council has had regard to its inspection program of all rental properties within the City. This program operates on a 3-year cycle during which all rental premises are inspected either internally or externally by Council officers in an effort to maintain an acceptable standard of rental accommodation throughout the City in accordance with its local laws. In such circumstances, Council considers that those rental properties should generate a greater contribution to general rate revenue than land that is not rented. Further, Council has had regard to the extent to which multi-unit residential buildings and multi-unit residential properties contribute to the demand for the provision of Council services across the City. In such circumstances, Council considers that those multi-unit residential buildings and multi-unit residential properties should make a greater contribution to general rate revenue. Setting the rate-in-the-dollar for each rating category is influenced by fluctuations in site value (non-rural land) and unimproved value (rural land) determined under the Land Valuation Act. However, substantial increases or reductions in land valuations do not necessarily correlate to an increase or reduction in demand for the provision of Council services to such lands. Averaging of valuations over 3 years will apply to help minimise the impact of increases in site value (non-rural land) and unimproved value (rural land) determined under the Land Valuation Act. Minimum general rates are set for each category other than categories 6A, 6B, 6C and 6G. x Separate Rates/Charges Open Space Preservation Separate Charge The Open Space Preservation Charge will be applied to all rateable land. The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of Open Space Preservation including acquisition of property and non-acquisition purposes directly relevant to open space preservation and nature conservation. Recreational Space Separate Charge The Recreational Space Separate Charge will be applied to all rateable land. The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of providing open space for recreation of residents and visitors of and to the City of Gold Coast. City Transport Improvement Separate Charge The City Transport Improvement Separate Charge will be applied to all rateable land. The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of implementing the City Transport Plan, to expand the City’s transport infrastructure and enhance its ability to meet the City’s growing public transport needs. Volunteer Fire Brigade Separate Charge The Volunteer Fire Brigade Separate Charge will be applied to all rateable land. Funds raised will be expended on funding the operations of the rural fire brigades in recognition of the importance that the City’s rural fire brigades represent to the safety, amenity and liveability of the City. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Special Rates/Charges Connecting Southern Gold Coast Special Rates A and B Description of the service or activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the activities of Connecting Southern Gold Coast Ltd (CSGCL) for the 2015-16 financial year Surfers Paradise Management and Promotion Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the activities of Surfers Paradise Alliance Ltd (SPAL) for the 2015-16 financial year. Broadbeach Management and Promotion Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding (in part) the activities of Broadbeach Alliance Ltd (BAL) for the 2015-16 financial year. Surfers Paradise Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate Description of the service or activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the ongoing costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras in the Surfers Paradise precinct. Broadbeach Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate Description of the service or activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the ongoing costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras in the Broadbeach precinct. Coolangatta Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate Description of the service or activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the ongoing costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras in the Coolangatta precinct. Southport Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate Description of the service or activity: The funds raised will be expended for the purpose of funding the ongoing costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras in the Southport precinct. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Mudgeeraba Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Mudgeeraba business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. Miami Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Miami business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. Davenport Street, Southport Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Davenport Street, Southport business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. Oxenford Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Oxenford business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking Paradise Point Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Paradise Point business precinct. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking Golden Four Drive, Tugun Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping, and otherwise improving the Golden Four Drive, Tugun business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking Station Street, Nerang Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Station Street, Nerang business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking Chevron Island Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Chevron Island business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking Mermaid Beach Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Mermaid Beach business precinct. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Griffith Street Coolangatta Local Centre Improvement Program Description of the activity: The funds raised will be used for the purpose of reimbursing Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Griffith Street business precinct. The Centre Improvement Project site runs along Griffith Street from McLean Street to Warner Street in Coolangatta. Fronting the project site is a mixture of commercial offices and retail businesses. The services, facilities and activities to which the special rate or charge is intended to apply are described in summary as follows: streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, retaining walls, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, bus shelters and car parking. x Water Utility Charges – Potable (Drinking) Water Residential Pricing Two-part tariff pricing will apply to all residential property within the City (including residential vacant land) that is connected or has access to Council’s water transportation system. The two-part tariff will be composed of: (a) a fixed access water charge, representing a contribution to the capital cost of Council's supply infrastructure; and (b) a consumption charge, namely a single tier charge for each kilolitre of water consumed. Where some lots, but not all, in a community titles scheme supplied by a master meter, are residential lots (Council Land Use Code 12, 14 and 26), all the lots within the scheme will be levied as residential lots unless the majority of the lots within the scheme, based on contribution schedule lot entitlement, are non-residential. Non-residential Pricing Two-part tariff pricing will apply to all non-residential properties within the City (including commercial vacant land) that is connected or has access to Council’s water transportation system. The two-part tariff will be composed of: (a) a fixed access water charge, representing a contribution to the capital cost of Council's supply infrastructure; and (b) a consumption charge, namely a single tier charge for each kilolitre of water consumed. For non-residential properties (including any multi-unit residential properties or buildings not the subject of a community titles scheme and the supplied lot in the scheme created under the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act) the service charge will be based on the cross sectional area of water services/s supplying the property or premises. A reduction factor based on the water consumption for the whole of the Previous Year will be applied to the service charge. However, where a water service is greater than 32mm in diameter, the minimum service charge will be the service charge for a 40mm water service. As a result of the Queensland government water reform, Council of the City of Gold Coast no longer owns bulk water supply and transport assets, and must purchase bulk water from the State. The consumption charge that Council levies is inclusive of the bulk water price. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI x Water Utility Charges – Class A+ Recycled Water A consumption charge will be levied for the supply of Class A+ Recycled Water to properties in the Pimpama-Coomera Dual Reticulation Area, namely a single tier charge for each kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed. No access charge will apply. x Water Utility Charges – Raw (Untreated) Water A consumption charge will be levied for the supply of Raw (Untreated) Water limited to those properties currently receiving that service, namely a single tier charge for each kilolitre of Raw (Untreated) Water consumed. No access charge will apply. All charges will accord with the resolution of rates and charges. x Sewerage Utility Charges Residential Pricing A fixed sewerage access charge, representing a contribution to the capital cost of Council's supply infrastructure, will apply to each individual residential property (including residential vacant land) that is connected or has access to Council’s sewerage transportation and treatment system. Non-residential Pricing Two-part tariff pricing will apply to each individual non-residential property (including commercial vacant land and the supplied lot in the scheme created under the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act) that is connected or has access to Council’s sewerage transportation and treatment system. The two-part tariff will be composed of: (a) a fixed access charge, representing a contribution to the capital cost of Council's supply infrastructure; and (b) a discharge volumetric charge, namely a single tier charge for each kilolitre of sewage deemed to have discharged into Council sewerage transportation and treatment system. In determining the sewage volume discharged from a non-residential property into the sewerage system, Council will apply an industry discharge factor to the water consumed at the property as measured by the water meter/s. The discharge factor represents sewage that leaves the property as a percentage of the water consumed at the property. The deemed sewage volume is reduced by an allowance to cover the domestic strength sewage discharge component. In addition to the above, Council will impose trade waste quality charges where the sewage discharged from the property exceeds the strength described in Gold Coast Water’s Sewerage Admission Standards. All charges will accord with the resolution of rates and charges. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI x Waste Management Utility Charges The charges for domestic 140-litre, 240-litre, and 360-litre bin services incorporate a domestic waste collection and removal service, a domestic recyclable material collection and removal service and a contribution to the management and operation of waste management facilities, and as such, there will be no separate charges issued. The ”base domestic waste service” comprises a 240-litre waste bin serviced kerbside once per week and a 240-litre recycling bin serviced kerbside once per fortnight. Non-domestic waste management utility charges do not include a charge for a recycling service or a contribution to the management and operation of waste management facilities. Non-domestic services are subject to a separate charge for recycling services and subject to ‘user pays’ charges for the management and operation of waste management facilities, in particular, land fill sites. (b) Rebates and Other Concessions (1) Rates & Charges (a) Pensioner ratepayers who comply with terms and conditions set out in the Rates Rebate Policy – Home Owners (refer Appendix 3) will be entitled to pensioner rate rebate. Council’s rebate is set at 100% of the gross general rate to a set maximum amount. (b) Pensioner ratepayers who comply with terms and conditions set out in the Rates Rebate Policy – Non-Home Owners (refer Appendix 4) also will be entitled to pensioner rate rebate. Council’s rebate is set at 100% of the gross general rate to a set maximum amount. (c) Clubs, sporting associations and other non-profit community organisations approved by Council will be granted concessions in accordance with Council's Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy (refer to Appendix 6). Any other rate concessions not mentioned above will be in accordance with the resolution of rates and charges or relevant Council policy. (2) Commercial Charge Concessions Upon written request, the organisations identified in the Register of Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges will be entitled to building fee rebate of the scheduled building fee as stated. (c) Limitations on Increases in Rates and Charges There have been no limitations on increases in rates and charges. (d) Discount A 10% discount on the differential general rate levied on a rate notice will be granted to rate payers who pay the entire amount due on the rate notice inclusive of all arrears of rates, utility charges, separate charges, separate rates, special charges, special rates, and all interest which shall be accrued on such arrears to date of payment, but with the exception of general charges including the emergency management levy, within 31 days of issue of the rate notice (“discount period”). Council will not offer discounts on any other rates or charges including utility charges for water and sewerage charges. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Council will not offer discount on any portion of a rate the payment of which: (e) x is deferred; or x is rebated under Council’s Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy; or x is donated under a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. Due Date The due date for payment of all rates and charges is the 31st day after the date of issue of the initial rate notice that includes a rate or charge. (f) Interest Interest compounded on daily balances accrues on overdue rates and charges on and from the following dates until the date of payment: (g) x where a deferment – payment by instalments arrangement is cancelled for ratepayer default, rates and charges overdue at the time of default will be charged interest beginning on the day after day of default; and x in any other case, rates and charges overdue at the time of default will be charged interest beginning on the date on which the rate becomes overdue (being the day after the day on which the discount period expires and the due date for payment under the rate notice). Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges Cost-recovery Fees and commercial charges fixed by Council pursuant to sections 97 and 262(3)(c) respectively of the Local Government Act are detailed in the “2015-16 Register of Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges”. * ** The principles of Full Cost Pricing (National Competition Policy) and User Pays have been applied in calculating all cost-recovery fees of the Council where applicable. As part of the resolutions adopting the 2015-16 Budget, Council has also adopted certain cost exclusions applicable to some cost-recovery fees. Also, pursuant to Local Government Act section 98, Council cost-recovery fees have been separately listed in the “2015-16 Register of Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges”. * By Local Government Regulation 2012 section 22: A local government applies full cost pricing to a significant business by charging for goods or services at the full cost of providing the goods or services, subject to the following— (a) the pricing provisions; (b) the removal of any competitive advantage or disadvantage, whenever possible and appropriate; (c) if a competitive advantage or disadvantage cannot be removed—the taking of the competitive advantage or disadvantage into account when pricing the goods or services. A competitive advantage is an advantage a business entity conducting a significant business has over a private sector business because the local government owns the business. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ** User pays is a charging method premised upon a person paying for only that portion of a service that the person consumes. Two factors must be present to enable the implementation of a user pays system for a service: x The local government must be able to measure with some precision the total cost of providing the service to the community. x The total cost of the service must be capable of apportionment among the users, as far as is practicable, on the basis of their individual usage of the service. This implies that the local government can measure each consumer’s use of the service. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI PART 2 - RESOLUTION OF RATES AND CHARGES 1 RATES AND CHARGES LEVY Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 107 (1), Council resolves to levy 2015-16 rates and charges, by twice yearly service of rate notices for each of the 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2015 period and the 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 period. Further, pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 107 (1) and the Water and Sewerage Services Code for Small Customers in South East Queensland (made under the Restructuring Act) section 8.1, Council resolves to levy 2015-16 water and sewerage charges, by quarterly service of notices for each of the 1 July 2015 to 30 September 2015, 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015, 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016 and 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016 periods. 2 AVERAGING OF VALUATIONS Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 74(3), Council resolves as follows for levying rates on rateable land in the City for the 201516 financial year: (a) For Local Government Regulation 2012 section 74(4), the value of the land will be the 3-year averaged value of the land unless the 3-year averaged value is more than the value of the land for the 2015-16 financial year. (b) Its averaged value will be the value calculated under Local Government Regulation 2012 section 76, namely the amount that equals: (i) (ii) (c) if the land had a value for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years— (A) the sum of the value of the land for each of the 2013-14 and the 2014-15 financial years; (B) plus the value of the land for the 2015-16 financial year; (C) divided by 3; or if the land did not have a value for 2013-14 or 2014-15 the value of the land for the 2015-16 financial year multiplied by the 3-year averaging number. The 3-year averaging number, for a financial year, is the number calculated to 2 decimal places by applying the formula— ܶ ͵ܸ for which— T is the total of the values of all rateable land in Council’s area for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 financial years; and V is the value of all rateable land in Council’s local government area for the 2015-16 financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (d) For clarity: in calculating the 3-year averaged value of land: the values for the 2013-14; 2014-15 and 2015-16 financial years is the site value (non-rural land) or the unimproved value (rural land) determined under the Land Valuation Act. (e) 3 For the purpose of section 76(2) of the Local Government Regulation, the ‘3 year averaging number’ for the 2015-16 financial year is 0.92. DIFFERENTIAL GENERAL RATES (Refer Schedule 1 and Annexures B, C, D and E) Recommendation: (a) Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 80(1), Council will levy differential general rates for the year ending 30 June 2016. (b) For that purpose, rateable land in the City is differentiated into the 87 rating categories detailed in the Table of Differential Categories and Rates in Schedule 1. (c) Each row of the Table of Differential Categories and Rates contains the relevant details for one of those 87 differential rating categories as follows: (d) (i) Column 1 specifies the rating category number. (ii) Column 2 contains a description of the rating category. (iii) Column 3 specifies the indicia by which the rateable land in the rating category is identified. The land is identified by reference to alphabetical or alpha-numeric codes drawn from those classified in Annexures A to F. These annexures specify between them all of the Council land identification codes available for use from time to time in identifying the rateable land in the various rating categories. (iv) Column 4 specifies the differential general rate to be levied upon rateable land in the rating category. (v) Column 5 specifies the minimum general rate (if any) to be levied upon rateable land in the rating category. Council levies upon the rateable land in each differential rating category detailed in the Table of Differential Categories and Rates: (i) the differential general rate the Table specifies for the rateable land in that category; and (ii) (e) (f) (for the rating categories other than 6A, 6B, 6C and 6G) the corresponding minimum differential general rate the Table specifies for the rateable land in that category. For calculating the averaged value of a lot included in a community titles scheme, the averaged value of the scheme land will be apportioned between the lots included in the scheme, in proportion to the interest schedule lot entitlement for each lot. However, where the rateability of any land alters during the year, adjustments of differential general rate will be made pro rata in accordance with Local Government Act 2009 section 93 and Local Government Regulation 2012 Chapter 4, Part 9, Division 2 (section 109 et seq) (whichever provision is relevant to the context), from the date of the alteration. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (g) Where two contiguous lots in a community titles scheme which are in the same ownership have been physically constructed to be used as a single residence and cannot, without major building modifications, be reconfigured to enable the two lots to be occupied as separate residences, then the lots will be treated as a single residence for rating purposes. Conditions apply. (h) For the purpose of categorising rateable land, and deciding differential rates for rateable land, Council will in accordance with Local Government Act 2009 section 94 (1A), categorise residential land according to whether or not the land is the principal place of residence of the owner. SCHEDULE 1 In this Schedule 1: (1) averaged value means the 3-year averaged value of the land calculated in accordance with Local Government Regulation 2012 section 76; (2) a Building Units Plan or a Building Format Plan is one that shows the building subdivided vertically and/ or horizontally into lots, and shows the common property (e.g. a high rise or a low rise apartment building); (3) a community titles scheme is: (a) a community titles scheme created under the Body Corporate & Community Management Act; or (b) a subdivisional scheme: (i) created by a Building Units Plan or Group Titles Plan (as defined); and (ii) governed by the Building Units & Group Titles Act, (including a scheme created under the H.S.P. Nominees Acts, the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act, the Integrated Resort Development Act or the Mixed Use Development Act). (c) (4) For clarity, a community titles scheme does not include a timeshare arrangement; company title scheme means a scheme under which: (a) a company owns the property that includes the building in which the dwelling unit is contained (together with other dwelling units); and (b) the ownership of a share (or shares) in the company entitles the holder to occupy his/her dwelling; but (c) the shareholder does not acquire ownership of the dwelling itself; (5) farming means farming business as defined by Land Valuation Act section 48(4); (6) ground refers to the existing ground upon which the building containing the lot is located: the ground floor of a building will be level 1; the first level above the ground floor will be level 2; the second level above the ground floor will be level 3 etc. Note that when a lot is located on more than one level of a building, the level of the lot is, for the purposes of the following categories and criteria, the highest level upon which the lot is located; Example – A lot located on level 20 and level 21 of a building is treated as located on level 21 for the purposes of categorisation. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (7) a Group Titles Plan or a Standard Format Plan is one in which the land (rather than a building) is subdivided into lots and common property (e.g. townhouse complex); (8) itinerant means a visitor or tourist, as distinct from a permanent resident; (9) life tenant, of a single-unit dwelling or residential unit or of a multi-unit residential building, means a natural person who does not own a 50% or greater interest in any other residential property, to whom a life tenancy of the dwelling, unit, or building has been granted: (a) under a valid will made by the deceased owner of the property; or (b) pursuant to the order or declaration of an Australian superior court (including the Family Court); and (c) upon terms obliging the person to pay the rates for the property; (10) lives means to make one’s home in a particular place on a permanent basis; (11) lot, that is scheme land for a community titles scheme, is a separate lot, piece or parcel of land for the purposes of categorisation; (12) multi-unit residential building means land comprising a building consisting of two or more residential flats or residential units used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants, other than: (13) (a) a residential building subdivided into lots forming part of a community titles scheme; or (b) a residential building registered as a retirement village or the like; or (c) a residential building registered as a aged care facility; or (d) a multi-unit residential property; multi-unit residential property means land such as a multi-unit residential community or residential park used to provide residential accommodation exclusively to permanent occupants, comprising of attached and detached single-unit dwellings, residential units, common areas and facilities for use by its residents. Multi-unit residential property includes: (a) over-50s lifestyle resorts; (b) relocatable home parks; (c) retirement villages; (d) aged care facilities; (e) For clarity, a multi-unit residential property does not include premises required to be licensed under Local Law No. 16 (Licensing) 2014 for the operation of rental accommodation; (14) permanent resident means a person who lives in the local government area, as distinct from an itinerant; (15) principal place of residence means: (a) a single-unit dwelling or residential community title lot at which: (i) at least one person who owns the dwelling or lot predominantly lives; or (ii) at least one person who is a life tenant of the dwelling or lot predominantly lives; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (b) a single-unit dwelling or residential community titles lot: (i) in which the owner or a life tenant predominantly lived immediately before being admitted to a nursing or convalescence institution; and (ii) at which the owner or the life tenant will resume living upon being discharged from the nursing or convalescence institution; and (iii) that remains unoccupied throughout the period of the owner’s or the life tenant’s residence at the nursing or convalescent institution; or (c) a multi-unit residential building (for example, a duplex): (i) in which at least one owner or life tenant of the building predominantly lives; and (ii) no part of which is offered for rent; but principal place of residence does not include a single-unit dwelling, a residential community titles lot, or a multi-unit residential building that is: (a) owned by an entity other than a natural person (e.g. a company or an incorporated association); or (b) owned by a person as trustee of a trust; (c) occupied not by at least one of its owners but by another person or other persons (including a member or members of the owner’s family), whether or not in return for rent or other reward; or (d) vacant, whether permanently or temporarily (for more than 120 days in the financial year), including for the purposes of renovation, except where: (i) the single-unit dwelling or residential community titles lot being renovated otherwise remains the principal place of residence of the owner for purposes of this definition and the owner/s do not own any other single-unit dwelling or residential lot that they claim to be their principal place of residence; or (ii) the single-unit dwelling or residential community titles lot is continuously vacant for more than 120 consecutive days of the financial year due to the owner/s absence on a extended holiday provided the dwelling or lot remains vacant for the entire period of their absence; Note: In establishing principal place of residence, Council may consider any relevant material including nominated addresses for electoral, taxation, social security, or national health registration purposes. (16) rental accommodation means land required to be licensed under Local Law No.16 (Licensing) 2014 for the operation of rental accommodation and for the purpose of categorisation includes land the subject of a time share scheme, or similar arrangement; includes land the subject of a lifetime lease, lifetime licence, company share scheme or time share scheme, or similar arrangement; (17) residential land means: (a) (b) (c) a separate, distinct parcel of land used for a residential purpose pursuant to the planning controls applicable to it under statute; or a parcel of vacant or predominantly vacant land; and that may be developed or used only for a residential purpose pursuant to the planning controls applicable to it under statute; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (18) residential development land means a parcel of vacant land, not smaller than 2 hectares in area, which may be used, under the applicable planning controls, for residential development; (19) prospective residential development land means a parcel of predominantly vacant land, not smaller than 2 hectares in area, and used for no purpose other than residential dwelling, but that may be used, under the applicable planning controls, for residential development; (20) community titles lot means a lot in a community titles scheme; (21) total floor area means the total of all parts of a lot including balconies, courtyards, garages, storage areas and the like, regardless of whether the lot is wholly contained within one level, or more than one level, of a building; (22) visitor or tourist means a person visiting a person or place for a temporary period. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Table of Differential Categories and Rates Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4273 $858.00 Single unit dwellings not rented 1A (1) Land: Land: (a) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating area code of "R – residential"; and (b) used for a single unit dwelling; and (2) (c) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year; or recorded in Council’s land record as having a property classification code of "R99 – non community titles". (d) (2) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a residential purpose other than residential development land. All other rateable land that does not fall within another category. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 1P Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4059 $815.00 0.6651 $858.00 Land: Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating area code of "RR – rural residential"; and (2) subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council’s Planning Scheme; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a property classification code of "R99 – non community titles". (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. Residential community titles lots not rented 1B A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of 750m2 or less; and (2) (3) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code "H11 – horizontal community titles lot – area 1”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 1C Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of more than 750m2; and (2) (3) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "H12 – horizontal community titles lot – area 2”. Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.0043 $944.00 0.6919 $858.00 1.0094 $858.00 Residential community titles lots not rented 1T 1U A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units plan or Building Format plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) located up to and including 4 levels above ground; and (2) (3) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V11 – V13 vertical community titles lot – height 1”. A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units plan or Building Format plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) located on level 5 or greater above ground; and (2) (3) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V21 –V53 vertical community titles lot – height 2”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.5129 $1,030.00 Single unit dwellings rented to permanent residents or not principal places of residence 2A Land: Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) used for a single unit dwelling; and (2) (3) either: recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (a) (b) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2P Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4871 $978.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating area code of "RR – rural residential"; and (2) subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council’s Planning Scheme; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y - Yes"; and (3) used for a single unit dwelling; and (3) (4) either: recorded in Council’s land record as having a property classification code of "R99 – non community titles". (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.7984 $1,030.00 1.1872 $1,116.00 Residential community titles lots rented to permanent residents or not principal places of residence 2B A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of 750m2 or less; and (2) (3) either: recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (a) (b) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (3) not used as a principal place of residence. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "H11 – horizontal community titles lot – area 1” . 2C A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of more than 750m2; and (2) (3) either: recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (a) (b) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "H12 – horizontal community titles lot – area 2”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2G Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3129 $1,116.00 1.3624 $1,158.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V21 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 1”. Residential community titles lots rented to permanent residents or not principal places of residence 2H A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V22 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 2”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2I 2J Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.4129 $1,201.00 1.4129 $1,201.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V23 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 3”. A residential lot: (4) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V31 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 1”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2K 2L Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.4635 $1,244.00 1.5141 $1,287.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V32 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 2 ”. A residential lot: (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V33 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 3”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2M Column 2 (Description) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) 2N Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.5141 $1,287.00 1.5647 $1,330.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V41 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 1”. A residential lot: (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V42 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 2”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2O 2Q Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – yes"; and either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.6153 $1,373.00 1.6153 $1,373.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V43 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 3”. A residential lot: (4) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V51 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 1”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2R Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) (3) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (3) (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.6659 $1,416.00 1.7165 $1,459.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V52 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 2”. (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 2S A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) (3) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V53 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 3”. RI Column 1 (Category) 2T Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units plan or Building Format plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) located up to and including 4 levels above ground; and (2) (3) either: recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises / not principal place of residence code of "Y – Yes"; and (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.8306 $1,030.00 0.9875 $1,983.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V11 – V13 vertical community titles lot – height 1”. Single unit dwellings rented to itinerants 3A Land: Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) used for a single unit dwelling; and (2) (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 3P Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.9557 $1,919.00 1.5496 $1,999.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme or multi-unit residential building or multi-unit residential property; and (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating area code of "RR – rural residential"; and (2) subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council’s Planning Scheme; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y - Yes"; and (3) recorded in Council’s land record as having a property classification code of "R99 – non community titles". (3) used for a single unit dwelling; and (4) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Residential community titles lots rented to itinerants 3B A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of 750m2 or less; and (2) (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "H11 – horizontal community titles lot – area 1”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 3C Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Group Titles Plan or Standard Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total area of more than 750m2; and (2) (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.2468 $2,112.00 2.4341 $2,069.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "H12 – horizontal community titles lot - area 2”. Residential units rented to itinerants 3G A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V21 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 1”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 3H Column 2 (Description) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) (4) 3I Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) located on or within levels 5 to 10 above ground; and used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.4847 $2,112.00 2.5353 $2,155.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V22 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 2”. A residential lot: (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V23 – vertical community titles lot – height 2 area 3”. RI Column 1 (Category) 3J 3K Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (4) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V31 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 1”. A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) (4) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.5353 $2,155.00 2.5859 $2,198.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V32 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 2”. RI Column 1 (Category) 3L Column 2 (Description) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes"; and (3) (4) 3M Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) located on or within levels 11 to 20 above ground; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.6353 $2,240.00 2.6353 $2,240.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V33 – vertical community titles lot – height 3 area 3”. A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (4) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V41 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 1”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Column 4 (Cents in $) RI Column 1 (Category) 3N Column 2 (Description) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (3) (4) 3O Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (4) located on or within levels 21 to 40 above ground; and used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.6859 $2,283.00 2.7365 $2,326.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V42 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 2”. A residential lot: (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V43 – vertical community titles lot – height 4 area 3”. RI Column 1 (Category) 3Q 3R Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of 70m2 or less; and (2) (3) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (4) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. (3) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V51 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 1”. A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 70m2 to 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (3) (4) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.7365 $2,326.00 2.7871 $2,369.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V52 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 2”. RI Column 1 (Category) 3S Column 2 (Description) A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units Plan or Building Format Plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) having a total floor area of more than 150m2; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – yes"; and (3) (4) 3T Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) located on level 41 or greater above ground; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.8376 $2,412.00 1.5992 $1,983.00 recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V53 – vertical community titles lot – height 5 area 3”. A residential lot: A Lot: (1) created on a Building Units plan or Building Format plan that is part of a community titles scheme; and (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "R – residential"; and (2) located up to and including 4 levels above ground; and (2) (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "V11 – V13 vertical community titles lot – height 1”. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Column 4 (Cents in $) RI Column 1 (Category) 4A Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3144 $1,873.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C1 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles'’. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $0 to $490,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4B Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3524 $6,627.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C1 – residential development land or prospective residential development land” and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles'’. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $490,000 to $4,900,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4C Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3593 $66,608.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C1 – residential development land or prospective residential development land” and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles'’. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $4,900,000 to $9,810,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4D Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3416 $131,608.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial"; or “C1 – residential development land or prospective residential development land” and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles'’. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $9,810,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4E Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.4604 $1,873.00 A Lot: (1) that is a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C2 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of “H – horizontal community titles” or "V – vertical community titles”. and (3) does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) has an averaged value over $0 to $490,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4F Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.4736 $7,221.00 A Lot: (1) that is a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C – commercial” or “ C2 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of “H – horizontal community titles” or "V – vertical community titles”. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $490,000 to $4,900,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4G Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.4868 $72,855.00 A Lot: (1) that is a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C2 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of “H – horizontal community titles” or "V – vertical community titles”. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) that has an averaged value over $4,900,000 to $9,810,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 4H Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.5002 $147,172.00 1.4401 $187,211.00 A Lot: (1) that is a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example; land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land; (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "C - commercial" or “C2 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of “H – horizontal community titles” or "V – vertical community titles”. and (3) that does not fall within categories 4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S or 4T; and (4) 4I that has an averaged value over $9,810,000. Land: (1) used for a drive-in shopping centre; and (2) having an averaged value over $13,000,000 to $27,000,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "SC – shopping centre". RI Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "SC – shopping centre". 1.5251 $411,781.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "SC – shopping centre". 2.1436 $1,709,532.00 3.0661 $291,279.00 Land that is used for a convention and exhibition Land recorded in Council’s land record as centre providing for large scale functions, meetings, having a differential rating code of "CS – launches, exhibitions, concerts and sporting convention centre". events. 1.2268 $481,215.00 4N Land that is used for an airport providing both Land recorded in Council’s land record as domestic and international airline services, having a differential rating code of "AP – airport". passenger terminal and freight facilities. 2.2660 $237,932.00 4O Land that is used for a casino providing for around Land recorded in Council’s land record as the clock seven days a week gaming operations, having a differential rating code of "CA – accommodation, dining, sport and recreational casino". facilities. 2.7129 $1,003,757.00 7.9685 $11,510.00 Column 1 (Category) 4J 4K 4L 4M 4P Column 2 (Description) Land: (1) used for a drive-in shopping centre; and (2) having an averaged value over $27,000,000 to $65,000,000. Land: (1) used for a drive-in shopping centre; and (2) having an averaged value over $65,000,000. Land: (1) used for a theme park incorporating entertainment venues; and (2) having an averaged value over $9,810,000. Land that is used for quarry or extractive industry purposes. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "TP – theme park". Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "Q - quarry". RI Column 1 (Category) 4Q Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.0330 $1,472.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council’s Planning Scheme; and (3) that is: (a) developed land used for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (b) developed land usable under Council’s Planning Scheme for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose (for example: land that has been lawfully developed as a transport terminal but is unoccupied); or (c) vacant land usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (d) residential development land; or (e) prospective residential development land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "CR – commercial rural" or “C3 – residential development land or prospective residential development land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles'’. RI Column 1 (Category) 4R Column 2 (Description) Land: (1) 4S 4T used for a hotel/motel providing for accommodation, dining and/or shopping and recreational facilities; and Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 2.4247 $181,857.00 2.3341 $259,089.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "AC – airport carpark”. 1.6500 $144,378.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "F - farming". 0.4333 $858.00 Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "HM – hotel/motel”. (2) having an averaged value over $7,500,000 to $11,100,000. Land: (1) Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "HM – used for a hotel/motel providing for hotel/motel”. accommodation, dining and/or shopping and recreational facilities; and (2) having an averaged value over $11,100,000. Land adjacent to an airport, or in the vicinity of the airport, upon which a car parking facility is provided for airport users or visitors, whether or not to supplement a car parking facility upon the airport land. Farming lands 5A Land: (1) used for farming purposes; and (2) valued under Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 2 of the Land Valuation Act - (Exclusive use for farming). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 5B Column 2 (Description) Land: (1) subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council's Planning Scheme; and (2) used for farming purposes; and (3) valued under Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 2 of the Land Valuation Act - (Exclusive use for farming). Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4116 $815.00 0.4059 No minimum Land recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of "FR – farming rural". Miscellaneous 6A Property: (1) that is land over which the State has issued a pump site lease; or (2) that is a boat berth or boat shed for private recreational use and must be used in conjunction with another parcel (other than a boat berth, boat shed, balance lot, or management lot): (a) where each of the boat berth/boat shed and the other parcel is a component of the same subdivision; or (b) where the boat berth/boat shed and the other parcel are components of different but contiguous subdivisions; or (c) where the boat berth/boat shed and the other parcel are components of different subdivisions that are non-contiguous but 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Property recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of "NM – no minimum". RI Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) related to one another; or (3) that is a garage or storage room in a community titles scheme for private use of its owner or occupier and that is owned by a person who also owns another lot (other than a garage or storage room) in the same community titles scheme. Examples for paragraph 2: (1) (2) (3) The boat berth/boat shed: (a) is a lot in a community titles scheme; and (b) is owned by the owner of another lot in the scheme. The boat berth/boat shed: (a) is a lot in a community titles scheme; (b) is owned by the owner of a lot in a contiguous community titles scheme; The boat berth/boat shed: (a) is a lot in a community titles scheme: (b) is owned by the owner of a detached house lot in a subdivision adjoining the community titles scheme; and (c) is encumbered by a registered statutory covenant that prevents the owner transferring either lot without the other. (4) The boat berth/boat shed: (a) is a lot in a community titles scheme the scheme land of which is a lot in a 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4273 No minimum layered community titles scheme; 6B (b) is owned by the owner of a lot in another community titles scheme the scheme land of which; although not contiguous to the boat berth/boat shed scheme, is another lot in the same layered community titles scheme; and (c) is encumbered by a registered statutory covenant that prevents the owner transferring either lot without the other. Land: Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is one of the parts into which land has been subdivided; and (3) that is not otherwise developed; and (4) usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a residential purpose; and that is valued under Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 3 of the Land Valuation Act - (Valuation – discounting for subdivided land). (5) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of “SA – subdivided residential land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles". RI Column 1 (Category) 6C Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.4059 No Minimum Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is subject to the constraints imposed on lands included in the Rural Domain or in the rural domain equivalents under Council’s Planning Scheme; and (3) that is one of the parts into which land has been subdivided; and (4) that is not otherwise developed; and (5) usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a residential purpose; and (6) that is valued under Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 3 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 – (Valuation – discounting for subdivided land). (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of “SR – subdivided rural residential land”; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 – non community titles". 6D Property that is a boat berth and/or boat shed other than a boat berth or boat shed falling within category 6A. Property recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of "MB – marina berth". 0.2136 $429.00 6E Garage or storage room that is a lot in a community titles scheme other than a garage or storage room falling within category 6A. A lot recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of "GS – garage/storage lot”. 0.4273 $858.00 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Column 1 (Category) 6G Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.3524 No Minimum 0.4516 $858.00 Land: (1) that is not a lot in a community titles scheme; and (2) that is one of the parts into which land has been subdivided; and (3) that is not otherwise developed; and (4) usable, under Council’s Planning Scheme, for a commercial purpose or a mixed commercial and residential purpose; or (5) residential development land; or (6) prospective residential development land; and (7) that is valued under Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 5, Subdivision 3 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 – (Valuation – discounting for subdivided land). (1) recorded in Council's land record as having a differential rating code of “S3 – subdivided commercial land” or “S4 - subdivider residential development land or subdivided prospective residential development land” ; and (2) recorded in Council's land record as having a property classification code of "R99 - non community titles". Flats or units not rented 7A Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) not used to provide rental accommodation to either permanent residents or itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B1 to B7 – multi-unit building". RI Column 1 (Category) Column 2 (Description) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.5421 $1,236.00 0.5421 $1,854.00 Flats or units rented to permanent residents or not principal places of residence 7B 7C Land: Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 2 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. Land: (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B1 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 3 to 5 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B2 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". RI Column 1 (Category) 7D 7E Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.5421 $3,708.00 0.5421 $6,798.00 Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 6 to 10 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. Land: (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B3 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 11 to 15 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B4 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". RI Column 1 (Category) 7F 7G Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.5421 $9,888.00 0.5421 $12,978.00 Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 16 to 20 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. Land: (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B5 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 21 to 40 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B6 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". RI Column 1 (Category) 7H Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 0.5421 $25,338.00 1.0562 $2,241.00 1.0562 $3,013.00 Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of greater than 40 flats or units; and (3) either: (a) used to provide rental accommodation to permanent residents at any time during the financial year; or (b) not used as a principal place of residence. (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B7 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a permanent rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Flats or units rented to itinerants 7M 7N Land: Land: (1) used for multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 2 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Land: (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B1 – multi-unit building"; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes" Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 3 to 5 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B2 – multi-unit building”; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". RI Column 1 (Category) 7O 7P 7Q 7R Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.0562 $5,330.00 1.0562 $9,191.00 1.0562 $13,052.00 1.0562 $16,913.00 Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 6 to 10 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Land: (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B3 – multi-unit building"; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 11 to 15 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Land: (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B4 – multi-unit building"; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 16 to 20 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. Land: (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B5 – multi-unit building"; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of 21 to 40 flats or units; and (3) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (1) (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B6 – multi-unit building"; and recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". RI Column 1 (Category) 7S Column 2 (Description) Land: Column 5 (Minimum General Rate) 1.0562 $32,357.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "P1 – multi-unit property". 1.1683 $1,694.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "P1 – multi-unit property". 1.1732 $5,749.00 Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "P1 – multi-unit property". 1.1732 $57,487.00 1.1732 $115,090.00 Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential building; and (2) consisting of greater than 40 flats or units; and (3) Column 4 (Cents in $) Column 3 (Identification of rateable land included in category) used to provide rental accommodation to itinerants at any time during the financial year. (1) recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "B7 – multi-unit building"; and (2) recorded in Council’s land record as having a tourist rented premises code of "Y – Yes". Multi-unit residential communities 8A 8B 8C 8D Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential property; and (2) having an averaged value over $0 to $490,000. Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential property; and (2) having an averaged value of over $490,000 to $4,900,000. Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential property; and (2) having an averaged value of over $4,900,000 to $9,810,000. Land: (1) used for a multi-unit residential property; and (2) having an averaged value over $9,810,000. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Land recorded in Council’s land record as having a differential rating code of "P1 – multi-unit property". RI ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES CODE 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 DESCRIPTION Vacant land, residential use under planning scheme Vacant land, Council owned and/or intended occupation Vacant land, State owned and/or intended occupation Vacant land, Commonwealth owned and/or intended occupation Multiple dwelling houses (more than one dwelling) Construction site (commercial/industrial development and the like only) Vacant land that is a community titles lot, residential use under planning scheme Vacant land, commercial use under planning scheme or residential development land Outbuilding Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot, less than 61m2 Single dwelling house Single residential unit that is a community titles lot Duplex residential building Single dwelling house that is a community titles lot Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot, more than 60m2 Caravan park Residential building, more than two units Hotel or Motel (predominantly accommodation) Residential building that is a community titles lot, more than one unit Residential building, two or more units solely owner and/or family occupied – secondary use only Single mini storage unit that is a community titles lot 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES CODE 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DESCRIPTION Service station Tavern Shops other than drive-in shopping centre Commercial premise that is community titles lot, less than 21m2 Hotel room/s that is a community titles lot Restaurant or café that is not part of a shopping centre Day care centre for the aged or persons with a disability Jetty, pontoon, boat ramp or boat berth – non-community titles lot Car park, land or building used for parking vehicles Welfare residence, aged care or convalescent home Child care centre or kindergarten Retirement Village School, university or TAFE college Commonwealth owned and/or occupied land (use as secondary land use only) State owned and/or occupied land (use as secondary land use only) Council owned and/or occupied land (use as secondary land use only) Offices, commercial premises other than shops Community protection centre, police station, fire station, ambulance centre Hospital Industry-light, service or offensive Railway station Industry-heavy, general manufacturing 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES CODE 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 DESCRIPTION Multi-unit residential property, including a relocatable home park or an over-50s lifestyle resort etc. Boat berth or boat shed that is a community titles lot associated by ownership with another lot Boat berth or boat shed that is a community titles lot not associated by ownership with another lot Casino Marina (non-residential) Guest house, boarding house or hostel Outdoor sales area, car or boat yard, markets etc. Plant nursery or market garden Sugar mill, sugar factory or sugar refinery Industry-extractive, quarry Fishery including fish/prawn farm Forestry Water storage facility, reservoir, dam etc. Farming land (concession value applied) Animal care facility, stables, kennels, cattery, pound etc. [Not used] Swimming pool complex Recreational or sporting facility run as a business Community hall, assembly hall or amateur live theatre Racecourse venue Library, museum, art gallery 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES CODE 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 DESCRIPTION Convention and exhibition centre, stadium, major indoor sporting or entertainment centre [Not used] Park, botanical gardens, playground, sporting field Theatre, performing arts or cinema complex not part of a drive-in shopping centre Tourist attraction, theme park, zoo Bridge – pedestrian or traffic Church and/or church hall Desalination plant Pump stations, treatment plants (water and sewerage) Community room that is a community titles lot Cemetery or crematorium Funeral parlour Airport, including passenger terminals and freight facilities, excluding runways Integrated holiday resort complex Drive-in shopping centre Showground Service and consumption rate assessment En globo valuation rate assessment (SSS account) Historic rate assessment Outdoor storage area Distillery Drive-in theatre Oil or fuel depot, including refinery Transformer, sub-station, television, radio, telecommunications transmission tower or advertising hoarding Brewery Thoroughfare, roadway 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE A - COUNCIL PRIMARY LAND USE CODES CODE 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 DESCRIPTION Store room or garage that is a community titles lot associated by ownership with another occupied community titles lot in the same scheme Store room or garage that is a community titles lot not associated by ownership with another occupied community titles lot in the same scheme Surf club that is not licensed premises Surf club that is licensed premises Bowls club or golf club that is licensed premises Club, other than a surf club, bowls club or golf club that is licensed premises Club, other than a surf club that is not licensed premises Golf course (no club house) Community titles scheme land (body corporate rate assessment) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE B - COUNCIL DIFFERENTIAL RATING CODES CODE B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C C1 C2 C3 F R Q AC AP CA CR CS FR GS HM MB NM P1 RR SA DESCRIPTION Multi-unit residential building (2 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (3-5 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (6-10 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (11-15 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (16-20 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (21-40 flats/units) Multi-unit residential building (greater than 40 flats/units) Commercial Urban non CTS residential development land or prospective residential development land Urban CTS residential development land or prospective residential development land Rural residential development land or prospective residential development land Farming Residential Quarry Airport Carparking Airport Casino Commercial rural Convention centre Farming rural Garage/storage lot Hotel/motel Marina/boat berth Miscellaneous (no minimum) Multi-unit residential property Rural residential Subdivided residential land 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE B - COUNCIL DIFFERENTIAL RATING CODES SR S3 S4 SC TP Subdivided rural residential land Subdivided commercial land Subdivider Urban non CTS residential development land or prospective residential development land Shopping Centre Theme park ANNEXURE C - COUNCIL PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION CODES CODE DESCRIPTION H Horizontal community titles lot V Vertical community titles lot R99 Non- community titles land ANNEXURE D - COUNCIL PERMANENT RENTED PREMISES / NOT PRINCIPAL PLACES OF RESIDENCE CODES CODE DESCRIPTION N No Y Yes ANNEXURE E - COUNCIL TOURIST RENTED PREMISES CODES CODE DESCRIPTION N No Y Yes 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI ANNEXURE F - COUNCIL BENEFITED AREA CODES CODE DESCRIPTION BB Broadbeach Management and Promotion Precinct and Broadbeach Safety Camera Precinct CP Connecting Southern Gold Coast Precinct – Area A (internal) within Coolangatta Safety Camera Precinct CA Connecting Southern Gold Coast Precinct – Area A (external) CB Connecting Southern Gold Coast Precinct – Area B CO Coolangatta Safety Camera Precinct MB Mudgeeraba CIP Precinct OX Oxenford CIP Precinct MI Miami CIP Precinct PP Paradise Point CIP Precinct SC Scarborough Street within Southport Safety Camera Precinct SF Surfers Paradise Management and Promotion Precinct and Surfers Paradise Safety Camera Precinct SP Southport Safety Camera Precinct D1 Davenport Street, Southport CIP Precinct (outside Southport Safety Camera area) D2 Davenport Street, Southport CIP Precinct (inside Southport Safety Camera area) NG TU CH ME Station Street, Nerang CIP Precinct Golden Four Drive, Tugun CIP Precinct and Connecting Southern Gold Coast Precinct – Area A (external) Chevron Island CIP Precinct Mermaid Beach CIP Precinct [End of Schedule 1] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 4 WASTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY CHARGES (Refer Appendix 1) Recommendation: Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 sections 99 and 110, that: 5 (1) a utility charge for waste management services (being for waste and recyclable material collection and removal) will be made and levied on all land or structures to which waste management services are supplied or, in the case of rateable occupied land, made available by the Council; (2) the utility charge will be: (a) for a base domestic waste collection and removal service (as defined in item 11(a) of Appendix 1) - $260.30 per annum; (b) charged as an annual fee unless otherwise specified in Appendix 1; and (c) as otherwise specified in Appendix 1. OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION SEPARATE CHARGE Recommendation: 6 Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 103, that: (a) preserving areas of open space within the City of Gold Coast will further the good rule and local government of the City; (b) Council will pursue land acquisitions and non-acquisition activities within the City, directly relevant to open space preservation and nature conservation; and (c) Council will fund the initiative by levying a separate charge of $38.00 upon all rateable land in the City. RECREATIONAL SPACE SEPARATE CHARGE Recommendation: Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 103, that: (a) (b) (c) providing open space for the recreation of residents and visitors of and to City of Gold Coast will further the good rule and local government of the City; Council will pursue, for active and passive recreational activity by community groups and the community in general: (i) the acquisition (by purchase, reclamation, or other lawful means) of open space land within the City; (ii) arrangements with the State government for community use of schools’ sporting and recreation facilities, as adjuncts to Council-owned or controlled open space recreational land; (iii) the improvement and maintenance of the lands acquired or used by arrangement for community recreation including areas of land which are to be incorporated into the City’s Cultural Precinct, enhanced and kept as open space. Council will fund the initiative by levying a separate charge of $29.00 upon all rateable land in the City. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 7 CITY TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENT SEPARATE CHARGE Recommendation: Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 103, that: 8 (a) implementing the City Transport Plan, to expand the City’s transport infrastructure and enhance its ability to meet the City’s growing public transport needs will further the good rule and local government of the City; (b) Council will pursue the initiatives under the banner of its City Transport Plan to improve roads, to expand public transport services, to improve bicycle and pedestrian transit, and generally to facilitate rapid transit within the City (those initiatives to include negotiating with the State for additional funding and partnering with public and private organisations to improve State-controlled roads); and (c) Council will fund the transport improvement initiative by levying a separate charge of $117.00 upon all rateable land in the City. VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE SEPARATE CHARGE Recommendation: Council resolves, pursuant to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 section 128A, Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 103, Council, in reliance on discussions and agreement with the State Government, and in recognition of the importance that the City’s rural fire brigades represent to the safety, amenity and liveability of the City resolves as follows: 9 (a) to levy on all rateable property within the City a separate charge of $2.00 to contribute to the operating costs of the City’s rural fire brigades; and (b) to provide such funds collected from the charge to the rural fire brigades operating within the City. CONNECTING SOUTHERN GOLD COAST SPECIAL RATES A and B Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy two special rates, one to be known as the Connecting Southern Gold Coast Special Rate A (“Special Rate A”) and the other as the Connecting Southern Gold Coast Special Rate B (“Special Rate B”), as follows: (1) Council will levy Special Rate A on the rateable land within the postcode 4223, 4224, and 4225 areas (Currumbin, Bilinga, Tugun, Kirra, and Coolangatta) shown as Area A on Map C in Appendix 2 (Area A). (2) Council will levy Special Rate B on the rateable land within the postcode 4223 area (Currumbin Waters) shown as Area B on Map C in Appendix 2 (Area B). (3) Council will levy the two special rates for the purpose of funding the activities of Connecting Southern Gold Coast Ltd (CSGCL), a company limited by guarantee (i.e. a non-profit company), which operates as a vehicle for developing and implementing strategies directed at: (a) stimulating economic and business development and growth within the southern Gold Coast region (comprising the postcode areas specified in paragraphs (1) and (2)); but (b) maintaining the village character of the component areas. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (4) The overall plan for the activities to be funded by the two special rates is as follows: (a) The service, activity or facility to which the special rate applies: pursuant to the overall plan, the activities are funding the efforts of CSGCL to develop and implement strategies directed at stimulating economic and business development and growth within the benefited area whilst endeavouring to maintain the essentially village character of the area's component localities. Pursuant to these strategies and the overall plan, the activities of the company include: (i) promotional initiatives (for example: advertising programmes, special events, entertainment programmes, and decorations in prominent public areas) to attract commerce and tourism to the businesses being conducted on the benefited land; (ii) conducting market research and planning to enhance those activities; and (iii) business education initiatives to assist owners and operators of businesses being conducted on the benefited land, and persons considering the establishment of business undertakings on benefited land. (b) (5) (6) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the benefited land) is the rateable land within the postcode 4223, 4224, and 4225 areas (the benefited area): (i) shown as Area A and Area B on Map C in Appendix 2 (and identified as Southern Gold Coast Economic Development Benefited Area); and (ii) detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (entitled Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $730,973. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. (e) The company will undertake its activities pursuant to a formal agreement with Council. The rateable land in Area A will especially benefit from the company activities funded by Special Rate A because the activities will assist in: (a) developing and enhancing businesses conducted upon Area A land, assisting them to retain existing patrons and to attract new patrons; and (b) attracting new businesses to Area A. The rateable land in Area B will specially benefit from the company activities funded by Special Rate B because the activities will assist in: (a) developing and enhancing businesses conducted upon Area B land, assisting them to retain existing patrons and to attract new patrons; and (b) attracting new businesses to Area B. (7) Due to its proximity to the coastal strip and key economic activity centres, the rateable land within Area A, which is used predominantly for residence of tourists and itinerants and for local business purposes, and is covered by a local area plan, will derive more benefit from the CSGCL activities than will the rateable land in Area B. (8) Due its distance from the coastal strip, the rateable land in Area B, which is used predominantly for industrial business purposes, will derive benefit from the CSGCL activities (through increased networking capability, increased export opportunity, and potential skills-based or other projects) but the benefit will be substantially less than the benefit the rateable land in Area A derives. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (9) Therefore, subject to paragraph (10), Council will: (a) (b) (10) (11) 10 levy a special rate of 0.1191 cents in the dollar (Special Rate A) on the averaged value of the rateable land: (i) situated within Area A; and (ii) detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2. levy a special rate of 0.0311cents in the dollar (Special Rate B) on the averaged value of the rateable land: (i) situated within Area B; and (ii) detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2. However: (a) Special Rate A will be a minimum of $187.00; and (b) Special Rate B will be a minimum of $53.00. That the funding collected pursuant to this resolution is provided to CSGCL in accordance with Local Government Act 2009 section 40 (Conducting Beneficial Enterprises). SURFERS PARADISE MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Surfers Paradise Management and Promotion Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) for the purpose of funding the activities of Surfers Paradise Alliance Ltd (SPA) including supervision, promotion and advancing the trading and economic development of the businesses being conducted on land within the Surfers Paradise Precinct (comprising, generally, the area bounded by Higman Street and First Avenue to the north and south, the western side of The Esplanade, and the Nerang River to the east and west). (2) The overall plan for the activities to be funded by the special rate is as follows: (a) The service, activity or facility to which the special rate applies: pursuant to the overall plan, the activities are funding the following activities of SPA to be undertaken pursuant to a formal agreement with Council: (i) supervising, promoting and advancing the trading and economic development of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land (ii) promoting and attracting commerce and tourism to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land; and (iii) conducting and organising promotional programmes, publicity, special events, entertainment programs and decorations in the public areas adjoining the rateable land (including, for example, the Cavill Avenue Mall); and (iv) conducting market research and planning to further enhance the foregoing activities. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map D of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $3,200,964. (d) The estimated time of carrying out the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. (e) Council and the Surfers Paradise Alliance Limited have entered the agreement. (f) The rateable land proposed to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the stated activities because the activities will assist in promoting the businesses being conducted upon the rateable land, thereby assisting those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. (3) The special rate will be 0.2439 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $263.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. (4) That the funding collected pursuant to this resolution is provided to SPAL in accordance with Local Government Act 2009 section 40 (Conducting Beneficial Enterprises). (5) That Council consent to the proposal by SPA to increase the market stall fee for Surfers Paradise Esplanade by 5% in 2015-16. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 11 BROADBEACH MANAGEMENT AND PROMOTION SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Broadbeach Management and Promotion Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) for the purpose of funding the activities of Broadbeach Alliance Limited (BAL) including supervision, promotion, and advancing the trading and economic development of the businesses being conducted on land within the Broadbeach Precinct (comprising, generally, the area bounded by Pacific Fair, Jupiter’s Casino, First Avenue, Old Burleigh Road, Hedges Avenue and Sunbrite Avenue). (2) The overall plan for the activities to be funded by the special rate is as follows: (a) (b) The service, activity or facility to which the special rate applies: pursuant to the overall plan, the activities are funding the following activities of BAL to be undertaken pursuant to a formal agreement with Council: (i) supervising, promoting and advancing the trading and economic development of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land; and (ii) promoting and attracting commerce and tourism to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land; and (iii) conducting and organising promotional programmes, publicity, special events, entertainment programs and decorations in the public areas adjoining the rateable land (including, for example, the Broadbeach Mall); and (iv) conducting market research and planning to further enhance the foregoing activities. The rateable land to which the special rate applies: is the rateable land (the “benefited land”) situated within the shaded areas on Map E of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $2,156,300 (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. (e) Council and Broadbeach Alliance Limited have entered the agreement. (3) The rateable land proposed to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the stated activities because the activities will assist in promoting the businesses being conducted upon the rateable land, thereby assisting those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. (4) The special rate will be 0.3240 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $475.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. (5) That the funding collected pursuant to this resolution is provided to BAL in accordance with Local Government Act 2009 section 40 (Conducting Beneficial Enterprises). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 12 SURFERS PARADISE SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Surfers Paradise Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to fund the costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Surfers Paradise Safety Camera and Communication Network. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (4) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Surfers Paradise Safety Camera and Communication Network. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map D of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $858,944. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Surfers Paradise Safety Camera and Communication Network (“the network”) because: (a) the network contributes to the public safety in the public areas (such as footpaths and pedestrian malls) adjoining the rateable land in question; (b) the creation of such public safety contributes to a better overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question; (c) the network’s contribution to public safety and overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question helps attract resident and tourist patronage to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question; (d) the network also contributes to the safety of owners and staff of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question by providing a deterrent to the commission of offences such as break and enter, theft, vandalism, and assault. The special rate will be 0.0658 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $71.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 13 BROADBEACH SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Broadbeach Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to fund the costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Broadbeach Safety Camera and Communication Network. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (4) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Broadbeach Safety Camera and Communication Network. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map E of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $453,098. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 1 year commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Broadbeach Safety Camera and Communication Network (“the network”) because: (a) the network contributes to the public safety in the public areas (such as footpaths and pedestrian malls) adjoining the rateable land in question; (b) the creation of such public safety contributes to a better overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question; (c) the network’s contribution to public safety and overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question helps attract resident and tourist patronage to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question; (d) the network also contributes to the safety of owners and staff of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question by providing a deterrent to the commission of offences such as break and enter, theft, vandalism, and assault. A special rate of 0.0682 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $100.00, be made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 14 COOLANGATTA SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Coolangatta Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to fund the costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Coolangatta Safety Camera and Communication Network. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (4) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Coolangatta Safety Camera and Communication Network. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map F of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule) (c) The estimated cost of implementing the overall plan: $220,295. (d) The estimated time for implementing the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Coolangatta Safety Camera and Communication Network (“the network”) because: (a) the network contributes to the public safety in the public areas (such as footpaths and pedestrian malls) adjoining the rateable land in question; (b) the creation of such public safety contributes to a better overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question; (c) the network’s contribution to public safety and overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question helps attract resident and tourist patronage to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question; (d) the network also contributes to the safety of owners and staff of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question by providing a deterrent to the commission of offences such as break and enter, theft, vandalism, and assault. The special rate will be 0.1128 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $145.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 15 SOUTHPORT SAFETY CAMERA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Southport Safety Camera and Communication Network Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to fund the costs associated with the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Southport Safety Camera and Communication Network. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (4) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of CCTV cameras required as part of the Southport Safety Camera and Communication Network. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map G of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $333,113 (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 1 year, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2016. The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Southport Safety Camera and Communication Network (“the network”) because: (a) the network contributes to the public safety in the public areas (such as footpaths and pedestrian malls) adjoining the rateable land in question; (b) the creation of such public safety contributes to a better overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question; (c) the network’s contribution to public safety and overall amenity in the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question helps attract resident and tourist patronage to the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question; (d) the network also contributes to the safety of owners and staff of the businesses being conducted on the rateable land in question by providing a deterrent to the commission of offences such as break and enter, theft, vandalism, and assault. The special rate will be 0.1297 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $181.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 16 MUDGEERABA LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Mudgeeraba Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Mudgeeraba business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Mudgeeraba local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map J of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (b) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $900,000 one third of which, ($300,000) is to be recovered via the special rate. (c) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2006 and ending on 30 June 2016. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $30,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Mudgeeraba Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.1286 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $304.00, made and levied on the averaged value of rateable the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 17 MIAMI LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Miami Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Miami business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Miami local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map K of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $600,000 one third of which, ($200,000) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2006 and ending on 30 June 2016. (3) For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $20,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Miami Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. (5) The special rate will be 0.0917 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $161.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 18 DAVENPORT STREET, SOUTHPORT LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Davenport Street, Southport Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Davenport Street, Southport business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Davenport Street Southport local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the entire cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the plan applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map L of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $400,000. This cost represents one-third of the entire cost to Council of undertaking the centre improvement program. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2023. (3) For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $40,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the entire cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Davenport Street, Southport Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.6324 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $575.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 19 OXENFORD LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Oxenford Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Oxenford business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Oxenford local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on the Map N of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $1,500,000 one third of which, ($500,000) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2008 and ending on 30 June 2018. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $50,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Oxenford Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.0951 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $167.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 20 PARADISE POINT LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Paradise Point Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Paradise Point business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Paradise Point local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on the Map O of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $2,100,000 one third of which ($700,000) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2008 and ending on 30 June 2018. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $70,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Paradise Point Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) The centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) The improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.2638 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $461.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 21 GOLDEN FOUR DRIVE, TUGUN LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Golden Four Drive, Tugun Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping, and otherwise improving the Golden Four Drive, Tugun business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Golden Four Drive, Tugun local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map P of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $799,980 one third of which, ($266,660) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2011 and ending on 30 June 2021. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $26,666. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Golden Four Drive, Tugun Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.2183 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $310.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 22 STATION STREET, NERANG LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Station Street, Nerang Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Station Street, Nerang business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, activity or facility to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Station Street business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special charge applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on Map Q of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of implementing the overall plan: $1,299,990 once third of which, ($433,330) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for implementing the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2011 and ending on 30 June 2021. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $43,333. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Station Street, Nerang Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.5535 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $288.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 23 CHEVRON ISLAND LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Chevron Island Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Chevron Island business precinct. (2) The overall plan for the service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (3) (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Chevron Island business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the special rate applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on the Map A of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $1,899,990 one third of which, ($633,330) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2022. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $63,333. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Chevron Island Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. (5) The special rate will be 0.1725 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $239.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 24 MERMAID BEACH LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Mermaid Beach Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Mermaid Beach precinct. (2) The overall plan for the activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (a) (b) (3) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Mermaid Beach local business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, and car parking. The rateable land to which the service, facility or activity applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on the Map B of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule). (c) The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $900,000 one third of which, ($300,000) is to be recovered via the special rate. (d) The estimated time for the overall plan: 10 years, commencing 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2022. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan comprise of the levying and collection of the special rate. The total revenue to be generated by this special rate for the 2015-16 financial year is estimated at $30,000. This amount represents one-tenth of the estimated cost of the overall plan and will be applied by Council to assist in covering redemption payments on loans raised by Council to fund the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program. (4) (5) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate especially benefits from the Mermaid Beach Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. The special rate will be 0.4556 cents in the dollar, subject to a minimum special rate of $1,650.00, made and levied on the averaged value of the benefited land. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 25 GRIFFITH STREET COOLANGATTA LOCAL CENTRE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL RATE Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 section 94, Council resolves to levy a special rate, to be known as the Griffith Street, Coolangatta Local Centre Improvement Program Special Rate, as follows: (1) For the 2016/17 financial year, and once the Griffith Street, Coolangatta Local Centre Improvement Program has been delivered, Council will levy the special rate on the rateable land described in paragraph (2)(b) to reimburse to Council the cost of street scaping, landscaping and otherwise improving the Griffith Street precinct. (2) The overall plan for the activity to which the special rate applies is as follows: (a) The service, facility or activity to which the special rate applies: are those pursuant to the Council program for the general improvement of the Griffith Street, Coolangatta business precinct, for which Council will obtain reimbursement of one third of the capital cost (to Council) of undertaking the centre improvement program which include streetscape upgrade works to the public space within this area, including demolition of portion of existing footpath area adjacent the kerb to form new garden bed areas with new trees and understory planting; demolition of existing pram ramps and reconstruction of new compliant pram ramps; installation of new concrete paving adjacent the new pram ramps to tie them into the existing footpaths; new pedestrian crossings connecting the pram ramps, installation of new feature ball lights with coloured LED globes and proximity sensors; new railings at the corners of McLean and Warner Streets; installation of refurbished seats and bins and application of painted patterning to roadway, footpaths, crossings, median strips, traffic islands, roadway, kerb and channel, street lighting, trees, landscaping, planting beds, retaining walls, service reticulation, bollards, seating, tables, garbage bins, signage, bus shelters and car parking. (b) The rateable land to which the service, facility or activity applies: (the “benefited land”) is the rateable land situated within the shaded areas on the Map R of Appendix 2 and detailed in Schedule A to Appendix 2 (the Special Rate Schedule) and described as: Lot 1 RP94462 Lot 2 RP1794 Lot 1 RP129565 Lot 34 RP100298 Lot 2 BUP151 Lot 6 RP101141 Lot 2 RP1796 Lot 8 RP100298 Lot 35 RP100298 Lot 3 BUP151 Lot 6 RP100298 Lot 5 RP101141 Lot 9 RP100298 Lot 36 RP100298 Lot 4 BUP151 Lot 7 RP100298 Lot 1 RP1796 Lot 10 RP100298 Lot 41 RP100298 Lot 5 BUP151 Lot 14 RP100298 Lot 1 RP99147 Lot 11 RP100298 Lot 42 RP100298 Lot 6 BUP151 Lot 15 RP100298 Lot 1 RP120962 Lot 12 RP100298 Lot 43 RP100298 Lot 7 BUP151 Lot 24 RP100298 Lot 1 RP1795 Lot 13 RP100298 Lot 37 RP882002 Lot 8 BUP151 Lot 25 RP100298 Lot 2 RP100016 Lot 1 RP208014 Lot 1 BUP453 Lot 9 BUP151 Lot 26 RP100298 Lot 2 RP120962 Lot 19 RP100298 Lot 2 BUP453 Lot 1 BUP6539 Lot 30 RP100298 Lot 2 RP1798 Lot 20 RP100298 Lot 3 BUP453 Lot 1 SP160632 (CTS) Lot 31 RP100298 Lot 1 RP90447 Lot 21 RP100298 Lot 4 BUP453 Lot 113 SP160633 (CTS) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI (c) (d) (3) Lot 39 RP100298 Lot 3 RP90447 Lot 22 RP100298 Lot 5 BUP453 Lot 40 RP100298 Lot 2 RP90447 Lot 23 RP100298 Lot 7 BUP453 Lot 1 RP1793 Lot 1 RP129713 Lot 32 RP100298 Lot 8 BUP453 Lot 1 RP1794 Lot 1 RP108252 Lot 33 RP100298 Lot 1 BUP151 The estimated cost of carrying out the overall plan: $2,200,000, one-third of which ($733,333.33) will be recovered via the special rate once the charging of the Special Rate commences. The estimated time for carrying out the overall plan: 11 years, commencing 1 July 2015 and ending on 30 June 2026. For the 2015-16 financial year, the annual implementation plan is as follows: The actions or processes to occur pursuant to the overall plan include the following: construction scheduling and procurement planning; procurement of items with long lead times; notice of construction start date to stakeholders; site establishment; site set out works; demolition in accordance with construction drawings; construction of new streetscaping works in accordance with construction drawings; inspection of the works by RPEQ and client representatives; fortnightly construction progress site meetings construction information newsletter to stakeholders issued weekly through construction period; installation of trees and planting in accordance with construction drawings; site clean up and de-establishment of site camp; practical completion inspection; defects rectification; final inspection; issue of practical completion notice; commencement of 3 month soft scape establishment period; production of as constructed drawings; production of maintenance manuals; asset capture in sap system; regular ongoing maintenance and cleaning. These actions and processes will be carried out by the following departmental areas of Council: City Place Making (Planning and Environment); Infrastructure Delivery (City Infrastructure) and Urban Precincts (City Infrastructure). (4) The rateable land to be levied with the special rate specially benefits from the Griffith Street, Coolangatta Local Centre Improvement Program (“the centre improvement program”) because: (a) the centre improvement program has improved the streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas (such as footpaths and roads) adjoining the rateable land in question; and (b) the improved streetscape, safety and amenity of the public areas adjoining the rateable land in question has made the businesses occupying that land a more attractive destination, which assists in enabling those businesses to retain their existing patrons, as well as attract new patrons. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 26 WATER UTILITY CHARGES Recommendation:Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 sections 99 to 102 and 110, and the Water and Sewerage Services Code for Small Customers in South East Queensland (made under the Restructuring Act) section 8.1 to make and levy the water utility charges detailed in Tables 1 - 3. For purposes of applying an access charge as detailed in Table 1 the land must be: (a) within 100 metres of a supply main, regardless of whether it is connected to a supply main; or (b) permitted to be connected to a supply main, despite not being within 100 metres of a supply main; or (c) subject to either a (a) or (b), above awaiting completion of construction of the facilities for supplying water services. Table 1 – Potable (Drinking) Water Utility Charges Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge of $212.08; and (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) (c) not in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and (i) $212.08 for each lot in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme (other than lots of less than 61 square metres used for aged care/nursing home purposes); or (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (ii) $106.04 for each lot less than 61 square metres in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme used for aged care/nursing home purposes; and (b) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV an annual access charge of: $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge of: (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and (i) $212.08 for each lot in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme (other than lots of less than 61 square metres used for aged care/nursing home purposes); or (ii) $106.04 for each lot less than 61 square metres in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme used for aged care/nursing home purposes; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) as measured by the sub-meter for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) by the common property for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the body corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and an annual access charge calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the land; and (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component). (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV an annual access charge for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme (other than garage and storage lots) that is: (i) a minimum of $377.76 per lot; (ii) calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (iii) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme (other than garage and storage lots) that is: (b) a minimum of $377.76 per lot; (c) calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land; and (d) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (e) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) as measured by the sub-meter for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (f) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) by the common property for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the body corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) a Mini Commercial Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge of $188.88 for each Mini Commercial Lot less than 21 square metres in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme ;and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land during the Prescribed Period apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing for Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) a Mini Commercial Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge of $188.88 for each Mini Commercial Lot less than 21 square metres in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) as measured by the sub-meter for each Mini Commercial Lot in the Community Titles Scheme; and (c) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) by the common property for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the body corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) a Marina Berth Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge for each Marina Berth Lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (b) calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land; and (c) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (d) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land during the Prescribed Period apportioned either: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing for Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) a Marina Berth Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge for each Marina Berth Lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (b) calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (d) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) of potable (drinking) water consumed as measured by the sub-meter for each Marina Berth Lot in the Community Titles Scheme; and (e) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component) by the common property for the Prescribed Community Title Scheme that is: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the body corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. Land that is the supplied lot in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV A utility charge comprising: (a) an annual access charge calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the supplied lot. (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component). RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) the supplied lot in a joint supply arrangement and (a) (b) not in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. an annual access charge calculated as the sum of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the supplied lot. (b) $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component). Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) residential vacant land; and (a) for each parcel of land, an annual access charge of $212.08; and (b) not in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) if a water service is connected to the parcel of land, $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component). Land that is: A utility charge comprising: (a) commercial vacant land (a) (b) not in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. an annual access charge of $377.76 multiplied by the Applied Flow Capacity Factor of each water service supplying potable (drinking) water to the supplied lot. (b) if a water service is connected to the parcel of land, $3.77 per kilolitre (inclusive of $2.68 per kilolitre Bulk Component). Table 2 – Class A+ Recycled Water Utility Charges - (Pimpama-Coomera Dual Reticulation Area) Land Utility Charge Land that is: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) not in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed. RI Land Land that is: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Land that is: Utility Charge (a) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed as measured by the sub-meter for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and (b) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed by the common property for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the Body Corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. Land that is: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed. RI Land Land that is: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Land that is: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Utility Charge (a) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed in relation to the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme land apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Title Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and Council made under Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. (a) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed as measured by the sub-meter for each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) $1.76 per kilolitre of Class A+ Recycled Water consumed by the common property for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (i) measured by the sub-meter/s for the common property; or (ii) calculated as the difference between the sub-meters and the master meter where the common property is not separately metered; and (iii) charged to the body corporate for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Table 3 – Raw (Untreated) Water Utility Charges - (Limited to those properties nominated in the table below) Land that is described as follows: Lot 3 RP192093 Lot 4 RP183397 Lot 14 RP192093 Lot 15 RP192093 Lot 16 RP201059 Lot 17 RP201059 Lot 21 RP194797 Lot 22 RP194797 Lot 2 RP183397 Lot 1 RP129327 Lot 1 RP198903 Lot 1 RP169889 Lot 20 RP138232 Lot 19 RP138232 Lot 18 RP138232 Lot 2 RP211841 Lot 1 RP137972 Lot 1 RP844804 Lot 3 RP134048 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV $1.01 per kilolitre of Raw (Untreated) Water consumed for the lands listed in Column 1 which Council has permitted to remain connected to a water main carrying raw water. RI Notes for the purposes of applying water charges in Tables 1 and 2: (a) Where a lot in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme has a Residential Use then: x where the majority of the lots in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme have a Residential Use (Council Land Use 12, 14 and 26) based on contribution schedule lot entitlements then all the lots in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme will be levied a utility charge as if they were a Residential Use; and x where the majority of the lots in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme do not have a Residential Use (Council Land Use 12, 14 and 26) based on contribution schedule lot entitlements then all the lots in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme will be levied a utility charge as if they do not have a Residential Use. (b) No separate annual service charge will be levied in respect of a storage lot or garage lot where such lot is registered as a separate lot in a community titles scheme and is associated, by ownership , with another lot in the same community titles scheme that is NOT a storage lot or garage lot, or in the case of a pump site lease issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, or in the case of a marina berth where such lot is associated, by ownership, with another lot that is not a marina berth. (c) No separate annual service charge will be levied in respect of lots defined as un-associated Storage cages and garages (Council Land Use Code 92) (d) Where an improvement exists upon two or more lots in a manner that renders it physically impossible for the owners to dispose of part as a regulation sized lot, it shall be regarded as one lot for the purpose of the application of the service charge. (e) Where a whole residential duplex is solely owner/occupied as a single unit dwelling, then only one annual residential water service charge shall apply. (f) Where the use or occupation of any lot changes during the year adjustments shall be made on a pro-rata basis from the date of change unless otherwise specified. (g) Where land is subdivided, adjustments of water charges shall be made on a pro-rata basis from the date of registration of the plan of subdivision. (h) Where a joint water service arrangement exists between two or more entities (other than for the Sanctuary Cove Scheme) the supplied lot shall be levied the applicable water charges reflecting the use of the supplied lot unless determined otherwise on a case by case basis. (i) Without limiting note (g) “Where a multi-unit residential lot or commercial lot (“the premises”) would be subject to non-residential water pricing, were it not for the fact that the supply of water to “the premises” is not measurable in a manner to allow Council to apply nonresidential water pricing, that “the premises” be subject to the levy of a fixed access water charge (residential or non-residential, whichever is applicable) for each separate sole occupancy contained within “the premises”, as if each sole occupancy was a separate rateable lot.” (j) The non-residential service charge will be adjusted if previous year’s consumption is effected by leakage for which relief has been approved. (k) Unmetered Fire Services will be adjusted to the 40mm water service size and not subject to the 30% as referred to in the definitions table below. Note: For the period from the last read date (4R) for the 2015-16 financial year to the 30 June 2015, the water consumed, in the absence of an actual meter read on 30 June, will be calculated by dividing the actual volume of water consumed for the period ending at the first quarter read date (1R) after 30 June and commencing the last read date (4R) of the current financial year by the number of days in the period (provides an estimated notional daily supply rate over the period) multiplied by the number of days since the last read date (4R) of the current financial year up the 30 June. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Definitions for the purposes of applying water charges in Tables 1 and 2: “Actual Water Service Size” means the water service size in Table 2 (Water service size based on water consumption). “Adjusted Water Service Size” means: (a) The water service size in Table 2 (Water service size based on water consumption) obtained by applying the Consumption Range to the Actual Water Service Size; or (b) The Actual Water Service Size where the consumption is not known. “Applicable Rate” means: (a) 100%; or (b) 30% where: (i) the Actual Water Service Size is 32mm or less; and (ii) the water consumption is not known; or (iii) 30% to the extent the application of the Applicable Rate does not cause the Flow Capacity Factor to be reduced below the Flow Capacity Factor for an Adjusted Water Service Size of 40mm where: (iv) the Actual Water Service Size is greater than 32mm; and (v) the Water Consumption is not known. “Applied Flow Capacity Factor” means the Flow Capacity Factor applicable to the Adjusted Water Service Size Multiplied by the Applicable Rate. “Commercial Vacant Land” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at a property level (i.e. more than one parcel of land may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: (a) 02 Vacant land, Council owned or intended occupation; (b) 03 Vacant land, State owned or intended occupation; (c) 04 Vacant land, Commonwealth owned or intended occupation; (d) 08 Vacant land, commercial use under planning scheme. “Consumption Range” means the consumption range in kilolitres in Table 2 (Water service size based on water consumption) for the Water Consumption. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI “Flow Capacity Factor” means a charging factor in the following table based on the cross sectional area of a water service compared to the cross sectional area of a 20mm water service:Adjusted Water Service Size 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm Cross Sectional Area 314 491 804 1,256 1,963 5,024 7,850 17,663 31,400 49,063 70,650 Flow Capacity Factor 1.00 1.56 2.56 4.00 6.25 16.00 25.00 56.25 100.00 156.25 225.00 “Mini Commercial Lot” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at rate account level (i.e. more than one lot may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: 25 Commercial premise that is a community titles lot, less than 21m2. “Prescribed Community Titles Scheme” means a community titles scheme where the supply of water to the lots and common property: (a) (b) is not separately measured; or is separately measured but the lots and common property are not separately charged; or (c) is separately measured and the lots and common property are separately charged. “Residential Use” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at rate account level (i.e. more than one property may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: 10 15 11 12 14 26 Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot, less than 61m; Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot more than 60m; Single dwelling house; Single residential unit that is a community titles lot Single dwelling house that is a community titles lot Hotel room/s that is a community titles lot. "Sanctuary Cove Scheme" means the subdivisional scheme created under the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI “Residential Vacant Land” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at a property level (i.e. more than one parcel of land may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: (a) 01 Vacant land, residential use under planning scheme; (b) 07 Vacant land that is a community titles lot, residential use under planning scheme. “Water Consumption” means: (a) (b) the water consumed by a water service over the whole of the Previous Year period (i.e. commencing with the 1R read and ending with the 4R read) where the water consumed by a water service over the whole of the Previous Year period is not known, the extrapolation of a known water consumption for a continuous 90 day or greater period within the Previous Year period will apply. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Table 4 – Water Service Size Based on Water Consumption Consumption Range kilolitres 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm Actual Water Service Size 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm From To 0 290 20mm 20mm 20mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 291 454 20mm 25mm 25mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 455 743 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 744 1,160 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 1,161 1,814 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 1,815 4,640 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 80mm 80mm 80mm 80mm 80mm 4,641 7,250 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 100mm 100mm 100mm 100mm 7,251 16,314 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 16,315 29,000 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 200mm 200mm 29,001 45,314 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 250mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm > 45,314 Water Service Size For Charging Purposes Based On Consumption 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 27 SEWERAGE UTILITY CHARGES Recommendation:Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94, Local Government Regulation 2012 sections 99 to 102 and 110, and the Water and Sewerage Services Code for Small Customers in South East Queensland (made under the Restructuring Act) section 8.1 to make and levy sewerage transportation and sewage treatment utility charges specified in Table 1. For purposes of applying an access charge as detailed in Table 1 the land must be: (a) within 100 metres of a main supply, regardless of whether it is connected to a main supply; or (b) which Council has permitted to connect to a main supply, despite not being within 100 metres of a main supply; or (c) subject to either (a) or (b) above awaiting completion of construction of the facilities for supplying sewerage transportation and treatment services. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Table 1 – Sewerage Utility Charges Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge of an amount not more than the “Maximum Residential Charge” comprising of: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge of $725.12 and (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged. (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount not more than the “Maximum Residential Charge” comprising of: (a) the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. an annual access charge of: (i) $725.12 for each lot (other than lots of less than 61 square metres used for aged care/nursing home purposes); or (ii) $362.56 for each lot less than 61 square metres in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme used for aged care/nursing home purposes; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and the Council. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge of $725.12; and (b) not in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged. (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge for each lot of $725.12; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme apportioned either: (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and the Council. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) not the subject of a Residential Use; and (a) an annual access charge for each lot of $725.12; and (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from each lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (c) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from the common property; and (d) charged to the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. Land that is the supplied lot for the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) an annual access charge of $725.12; and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) the supplied lot in a joint supply arrangement and (a) an annual access charge of $725.12 and (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged. (b) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount not more than the “maximum Residential Charge” comprising of: (a) Residential Vacant Land; and (a) an annual access charge of $725.12; and (b) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewerage Discharged. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) Commercial Vacant Land; and (a) an annual access charge of $725.12; and (b) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. (b) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged. Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) a Marina Berth Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established before 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge for each Marina Berth Lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (b) calculated as the annual access charge of $725.12 for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV (d) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from the Prescribed Community Titles (e) Scheme; apportioned either: (i) on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlements of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; or (ii) in accordance with an agreement between the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme and the Council. RI Land Utility Charge Land that is: A utility charge of an amount comprising of: (a) a Marina Berth Lot; and (a) (b) in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme established after 1 January 2008; and an annual access charge for each Marina Berth Lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme that is: (b) calculated as the annual access charge of $725.12 for the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (c) apportioned on the basis of the contribution schedule lot entitlement of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (d) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from each Marina Berth Lot in the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme; and (e) $4.45 per kilolitre of Sewage Discharged from the common property; and (f) charged to the body corporate of the Prescribed Community Titles Scheme in accord with Council’s Water Sub-metering and Billing For Community Titles Scheme Properties Policy. (c) not land in the Sanctuary Cove Scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Notes for the purposes of applying sewerage charges in Table 1 – Sewerage Charges: (a) No separate annual access charge will be levied in respect of a storage lot or garage lot where such lot is registered as a separate lot in a community titles scheme and is associated, by ownership, with another lot in the same community titles scheme that is NOT a storage lot or garage lot, or in the case of a pump site lease issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, or in the case of a boat berth where such lot is associated, by ownership, with another lot that is not a boat berth. (b) No separate annual service charges will be levied in respect of lots defined as un-associated Storage cages and garages (Council Land Use Code 92) (c) Where an improvement exists upon two or more lots in a manner that renders it physically impossible for the owners to dispose of part as a regulation sized lot, it shall be regarded as one lot for the purpose of the application of sewerage service charges. (d) Where a whole residential duplex is solely owner/occupied as a single unit dwelling then only one annual residential sewerage service charge shall apply. (e) Where the use or occupation of any lot changes during the year adjustments shall be made on a pro-rata basis from the date of change unless otherwise specified. (f) Where land is subdivided adjustments of sewerage charges shall be made on a pro-rata basis from the date of registration of the plan. (g) Where a joint water service arrangement exists between two or more entities (other than for the Sanctuary Cove Scheme) the supplied lot shall be levied the applicable sewerage charges reflecting the use of the supplied lot unless determined otherwise on a case by case basis. (h) Without limiting note (f) “Where a multi-unit residential lot or commercial lot (“the premises”) would be subject to non-residential sewerage pricing, were it not for the fact that the supply of water to “the premises” is not measurable in a manner to allow Council to apply non-residential sewerage pricing, that “the premises” be subject to the levy of a fixed access sewerage charge for each separate sole occupancy contained within “the premises”, as if each sole occupancy was a separate rateable lot.” 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Definitions for the purposes of calculating sewerage charges in Table 1 – Sewerage Charges: “Commercial Vacant Land” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at a property level (i.e. more than one property may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: (a) 02 Vacant land, Council owned or intended occupation; (b) 03 Vacant land, State owned or intended occupation; (c) 04 Vacant land, Commonwealth owned or intended occupation; (d) 08 Vacant land, commercial use under planning scheme or residential development land. “Discharge Factor” means the factor in Table 2 – Standard Discharge Factors applied to the total water consumption to reduce that consumption by the estimated water consumed in the use of the premises and not discharged as sewage. “Domestic Usage Allowance” means the amount of water estimated to be consumed for domestic purposes and not discharged as sewage which:(a) is an amount of 184 kilolitres for land which is Residential; and (b) is an amount of 184 kilolitres for land which is not a Residential Use including a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme comprising Marina Berth Lots; and (c) for land which is in a Prescribed Community Titles Scheme, other than a scheme comprising Marina Berth Lots, is the total of the following:(i) the number of lots which are a Residential Use multiplied by 184 kilolitres; and (ii) the number of lots which are not a Residential Use multiplied by 184 kilolitres. “Maximum Residential Charge” means the maximum utility charge per lot for sewerage services for a Residential Use that is set at $725.12. “Prescribed Community Titles Scheme” means a community titles scheme where the supply of water to the lots and common property: (a) is not separately measured; or (b) is separately measured but the lots and common property are not separately charged; or (c) is separately measured and the lots and common property are separately charged. “Residential Use” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer to Annexure A) recorded at rate account level (i.e. more than one property may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: (a) 10 Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot, less than 61 m2; (b) 15 Room in a welfare institution that is a community titles lot, more than 60 m2; (c) 11 Single dwelling house; (d) 12 Single residential unit that is a community titles lot. (e) 14 Single dwelling house that is a community titles lot (f) 26 Hotel room/s that is a community titles lot. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Definitions for the purposes of applying sewerage charges in Table 1 – Sewerage Charges – Cont’d: “Residential Vacant Land” means a land use in Council’s Land Use Records (refer Annexure A) recorded at a property level (i.e. more than one property may be linked to a rate account and each will have a land use recorded as will the rate account), that is: (a) 01 Vacant land, residential use under planning scheme; (b) 07 Vacant land that is a community titles lot, residential use under planning scheme. "Sanctuary Cove Scheme" means the subdivisional scheme created under the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act. “Sewage Discharged” means the amount of sewage discharged estimated as follows: Sewage Discharged equals amount of water consumed times Discharge Factor minus Domestic Usage Allowance For the purpose of applying the Discharge Factor, where the use of land changes during the Prescribed Period adjustments shall be made from the second water meeting reading in the Prescribed Period or from the commencement date of the next Prescribed Period. Table 2 – Standard Discharge Factors Account Category Code Aged Care Animal Care Automotive Bakery Bowls Club Brewery Butcher Caravan Park Chemical Manufactures Childcare Church Hall Concrete Dry Factory Education Engineering Food Processor Golf Club Guesthouse Hairdresser Hospital 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Category Description Aged Care Animal Care Automotive Bakeries Bowling Club Breweries Butcher & Meat processors Caravan & Mobile Home Parks Chemical Manufactures Child Care Churches/Halls Concrete Batching plants Factories (Dry Processing) Schools/Universities Boiler Maker/Engineering Food processor Golf Clubs Guesthouse/Boarding House Hairdressers Hospitals/Nursing Homes Discharge Factor 0.80 0.70 0.90 0.85 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.70 0.90 0.80 0.90 0.02 0.90 0.80 0.90 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RI Account Category Code Hotel Laundry Marina Metals Coating Mix Industry Motel Nursery Office Park Garden Pool Railway Registered Club Restaurant Seafood Service Stations Shopping Theme Parks Unit Flat Unit Flat>4 Utility Vacant Land Waste 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Category Description Hotels Laundries Marina Metal Surface Coating Mixed Industries Motels Nurseries/Agriculture Office Blocks Parks & Gardens Swimming Pool Railway Registered Clubs Restaurants & Cafes Seafood Service Stations Shopping Centres Theme Park Unit/Flats up to 4 stories Units/Flats>4 stories Utility Vacant Land Waste Recovery Discharge Factor 0.90 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.10 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.90 RI 28 TRADE WASTE UTILITY CHARGES Recommendation:Council resolves, pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 94 and Local Government Regulation 2012 sections 99 to 102 and 110, and the Water and Sewerage Services Code for Small Customers in South East Queensland (made under the Restructuring Act) section 8.1 to make and levy utility charges with respect to trade waste as detailed in the following table marked “Trade Waste Utility Charges Schedule”. Trade Waste Utility Charges Schedule: - Trade Waste Charges Load Factor* 0 1 Standard nonStandard nonresidential residential sewage $/kL sewage $/kL rate rate applies x applies as 1.05 outlined in section 27 of this resolution. 2 Standard nonresidential sewage $/kL rate applies x 1.10 3 Standard nonresidential sewage $/kL rate applies x 1.15 4 Standard nonresidential sewage $/kL rate applies x 1.20 *For load factors above 4, the trade waste charge is 5% for every 1 Load Factor score. It should be noted that the load factor is a “points based system” which factors in the additional risk, strength, infrastructure and administrative load placed on the sewerage system by sewage discharged from a property, above and beyond normal domestic sewage discharge. For the purposes of determining the level of Trade Waste Utility Charges a customer categorisation is undertaken to determine the load factor as detailed in the following section marked “Load Factor Calculation”. Load Factor Calculation LOAD FACTOR Load factor is calculated using the following formula: Load factor = Industry group ( I ) + Sewer Admission Standard rating ( S ) + Pre-treatment Compliance ( P ) + Compliance history ( C ) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI The definitions of the load factor criteria are: I = Industry group is a rating based on an assessment of the process producing the trade waste. Industry groups are categorised according to types of contaminants which are likely to be present in the trade waste from that industry and is based on industry standard and guidance provided by the National Water Services Association of Australia. S = Sewer Admission Standards rating is a determination of whether or not the customer trade waste discharge is below the Sewer Admission Standards. P = Pre-treatment is a rating of whether or not the customer meets a specified set of conditions with regards to appropriate pre-treatment. C = Compliance history is based on the customer’s history of breaches of approval conditions. Sewer Admission Standards: For the 2015-16 financial year, the Sewer Admission Standards rating score for input into the customer categorisation formula is as follows: Sewer Admission Standards S All parameters below Sewer Admission Standards 0 Any parameter above Sewer Admission Standards 1 As a means of managing what gets put into the sewer, Council has set acceptance standards as detailed in tables 1, 2, and 3. Each substance listed in the acceptance standards has been assessed as posing a potential risk to people, infrastructure, or the environment. All sewage discharged to the sewerage system shall at all times comply with the standards, unless otherwise specified in the Trade Waste Approval. The standards are comprised of Prohibited Substances, General Substance Limits and Controlled Substance Limits. Any substance not listed in the table below and those listed as a prohibited discharge may not be discharged to the sewerage system. Council may request specific demonstrable evidence based on a degradability and toxicity for any substance when assessing acceptance for discharge to its sewerage system. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Table 1 – Prohibited Substances Prohibited substances Flammable/explosive substances Solid or viscous substances in a quantity, or of a size, that can obstruct the operation of City’s sewerage system. Examples include but are not limited to: metal, glass, plastic, rags, ash, cinders, straw, tar, wood, grease and oil. Radioactive substance except as allowed for under the Queensland Radiation Safety Act 1999 and Radiation Safety Regulation 2010 Pathological and infectious waste and cytotoxic waste except as allowed for under the National Industry Code of Practice for the Management of Clinical and Related Wastes Floodwater, rainwater, roof water, stormwater, subsoil water and surface water Substances referred to in Schedule 1 of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 Genetically engineered organisms require an approval for each substance Organic compounds and pesticides identified as prohibited in Table x. Table 2 – General Substances General Substances All businesses should conform with these limits unless specified in their trade waste approval Limit (mg/L) Ammonia (as N) 100 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 1500 Colour 100 Soldium Adsoption Ratio <10 Conductivity us/cm 1600 Grease and oil 200 Gross Solids - non-faecal 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV 13mm QSV<3m/hr RI Non-volatile suspended solids 30 Temperature 38 Suspended solids 600 Total dissolved salt 1000 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) 150 Total Phosphorus (as P) 20 Non-ionic surfactants 100 Aluminium 100 Iron 10 Table 3 – Controlled Substances Controlled substances pH Limit (mg/L) 6.5-9.0 Metals Aluminium 100 Arsenic excluding organoarsenic compounds 0.5 Barium 5 Cadmium 1 Total chromium 3 (to a max of 9 g/day) Cobalt 5 (to a max of 15 g/day) Copper 5 (to a max of 15 g/day) Iron Lead Lithium 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV 10 1 (to a max of 3 g/day) 10 RI Manganese Mercury 10 0.01 Molybdenum 5 Nickel 1 Selenium 1 Silver 5 Tin (excludes organotin compounds) 5 Zinc 1 Organic compounds Boron (as B) 5 Bromine 5 Chlorine 10 Flouride 30 Cyanide – weak and dissociable 1 Cyanide 5 Formaldehyde (as HCHO) Halogenated aliphatic compounds Petroleum hydrocarbons (total) (non-flammable) Phenolic compounds (non-halogenated) 30 1 30 1 Polybrominated biphenyls Prohibited Polychlorinated biphenyls Prohibited Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons Sulphate (as SO4) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV 5 1000 RI Sulphite (as SO2) Sulphide – dissolved Flammable substances 15 1 (Australian methods) prohibited Pesticides Organophosphorous pesticides Prohibited Organoarsenic compounds Prohibited Organotin compounds Organochlorine pesticides 0.1 Prohibited Aldrin Prohibited Chlordane Prohibited DDT Prohibited Dieldrin Prohibited Heptaclor Prohibited Lindane Prohibited 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Pre-Treatment: For the 2015-16 financial year, the Pre-treatment rating score for input into the customer categorisation formula is as follows: Pre-treatment P Meets specified pre-treatment criteria 0 Does not meet specified pre-treatment criteria 1 If required, discharges must be pre-treated to comply with requirements stated in the trade waste approval or the Sewer Admission Standards. Any plumbing or drainage work at the premises must be carried out by a licensed plumber and be verified by a compliance certificate issued by Council’s Plumbing and Drainage department. It may be necessary to install equipment to treat the trade waste before it is discharged into the sewer. For customers installing “off the shelf” devices including grease arrestors or Oily water separators, only pre-treatment products that have been approved by Council can be installed. Specifications for these devices are detailed below. Defective, under-sized or over-loaded pre-treatment equipment does not meet the specified pre-treatment criteria which is; the pre- treatment device must be in good working order and not over-loaded. Grease arrestor specifications: Grease arrestors must be sized to allow one hour retention at peak hourly flow. Grease arrestors up to 2000 litres may receive up to an additional 10 per cent fixture loading in excess of the stated capacity of the arrestor. Grease arrestors 3000 litres and greater shall be sized to receive a minimum of 75 per cent fixture loading of the stated capacity of the arrestor. Unless otherwise approved, all arrestors shall: (a) not be less than 1000 litres in capacity; (b) not be greater than 5000 litres in capacity; (c) be vented with a 100 millimetre diameter vent; (d) have gas tight lids; (e) be fitted with 100 millimetre sample points on the inlet and outlet of the arrestor; (f) have a capacity below the invert of the outlet of the arrestor at least twice the total capacity of the appliances and fixtures connected to the arrestor or, a larger capacity if required by Council; (g) have a distance from the top of the arrestor to the outlet that is at least half the depth of the arrestor below the outlet invert; (h) have the outlet invert level of the arrestor at least 75 millimetres below the inlet invert level. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI All pre-cast concrete grease or silt arrestors installed are to be protected by an internal acid resistant protective coating, installed during manufacture and prior to the delivery and installation of the arrestor. All pre-treatment equipment must be installed in a suitable location allowing servicing and maintenance to be carried out in accordance with Workplace Health and Safety guidelines. Grease arrestors are ideally located externally to the building so that servicing and maintenance can be carried out easily. Grease arrestors that need to be installed internally must be located in a suitably sealed, vermin proofed room with mechanical ventilation. The room must have external access only and be completely sealed from food preparation areas. A hose cock and remote servicing pipe must be located within the room. The door of the room must remain closed when the grease arrestor is being serviced. Remote servicing pipes for pre-treatment equipment must be 80mm minimum diameter. The pipe inlet at the device end must be positioned above the device and be complete with a cam lock fitting. The suction end of the pipe should be easily accessible and fitted with a male cam lock fitting. Grease arrestors installed in restricted areas must satisfy the following requirements: x The minimum clear height above the top of the arrestor lids and the underside of the floor slab, or concrete thickening beam or any other obstruction should be 1500mm minimum for gastight screw on light duty lids and 1800mm minimum for gastight covers and frame. x A safe working platform may be required adjacent to the arrestor to enable the gastight covers to be removed from the frame. The walkway floor of the platform should be a minimum of 2100 mm clear of the underside of the floor slab, or concrete thickening beam or any other obstruction. Oily water separators Each application will be assessed on the nature of the oily waste to be treated, the proposed treatment method and the site location. A minimum size 1000 litre in-ground holding tank is required prior to coalescing plate and vertical gravity separators. The size of the oily water separation equipment will be calculated by the peak hourly flow rate through the unit. Oily water separation and pre-treatment options include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) coalescing plate separators; vertical gravity separators; membrane technology; dissolved air flotation (DAF); chemical precipitation; hydro cyclones; other approved apparatus or methods. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Compliance History: For the 2015-16 financial year, the Compliance history rating score for input into the customer categorisation formula is as follows: Compliance history* C New customer 0 No breaches of trade waste approval terms and conditions 0 Issued with a breach of trade waste approval terms and conditions in billing period (including significant breach of Sewer Admission Standards and/or failure to service pre-treatment devices) Issued with multiple breaches trade waste approval terms and conditions (including significant and ongoing breaches of Sewer Admission Standards and/or failure to service pre-treatment devices) Breach of Sewer Admission Standards or terms and condition that constitutes a threat to the safety, environment or financial compliance of the City Has had no Sewer Admission Standards rating, pre-treatment rating or non-compliance scores in the past 2 years (and has a load factor Score > 1) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV 1 2 3 -1 RI 29 PENSIONER RATE REBATE POLICY (Refer Appendices 3 to 5) Recommendation: (1) Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 122(1)(b), Council resolves as follows: (a) On the conditions detailed in Appendix 3 ('Rebate of Rates Policy – Home Owners') Appendix 4 (‘Rebate of Rates Policy – Non-Home Owners’ and Appendix 5 (‘Schedule of Rebates’), rebate of the 2015-16 differential general rate, to a maximum amount of $270.00, will be granted to ratepayers who are Pensioners. (b) A Pensioner is: (i) (c) (d) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Repatriation Health Card for All Conditions; or (ii) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card; or (iii) a person who: (A) receives a Widow Allowance; and (B) holds a current Queensland issued Health Care Card; and (C) was receiving a rates rebate from Council before the death of her spouse A waiting period of 12 months (from the date the Pensioner applicant became the registered owner of the relevant land) will apply to newly-resident Pensioners before they become eligible for the rate rebate. However: (i) (ii) (iii) (e) (f) Council may waive the waiting period where a Pensioner applicant been previously a resident of Gold Coast City; Council will consider, case-by-case, applications by previously-resident Pensioners; and pursuant to Local Government Act section 257, Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer, without restriction upon the Chief Executive Officer’s power of sub-delegation under section 259, the authority to waive the waiting period for previously-resident Pensioners. The rebate will be granted for current years rates only; however, the rebate may be granted retrospectively in exceptional circumstances. A ratepayer will be deemed to be eligible to receive a Pensioner rebate for the remainder of the current financial year where: (i) (ii) (2) the ratepayer is eligible for the rebate and pays their annual rate amount in the first half of a financial year; and the ratepayer is subsequently found to be ineligible for the rebate following advice received as a consequence of Council's Pensioner-verification process; and (iii) Council is made aware that the death of the ratepayer's spouse contributed to the ratepayer becoming ineligible to receive the rebate. Pursuant to Local Government Act section 257, Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer, without restriction upon the Chief Executive Officer’s power of sub-delegation under section 259, the authority: (a) to waive the waiting period for previously-resident Pensioners; and (b) to determine whether exceptional circumstances exist to justify retrospective grant of the rebate and to grant the rebate retrospectively where he makes that determination. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 30 DISCOUNT ON RATES AND CHARGES Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 130, Council resolves as follows: 31 (1) A 10% discount on the differential general rate levied on a rate notice will be granted to rate payers who pay the entire amount due on the rate notice inclusive of all arrears of rates, utility charges, separate charges, separate rates, special charges, special rates and all interest which shall be accrued on such arrears to the date of payment, but with the exception of general charges including the emergency management levy, within 31 days after the date of issue of the rate notice (“discount period”). (2) For clarity, Council will not offer discount on any other rates or charges including water and sewerage charges. (3) For clarity, Council will not offer discount on any portion of rate payment of which: (a) is deferred; or (b) is rebated under Council’s Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy; or (c) is donated under a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. TIME WITHIN WHICH RATES MUST BE PAID Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 118(2), Council resolves that all rates and charges must be paid within 31 days after the date of issue of the initial rate notice that includes the rates or charges. 32 INTEREST ON OVERDUE RATES AND REMEDIAL WORK CHARGES Recommendation: (1) Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 sections 133 (1), (2) and (3), Council resolves that all overdue rates and charges will bear interest at 11% per annum calculated on daily rests and as compound interest, on and from the date the payment becomes overdue until the date of payment. (2) Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 142(8), Council resolves that an expense: (a) Council properly and reasonably incurs in taking action upon a remedial notice; and (b) that accrues to Council as a debt under section 142(4); and (c) of which Council gives, under section 142(6), due notice to the person/s who failed to comply with the remedial notice; and (d) that section 142(7) allows Council to recover as an overdue rate, will bear interest at the rate payable upon overdue rates (vide paragraph (1)). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 33 CONCESSIONS (GENERAL) Recommendation: (1) Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 257, Council resolves to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer, with no restriction upon the Chief Executive Officer’s power to sub-delegate under section 259, the power: (a) (2) 34 to prescribe, for Local Government Regulation 2012 section 122 (3): (i) the form/s in which applicants for rating concessions must submit their applications; and (ii) the material that the applicant for a given type of concession must submit in support of the application; (b) to determine whether the applicant for a Council rating concession satisfies one or more of the criteria in Local Government Regulation 2012 section 120 (1): , which must be satisfied to empower Council to grant a concession; and (c) to cancel a rating concession if the grantee defaults in complying with the conditions upon which the concession has been granted. Council further resolves that: (a) it will be satisfied the applicant for a rating concession meets a given criterion in section 120 (1) if the Chief Executive Officer or his sub-delegate determines that the applicant meets the criterion; and (b) if a ratepayer granted a rating concession subject to conditions defaults in complying with those conditions, the concession will be cancelled. CONCESSIONS – RATES REBATE Recommendation: (1) Council resolves, for Local Government Regulation 2012 section 120 (1)(b), to grant a rate rebate concession to landowners who satisfy the following criteria: (i) the owner is an entity whose objects do not include making a profit for distribution among its members; or (ii) the owner is an entity that provides assistance or encouragement for arts or cultural development. (2) Council further resolves that rate rebate concessions are to be applied to qualifying owners in accordance with its Council’s Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy (detailed in Appendix 6). (3) Pursuant to Local Government Act section 257, Council resolves to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer, with no restriction upon the Chief Executive Officer’s power to sub-delegate under section 259, the power to apply rate rebates consistently with paragraphs (1) and (2). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI 35 CONCESSIONS - DEFERAL OF RATES PAYMENT Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Regulation 2012 section 122(1)(b), Council resolves as follows: In accordance with Council’s Deferral of Rates Policy, deferral arrangements shall be considered for (a) Eligibile pensioners, or (b) Nominated special rates and charges, or (c) Nominated non-recurrent charges recovered as a rate (eg. infrastructure charges, clearing of land charges). (1) It will grant rate a concession by agreeing to defer payment of a portion of the differential general rate payable by any applicant (an eligible person) who is a member of the class of ratepayers comprising Pensioners (as defined at paragraph (1)(b) of item 122) who is an owner-occupiers of the rated land. (2) The differential general rate portion that Council will agree to defer is a sum calculated by applying the formula: (LDGR-MDGR) x EP% (3) (4) For that formula: (a) LDGR is the differential general rate levied upon the eligible person’s land; (b) MDGR is the minimum differential general rate for land in the differential rating category to which the eligible person’s land belongs; (c) EP% is the percentage of the eligible person’s ownership interest in the land. For sub-paragraph (3)(c): (a) an applicant who owns the land as a joint tenant with another person or other persons will be treated as owning the land as a tenant-in-common with the other person or those other persons, in equal percentage shares; (b) if two or more persons own an interest in the land when the deferment application is made, the EP% is the aggregate of the percentage interests in the land that are owned by eligible persons Example for sub-paragraph (ii): If 4 persons, three of whom are eligible persons, own the land as tenants-in-common in equal shares (i.e. 25% each), the EP% is 75% (the aggregate of the 3 eligible persons’ shares). (5) Each deferment will be conditional, as permitted by Local Government Regulation 2012 section 125(3), upon the grantee of the concession paying Council: (a) in return for the deferment; (b) when the deferment ends, 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI an additional charge (premium) equivalent to the aggregate of: (6) (7) 36 (c) the annual administration fee that Council has imposed for each financial year during the deferment period, which fee will be NIL for the 2015-16 financial year; and (d) the cost to Council of deferring its receipt of the subject rates, calculated over the deferment period as interest that compounds quarterly at a rate equal to the average earning rate on Council’s investments through to the end of the last full quarter during the deferment term. The terms of a deferment may not allow payment of the deferred sum or the premium later than: (a) the day that the last surviving eligible person with whom Council has entered the deferment agreement transfers his/her ownership interest in the land to another person (whether or not by sale); or (b) the day that title to the land is transmitted to the personal representative of the last surviving eligible person with whom Council entered the deferment agreement, following that person’s death. Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 257, Council delegates to its chief executive officer, with no restriction upon the chief executive officer’s power to sub-delegate under section 259, the power to make, vary, and discharge deferment agreements consistently with the foregoing provisions of this resolution. CONCESSIONS – DEFERMENT – PAYMENT BY INSTALMENTS Recommendation: Consistently with Local Government Regulation 2012 section 122(1)(b), Council delegates to its chief executive officer pursuant to Local Government Act section 257, with no restriction upon the chief executive officer’s power to sub-delegate under section 259, the power to make, vary, and discharge deferment agreements that allow the payment of rates and charges: 37 (1) by instalments; (2) upon terms consistent with Council’s Debt Recovery Policy. COST-RECOVERY FEES AND COMMERCIAL CHARGES Recommendation: Pursuant to Local Government Act 2009 section 97 Council resolves to adopt as its Cost-recovery Fees and its commercial charges for 2015-16 the sums specified in the instrument, entitled Register of Cost-recovery Fees and Commercial Charges, 2015-16, prepared in conjunction with this Revenue Statement. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI Appendix 1 – Utility Charges for Waste Management Services 2015-16. 1. DOMESTIC (WHEELIE BIN) WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES The charges set out below apply to all occupied premises on South Stradbroke Island and all occupied land and structures within the Council of the City of Gold Coast area. SIZE OF CONTAINER CHARGE 80 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $260.30 140 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $260.30 140 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) $260.30 140 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) $440.00 240 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $260.30 240 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) $260.30 240 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) $440.00 360 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $442.00 360 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) $442.00 360 LITRE WASTE & RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) $906.00 240 LITRE WASTE & 360 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $260.30 240 LITRE WASTE & 360 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) $477.00 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 2. ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL DOMESTIC (WHEELIE BIN) WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES The charges set out below apply to all occupied land and structures within the Council of the City of Gold Coast area. SIZE OF CONTAINER 80 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE 140 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE 140 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 140 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 240 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE 240 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 240 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 360 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE 360 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 360 LITRE RECYCLING CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 80 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE 140 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE 140 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 140 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 360 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE 360 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER - ASSISTED COLLECTION (INFIRMED) 360 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER SERVICED WHEEL OUT AND WHEEL BACK COLLECTION (SPECIAL) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV CHARGE $36.60 $36.60 $36.60 $59.60 $36.60 $36.60 $59.60 $59.60 $59.60 $83.00 $143.00 $143.00 $143.00 $286.20 $143.00 $143.00 $286.20 $294.80 $294.80 $647.60 RI APPENDIX 1 3. COMMERCIAL (WHEELIE BIN) WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES SIZE OF CONTAINER SUNDAY SERVICES SEVEN DAY SERVICES NUMBER OF SERVICES PER WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 140 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE $252.16 $442.34 $660.64 $879.22 $1,097.66 $1,316.04 $393.54 $1,709.58 140 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $466.54 $1,026.34 $1,586.28 $2,146.60 $2,705.80 $3,265.64 $1,110.22 $4,375.86 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE $281.58 $500.46 $748.70 $996.90 $1,244.84 $1,492.90 $432.16 $1,925.06 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $466.54 $1,026.34 $1,586.28 $2,146.60 $2,705.80 $3,265.64 $1,110.22 $4,375.86 COMPACTED 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE $959.20 $2,081.12 $3,203.08 $4,325.44 $5,446.98 $6,569.02 $1,633.60 $8,202.62 $1,015.74 $2,137.66 $3,259.62 $4,381.98 $5,503.52 $6,625.56 $1,690.14 $8,315.70 360 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE $428.98 $930.90 $1,432.90 $1,934.86 $2,436.82 $2,938.76 $734.88 $3,673.64 360 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $817.96 $1,930.62 $3,042.90 $4,155.54 $5,268.42 $6,380.84 $1,708.60 $8,089.44 COMPACTED 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 4. COMMERCIAL (WHEELIE BIN) WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES (RECYCLING) SIZE OF CONTAINER NUMBER OF SERVICES PER WEEK SUNDAY SERVICES SEVEN DAY SERVICES FORTNIGHTLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 140 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $100.74 $402.82 $705.04 $1,006.96 $1,309.32 $1,611.26 $302.22 $1,913.48 $40.28 140 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $302.22 $1,208.44 $2,115.10 $3,020.88 $3,927.96 $4,833.76 $906.66 $5,740.42 $151.12 240 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $100.74 $402.82 $705.04 $1,006.96 $1,309.32 $1,611.26 $302.22 $1,913.48 $40.28 240 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $302.22 $1,208.44 $2,115.10 $3,020.88 $3,927.96 $4,833.76 $906.66 $5,740.42 $151.12 360 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE $272.50 $1,184.74 $2,097.00 $3,009.40 $3,921.50 $4,833.76 $912.26 $5,746.02 $60.42 360 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER (Wheel out and Wheel back) $912.26 $3,743.80 $6,575.32 $9,407.28 $12,238.40 $15,069.92 $2,831.54 $17,901.46 $456.14 140 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE ONLY $100.74 $402.82 $705.04 $1,006.96 $1,309.32 $1,611.26 $302.22 $1,913.48 $40.28 240 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE ONLY $100.74 $402.82 $705.04 $1,006.96 $1,309.32 $1,611.26 $302.22 $1,913.48 $40.28 360 LITRE MOBILE RECYCLING CONTAINER KERBSIDE ONLY $272.50 $1,184.74 $2,097.00 $3,009.40 $3,921.50 $4,833.76 $912.26 $5,746.02 $60.42 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 5. BULK BIN WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES SIZE OF CONTAINER 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 $2,272.00 $2,315.12 $2,315.12 $3,583.16 $3,799.26 $3,743.66 $4,287.76 $5,047.80 $6,552.70 $3,385.86 $3,287.20 $3,443.74 $5,388.44 $5,698.90 $5,438.24 $6,340.22 $7,490.10 $9,357.30 $4,499.62 $4,280.94 $4,558.60 $7,085.02 $7,598.52 $7,394.96 $8,743.70 $10,309.32 $12,938.12 $5,641.28 $5,132.60 $5,703.10 $8,746.38 $9,498.14 $9,026.80 $10,746.74 $12,683.30 $15,963.78 $6,764.64 $5,945.86 $6,791.98 $10,351.54 $11,608.00 $10,592.30 $12,666.58 $14,964.78 $18,873.38 $1,305.10 $1,761.22 $1,761.22 $2,474.50 $2,109.64 $2,487.10 $2,792.46 $3,239.66 $3,970.42 $8,069.74 $7,707.08 $8,553.20 $12,826.04 $13,717.64 $13,079.40 $15,459.04 $18,204.44 $22,843.80 $5,327.42 $9,940.38 $10,599.18 $19,883.56 $15,870.94 $29,826.74 $21,142.70 $39,769.92 $26,414.44 $49,713.48 $31,686.20 $59,656.30 $5,873.50 $11,033.86 $37,559.70 $70,690.16 $15,930.26 $23,951.84 $26,161.78 $28,972.32 $30,296.36 $35,748.26 $31,860.50 $45,745.84 $49,319.32 $54,532.66 $57,282.80 $67,995.02 $47,790.76 $67,182.60 $74,033.44 $81,810.58 $86,084.24 $102,413.06 $63,721.00 $90,887.42 $101,231.94 $111,831.20 $117,710.92 $140,286.94 $79,651.26 $112,816.94 $126,326.16 $139,525.82 $147,029.84 $175,254.34 $99,324.84 $134,736.84 $150,988.18 $166,742.78 $175,777.40 $209,624.24 $19,673.58 $28,833.10 $31,032.12 $33,844.04 $35,165.40 $40,619.02 $118,998.42 $163,569.94 $182,020.30 $200,586.82 $210,942.80 $250,243.26 SIZE 6 - 3,000 LITRE WASTE SIZE 6C - 3000 LITRE Compact ROLL-ON-ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS NOT EXCEEDING 6M3 NOT EXCEEDING 10M3 NOT EXCEEDING 15M3 NOT EXCEEDING 20M3 NOT EXCEEDING 23M3 NOT EXCEEDING 34M3 SEVEN DAY SERVICES $1,127.86 $1,143.12 $1,160.28 $1,789.34 $2,127.72 $2,127.72 $2,459.70 $2,827.96 $3,438.58 SIZE 1 - 660 LITRE - PLASTIC SIZE 2 - 750 LITRE SIZE 2A - 1,000 LITRE SIZE 3 - 1,100 LITRE - PLASTIC SIZE 3A - 1,500 LITRE PLASTIC SIZE 4 - 1,500 LITRE SIZE 4A - 2,000 LITRE SIZE 5 - 2,250 LITRE COMPACTED BULK CONTAINERS SIZE 3C - 1500 LITRE Compact SUNDAY SERVICES NUMBER OF SERVICES PER WEEK 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 SIZE OF CONTAINER NUMBER OF SERVICES PER WEEK COMPACTED ROLL-ON-ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS NOT EXCEEDING 10M3 NOT EXCEEDING 15M3 NOT EXCEEDING 20M3 NOT EXCEEDING 23M3 NOT EXCEEDING 30M3 ROLL-ON-ROLL-OFF GREENWASTE NOT EXCEEDING 15M3 CONTAINERS SUNDAY SERVICES SEVEN DAY SERVICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 $36,702.38 $47,716.66 $58,729.58 $65,337.60 $81,019.62 $73,348.82 $95,377.36 $117,404.56 $130,619.18 $162,039.24 $109,995.26 $143,038.08 $176,079.56 $195,900.78 $243,058.90 $146,641.70 $190,698.80 $234,754.54 $261,182.36 $324,078.52 $183,288.14 $238,359.50 $293,429.52 $326,463.96 $405,098.14 $219,934.58 $286,020.22 $352,104.50 $391,745.56 $486,117.76 $41,580.90 $52,595.18 $63,606.76 $70,212.02 $85,381.24 $261,515.48 $338,615.40 $415,711.26 $461,957.58 $571,499.00 $23,922.60 $47,845.16 $71,767.72 $95,690.30 $119,612.88 $143,535.46 $29,146.46 $172,681.92 - In case where a commercial, industrial or domestic bulk refuse/waste service is made available by the Council and is not utilized by the owner/occupier of the relevant premises, a utility charge from the table shown above will be levied by the Council by reference to the size of receptacle and number of services the Council determines to be appropriate having regard to the nature and volume of refuse/waste being produced at the relevant premises. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 6. BULK BIN WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES (RECYCLING) NUMBER OF SERVICES PER WEEK SIZE OF CONTAINER 660 LITRE - PLASTIC 750 LITRE 1,000 LITRE 1,100 LITRE - PLASTIC 1,500 LITRE PLASTIC 1,500 LITRE 2,000 LITRE 2,250 LITRE 3,000 LITRE 4,000 LITRE ROLL-ON-ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS NOT EXCEEDING 6M3 NOT EXCEEDING 10M3 NOT EXCEEDING 15M3 NOT EXCEEDING 20M3 NOT EXCEEDING 23M3 NOT EXCEEDING 34M3 SUNDAY SERVICES SEVEN DAY SERVICES 1 2 3 4 5 SATURDAY SERVICES 1 7 $531.34 $442.82 $442.82 $956.48 $771.00 $797.08 $797.08 $1,107.06 $1,107.06 $1,328.42 $1,044.98 $870.86 $870.86 $1,881.08 $1,516.28 $1,567.60 $1,567.60 $2,177.20 $2,177.20 $2,612.56 $1,540.88 $1,284.14 $1,284.14 $2,773.80 $2,235.88 $2,311.54 $2,311.54 $3,210.46 $3,210.46 $3,852.42 $2,019.10 $1,682.66 $1,682.66 $3,634.64 $2,929.76 $3,028.90 $3,028.90 $4,206.80 $4,206.80 $5,048.00 $2,479.58 $2,066.44 $2,066.44 $4,463.58 $3,597.96 $3,719.72 $3,719.72 $5,166.24 $5,166.24 $6,199.30 $553.46 $461.26 $461.26 $996.34 $803.14 $830.32 $830.32 $1,153.16 $1,153.16 $1,383.78 $664.18 $553.54 $553.54 $1,195.58 $963.72 $996.34 $996.34 $1,383.86 $1,383.86 $1,660.52 $3,697.22 $3,081.24 $3,081.24 $6,655.50 $5,364.82 $5,546.38 $5,546.38 $7,703.26 $7,703.26 $9,234.60 $9,067.40 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $17,832.56 $48,887.50 $48,887.50 $48,887.50 $48,887.50 $48,887.50 $26,295.48 $72,088.34 $72,088.34 $72,088.34 $72,088.34 $72,088.34 $34,456.14 $94,460.58 $94,460.58 $94,460.58 $94,460.58 $94,460.58 $42,314.56 $116,004.22 $116,004.22 $116,004.22 $116,004.22 $116,004.22 $11,517.62 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $24,858.04 $11,517.62 $29,338.52 $29,338.52 $29,338.52 $29,338.52 $29,338.52 $65,349.80 $170,200.78 $170,200.78 $170,200.78 $170,200.78 $170,200.78 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 7. UNSCHEDULED COLLECTIONS SIZE OF CONTAINER 140 LITRE WHEELIE BIN 240 LITRE WHEELIE BIN 360 LITRE WHEELIE BIN COMPACTED 240 LITRE 660 LITRE 750 LITRE 1000 LITRE 1100 LITRE 1500 LITRE 2000 LITRE 2250 LITRE 3000 LITRE COMPACTED 1500 LITRE COMPACTED 3000 LITRE ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 6M3 ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 10M3 ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 15M3 ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 20M3 ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 23M3 ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 34M3 COMPACTED TO 10M3 COMPACTED TO 15M3 COMPACTED TO 20M3 COMPACTED TO 23M3 COMPACTED TO 30M3 140 LITRE RECYCLING 240 LITRE RECYCLING 360 LITRE RECYCLING 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV COST PER SERVICE (MON TO SAT) COST PER SERVICE (SUN) $25.35 $25.70 $29.12 $29.92 $40.94 $40.32 $43.48 $50.70 $53.30 $61.80 $66.26 $81.86 $103.38 $179.48 $288.62 $433.14 $496.24 $559.34 $597.20 $736.02 $685.54 $874.84 $1,064.14 $1,215.58 $1,442.74 $23.84 $23.84 $26.22 N/A N/A N/A N/A $43.58 $42.52 $45.68 $54.38 $56.36 $65.40 $70.20 $87.34 $109.54 $190.42 $362.32 $509.90 $573.00 $636.08 $673.94 $812.76 $762.28 $951.58 $1,140.88 $1,292.32 $1,519.48 N/A N/A N/A RI APPENDIX 1 SIZE OF CONTAINER 660 LITRE RECYCLING 750 LITRE RECYCLING 1000 LITRE RECYCLING 1100 LITRE RECYCLING 1500 LITRE RECYCLING 2000 LITRE RECYCLING 2250 LITRE RECYCLING 3000 LITRE RECYCLING 4000 LITRE RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 6M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 10M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 15M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 20M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 23M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 34M3 RECYCLING ROLL ON ROLL OFF TO 15M3 GREENWASTE 8. COST PER SERVICE (MON TO SAT) $33.52 $31.66 $31.66 $42.38 $39.04 $39.04 $45.50 $45.50 $50.12 $151.72 $406.88 $406.88 $406.88 $406.88 $406.88 $358.16 COST PER SERVICE (SUN) $36.28 $33.98 $33.98 $47.36 $43.20 $43.20 $51.28 $51.28 $57.04 $202.78 $500.24 $500.24 $500.24 $500.24 $500.24 $434.90 TEMPORARY STANDARD COLLECTIONS SIZE OF CONTAINER 660 LITRE 750 LITRE 1000 LITRE 1100 LITRE 1500 LITRE 2000 LITRE 2250 LITRE 3000 LITRE COMPACTED 1500 LITRE 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV COST PER SERVICE $18.84 $18.22 $21.38 $28.60 $31.20 $39.70 $44.16 $59.76 $81.32 RI APPENDIX 1 SIZE OF CONTAINER COMPACTED 3000 LITRE 660 LITRE RECYCLING 750 LITRE RECYCLING 1000 LITRE RECYCLING 1100 LITRE RECYCLING 1500 LITRE RECYCLING 2000 LITRE RECYCLING 2250 LITRE RECYCLING 3000 LITRE RECYCLING 4000 LITRE RECYCLING DELIVERY COST per container: (Mon to Fri) DELIVERY COST per container: (Sat, Sun, Public holidays, & after hours) 9. COST PER SERVICE $157.38 $8.52 $7.10 $7.10 $15.34 $12.78 $12.78 $17.74 $17.74 $21.30 $58.00 $81.00 OPTIONAL DOMESTIC (WHEELIE BIN) Fortnightly WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES (GREEN WASTE) SIZE OF CONTAINER 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE (Urban Areas Only) 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERBSIDE (Urban + Park Living Areas) 240 LITRE WASTE CONTAINER KERSIDE BUNDLE (140 ltr Waste, 240 ltr Recycle, 240 ltr Greenwaste) CHARGE $52.00 $57.00 $47.00 10. OPTIONAL DOMESTIC (BULK BIN) WEEKLY WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES (GREEN WASTE) SIZE OF CONTAINER CHARGE SIZE 2A - 1,000 LITRE SIZE 4A - 2,000 LITRE SIZE 6 – 3,000 LITRE $870.00 $1,238.00 $1,553.00 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 11. OPTIONAL COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC (BULK BIN) WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES (CLEANING) SIZE OF CONTAINER BULK WASTE CONTAINERS (Fortnightly) BULK WASTE CONTAINERS (Monthly) BULK WASTE CONTAINERS (Unscheduled upon request) CHARGE $738.00 $341.00 $70.00 12. NOTES AND DEFINITIONS (a) In this Appendix, a “base domestic collection service” is a once-per-week collection and removal of waste using a receptacle with 140-litre or 240-litre capacity, with or without a once-per-fortnight recyclable material collection service utilising a 240-litre receptacle. The utility charge for this waste management service is $260.30 per annum. (b) Where a greater number of collection services or different sized receptacles are utilised than those specified in item 11(a) above, a higher charge will apply as specified for the relevant number of collection services and size of receptacle in the Council resolution (including this Appendix). (c) All occupied non-community titles scheme residential premises or land within the Council of the City of Gold Coast designated waste collection area (other than South Stradbroke Island) will be charged for a base domestic collection service unless the circumstances described in item 11(b) apply, in which case the applicable higher charge specified in the Council resolution (including this Appendix) will apply. (d) All occupied non-community titles scheme residential premises or land on South Stradbroke Island will be charged for a waste collection and removal service only, as Council will provide no recyclable material collection service. The utility charge for the refuse-only collection service will be the same as the charge for a base domestic collection service. (e) All occupied community titles scheme residential premises within the Council of the City of Gold Coast designated waste collection area will be charged for a base domestic collection service (unless the circumstances set out in item 11(b) apply, in which case the applicable higher charge specified in the Council resolution (including this Appendix) will apply. (f) All occupied community titles scheme commercial premises provided with a Council of the City of Gold Coast collection service will be charged for a base domestic collection service (unless the circumstances set out in paragraph 11(b) apply, in which case the applicable higher charge specified in the Council resolution (including this Appendix) will apply). (g) Where waste and recyclable material collection and removal services are available for use by more than one lot in a community titles scheme and item 11(b) applies, the utility charge levied on each lot-owner will be the greater of: (i) the charge for a base domestic collection service; and (ii) a sum proportional to the ratio of the contribution schedule lot entitlement for each lot in that community titles scheme to the aggregate contribution schedule lot entitlement in the scheme. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 (h) Where community titles scheme lots used for aged care / nursing home purposes are smaller than 61 square metres, a utility charge equal to half of the base domestic collection service charge will apply. (i) 80-litre non-wheelie bin are provided only where a wheelie bin collection service cannot be provided. (j) No separate utility charge for waste management services will be levied for storage lots and garage lots that are separate lots in a community titles scheme. On the second and each subsequent occasion on a day that the bin is required to be and is actually serviced a 200 percent surcharge will apply to the service charges. Non-domestic recycling services shall be provided free of charge to schools if their waste management services supplied by Council. (k) (l) 13. CHANGES IN WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES (a) Where a property owner wishes: (i) (ii) to increase or decrease the number of bulk bin or commercial collection services received per week; or to vary the size or number of receptacles used for any type of service, the owner or authorised agent of the owner must apply to Council setting out the proposed variation. (b) Where Council agrees to the proposed variation it will advise the owner or agent of the applicable utility charges based on the relevant charges set out in this Appendix and the Council resolution. Varied utility charges will apply from the date on which the variation takes effect. (c) Where the service for removal of General Waste or Recyclables is determined to be either insufficient or excessive, the service frequency or waste container size may be adjusted by Council of the City of Gold Coast. 14. CANCELLATION OF SERVICES (a) Council may agree not to charge for waste management services at the request of a property owner. (b) To allow Council to consider such a request, the following requirements must first be met: (i) The premises to which the waste management services would be provided will be unoccupied for a period exceeding 3 months. (ii) The property owner must complete a statutory declaration stating: (A) (B) (C) the reason the premises will be unoccupied; the period for which the premises will remain unoccupied and the date from which they will cease to be occupied; and a recommencement date for the provision of the waste management services. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 1 (iii) Where Council agrees not to levy a charge for waste management services, in such circumstances the utility charges will cease to apply from the later of: (A) (B) the date Council receives the statutory declaration; and the nominated commencement date for the non-occupancy period. (c) Utility charges for waste management services will cease to apply where Council receives advice that premises have been: (i) demolished; or (ii) rendered uninhabitable by damage from fire or disaster. The charges will cease to apply from the later of the date Council receives the advice in writing and the date of demolition. (d) Schools may cancel the waste management services temporarily during the December/January school holiday periods. (e) No utility charges for waste management services will apply from the later of: (i) the date Council receives written advice from the school that the school wishes to cancel waste management services; and (ii) the cancellation date nominated by the school. 15. GREEN WASTE SERVICES (a) A minimum green waste service charge period of 12 months applies from the delivery date of the bin. [End of Appendix 1] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 Schedule A [SPECIAL RATE SCHEDULE] Land having any of the following Primary Council Land Use Codes: 05 – Multiple dwelling houses, those which are let to itinerants (tourists); 08 – Vacant land, commercial use under Council’s Planning Scheme or residential development land; 09 – Outbuilding; 11 – Single dwelling house, which is let to itinerants (tourists); 12 – Single residential unit that is a community titles lot, which is let to itinerants (tourists); 13 – Duplex residential building, in which one or both units is let to itinerants (tourists); 14 – Single dwelling house that is a community titles lot, predominantly let to itinerants (tourists); 16 - Caravan park; 17 - Residential building, more than two units, predominantly let to itinerants (tourists); 18 – Hotel or motel (predominantly accommodation); 19 – Residential building that is a community titles lot, more than one unit, predominantly let to itinerants (tourists); 21 – Single mini storage unit that is a community titles lot; 22 - Service station; 23 – Tavern; 24 – Shops other than drive-in shopping centre; 25 – Commercial premise that is a community titles lot, less than 21 m2; 26 – Hotel room/s that is a community titles lot; 27 – Restaurant or café that is not part of a shopping complex; 28 – Day care centre for the aged or persons with a disability; 29 – Jetty, pontoon, boat ramp or boat berth – non community titles lot; 30 – Car park, land or building used for parking vehicles; 31 – Welfare residence, aged care or convalescent home; 32 - Child care centre or kindergarten; 33 – Retirement Village; 34 – School, university or TAFE college; 38 – Offices, commercial premises other than shops; 39 – Community protection centre, police station, fire station, ambulance centre; 40 – Hospital; 41 – Industry-light, service or offensive; 42 – Railway station; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 43 – Industry-heavy, general manufacturing; 44 – Multi-unit residential property, including a relocatable home park or an over-50s lifestyle resort etc; 46 – Boat berth or Boat shed that is a community titles lot not associated by ownership with another lot 47 – Casino; 48 – Marina (non residential); 49 – Guest house, boarding house or hostel 50 – Outdoor sales area, car or boat yard, markets etc; 51 - Plant nursery or market garden; 52 – Sugar mill, sugar factory or sugar refinery; 53 – Industry-extractive, quarry; 54 – Fishery including fish/prawn farm; 55 – Forestry; 56 – Water storage facility, reservoir, dam; 57 – Farming land (concession value applied); 58 – Animal care facility, stables, kennels, cattery, pound; 60 - Swimming pool complex; 61 – Recreational or sporting facility run as a business; 62 – Community hall; 63 – Racecourse venue; 64 – Library, museum, art gallery; 65 – Convention and exhibition centre, stadium, major indoor sporting or entertainment centre; 67 – Park, botanical gardens, playground, sporting field; 68 – Theatre, performing arts or cinema complex not part of a drive-in shopping centre; 69 – Tourist attraction, theme park, zoo; 70 – Bridge – pedestrian or traffic 71 – Church and/or church hall; 72 – Desalination plant; 73 – Pump stations, treatment plants (water or sewage); 74 – Community room that is a community titles lot; 75 – Cemetery or crematorium; 76 – Funeral parlour; 77 – Airport, including passenger terminals and freight facilities, excluding runways; 78 – Integrated holiday resort complex; 79 – Drive-in shopping centre; 80 – Showground; 84 – Outdoor storage area; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 85 – Distillery; 86 – Drive-in theatre; 87 – Oil or fuel depot, including refinery; 88 – Transformer, sub-station, television, radio, telecommunications transmission tower or advertising hoarding; 89 – Brewery; 90 – Thoroughfare, roadway; 92 – Store room or garage that is a community titles lot not associated by ownership with another occupied community titles lot in the same scheme; 93 – Surf club that is not licensed premises; 94 – Surf club that is licensed premises; 95 – Bowls club or golf club that is licensed premises; 96 – Club, other than a surf club, bowls club or golf club that is licensed premises; 97 – Club, other than a surf club, that is not licensed premises; 98 – Golf course (no club house). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP A 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP B 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP C 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI MAP D APPENDIX 2 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI MAP E APPENDIX 2 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP F 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP G 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP J 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP K 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP L 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP N 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP O 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP P 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP Q 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 2 MAP R End of Appendix 2] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 3 PART A - RATES REBATE POLICY - HOME OWNERS Subject to the conditions detailed in this Part A, a rate rebate will be granted in 2015-16 to Pensioners who are owner-occupiers of the rated land, For this Part A: (a) (b) a Pensioner is: (i) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Repatriation Health Card for All Conditions; or (ii) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card; or (iii) a person who: (A) receives a Widow Allowance; and (B) holds a current Queensland issued Health Care Card; and (C) was receiving a rates rebate from Council before the death of his/her spouse. a community titles scheme is: (i) a scheme created under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act. (ii) a subdivisional scheme: (A) created by Building Units Plan or Group Titles Plan (as defined); and (B) governed by the Building Units & Group Titles Act, (including a scheme created under the H.S.P. Nominees Acts, the Sanctuary cove Resort Act, the Integrated Resort Development Act or the Mixed Use Development Act. (C) (c) For clarity, a community titles scheme does not include a time share arrangement. reference to a spouse includes a de facto spouse. The following are the conditions for grant of a rebate under this Part A: (1) An applicant must lodge an application: (a) in the form prescribed (if any) for this purpose; (b) accompanied by the supporting material prescribed for the application. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 3 (2) The applicant must be the owner of, and permanently resident at, the premises, and must have been a ratepayer for twelve months immediately before the rebate is granted. Applications by ratepayers who have not been ratepayers for twelve months immediately before their applications are lodged, but have been ratepayers during any previous period of twelve months within the City, will be considered case-by-case, with authority to approve such applications to be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer without restriction in relation to further delegation. An applicant who is a life tenant under the terms of a will or a decision of a superior court (including the Family Court), must be an "owner" as defined in the Local Government Act; OR An applicant must permanently reside at the subject property and must clearly demonstrate that he/she has not been relieved of the responsibility to pay all rates and charges levied in respect of the property despite title to the property being held by or in the name of a bank, other financial institution or government department, for debt security reasons. OR The applicant possesses the legal right (for example, pursuant to a lease) to reside at the subject property and is responsible all outlays in relation to the property, including the payment of all rates and charges. (3) An applicant who holds a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card must be receiving not less than 80% of the full pension of their respective pension type, as at 1 July 2015, subject to amendment in Pension amounts in accordance with CPI increases, and subject to review from time to time by Council, and must produce proof of that pension rate, if requested. An overseas pension amount can be added to the Australian pension amount to make up the qualifying rate of pension. (4) An applicant who receives Widow Allowance must be in receipt of a fortnightly payment from Centrelink that is at least equivalent to Council’s qualifying level of pension. (5) A rebate will be granted only in respect of: (6) (a) a private, single-unit dwelling used as the applicant‘s permanent residence; (b) an individual residential lot within a community titles scheme, used exclusively as the applicant‘s permanent residence; (c) a property rated as flats or units and the applicant resides permanently on the property. A rebate be granted on the following bases: (a) All joint registered owners are eligible Pensioners and jointly occupy the property: (b) Husband and wife are joint owner/occupiers of property but only one is an eligible Pensioner: (c) In all other joint ownership cases, rebate will be granted to eligible owner occupiers pro rata according to their ownership equity in the subject property. The only exception to this condition is where a spouse/de facto spouse provides proof in the form of a court order or other legal document that they are solely responsible for all rates and charges on a property even though their estranged spouse/de facto spouse may be registered as a joint owner of the property. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Full Rebate. Full Rebate. RI APPENDIX 3 (7) A rebate will be granted for current years rates only; however, a rebate may be granted retrospectively in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer sub-delegated such authority by the Chief Executive Officer. (8) A discount, where applicable under Council’s discount policy, will apply to the gross rates and charges prior to rebate and subsidy amounts being deducted. (9) A pro-rata rebate will be granted: (10) (a) up to and including the date of sale; (b) on and from the date of grant of a qualifying level of pension subject to condition (2). In cases where: (a) a ratepayer is eligible for a rebate and pays their annual rate account in the first half of a financial year; and (b) the Pensioner subsequently becomes ineligible for a rebate following advice received as a consequence of Council’s pensioner verification process; and (c) Council is made aware that the death of the ratepayer’s spouse contributed to the ratepayer becoming ineligible to receive a rebate. the ratepayer will be deemed to be eligible to receive pensioner rebate for the remainder of the current financial year. (11) An inspector's verification of information contained in any application may be obtained at any time. [End of Appendix 3] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 4 PART B - RATES REBATE POLICY - NON-HOME-OWNERS Subject to the conditions detailed in this Part B, a rate rebate will be granted in 2015-16 to owners of land tenanted or otherwise occupied by Pensioners, as their permanent residence, under a Long Residence Arrangement: For this Part B: (a) (b) (c) a Pensioner is: (i) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Repatriation Health Card for All Conditions; or (ii) a person who holds a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card; a Long Residence Arrangement is: (i) a lease, licence, or other occupancy entitlement, for a term not shorter than 90 years (including, for clarity, a lifetime lease or licence); or (ii) a share in a company title scheme; a company title scheme is one under which: (i) a company owns the property that includes the building in which the dwelling unit is contained (together with other dwelling units); and (ii) the ownership of a share (or shares) in the company entitles the holder to occupy his/her dwelling; but (iii) the shareholder does not acquire ownership of the dwelling itself; (d) a community titles scheme is: (i) a scheme created under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act. (ii) a subdivisional scheme: (A) created by Building Units Plan or Group Titles Plan (as defined); and (B) governed by the Building Units & Group Titles Act, (including a scheme created under the H.S.P. Nominees Acts, the Sanctuary cove Resort Act, the Integrated Resort Development Act or the Mixed Use Development Act. (C) (e) For clarity, a community titles scheme does not include a time share arrangement. reference to a spouse includes a de facto spouse. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 4 The following are the conditions for grant of a rebate under this Part B: (1) (2) An applicant must lodge an application: (a) in the form prescribed (if any) for this purpose; and (b) accompanied by: (i) satisfactory evidence that, as at 1 July, 2014, he/she occupies the property as his/her permanent residence under a Long Residence Arrangement; and (ii) other supporting material prescribed for the application. The applicant and the property owner must sign an acknowledgement and undertaking: (i) confirming the occupancy and tenure information provided by the applicant; (ii) acknowledging that the rates and charges for the property will be reduced on the basis only that one or more Pensioners occupy the property as their permanent residence; (iii) binds the property owner to pass to the Pensioner-occupant/s the benefit of the rebate, if the rebate concession is granted. (3) An applicant who holds a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card must be receiving not less than 80% of the full pension of their respective pension type, as at 1 July 2015, subject to amendment in Pension amounts in accordance with CPI increases, and subject to review from time to time by Council, and must produce proof of that pension rate, if requested. An overseas pension amount can be added to the Australian pension amount to make up the qualifying rate of pension. (4) A rebate will be granted only in respect of: (5) (a) a private, single-unit dwelling used as the applicant’s permanent residence. (b) an individual residential lot within a community titles scheme, used exclusively as the applicant‘s permanent residence; (c) a property rated as flats or units, at which the applicant resides permanently. A rebate be granted on the following bases: (a) All occupiers of the property are eligible Pensioners: (b) Husband and wife are joint occupiers of property but only one is an eligible Pensioner: (c) Where a spouse/de facto spouse provides proof in the form of a court order or other legal documents that they are solely responsible for all rates and charges on a property even though their estranged spouse/de facto spouse may be registered as a joint owner of the subject property: Full Rebate. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV Full Rebate. Full Rebate. RI APPENDIX 4 (6) An applicant must have permanently resided at the premises for twelve months immediately before the rebate is granted. Applications by persons who have not been resident within the City for twelve months immediately before lodging their applications, but have been ratepayers or residents of the City for previous periods of twelve months, will be considered case-by-case. Authority to approve such applications is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer without restriction concerning sub-delegation. (7) A rebate will be granted for current-year rates only, but a rebate may be granted retrospectively in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer sub-delegated such authority by the Chief Executive Officer. (8) A discount, where applicable under Council’s discount policy, will apply to the gross rates and charges prior to rebate and subsidy amounts being deducted. (9) No pro-rata rebates will be granted. (10) In cases where: (a) (b) (c) a ratepayer is eligible for a Council rebate and pays their annual rate account in the first half of a financial year; and the Pensioner subsequently becomes ineligible for a rebate following advice received as a consequence of Council’s pensioner verification process; and Council is made aware that the death of the Pensioner’s spouse contributed to the ratepayer becoming ineligible for a rebate; the ratepayer will be deemed to be eligible to receive a Pensioner rebate for the remainder of the current financial year. [End of Appendix 4] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 5 RATES REBATE POLICY - SCHEDULE OF REBATES A rebate of the differential general rate will be granted. The rebate will be the lower of 100% of the differential rate otherwise payable and $270.00 per annum. Rebates will not be granted for any other rates or charges. [End of Appendix 5] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 RATE DONATION, INFRASTRUCTURE CHARGES AND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FEE DISCOUNT POLICY Categories of Rate Donation Category 1: Organisations to be considered eligible under this category: x People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance the condition and welfare of people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent x Poverty - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to prevent and relieve poverty. x Cultural - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance or encourage, or educate the public in, arts or cultural development x Health - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance health x People with a disability - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to provide advocacy or support and assist people with a disability x Sporting and recreational - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to promote sporting and recreational activities, health and well-being x Animals - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to protect, care for, preserve, or study animals, or improve the community’s moral feeling towards them x Environment - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to protect, preserve, care for, and educate the community about the environment x Industry, commerce, agriculture - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance industry, commerce or agriculture x Veterans - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to provide welfare services to veterans and/or families of deceased veterans Rate donation benefits: x 100% donation of the annual general rate; x 100% donation of the annual open space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual recreational space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual city transport improvement separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual transitional volunteer fire brigade separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual water access charge; x 100% donation of the annual sewerage access charge; x 50% donation of the annual waste management utility charges; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 x 100% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee discounts applicable under this category for the 2015-16 financial year: x 50% discount, with any discount on infrastructure charges being capped at a maximum of $50,000 per non-profit entity, per financial year; x No discount applicable to water supply and sewerage infrastructure charges. Non-profit organisations – examples – Category 1 People of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent ¾ Health and welfare services for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. ¾ Cultural organisations or societies that encourage and promote cultivation and appreciation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander art, dance or history. Poverty ¾ Community services that work to prevent and relieve poverty ¾ Community services that provide food to vulnerable residents Cultural ¾ Societies that encourage and promote cultivation and appreciation of the fine arts, theatre, dance, etc. ¾ Choral and orchestral societies ¾ Historical museums/societies Health ¾ Alcohol and drug education bodies ¾ Family support services providing services such as counselling ¾ Nursing services ¾ Health promotion bodies; for example, cancer council, diabetes societies, epilepsy associations, heart and asthma foundations, Alzheimer’s associations, arthritis foundations ¾ Charities that promote health or relieve sickness ¾ Patient transport services People with a disability ¾ Organisations that provide support and assistance to people with cognitive, physical or vision impairment 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 ¾ Community organisations that provide food, home visits and assistance with day to day activities such as shopping, for people with a disability. ¾ Home modification and maintenance services ¾ Respite care, social and recreational services ¾ Sheltered workshops. ¾ Organisations that provide resources services such as equipment hire and transport. Sporting and Recreational ¾ Community organisations carried on for sporting and recreational purposes for example, football, cricket, boating and fishing, horse riding, athletics, swimming, archery, rowing, BMX, wood-turning, embroidery, pottery, dancing, etc. ¾ Organisations promoting community participation in health and well-being programs through provision and use of facilities; for example, gyms, swimming pools, sporting ovals, walking and running tracks, accommodation, etc. Animals ¾ Guide dog associations ¾ Animal refuges and shelters that help lost, sick or injured animals including organisations that care for unwanted and deserted pets ¾ Wildlife protection societies involved in protecting and preserving wildlife and organising wildlife rescues Environment ¾ Conservation bodies that help protect the environment ¾ Flora and fauna conservation societies Industry, commerce, agriculture ¾ Apprenticeship and traineeship organisations ¾ Industry training organisations ¾ Agricultural/show societies ¾ Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Chamber of Commerce Veterans ¾ Legacy ¾ Veterans associations providing welfare services for veterans ¾ RSL and RSL Sub-branches Category 2: Organisations to be considered eligible under this category: 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 x Disaster relief and public safety - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to relieve or prevent distresses by natural and man-made catastrophes and hazards; x Locality or neighbourhood - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit by providing facilities, or a range of community activities, for the benefit of a particular suburb or region; x Young people - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to assist, educate and develop young people; x Older people - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to support and assist older people; x Miscellaneous – other non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit which are not readily identifiable under any other category. To be granted only via a Council resolution. Rate donation benefits: x 100% donation of the annual general rate; x 100% donation of the annual open space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual recreational space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual city transport improvement separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual transitional volunteer fire brigade separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual water access charge; x 100% donation of the annual sewerage access charge; x 100% donation of the annual waste management utility charges; x 100% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. x 50% donation of the water consumption charge (inclusive of the State bulk component); x 50% donation of the sewerage volumetric charge 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee discounts applicable under this category for the 2015-16 financial year: x 50% discount, with any discount on infrastructure charges being capped at a maximum of $50,000 per non-profit entity, per financial year; x No discount applicable to water supply and sewerage infrastructure charges. Non-profit organisations – examples – Category 2 Disaster relief and public safety ¾ Surf Life Saving Clubs ¾ Volunteer emergency rescue bodies Locality or neighbourhood ¾ Community halls / centres Young people ¾ Child care centres ¾ Crèche / Kindergartens ¾ Scouts, Brownies and Guides ¾ Youth associations / Youth camps Older people ¾ Organisations that provide support and assistance to older people ¾ Community organisations that provide support and assistance, food and/or home visits for older people ¾ Home modification and maintenance services for older people ¾ Respite care, social and recreational services Miscellaneous ¾ Other non-profit entities not readily identifiable under any other category (subject to separate Council resolution). Category 3: Organisations to be considered eligible under this category: x Religion - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance religion including housing e.g. manses incidental to this purpose and the administration of the religious entity; 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 x Aged Care - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to relieve needs arising from old age involving accommodation, nursing and health care; x Education - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit to advance education. Rate donation benefits: x 100% donation of the annual water access charge; x 100% donation of the annual sewerage access charge; Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee discounts applicable under this category for the 2015-16 financial year: x 50% discount, with any discount on infrastructure charges being capped at a maximum of $50,000 per non-profit entity, per financial year; x No discount applicable to water supply and sewerage infrastructure charges. Non-profit organisations – examples – Category 3 Religion ¾ Churches and church halls Aged Care ¾ ¾ Nursing homes and aged care facilities run by religious denominations Nursing homes and aged care facilities run by social welfare organisations Education ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Pre-schools Schools and colleges Schools and colleges run by religious denominations Universities Category 4: Organisations, other than surf lifesaving clubs, to be considered eligible under this category: x Sporting Club/Recreational Club - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit by providing club premises incidental to the promotion and participation in sporting and recreational activity and that hold either a gaming and/or full liquor licence subject to the following exclusions: Rate concessions will not be extended to any sporting clubs/organisations that hold full liquor licences or gaming licences when: (a) the number of electronic gaming machines (pokies) within the organisation’s premises exceeds 50; and (b) the land upon which is constructed the organisation’s premises is not leased from either Council or the State Government. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 Rate donation benefits: x 50% donation of the annual general rate; x 100% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee discounts applicable under this category for the 2015-16 financial year: x 50% discount, with any discount on infrastructure charges being capped at a maximum of $50,000 per non-profit entity, per financial year; x No discount applicable to water supply and sewerage infrastructure charges. Non-profit organisations – examples – Category 4 Sporting Club/Recreational Club (other than a Surf Life Saving Club) that holds either a gaming and/or full liquor licence ¾ ¾ ¾ Bowls club. Golf club. Football club. Category 5: Organisations to be considered eligible under this category: x Crisis and emergency accommodation - non-profit entities that operate for the public benefit by providing crisis accommodation i.e. transitional short – medium term accommodation including for example, accommodation for persons escaping domestic violence. Rate donation benefits: x 100% donation of the annual general rate. x 100% donation of the annual open space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual recreational space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual city transport improvement separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual transitional volunteer fire brigade separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 Provision: Any other organisation providing accommodation, other than crisis and emergency accommodation will not be eligible for concessions (donations) under the Rate Donation, Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee Discount Policy. However, those organisations providing accommodation, other than crisis and emergency accommodation and in receipt of concessions (donations) as at 30 June 2013, will continue to receive concessions (donations) subject to the following conditions: For the 2015-16 financial year: x 33% donation of the annual general rate. x 33% donation of the annual open space separate charge; x 33% donation of the annual recreational space separate charge; x 33% donation of the annual city transport improvement separate charge; x 33% donation of the annual transitional volunteer fire brigade separate charge; x 33% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. From the 2016-17 financial year the affected organisations by this provision will no longer receive concessions (donations). Infrastructure Charges and Development Application Fee discounts applicable under this category for the 2015-16 financial year: 50% discount, with any discount on infrastructure charges being capped at a maximum of $50,000 per non-profit entity, per financial year; No discount applicable to water supply and sewerage infrastructure charges. Non-profit organisations – examples – Category 5 Housing ¾ Women shelters (short – medium term accommodation). 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI APPENDIX 6 Category Y: Organisations considered eligible under this category by way of separate Council resolution: x Sporting stadiums – State Government entity which operates Skilled Park (Robina) and Metricon Stadium (Carrara). Rate donation benefits: x 100% donation of the annual general rate. x 100% donation of the annual open space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual recreational space separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual city transport improvement separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual transitional volunteer fire brigade separate charge; x 100% donation of the annual special rates to fund local centre improvement programs, safety camera and communication networks and approved local management and promotion organisations or the like. x 100% donation of the annual waste management utility charge; x 100% donation of the annual water service charge; x 100% donation of the annual sewerage service charge; x 100% donation of the water consumption charge; x 100% donation of the sewage volumetric charge. [End of Appendix 6] [End of Revenue Statement] 5HYHQXH6WDWHPHQWDQG5HVROXWLRQRI5DWHVDQG&KDUJHV RI