Estimation of coupling coefficient for wireless power transfer KAZUYA YAMAGUCHI Miyazaki university Engineering Miyazaki City JAPAN ICHIJO HODAKA Miyazaki university Engineering Miyazaki City JAPAN YUTA YAMAMOTO Miyazaki university Engineering Miyazaki City JAPAN Abstract: In order to implement a highly efficient wireless power transfer, it is necessary to cause electromagnetic resonance by adjusting the frequency of AC power supply as a transmission side. The position relationship between two coils in transmitter and receiver influences on the coupling coefficient between the coils. This paper proposes to estimate the coupling coefficient instead of the position relationship. Estimation is performed by system identification approach. This paper discusses how to decide the hold time and sampling period for system identification. This will provide one of methods online applicable to the variation of the position relationships of two coils. Key–Words: wireless power transfer,system identification,coupling coefficient 1 Introduction Recently, the concept of wireless power transfer has attracted the attention. It aims wireless power transfer over the distance (0.1 to 1 meter) longer than the conventional transfer. This special situation is known to be realized by causing a resonance phenomenon. Therefore in order to implement effective wireless power transfer, we should detect at least whether or not the resonance phenomenon appears. We focus on a coupling coefficient between transmitting and receiving coils as a parameter for detecting the phenomenon. As for an ordinary transformer, which is also one of device for wireless power transfer, the coupling coefficient between two coils is fixed, of course. However our wireless power transfer supposes that two coils are independent. Consequently, the coupling coefficient is given by each task of power transfer, and it is not known beforehand if we suppose various applications. Thus we should adjust the frequency of power supply for each task so as to cause resonance phenomena. At last we should measure or estimate the coupling coefficient for each task. We propose to estimate the coupling coefficient of a circuit for wireless power transfer by using so called system identification method since it is difficult to measure the coefficient directly. This identification method estimates a black box with a given input data and the resultant output data. However, the estimation requires an appropriate sampling period and hold time in order to convert a discrete time signal into a continuous time signal, and vice versa. This paper discusses how to decide the sampling period and hold time in order to estimate the coupling coefficient as accurately as possible. This leads to implement a highly efficient wireless power transfer system. 2 Estimation steps of the coupling coefficient This section considers a typical circuit for wireless power transfer. We will try to decide a hold time by inspecting step response. With the hold time we will perform a simulation of the behavior of the circuit in continuous time. Then we will obtain discrete time signals of voltages over transmitting and receiving coils with a temporary sampling period at least shorter than the hold time. Finally we will have an estimated coupling coefficient after performing system identification algorithm with the discrete time signals. A circuit used in this simulation is shown in Fig.1. + + - - Figure 1: circuit of simulation We set that R1 = R2 = 1kΩ, L1 = L2 = 10mH, C1 = C2 = 200nF. The transformer in Fig.1 is noticed, and equations of voitage y1 , y2 of transmit- ting and receiving coils are written as below. √ di1 di2 + k L1 L2 dt dt √ di1 di2 = k L1 L2 + L2 . dt dt y1 = L1 y2 (1) k(0 < k < 1) is the coupling coefficient. From Fig.1 and the equation (1), the following circuit equation can be obtained. From Fig.2, it is seen that the response converges approximately 3 msec. The input signal by M series with a long period repeats on and off at least three times in one cycle, we can assess that Th = 1msec so that y1 and y2 are both converge. The continuoustime input signal is generated by holding discrete-time M series whose period is N = 63 with Th = 1msec. The generated input signal is shown in Fig.3. √ i̇ L k L L 0 1 1 1 2 √ L2 0 i̇2 k L1 L2 0 0 C2 ẏ2 6 4 y1 y2 = . y2 − R2 − i2 Voltage [V] 2 (2) 0 -2 From the equation (2), the trunsfer function G(s) from y1 to y2 is obtained in the following. k L1 L2 C2 (1−k2 ) . 1 1 R2 C2 s + L2 C2 (1−k2 ) √ G(s) = s2 + -6 (3) 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.2 1.22 1.24 time [sec] Figure.3 M series Since all the coefficients in the denominator are positive, G(s) is a stable transfer function. Set the co1 efficients as f1 = R21C2 , f2 = L2 C2 (1−k 2 ) , f3 = k √ . L1 L2 C2 (1−k2 ) If these coefficients are estimated, the coupling coefficient k to be found will be easily recovered. 3 -4 With the input signal y1 and the resultant output signal y2 , an estimation algorithm are performed to estimate the transfer function G(s). The output signal is discretized with a sampling period Ts = 10µsec. The calculation is done by MATLAB. We have an estimated Problem Solution A step response experiment is performed in order to decide Th with a unit step input u = 5 in Fig.1. The result of the simulation with the coupling coefficient k = 0.8 is shown in Fig.2. G(s) = 1.112 × 108 , s2 + 5.002 × 103 s + 1.389 × 108 (4) for the true 6 5 G(s) = Voltage [V] 4 1.1 × 108 . s2 + 5.0 × 103 s + 1.4 × 108 (5) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 0.5m 1m 1.5m 2m time [sec] Figure.2 step responce 2.5m 3m Notice here that the target value to be found is the coupling coefficient k in the coefficients. There are five unknown numbers of R2 , L1 , L2 , C2 , k whereas three estimated equations concerned with f1 , f2 , f3 . Hence we assume that we know R2 = 103 , L1 = 0.1 and the value of k is found by comparing coefficients of the equations (4) and (3). Finally k = 0.8002 is obtained. The result for different Ts , Th for each value of k is shown below. sampling period [sec] -5 -4 -6 5× 10 =0.8 =0.6 =0.4 =0.2 -1 10 -2 error -5 10 1010 5×5× 10 References: -4 -4 10 5×10 5× -3 = 10 -3 10 -4 10 Figure.4 various sampling period hold time [sec] =0.8 =0.6 =0.4 =0.2 -3 10 error -5 = 10 5×-4 10 -4 10 -4 -4 5× 10 10 -3 10 -3-3 5×10 10 5× -2 10 Figure.5 various hold time 4 Conclusion According to Fig. 4 and 5, we can see that the errors are small for shorter sampling periods Ts and longer hold times Th . This observation is quite natural, but shorter Ts or longer Th generally requires longer period for each calculation for identification. Thus we suggest that the value of Ts should be taken as approximately one-hundredth of Th . We summarize the best condition as below. Th Te Ts Table.1 best conditions 1msec 125msec(2 periods of M series) 10µsec If we can estimate the coupling coefficient in a given wireless power transfer system by the proposed method, we expect that we can decide a frequency to cause resonance with knowledge of the coupling coefficient. This will lead to more efficient wireless power transfer in future. [1] Andre Kurs, et al, Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances, Science 317, 83, 2007. [2] Y. Yamamoto, I. Hodaka, E.Setiawan, System identification approach to diadnostics for switching circuits, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference at Singapole, 2012. [3] T. Mita, digital control theory, shokodo, 1984. [4] L. Ljung: System Identification Toolbox - For Use with MATLAB, The MathWorks, Inc., 2006. [5] S. 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