EE12: Laboratory Project (Part-2) AM Transmitter ECE Department, Tufts University Spring 2008 1 Objective This laboratory exercise is the second part of the EE12 project of building an AM transmitter in medium-wave band (550kHz-1700kHz). This part of the project involves in using the LC based oscillator (Colpitt Oscillator) already designed and design an Amplitude Modulator using voice-band signal from the line-out port of the PC to transmit voice. Vdd= 9V L1 500µH R1 CVdd Q1 10µF 2N3704 RE1 CB 1nF R2 RE2 C1 CT 1-10K 470Ω vrf 6-60pF C2 Figure 1: Circuit Diagram of the Modified Colpitt Oscillator 1 2 The Modified Colpitt Oscillator The circuit shown in Figure-1 is the modified Colpitt oscillator. The only modification being the emitter resistor RE . It’s divided into two resistors RE1 and RE2 and the LC tank is fed at the voltage divider instead of the emitter directly. The purpose is to give an extra degree of freedom to adjust the gm of the feedback by changing the ratio of RE1 to RE2 . By adjusting the gm we can get an oscillation with reduced distortion. Also, it provides an low-impedance output to the next stage ie. the Amplitude Modulator. Parts List The parts remain same as the previous Laboratory exercise except for the following: • L1 = 500µH using two 1mH in parallel. • The purpose of having RE1 is to vary it to the point where you get the oscillator to just get into oscillation and this will ensure an oscillation with less distortion. For PSpice you can use RE1 ≈ 1.5kΩ and you should get it to oscillate. 2 Vdd Antenna RL Cant Q1 vosc Iaudio vaudio CE Figure 2: Architecture of Amplitude Modulator 3 Amplitude Modulator Architecture Figure-2 shows the architecture of the proposed Amplitude Modulator based on a simple multiplier circuit. The oscillator signal (vosc ) is fed to the base of Q1 which is configured as an common-emitter amplifier with CE chosen such that it is very low-impedance at the oscillation frequency. The bias is provided by the current source Iaudio which is modulated by the input signal from the PC. Since the gain is directly proportional to the bias current, the amplitude is modulated with the input signal (vaudio ). Finally, the antenna, which has an inherent inductance associated with it, is made to resonate with Cant so it carries only the RF signal and rest of the frequencies are filtered out. Circuit Design Figure-3 shows the reference design for the Amplitude Modulator. vosc is the signal from the Colpitt oscillator in Figure-1. Cc1 , R6 , R1 , R2 , Q1 and CE for the common-emitter amplifier for the carrier signal (vosc ). Cc2 , R7 , C2 , R3 , R4 , Q2 and RE form the modulator of the bias current for the RF amplifier. The collector current of Q1 will not only contain the carrier signal with it’s modulated sidebands, but also the baseband signal (ie. audio signal). 3 Vdd=9V CVdd C1 R5 R1 L1 Lant 500µH 400µΗ 10µF vc1 Cant vosc CC1 R6 From the oscillator Q1 2N3704 vb1 R2 Vdd ve1 R3 CC2 400Ω R7 vb2 vin Q2 2N3704 CE ve2 R4 2VPK RE C2 Model of the PC lineout Figure 3: Reference Circuit for the Amplitude Modulator L1 , C1 , R5 form the band-pass filter to filter out everything but the signal to be transmitted. With everything filtered out but the AM signal, Lant , Cant is made to resonate at the carrier frequency such that all the AM signal goes through Lant . Since the AM band frequency is so low that in order to have a resonating dipole antenna we need a very long wire (about 100m of wire), we instead use a ferrite core inductor which has a small radiating resistance. The audio signal is going to be provided from the line-out port of the PC which can be modeled as an Thevnin source with max 2V peak and a source resistance of 400Ω as shown in Figure-3. 4 Guidelines for Calculating Component values • Choose R1 and R2 such that vb1 ≈ 5V and the source impedance for the Thevnin equivalent is ≈ 10kΩ. • Choose R3 and R4 such that vb2 ≈ 2.8V and the source impedance for the Thevnin equivalent is ≈ 10kΩ. • Choose RE such that the DC emitter current of Q2 is approximately 1mA. • Choose C2 such that it forms a low-pass filter from vin to vb2 and choose the worst-case cut-off frequency to greater than 20KHz. • Choose CE such that the magnitude of the AC impedance of CE is 3 − 10Ω at 500kHz. • R6 and R7 can be chosen to be 100kΩ potentiometers. • Cc1 forms the high-pass filter to isolate the DC from the oscillator. Choose an appropriate value of Cc1 such that the low-frequency −3dB point is well below 500KHz for example 100 KHz. • Similarly choose a value for Cc2 such that the low-frequency −3dB point less than 10Hz. • R5 , C1, L1 forms a band-pass filter. Choose C1 for ωo = 750KHz and R5 such that the bandwidth is approximately 300KHz. Hint: See Lecture-21 notes for relation between Q and bandwidth of a parallel R-L-C network. • Choose Cant such that the series Lant , Cant resonate at ωo = 750KHz. Add a variable capacitor in parallel when building the circuit to tune it to the exact frequency. Guidelines for PSpice Simulation • After you get the oscillation, choose R6 such that the oscillation amplitude at the base of Q1 is small enough that it’s in the small-signal domain. • Provide a single tone of 5 kHz at the input as your voice signal. • When you provide the input signal, you can check if the modulating signal is too big or small by monitoring the collector current of Q1 . 5 • Since the collector current will contain large portion of the input signal, it will be hard to see the amplitude modulation in time-domain. So, do a FFT on the IC1 and you should see two sidebands related to the input signal. • Monitor the voltage at collector of Q1 to make sure the signal amplitude is small enough not to distort your signal. • Monitor the current in Lant . It should contain a healthy amplitude modulated signal and again you can use FFT to measure that. 6