Great River Energy 1.0 Transmission Department Transmission Planning Issue Date: January 30, 2015 Previous Date: February 21, 2014 Planning Criteria SCOPE/PURPOSE This document contains the planning criteria that Great River Energy (GRE) uses to ensure that the GRE transmission system is adequate to reliably deliver power to systems connected to and customers dependent upon GRE’s transmission system, provide support to distribution systems interconnected to GRE’s transmission system, deliver energy from existing and new generation facilities connected to the GRE transmission system and support effective competition in energy markets. This document may be revised from time to time, as appropriate, in response to new system conditions, new technologies being employed and new operating procedures. The criteria described below will be subject to change at any time at GRE’s discretion. Situations that could precipitate such a change could include, but are not limited to, new system conditions, extraordinary events, safety issues, operational issues, maintenance issues, customer requests, Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO), regulatory requirements and Regional Reliability Organizations (RROs), e.g. Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) or NERC requirements. New interconnections to the GRE transmission system will be analyzed 1 to determine whether system performance is degraded to the point where it violates the planning criteria. When GRE is required to model the facilities of foreign Transmission Owners to conduct an assessment, GRE will adhere to the facility owner’s planning criteria requirements. 2.0 REQUIREMENTS IN NERC STANDARDS The transmission system will be evaluated for compliance with the requirements in NERC Standards 2 TPL-001 through TPL-004 (Categories A to D) and TPL-001-4 3 (Categories P0 to P7) when it becomes fully effective (January 1, 2016). Both GRE-owned facilities and facilities in foreign areas where GRE customer load may be impacted will be evaluated. 3.0 SYSTEM MODELING CRITERIA Steady state and transient assessments are performed to assure avoidance of equipment overloads, prevention of unacceptable system voltage levels and satisfactory system reactive power resources. Assessments will include consideration of the following system load conditions for possible further analysis. Detailed analysis will be conducted on those system conditions which are likely to cause the most severe impact to criteria. 1 Per GRE TDOG-108, “GRE Planning Criteria” NERC Standards can be found at: CompleteSet.pdf 3 Table 1 from NERC Standard TPL-001-4 is included as Appendix I 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Summer peak Winter peak Summer off-peak Spring peak Fall peak Minimum load For generator interconnection studies, new generation will be studied with the new generation and all other local generation at full output, at both minimum load and peak load conditions, to determine whether the aggregate of the generation in the local area can be delivered to the aggregate of load on the transmission system. 4 4.0 VOLTAGE CRITERIA GRE’s planning criteria regarding voltage limits on equipment are shown in Table 1. Table 1 GRE Voltage Criteria Voltage Ranges Facility Hubbard 230 & 115 kV Wing Rive r 230 & 115 kV 4 5 6 7 Allowable Planned Voltage Tolerances Per Unit of Nominal Normal Emergency Transient Max Min Max Min Max Min 1.05 0.96 1.10 0.92 1.20 0.75 1.05 0.96 1.10 0.92 1.20 0.75 Ramsey 230 kV 1.05 0.95 1.15 0.90 Balta 230 kV 1.05 0.95 1.10 0.90 Coal Creek 230 kV7 Dickinson 345 kV Fond du Lac 69 kV Load Serving Buses Remaining Buses Voltage Flicker (%) 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.05 1.05 3% 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 NA 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 5% 0.90 0.90 0.9 0.92 0.90 NA MISO Tariff, Attachment X, section 3.2.2. 2, effective November 14, 2014. The Ramsey bus is allowed 1.65 per unit for 5 cycles. The Balta bus is allowed 1. 65 per unit for 5 cycles. This bus has a 1.20 p.u. overvoltage criteria for CU DC Bi-pole fault (ei2). Page 2 of 10 1.30 for 200 msec5 1.30 for 200 msec6 1.18 1.17 1.20 1.20 1.20 NA 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 NA 5.0 FACILITY LOADING CRITERIA GRE’s planning criteria for loading of transmission facilities are shown in Table 2. Table 2 GRE Facility Loading Criteria Facility Ratings Condition Normal Emergency 8 6.0 Station Transforme r Equipment Loadin Loading Duration Duration Loading Duration g 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% NA 100% NA 100% NA Line MW-MILE CRITERIA 6.1 Radial MW-Mile Analysis • The MW- mile value for a radially fed circuit is calculated by summing the flow across each radial line segment times the length (in miles) of the respective segment. • The MW- mile value of the circuit should not exceed 100 MW- miles. 6.2 Breaker MW-Mile Analysis • The Breaker MW-Mile calculation is based on the product of the total real power components (load and generation) on the line(s) between the circuit breakers and the total line mileage of the same line(s) between the same circuit breakers. • MW-mile magnitudes of less than 1000 are typical and acceptable. • MW-mile magnitudes between 1000 and 2000 are higher than usual. If records indicate poor reliability, then corrective action shall be investigated. • MW-mile magnitudes higher than 2000 indicate a high amount of exposure and risk to the system. Corrective action shall be investigated. 8 GRE will conduct an engineering analysis, when needed, to determine whether a specific facility is capable a short-term emergency rating for a limited time duration. Page 3 of 10 7.0 MAXIMUM OF THREE SOURCE TERMINALS GRE will not allow breaker exposure to exceed three sources (terminals). Transmission installations that exceed a three-terminal level will require the installation of either a normal open point between the group of breakers or a breaker station, such that at least one breaker terminal is eliminated from the exposure. New three-terminal exposures will be reviewed to determine whether appropriate relay protection can exist in the new, proposed configuration. Resolution to potential relaying concerns can be accomplished by adding breaker protection or by opening the system. GRE will not allow its system to be opened until the new configuration had been thoroughly analyzed for impacts to service to customers. 8.0 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM PLANNING PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 8.1. Steady State Assessments GRE will maintain appropriate planning criteria for all categories of events allowing for some loss in demand for some Category P2 events. Please reference NERC Standard TPL-001-4, Table 1 for a further description of the performance requirements for the various event categories. In addition, generation interconnection analysis will include the loss of a large, local load that might affect the loading on the local transmission system. 8.2. Transient Stability Assessments Transient and dynamic stability assessments are generally performed to assure the avoidance of loss of generator synchronism, prevention of system voltage collapse and the adequacy of system reactive power resources during the 20 seconds following a system disturbance. The transient and dynamic system stability performance criteria to be utilized by GRE shall include the following factors. GRE will perform transient stability assessments when a need is indicated or on a regular basis per NERC Standards. These assessments will include, but are not limited to, consideration of the following system load conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Summer peak Summer off-peak Winter peak Minimum load The first and third conditions are typically used for voltage stability studies. The second and fourth conditions are primarily used for angular stability studies. GRE will perform local and regional disturbances for assessment purposes on Category P1 through P7 events. All disturbances will be given a one (1) cycle margin on breaker clearing time. Page 4 of 10 The performance assessment will be based on: a. Voltage stability based on meeting GRE transient criteria or the criteria of the facility owner. b. Voltage stability will be maintained by operating at or below the Plimit defined as the power transfer limit across the critical interface. Plimit will be 90 percent of the Pcritical where Pcritical is defined as the maximum power transfer (the nose of P-V curve). c. Angular stability will avoid separation of the system unless some generation units are deliberately islanded. d. Cascade tripping of transmission lines will be monitored and avoided unless planned cascading is initiated. e. Uncontrolled loss of load will be avoided. f. No unit will exhibit poorly damped angular oscillations or unacceptable power swings. All machine rotor angle oscillations will be positively damped and calculated from the Successive Positive Peak Ratio (SPPR) of the peak-topeak amplitude of the rotor oscillation. SPPR and the associated Damping Factor will be calculated as: SPPR = Successive swing amplitude / Previous swing amplitude and, Damping Factor = (1 - SPPR) * 100 (in %) The damping criteria are as follows (with increased damping required for higher probability events): For disturbances (with faults): SPPR (maximum) = 0.95; Damping Factor (minimum) = 5% For line trips: SPPR (maximum) = 0.90; Damping Factor (minimum) = 10% The calculation of damping is based on successive positive peak ratios. In some cases, the SPPR calculation fails due to a constant rate of change of rotor angles caused by a significant generation loss and resulting significant frequency change. In these cases, Prony analysis should be utilized to calculate damping ratios on the appropriate modes of oscillation, and the damping ratio criteria (equivalent to the damping factor criteria above) are as follows: • • For disturbances (with faults): Minimum Damping Ratio = 0.0081633 For line trips: Minimum Equivalent Damping Ratio = 0.016766 Page 5 of 10 8.3. Voltage Flicker Voltage fluctuations may be noticeable as visual lighting variations (flicker) and can damage or disrupt the operation of electronic equipment. Sources of flicker are not allowed to produce flicker to adjacent customers that exceeds the GRE guideline shown below (Figure 1). The source will be responsible and liable for corrections if the interconnecting Facility is the cause of objectionable flicker levels. The flicker limits defined below are applicable to all interconnections made to the GRE system. The criteria for acceptable voltage flicker levels are defined by the requirements of regulatory entities in the states in which GRE owns and operates transmission facilities, IEEE recommended practices and requirements and the judgment of GRE. The following flicker level criteria are to be modeled at periods that the element causing the flicker is expected to be integrated into or removed from the transmission grid. If electrically close, generation should be scheduled off- line if not a baseload plant. GRE requires studies to be done for normal conditions and with an outage. If the limits defined below are exceeded under intact or outage conditions, the flicker producing source must be operated in a manner that does not adversely affect other loads. Planned outages can be dealt with by coordinating transmission and flicker producing load outages. Because operating restrictions during unplanned outages may be severe, it would be prudent for the owner of the harmonic producing load to study the effect of known, critical or long-term outages before they occur so that remedial actions or operating restrictions can be designed before an outage occurs. All GRE buses are required to adhere to the following two criteria. 1) Relative steady state voltage change is limited to 3 percent of the nominal voltage for intact system condition simulations. The relative steady state voltage change is the difference in voltage before and after an event, such as capacitor switching or large motor starting. 2) Relative steady state voltage change is limited to 5 percent of the nominal voltage for contingency condition simulations. GRE uses the flicker curve in IEEE Standard 141-1993 (commonly referred to as “The Modified GE Flicker Curve”) to determine the acceptability of single frequency flicker. Page 6 of 10 Figure 1 GRE Voltage Flicker Guideline GRE GUIDELINE 8.4 Harmonic voltage distortion GRE advises the interconnection customer to account for harmonics during the early planning and design stages. The interconnection customer’s equipment shall not introduce excessive distortion to the transmission system voltage and current waveforms per IEEE 519-1992. Refer to Tables 3 and 4 below for voltage distortion limits. Table 3 Voltage Distortion Limits Individual Voltage Distortion IHD % Total Voltage Distortion THD Below 69 kV 3.0 5.0 69 kV to 115 kV 1.5 2.5 115 kV and above 1.0 1.5 Bus Voltage At PCC Source: IEEE 519, Table 11.1 Page 7 of 10 Table 4 Curre nt Distortion Limits For Non-Linear Loads At The Point Of Common Coupling (PCC) From 120 To 69,000 Volts Maximum Harmonic Current Distribution in % of Fundame ntal Harmonic Order (Odd Harmonics) I(sc)/I(l) <11 11<h<17 17<h<23 23<h<35 35<h THD 20 4.0 2.0 1.5 0.6 0.3 5.0 20-50 7.0 3.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 8.0 50-100 10.0 4.5 4.0 1.5 0.7 12.0 100-1000 12.0 5.5 5.0 2.0 1.0 15.0 1000 Where: 15.0 7.0 6.0 2.5 1.4 20.0 I(sc) = Maximum short circuit current at PCC I(l) = Maximum load current (fundamental frequency) at PCC PCC = Point of Common Coupling between Applicant and utility Generation equipment is subject to the lowest I(sc)/I(l) values Even harmonics are limited to 25% of odd harmonic limits given above Source: IEEE 519, Table 10.3 A special study will be required for situations when the fault to load ratio is less than 10. 9.0 SPECIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS GRE will not permit the addition of new Special Protection Systems (SPSs) with the following exceptions. Temporary GRE will only consider any new SPS to be temporary and valid for a maximum of five (5) years to allow for planned transmission upgrades to be completed while serving new load or generation. The transmission resolution will need to be placed into the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) process and scope and schedule will need to be approved by GRE prior to the installation and granting of the SPS. An extension of the SPS will not occur unless transmission cascading events, system collapse or large loss of Page 8 of 10 load are an issue. Any cost of extending the SPS will be borne by the requesting party including any cost for documentation requirements to the Reliability Organization, Planning Authority or Reliability Coordinator. Legacy SPSs A legacy SPS may be maintained if there is significant reliability benefit such as preventing cascading events, system collapse or large loss of load. All SPSs must meet all the criteria and guidelines of a NERC and Regional Entity defined SPS including dual redundancy of all components of the SPS and the ability to stay within all applicable reliability criteria with the failure of a component of the SPS. Testing of the SPS and documentation of the testing is also required. 10.0 REFERENCES 1. GRE TDOG-108, Transmission Planning Study Proc edures 2. Nort h America Electric Reliability Corporation, 3. NERC Reliability Standards Complete Set: CompleteSet.pd f 4. IEEE Standard 141-1993, “IEEE Recommended Guide for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants” 5. IEEE Standard 519-1992, “IEEE Recommended Practices and requirements for Harmonic Cont rol in Electric Power Systems” Page 9 of 10 Appendix I NERC TPL-001-4, Table 1 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Table 1 – Steady State & Stability Performance Planning Events Steady State & Stability: a. b. c. d. The System shall remain stable. Cascading and uncontrolled islanding shall not occur. Consequential Load Loss as well as generation loss is acceptable as a consequence of any event excluding P0. Simulate the removal of all elements that Protection Systems and other controls are expected to automatically disconnect for each event. Simulate Normal Clearing unless otherwise specified. e. Planned System adjustments such as Transmission configuration changes and re-dispatch of generation are allowed if such adjustments are executable within the time duration applicable to the Facility Ratings. Steady State Only: f. g. h. i. Applicable Facility Ratings shall not be exceeded. System steady state voltages and post-Contingency voltage deviations shall be within acceptable limits as established by the Planning Coordinator and the Transmission Planner. Planning event P0 is applicable to steady state only. The response of voltage sensitive Load that is disconnected from the System by end-user equipment associated with an event shall not be used to meet steady state performance requirements. Stability Only: j. Transient voltage response shall be within acceptable limits established by the Planning Coordinator and the Transmission Planner. Category P0 No Contingency Initial Condition Normal System P1 Single Contingency Normal System Event 1 Fault Type None N/A Loss of one of the following: 1. Generator 2. Transmission Circuit 5 3. Transformer 6 4. Shunt Device 3Ø 5. Single Pole of a DC line 1. 2. P2 Single Contingency Interruption of Firm Transmission 4 Service Allowed Non-Consequential Load Loss Allowed EHV, HV No No EHV, HV No 9 No 12 EHV, HV No 9 No 12 EHV No 9 HV Yes BES Level 3 SLG Opening of a line section w/o a fault 7 N/A Bus Section Fault No SLG Normal System 3. Internal Breaker Fault (non-Bus-tie Breaker) 2 8 4. Internal Breaker Fault (Bus-tie Breaker) Yes EHV No 9 No HV Yes Yes EHV, HV Yes Yes SLG 8 SLG 8 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Category P3 Multiple Contingency Initial Condition Loss of generator unit followed by System 9 adjustments Event 1 Loss of one of the following: 1. Generator 2. Transmission Circuit 5 3. Transformer 6 4. Shunt Device 5. Single pole of a DC line P4 Multiple Contingency (Fault plus stuck 10 breaker ) Normal System Loss of multiple elements caused by a stuck 10 breaker (non-Bus-tie Breaker) attempting to clear a Fault on one of the following: 1. Generator 2. Transmission Circuit 5 3. Transformer 6 4. Shunt Device 5. Bus Section 6. Loss of multiple elements caused by a 10 stuck breaker (Bus-tie Breaker) attempting to clear a Fault on the associated bus P5 Multiple Contingency (Fault plus relay failure to operate) P6 Multiple Contingency (Two overlapping singles) Normal System Loss of one of the following followed by 9 System adjustments. 1. Transmission Circuit 5 2. Transformer 6 3. Shunt Device 4. Single pole of a DC line Delayed Fault Clearing due to the failure of a 13 non-redundant relay protecting the Faulted element to operate as designed, for one of the following: 1. Generator 2. Transmission Circuit 5 3. Transformer 6 4. Shunt Device 5. Bus Section Loss of one of the following: 1. Transmission Circuit 5 2. Transformer 6 3. Shunt Device 4. Single pole of a DC line Fault Type 3Ø 2 BES Level 3 Interruption of Firm Transmission 4 Service Allowed Non-Consequential Load Loss Allowed EHV, HV No 9 EHV No 9 HV Yes Yes EHV, HV Yes Yes EHV No HV Yes Yes EHV, HV Yes Yes EHV, HV Yes Yes No 12 SLG No SLG SLG 9 No SLG 3Ø SLG 9 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Category Initial Condition P7 Multiple Contingency (Common Structure) Normal System Event 1 The loss of: 1. Any two adjacent (vertically or horizontally) circuits on common 11 structure 2. Loss of a bipolar DC line Fault Type SLG 2 BES Level EHV, HV 3 Interruption of Firm Transmission 4 Service Allowed Non-Consequential Load Loss Allowed Yes Yes 10 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Table 1 – Steady State & Stability Performance Extreme Events Steady State & Stability For all extreme events evaluated: a. Simulate the removal of all elements that Protection Systems and automatic controls are expected to disconnect for each Contingency. b. Simulate Normal Clearing unless otherwise specified. Steady State 1. Loss of a single generator, Transmission Circuit, single pole of a DC Line, shunt device, or transformer forced out of service followed by another single generator, Transmission Circuit, single pole of a different DC Line, shunt device, or transformer forced out of service prior to System adjustments. 2. Local area events affecting the Transmission System such as: 11 a. Loss of a tower line with three or more circuits. 11 b. Loss of all Transmission lines on a common Right-of-Way . c. Loss of a switching station or substation (loss of one voltage level plus transformers). d. Loss of all generating units at a generating station. e. Loss of a large Load or major Load center. 3. Wide area events affecting the Transmission System based on System topology such as: a. Loss of two generating stations resulting from conditions such as: i. Loss of a large gas pipeline into a region or multiple regions that have significant gas-fired generation. ii. Loss of the use of a large body of water as the cooling source for generation. iii. Wildfires. iv. Severe weather, e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. v. A successful cyber attack. vi. Shutdown of a nuclear power plant(s) and related facilities for a day or more for common causes such as problems with similarly designed plants. b. Other events based upon operating experience that may result in wide area disturbances. Stability 1. With an initial condition of a single generator, Transmission circuit, single pole of a DC line, shunt device, or transformer forced out of service, apply a 3Ø fault on another single generator, Transmission circuit, single pole of a different DC line, shunt device, or transformer prior to System adjustments. 2. Local or wide area events affecting the Transmission System such as: 10 13 a. 3Ø fault on generator with stuck breaker or a relay failure resulting in Delayed Fault Clearing. 10 b. 3Ø fault on Transmission circuit with stuck breaker or a relay 13 failure resulting in Delayed Fault Clearing. 10 13 c. 3Ø fault on transformer with stuck breaker or a relay failure resulting in Delayed Fault Clearing. 10 13 d. 3Ø fault on bus section with stuck breaker or a relay failure resulting in Delayed Fault Clearing. e. 3Ø internal breaker fault. f. Other events based upon operating experience, such as consideration of initiating events that experience suggests may result in wide area disturbances 11 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Table 1 – Steady State & Stability Performance Footnotes (Planning Events and Extreme Events) 1. If the event analyzed involves BES elements at multiple System voltage levels, the lowest System voltage level of the element(s) removed for the analyzed event determines the stated performance criteria regarding allowances for interruptions of Firm Transmission Service and Non-Consequential Load Loss. 2. Unless specified otherwise, simulate Normal Clearing of faults. Single line to ground (SLG) or three-phase (3Ø) are the fault types that must be evaluated in Stability simulations for the event described. A 3Ø or a double line to ground fault study indicating the criteria are being met is sufficient evidence that a SLG condition would also meet the criteria. 3. Bulk Electric System (BES) level references include extra-high voltage (EHV) Facilities defined as greater than 300kV and high voltage (HV) Facilities defined as the 300kV and lower voltage Systems. The designation of EHV and HV is used to distinguish between stated performance criteria allowances for interruption of Firm Transmission Service and Non-Consequential Load Loss. 4. Curtailment of Conditional Firm Transmission Service is allowed when the conditions and/or events being studied formed the basis for the Conditional Firm Transmission Service. 5. For non-generator step up transformer outage events, the reference voltage, as used in footnote 1, applies to the low-side winding (excluding tertiary windings). For generator and Generator Step Up transformer outage events, the reference voltage applies to the BES connected voltage (high-side of the Generator Step Up transformer). Requirements which are applicable to transformers also apply to variable frequency transformers and phase shifting transformers. 6. Requirements which are applicable to shunt devices also apply to FACTS devices that are connected to ground. 7. Opening one end of a line section without a fault on a normally networked Transmission circuit such that the line is possibly serving Load radial from a single source point. 8. An internal breaker fault means a breaker failing internally, thus creating a System fault which must be cleared by protection on both sides of the breaker. 9. An objective of the planning process should be to minimize the likelihood and magnitude of interruption of Firm Transmission Service following Contingency events. Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service is allowed both as a System adjustment (as identified in the column entitled ‘Initial Condition’) and a corrective action when achieved through the appropriate re-dispatch of resources obligated to re-dispatch, where it can be demonstrated that Facilities, internal and external to the Transmission Planner’s planning region, remain within applicable Facility Ratings and the re-dispatch does not result in any NonConsequential Load Loss. Where limited options for re-dispatch exist, sensitivities associated with the availability of those resources should be considered. 10. A stuck breaker means that for a gang-operated breaker, all three phases of the breaker have remained closed. For an independent pole operated (IPO) or an independent pole tripping (IPT) breaker, only one pole is assumed to remain closed. A stuck breaker results in Delayed Fault Clearing. 11. Excludes circuits that share a common structure (Planning event P7, Extreme event steady state 2a) or common Right-of-Way (Extreme event, steady state 2b) for 1 mile or less. 12. An objective of the planning process is to minimize the likelihood and magnitude of Non-Consequential Load Loss following planning events. In limited circumstances, Non-Consequential Load Loss may be needed throughout the planning horizon to ensure that BES performance requirements are met. However, when Non-Consequential Load Loss is utilized under footnote 12 within the Near-Term Transmission Planning Horizon to address BES performance requirements, such interruption is limited to circumstances where the Non-Consequential Load Loss meets the conditions shown in Attachment 1. In no case can the planned Non-Consequential Load Loss under footnote 12 exceed 75 MW for US registered entities. The amount of planned NonConsequential Load Loss for a non-US Registered Entity should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, or under the direction of, the applicable governmental authority or its agency in the non-US jurisdiction. 13. Applies to the following relay functions or types: pilot (#85), distance (#21), differential (#87), current (#50, 51, and 67), voltage (#27 & 59), directional (#32, & 12 Standard TPL-001-4 — Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements Table 1 – Steady State & Stability Performance Footnotes (Planning Events and Extreme Events) 67), and tripping (#86, & 94). 13