Continuous Maintenance Procedures Continuous Maintenance An IES committee approved to operate under continuous maintenance procedures shall follow the procedures in this section in lieu of periodic maintenance (5-year cycle) procedures. All other procedures in the IES Committee Policies and Procedures document shall apply whether a Committee is operating under continuous or periodic maintenance procedures. All changes to standards proposed under Continuous Maintenance procedures, including proposals by members of the committee, shall be submitted and processed in compliance with this document Exception: If the Committee is organized by Subcommittees, a formally voted Subcommittee proposal that is in the Subcommittee’s assigned area of responsibility must be considered by the full Committee at a Committee meeting or by letter ballot. The Committee’s response will be recorded and reported to the Subcommittee and the IES Director of Technology. The Committee may propose changes to the standard without submitting a change proposal form, providing that the key information required on the form is included in the meeting minutes. Revision of Standards Substantive changes to standards under continuous maintenance must undergo the same procedures as addenda or revisions under periodic maintenance. (See IES Committee Policies and Procedures document.) Publication of New Edition or Reaffirmation Publication approval of a new edition of a standard under continuous maintenance shall occur within five years of the prior publication date. The new edition may be a complete revision or shall incorporate any addenda approved for publication since the publication of the previous edition. Publication of a new edition of the standard that only incorporates previously approved addenda does not require additional approval by the IES Board of Directors or ANSI Board of Standards Review. If no revisions or addenda are approved for publication within four years of the prior publication date, action to reaffirm the standard shall be initiated. Reprint with Addenda A standard may be reprinted to incorporate approved addenda. If the addenda are of modest extent and complexity, the year of the standard designation (e.g., ANSI/IES RP-162010) need not be changed but the designations of the addenda will be listed on the cover. If the addenda are of more than modest extent and complexity, a new edition will be published. Withdrawal of Standard If the standard is no longer appropriate, the standard will be withdrawn after public review. Closing Dates for Change Proposals Change proposals must be received by the IES Director of Technology by the deadlines given in published notices on the IES website and in LD+A. Proposals received after the deadline date will be considered in the next succeeding cycle. Notice in Standard The following notice shall be included in published standards and addenda of projects operating under continuous maintenance. 1 NOTICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING A PROPOSED CHANGE TO THIS STANDARD UNDER CONTINOUS MAINTENANCE This standard is maintained under continuous maintenance procedures for which IES has a established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. Committee consideration will be given to proposed changes by June 30 if proposed changes are received by the IES Director of Technology no later than December 31. Proposals received after December 31 shall be considered by the Committee no later than June 30 of the following year. _______________________________________________________________________ Submittal format Proposed changes must be submitted to the IES Director of Technology in the announced published format. However, changes may be accepted in an earlier published format, if the differences are immaterial to the proposed change submittal. If the Director of Technology concludes that a current form must be utilized, the proposer may be given up to 20 additional days to resubmit the proposed changes in the current format. Specific changes in the text or values are required and must be substantiated. Any change proposals that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the proposer. Supplemental background documents to support changes submitted may be included. Submission to Committee Chair The Director of Technology shall forward proposed changes received on appropriate forms to the Committee chair for assigning to designated Committee members (responders) to develop responses to submitters of proposed changes. Review and Clarification Responders shall review proposals and should contact the proposer if necessary for clarification. Response Recommendation Designated responders shall draft a recommended Committee response, including any recommended changes to the standard. The responder’s recommended responses shall be submitted to the Committee chair in electronic form usable by Society Staff, including any recommended changes to the standard in response to proposals received. (If a subcommittee is preparing a response see procedure under Exceptions above.) Options for Committee responses are limited to: a) Proposed change accepted for public review without modification b) Proposed change accepted for public review with modification c) Proposed change accepted for further study d) Proposed change rejected 2 The responder shall provide reasons for any recommendation other than option a) “accepted for public review without modification.” The designated responder shall not recommend option c) “proposed change accepted for further study” unless the further study can be completed by October 1 of that year and the Committee can then vote for option a), b), or d no later than November 15 of that year. Editing The Committee chair or his/her designee shall edit the draft responses and circulate the edited drafts to the Committee for review. Committee Action No later than June 30 of the year following the year that the proposal was submitted (e.g., June 2011 for proposals submitted by December 31, 2010), the Committee shall take documented, consensus action on each proposed change to any part of its standard, including proposed changes that Committee members have submitted. If the Committee fails to act by June 30, the proposal shall automatically be sent to the IES Technical Review Council for consideration. If the initial Committee action is option c) “proposed change accepted for further study,”, the Committee shall conduct a follow up vote with choices limited to options a), b), or d) no later than by November 15 of that year. If the Committee fails to conduct a follow-up vote by November 15, the proposal shall automatically be sent to the IES Technical Review Council for consideration. The Committee chair or the chair’s designee shall notify the proposer of the action taken by the Committee. The Committee shall follow IES Committee Policies and Procedures for processing recommended changes to the standard. October 26, 2015 3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED CHANGE TO IES STANDARD UNDER CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE Proposed changes must be submitted to the Director of Technology in MS Word (preferred). Proposed changes in other formats may be accepted if the differences are immaterial to the proposed change submittal. If it is determined that the current format must be utilized, the proposer may be given up to 20 additional days to resubmit the proposed changes. Submittals may be attached to email (preferred), submitted on CD, thumb drive or on paper by mail or fax. Specific changes in text or values are required and must be substantiated. Any change proposals that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the submitter. Supplemental background documents to support changes submitted may be included. If a provision is proposed to be added or deleted, the text of the provision must be submitted in writing. If modification of a provision is proposed, the proposed text must be submitted utilizing the strikeout/underline format. (Strikeout text to be deleted and underline text to be added.) Please do not submit marked-up or highlighted copies of the standard. 1. INFORMATION ON REVIEW AND DISPOSITION OF PROPOSALS All submittals received by IES are acknowledged and forwarded to the Committee for consideration. The Committee will inform submitters of the disposition of their substantive proposals. Committee consideration will be given to proposed changes according to the following schedule: Deadline: December 31 Proposal Considered: By June 30 Committee consideration will be given to proposed changes by June 30 if proposed changes are received by the Director of Technology no later than December 31. Proposals received after December 31 shall be considered by the Committee no later than June 30 of the following year. 2. HOW TO ACCESS FORM FOR PROPOSING CHANGE TO AN IES STANDARD UNDER CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE The Form for Submittal of Proposed Change to an IES Standard Under Continuous Maintenance (Form) is available from either the Director of Manager of Technology, 212-248-5000 Ext. 123, or 115. 3. ELECTRONIC PREPARATION/SUBMISSION OF FORM FOR PROPOSING CHANGES An electronic version of each change, which must comply with the instructions in the Notice and the Form, is the preferred form of submittal to IES at the address shown below. The electronic 4 format facilitates both paper-based and computer-based processing. Submittal in paper form is acceptable. The following instructions apply to change proposals submitted in electronic form: Use the appropriate file format for your word processor and save the file in Microsoft Word (preferred) Please save each change proposal file with a different name (example, prop001.doc, prop002.doc, etc., for Word files). If supplemental background documents to support changes submitted are included, it is preferred that they also be in electronic form as word processed or scanned documents. Electronic change proposals may be submitted either as files (MS Word preferred) attached to e-mail or on CD. IES will accept the following as equivalent to the signature required on the change submittal form to convey non-exclusive copyright: Files attached to an email: Electronic signature on change submittal form (as a picture; *tif) Files on disk: Electronic signature on change submittal form (as a picture; *.tif) or a letter with submitter's signature accompanying the disk or sent by facsimile (single letter may cover all of submitter's proposed changes). Submit e-mail or CD containing change proposal files to: IES Director/Manager of Technology 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 (Alternatively, mail paper versions to IES address or Fax: 212-248-5017.) 5 FORM FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSED CHANGE TO IES STANDARD NOTE: Use separate form for each comment. Submittals (MS Word preferred) may be attached to e-mail (preferred), submitted on CD or thumb drive, or submitted in paper by mail or fax to IES, Manager of Technology IES, 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10005-4001. E-mail: Fax 212248-5017. 1. Submitter: _____________________________________________________________________ Affiliation: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________ City: _______________ State: ____ Zip: ______ Country: _________________________ Telephone: ________________ Fax: ___________________ E-Mail: ________________ 2. Number and year of standard: ______________________________________________________ 3. Clause (section), sub-clause or paragraph number; and page number: _____________________ 4. I propose to: (check one) [ ] Change to read as follows [ ] Add new text as follows [ ] Delete and substitute as follows: [ ] Delete without substitution Use underscores to show material to be added (added) and strike through material to be deleted (deleted). Use additional pages if needed. 5. Proposed change: 6. Reason and substantiation: [ ] Check if additional pages are attached. Number of additional pages: [ ] Check if attachments or referenced materials cited in this proposal accompany this proposed change. Please verify that all attachments and references are relevant, current, and clearly labeled to avoid processing and review delays. Please list your attachments here: I hereby grant the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) the non-exclusive royalty rights, including nonexclusive rights in copyright, in my proposals. I understand that I acquire no rights in publication of the standard in which my proposals in this, or other analogous, form is used. I hereby attest that I have the authority and am empowered to grant this copyright release. Submitter's signature: _______________________________Date: _____________________ 6 ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA FORM FOR RESPONSE TO CHANGE PROPOSAL DATE _______________ IES STANDARD TITLE_____________________________ PROPOSAL NUMBER: ______________ RESPONDER'S NAME___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE _______________________ FAX _________________________________________ Proposal Number(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Committee Action: Proposed change accepted for public review without modification Proposed change accepted for public review with modification (See below) Proposed change accepted for further study (See below) Proposed changed rejected (See below) More information is needed (See below) Committee Response: cc: Director of Technology, IES, 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-4001 7