BS in Physics (770-154) Astronomy Emphasis General Information: Academic Advising has provided a recommended graduation plan for every major we offer. Catalog Year 2014 - 2015 • This plan is built to meet the University’s minimum credit requirement (120 credits for a bachelor’s degree and 60 for an associate) in 8 semesters or less. Each plan includes all required courses, including Foundations and major as well as emphasis, minor or clusters (if applicable). The plan may also include elective courses to meet the credit requirement. • Please note the following terms: Groups = A term used on the Degree Audit to reference a required group of classes that may be pre-selected or from which you can choose; General Elective = any course offering at BYU-Idaho which you are eligible to take; Major Elective = a required course from a list of multiple course options within your major. (A certain number of “major electives” may be required for your major, but you can select which course to choose from the given list.) Semester 1 PH 150 PH 121 PH 127 *FDSCI 101 FDMAT 112 FDREL 121 or 122 Total Credits 5 Fall PH 333 PH 328 PH 332 ^Elective Credit FDREL Scripture Total Credits 8 - Winter PH 473 PH 488 FDCNC 350 ^Elective Credit ^Elective Credit FDREL Elective Total Credits Credits 1 3 3 2 4 2 15 Credits 4 2 4 4 2 16 Credits 3 1 2 4 3 2 Semester 2 MATH 215 PH 123 CHEM 105 FDENG 101 FDREL 121 or 122 Total Credits 6 - Winter PH 385 PH 336 PH 314 ##PH 374 Cultural Awareness Total Credits Credits 4 3 4 3 2 Semester 3 MATH 316 PH 220 PH 250 #PH 277 FDAMF 101 FDREL 200 Credits 4 3 1 2 3 2 16 Total Credits 15 Credits 2 2 3 3 3 13 Off-Track PH 398R or PH 406 fall semester Credits 1 Total Credits 1 4 - winter/spring PH 291 PH 279 FDMAT 108T FDREL Scripture FDENG 201 ^Elective Credit Credits 2 3 1 2 3 3 Total Credits 7 - Fall PH 433 PH 412 PH Elective Cultural Awareness FDREL Elective Elective Credit 14 Credits 3 3 3 2 2 2 Total Credits Special Instructions This is the Graduation Plan for BS in Physics - Astronomy Emphasis (770-154) *It is recommended that students choose Option C to complete their Science Foundations requirement. #PH 277 is a fall only course ##PH 374 is offered in the winter of even years Since PH 374 is required for the emphasis are, another PH elective will be required to meet the Core Requirements. ^Take only if total credits are less than 120. 15 College of Physical Sciences & Engineering Advising Center Austin 106B Phone: (208) 496-9880 15