An average model for the phase-shifted converter Christophe Basso May 2009 Revised April 2010 Introduction A small-signal model has been described by Fu-Sheng Tsai in 1993 Despite all efforts, I could not make it work (sorry about that). Based on the PWM switch, I modified the auto-toggling model described in my last book to cope with phase-shifted requirements. The model is now fully auto-toggling between CCM and DCM. Fu-Sheng Tsai, «Small-signal and transient analysis of a zero-voltage switched, Phase-Controlled PWM Converter Using Averaged Switch Model», IEEE Transactions, Vol. 29, n°3, May/June 1993 Cycle-by-cycle simulation to understand the signals The switching model uses the simplied version of a phase shift controler parameters fc=1k pm=60 Gfc=-7 pfc=-81 Vout=12 G=10^(-Gfc/20) boost=pm-(pfc)-90 pi=3.14159 K=tan((boost/2+45)*pi/180) Vin 240V D1 MUR460 parameters 10 DT=250n CDT=DT/(0.69*1k) Fsw=500k D3 MUR460 X2 PSW1 C7 33p X4 PSW1 Vxfmr C6 33p ∆ 8 9 D4 MUR460 VHBL Vramp 2 Fzero=fc/k Fpole=fc*k outA ramp outA FB outB outB CS outC outC outD B2 Voltage V(outC) Ileak L1 15.7u VHBR 12 D2 MUR460 X1 Config_1 1 lleak 15 7 B1 Voltage V(outA) outD outB L2 10mH outD X3 PSW1 C4 33p C5 33p X5 PSW1 X6 XFMR-TAP RATIO = 1/6 11 13 RLED=CTRmin*Rpullup/G Czero=1/(2*pi*Fzero*Rupper) CpoleX=1/(2*pi*Fpole*Rpullup) Cpole=CpoleX-Copto VTL431min=2.5 Vf=1 Vdd=5V Vcesat=300m Ibias=1m IL3 Vout D6 out 17 Rupper {Rupper} Rled {Rled} 23 Vint L3 3.47u IC = 20 out R2 1.88m 18 Verr CTRmin=0.3 Pole=4k Copto=1/(2*pi*Pole*Rpullup) Rpullup=4.7k Rupper=(Vout-2.5)/250u RLED1=Vout-Vf-VTL431min RLED2=Vdd-Vcesat+Ibias*CTRmin*Rpullup RLEDmax=(RLED1/RLED2)*Rpullup*CTRmin 14 D5 R1 0.01 1: n L R6 1k C3 {Cpole} X8 Optocoupler Fp = Pole CTR = CTRmin Czero {Czero} IC = 12 20 21 X10 TL431_G Rlower 10k C1 11.8m IC = 11 Rload 500m Resulting signals from the switching simulation 3.9 A 0 -100 -200 2.00 I L , peak Doff I1 I L (t ) n I L , peak I L , valley 4.35 A 3.55 A 0 2 -2.00 − I1 ∆I = I1 + I L ,valley I lleak ( t ) V prim ( t ) -4.00 1 t 491 ns 40.0 ∆D 20.0 Plot2 p, vint in volts vxfmr in volts 100 6 4.00 p, ileak in amperes 200 Tsw Deff 2 0 4 5 498 ns -20.0 -40.0 9.9959m 9.9968m 9.9977m time in seconds 9.9986m 10.000m Equations to derive the leakage inductance reset time Voltage across the transformer primary ∆ DTsw Deff Tsw Doff = 1 − D Vin D = ∆D + Deff Vout Deff = nVin 0 DTsw Tsw Doff Tsw Doff + D = 1 −Vin Output inductor equations ∆I L = I L , peak Vout 1 − Deff ∆I L = n I out + = n I out + 2 2 Fsw L Vout 1 − Deff − 2 Fsw L I L , valley ∆I L = n I out − = n I out 2 Vout (1 − Deff ) LFsw Fsw is the output ripple period which is twice the primary leakage period Equations to derive the leakage inductance reset time Vout I1 = I L , peak − Doff Tsw S f = I L , peak − (1 − D ) nTsw L Vout ∆I L I1 = n I out + − (1 − D ) nTsw 2 L Vout (1 − Deff ) Vout I1 = n I out + − (1 − D ) Tsw 2 LFsw L The current excursion across the leakage inductor is ∆I = I L , valley + I1 The voltage excursion across the leakage inductor is Vin The current slope across the leakage inductor is The leakage inductor reset time is then: Vout 1 − Deff ∆I = n I out − 2 Fsw L Vin lleak t = ∆I lleak Vin Vout (1 − Deff ) Vout + n I out + − (1 − D ) Tsw 2 LFsw L Equations to derive the leakage inductance reset time ∆I ∆D = Vin Tsw lleak Vout 1 − Deff n I out − 2 Fsw Lout ∆D = Vout (1 − Deff ) Vout + n I out + − (1 − D ) Tsw 2 Lout Fsw L Vin Tsw lleak Vout n 2 I out − Tsw (1 − D ) L ∆D = Vin Tsw lleak The two formulas exactly match, Ts is the controller switching period whereas Tsw is the output ripple period: Ts = 2 Tsw V. Vlatkcovic and al., «Small-Signal Analysis of the Phase Shifted PWM Converter», IEEE transactions, Vol. 7, n°1, January 1992 Equations to derive the leakage inductance reset time Numerical application: 1 n = , I out = 24 A, Fsw = 500 kHz , lleak = 15.7 µH 6 L = 3.43 µH , Vin = 240 V , Vout = 12 V V n 2 I out − Tsw out (1 − D ) L = 0.245 ∆D = Vin Tsw lleak ∆DTsw = 490 ns D = ∆D + Deff Simulation gives 491 ns Vout 12 = ∆D + = 0.245 + = 0.54 nVin 166m × 240 I L , peak = 4.408 A I L ,valley = 3.591 A I1 = 3.9 A In the PWM switch model, the ripple is neglected In the previous expression, the leakage inductor current swinged between the peak value and I2. On average, we consider the inductor current ripple free Therefore, the leakage current swings between –nIout and +nIout In the buck average model, Iout = Ic. The average equation for ∆D is therefore: ∆Davg 2lleak I out Fsw = nVin Gives 0.262 In the PWM switch, Ic is the output current terminal and Vin is applied across Vap: ∆Davg 2lleak I c Fsw = nVap Conduction Mode Transition Point Calculations Discontinuous Conduction Mode, classical buck: The critical point is the same as for a classical buck except that Deff must be used: Rcrit nVin 0.166 × 240 = 2 LFsw = 2 × 3.47u × 1Meg = 9.9 Ω nVin − Vout 0.166 × 240 − 12 This is the output ripple frequency or twice the oscillator value. Model transition point: Doff = 1 − Deff ∆D Deff Doff Tsw Doff = 1 − ( D − ∆D ) Doff = 1 − D + ∆D Conduction Mode Transition Point Calculations The mode transition can also be derived by cancelling the equation describing ∆D: V V n 2 I out − Tsw out (1 − D ) L =0 ∆D = Vin Tsw lleak ∆D = ∆D + out nVin lleak (TswVout 2 − nTswVoutVin + 2nI out LVin ) TswVin ( LVin − nlleakVout ) =0 lleak (TswVout 2 − nTswVoutVin + 2nI out LVin ) = 0 I out , crit = Rcrit = Vout I out ,crit TswVout ( nVin − Vout ) 2nLVin 2nLVin 2 × 0.166 × 3.47u × 240 = == = 9.9 Ω Tsw ( nVin − Vout ) 1u × ( 0.166 × 240 − 12 ) The phase-shifted converter has been loaded by a 9.9-Ω resistor The switching ripple on the output inductor is 1 MHz 2.00 1.00 0 1 I Lout ( t ) Rload = 9.9 Ω -1.00 Boundary condition -2.00 50.0544m 50.0550m 50.0556m time in seconds 50.0561m 50.0567m A formula including the effect of the leakage inductance has been derived by Monsieur Schutten from General Electric: Rcrit = 2 Fsw (l 2 n + L) leak Vout 1− nVin It is similar to those derived before except that the total leakage (reflected to the secondary side) is accounted in series with the output inductor. For large turns ratios, the contribution of the reflected leakage term is weak. However, for smaller ratios, it can make a difference between the results delivered by the first set of equations and Mr Schutten’s equation. Conduction Mode Transition Point Calculations Deff c a D + Doff = 1 CCM D − ∆D D + Doff 1 Vap ∆D = 0 DCM 1: D − ∆D D 1: D + Doff Vcp To match d − ∆D the book notation: 1: 1 d1 + d 2 p In the DCM PWM switch model described page 166 of my book: d2 = 2 LFsw I c − d1 D Vac d2 is the off duty-cycle in DCM, d1 is the on duty-cycle When d2 hits 1 − d1 + ∆D The model leaves DCM and enters CCM By clamping d2 between 0 and 1 − d1 + ∆D the models auto-toggles. Average model implementation .SUBCKT PWMswitchPS a c p d dL params: L=10u Ll=1u Fs=100k * * This subckt is DCM-CCM phase shift average model * * 1 - active ; 2 - passive ; 3 - common ; 4 - duty-cycle ; 5 - dL * .subckt limit d dc params: clampH=0.99 clampL=16m Gd 0 dcx d 0 100u Rdc dcx 0 10k V1 clpn 0 {clampL} V2 clpp 0 {clampH} D1 clpn dcx dclamp D2 dcx clpp dclamp Bdc dc 0 V=V(dcx) .model dclamp d n=0.01 rs=100m .ENDS * .subckt limit2 d2nc d d2c dL Gd 0 d2cx d2nc 0 100u Rdc d2cx 0 10k V1 clpn 0 7m BV2 clpp 0 V=1-V(d)+V(dL)-6.687m D1 clpn d2cx dclamp D2 d2cx clpp dclamp B2c d2c 0 V=V(d2cx) .model dclamp d n=0.01 rs=100m .ENDS * Xd d dc limit params: clampH=0.99 clampL=16m BVcp 6 p V=((V(dc)-V(dL))/(V(dc)-V(dL)+V(d2)+1u))*V(a,p) BIap a p I=((V(dc)-V(dL))/(V(dc)-V(dL)+V(d2)+1u))*I(VM) Bd2 d2X 0 V=(2*I(VM)*{L}-v(a,c)*V(dc)^2*{1/Fs}) / ( v(a,c)*V(dc)*{1/Fs}+1u ) Xd2 d2X dc d2 dL limit2 BdL dL 0 V=2*{Ll}*I(VM)*{Fs}/(V(a,p)+1u) < 0 ? 0 : 2*{Ll}*I(VM)*{Fs}/(V(a,p)+1u) VM 6 c * 2lleak I c Fsw .ENDS 2 Leakage inductance Accounts for ∆D ∆Davg = Clamp of d nVap 2 I c L − Vac d12Tsw d2 = Vac d1Tsw Average model implementation, IsSpice X4 PWMswitchPS L = L1/N^2 Ll = Ll Fs = Fs Calculations give 0.245 dL 236mV Vout a dL c 12.0V 72.3V 3 8 240V 538mV 1 Vin {Vin} 5 p out 12.0V 7 12.0V X2 XFMR RATIO = N d PWM switch VM R3 1m L1 {L1} R1 1.88m Rload 0.544 12.0V 2 C1 11.8m .544 full load Vdd 5 out GAIN 5.00V 13 X1 GAIN K = 333m R7 {Rpullup} 1.61V Rupper {Rupper} Rled {Rled} 9.70V 9 10 Verr LoL 1kH 1.61V R6 1k R9 1 X8 Optocoupler Fp = Pole CTR = CTRmin 1.61V 19 CoL 1kF 0V C3 {Cpole} 8.48V Czero {Czero} 14 2.50V 20 Vstim AC = 1 15 X10 TL431_G Rlower 10k Ac simulations versus prototype values M. Schutten model IsSpice IsSpice Control to output M. Schutten and al., “Improved Small-Signal Analysis for the Phase-Shifted PWM Power Converter”, IEEE Transactions, Vol. 18, n°2, 2003 Ac simulations versus prototype values IsSpice Audio susceptibility M. Schutten and al., “Improved Small-Signal Analysis for the Phase-Shifted PWM Power Converter”, IEEE Transactions, Vol. 18, n°2, 2003 Mode transition point The load resistor is increased until the ac response changes 1 3 6 7 CCM mode Rload = 8 Ω 40.0 20.0 0 -20.0 -40.0 H (s) DCM -35.6 DCM mode Rload = 10 Ω -46.5 CCM -57.5 -68.5 ∠H ( s ) -79.5 10 100 1k frequency in hertz 10k 100k Transient simulations versus cycle-by-cycle results 12.07 Cycle by cycle Plot1 vout, vout#a in volts 12.03 11.99 Average model 11.95 11.91 9.70m 11.1m 12.5m time in seconds 13.9m 15.3m Conclusion A simple and efficient average model has been derived It automatically toggles between CCM and DCM It predicts the mode transition point It matches, in CCM, ac prototype measurements It can easily be ported to different simulator languages