CAM 397, EM 397 : Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis (with Particular Emphasis on Solids and an Introduction to Isogeometric Analysis) Unique Number: 13885 (EM 397), 63040 (CSE397) Class Schedule: TuTh 2:00 pm -- 3:30 pm Location: BUR136 Instructor: Thomas J.R. Hughes HW 11: Due May 5, 2016 1. Fill in the blanks ∂2 Φ a. = AiIjJ = ______ C____ ______+ ______ S____ ∂FiI ∂FjJ b. aijkl = cijkl + σ jlδ ik = ______ A____ d ⎛ ∂φ ⎞ 2. Let J = det F(φ ) = det ⎜ . Calculate J(φ + εΔu) . ⎟ ⎝ ∂X ⎠ dε ε =0 3. Consider an n × n matrix Tε such that there exists a unique inverse Tε−1 for all ε ∈(-δ ,δ ) for some δ >0. Determine: d −1 a. Tε dε d b. det Tε dε d c. cofTε dε d d. tr ( Tε2 ) dε d e. tr ( (devTε )2 ) dε 4. Let Φ(E) := λ 1 ⎛λ ⎞ J(E)2 − 1) − ⎜ + µ ⎟ ( ln J(E)) + µ ( trC(E) − 3) ( ⎝ ⎠ 4 2 2 where C(E) = 2E − I and J(E) = det F(E) = + ( det C(E)) 1/2 = + ( det(2E + I)) . 1/2 Note: Φ is a polyconvex function of F. Determine: a. S IJ ∂S IJ b. C IJKL = ∂E KL c. PiI d. σ ij e. cijkl f. A iIjJ 5. Derive n j da = J(F −T ) jJ N J dA Hint: The following result is helpful: Let U and V be two vectors and M a matrix, then MU × MV = (det M)M −T (U × V) where × denotes cross product.