Brain and Behavior (MAP) INFORMATION AND SYLLABUS V55.0306 Fall 2010 Professor Suzuki LECTURE DAYS AND TIMES: 11:00-12:15, Mondays and Wednesdays, Room 207 Silver Center. Lectures are maditory. REQUIRED TEXTS: Biological Psychology Breedlove, Rosenzweig and Watson Sinauer, Assoc., 2010, Sixth Edition MAP B&B Lab manual (available at Bookstore) For helpful additional reading: How the Brain Works, M. Dubin, Blackwell Science, 2001. EXAMS: There will be 4 exams (3 midterms and a cummulative final exam). Tests include multiple choice, fill-in, short-answer, and essay format questions. Note the dates of the exams on the Syllabus; there will be NO MAKE-UPS given. We will drop the lowest of the 4 exams; if you miss one, that will be the one that is dropped. You may choose to intentionally not take an exam (including the final), but you must inform us before hand. HOMEWORK: There will be 3 homework assignments given in lecture during the semster. These homework assignments are designed to give you exposure to how much Neuroscience there is in your everyday life. There are no make-ups for the homework. If you do not do it, you get a zero and if you are late (with no prior arrangement with the TA), there is an automatic 20% taken off your score for that homework. LABS: The purpose of the labs is to give students hands-on experience related to the class material and provide a deeper understanding of the material than is typically gained from the lectures alone. They also give students an opportunity to learn about how science works. You MUST be registered for a lab section. Lab sections are 1 hour and 40 minutes each, and are held in 201 Silver; participation and attendance in lab are mandatory. Some labs will involve the use of animal tissue or living animals. Lab grades will be based on participation, quizzes, and Lab Reports. The lowest lab report score will be dropped; if you miss one lab, that will be the one that is dropped. GRADING: Grades will be based on performance in all aspect of the class using the following breakdown: Exams 60% Labs 30% Homework 10% Course information will be posted on BlackBoard. 1 CONTACT INFORMATION: Professor Suzuki (Center for Neural Science) Teaching Assistants Jeremy Freeman (Center for Neural Science) Christopher Shooner (Center for Neural Science) Helen Wong (Center for Neural Science) 2 MAP: Brain and Behavior Syllabus Fall 2010: Professor Suzuki LECTURES, EXAMS & HOMEWORK INTRODUCTION Lecture 1: Introduction to Brain and Behavior Reading: Chapter 1 No Lab this week Week 1 Sept 8 W Week 2 Sept 13 M Sept 15 W Week 3 Sept 20 M Sept 22 W Week 4 Sept 27 M Lecture 6: Neuronal Communication: Drugs and the Brain Reading: Chapter 4 Sept 29 W Lecture 7: Hormones and the Brain Reading: Chapter 5 LAB Session: Review for Exam 1 Week 5 Oct 4 M Exam 1 Oct 6 W Lecture 8: Evolution and Use of Animal Models. Chapter 6 Lab 3: Build Your Own Brain Week 6 Oct 11 M Columbus Day Holiday Lecture 2: Organization of the Brain and Nervous System Reading: Chapter 2 CELLS AND SYNAPSES Lecture 3: Neurons and Glia Reading: Chapter 2 LAB 1: Scientific Method Lecture 4: Neural Communication: Electrical Properties Reading: Chapter 3 pages 57-67 HW #1: Media Report Lecture 5: Neural Communication: Chem. Properties and Transmission Reading: Chapter 3 pages 67-85 Lab 2: Sheep Brain Dissection PERCEPTION AND ACTION Lecture 9: General Principles of sensory systems: Touch and Pain Chapter 8 Lab 4: Neuronal Visualization Media Report Due in Lab Oct 13 W Week 7 Oct 18 M Oct 20 W Week 8 Oct 25 M Lecture 12: Motor system Reading: Chapter 11 pgs 318-338 Oct 27 W Lecture 13: Diseases of the Motor and Supplementary Motor Systems Lecture 10: Vision and Visual Perception Reading: Chapter 10 HW #2: Movie Assignment Given Lecture 11: Audition Reading: Chapter 9 Lab 5: Electrical potential in neurons 3 Reading: Chapter 11 - pgs 338 - 348 + .pdf Article by Judt Lab 6: Somatic Sensation Week 9 Nov 1 M Nov 3 W Week 10 Nov 8 M Nov 10 W Week 11 Nov 15 M No Class Nov 17 W Lecture 17: Rhythms Sleep and Dreaming Reading: Chapter 14 HW #4: Sleep Experiment Introduced in class Lab 9: Action Potential in the Cockroach Leg Week 12 Nov 22 M Nov 24 W Lecture 18: The Neurobiology of Emotion and Stress Reading: Chapter 15 Assignment of Groups for sleep experiment Lecture 19: Fear and Anxiety disorders Reading: Chapter 16 Quiz given for Sleep experiment at beginning of class No Lab this week Week 13 Nov 29 M Dec 1 W Week 14 Dec 6 M Dec 8 W Week 15 Dec 13 M Dec 15 W FINAL EXAM Exam 2 LEARNING, MEMORY, EMOTION AND SLEEP Lecture 14: Learning and Memory: Basic distinctions Readings: Chapter 17 pages 511- 529 Lab 7: Vision Lecture 15: Learning and Memory: Neural mechansims Reading: Chapter 17 page 529-547 Lecture 16: Modulating Memory: Exercise Reading: .pdf articles Lab 8: Response Time Movie Assignment Due in Lab LANGUAGE ,EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS AND LOVE Lecture 20: Executive Functions of the Frontal lobe Reading: Parts of Chapter 18 Exam 3 Class data from Sleep experiment handed out in class Lab 10: Rat Open Field Behavior + Discuss Sleep Data Lecture 21: Language and the Brain Reading: Chapter 19 page 583-604 Lecture 22: Hemispheric Asymmetry Reading: Chapter 19 pages 604-617 Lab 11: Review Session for Final Exam Sleep Experiment Report Due in Lab Lecture 23: Neurobiology of Love Reading: .pdf articles Lecture 24: Summary of Brain and Behavior Monday December 20, 10:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. ** All Readings from Biological Psychology 6th Edition** 4