VI. Transistor amplifiers: Biasing and Small Signal Model 6.1 Introduction Transistor amplifiers utilizing BJT or FET are similar in design and analysis. Accordingly we will discuss BJT amplifiers thoroughly. Then, similar FET circuits are briefly reviewed. Consider the circuit below. The operating point of the BJT is shown in the iC vCE space. iC RB + iB + vBE vCE _ _ iE VBB RC VCC Let us add a sinusoidal source with an amplitude of ∆VBB in series with VBB . In response to this additional source, the base current will become iB + ∆iB leading to the collector current of iC + ∆iC and CE voltage of vCE + ∆vCE . i C +∆ i C RB i B +∆ i B + + vBE +∆ vBE _ _ + − ∆ VBB ~ vCE +∆ vCE RC VCC VBB For example, assume without the sinusoidal source, the base current is 150 µA, iC = 22 mA, and vCE = 7 V (the Q point). If the amplitude of ∆iB is 40 µA, then with the addition of the sinusoidal source iB + ∆iB = 150 + 40 cos(ωt) and varies from 110 to 190 µA. The BJT operating point should remain on the load line and collector current and CE voltage change with changing base current while remaining on the load line. For example when base current is 190 µA, the collector current is 28.6 mA and CE voltage is about 4.5 V. As can be seen from the figure above, the collector current will approximately be iC +∆iC = 22+6.6 cos(ωt) and CE voltage is vCE + ∆vCE = 7 − 2.5 cos(ωt). The above example shows that the signal from the sinusoidal source ∆VBB is greatly amplified and appears as signals in collector current and CE voltage. It is clear from the figure that this happens as long as the BJT stays in the active-linear state. As the amplitude of ∆iB ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 158 is increased, the swings of BJT operating point along the load line become larger and larger and, at some value of ∆iB , BJT will enter either the cut-off or saturation state and the output signals will not be a sinusoidal function. Note: An important observation is that one should locate the Q point in the middle of the load line if we want to have the largest output signal. The above circuit, however, has two major problems: 1) The input signal, ∆VBB , is in series with the VBB DC voltage making design of previous two-port network difficult, and 2) The output signal is usually taken across RC as RC × iC . This output voltage has a DC component which is of no interest and can cause problems in the design of the next-stage, two-port network. The DC voltage needed to “bias” the BJT (establish the Q point) and the AC signal of interest can be added together or separated using capacitor coupling as dis iscussed below. 6.1.1 Capacitive Coupling For DC voltages (ω = 0), the capacitor is an open circuit (infinite impedance). For AC voltages, the impedance of a capacitor, Z = −j/(ωC), can be made sufficiently small by choosing an appropriately large value for C (the higher the frequency, the lower the C value that one needs). This property of capacitors can be used to add and separate AC and DC signals. Example below highlights this effect. +15 V Consider the circuit below which includes a DC source of 15 V and an AC source of vi = Vi cos(ωt). We are interested to calculate voltages vA and vB . The best method to solve this circuit is superposition. The circuit is broken into two circuits. In circuit 1, we “kill” the AC source and keep the DC source. In circuit 2, we “kill” the DC source and keep the AC source. Superposition principle states that vA = vA1 + vA2 and vB = vB1 + vB2 . R2 vA + − vi C1 + − v B +15 V R2 vA1 C1 R1 + R2 A + − +15 V vA2 v R 1 + B R1 R2 − B1 vi C1 + − vi C1 v B2 R 1 Consider the first circuit. It is driven by a DC source and, therefore, the capacitor will act as open circuit. The voltage vA1 = 0 as it is connected to ground and vB1 can be found by ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 159 voltage divider formula: vB1 = 15R1 /(R1 + R2 ). As can be seen both vA1 and vB1 are DC voltages. In the second circuit, resistors R1 and R2 are in parallel. Let RB = R1 k R2 . The circuit is a high-pass filter: VA2 = Vi and VB2 = Vi (RB )/(RB + 1/jωC). If we operate the circuit at frequency above the cut-off frequency of the filter, i.e., RB 1/ωC, we will have VB2 ≈ VA2 = Vi and vB2 ≈ vA2 = Vi cos(ωt). Therefore, for ω 1/RB C vA = vA1 + vA2 = Vi cos(ωt) vB = vB1 + vB2 = R1 × 15 + Vi cos(ωt) R1 + R 2 Obviously, the capacitor is preventing the DC voltage to appear at point A, while the voltage at point B is the sum of DC signal from 15-V supply and the AC signal. Using capacitive coupling, we can reconfigure our previous amplifier circuit as is shown in the figure below. Capacitive coupling is used extensively in transistor amplifiers. vCE +∆ vCE ∆ vCE i C +∆ i C ∆ VBB RB i B +∆ i B + + vBE +∆ vBE _ _ + − ~ vCE +∆ vCE RC VCC VBB BJT amplifier circuits are analyzed using superposition, similar to the example above: 1) DC Biasing: The input AC signal is set to zero and capacitors act as open circuit. This analysis establishes the Q point in the active-linear state. 2) AC Response: DC bias voltages are set to zero. The response of the circuit to an AC input is calculated and the transfer function, input and output impedances, etc. are found. The break up of the problem into these two parts have an additional advantage as the requirement for accuracy are different in the two cases. For DC biasing, we are interested in locating the Q point roughly in the middle of active-linear state. The exact location of the Q point is not important. Thus, a simple model, such as large-signal model of page 114 is quite adequate. We are, however, interested to compute the transfer function for AC signals more accurately. We will develop a model which is more accurate for small AC signals in this section. FET-based amplifiers are similar. FET should be biased similar to BJT and the analysis method is broken into the DC biasing and the AC response. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 160 6.2 BJT Biasing VCC This simple bias circuit is usually referred to as “fixed bias” as a fixed voltage is applied to the BJT base. As we like to have only one power supply, the base circuit is also powered by VCC . (To avoid confusion, we will use capital letters to denote DC bias values e.g., IC .) Assuming that BJT is in active-linear state, we have: BE-KVL: VCC = IB RB + VBE → IB = RB RC iC + iB + vBE VCC − VBE RB vCE _ _ VCC − VBE RB = IC RC + VCE → VCE = VCC − IC RC RC = VCC − β (VCC − VBE ) RB IC = βIB = β CE-KVL: VCC VCE For a given circuit (known RC , RB , VCC , and BJT β) the above equations can be solved to find the Q-point (IB , IC , and VCE ). Alternatively, one can use the above equations to design a BJT circuit to operate at a certain Q point. (Note: Do not memorize the above equations or use them as formulas, they can be easily derived from simple KVLs). Example 1: Find values of RC , RB in the above circuit with β = 100 and VCC = 15 V so that the Q-point is IC = 25 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. Since the BJT is in the active-linear state (VCE = 7.5 > Vγ ), IB = IC /β = 0.25 mA. BE-KVL and CE-KVL result in: BE-KVL: VCC + RB IB + VBE = 0 CE-KVL: VCC = IC RC + VCE → 15 − 0.7 = 57.2 kΩ 0.250 15 = 25 × 10−3 RC + 7.5 → → RB = RC = 300 Ω Example 2: Consider the circuit designed in example 1. What is the Q point if β = 200. We have RB = 57.2 kΩ, RC = 300 Ω, and VCC = 15 V but IB , IC , and VCE are unknown. Assuming that the BJT is in the active-linear state: BE-KVL: VCC + RB IB + VBE = 0 → IB = VCC − VBE = 0.25 mA RB IC = β IB = 50 mA CE-KVL: VCC = IC RC + VCE → VCE = 15 − 300 × 50 × 10−3 = 0 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 161 As VCE < vγ the BJT is not in the active-linear state (since IC > 0, the BJT should be in saturation). The above examples show the problem with our simple fixed-bias circuit as the β of a commercial BJT can depart by a factor of 2 from its average value given in the manufacturers’ spec sheet. More importantly, environmental conditions (mainly temperature) can play an important role. In a given BJT, IC increases by 9% per ◦ C for a fixed VBE (because of the change in β). Consider a circuit which is tested to operate perfectly at 25◦ C. At 35◦ C, β and IC will be roughly doubled and the BJT can be in saturation! In fact, the circuit has a build-in positive feedback. If the temperature rises slightly, the corresponding increase in β makes IC larger. Since the power dissipation in the transistor is VCE IC , the transistor may get hotter which increases transistor β and IC further and can cause a “thermal runaway.” The problem is that our biasing circuit fixes the value of IB (independent of BJT parameters) and, as a result, both IC and VCE are directly proportional to BJT β (see formulas in the previous page). A biasing scheme should be found that make the Q-point (IC and VCE ) independent of transistor β and insensitive to the above problems → Use negative feedback! 6.2.1 Voltage-Divider Biasing VCC This biasing scheme can be best analyzed and understood if we replace R1 and R2 of the voltage divider with its Thevenin equivalent: VBB R2 VCC = R1 + R 2 R1 RC iC and RB = R1 k R2 + vBE Analysis below also shows that the Q point is independent of BJT parameters: IE ≈ IC = βIB vCE _ _ R2 RE Thevenin Equivalent VCC { The emitter resistor, RE , provides the negative feedback. Suppose IC becomes larger than the designed value (e.g., larger β due to an increase in temperature). Then, VE = RE IE will increase. Since VBB and RB do not change, KVL in the BE loop shows that IB should decrease which will reduce IC back towards its design value. If IC becomes smaller than its design value opposite happens, IB has to increase which will increase and stabilize IC . RC iC RB + − + iB + vBE VBB vCE _ _ RE VBB − VBE RB + βRE BE-KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + IE RE → IB = CE-KVL: VCC = RC IC + VCE + IE RE → VCE = VCC − IC (RC + RE ) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 + iB 162 Choose RB such that RB βRE (this is the condition for the feedback to be effective): IC ≈ I E ≈ VBB − VBE RE VBB − VBE βRE RC + R E (VBB − VBE ) − RE and IB ≈ VCE = VCC − IC (RC + RE ) ≈ VCC Note that now both IC and VCE are independent of β. Another way to see how the circuit works is to consider BE-KVL: VBB = RB IB +VBE +IE RE . If we choose RB βRE ≈ (IE /IB )RE or RB IB IE RE (rhe feedback condition above), the KVL reduces to VBB ≈ VBE + IE RE , forcing a constant IE independent of the BJT β. As IC ≈ IE this will also fixes the Q point of BJT. If the BJT parameters change (different β due to a change in temperature), the circuit forces IE to remain fixed and changes IB accordingly. This biasing scheme is one of several methods which fix IC (and VCE ) and allow the BJT to adjust IB (through negative feedback) to achieve the proper bias. This class of biasing methods is usually called “self-bias” schemes. Another important point follows from VBB ≈ VBE + IE RE . As VBE is not a constant and can change slightly (can drop to 0.6 or increase to 0.8 V for a Si BJT), we need to ensure that IE RE is much larger than possible changes in VBE . As changes in VBE = vγ is about 0.1 V, we need to ensure that VE = IE RE 0.1 or VE > 10 × 0.1 = 1 V. Example: Design a stable bias circuit with a Q point of IC = 2.5 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. Transistor β ranges from 50 to 200. Step 1: Find VCC : As we like to have the Q-point to be located in the middle of the load line, we set VCC = 2VCE = 2 × 7.5 = 15 V. Step 2: Find RC and RE : VCE = VCC − IC (RC + RE ) → RC + RE = 7.5 = 3 kΩ 2.5 × 10−3 We are free to choose RC and RE (usually the AC response sets the values of RC and RE as is discussed later). We have to ensure, however, that VE = IE RE > 1 V or RE > 1/IE = 400 Ω. Let’s choose RE = 1 kΩ which gives RC = 3 − RE = 2 kΩ (both commercial values). Step 3: Find RB and VBB : We need to set RB βRE . As any commercial BJT has a range of β values and we want to ensure that the above inequality is always satisfied, we should use the minimum β value: RB βmin RE → RB = 0.1βmin RE = 0.1 ∗ 50 ∗ 1, 000 = 5 kΩ VBB ≈ VBE + IE RE = 0.7 + 2.5 × 10−3 × 103 = 3.2 V ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 163 Step 4: Find R1 and R2 R1 R2 = 5 kΩ R1 + R 2 R2 3.2 = = = 0.21 R1 + R 2 15 RB = R 1 k R 2 = VBB VCC The above are two equations in two unknowns (R1 and R2 ). The easiest way to solve these equations are to divide the two equations to find R1 and use that in the equation for VBB : R1 = 5 kΩ = 24 kΩ 0.21 R2 = 0.21 R1 + R 2 → 0.79R2 = 0.21R1 → R2 = 6.4 kΩ Reasonable commercial values for R1 and R2 are and 24 kΩ and 6.2 kΩ, respectively. The voltage divider biasing scheme is used frequently in BJT amplifiers. There are two drawbacks to this biasing scheme that may make it unsuitable for some applications: 1) Because VB > 0, a coupling capacitor is needed to attach the input signal to the amplifier circuit. As a result, this biasing scheme leads to an “AC” amplifier (cannot amplify DC signals). In some applications, we need “DC” amplifiers. Biasing with two voltage sources, discussed below, can solve this problem. 2) The voltage divider biasing requires 3 resistors (R1 , R2 , and RE ), and a coupling capacitor. In ICs, resistors and large capacitors take too much space compared to transistors. It is preferable to reduce their numbers as much as possible. For IC applications, “currentmirrors” are usually used to bias BJT amplifiers as is discussed below. 6.2.2 Biasing with 2 Voltage Sources VCC This biasing scheme is also a self-bias method and is similar to the voltage-divider biasing. Basically, we have assigned a voltage of −VEE to the ground (reference voltage) and chosen VEE = VBB . As such, all of the currents and voltages in the circuit should be identical to the voltage-divider biasing. We should find that this is a stable bias point as long as RB βRE . BE-KVL: RB IB + VBE + RE IE − VEE = 0 IE + RE IE = VEE − VBE → RB β ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 IE = VEE − VBE RE + RB /β RC iC RB + iB + vBE vCE _ _ RE −VEE 164 Similar to the bias with one power supply, if we choose RB such that, RB βRE , we get: VEE − VBE = const RE = RC IC + VCE + RE IE − VEE IC ≈ I E ≈ CE-KVL: VCC VCE = VCC + VEE − IC (RC + RE ) = const Therefore, IC , and VCE are independent β and bias point is stable. Similar to the voltagedivider bias, we need to ensure that RE IE ≥ 1 V to account for possible variation in VBE . Bias with two power supplies has certain advantages over biasing with one power supply, it has two resistors, RB and RE (as opposed to three), and in fact, in most applications, we can remove RB altogether and directly couple the input signal (without a coupling capacitor) to the BJT). As such, such a configuration can also amplify “DC” signals. 6.2.3 Biasing in ICs: Current Mirrors VCC The self-bias schemes above, voltage-divider and bias with 2 voltage sources, essentially operate the same way: They force IE to have a given value independent of the BJT parameters. In principle, the same objective can be achieved if we could bias the BJT with a current source as is shown. In this case, no bias resistor is needed and we only need to include resistors necessary for AC operation. As such, biasing with a current source is the preferred way in most integrated circuits. Such a biasing can be achieved with a current mirror circuit. Consider the circuit shown with two identical transistors, Q1 and Q2 . Because both bases and emitters of the transistors are connected together, KVL leads to vBE1 = vBE2 . As BJT’s are identical, they should have similar iB (iB1 = iB2 = iB ) and, therefore, similar iE = iE1 = iE2 and iC = iC1 = iC2 KCL: iE β+1 βiE β+1 2iE iE 2iE β+2 Iref = iC + = + = iE β+1 β+1 β+1 β+1 Io β 1 = = Iref β+2 1 + 2/β iB = Io = i C = RC iC RB + iB + vBE vCE _ _ RE I −VEE I ref 2iE Io β +1 iC iC Q1 _ iE + + vBE2 _ vBE1 −VEE Q2 iE We have explicitly used iC = βiB and iE = (β + 1)iB to illustrate the impact of β. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 165 For β 1, Io ≈ Iref (with an accuracy of 2/β). This circuit is called a “current mirror” as the two transistors work in tandem to ensure that current Io remains the same as Iref no matter what circuit is attached to the collector of Q2 . As such, the circuit behaves as a current source and can be used to bias BJT circuits, i.e., Q2 collector is attached to the emitter circuit of the BJT amplifier to be biased. VCC Value of Iref can be set in many ways. The simplest is by using a resistor Rc as is shown. By KVL, we have: RC Io iC VCC = RC Iref + vBE1 − VEE Iref I ref Q1 VCC + VEE − vBE1 = = const RC _ iE + + vBE2 _ vBE1 −VEE Q2 iE Current mirror circuits are widely used for biasing BJTs. In the simple current mirror circuit above, Io = Iref with a relative accuracy of 2/β and Iref is constant with an accuracy of small changes in vBE1 . Variations of the above simple current mirror, such as Wilson current mirror and Widlar current mirror, have Io = Iref even with a higher accuracy and also compensate for the small changes in vBE . Wilson mirror is especially popular because it replace Rc with a transistor. The right hand part of the current mirror circuit can be duplicated such that one current mirror circuit can bias several BJT circuits as is shown. In fact, by coupling output of two or more of the right hand BJTs, integer multiples of Iref can be made for biasing circuits which require a higher bias current. VCC RC I ref Io Io 2Io −VEE A large family of BJT circuit, including current mirrors, differential amplifiers, and emittercoupled logic circuits include identical BJT pairs. These circuits are rarely made of discrete transistors because if one chooses two commercial BJTs, e.g., two 2N3904, there is no guaranty that β1 = β2 . However, if two identical BJTs are manufactured together on one chip next to each other, β1 ≈ β2 within a couple of percent. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 166 6.3 Biasing FETs Field-effect transistors can also be used in amplifier circuits by operating the FET in the active state. Similar to BJT amplifiers, we need to apply a DC bias (in addition to the input AC signal) so that the FET remains in the active state for the entire period of the AC signal. VGG The fixed-bias scheme for FETs is shown. Note that RG is not necessary for biasing but is necessary for AC operation as without RG the input AC signal will be grounded through VGG . GS-KVL: VDD RD RG VGG = VGS ID = K(VGS − Vt )2 = K(VGG − Vt )2 DS-KVL: VDD = ID RD + VDS → VDS = VDD − KRD (VGG − Vt )2 Similar to the BJT β, both Vt and K vary due to the manufacturing and environmental conditions. For example, as temperture is increased, both Vt and K decrease: decreasing K decreases ID while decreasing Vt raises ID . The net effect (usually) is that ID decreases. While the “thermal runaway” is not a problem in FETs, the bias point is not stable. Similar to the BJT bias circuits, addition of a resistor RS provides the negative feedback necessary to stabilize the bias point. For the voltage divider self bias, VG is set by R1 and R2 . Since VGS = VG − RS ID , any decrease in ID would increase VGS and increases ID . Similarly, any increase in ID would decrease VGS and decreases ID . As a result, ID will stay nearly constant (because ID = K(VGS − Vt )2 , ID does not remain constant like IC in a BJT, rather it variation become much smaller by the negative feedback). Another difference between voltage-divider self-bias for FET with that of BJT si that in the case of BJT, we have to ensure that RB βRE for negative feedback to be effective. THis generally limits the value of R1 and R2 . In a FET, IG = 0 and no such limitaion exists. Therefore, R1 and R2 can be taken to be large (MΩ) which is important in the AC response as is discussed later. Self bias with 2 power supplies and FET current mirror bias are also shown below. R2 RD RD iD iD R1 RS VDD VDD VDD R1 R Io I ref RS −VSS Voltage-divider (Self Bias) Bias with 2 power supplies ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 FET Current Mirror 167 6.4 BJT Small Signal Model We calculated the DC behavior of the BJT (DC biasing) with a simple large-signal model. In the active-linear state, this model is simply: vBE = 0.7 V, iC = βiB . This model is sufficient for calculating the Q point as we are only interested in ensuring sufficient design space for the amplifier, i.e., Q point should be in the middle of the load line in the active-linear state. In fact, for our good biasing scheme with negative feedback, the Q point location is independent of BJT parameters (and, therefore, independent of model used!). iB iC vγ vBE vsat vCE A comparison of the simple largesignal model with the iv characteristics of the BJT shows that our simple large-signal model is crude. For example, the input AC signal results in small changes in vBE around 0.7 V (Q point) and corresponding changes in iB . The simple model cannot be used to calculate these changes (It assumes vBE is constant!). Also for a fixed iB , iC is not exactly constant as is assumed in the simple model (see iC vs vCE graphs). As a whole, the simple large signal model is not sufficient to describe the AC behavior of BJT amplifiers where more accurate representations of the amplifier gain, input and output resistance, etc. are needed. A more accurate, but still linear, model can be developed by assuming that the changes in transistor voltages and currents due to the AC signal are small compared to corresponding Q-point values and using a Taylor series expansion. Consider function f (x). Suppose we know the value of the function and all of its derivative at some known point x0 . Then, the value of the function in the neighborhood of x0 can be found from the Taylor Series ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 168 expansion as: df (∆x)2 d2 f f (x0 + ∆x) = f (x0 ) + ∆x + ... + dx x=x0 2 dx2 x=x0 Close to our original point of x0 , ∆x is small and the high order terms of this expansion (terms with (∆x)n , n = 2, 3, ...) usually become very small. Typically, we consider only the first order term, i.e., df f (x0 + ∆x) ≈ f (x0 ) + ∆x dx x=x0 The Taylor series expansion can be similarly applied to function of two or more variables such as f (x, y): ∂f ∂f f (x0 + ∆x, y0 + ∆y) ≈ f (x0 , y0 ) + ∆x + ∆y ∂x x0 ,y0 ∂y x0 ,y0 In a BJT, there are four parameters of interest: iB , iC , vBE , and vCE . The BJT iv characteristics plots, specify two of the above parameters, vBE and iC in terms of the other two, iB and vCE , i.e., vBE is a function of iB and vCE (written as vBE (iB , vCE ) similar to f (x, y)) and iC is a function of iB and vCE , iC (iB , vCE ). Let’s assume that BJT is biased and the Q point parameters are IB , IC , VBE and VCE . We now apply a small AC signal to the BJT. This small AC signal changes vCE and iB by small values around the Q point: iB = IB + ∆iB vCE = VCE + ∆vCE The AC changes, ∆iB and ∆vCE results in AC changes in vBE and iC that can be found from Taylor series expansion in the neighborhood of the Q point, similar to expansion of f (x0 + ∆x, y0 + ∆y) above: vBE (IB + ∆iB , VCE + ∆vCE ) = VBE iC (IB + ∆iB , VCE ∂vBE ∂vBE + ∆iB + ∆vCE ∂iB Q ∂vCE Q ∂iC ∂iC + ∆vCE ) = IC + ∆iB + ∆vCE ∂iB Q ∂vCE Q ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 169 where all partial derivatives are calculated at the Q point and we have noted that at the Q point, vBE (IB , VCE ) = VBE and iC (IB , VCE ) = IC . We denote the AC changes in vBE and iC as ∆vBE and ∆iC , respectively: vBE (IB + ∆iB , VCE + ∆vCE ) = VBE + ∆vBE iC (IB + ∆iB , VCE + ∆vCE ) = IC + ∆iC So, by applying a small AC signal, we have changed iB and vCE by small amounts, ∆iB and ∆vCE , and BJT has responded by changing , vBE and iC by small AC amounts, ∆vBE and ∆iC . From the above two sets of equations we can find the BJT response to AC signals: ∆vBE = ∂vBE ∂vBE ∆iB + ∆vCE , ∂iB ∂vCE ∆iC = ∂iC ∂iC ∆iB + ∆vCE ∂iB ∂vCE where the partial derivatives are the slope of the iv curves near the Q point. We define hie ≡ ∂vBE , ∂iB hre ≡ ∂vBE , ∂vCE hf e ≡ ∂iC , ∂iB hoe ≡ ∂iC ∂vCE Thus, response of BJT to small signals can be written as: ∆vBE = hie ∆iB + hre ∆vCE ∆iC = hf e ∆iB + hoe ∆vCE which is our small-signal model for BJT. We now need to relate the above analytical model to circuit elements so that we can solve BJT circuits. Consider the expression for ∆vBE ∆vBE = hie ∆iB + hre ∆vCE Each term on the right hand side should have units of Volts. Thus, hie should have units of resistance and hre should have no units (these are consistent with the definitions of hie and hre ). Furthermore, the above equation is like a KVL: the voltage drop between the base and emitter (∆vBE ) is equal to the sum of voltage drops across two elements. The voltage drop across the first element is hie ∆iB . So, it is a resistor with a value of hie . The voltage drop across the second element is hre ∆vCE . Thus, it is a dependent voltage source. B ∆i Β + + ∆v E V1 = hie ∆ iB − ΒΕ − + V2 = hre ∆ v CE B Β E h ie + ∆v − ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 ∆i ΒΕ hre ∆v CE + − − 170 Now consider the expression for ∆iC : ∆iC = hf e ∆iB + hoe ∆vCE Each term on the right hand side should have units of Amperes. Thus, hf e should have no units and hoe should have units of conductance (these are consistent with the definitions of hoe and hf e .) Furthermore, the above equation is like a KCL: the collector current (∆iC ) is equal to the sum of two currents. The current in first element is hf e ∆iB . So, it is a dependent current source. The current in the second element is proportional to hoe /∆vCE . So it is a resistor with the value of 1/hoe . ∆i C + i1 = h fe ∆ iB ∆v i = h oe ∆v 2 CE ∆i C C 1/hoe CE − C + hfe ∆ iB ∆v CE − E E Now, if put the models for BE and CE terminals together we arrive at the small signal “hybrid” model for BJT. It is similar to the hybrid model for a two-port network. ∆i B B + ∆v E BE _ ∆i h ie hre ∆v CE C + - C + hfe ∆ iB 1/hoe ∆v CE - E The small-signal model is mathematically valid only for signals with small amplitudes. But this model is so useful that is often used for signals with amplitudes approaching those of Q-point parameters by using average values of “h” parameters. “h” parameters are given in the manufacturer’s spec sheets for each BJT. It should not be surprising to note that even in a given BJT, “h” parameter can vary substantially depending on manufacturing statistics, operating temperature, etc. Manufacturer’s’ spec sheets list these “h” parameters and give the minimum and maximum values. Traditionally, the geometric mean of the minimum and maximum values are used as the average value in design (see the table below). Since hf e = ∂iC /∂iB and BJT β = iC /iB , β is sometimes called hF E in manufacturers’ spec sheets and has a value quite close to hf e . In most electronic text books, β, hF E and hf e are used interchangeably. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 171 Typical hybrid parameters of a general-purpose 2N3904 NPN BJT Minimum 1 0.5 × 10−4 100 1 25 10 rπ = hie (kΩ) hre β ≈ hf e hoe (µS) ro = 1/hoe (kΩ) re = hie /hf e (Ω) Maximum 10 8 × 10−4 400 40 1,000 25 Average* 3 2 × 10−4 200 6 150 15 * Geometric mean. As hre is small, it is usually ignored in analytical calculations as it makes analysis much simpler. This model, called the hybrid-π model, is most often used in analyzing BJT circuits. In order to distinguish this model from the hybrid model, most electronic text books use a different notation for various elements of the hybrid-π model: rπ = hie B ∆i ∆i B C + ∆v BE ro = C 1 hoe β = hf e B ∆i ∆i B C + hfe ∆ iB h ie 1/hoe _ ∆v BE =⇒ β∆ i rπ B C ro _ E E The above hybrid-π model includes a current-controlled current source. A variant of the hybrid-π model can be developed which includes a voltage-controlled current source by noting (∆vBE = rπ ∆iB : β∆iB = β ∆vBE = gm ∆vBE rπ β Transfer conductance rπ rπ 1 = Emitter resistance re ≡ gm β gm ≡ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 B ∆i ∆i B C + ∆v BE gm ∆ vBE rπ C ro _ E 172 6.5 FET Small Signal Model Similar to the BJT, the simple large-signal model of FET (page 127) is sufficient for finding the bias point; but we need to develop a more accurate model for analysis of AC signals. The main issue is that the FET large signal model indicates that iD only depends on vGS and is independent of vDS in the active state. In reality, iD increases slightly with vDS in the active state. We can develop a small signal model for FET in a manner similar to the procedure described in detail for the BJT. The FET characteristics equations specify two of the FET parameters, iG and iD , in terms of the other two, vGS and vDS . (Actually FET is simpler than BJT as iG = 0 at all times.) As before, we write the FET parameters as a sum of DC bias value and a small AC signal, e.g., iD = ID + ∆iD . Performing a Taylor series expansion, similar to pages 169 and 170, we get: iG (VGS + ∆vGS , VDS + ∆vDS ) = 0 iD (VGS ∂iD ∂iD ∆vGS + ∆vDS + ∆vGS , VDS + ∆vDS ) = iD (VGS , VDS ) + ∂vGS Q ∂vDS Q Since iG (VGS +∆vGS , VDS +∆vDS ) = IG +∆iG and iD (VGS +∆vGS , VDS +∆vDS ) = ID +∆iD , we find the AC components to be: ∆iG = 0 and Defining gm ≡ ∂iD ∂vGS and ∂iD ∂iD ∆iD = ∆vGS + ∆vDS ∂vGS Q ∂vDS Q ro ≡ ∂iD ∂vDS We get: ∆iG = 0 and ∆iD = gm ∆vGS + ro ∆vDS This results in the hybrid-π model for the FET as is shown. Note that the FET hybrid-π model is similar to the BJT hybrid-π model with rπ → ∞. G ∆i = 0 ∆i G D D gm ∆ vGS + ∆v GS _ ro S ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 173 6.6 BJT Amplifier Circuits As we have developed different models for DC signals (simple large-signal model) and AC signals (small-signal model), analysis of BJT circuits follows these steps: DC biasing analysis: Assume all capacitors are open circuit. Analyze the transistor circuit using the simple large signal mode as described in page 114. AC analysis: 1) Kill all DC sources 2) Assume coupling capacitors are short circuit. The effect of these capacitors is to set a lower cut-off frequency for the circuit. This is analyzed in the last step. 3) Inspect the circuit. If you identify the circuit as a prototype circuit, you can directly use the formulas for that circuit. Otherwise go to step 4. 4) Replace the BJT with its small signal model. 5) Solve for voltage and current transfer functions and input and output impedances (nodevoltage method is the best). 6) Compute the cut-off frequency of the amplifier circuit. Several standard BJT amplifier configurations are discussed below and are analyzed. For completeness, circuits include standard bias resistors R1 and R2 . For bias configurations that do not utilize these resistors (e.g., current mirror), simply set RB = R1 k R2 → ∞. 6.6.1 Common Collector Amplifier (Emitter Follower) VCC DC analysis: With the capacitors open circuit, this circuit is the same as our good biasing circuit of page 162 with RC = 0. The bias point currents and voltages can be found using procedure of pages 162-164. R1 vi Cc vo AC analysis: To start the analysis, we kill all DC sources: R2 RE VCC = 0 R1 vi Cc vi Cc vo R2 RE ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 C B vo E R1 R2 RE 174 We can combine R1 and R2 into RB (same resistance that we encountered in the biasing analysis) and replace the BJT with its small signal model: vi Cc B ∆i ∆i B C + ∆v RB BE β ∆i rπ B Cc rπ B E vo ∆i ro RB vo E _ vi C B RE ro β ∆i B C RE The figure above shows why this is a common collector configuration: the collector is common between the input and output AC signals. We can now proceed with the analysis. Node voltage method is usually the best approach to solve these circuits. For example, the above circuit has only one node equation for node at point E with a voltage vo : vo − v i vo − 0 vo − 0 + − β∆iB + =0 rπ ro RE Because of the controlled source, we need to write an “auxiliary” equation relating the control current (∆iB ) to node voltages: ∆iB = vi − v o rπ Substituting the expression for ∆iB in our node equation, multiplying both sides by rπ , and collecting terms, we get: vi (1 + β) = vo 1 + β + rπ 1 1 + ro RE = vo " rπ 1+β+ ro k R E # Amplifier Gain can now be directly calculated: Av ≡ vo = vi 1+ 1 rπ (1 + β)(ro k RE ) Unless RE is very small (tens of Ω), the fraction in the denominator is quite small compared to 1 and Av ≈ 1. To find the input impedance, we calculate ii by KCL: ii = i1 + ∆iB = vi − v o vi + RB rπ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 175 Since vo ≈ vi , we have ii = vi /RB or Ri ≡ vi = RB ii Note that RB is the combination of our biasing resistors R1 and R2 . With alternative biasing schemes which do not require R1 and R2 (and, therefore, RB → ∞), the input resistance of the emitter follower circuit will become large. In this case, we cannot use vo ≈ vi . Using the full expression for vo from above, the input resistance of the emitter follower circuit becomes: Ri ≡ vi = RB k [rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β)] ii which is quite large (hundreds of kΩ to several MΩ) for RB → ∞. Such a circuit is in fact the first stage of the 741 OpAmp. The output resistance of the common collector amplifier (in fact for all transistor amplifiers) is somewhat complicated because the load can be configured in two ways (see figure): First, RE , itself, is the load. This is the case when the common collector is used as a “current amplifier” to raise the power level and to drive the load. The output resistance of the circuit is Ro as is shown in the circuit model. This is usually the case when values of Ro and Ai (current gain) is quoted in electronic text books. VCC VCC R1 R1 Cc vi vi Cc vo R2 vo RE = RL R2 RE is the Load vi Cc rπ B B vo vi Cc rπ B E ∆i β∆ i B ro RL Separate Load E ∆i RB RE RE C RB B vo β∆ i B ro RE RL C Ro R’o Alternatively, the load can be placed in parallel to RE . This is done when the common collector amplifier is used as a buffer (Av ≈ 1, Ri large). In this case, the output resistance is denoted by Ro0 (see figure). For this circuit, BJT sees a resistance of RE k RL . Obviously, if we want the load not to affect the emitter follower circuit, we should use RL to be much ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 176 larger than RE . In this case, little current flows in RL which is fine because we are using this configuration as a buffer and not to amplify the current and power. As such, value of Ro0 or Ai does not have much use. Cc vi When RE is the load, the output resistance can be found by killing the source (short vi ) and finding the Thevenin resistance of the two-terminal network (using a test voltage source). rπ B ∆i β∆ iB B RB iT E + − ro vT C Ro vT KCL: iT = −∆iB + − β∆iB ro KVL (outside loop): − rπ ∆iB = vT Substituting for ∆iB from the 2nd equation in the first and rearranging terms we get: Ro ≡ (ro ) rπ vT = iT (1 + β)(ro ) + rπ Since, (1 + β)(ro ) rπ , the expression for Ro simplifies to Ro ≈ rπ rπ (ro ) rπ = ≈ = re (1 + β)(ro ) (1 + β) β As mentioned above, when RE is the load the common collector is used as a “current amplifier” to raise the current and power levels . This can be seen by checking the current gain in this amplifier: io = vo /RE , ii ≈ vi /RB and Ai ≡ io RB = ii RE We can calculate Ro0 , the output resistance when an additional load is attached to the circuit (i.e., RE is not the load) with a similar procedure: we need to find the Thevenin resistance of the two-terminal network (using a test voltage source). We can use our previous results by noting that we can replace ro and RE with ro0 = ro k RE which results in a circuit similar to the case with no RL . Therefore, Ro0 has a similar expression as Ro if we replace ro with ro0 : ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 vi Cc rπ B ∆i β∆ iB B RB iT E ro + − RE vT C R’o vi Cc rπ B ∆i RB B iT E β∆ iB + − r’o vT C R’o 177 Ro0 vT (ro0 ) rπ ≡ = iT (1 + β)(ro0 ) + rπ In most circuits, (1 + β)(ro0 ) rπ (unless we choose a small value for RE ) and Ro0 ≈ re In summary, the general properties of the common collector amplifier (emitter follower) include a voltage gain of unity (Av ≈ 1), a very large input resistance Ri ≈ RB (and can be made much larger with alternate biasing schemes). This circuit can be used as buffer for matching impedance, at the first stage of an amplifier to provide very large input resistance (such in 741 OpAmp). The common collector amplifier can be also used as the last stage of some amplifier system to amplify the current (and thus, power) and drive a load. In this case, RE is the load, Ro is small: Ro = re and current gain can be substantial: Ai = RB /RE . Impact of Coupling Capacitor: Up to now, we have neglected the impact of the coupling capacitor in the circuit (assumed it was a short circuit). This is not a correct assumption at low frequencies. The coupling capacitor results in a lower cut-off frequency for the transistor amplifiers. In order to find the cut-off frequency, we need to repeat the above analysis and include the coupling capacitor impedance in the calculation. In most cases, however, the impact of the coupling capacitor and the lower cut-off frequency can be deduced be examining the amplifier circuit model. Consider our general model for any amplifier circuit. If we assume that coupling capacitor is short circuit (similar to our AC analysis of BJT amplifier), vi0 = vi . Vi Ro Cc + − + V’i − Ri + − Io + AVi Vo ZL − Voltage Amplifier Model When we account for impedance of the capacitor, we have set up a high pass filter in the input part of the circuit (combination of the coupling capacitor and the input resistance of the amplifier). This combination introduces a lower cut-off frequency for our amplifier which is the same as the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter: ωl = 2π fl = 1 Ri Cc Lastly, our small signal model is a low-frequency model. As such, our analysis indicates that the amplifier has no upper cut-off frequency (which is not true). At high frequencies, the capacitance between BE , BC, CE layers become important and a high-frequency smallsignal model for BJT should be used for analysis. You will see these models in upper division ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 178 courses. Basically, these capacitances results in amplifier gain to drop at high frequencies. PSpice includes a high-frequency model for BJT, so your simulation should show the upper cut-off frequency for BJT amplifiers. 6.6.2 Common Emitter Amplifier DC analysis: Recall that an emitter resistor is necessary to provide stability of the bias point. As such, the circuit configuration as is shown has as a poor bias. We need to include RE for good biasing (DC signals) and eliminate it for the AC signals. The solution is to include an emitter resistance and use a “bypass” capacitor to short it out for AC signals as is shown. VCC RC R1 vi VCC vo Cc RC R1 vi vo Cc R2 R2 Cb RE Good Bias using a by−pass capacitor Poor Bias For this new circuit and with the capacitors open circuit, this circuit is the same as our good biasing circuit of page 162. The bias point currents and voltages can be found using procedure of pages 162-164. AC analysis: To start the analysis, we kill all DC sources, short out Cb (which shorts out RE ), combine R1 and R2 into RB , and replace the BJT with its small signal model. We see that the emitter is now common between the input and output AC signals (thus, the common emitter amplifier). Examination of the circuit shows that: vi vi = rπ ∆iB vo = −(RC k ro ) β∆iB vo β β RC = − (RC k ro ) ≈ − RC = − vi rπ rπ re Ri = R B k r π Cc B C ∆i RB B rπ β∆ iB vo RC ro Av ≡ E Ro R’o The negative sign in Av indicates a 180◦ phase shift between the input and output signals. This circuit has a large voltage gain but has a medium value for the input resistance. As with the emitter follower circuit, the load can be configured in two ways: 1) RC is the load; or 2) the load is placed in parallel to RC . The output resistance can be found by killing the source (short vi ) and finding the Thevenin resistance of the two-terminal network. For this circuit, we see that if vi = 0 (killing the source), ∆iB = 0. In this case, the strength of ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 179 the dependent current source would be zero and this element would become an open circuit. Therefore, Ro = r o Ro0 = RC k ro Lower cut-off frequency: Both the coupling and bypass capacitors contribute to setting the lower cut-off frequency for this amplifier, both act as a high-pass filter with: 1 Ri Cc 1 ωl (bypass) = 2π fl = 0 RE Cb ωl (coupling) = 2π fl = 0 where RE ≡ RE k re 0 Note that usually RE re and, therefore, RE ≈ re . In the case when these two frequencies are far apart, the cut-off frequency of the amplifier is set by the “larger” cut-off frequency. i.e., ωl (bypass) ωl (coupling) → ωl (coupling) ωl (bypass) → 1 Ri Cc 1 ωl = 2π fl = 0 RE Cb ωl = 2π fl = When the two frequencies are close to each other, there is no exact analytical formulas, the cut-off frequency should be found from simulations. An approximate formula for the cut-off frequency (accurate within a factor of two and exact at the limits) is: ωl = 2π fl ≈ 1 1 + 0 Ri Cc RE Cb ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 180 6.6.3 Common Emitter Amplifier with Emitter resistance VCC A problem with the common emitter amplifier is that its gain depend on BJT parameters: Av ≈ (β/rπ )RC . Some form of feedback is necessary to ensure stable gain for this amplifier. One way to achieve this is to add an emitter resistance. Recall impact of negative feedback on OpAmp circuits: we traded gain for stability of the output. Same principles apply here. R1 RC Cc vo vi DC analysis: With the capacitors open circuit, this circuit is the RE R2 same as our good biasing circuit of page 162. The bias point currents and voltages can be found using procedure of pages 162-164. AC analysis: To start the analysis, we kill all DC sources, combine R1 and R2 into RB and replace the BJT with its small signal model. Analysis is straight forward using node-voltage method. vi vE − v i vE vE − v o + − β∆iB + =0 rπ RE ro vo vo − v E + + β∆iB = 0 RC ro vi − v E ∆iB = (Controlled source aux. Eq.) rπ C1 B ∆i ∆i B C + ∆v RB BE β∆ iB rπ _ C vo ro E RE RC Substituting for ∆iB in the node equations and noting 1 + β ≈ β, we get : vE − v i vE − v o vE +β + =0 RE rπ ro vo vo − v E vE − v i + −β =0 RC ro rπ Above are two equations in two unknowns (vE and vo ). Adding the two equation together we get vE = −(RE /RC )vo and substituting that in either equations we can find vo . Using rπ /β = re , we get: Av = vo RC RC = ≈ vi re (1 + RC /ro ) + RE (1 + re /ro ) re (1 + RC /ro ) + RE where we have simplified the equation noting re ro . For most circuits, RC ro and re RE . In this case, the voltage gain is simply Av = −RC /RE . ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 181 The input resistance of the circuit can be found from (prove it!) Ri = R B k vi ∆iB Noting that ∆iB = (vi − vE )/rπ and vE = −(RE /RC )vo = −(RE /RC )Av vi , we get: Ri = R B k rπ 1 + Av RC /RE Substituting for Av from above (complete expression for Av with re /ro 1), we get: " RE + re Ri = R B k β 1 + RC /ro !# For most circuits, RC ro and re RE . In this case, the input resistance is simply Ri = RB k (βRE ). As before the minus sign in Av indicates a 180◦ phase shift between input and output signals. Note the impact of negative feedback introduced by the emitter resistance: The voltage gain is independent of BJT parameters and is set by RC and RE (recall OpAmp inverting amplifier!). The input resistance is also increased dramatically. B As with the emitter follower circuit, the load can be configured in two ways: 1) RC is the load. 2) Load is placed in parallel to RC . The output resistance can be found by killing the source (short vi ) and finding the Thevenin resistance of the two-terminal network (by attaching a test voltage source to the circuit). iT = −∆iB − i1 = −∆iB 1 + rπ RE vT = −∆iB rπ − i2 ro = −∆iB ro iT C B β∆ iB rπ i2 E ro + − Ro B ∆i iT C B β∆ iB rπ i2 E ro + − RC rπ β+1+ RE vT RE i1 Resistor RB drops out of the circuit because it is shorted out. Resistors rπ and RE are in parallel. Therefore, i1 = (rπ /RE )∆iB and by KCL, i2 = (β + 1 + rπ /RE )∆iB . Then: ∆i i1 + rπ vT RE R’o Then: Ro = 1 + ro /re vT = ro + RE × iT 1 + RE /rπ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 182 where we have used rπ /β = re . Generally ro re (first approximation below) and for most circuit, RE rπ (second approximation) leading to RE /re RE ro RE Ro ≈ r o + r o × ≈ ro + = ro +1 1 + RE /rπ re re Value of Ro0 can be found by a similar procedure. Alternatively, examination of the circuit shows that Ro0 = RC k Ro ≈ RC Lower cut-off frequency: The coupling capacitor together with the input resistance of the amplifier lead to a lower cut-off frequency for this amplifier (similar to emitter follower). The lower cut-off frequency is given by: ωl = 2π fl = 1 Ri Cc A Possible Biasing Problem: The gain of the common emitter amplifier with the emitter resistance is approximately RC /RE . For cases when a high gain (gains larger than 5-10) is needed, RE may be become so small that the necessary good biasing condition, VE = RE IE > 1 V cannot be fulfilled. The solution is to use a by-pass capacitor as is shown. The AC signal sees an emitter resistance of RE1 while for DC signal the emitter resistance is the larger value of RE = RE1 + RE2 . Obviously formulas for common emitter amplifier with emitter resistance can be applied here by replacing RE with RE1 as in deriving the amplifier gain, and input and output impedances, we “short” the bypass capacitor so RE2 is effectively removed from the circuit. VCC R1 RC Cc vo vi R2 R E1 R E2 Cb The addition of by-pass capacitor, however, modifies the lower cut-off frequency of the circuit. Similar to a regular common emitter amplifier with no emitter resistance, both the coupling and bypass capacitors contribute to setting the lower cut-off frequency for this amplifier. Similarly we find that an approximate formula for the cut-off frequency (accurate within a factor of two and exact at the limits) is: ωl = 2π fl = 1 1 + 0 Ri Cc RE Cb 0 where RE ≡ RE2 k (RE1 + re ) ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 183 6.6.4 Common Base Amplifier VCC By setting the signal ground at the base of the BJT, one arrives at the common base amplifier (the input sginal is still applied between the base and the emitter). While it is possible to bias this configuration with a voltage divider self-bias, the preferred method is to bias this amplifier with two power supplies (or a current mirror). The bias point currents and voltages can be found using procedure of pages 164-165. RC vo vi Cc AC analysis: To start the analysis, we kill all DC sources and replace the BJT with its small signal model. We see that base is now common between the input and output AC signals (thus, the common base amplifier). ∆i B B β ∆ iB rπ vi ro =⇒ RC vi E ii E ∆i RE C Cc B Cc −VEE β ∆ iB vo C RE rπ RE ro vo RC B Using node voltage method and noting ∆iB = −vi /rπ : vo vo − v i + β∆iB + =0 RC ro 1 β 1 1 + vi − − + RC ro rπ ro vo vo 1 β ≈ vi RC k r o rπ Av ≡ ! =0 vo β β RC = (RC k ro ) ≈ RC = vi rπ rπ re which is exactly the gain of the common emitter amplifier (with no emitter resistor) except for the positive sign. This should not be surprising as compared to a common emitter, we have switched the terminals of the input signal (leading to the change in the sign of Av ) and the output voltage is vCB = vCE − vBE ≈ vCE because of the high gain of the amplifier. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 184 The input resistance of the circuit can be found by finding ii from the circuit above and computing vi /ii to be Ri = rπ (ro + RC ) rπ rπ rπ (ro + RC ) ≈ ≈ ≈ = re rπ + RC + ro (1 + β) ro (1 + β) 1+β β In the approximation, we first used the fact that rπ + RC ro (1 + β) and then RC ro . Note that the input resistance is quite small. As before, the load can be configured in two ways: 1) RC is the load; or 2) load is placed in parallel to RC . The output resistance can be found by killing the source (short vi ) and finding the Thevenin resistance of the two-terminal network. For this circuit, we see that if vi = 0 (killing the source), ∆iB = 0. In this case, the strength of the dependent current source would be zero and this element would become an open circuit. In addition, emitter would be effectively grounded and resistors RE and rπ are effectively shorted out of the circuit. Therefore, Ro = r o Ro0 = RC k ro ≈ RC which are similar to the common amplifier with no emitter resistor. As a whole, this circuit is similar to common emitter amplifier with no resistor (large voltage gain, medium output resistance) but has a very low input resistance (re ). As such, it is rarely used as a voltage amplifier (except for very specialized cases). Following the formula in page 13, the short circuit current-gain of this amplifier is: Ai = ZI re RC Av = =1 ZL + Z o 0 + R c re Therefore, this circuit has a low input resistance, a medium output resistance and currentgain of unity and, therefore, is a “current buffer”: It accepts an input signal current with a low input resistance and deliver nearly equal current to a much higher output resistance. Common-base amplifiers are mostly used as a current buffer, typically forming circuits including two BJTs (cascode amplifier) which are utilized specially in integrated circuits. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 185 6.7 FET Amplifier Circuits As expected, FET amplifiers are very similar to the BJT amplifiers. There are four basic FET amplifiers: 1) common-drain or source follower (similar to common collector or emitter follower), 2) common-source (similar to common emitter), 3) common source with a source resistor (similar to common emitter with an emitter resistor) and common gate (similar to common base). The analysis technique are exactly the same: 1) DC-biasing analysis, and 2) AC analysis in which we replace FET with its small signal model. In fact, by comparing the small signal model for an FET that that of a BJT, we should be able to find the answer immediately by replacing β/rπ = gm in the formulas of the equivalent BJT circuits and then let rπ → ∞ (and of course, replace RC → RD , RE → RS , and RB = R1 k R2 → RG = R1 k R2 ). Therefore, we will only solve the common-source amplifier in detail and summarize the results for the other configurations. 6.7.1 Common Source Amplifier DC analysis: Recall that a source resistor is necessary to provide stability for the bias point. As such, the circuit configuration as is shown has a poor bias. We need to include RS for good biasing (DC signals) and eliminate it for AC signals. The solution is to include a source resistance and use a “bypass” capacitor to short it out for AC signals similar to the BJT common-emitter amplifier. VDD R1 vi VDD R1 RD vo Cc vi RD vo Cc R2 R2 Cb RS Good Bias using a by−pass capacitor Poor Bias AC analysis: To start the analysis, we kill all DC sources, short out Cb (which shorts out RS ), combine R1 and R2 into RG , and replace the FET with its small signal model. We see that the source is now common between the input and output AC signals (thus, the common source amplifier). Examination of the circuit shows that: vi = ∆vGS vo = −(RD k ro ) gm ∆vGS vo Av ≡ = −gm (RD k ro ) ≈ −gm RD vi Ri = R G Ro = r o Ro0 = RD k ro ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 vi Cc RG G ∆i = 0 + ∆v GS _ vo D G gm ∆ vGS ro RD S Ro R’o 186 which are exactly the same as formulas for a BJT common emitter amplifier if we let β/rπ = gm and rπ → ∞. Note that as an FET can be biased with large (MΩ) R1 and R2 (see page 167), the input resistance of this amplifier is considerably larger than that of a common emitter amplifier and can even be made to be infinitely large (resistance of the Gate insulator) by removing RG and biasing the circuit with two voltage supplies or a current mirror. Lower cut-off frequency: As Ri is very large, the lower cut-off frequency is set by the bypass capacitor (unless Cc is chosen to be very small) . ωl = ωl (bypass) = 2π fl = where RS0 ≡ RS k 1 RS0 Cb 1 gm Note that usually RS 1/gm and, therefore, RS0 ≈ 1/gm . 6.7.2 Common Source Amplifier with Source resistance Similar to common-emitter amplifier, the common source amplifier gain depends on the FET parameters (gm ). Addition of a source resistance will remove this dependency (similar to the common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistor). Details of the AC analysis is left as an exercise. The parameters of this amplifier are: RD gm RD ≈− Av = − 1 + g m RS RS Ri = R G Ro = 1/gm k ro 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc VDD R1 vi RD vo Cc R2 RS Ro0 = RD k Ro ≈ RD Similar to the common-emitter amplifier, the gain is set by RD and RS and is independent of the FET parameters. The input resistance of the circuit is large (much larger than common emitter amplifier because R1 and R2 can be large). ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 187 6.7.3 Common Drain Amplifier VDD This circuit is similar to the common-collector amplifier (or the emitter follower). Details of the AC analysis is left as an exercise. The parameters of this amplifier are: Av = gm ro RS ≈1 ro + (1 + gm ro )RS R1 Cc vi vo Ri = R G Ro = 1/gm k ro 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc R2 Ro0 = RS k Ro ≈ RS RS Similar to the emitter follower, the source follower is a voltage buffer. It is superior to the emitter follower because of its very large input resistance. 6.7.4 Common Gate Amplifier VDD This circuit is similar to the BJT common-base amplifier. Details of the AC analysis is left as an exercise. The parameters of this amplifier are: RD vo Av = −gm (RD k ro ) ≈ −gm RD Ri = RS (ro + RD ) RS (ro + RD ) ro 1 ≈ ≈ = ro + RD + (1 + gm ro )RS (1 + gm ro )RS gm ro gm Ro0 = RD k ro ≈ RD 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc Ro = r o vi Cc RS −VSS Note that in the approximation for Ri , we first used the fact that ro + RD (1 + gm ro )RS and then RD ro . Similar to the common-base amplifier, this is a poor voltage amplifier because of its low input resistance but has a short-circuit current gain of unity, low input impedance, and medium output impedance and can be used as a current buffer. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 188 Summary of Transistor Amplifiers? VCC Common Collector (Emitter Follower): R1 (RE k ro )(1 + β) ≈1 Av = rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β) Cc vi vo Ri = RB k [rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β)] ≈ RB (ro ) rπ rπ Ro = ≈ = re (1 + β)(ro ) + rπ β Ro0 = rπ (ro0 ) rπ ≈ (1 + β)(ro0 ) + rπ β R2 1 2π fl = Ri Cc where ro = ro k RC RE VCC Common Emitter: RC R1 β RC β (RC k ro ) ≈ − RC = − rπ rπ re Ri = R B k r π Av = − vo Cc vi R2 Cb RE Ro0 = RC k ro ≈ RC 1 1 0 + 0 where RE ≡ RE k re 2π fl = Ri Cc RE Cb Ro = r o VCC Common Emitter with Emitter Resistance: Av = − R1 RC RC RC ≈− ≈− re (1 + RC /ro ) + RE re + R E RE " RE + re Ri = R B k β 1 + RC /ro !# ≈ RB k βRE ≈ RB RE RE /re Ro ≈ r o + r o × ≈ ro +1 1 + RE /rπ re Ro0 = RC k Ro ≈ RC and 2π fl = RC Cc vo vi R2 RE 1 Ri Cc VCC RC Common Base Amplifer: β RC (RC k ro ) ≈ rπ re rπ (ro + RC ) ≈ re Ri = rπ + RC + ro (1 + β) vo Av = Ro = r o Ro0 = RC k ro ≈ RC vi Cc 1 and 2π fl = Ri Cc ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 RE −VEE 189 VDD Common Drain (Source Follower): Av = R1 gm ro RS ≈1 ro + (1 + gm ro )RS Cc vi vo Ri = R G R2 Ro = 1/gm k ro 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc Ro0 RS = RS k Ro ≈ RS VDD Common Source: R1 Av = −gm (RD k ro ) ≈ −gm RD RD vo Cc vi Ri = R G Ro = r o Ro0 = RD k ro ωl = ωl (bypass) = 2π fl = R2 1 RS0 Cb where RS0 ≡ RS k Cb RS 1 gm VDD Common Source with Source Resistance: RD gm RD ≈− Av = − 1 + g m RS RS Ri = R G Ro = 1/gm k ro 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc R1 vi R2 Ro0 = RD k Ro ≈ RD Ro0 = RD k ro ≈ RD 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc Ro = r o RS VDD RD Av = −gm (RD k ro ) ≈ −gm RD 1 RS (ro + RD ) ≈ ro + RD + (1 + gm ro )RS gm vo Cc Common Gate Amplifer: Ri = RD vo vi Cc RS −VSS ? If bias resistors are not present (e.g., bias with current mirror), let RB or RG → ∞ in the “full” expression for Ri . ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 190 6.8 Exercise Problems In circuit design, use 5% commercial resistor and capacitor values (1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 3., 3.3, 3.6, 3.9, 4.3, 4.7, 5.1, 5.6, 6.2, 6.8, 7.5, 8.2, 9.1 × 10 n where n is an integer). Use Si BJTs, with β = 200, βmin = 100, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ. Problem 1. Show that this circuit is a stable biasing scheme. Problem 2 to 5. Compute Io assuming identical transistors. Problem 6 to 8: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). V CC I ref Io I ref VCC Io Q3 Io I ref Q3 RC RB IC Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q2 −VSS −VEE Problem 1 Q1 Problem 2 −VEE Problem 3 Problem 4 15 V 9V 34 k Io I ref Q3 Q2 30k 4.7 µ F vi vo 0.47 µ F Q1 vo vi 18k 16 V 1k 22k 1k vi 270 510nF 1.5k vo 5.9 k 240 47 µ F 6.2k 510 −VSS Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 Problem 8 Problem 9: Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 4 and a lower cut-off frequency of 100 Hz. The Q point parameters should be IC = 3 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. Problem 10: Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 10 and a lower cut-off frequency of 100 Hz. The Q point parameters should be IC = 3 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. A power supply of 15 V is available. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 191 Problem 11. Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 5 and a lower cut-off frequency of 10 Hz, powered by a 16 V supply. Set the Q-point parameters to be VCE = 10 V and Ic = 5 mA. Problem 12. Consider the BJT circuit below with R1 = 47 kΩ, R2 = 39 kΩ, RE = 1.5 kΩ, RL = 50 kΩ, C1 = 100 nF, C2 = 0.47 µF, and VCC = 15 V. An input signal with vi = cos(5000t) is applied to the circuit. Calculate expressions for voltages vB , vE , and vo (include both AC and DC parts in the expression for each voltage). Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ. Problems 13 to 16: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). Problems 17. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.25 mA/V2 and Vt = 1 V, gm = 0.25 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). Problems 18. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.20 mA/V2 and Vt = 3 V, gm = 0.2 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). Problem 19. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.20 mA/V2 and Vt = 4 V, gm = 0.2 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). 15 V VCC R v C i vB vE C2 RE −9 V 2k vo vi 1 1 R2 39 k 18k vo Problem 12 510 4V vi 110k vo 1k vo vi Cc 51k 18k Problem 15 20 V 2k 1M 1k vi 18 V 500k vo vi Cc 1k vo 1k Problem 14 12 V vo Cc 1M 1k 0.47 µ F 22k 510 Problem 13 vi vo 0.47 µ F 47 µ F 6.2 k 22k vi 0.33 µ F RL 9V 1k Cb 1.3M 10k −5 V Problem 16 Problem 17 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 Problem 18 Problem 19 192 Problems 20 to 22: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 15 V 33k vi 2k 18k Q1 0.47 µF 33k Q2 vo 4.7 µF 6.2k 500 22k 18 V 15 V 1k 15k 2k Q2 vi 4.7 µF 6.2k Problem 20 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 vo Q1 500 vi 1k Problem 21 3.6k 1.5k Q1 4.7 µF 2.7k 510 vo Q2 510 Problem 22 193 6.9 Solution to Selected Exercise Problems Problem 1. Show that this is a stable biasing scheme. This is another stable biasing scheme which eliminates RB thereby, greatly reducing the input resistance and increasing the value of the coupling capacitor (or lowering the cut-off frequency). This scheme uses Rc as the feedback resistor. We assume that the BJT is in the active-linear state. Since IB IC , by KCL I1 = IC + IC ≈ IC . Then: BE-KVL: VCC = RC IC + RB IB + VBE = (RC + RB /β) IC + VBE IC = VCC − VBE RC + RB /β VCC RC RB I1 IC If, RB /β RC or RB βRC , we will have (setting VBE = Vγ ): IC = VCC − Vγ RC Since IC is independent of β, the bias point is stable. We still need to prove that the BJT is in the active-linear state. We write a KVL through BE and CE terminals: VCE = RB IB + VBE = RB IB + Vγ > Vγ Since VCE > Vγ , BJT is indeed in the active state. To see the negative feedback effect, rewrite BE-KVL as: IB = VCC − Vγ − RC IC RB Suppose that the circuit is operating and BJT β is increased (e.g., an increase in the temperature). In this case IC will increase which raises the voltage across resistor RC (RC IC ). From the above equation, this will lead to a reduction in IB which, in turn, will decrease IC = βIB and compensate for any increase in β. If BJT β is decreased (e.g., a decrease in the temperature), IC will decrease which reduces the voltage across resistor RC (RC IC ). From the above equation, this will lead to an increase in IB which, in turn, will increase IC = βIB and compensate for any decrease in β. Note: The drawback of this bias scheme is that the allowable AC signal on VCE is small. Since VCE ± ∆VCE > Vγ in order for the BJT to remain in active state, we find the amplitude of AC signal, ∆VCE < RB IB = (RB /β)IC . Since, RB /β RC for bias stability thus, ∆VCE RC IC . This is in contrast with the standard biasing with emitter resistor in which ∆VCE is comparable to RC IC . Also, there is a feedback for the AC signals. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 194 Problem 2. Compute Io assuming identical transistors. Because both bases and emitters of the transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected together, KVL leads to vBE1 = vBE2 . As BJT’s are identical, they should have similar iB (iB1 = iB2 = iB ) and, therefore, similar iE = iE1 = iE2 and iC = iC1 = iC2 . Using iC = βiB and iE = (β + 1)iB to illustrate the impact of β: iE iB = β+1 KCL: iE3 iB3 KCL: βiE Io = i C = β+1 I ref Io Q3 i B3 iC Q1 iB 2i B iB iC Q2 −VEE 2iE = 2iB = β+1 iE3 2iE = = β+1 (β + 1)2 Iref = iC + iB3 = V CC 2iE βiE + β + 1 (β + 1)2 1 1 β Io = ≈ = Iref β + 2/(β + 1) 1 + 2/β(β + 1) 1 + 2/β 2 As can be seen, this is a better current mirror than our simple version as Io ≈ Iref with an accuracy of 2/β 2 . Similar to our simple current-mirror circuit, Iref can be set by using a resistor Rc . Problem 3. Compute Io assuming identical transistors. This is the MOS version of our simple current mirror. Because both gates and sources of the transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected together, KVL leads to vGS1 = vGS2 . The drain of Q1 is connected to its gate: vDS1 = vGS1 . Therefore, vDS1 = vGS1 > vGS1 − Vt , Q1 will be in the active state with Iref = iD1 = K(vGS1 − Vt )2 . If Q2 is also in active state, then Io = iD2 = K(vGS2 − Vt )2 . Since, vGS1 = vGS2 , then Io = Iref . Io I ref Q1 Q2 −VSS Note that as opposed to the BJT version, there is no 2/β effect here. However, a sufficient voltage should be applied to Q2 to ensure that it is in the active state. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 195 Problem 4. Compute Io assuming identical transistors. I ref Because both bases and emitters of the transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected together, KVL leads to vBE1 = vBE2 . As BJT’s are identical, they should have similar iB (iB1 = iB2 = iB ) and, therefore, similar iE = iE1 = iE2 and iC = iC1 = iC2 . Using iC = βiB and iE = (β + 1)iB to illustrate the impact of β: iB = KCL: i B3 Q3 2i B iC iB iB Q1 i E3 iC Q2 iE β+1 −VEE βiE β+2 2iE + = iE β+1 β+1 β+1 iE3 β+2 = = iE β+1 (β + 1)2 iE3 = 2iB + ic = iB3 KCL: Io Iref = iC + iB3 = Io = iC3 = β+2 β(β + 1) + β + 2 βiE + iE = iE 2 β + 1 (β + 1) (β + 1)2 β(β + 2) β iE3 = iE β+1 (β + 1)2 Io β(β + 2) β(β + 2) = = == Iref β(β + 1) + β + 2 β(β + 2) + 2 1 2 1+ β(β + 2) ≈ 1 1 + 2/β 2 This circuit is called the Wilson current mirror after its inventor. It has a reduced β dependence compared to our simple current mirror and has a greater output impedance compared to the current mirror of problem 2. Problem 5. Compute Io assuming identical transistors. Io I ref This is the MOS version of the Wilson current mirror. Solution is similar to those of Problems 3 and 4. The advantage of this current mirror over the simple current mirror of Problem 3 is its much larger output resistance. Q3 Q1 Q2 −VSS ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 196 Problem 6. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of this circuit (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 9V DC analysis: Replace R1 and R2 with their Thevenin equivalent and proceed with DC analysis (all DC current and voltages are denoted by capital letters): 18k vi RB = 18 k k 22 k = 9.9 kΩ 22 VBB = 9 = 4.95 V 18 + 22 22k KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + 103 IE 4.95 − 0.7 = IE IE = 4 mA ≈ IC , IB = 9.9 × 103 + 103 201 IB = vo 0.47 µ F IE IE = 1+β 201 1k VCC ! RB VBB IC = 20 µA β RE KVL: VCC = VCE + 103 IE VCE = 9 − 103 × 4 × 10−3 = 5 V DC Bias summary: IE ≈ IC = 4 mA, IB = 20 µA, VCE = 5 V AC analysis: The circuit is a common collector amplifier. Using the formulas in page 189, Av ≈ 1 Ri ≈ RB = 9.9 kΩ rπ Ro ≈ = 25 Ω β ωl 1 1 fl = = = = 36 Hz 3 2π 2πRi Cc 2π × 9.9 × 10 × 0.47 × 10−6 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 197 Problem 7. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of this circuit (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). DC analysis: Replace R1 and R2 with their Thevenin equivalent and proceed with DC analysis (all DC current and voltages are denoted by capital letters). Since all capacitors are replaced with open circuit, the emitter resistance for DC analysis is 270+240 = 510 Ω. 15 V 34 k vo vi 4.7 µ F RB = 5.9 k k 34 k = 5.0 kΩ 5.9 15 = 2.22 V VBB = 5.9 + 34 270 5.9 k 5.0 × 103 + 510 201 ! VCE = 15 − 1, 510 × 3 × 10 DC Bias: IE ≈ IC = 3 mA, RC RB VBB = 10.5 V IB = 15 µA, 47 µ F VCC IC IE = 3 mA ≈ IC , IB = = 15 µA β KVL: VCC = 1000IC + VCE + 510IE −3 240 IE IE = IB = 1+β 201 KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + 510IE 2.22 − 0.7 = IE 1k R E= 270 + 240 = 510 VCE = 10.5 V AC analysis: The circuit is a common collector amplifier with an emitter resistance. Note that the 240 Ω resistor is shorted out with the by-pass capacitor. It only enters the formula for the lower cut-off frequency. Using the formulas in page 189 (with RE = 270 Ω) and noting re = rπ /beta = 25 Ω: Av = 1, 000 RC = = 3.70 RE 270 Ri ≈ RB = 5.0 kΩ R o ≈ ro RE + 1 = 1.2 M Ω re The lower cut-off frequency can be found from formula on page 183: 0 RE = RE2 k (RE1 + re ) = 240 k (270 + 25) = 132 Ω 1 1 ωl = + fl = = 0 2π 2πRi Cc 2πRE Cb 1 1 + = 31.5 Hz 2π × 5, 000 × 4.7 × 10−6 2π × 132 × 47 × 10−6 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 198 Problem 8. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 16 V Because the forward bias voltage for BE junction, VBE = vγ , changes as the temperature changes, the bias point changes slightly even in the presence of the RE . Although this change is small, in some cases a diode is added to the the voltage divider self-bias to compensate for this small changes. Assuming that the BJT is in active state, the base voltage has to be large enough to forward bias the BE junction and, therefore, the diode would also be forward biased. 30k vi 1.5k vo 510nF 6.2k 510 We can find the Thevenin equivalent of our bias circuit (see circuit) by noting: R2 VBB = Voc = (VCC − vγ ) + vγ = 2.74 + 0.83vγ (V) R1 + R 2 RB = RT = R1 k R2 = 5.14 kΩ R1 V CC + + − − VBB = RB IB + VBE + 510IE IE + vγ + 510IE 2.74 + 0.83vγ = 5.14 × 103 201 2.74 − 0.17vγ IC IE = = 4.9 mA ≈ IC , IB = = 24 µA 536 β VCC RC RB VBB Note that the dependence of IE to vγ is reduced by a factor of 6 ı.e., IE now scales as 2.74 − 0.17vγ instead of 2.74 − vγ (the case with no diode). CE-KVL: γ R2 DC analysis: BE-KVL: V RE VCC = 1, 500IC + VCE + 103 IE VCE = 16 − 2, 100 × 4.9 × 10−3 = 5.7 V AC analysis: Since the diode is forward biased and can be represented by an independent voltage source, it does not enter the AC analysis (because we short out the DC voltage sources). As such, this is a common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistor. Using the formulas in page 189: Av = 1, 500 RC = = 2.94 RE 510 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 199 Ri ≈ RB = 5.1 kΩ fl = R o ≈ ro RE + 1 = 2.14 M Ω re ωl 1 = 60.7 Hz = 2π 2πRi Cc Problem 9: Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 4 and a lower cut-off frequency of 100 Hz. The Q point parameters should be IC = 3 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. VCC The prototype of this circuit is a common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistance. Using formulas of page 189 R1 RC |Av | ≈ =4 RE Cc The lower cut-off frequency will set the value of Cc . vo vi R2 We start with the DC bias: As VCC is not given, we need to choose it. To set the Q-point in the middle of load line, set VCC = 2VCE = 15 V. Then, noting IC ≈ IE ,: 15 − 7.5 = 3 × 10−3 (RC + RE ) → → 4RE + RE = 2.5 kΩ RC RC + RE = 2.5 kΩ Values of RC and RE can be found from the above equation together with the AC gain of the amplifier, AV = RC /RE = 4: → RE VCC VCC = RC IC + VCE + RE IE RC =4 RE RC RB VBB RE RE = 500 Ω, RC = 2. kΩ Commercial values are RE = 510 Ω and RC = 2 kΩ. Use these commercial values for the rest of analysis. We need to check if VE > 1 V, the condition for good biasing. VE = RE IE = 510×3×10−3 = 1.5 > 1, it is OK (See next example for the case when VE is smaller than 1 V). We now proceed to find RB and VBB . RB is found from good bias condition (and trying to have RB as large as possible) and VBB from a KVL in BE loop: RB (β + 1)RE BE-KVL: → RB = 0.1(βmin + 1)RE = 0.1 × 101 × 510 = 5.1 kΩ VBB = RB IB + VBE + RE IE VBB = 5.1 × 103 3 × 10−3 + 0.7 + 510 × 3 × 10−3 = 2.28 V 201 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 200 Bias resistors R1 and R2 are now found from RB and VBB : R1 R2 = 5 kΩ R1 + R 2 R2 2.28 = = = 0.152 R1 + R 2 15 RB = R 1 k R 2 = VBB VCC R1 can be found by dividing the two equations: R1 = 33 kΩ. R2 is found from the equation for VBB to be R2 = 5.9 kΩ. Commercial values are R1 = 33 kΩ and R2 = 6.2 kΩ. Lastly, we have to find the value of the coupling capacitor: ωl = 1 = 2π × 100 Ri Cc Using Ri ≈ RB = 5.1 kΩ, we find Cc = 3 × 10−7 F or a commercial values of Cc = 300 nF. So, are design values are: R1 = 33 kΩ, R2 = 6.2 kΩ, RE = 510 Ω, RC = 2 kΩ. and Cc = 300 nF. Problem 10: Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 10 and a lower cut-off frequency of 100 Hz. The Q point parameters should be IC = 3 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. A power supply of 15 V is available. VCC The prototype of this circuit is a common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistance. Using formulas of page 184: |Av | ≈ RC = 10 RE R1 RC Cc vo vi The lower cut-off frequency will set the value of Cc . R2 RE We start with the DC bias: As the power supply voltage is given, we set VCC = 15 V. Then, noting IC ≈ IE ,: VCC = RC IC + VCE + RE IE 15 − 7.5 = 3 × 10−3 (RC + RE ) → RC + RE = 2.5 kΩ Values of RC and RE can be found from the above equation together with the AC gain of the amplifier AV = RC /RE = 10: RC = 10 RE → 10RE + RE = 2.5 kΩ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 → RE = 227 Ω, and RC = 2.27 kΩ 201 We need to check if VE > 1 V which is the condition for good biasing: VE = RE IE = 227 × 3 × 10−3 = 0.69 < 1. Therefore, we need to use a bypass capacitor and modify our circuits as is shown. VCC For DC analysis, the emitter resistance is RE1 + RE2 while for AC analysis, the emitter resistance will be RE1 . Therefore: DC Bias: AC gain: RC + RE1 + RE2 = 2.5 kΩ RC Av = = 10 RE1 R1 Cc vo vi R E1 R2 R E2 Above are two equations in three unknowns. A third equation is derived by setting VE = 1 V to minimize the value of RE1 + RE2 . Cb VCC VE = (RE1 + RE2 )IE 1 RE1 + RE2 = = 333 3 × 10−3 Now, solving for RC , RE1 , and RE2 , we find RC = 2.2 kΩ, RE1 = 220 Ω, and RE2 = 110 Ω (All commercial values). RC RC RB VBB R E1+ R E2 We can now proceed to find RB and VBB : RB (β + 1)(RE1 + RE2 ) RB = 0.1(βmin + 1)(RE1 + RE2 ) = 0.1 × 101 × 330 = 3.3 kΩ KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + RE IE VBB = 3.3 × 10 33 × 10−3 + 0.7 + 330 × 3 × 10−3 = 1.7 V 201 Bias resistors R1 and R2 are now found from RB and VB B: R1 R2 = 3.3 kΩ R1 + R 2 R2 1 = = = 0.066 R1 + R 2 15 RB = R 1 k R 2 = VBB VCC R1 can be found by dividing the two equations: R1 = 50 kΩ and R2 is found from the equation for VBB to be R2 = 3.6k Ω. Commercial values are R1 = 51 kΩ and R2 = 3.6k Ω ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 202 Lastly, we have to find the value of the coupling and bypass capacitors: 0 RE = RE2 k (RE1 + re ) = 110 k (220 + 25) = 76 Ω Ri ≈ RB = 3.3 kΩ 1 1 ωl = + 0 = 2π × 100 Ri Cc RE Cb This is one equation in two unknown (Cc and CB ) so one can be chosen freely. Typically 0 Cb Cc as Ri ≈ RB RE RE . This means that unless we choose Cc to be very small, the cut-off frequency is set by the bypass capacitor. The usual approach is the choose C b based on the cut-off frequency of the amplifier and choose Cc such that cut-off frequency of the Ri Cc filter is at least a factor of ten lower than that of the bypass capacitor. Note that in this case, our formula for the cut-off frequency is quite accurate (see discussion in page 179) and is ωl ≈ 1 0 RE Cb = 2π × 100 This gives Cb = 20 µF. Then, setting 1 1 0 Ri Cc RE Cb 1 1 = 0.1 0 Ri Cc RE Cb 0 Ri Cc = 10RE Cb → Cc = 4.7 × 10−6 = 4.7 µF So, are design values are: R1 = 50 kΩ, R2 = 3.6 kΩ, RE1 = 220 Ω, RE2 = 110 Ω, RC = 2.2 kΩ, Cb = 20 µF, and Cc = 4.7 µF. An alternative approach is to choose Cb (or Cc ) and compute the value of the other from the formula for the cut-off frequency. For example, if we choose Cb = 47 µF, we find Cc = 0.86 µF. Problem 11. Design a BJT amplifier with a gain of 5 and a lower cut-off frequency of 10 Hz, powered by a 16 V supply. Set the Q-point parameters to be VCE = 10 V and Ic = 5 mA. Answer: A common-emitter amplifier with R1 = 18 kΩ, R2 = 2.2 kΩ, RE = 200 Ω, RC = 1.0 kΩ. and Cc = 10 µF. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 203 Problem 12. Consider the BJT circuit below with R1 = 47 kΩ, R2 = 39 kΩ, RE = 1.5 kΩ, RL = 50 kΩ, C1 = 100 nF, C2 = 0.47 µF, and VCC = 15 V. An input signal with vi = cos(5000t) is applied to the circuit. Calculate the expressions for voltages vB , vE , and vo . (Include both AC and DC parts in the expression for each voltage.) The voltages at Base and Emitter will be the sum of DC and AC signals, e.g., vB = VB + ∆vB . First we calculate the DC voltages, VB and VE . Replacing R1 and R2 with their Thevenin equivalent, we have: 47 × 103 × 39 × 103 RB = R 1 k R 2 = = 21.3 kΩ 47 × 103 + 39 × 103 R2 VCC = 6.80 V VBB = R1 + R 2 KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + RE IE VBB − VBE = [RB + RE (β + 1)]IB 6.80 − 0.7 IB = = 18.9 µA 21.3 × 103 + 1.5 × 103 × 201 IC ≈ IE = βIB = 3.78 mA VE = RE IE = 1, 500 × 3.78 × 10 −3 VCC R v C i 1 1 vB R2 vE RE C2 vo RL VCC RB VBB RE = 5.67 V VB = VE + VBE = 5.67 + 0.7 = 6.37 V AC voltages: The circuit is a voltage follower. But, we have to check to see if capacitors affect the signal. The frequency of the input signal is 5000/(2π) = 796 Hz. The impact of C1 coupling capacitor is to set a lower cut-off frequency for the amplifier. Ri ≈ RB = 21.3 kΩ 1 → fl = 75 Hz 796 Hz 2π fl = Ri Cc Thus: ∆vB = vi → vB = VB + ∆vB = 6.37 + cos(5000t) Av ≈ 1 → ∆vE = ∆vB = vi → vE = VE + ∆vE = 5.67 + cos(5000t) Capacitor C2 and resistor RL act as a high-pass filter. They separate the DC voltage. To consider their impact on the AC signal, note: 1 → fl = 6.8 Hz 796 Hz RL C2 Thus: ∆vo = ∆vE = ∆vB = vi → vo = 0 + ∆vo = cos(5000t) 2π fl = ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 204 Problem 13. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 15 V 39 k 15 V 2k 39 k vo vi 2k 39 k vo vi 0.33 µ F 0.33 µ F 15 V 2k vo vi 0.33 µ F 47 µ F 6.2 k 510 510 6.2 k 510 510 || 510 = 255 6.2 k DC Response AC signals For DC signals, capacitors are open circuit and the emitter resistor is only 510 Ω. For AC signals, capacitors are short circuit and the emitter resistor is 510 k 510 = 255 Ω. DC analysis: 6.2 k × 15 = 2.06 V 6.2 k + 39 k IC + 0.7 + 510IC VBB = RB IB + VBE + IE RE = 5.35 × 103 200 IC IC ≈ IE = 2.53 mA → IB = = 12.6 µA β RB = 6.2 k 39 = 5.35 kΩ VCC = RC IC + VCE + RE IE VBB = → VCE = 15 − 2.53 × 10−3 (2, 510) = 8.65 V So Q point values are: IC ≈ IE = 2.53 mA, IB = 12.6 µA, and VCE = 8.65 V. AC analysis: This is common emitter amplifier with emitter resistance: RC 2, 000 = = 7.8 RE 255 Ri ≈ RB = 4.8 k RE + 1 = 1.1 MΩ Ro ≈ r o re Av ≈ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 205 Problems 14 & 15. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). Both of these circuits are PNP versions of problem 6. For DC bias we should get the same value for currents and voltages would be negative: IC = IE = 4 mA, IB = 20 µA, VCE = −5 V, and VBE = −0.7 V. The amplifier parameters are exactly identical to those of problem 6. Problem 16. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). This circuit is also similar to the circuit of problem 6. Here BJT is biased with two voltage sources (Note that in problem 6, VBB ≈ 5 V and here −VEE = −5 and VCC = 9 − 5 = 4 V. As such, the Q-point parameters should be the same. DC Analysis: We short vi and,therefore, the BJT base would be grounded: BE-KVL: CE-KVL: 0 = VBE + 103 IE − 5 IC IB = = 20 µA β → 4V vi vo 1k −5 V 4V vo IC ≈ IE = 4.3 mA 4 = VCE + 103 IE − 5 1k −5 V VCE = 9 − 103 × 4.3 × 10−3 = 4.7 V DC Bias summary: IE ≈ IC = 4 mA, IB = 20 µA, and VCE = 5 V. AC analysis: The circuit is a common collector amplifier. Using the formulas in page 189, Av ≈ 1 Ri = rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β) ≈ rπ + ro (1 + β) = 20 MΩ rπ Ro ≈ = 25 Ω β 1 1 ωl = = fl = = 0.034 Hz 7 2π 2πRi Cc 2π × 2 × 10 × 0.47 × 10−6 Note that because there are no bias resistors (RB → ∞), we have used the full formulas for Ri and the amplifier has a large input resistance. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 206 Problem 17. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.25 mA/V2 , Vt = 1 V, gm = 0.25 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). DC Bias: Replacing the bias circuit with its Thevenin equivalent, we get: VGG = 12 V 51, 000 × 12 = 3.80 V 51, 000 + 110, 000 110k vo vi RG = 51 k k 110 k = 34.8 kΩ Cc 1k 51k Since iG = 0, GS-KVL: 2k 3.8 = 34, 800iG + VGS + 1, 000iD = VGS + 1, 000iD 12 V 2k Assume NMOS is in active state, vo 34.8k iD = K(VGS − Vt )2 = 0.25 × 10−3 (VGS − 1)2 + − Substituting for iD in GS-KVL, we get: 3.8 V 1k 2 3.8 = VGS + 0.25(VGS − 1)2 = 0.25VGS + 0.5VGS + 0.25 VGS = 2.9 V and VGS = −4.9 V Negative root is unphysical, so VGS = 2.9 and iD = 0.9 mA. Then, DS-KVL: 12 = 2, 000iD + VDS + 1, 000iD = VDS + 2.7 → VDS = 9.3 V As VDS = 9.3 > VGS − Vt = 2.9 − 1 = 1.95, our assumption of NMOS in active state is correct. Therefore, Bias Summary: VGS = 2.9 V, VDS = 9.3 V, and iD = 0.9 mA. AC Analysis: This is a common source amplifier with a source resistor. Using formulas in page 190: gm RD 0.25 × 10−3 × 2 × 103 0.5 =− =− = −0.4 −3 3 1 + g m RS 1 + 0.25 × 10 × 10 1.25 Ri = RG = 34.8 kΩ 1 k 100 × 103 ≈ 4 kΩ Ro = 1/gm k ro = 0.25 × 10−3 1 ωl = 2π fl = Ri Cc Av ≈ − ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 207 Problem 18. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.20 mA/V2 and Vt = 3 V, gm = 0.2 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). DC Bias: 20 V Replacing the bias circuit with its Thevenin equivalent, we have RG = 500 kΩ and VGG = 10V: GS-KVL: DS-KVL: 1M Cc 3 20 = vDS + 10 iD 1M Assume NMOS in active state: iD = K(vGS − Vt )2 and vDS > vGS − Vt . Substituting for iD in GS-KVL, we get: GS-KVL: −3 10 = vGS + 10 × 0.2 × 10 (vGS − 3) 1k Cb 20 V 2 1k 2 10 = vGS + 0.2vGS − 1.2vGS + 1.8 2 vGS − vGS − 41 = 0 → vo vi 10 = vGS + 103 iD 3 1k vGS = −5.92 V and vGS = 6.92 V vo 500k + − 10 V 1k Negative root is unphysical so vGS = 6.92 V. GS-KVL give iD = 3.08 mA. DS-KVL gives vDS = 20 − 6.16 = 13.8 V Since vDS = 13.8 > vGS − Vt = 6.92 − 3 = 3.92 V, our assumption of NMOS in active state is justified. Bias summary: vGS = 6.92 V, vDS = 13.8 V, and iD = 3.08 mA AC Analysis: This is a common source amplifier with NO source resistor. Using formulas in page 190: Av ≈ −gm RD = −0.2 × 10−3 × 103 = −0.2 Ri = RG = 500 kΩ Ro = ro = 100 kΩ Note: Problems 17 & 18 show some fundamental differences between FET and BJT amplifiers. BJTs have a much larger gain compared to FET (compare gm = 20 − 40 mA/V for a typical BJT with gm = 0.2 − 05mA/V for an NMOS). Therefore, typically RD and RS are a factor of 10 or more larger than typical RC and RE values. In addition, BJTs are more “linear” as iC = βiB and β does not vary considerably, while in a MOSFET, iD = (vGS − Vt )2 so FET response is quadratic instead of linear. Because of the more linear behavior and the higher gain, BJTs are used most often in amplifier circuits. A first-stage FET source follower is also used to increase the input resistance of the overall circuit considerably. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 208 Problem 19. Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of these circuits (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give K = 0.20 mA/V2 and Vt = 4 V, gm = 0.2 mA/V, and ro = 100 kΩ). 18 V DC Bias: Replacing the bias circuit with its Thevenin equivalent, we have RG = 360 kΩ and VGG = 5V: GS-KVL: 13 = vGS + 104 iD DS-KVL: 18 = vDS + 104 iD 500k vi 3 −3 5 = vGS + 50 × 10 × 0.2 × 10 (vGS − 4) 5 = vGS + 2 10vGS 10k 1.3M Assume NMOS in active state: iD = K(vGS − Vt )2 and vDS > vGS − Vt . Substituting for iD in GS-KVL, we get: GS-KVL: vo Cc − 80vGS + 160 2 18 V 361k + − 13 V vo 10k 2 10vGS − 81vGS + 155 = 0 → vGS = 3.1 V and vGS = 5 V Since VGS = 3.1 < Vt = 4 V required for NMOS On, this root is unphysical so vGS = 5 V. GS-KVL give iD = 0.2 mA. DS-KVL gives vDS = 18 − 10 = 8 V Since vDS = 8 > vGS − Vt = 5 − 4 = 1 V, our assumption of NMOS in active state is justified. Bias summary: vGS = 5 V, vDS = 8 V, and iD = 0.2 mA AC Analysis: This is a common drain amplifier (or source follower). Using formulas in page 190: Av = gm ro RS 0.2 × 10−3 × 100 × 103 × 50 × 103 = = 0.87 ro + (1 + gm ro )RS 100 × 103 + (1 + 0.2−3 × 100 × 103 ) × 50 × 103 Ri = RG = 360 kΩ Ro = 1/gm k ro ≈ 5 kΩ ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 209 Problem 20: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of this circuit (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 15 V This is a two-stage amplifier. The first stage (Q1) is a common emitter amplifier and the second stage (Q2) is an emitter follower. The two stages are coupled by a coupling capacitor (0.47 µF). 33k vi 2k 18k Q1 0.47 µF Q2 vo 4.7 µF DC analysis: 6.2k When we replace the coupling capacitors with open circuits, we see the that bias circuits for the two transistors are independent of each other. Each bias circuit can be solved separately. 500 22k 1k For Q1, we replace the bias resistors (6.2k and 33k) with their Thevenin equivalent and proceed with DC analysis: RB1 = 6.2 k k 33 k = 5.22 kΩ and VBB1 = BE-KVL: VBB1 = RB1 IB1 + VBE1 + 103 IE1 2.37 − 0.7 = IE1 IE1 = 3.17 mA ≈ IC1 , 5.22 × 103 + 500 201 IB1 = IB1 6.2 15 = 2.37 V 6.2 + 33 IE1 IE1 = = 1+β 201 ! IC1 = 16 µA β CE-KVL: VCC = 2 × 103 IC1 + VCE1 + 500IE1 VCE1 = 15 − 2.5 × 103 × 3.17 × 10−3 = 7.1 V DC Bias summary for Q1: IE1 ≈ IC1 = 3.17 mA, IB1 = 16 µA, VCE1 = 7.1 V Following similar procedure for Q2, we get: RB2 = 18 k k 22 k = 9.9 kΩ and BE-KVL: VBB2 = RB2 IB2 + VBE2 + 103 IE2 8.25 − 0.7 = IE2 IE2 = 7.2 mA ≈ IC2 , 9.9 × 103 + 103 201 IB2 = 22 15 = 8.25 V 18 + 22 IE2 IE2 IB2 = = 1+β 201 VBB2 = ! IC2 = 36 µA β ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 210 CE-KVL: VCC = VCE2 + 103 IE2 VCE2 = 15 − 103 × 7.2 × 10−3 = 7.8 V DC Bias summary for Q2: IE2 ≈ IC2 = 7.2 mA, IB2 = 36 µA, VCE2 = 7.8 V AC analysis: We start with the emitter follower circuit (Q2) as the input resistance of this circuit will appear as the load for the common emitter amplifier (Q1). Using the formulas in page 189: Av2 ≈ 1 Ri2 ≈ RB2 = 9.9 kΩ 1 ωl2 1 = fl2 = = = 34 Hz 3 2π 2πRB2 Cc2 2π × 9.9 × 10 × 0.47 × 10−6 Since Ri2 = 9.9 kΩ is NOT much larger than the collector resistor of common emitter amplifier (Q1), it will affect the first circuit. Following discussion in pages 176 and 177, the effect of this load can be taken into by replacing RC in common emitter amplifiers formulas with RC0 = RC k RL = RC1 k Ri2 = 2 k k 9.9 kΩ = 1.66 kΩ. 1.66k RC0 = = 3.3 |Av1 | ≈ RE 500 Ri1 ≈ RB1 = 5.22 kΩ 1 1 ωl1 = = = 6.5 Hz fl1 = 2π 2πRB1 Cc1 2π × 5.22 × 103 × 4.7 × 10−6 The overall gain of the two-stage amplifier is then Av = Av1 ×Av2 = 3.3. The input resistance of the two-stage amplifier is the input resistance of the first-stage (Q1), Ri = 9.9 kΩ. To find the lower cut-off frequency of the two-stage amplifier, we note that: Av1 (jω) = Av1 1 − jωl1 /ω and Av (jω) = Av1 (jω) × Av2 (jω) = Av2 (jω) = Av2 1 − jωl2 /ω Av1 Av2 (1 − jωl1 /ω)(1 − jωl2 /ω) From above, it is clear that the maximum value of Av (jω) is Av1 Av2 and the cut-off frequency, √ ωl can be found from |Av (jω = ωl )| = Av1 Av2 / 2 (similar to procedure we used for filters). For the circuit above, since ωl2 ωl1 the lower cut-off frequency would be very close to ωl2 . So, the lower-cut-off frequency of this amplifier is 34 Hz. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 211 Problem 21: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of this circuit (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). 15 V This is a two-stage amplifier. The first stage (Q1) is a common emitter amplifier and the second stage (Q2) is an emitter follower. The circuit is similar to the twostage amplifier of Problem 20. The only difference is that Q2 is directly biased from Q1 and there is no coupling capacitor between the two stages. This approach has its own advantages and disadvantages that are discussed at the end of this problem. 33k I1 2k vi 4.7 µF I B2 I C1 Q1 6.2k 500 Q2 V B2 vo 1k DC analysis: Since the base current in BJTs are typically much smaller that the collector current, we start by assuming IC1 IB2 . In this case, I1 = IC1 + IB2 ≈ IC1 ≈ IE1 (the bias current IB2 has no effect on bias parameters of Q1). This assumption simplifies the analysis considerably and we will check the validity of this assumption later. For Q1, we replace the bias resistors (6.2k and 33k) with their Thevenin equivalent and proceed with DC analysis: RB1 = 6.2 k k 33 k = 5.22 kΩ and VBB1 = BE-KVL: VBB1 = RB1 IB1 + VBE1 + 103 IE1 2.37 − 0.7 = IE1 IE1 = 3.17 mA ≈ IC1 , 5.22 × 103 + 500 201 IB1 = IB1 6.2 15 = 2.37 V 6.2 + 33 IE1 IE1 = = 1+β 201 ! IC1 = 16 µA β CE-KVL: VCC = 2 × 103 IC1 + VCE1 + 500IE1 VCE1 = 15 − 2.5 × 103 × 3.17 × 10−3 = 7.1 V DC Bias summary for Q1: IE1 ≈ IC1 = 3.17 mA, IB1 = 16 µA, VCE1 = 7.1 V To find the bias point of Q2, we note: VB2 = VCE1 + 500 × IE1 = 7.1 + 500 × 3.17 × 10−3 = 8.68 V BE-KVL: VB2 = VBE2 + 103 IE2 8.68 − 0.7 = 103 IE2 ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 212 IE2 = 8.0 mA ≈ IC2 , IB2 = IC2 = 40 µA β KVL: VCC = VCE2 + 103 IE2 VCE2 = 15 − 103 × 8.0 × 10−3 = 7.0 V DC Bias summary for Q2: IE2 ≈ IC2 = 8.0 mA, IB2 = 40 µA, VCE2 = 7.0 V We now check our assumption of IC1 IB2 . We find IC1 = 3.17 mA IB2 = 41 µA. So, our assumption was justified. It should be noted that this bias arrangement is also stable to variation in transistor β. The bias resistors in the first stage will ensure that IC1 (≈ IE1 ) and VCE1 is stable to variation of Q1 β. Since VB2 = VCE1 + RE1 × IE1 , VB2 will also be stable to variation in transistor β. Finally, VB2 = VBE2 + RE2 IE2 . Thus, IC2 (≈ IE2 ) will also be stable (and VCE2 because of CE-KVL). AC analysis: As in problem 20, we start with the emitter follower circuit (Q2) as the input resistance of this circuit will appear as the load for the common emitter amplifier (Q1). Using the formulas in page 189 and noting that this amplifier does not have bias resistors (RB1 → ∞): Av2 ≈ 1 Ri2 = rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β) = 5 × 103 + 201 × 103 = 201 kΩ Note that because of the absence of the bias resistors, the input resistance of the circuit is very large, and because of the absence of the coupling capacitors, there is no lower cut-off frequency for this stage. Since Ri2 = 201 kΩ is much larger than the collector resistor of common emitter amplifier (Q1), it will NOT affect the first circuit. The parameters of the first-stage common emitter amplifier can be found using formulas of page 189. RC 2, 000 = =4 RE 500 Ri1 ≈ RB1 = 5.22 kΩ ωl1 1 1 fl1 = = = = 6.5 Hz 2π 2πRB1 Cc1 2π × 5.22 × 103 × 4.7 × 10−6 |Av1 | ≈ The overall gain of the two-stage amplifier is then Av = Av1 × Av2 = 4. The input resistance of the two-stage amplifier is the input resistance of the first-stage (Q1), Ri = 9.9 kΩ. The lower cut-off frequency of the two-stage amplifier is 6.5 Hz. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 213 This two-stage amplifier has many advantages over that of problem 20. It has three less elements. Because of the absence of bias resistors, the second-stage does not load the first stage and the overall gain is higher. Also because of the absence of a coupling capacitor between the two-stages, the overall cut-off frequency of the circuit is lower. Some of these issues can be resolved by design, e.g., use a large capacitor for coupling the two stages, use a large RE2 , etc.. The drawback of this circuit is that the bias circuit is more complicated and harder to design. Problem 22: Find the bias point and AC amplifier parameters of this circuit (Manufacturers’ spec sheets give: β = 200, rπ = 5 kΩ, ro = 100 kΩ). We start with replacing 2.7 k and 15 kΩ voltage divider with its Thevenin equivalent (as seen in circuit below) RB = 2.7 k 15 = 2.29 kΩ VBB = 18 V 15k vi 3.6k Q1 4.7 µF 2.7 k × 18 = 2.75 V 2.7 k + 15 k 2.7k 510 I1 I C1 I B2 V B2 1.5k vo Q2 510 Writing a KVL through BE terminals of Q1 and assuming that Q1 is in the active-linear state (IC1 ≈ IE1 = βIB1 ), we get: IC1 + 0.7 + 510IC1 100 = IC1 /β = 38.5 µA VBB = RB IB1 + VBE1 + 510IE1 = 2.29 × 103 IC1 ≈ IE1 = 3.85 mA CE1-KVL: KCL: → IB1 18 = 3.6 × 103 I1 + VCE1 + 510IE1 I1 = IC1 + IB2 We assume IB2 IC1 . Then, from KCL above, I1 ≈ IC1 = 3.85 mA. Substituting for I1 and IE1 in CE1-KVL, we find VCE1 = 2.18 V. Since VCE1 > Vγ = 0.7 V, our assumption of Q1 being in the active-linear state is justified. To find the Q-point of Q2, we first calculate the voltage at the collector of Q1 through a KVL its CE terminals: VC1 = VB2 = VCE1 + 510IE1 = 2.18 + 1.96 = 4.14 V ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 214 We assume that Q2 is in the active-linear state. We can calculate IC2 ≈ IE2 from a KVL: VC1 = VB2 = VBE2 + 510IE2 IE2 ≈ IC2 = 6.75 mA → → IB2 4.14 = 0.7 + 510IE2 IC2 = = 67.5 µA β Since IB2 = 67.5 µA IC1 = 3.85 mA, our assumption of IB2 IC1 is justified. Lastly, we can find VCE2 from a KVL through CE terminals of Q2: 18 = 1.5 × 103 IC2 + VCE2 + 510IE2 → VCE2 = 4.43 V Ans since VCE2 = 4.43 V > Vγ = 0.7 V, our assumption of Q2 being in the active-linear state is justified. Therefore, the operating points of BJTs are: IE1 ≈ IC1 = 3.85 mA, IB1 = 38.5 µA, VCE2 = 2.18 V and IE2 ≈ IC2 = 6.75 mA, IB2 = 67.5 µA, VCE2 = 4.43 V AC analysis: As in problems 20 & 21, we start with the Q2 circuit as the input resistance of this circuit will appear as the load for the Q1 circuit. Q2 is configured as a common emitter amplifer with an emitter resistor. Using the formulas in page 189 and setting RB1 → ∞: Av2 ≈ − 1, 500 RC =− ≈ −3 RE 510 Ri2 = rπ + (RE k ro )(1 + β) = 5 × 103 + 201 × 510 = 108 kΩ Note that because of the absence of the bias resistors, the input resistance of the circuit is very large, and because of the absence of any coupling capacitors, there is no lower cut-off frequency for this stage. Since Ri2 = 108 kΩ is much larger than the collector resistor of common emitter amplifier (Q1), it will NOT affect the first circuit. The parameters of the first-stage common emitter amplifier can be found using formulas of page 189. 3, 600 RC =− = −7.06 RE 510 Ri1 ≈ RB1 = 2.29 kΩ ωl1 1 1 fl1 = = = = 14.8 Hz 2π 2πRB1 Cc1 2π × 2.29 × 103 × 4.7 × 10−6 Av1 ≈ − The overall gain of the two-stage amplifier is then Av = Av1 ×Av2 = 21. The input resistance of the two-stage amplifier is the input resistance of the first-stage (Q1), Ri = 2.3 kΩ. The lower cut-off frequency of the two-stage amplifier is 14.8 Hz. ECE65 Lecture Notes (F. Najmabadi), Winter 2007 215