Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International
Years 11, 12 and 13
ACG Senior College is pleased to offer a full Cambridge
International qualification, ranging from IGCSE to A Level.
Cambridge International has offered assessments around the world for over
150 years and, as part of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations
Syndicate (UCLES), is now one of the world’s leading educational providers
in over 150 countries. Each year, millions of students around the world gain
Cambridge qualifications. There are over 50 schools in New Zealand offering
the Cambridge International qualifications.
This is an ideal qualification for students studying anywhere, and especially
in the southern hemisphere as the academic year runs from January to
December which fits the university academic year.
New Zealand’s top co-educational senior school
ACG Senior College is amongst New Zealand’s top academic schools.
From its inception in 1995 as New Zealand’s only specialist pre-university
centre, the College has become a focus for educational success. It has
consistently ranked as the top co-educational senior school in the country.
City centre location
Located right in the heart of Auckland, ACG Senior College students enjoy
the vibrancy and energy of inner-city life. The School is housed in a historic
building in the education precinct with easy walking access to art galleries,
the Auckland City Library, The University of Auckland and AUT University.
active learners who gain a sense of ownership of their learning,
supported by caring and knowledgeable subject specialists.
The main attributes an ACG Senior College student needs are
a love of learning and a positive work ethic.
A specialist pre-university centre
Outstanding academic results
ACG Senior College provides excellent preparation for university study by
focussing on the progress of senior school students from Years 11 to 13.
Each student has regular and direct contact with their ‘tutor’ teacher who has
pastoral and academic oversight of each of the students in their group. The
tutor teacher liaises with the Dean in order to provide important information to
support the progress of all learners.
ACG Senior College students have consistently achieved
outstanding results, both personally and against national and
international academic standards.
ACG Senior College teachers represent some of the very best in their
subject fields. Each teacher is a highly qualified specialist with considerable
experience in teaching the Cambridge International curriculum. Teachers are
passionate about their subject and work to enthuse students to appreciate
higher learning and critical thinking.
A total of 51 Top in the World and 164 Top in New Zealand awards
were gained by ACG Senior College students between 2005 and
2015 in the Cambridge International Examinations. In addition,
ACG Senior College students have achieved Top in the World in
Art & Design ten years in a row.
Cambridge International Examinations
Staff at ACG Senior College work in partnership with their students fostering
intellectual discourse and shared learning. In short, students and staff inspire
each other. ACG Senior College is a place where young people become
IGCSE Pass rate
AS Level Pass rate99%93%91%91%
A Level Pass rate 100%100%100%100%
Key facts:
A senior school with outstanding academic student
Smaller classes, a longer day and longer lessons contribute
to effective student learning
A wide range of extra-curricular and leadership opportunities
are available
Conveniently situated in the heart of Auckland City
A wide range of subjects are offered to help prepare for
The College’s pastoral systems provide active support based
on strong ties between students and teaching staff
Students wear tidy casual clothing befitting our
pre-university status - no uniform.
Extra-curricular choices
ACG Senior College has a wide range of extra-currcular activities available
for students. All students are encouraged to take advantage of these
opportunities and become part of the college community in preparation for
a contribution to society when they leave school.
A number of activities are driven by staff who have a passion for their
activities. These include such things as Young Enterprise where in 2014
students won several awards in the national competition. World Challenge
trips take place bi-annually and give students a month long experience
in a country where they are not only immersed in another culture, but
also gain the opportunity to give positively to others. This opportunity
is for everyone as students must fundraise over 18 months in order to
attend. The Business Studies trip to New York and London gives students
valuable insight into the world of business.
ACG Senior College’s reputation for its music and performing arts is
widespread. There are a number of active music groups, including a
chamber group, a vocal group, a guitar group, a jazz ensemble as well
as rock and stage bands. There are two major productions each year,
including a play and a musical production. Professional directors and
choreographers bring out the very best student performances.
The Senior Leadership group, the equivalent of prefects, is
predominant in organising a vast number of activities within the
College. These include Faculty Weeks, peer tutoring, collecting for
many charities, organizing the college ball, TED talks, guest speakers
and much more.
Groups, such as the Model United Nations, Amnesty International,
UNESCO and debating are also available. Students are encouraged to
take part in Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award Scheme.
Archery, athletics, basketball, cricket, mountain biking, netball, soccer,
swimming, table tennis and water polo are some of the many sports
teams available.
ACG Senior College offers a wide range of activities to provide each
student with the opportunity to meet other students, work as part of
a team and develop leadership skills.
The ACG Senior College Cambridge International course of study
Year 11
ACG Senior College offers Cambridge International courses for the
following reasons:
Students take IGCSE English Literature, Mathematics,
plus three other option subjects chosen from:
Academic rigour: Cambridge International has a well-earned global
reputation for high quality courses and prestigious, reliable examinations,
set and marked externally. These encourage students to aim for
academic excellence and to become critical thinkers.
Flexibility: Students tailor courses to suit individual needs and can study
at individual levels. At IGCSE, Core and Extended Levels and beyond
this, AS or A Levels are available. Courses offer a blend of international
and local New Zealand subjects.
Students who meet entry requirements may also choose certain
AS courses, e.g. AS Mathematics
International recognition: the status of Cambridge International
qualifications is recognised within New Zealand and around the world
for entry to tertiary study. Success at A Level is a pathway to top
Cambridge International courses and qualifications available to
students at ACG Senior College:
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
IGCSE is an excellent pre-requisite for A Level and the following
subjects are offered:
Compulsory Subjects - English Literature, English Language,
Core Subjects - Modules and Physical Education
AS (Advanced Subsidiary) Levels are studied over one year, whilst
A (Advanced) Levels are normally studied over a two-year programme,
comprising the AS course followed by the A2 course.
Cambridge International Examinations:
Year 11 Students normally take six subjects at IGCSE. These include
three compulsory subjects, English Language, English Literature and
Mathematics, plus three optional subjects usually at IGCSE level,
though many students multi-level when appropriate.
Students are urged to think ahead and advice is available from the
University Placement Advisor and teachers before subjects are chosen.
IGCSE caters for different levels of ability by offering examinations at
two levels, Core and Extended in many subjects. Most ACG Senior
College students achieve success at Extended level.
Art & Design
Business Studies
All Year 11 students take one period of Modules which comprises:
Health and Fitness; Study Skills; Careers Information and IT.
Years 12 and 13
How the AS and A Level grades are converted to points
Year 12: Typically students choose four subjects at AS Level. Students
may be allowed to study five subjects at AS Level, provided they can
show evidence of excellent academic achievement.
Universities use the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
(UCAS) points tariff to convert Cambridge grades into points:
Year 13: Students study four subjects and may either continue an AS
subject into an A2 course to gain a full A Level qualification, or they may
wish to end their study of a subject at the end of the AS course and
start a new AS subject.
UCAS points tariff
A Level
AS Level
Approximate mark range
90 - 100%
No A* available
at AS Level
Over the two-year programme, students may tailor courses to suit
individual needs and can study subjects in breadth with as many as
eight different AS Level subjects, or in depth with perhaps four subjects
at A Level, or a combination of breadth and depth. For example:
Year 12
AS English
LanguageMathematics Painting
This programme leads to two A Levels and four AS Levels.
Both the AS grade and the A2 grade contribute to an A Level grade.
A mark of 50% at AS Level earns a grade D. If followed by a mark
of 90% at A2 Level, producing an average of 70%, then a grade B
would be earned at A Level. Certificates are awarded at AS Level
and at A Level. There is no separate A2 qualification.
Subjects available at ACG Senior College in 2016
For more information regarding the Cambridge International
Examinations, please contact Graham Gottard, Associate Principal, or phone 09-307 4474.
Year 13AS
AS A2 A2
PsychologyBiology Painting History
Years 12 and 13: Students normally take eight credits (an AS or an
A2 course is a credit) over two years, chosen from:
Art and Design Painting
Art and Design Photography
Art and Design Graphic Design
Art and Design Textiles
Business Studies
Classical Studies
English Language
English Literature ✔
2016 Start dates: Year 11 Camp: History
✔ ✔ or Stage 1 University
Physical Education
✔ ✔ or Stage 1 University
The ACG Senior College Cambridge International Course
Thursday 21st and
Friday 22nd January
Year 12/13 Tutor
Interviews and
Induction: Friday 22nd January
Academic year
commences: Monday 25th January
Finish date: Tuesday 6th December
2016 International student tuition fee: NZ$24,200
2016 New Zealand
citizen/permanent resident tuition fee: NZ$19,290
Minimum age: 15 years
A younger student can be taken on merit.
English entry criteria: Minimum IELTS 5.0 or equivalent.
An interview/entry test may be
required for class placement.
Students applying for AS Level and above
may require an entry test, especially for
Mathematics and Science subjects.
Academic entry criteria: Completion of NZ Year 10, overseas
Year 9, or equivalent.
Courses run subject to sufficient enrolments.
Ten reasons
More than 9000 schools in over 160 countries are part of the Cambridge
learning community. Here are some of the reasons why they chose Cambridge.
Thousands of learners use our
qualifications to get places at
universities worldwide.
Our international education
programmes have a proven reputation
for being an excellent preparation for
university, employment and life.
Our curriculum is flexible to integrate
and stimulating to teach. Schools
can choose all or part of it to suit their
learners’ needs.
We offer a clear structure to guide
learners’ progression from the start of
primary to the end of secondary education.
We are a part of the University
of Cambridge and a not-for-profit
We help Cambridge schools and
teachers prepare their learners to
be confident, responsible, reflective,
innovative and engaged.
We offer a wide range of subjects –
available in any combination.
We provide first-class support for
teachers through publications, online
resources, training and professional
We invest constantly in research
and development to improve our
programmes and qualifications.
98 per cent of Cambridge schools
say they would recommend us to
other schools.
Cambridge International Examinations is the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for 5 to 19 year
olds. We are part of the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s top universities and trusted for excellence in education. Our qualifications are
recognised by the world’s universities and employers.
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18/02/2014 15:02
*Age ranges are for guidance only
Cambridge Primary
Cambridge Secondary 1
Cambridge Secondary 2
Cambridge Advanced
5 to 11 years old*
11 to 14 years old*
14 to 16 years old*
16 to 19 years old*
Cambridge Primary:
Cambridge Secondary 1:
Cambridge IGCSE® :
• is an international education
programme, typically for young learners
(5 to 11 years old) and is used in
primary schools around the world
• is an education programme for
learners aged 11 to 14 that builds
skills, knowledge and understanding
in English as a first and second
language, mathematics and science
• is the world’s most popular
international qualification for 14 to 19
year olds – although it can be taken by
learners of other ages
• covers English, English as a second
language, mathematics and science
and provides an excellent foundation
for the later stages of education.
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint:
• tests are used at the end of Cambridge
Primary and offer feedback on a
learner’s strengths and weaknesses
in the key curriculum areas of English,
mathematics and science
• is marked by us and provides
schools with an external international
benchmark for learner performance.
• provides a natural progression for
children from primary education
and prepares them for post-14
education programmes that lead to
formal qualifications.
Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint:
• tests are used at the end of
Cambridge Secondary 1, are marked
by Cambridge and provide schools
with an external international
benchmark for student performance
• is available in English, mathematics
and science and can be offered at two
sessions during the year.
• is recognised by leading universities
and employers worldwide as evidence
of academic ability
from 70 subjects in any combination
• is taught by over 3700 schools
worldwide including 1300 in the UK.
Cambridge O Level:
• has been designed especially for an
international market and is sensitive to
the needs of different countries
language may not be English, and
this is acknowledged through the
examination process.
Cambridge International AS and
A Levels:
• are regarded as a passport to success in
education, university and employment
• are taken by thousands of learners
every year who gain places at leading
universities worldwide including
the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand
and Australia
• are widely recognised around the
world, for example by over 450 US
universities including all of the Ivy
League and Ivy+ institutions.
Cambridge Pre-U:
• is a two-year course with no
assessment at the end of year one,
providing more teaching time and
freedom for learning
• is recognised by UK universities and
a growing number of US universities,
including all Ivy League colleges.
Learn more! For further information on how Cambridge International Examinations can help your school to continue delivering excellence in education,
please visit ourwebsite at or speak to your local Cambridge representative.
10 Reasons flyer v1.13.indd 2
® IGCSE is the registered
of Cambridge
Examinations International student
and applications to:
© Cambridge
July 2013
The Principal, ACG Senior College
66 Lorne Street, Auckland City
PO Box 5646, Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141, New Zealand
Telephone: +64-9-307 4477
Fax: +64-9-307 4476
International Centre: ACG Pathways Campus
345 Queen Street, Auckland City
PO Box 6199, Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141, New Zealand
Telephone: +64-9-307 5399
Fax: +64-9-377 7125
As at April 2016, every effort was made to present accurate information in this publication.
ACG Senior College reserves the right to change information without notice where this is considered necessary or desirable.