Macroeconomics TSE M1 Chapter 1 - Optimization in Discrete Time Gaetano Gaballo and Franck Portier Toulouse School of Economics October 2012 Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 1 / 24 Chapter 1 - Optimization in discrete time Not a math class We will review main concept with a “cake-eating problem" More with Bénedicte Alziary (“Dynamic Optimization" course) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 2 / 24 1. The problem Finite horizon: t = 1, 2, ...T Initial size of the cake W1 Size in t: Wt Consumption ct ; ct 0 Flow utility u (ct ) u strict. increasing and strict. concave, di¤erentiable, limc !0 u 0 (c ) = ∞ t 1 Intertemporal utility ∑T u ( ct ) t =1 β 0 < β < 1: discount factor Law of motion if the cake size: Wt +1 = Wt ct Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 3 / 24 1. The problem Question What is the optimal way of eating that cake? Choice of a sequence of controls fc1 , c2 , . . . , cT g Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 4 / 24 2. First approach: using a Langrangian T max fct gT1 subject to ct + Wt +1 Gaballo and Portier (TSE) 1 u ( ct ) t =1 Wt for each t with W1 given and WT +1 which imply W1 ∑ βt ∑Tt=1 ct 0 0. M1 10/12 5 / 24 2. First approach: using a Langrangian Form the Lagrangian: T L= ∑β t 1 T u ( ct ) + λ W 1 t =1 ∑ ct t =1 ! The objective is concave, continuous and di¤erentiable, the constraint is linear so that the constraint set is compact (closed and bounded) First Order Conditions (FOC) are therefore not only Necessary Conditions (NC) but also Su¢ cient Conditions (SC) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 6 / 24 2. First approach: using a Langrangian Algebra ON THE BLACKBOARD Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 7 / 24 2. First approach: using a Langrangian Euler equation We obtain the important Euler equation (which is a NC): u 0 (ct ) = βu 0 (ct +1 ) Interpretation 1: reduce c by ε in t today and eat it in t + 1 Interpretation 2: reduce c by ε in t today and eat it in t + 2 Only a NC: what if WT +1 > 0? Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 8 / 24 2. First approach: using a Langrangian Value function VT (W1 ) = max ∑Tt=1 βt subject to W1 ∑Tt=1 ct 1 u ( ct ) 0. Analogy with an indirect utility function Interpretation of the Lagrange multiplier λ: VT0 (W1 ) = λ = βt 1 u 0 (ct ) for t = 1, 2, . . . , T Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 9 / 24 3. Finite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Add a period 0 We change slightly the problem: add a period 0 and an initial size of the cake W0 What is now the optimal plan? Let’s take advantage of what we have already done Highest utility that can be achieved from period 1 to T if the size of the cake in period 1 is W1 : VT (W1 ) The intertemporal problem from period 0 to T can be written as max u (c0 ) + βVT (W1 ) c0 where W1 = W0 c0 and with W0 given. We just need to …nd c0 Principle of optimality: to choose c0 , we simply need to know that decisions will be taken optimally in period 1 and onwards. What will be exactly chosen for c1 , c2 , . . . , cT is irrelevant for deciding c0 . Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 10 / 24 3. Finite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Working recursively max u (c0 ) + βVT (W0 c0 c0 ) FOC is u 0 (c0 ) = βVT0 (W1 ) Prove that we have u 0 (c0 ) = βt u 0 (ct ) for t = 1, 2, . . . , T 1 This approach looks easy because we have assumed that we knew VT ( W 1 ) What if we don’t? We can construct it recursively: compute V1 (W1 ) = u (W1 ) compute V2 (W1 ) = maxc1 u (c1 ) + βV1 (W2 ) compute V3 (W1 ) = maxW 2 u (W1 W2 ) + βV2 (W2 ) etc... Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 11 / 24 3. Finite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Example Take u (c ) = log(c ) Compute V1 (W1 ), V2 (W1 ), V3 (W1 ), ON THE BLACKBOARD Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 12 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Structure max fct g1∞ subject to Wt +1 = Wt ∞ ∑ βt 1 u ( ct ) t =1 ct for t = 1, 2, . . . Now consider V (W ) as the value of an in…nite horizon problem starting with a cake of size W The dynamic programming problem can be written V (Wt ) = max u (ct ) + βV (Wt ct 2[0,W t ] We will denote Wt +1 = Wt Gaballo and Portier (TSE) ct ) ct (prime for next period variables) M1 10/12 13 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Language In this problem: the state variable is the size of the cake Wt . the state completely summarizes all information from the past that is needed in the forward looking problem the control variable is the variable currently chosen, consumption ct the transition equation Wt +1 = Wt ct relates current state and control to future state It is possible to eliminate the control variable and write the problem as V ( Wt ) = max W t +1 2[0,W t ] u (Wt Wt +1 ) + βV (Wt +1 ) (?) (it happens to be sometime easier to use) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 14 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach A functionnal equation V (Wt ) = max W t +1 2[0,W t ] u ( Wt Wt +1 ) + βV (Wt +1 ) (?) The unknown of this equation is not a number, but a function The equation is also known as a Bellman equation Time does not enter in the equation: stationarity Assume for a moment that this equation has a solution V that is di¤erentiable Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 15 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Finding the optimal consumption plan V (Wt ) = max W t +1 2[0,W t ] u ( Wt Wt +1 ) + βV (Wt +1 ) (?) FOC is u 0 (ct ) = βV 0 (Wt +1 ) (?) implies that V 0 (Wt ) = u 0 (ct ) 0 0 t +1 since V 0 (Wt ) = u 0 (ct ) + ∂W ∂W t ( u (ct ) + βV (Wt +1 )) envelope theorem We therefore have u 0 (c ) = βu 0 (c 0 ) Euler equation again Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 16 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Policy function Denote ct = φ(Wt ) the policy function Note that optimal choice today depends only on the sate variable W Then Wt +1 = Wt φ(Wt ) = ψ(Wt ) so that the FOC is u 0 (φ(Wt )) = βu 0 (φ(Wt φ(Wt ))) for all Wt This is a functional equation whose unknown is the policy function Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 17 / 24 4. In…nite Horizon Dynamic Programming Approach Analytical Example Assume u (ct ) = log ct Guess V (Wt ) = A + B log(Wt ) ON THE BLACKBOARD Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 18 / 24 5. Introducing Uncertainty Taste shocks Assume that the consumer is more or less hungry, so that utility is εu (ct ) ε is a random variable that is observable today but whose future values are unknown ε takes 2 values εh > εl It follows a …rst order Markov process (meaning that what happens today depends only on what happened yesterday) The evolution of ε is given by the transition matrix Π: π ll π hl π lh π hh with for example π lh = Prob(εt +1 = εh jεt = εl ) π ih + π il = 1 for i = l, h Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 19 / 24 5. Introducing Uncertainty The Bellman Equation Now the agent cares about current and expected utility The state is now both Wt and εt The Bellman equation is, for all (Wt , εt ) V (Wt , εt ) = max εt u (Wt Wt Wt +1 ) + βEεt +1 jεt V (Wt +1 , εt +1 ) Eεt +1 jεt is computed using the transition matrix Π Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 20 / 24 5. Introducing Uncertainty Solution V (Wt , εt ) = max εt u (Wt Wt Wt +1 ) + βEεt +1 jεt V (Wt +1 , εt +1 ) FOC is εt u 0 (Wt Wt +1 ) = βEεt +1 jεt VW (Wt +1 , εt +1 ) This writes εt u 0 (Wt Wt +1 ) = βEεt +1 jεt εt +1 ut +1 (Wt +1 Wt + 2 ) Write the policy function as Wt +1 = ψ(Wt , εt ) The stochastic Euler equation becomes ε t u 0 ( Wt Wt +1 ) = βEεt +1 jεt εt +1 ut +1 (ψ(Wt , εt ) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 ψ(ψ(Wt , εt ), εt +1 )) 10/12 21 / 24 Discrete Choice The problem Assume that the cake grows if not eaten: W 0 = ρW Assume that it has to be consumed in one period (wine drinking or tree cutting more that cake eating) Problem: shall I eat today a small cake or wait tomorrow for a bigger one? This is an optimal stopping model Useful in economics (buying a car, a house, accepting a job;, stopping university) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 22 / 24 Discrete Choice Assumptions V E (W , ε) and V N (W , ε) are the values of Eating and waiting (Not eating the cake) V E (Wt , εt ) = εt u (Wt ) (the model stops) V N (Wt , εt ) = βEεt +1 jεt V (ρWt , εt +1 ) where V (Wt , εt ) = max V E (Wt , εt ), V N (Wt , εt ) for all (Wt , εt ) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) M1 10/12 23 / 24 Discrete Choice The tradeo¤ The cake grows good to wait Preference for the present β Taste shocks ε of waiting) Gaballo and Portier (TSE) good not to wait good to wait if appetite is low today (option value M1 10/12 24 / 24