Physics 145 Syllabus

Physics 145: Introduction to Basic Physics
Instructor: Chris DeMarco
Office: McDivitt Hall, Room 211A (conveniently located inside of Room 211)
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 9:30 am, Monday thru Thursday
1:00 am – 3:00 pm, Monday and Wednesday
and by appointment
Telephone and Fax Numbers: 517-796-8583 (office); 517-784-0354 (home); 517-796-8637 (fax)
e-Text: Paul Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, 12th ed. [contained in MasteringPhysics below]
Software: MasteringPhysics
Course ID: MPDEMARCO37266
General Information
This is a short “conceptual” physics course for students who are either entering or are currently in
the Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (DMS) program. The course is designed to introduce you to
various concepts in physics that are required by the National Education Committee for Sonography
(NEC) using as little math as possible. Specific topics are listed below.
NOTE: This course is only for prospective or current students in the DMS program. You will not
get credit for this course if you are in any other program, and the course will not transfer.
What Do I Need to Do Every Week?
(1) Go through the e-text Reading
Each week (after the first week), there’s specific sections in the e-text (contained in the
MasteringPhysics program) that you need to read. Each week’s reading assignment is listed below.
The e-text also contains some videos and interactive modules that will probably help as you go
through that week’s homework and quiz.
(2) Check Out and Print the “Notes and Equations” PDF File for the Week
Each week (after the first week), I’ve posted a “Notes and Equations” document that covers all the
specific stuff out of the week's material that you need to know for that week's homework and quiz.
You should print this out and have it with you when you do the homework and quizzes.
(3) Do The Homework
Each week (after the first week) there’s a homework assignment in the MasteringPhysics program
you need to go through. You can take as many shots as you need at each question, but you need to
answer them correctly in order to get full credit. The homework is worth 40% of your total grade for
the course.
Post to the weekly forum or email me at if you have trouble with the
(4) Do Forum Postings
Each week (after the first week) you’re required to post at least twice to the weekly forum, either to
post something you thought was interesting, ask a question or answer someone else's question. You
need to post at least twice in order to get full credit. The forum posts are worth 10% of your total
grade for the course.
(5) Take the Quiz
Finally, each week (after the first week) you’re required to take a quiz over that week’s material.
You can only take the weekly quiz between 8am and midnight of the Friday of each week. Here,
you only get one shot at a question. Again, print out the weekly "Notes and Equations" thing to use
as a guide as you take the quiz. The quizzes are worth 50% of your total grade for the course.
NOTE: The last week of class ends on Thursday, 12/22. That last week, you can take the quiz
anytime between 8am on Monday, 12/19 until midnight on Thursday, 12/22. That way, you can
finish early if you want to.
e-Text Readings and Homework: Each week, you need to read the assigned sections from the etext, which is available in the MasteringPhysics program, and do a homework assignment which is
also contained in the MasteringPhysics program.
You get credit for the homework as long as you complete it. You won’t get penalized for putting in
wrong answers, so you can put in as many answers as you want. But, for each question, you need to
eventually put in the right answer to get credit. The homework must be completed by midnight on
Friday of each week.
All of the homework assignments together are worth 40% of your grade.
Forum Posts: Each week (except for the first week), you need to get onto the weekly forum in
JetNet, post at least twice with questions relevant to the material and/or try to answer someone
else’s question.
You’ll receive full credit for doing both posts if it looks like you made a serious attempt to do them.
You’ll get half credit for doing just one post, and, obviously, no credit for doing neither of them.
The forum posts must be completed by midnight on Friday of each week.
All of the forum posts together are worth 10% of your grade.
Quizzes: Each Friday (except for the first week) you need to take a quiz of roughly 30 multiplechoice questions over the material covered in the e-text and the homework during that week. The
quizzes are also in the MasteringPhysics program.
The quizzes can only be taken between 8am and midnight on that Friday, and you have to complete
them within 90 minutes.
These quizzes are the only part of the course which you don’t get credit just for doing them. You
only get credit for a quiz question if you get the correct answer, and you only get one try at
answering a quiz question.
NOTE: Once you submit the answer to a quiz question, you can’t go back and change it. You can,
however, skip a question and go back to it later. Make sure you make a note of questions you skip
so you remember to go back and answer it!
Each quiz is graded on the basis of your percentage of correct answers, and all of the quizzes
together are worth 50% of your grade.
Grading Scale:
Your overall grade will be determined using the following scale:
90% – 4.0
85% – 3.5
80% – 3.0
70% – 2.0
65% – 1.5
60% – 1.0
75% – 2.5
55% – 0.5
Late Policy
Homework and Forum Posts: There is no opportunity to make up these assignments if you miss
the weekly due date. You can work ahead on them, though, if you need to.
Quizzes: You have to take the quizzes each Friday (except for the first week) between 8am and
midnight. You will be able to make up a quiz only if you inform me that you will be unable to take
the quiz during that time before the quiz is given, and then only under unusual circumstances.
Week 1 (9/6 – 9/9): The Adventure Begins
e-Text Reading Assignment: none
Homework: Introduction to MasteringPhysics; Mathematics Review
DUE: Friday, September 9 by midnight
Forum Posts: Try Posting Something!
This week, you're not required to post anything to the forum, but you should anyway to figure out
how the forum works, introduce yourself to the other folks in the class, and/or ask any questions
you have about the class or this week's homework.
Quiz: none
Week 2 (9/10 – 9/16): Newton’s 1st Law of Motion – Inertia
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 2.2 – 2.7
Homework: Chapter 2, Newton’s First Law of Motion – Inertia
DUE: Friday, September 16 by midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, September 16 by midnight
Quiz 1: Newton’s 1st Law
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, September 16 from 8am to midnight
Week 3 (9/17 – 9/23): Linear Motion
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 3.2 – 3.5
Homework: Chapter 3, Linear Motion
DUE: Friday, September 23 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, September 23 by midnight
Quiz 2: Linear Motion
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, September 23 from 8am to midnight
Week 4 (9/24 – 9/30): Newton’s 2nd Law
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 4.1 – 4.6
Homework: Chapter 4, Newton’s Second Law of Motion
DUE: Friday, September 30 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, September 30 by midnight
Quiz 3: Newton’s 2nd Law
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, September 30 from 8am to midnight
Week 5 (10/1 – 10/7): Newton’s 3rd Law, Momentum
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 5.1 – 5.3, Section 5.5
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 6.1 – 6.3, Sections 6.5 and 6.6
Homework: Chapter 5, Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Homework: Chapter 6, Momentum
DUE: Friday, October 7 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, October 7 by midnight
Quiz 4: Newton’s 3rd Law & Momentum
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, October 7 from 8am to midnight
Week 6 (10/8 – 10/14): Energy, Rotational Motion
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 7.1 – 7.6
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 8.1 – 8.3, Sections 8.7 and 8.8
Homework: Chapter 7, Energy
Homework: Chapter 8, Rotational Motion
DUE: Friday, October 14 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, October 14 by midnight
Quiz 5: Energy & Rotational Motion
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, October 14 from 8am to midnight
Week 7 (10/15 – 10/21): Solids, Liquids & Gases
e-Text Reading Assignment: Section 12.2
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 13.1 – 13.6
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 14.2 – 14.5
Homework: Chapter 12, Solids
Homework: Chapter 13, Liquids
Homework: Chapter 14, Gases
DUE: Friday, October 21 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, October 21 by midnight
Quiz 6: Solids, Liquids & Gases
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, October 21 from 8am to midnight
Week 8 (10/22 – 10/28): Temperature, Heat, Expansion & Heat Transfer
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 15.1 – 15.5
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 16.1 – 16.4
Homework: Chapter 15, Temperature, Heat, and Expansion
Homework: Chapter 16, Heat Transfer
DUE: Friday, October 28 at midnight
Two Forum Postings
DUE: Friday, October 28 by midnight
Quiz 7: Temperature, Heat, Expansion & Heat Transfer
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, October 28 from 8am to midnight
Week 9 (10/29 – 11/4): Change of Phase & Thermodynamics
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 17.2 – 17.6
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 18.3, 18.4, 18.6 (first part only), 18.7, 18.8
Homework: Chapter 17, Change of Phase
Homework: Chapter 18, Thermodynamics
DUE: Friday, November 4 at midnight
Quiz 8: Change of Phase & Thermodynamics
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, November 4 from 8am to midnight
Week 10: (11/5 – 11/11): Vibrations and Waves
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 19.1 – 19.6
Homework: Chapter 19, Vibrations and Waves
DUE: Friday, November 11 at midnight
Quiz 9: Vibrations and Waves
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, November 11 from 8am to midnight
Week 11: (11/12 – 11/18): Sound & Musical Sounds
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 20.1 and 20.2, Sections 20.4 and 20.5, Sections 20.7 and 20.8
e-Text Reading Assignment: Section 21.3
Homework: Chapter 20, Sound
Homework: Chapter 21, Musical Sounds
DUE: Friday, November 18 at midnight
Quiz 10: Sound & Musical Sounds
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, November 18 from 8am to midnight
Week 12 (11/19 – 11/25): Thanksgiving Break
No e-text reading assignments, homework, forum postings or quiz this week.
Week 13: (11/26 – 12/2): Electrostatics & Electric Current
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 22.2 – 22.4, Sections 22.8 and 22.9
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 23.1 – 23.5, Section 23.7, Section 23.9
Homework: Chapter 22, Electrostatics
Homework: Chapter 23, Electric Current
DUE: Friday, December 2 at midnight
Quiz 11: Electrostatics & Electric Current
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, December 2 from 8am to midnight
Week 14: (12/3 – 12/9): Magnetism & Electromagnetic Induction
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 24.1 – 24.7
e-Text Reading Assignment: Section 25.1, Section 25.2, Section 25.8
Homework: Chapter 24, Magnetism
Homework: Chapter 25, Electromagnetic Induction
DUE: Friday, December 9 at midnight
Quiz 12: Magnetism & Electromagnetic Induction
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, December 9 from 8am to midnight
Week 15: (12/10 – 12/16): Properties of Light & Color
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 26.1 – 26.4
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 27.1 – 27.5
Homework: Chapter 26, Properties of Light
Homework: Chapter 27, Color
DUE: Friday, December 16 at midnight
Quiz 13: Properties of Light & Color
ACCESSIBLE: Friday, December 16 from 8am to midnight
Week 16: (12/17 – 12/22): Reflection, Refraction, & Light Emission
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 28.1 – 28.4, Section 28.6
e-Text Reading Assignment: Sections 30.1 – 30.5, Section 30.8
Homework: Chapter 28, Reflection and Refraction
Homework: Chapter 30, Light Emission
DUE: Thursday, December 22 at midnight
Quiz 14: Reflection, Refraction & Light Emission
ACCESSIBLE: Monday, December 19 at 8 am until Thursday, December 22 at midnight