2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time ACCT102-16S2 (C) Accounting and Financial Information ACCT103-16S2 (C) Introduction to Financial Accounting ACCT211-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 3/11/2016 9:30 2 28/10/2016 14:30 3 Financial Accounting 28/10/2016 9:30 3 ACCT252-16S2 (C) Law of Business Contracts 26/10/2016 9:30 3 ACCT256-16S2 (C) Law of Business Organisations 7/11/2016 14:30 3 ACCT312-16S2 (C) Advanced Financial Accounting 27/10/2016 9:30 3 ACCT332-16S2 (C) Advanced Management Accounting 29/10/2016 14:30 3 ACCT341-16S2 (C) Public Accounting and Finance 10/11/2016 9:30 3 ACCT356-16S2 (C) Advanced Auditing 4/11/2016 14:30 3 ACCT359-16S2 (C) Further Issues in Advanced Taxation 2/11/2016 9:30 2 ANTA103-16S2 (C) Antarctica: Life in the Cold 10/11/2016 9:30 2 ANTA201-16S2 (C) Antarctica and Global Change 1/11/2016 9:30 3 ANTH103-16S2 (C) Identity, Ritual and Power: An Introduction To Anthropology 4/11/2016 9:30 3 APSY615-16S2 (C) Attitudes and Organisational Development 29/10/2016 14:30 3 APSY617-16S2 (C) Industrial and Organizational Psychology Measurement Issues 27/10/2016 14:30 3 ARTH111-16S2 (C) Contextualising Art: An Introduction to Art Theory 29/10/2016 9:30 3 ARTH215-16S2 (C) International Contemporary Art 4/11/2016 9:30 2 ARTH216-16S2 (C) Greek Art 28/10/2016 14:30 2 BCHM206-16S2 (C) Organic Chemistry 27/10/2016 14:30 3 BCHM222-16S2 (C) BIOCHEMISTRY B - Metabolism; the reactions of molecules in cells 4/11/2016 14:30 2.5 BCHM253-16S2 (C) Cell Biology I 9/11/2016 14:30 3 BCHM301-16W (C) Biochemistry 3 10/11/2016 14:30 2.5 BCHM302-16W (C) Biological Chemistry 25/10/2016 14:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) BCHM335-16S2 (C) Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology 25/10/2016 14:30 3 BIOL112-16S2 (C) Ecology, Evolution and Conservation 28/10/2016 14:30 3 BIOL116-16S2 (C) Human Biology 31/10/2016 14:30 3 BIOL210-16S2 (C) Vertebrate Biology 3/11/2016 14:30 2 BIOL211-16S2 (C) Insect Biology 4/11/2016 14:30 2 BIOL251-16S2 (C) Exercise and Health 10/11/2016 14:30 2.5 BIOL253-16S2 (C) Cell Biology I 9/11/2016 14:30 3 BIOL254-16S2 (C) Principles of Plant Physiology 26/10/2016 14:30 2.5 BIOL272-16S2 (C) Principles of Animal Behaviour 2/11/2016 9:30 3 BIOL273-16S2 (C) New Zealand Biodiversity and Biosecurity 8/11/2016 14:30 3 BIOL309-16S2 (C) Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists 1/11/2016 9:30 2 BIOL313-16S2 (C) Advanced Molecular and Industrial Microbiology 2/11/2016 9:30 2 BIOL331-16W (C) Biochemistry 3 10/11/2016 14:30 2.5 BIOL332-16S2 (C) Genetics and Evolution of Invasive Species 27/10/2016 14:30 3 BIOL334-16S2 (C) Evolutionary Genetics 28/10/2016 14:30 2 BIOL351-16S2 (C) Cell Biology 2 3/11/2016 9:30 2.5 BIOL384-16S2 (C) Marine Ecosystems 10/11/2016 14:30 3 CHEM111-16S2 (C) Chemical Principles and Processes 3/11/2016 14:30 2.5 CHEM112-16S2 (C) Structure and Reactivity 7/11/2016 9:30 2.5 CHEM241-16S2 (C) Inorganic Chemistry 31/10/2016 9:30 3 CHEM242-16S2 (C) Organic Chemistry 27/10/2016 14:30 3 CHEM243-16S2 (C) Molecules and Reactions 5/11/2016 9:30 3 CHEM321-16W (C) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: From Structure to Function 29/10/2016 14:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) CHEM322-16W (C) Organic Chemistry 8/11/2016 9:30 3 CHEM324-16W (C) Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 1/11/2016 9:30 3 CHEM325-16W (C) Biological Chemistry 25/10/2016 14:30 3 CHEM343-16S2 (C) Advances in Chemical Technology 3/11/2016 9:30 2.5 CHIN101-16W (C) Elementary Chinese Language 5/11/2016 9:30 2 CHIN105-16S2 (C) Chinese Language 1 5/11/2016 9:30 2 CINE104-16S2 (C) The Oscar for Best Picture: The Envelope Please! 27/10/2016 14:30 3 CLAS105-16S2 (C) Roman Mythologies 8/11/2016 9:30 2 CLAS111-16S2 (C) Greek History 10/11/2016 9:30 3 CLAS145-16S2 (C) Beginners' Latin B 29/10/2016 14:30 2 CLAS206-16S2 (C) Greek Art 28/10/2016 14:30 2 CLAS319-16S2 (C) Sport and Leisure in the Ancient World 28/10/2016 14:30 3 CLAS332-16S2 (C) The Hellenistic East and the Coming of Rome 1/11/2016 14:30 3 CLAS336-16S2 (C) Art and Ideas in Archaic and Classical Greece 5/11/2016 14:30 3 CMDS162-16S2 (C) Neuroscience of Swallowing and Communication 26/10/2016 14:30 3 CMDS232-16S2 (C) Speech Sound Disorders 3/11/2016 14:30 3 CMDS367-16S2 (C) Voice Science and Disorders 25/10/2016 14:30 2 CMDS665-16S2 (C) Speech and Language Disorders in Children 3/11/2016 14:30 3 CMDS666-16S2 (C) Voice Disorders 25/10/2016 14:30 2 CMDS667-16S2 (C) Neuroscience of Communication and Swallowing 26/10/2016 14:30 3 COMS102-16S2 (C) The News Machine 25/10/2016 14:30 2 COMS102-16S2 (D) The News Machine 25/10/2016 14:30 2 COMS201-16S2 (C) Media Audiences 10/11/2016 9:30 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time COSC121-16S2 (C) Introduction to Computer Programming COSC122-16S2 (C) Introduction to Computer Science COSC264-16S2 (C) Introduction to Computer Networks and the Internet COSC265-16S2 (C) Relational Database Systems COSC362-16S2 (C) Data and Network Security COSC367-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 4/11/2016 9:30 3 27/10/2016 9:30 2 5/11/2016 9:30 1.5 2/11/2016 14:30 2 9/11/2016 9:30 2 Artificial Intelligence 27/10/2016 14:30 3 COSC368-16S2 (C) Humans and Computers 10/11/2016 14:30 2 COSC415-16S2 (C) Information and Software Visualisation 5/11/2016 9:30 2 COSC418-16S2 (C) Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks 26/10/2016 14:30 2 COSC422-16S2 (C) Advanced Computer Graphics 8/11/2016 14:30 2 COSC424-16S2 (C) Secure Software 29/10/2016 9:30 2 COSC432-16S2 (C) Relational Methods 10/11/2016 9:30 2 CRJU201-16S2 (C) Crime and Justice 26/10/2016 14:30 3 CRJU302-16S2 (C) Prisons and Corrections 2/11/2016 9:30 3 CRJU307-16S2 (C) Issues in Policing, Prosecution and Alternatives to Prosecution 10/11/2016 9:30 3 CRJU308-16S2 (C) The Principles of Evidence 28/10/2016 14:30 3 CRJU309-16S2 (C) International Criminal Law 31/10/2016 9:30 2.5 CULT114-16S2 (C) Aotearoa - Introduction to New Zealand Treaty Society 5/11/2016 14:30 3 CULT201-16S2 (C) Media Audiences 10/11/2016 9:30 2 CULT219-16S2 (C) Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi 25/10/2016 14:30 3 DIPL404-16S2 (C) Intervention and International Relations 1/11/2016 14:30 2 DIPL411-16S2 (C) International Trade Law 26/10/2016 9:30 2.5 ECON104-16S2 (C) Introduction to Microeconomics 2/11/2016 9:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time ECON105-16S2 (C) Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON199-16X (D) Title Duration (Hours) 5/11/2016 9:30 3 Introduction to Microeconomics To be confirmed 3 ECON206-16S2 (C) Intermediate Macroeconomics 10/11/2016 9:30 3 ECON208-16S2 (C) Intermediate Microeconomics - Firms and Markets 1/11/2016 9:30 3 ECON223-16S2 (C) Introduction to Game Theory for Business, Science and Politics 7/11/2016 14:30 3 ECON338-16S2 (C) Health Economics Overview 26/10/2016 14:30 2 ECON340-16S2 (C) Development Economics 5/11/2016 9:30 2.5 ECON344-16S2 (C) International Finance 7/11/2016 9:30 3 ECON345-16S2 (C) The Economics of Risk and Insurance 3/11/2016 9:30 2 ECON644-16S2 (C) Microeconomics I 29/10/2016 14:30 2 ECON657-16S2 (C) International Trade 1/11/2016 14:30 3 ECON668-16S2 (C) Experimental Economics 27/10/2016 14:30 2.5 EDUC206-16S2 (C) Education and Society: Ideals and Realities 31/10/2016 14:30 3 EMTH118-16S2 (C) Engineering Mathematics 1A 28/10/2016 9:30 2.5 EMTH119-16S2 (C) Engineering Mathematics 1B 28/10/2016 9:30 3 EMTH171-16S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 26/10/2016 9:30 2 EMTH211-16S2 (C) Engineering Linear Algebra and Statistics 7/11/2016 9:30 3 EMTH271-16S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 2 2/11/2016 9:30 2 EMTH415-16S2 (C) Special Topic in Engineering Mathematics 8/11/2016 14:30 2 ENCE260-16S2 (C) Computer Systems 29/10/2016 9:30 2 ENCE360-16S2 (C) Operating Systems 1/11/2016 14:30 2 ENCE462-16S2 (C) Advanced Computer Architecture 1/11/2016 9:30 2 ENCE463-16S2 (C) Embedded Software Engineering 4/11/2016 9:30 2.5 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) ENCH241-16S2 (C) Engineering Chemistry 2 4/11/2016 14:30 3 ENCH281-16S2 (C) Principles Of Biology For Engineers 29/10/2016 9:30 3 ENCH292-16S2 (C) Heat and Mass Transfer Operations 31/10/2016 9:30 3 ENCH295-16W (C) Chemical Engineering Professional Practice 2/11/2016 14:30 1 ENCH296-16S2 (C) Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 27/10/2016 14:30 3 ENCH391-16S2 (C) Process Systems and Control 8/11/2016 9:30 1.5 ENCH391-16S2 (C) 2 Process Systems and Control 8/11/2016 14:30 1.5 ENCH396-16S2 (C) Chemical Engineering Separations 1 27/10/2016 14:30 2.5 ENCI313-16S2 (C) Civil Engineering Design Studio 2 3/11/2016 14:30 2 ENCI336-16S2 (C) Structural Design 28/10/2016 14:30 3 ENCI425-16S2 (C) Structural Steel 29/10/2016 14:30 2 ENCI426-16S2 (C) Structural Concrete 27/10/2016 14:30 2.5 ENCN213-16S2 (C) Design Studio 1 31/10/2016 9:30 3 ENCN242-16S2 (C) Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology 25/10/2016 9:30 3 ENCN253-16S2 (C) Soil Mechanics 27/10/2016 9:30 3 ENCN281-16S2 (C) Environmental Engineering 29/10/2016 14:30 2.5 ENCN342-16S2 (C) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics 5/11/2016 9:30 2 ENCN353-16S2 (C) Geotechnical Engineering 26/10/2016 14:30 3 ENCN415-16S2 (C) Pavement Engineering 7/11/2016 14:30 2.5 ENCN454-16S2 (C) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 2/11/2016 14:30 3 ENCN470-16S2 (C) Professional Engineering Development 31/10/2016 9:30 2 ENCN499-16S2 (C) Special Topic 4/11/2016 9:30 2 ENEL220-16W (C) Circuits and Signals 26/10/2016 14:30 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) ENEL290-16S2 (C) Waves and Materials in Electrical Engineering 9/11/2016 14:30 3 ENEL301-16S2 (C) Fundamentals of Engineering Economics and Management 4/11/2016 9:30 2 ENEL320-16S2 (C) Signals and Communications 8/11/2016 9:30 2 ENEL372-16S2 (C) Power and Analogue Electronics 3/11/2016 9:30 2 ENEL420-16S2 (C) Advanced Signals 9/11/2016 9:30 3 ENEL471-16S2 (C) Power Electronics 2 26/10/2016 14:30 2 ENEL481-16S2 (C) Electrical Machines 7/11/2016 9:30 1.5 ENFE610-16S2 (C) Advanced Fire Dynamics 27/10/2016 14:30 2 ENFO204-16S2 (C) Forest Measurement 2/11/2016 14:30 3 ENGR102-16S2 (C) Engineering Mechanics 31/10/2016 14:30 3 ENGR404-16S2 (C) Renewable Energy Technologies and Management 4/11/2016 14:30 2.5 ENGR407-16S2 (C) Bioprocess Engineering 1 1/11/2016 14:30 2.5 ENGR477-16S2 (C) Independent Course of Study 2/11/2016 14:30 3 ENME203-16S2 (C) Dynamics and Vibrations 25/10/2016 14:30 3 ENME207-16S2 (C) Materials Science and Engineering 29/10/2016 14:30 2 ENME221-16S2 (C) Engineering Design and Manufacture 31/10/2016 14:30 1 ENME302-16S2 (C) Computational and Applied Mechanical Analysis 27/10/2016 14:30 2 ENME305-16S2 (C) Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 7/11/2016 9:30 2 ENME313-16S2 (C) Electro Technology for Mechanical Engineers 31/10/2016 14:30 2 ENME404-16S2 (C) Aerodynamics and Ground Vehicle Dynamics 29/10/2016 9:30 2 ENME405-16S2 (C) Energy Systems Engineering 27/10/2016 14:30 3 ENME411-16S2 (C) Advanced Mechanical System Design 8/11/2016 9:30 3 days ENME417-16S2 (C) Advanced Composite, Polymeric and Ceramic Materials 28/10/2016 9:30 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time ENME418-16S2 (C) Engineering Management and Professional Practice for Mechanical Engineers ENME604-16S2 (C) Advanced Aerodynamics and Ground Vehicle Dynamics ENME605-16S2 (C) Advanced Energy Systems Engineering ENME611-16S2 (C) Advanced Mechanical System Design ENME617-16S2 (C) Advanced Composite, Polymeric and Ceramic Materials ENME618-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 25/10/2016 14:30 3 29/10/2016 9:30 2 27/10/2016 14:30 3 8/11/2016 9:30 3 days 28/10/2016 9:30 2 Advanced Engineering Management and Professional Practice for Mechanical Engineers 25/10/2016 14:30 3 ENMT482-16S2 (C) Robotics 27/10/2016 14:30 2 ENNR313-16S2 (C) Natural Resources Engineering Design Studio 2 3/11/2016 14:30 2 ENNR322-16S2 (C) Ecological Engineering 9/11/2016 9:30 2 ENNR422-16S2 (C) Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering 28/10/2016 14:30 3 ENVR411-16S2 (C) Case Studies in Environmental Science 28/10/2016 14:30 3 EURA226-16S2 (C) The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, 1944 -1991 7/11/2016 14:30 2 EURA235-16S2 (C) Tsardom to Empire: Russian History 1480 to 1917 26/10/2016 14:30 2 EURA326-16S2 (C) The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, 1944 -1991 7/11/2016 14:30 3 FINC203-16S2 (C) Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 25/10/2016 14:30 3 FINC301-16S2 (C) Corporate Finance Theory and Policy 31/10/2016 14:30 3 FINC305-16S2 (C) Financial Modelling 9/11/2016 9:30 2 FINC308-16S2 (C) Applied Financial Analysis and Valuation 28/10/2016 14:30 3 FINC344-16S2 (C) International Finance 7/11/2016 9:30 3 FINC345-16S2 (C) The Economics of Risk and Insurance 3/11/2016 9:30 2 FINC616-16S2 (C) Financial Modelling 9/11/2016 9:30 2 FINC624-16S2 (C) Asset Pricing 4/11/2016 14:30 3 FORE131-16S2 (C) Trees in the Landscape 7/11/2016 14:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) FORE141-16S2 (C) Forest Growth and Measurements 2/11/2016 14:30 3 FORE215-16S2 (C) Introduction to Forest Economics 4/11/2016 14:30 3 FORE219-16S2 (C) Introduction to Silviculture 29/10/2016 14:30 3 FORE224-16S2 (C) Biometry 1b 25/10/2016 9:30 2.5 FORE316-16S2 (C) Forest Management 1/11/2016 14:30 3 FORE327-16S2 (C) Wood Science 27/10/2016 14:30 2 FORE423-16S2 (C) Forest Transportation and Road Design 29/10/2016 14:30 3 FORE426-16S2 (C) Forest Products Marketing and International Trade 5/11/2016 9:30 1 FORE443-16S2 (C) Biosecurity Risk Management 3/11/2016 9:30 2 FORE445-16S2 (C) Environmental Forestry 1/11/2016 14:30 2 FORE619-16S2 (C) Wood Processing 27/10/2016 14:30 2 FORE641-16S2 (C) Plantation Forest Management 1/11/2016 14:30 3 GEOG106-16S2 (C) Global Environmental Change 5/11/2016 14:30 2 GEOG206-16S2 (C) Resource and Environmental Management 10/11/2016 14:30 2 GEOG310-16S2 (C) Weather Systems 5/11/2016 14:30 2 GEOG312-16S2 (C) Snow, Ice and Climate 7/11/2016 14:30 2 GEOG323-16S2 (C) Geospatial Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences 29/10/2016 14:30 2 GEOL113-16S2 (C) Environmental Geohazards 2/11/2016 9:30 3 GEOL115-16S2 (C) The Dynamic Earth System 7/11/2016 14:30 3 GEOL244-16S2 (C) Structural Geology and Global Geophysics 27/10/2016 14:30 2 GEOL245-16S2 (C) Earth System Science 9/11/2016 9:30 2 GEOL336-16S2 (C) Magmatic Systems and Volcanology 31/10/2016 9:30 2 GEOL338-16S2 (C) Engineering and Mining Geology 9/11/2016 9:30 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time GEOL357-16S2 (C) New Zealand Geology and Climate History GEOL483-16S2 (C) Coal and Environmental Geology Title 2/11/2016 14:30 Duration (Hours) 2 1/11/2016 9:30 2 7/11/2016 14:30 2 hrs 10 mins 3/11/2016 9:30 2 1/11/2016 14:30 2 26/10/2016 14:30 2 1/11/2016 14:30 2 7/11/2016 9:30 2 2/11/2016 14:30 2 25/10/2016 14:30 3 7/11/2016 14:30 2 10/11/2016 14:30 2 9/11/2016 9:30 2 GRMN322-16S2 (C) German Language Advanced 2 HIST127-16S2 (C) American History HIST136-16S2 (C) Revolutions and Revolutionaries HIST235-16S2 (C) Tsardom to Empire: Russian History 1480 to 1917 HIST247-16S2 (C) Slavery to Freedom in World History HIST253-16S2 (C) Renaissance and Reformation Europe HIST255-16S2 (C) Heroines in History HIST268-16S2 (C) Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi HIST269-16S2 (C) The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, 1944 -1991 HIST278-16S2 (C) America: Cold War to Gulf War HIST281-16S2 (C) Resistance and Collaboration in Nazi Europe HIST292-16S2 (C) Oral Traditions and Modern Histories of Ngai Tahu 7/11/2016 14:30 3 HIST295-16S2 (C) Crime, Criminology and Policing in Modern Europe since 1750 5/11/2016 9:30 2 HIST329-16S2 (C) The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, 1944-1991 7/11/2016 14:30 3 HIST335-16S2 (C) Tsardom to Empire: Russian History 1480 to 1917 28/10/2016 14:30 3 HIST361-16S2 (C) Heroines in History 7/11/2016 9:30 3 HIST364-16S2 (C) America: Cold War to Gulf War 10/11/2016 14:30 3 HIST373-16S2 (C) Renaissance and Reformation Europe 3/11/2016 9:30 2 HIST381-16S2 (C) Resistance and Collaboration in Nazi Europe 7/11/2016 9:30 3 HIST395-16S2 (C) Crime, Criminology and Policing in Modern Europe since 1750 4/11/2016 14:30 3 HLED122-16S2 (C) Building Resilience 4/11/2016 9:30 2.5 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time HLTH110-16S2 (C) Epidemiology HLTH201-16S2 (C) Health Promotion HLTH202-16S2 (C) Health in New Zealand HSRV102-16S2 (C) Introduction to Human Services and Practice in Aotearoa HSRV103-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 5/11/2016 14:30 3 28/10/2016 14:30 3 2/11/2016 14:30 3 3/11/2016 9:30 3 Violence in Society 28/10/2016 9:30 3 HSRV103-16S2 (D) Violence in Society 28/10/2016 9:30 3 HSRV204-16S2 (C) Culture, Indigeneity and Citizenship: Critical Debates for the Human Services 5/11/2016 14:30 3 HSRV206-16S2 (C) Child Protection Practice 4/11/2016 9:30 3 HSRV207-16S2 (C) Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi 25/10/2016 14:30 3 ILAP651-16S2 (C) Intervention and International Relations 1/11/2016 14:30 2 INFO123-16S2 (C) Information Systems and Technology 31/10/2016 9:30 2 INFO223-16S2 (C) Business Systems Analysis 9/11/2016 9:30 2 INFO243-16S2 (C) Accounting Information Systems 4/11/2016 9:30 3 INFO263-16S2 (C) Web Design and Development 7/11/2016 14:30 3 INFO393-16S2 (C) Information Systems Project Management 1/11/2016 14:30 2 JAPA126-16S2 (C) Elementary Japanese B 4/11/2016 9:30 1.5 JAPA215-16W (C) Intermediate Japanese 4/11/2016 14:30 2 JAPA216-16S2 (C) Special Topic in Japanese Language 4/11/2016 14:30 2 JAPA326-16S2 (C) Advancing Japanese B 29/10/2016 14:30 3 LAWS101-16W (C) Legal System: Legal Method and Institutions 27/10/2016 9:30 3 LAWS202-16W (C) Criminal Law 31/10/2016 14:30 3 LAWS203-16W (C) The Law of Contract 2/11/2016 9:30 3 LAWS204-16W (C) The Law of Torts 3/11/2016 14:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) LAWS205-16W (C) Land Law 4/11/2016 14:30 3 LAWS206-16W (C) Public Law 26/10/2016 9:30 3 LAWS307-16S2 (C) The Principles of Evidence 28/10/2016 14:30 3 LAWS310-16S2 (C) Relationship Property and Family Finance 27/10/2016 9:30 3 LAWS321-16S2 (C) International Criminal Law 31/10/2016 9:30 2.5 LAWS332-16S2 (C) Commercial Law II: Personal Property Security and Credit 25/10/2016 14:30 2 LAWS338-16S2 (C) World Trade Law 26/10/2016 9:30 2.5 LAWS352-16S2 (C) Selected Issues in Taxation 8/11/2016 9:30 3 LAWS360-16S2 (C) Jurisprudence 2/11/2016 14:30 3 LAWS365-16S2 (C) Issues in Policing, Prosecution and Alternatives to Prosecution 10/11/2016 9:30 3 LAWS370-16S2 (C) Problems in International and Regional Trade 2/11/2016 14:30 2.5 LAWS396-16S2 (C) Media Law 7/11/2016 9:30 2 MAOR108-16S2 (C) Aotearoa: Introduction to New Zealand Treaty Society 31/10/2016 9:30 3 MAOR108-16S2 (D) Aotearoa: Introduction to New Zealand Treaty Society 31/10/2016 9:30 3 MAOR172-16S2 (C) Science, Maori and Indigenous Knowledge 29/10/2016 9:30 3 MAOR219-16S2 (C) Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi 25/10/2016 14:30 3 MAOR285-16S2 (C) Oral Traditions and Modern Histories of Ngai Tahu 7/11/2016 14:30 3 MATH102-16S2 (C) Mathematics 1A 26/10/2016 14:30 2.5 MATH103-16S2 (C) Mathematics 1B 8/11/2016 14:30 2 MATH120-16S2 (C) Discrete Mathematics 1/11/2016 9:30 2 MATH170-16S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 26/10/2016 9:30 2 MATH199-16W (C) AIMS - Advancing in Mathematical Sciences 31/10/2016 16:30 2 MATH199-16W (D) AIMS - Advancing in Mathematical Sciences 31/10/2016 19:00 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time MATH202-16S2 (C) Differential Equations MATH230-16S2 (C) Logic, Automata, and Computability MATH240-16S2 (C) Analysis and Groups MATH270-16S2 (C) Mathematical Modelling and Computation 2 MATH303-16S2 (C) Applied Matrix Algebra MATH324-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 26/10/2016 14:30 2 3/11/2016 9:30 2 7/11/2016 14:30 2 2/11/2016 9:30 2 28/10/2016 14:30 2 Cryptography and Coding Theory 31/10/2016 9:30 2 MATH363-16S2 (C) Dynamical Systems 8/11/2016 14:30 2 MATH365-16S2 (C) Applications of Complex Variables 5/11/2016 9:30 2 MDPH402-16S2 (C) Nuclear Medicine 3/11/2016 9:30 3 MDPH405-16S2 (C) Radiation Therapy 5/11/2016 14:30 3 MDPH406-16S2 (C) Medical Imaging 27/10/2016 14:30 3 MGMT100-16S2 (C) Fundamentals of Management 29/10/2016 9:30 3 MGMT170-16S2 (C) Managerial Decision Making 4/11/2016 14:30 2 MGMT208-16S2 (C) Principles of Leadership 10/11/2016 14:30 2 MGMT223-16S2 (C) Innovation Management 5/11/2016 14:30 2 MGMT271-16S2 (C) Operations Management Processes 8/11/2016 14:30 2 MGMT281-16S2 (C) Business Research Methods 3/11/2016 14:30 3 MGMT308-16S2 (C) Applied Human Resource Management 9/11/2016 9:30 2 MGMT324-16S2 (C) International Entrepreneurship 1/11/2016 9:30 2.5 MGMT332-16S2 (C) International Management 3/11/2016 9:30 3 MGMT345-16S2 (C) Strategy Processes and Practices 27/10/2016 9:30 2 MGMT371-16S2 (C) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management 25/10/2016 14:30 2 MKTG100-16S2 (C) Principles of Marketing 7/11/2016 9:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time MKTG204-16S2 (C) Consumer Behaviour MKTG305-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 29/10/2016 14:30 3 Strategic Marketing 8/11/2016 14:30 3 MSCI271-16S2 (C) Operations Management Processes 8/11/2016 14:30 2 MSCI371-16S2 (C) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management 25/10/2016 14:30 2 PHIL133-16S2 (C) Philosophy and Human Nature 2/11/2016 14:30 2 PHIL137-16S2 (C) Computers, Artificial Intelligence, and the Information Society 7/11/2016 14:30 2 PHIL210-16S2 (C) Logic, Automata, and Computability 3/11/2016 9:30 2 PHIL236-16S2 (C) Ethics 25/10/2016 14:30 3 PHIL250-16S2 (C) Turing: From the Computer Revolution to the Philosophy of AI 9/11/2016 9:30 2 PHIL303-16S2 (C) Quarks, Quasars and Dinosaurs: The Philosophy of Science 9/11/2016 9:30 2 PHIL310-16S2 (C) Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Hume 29/10/2016 14:30 3 PHIL321-16S2 (C) Ethics 25/10/2016 14:30 3 PHYS101-16S2 (C) Engineering Physics A: Mechanics, Waves and Thermal Physics 2/11/2016 14:30 3 PHYS102-16S2 (C) Engineering Physics B: Electromagnetism, Modern Physics and 'How Things Work' 9/11/2016 9:30 3 PHYS203-16S2 (C) Relativistic and Quantum Physics 4/11/2016 9:30 3 PHYS206-16S2 (C) Electromagnetism and Materials 10/11/2016 9:30 3 PHYS313-16S2 (C) Advanced Electromagnetism and Materials 1/11/2016 9:30 3 PHYS328-16S2 (C) Special Topic: Climate Dynamics and Modelling 8/11/2016 9:30 3 days PHYS415-16S2 (C) General Relativity 1/11/2016 14:30 3 POLS103-16S2 (C) Introduction to New Zealand Politics and Policy 8/11/2016 14:30 2 POLS202-16S2 (C) International Relations and Humanitarian Ideals 29/10/2016 14:30 2.5 POLS210-16S2 (C) Democratic Uprisings and Political Participation 7/11/2016 9:30 3 POLS216-16S2 (C) City Politics and Urban Policy in Practice 9/11/2016 9:30 2 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) POLS307-16S2 (C) Policy Issues in Science, Technology and Global Health 27/10/2016 14:30 2 POLS314-16S2 (C) Militaries and Societies 10/11/2016 14:30 3 POLS317-16S2 (C) International Politics: Peace and Security in International Relations 5/11/2016 9:30 2 POLS404-16S2 (C) Intervention and International Relations 1/11/2016 14:30 2 POLS409-16S2 (C) Public Policy Analysis 27/10/2016 14:30 2 PSYC106-16S2 (C) Introductory Psychology - Social, Personality and Developmental 9/11/2016 14:30 1.5 PSYC209-16S2 (C) Sensation and Perception 5/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC211-16S2 (C) Personality 8/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC332-16S2 (C) Social Psychology 3/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC334-16W (C) Learning and Behaviour Analysis 1/11/2016 14:30 2 PSYC341-16S2 (C) Environmental Psychology 9/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC344-16S2 (C) Research Methods 10/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC428-16W (C) Forensic Psychology 29/10/2016 14:30 2 PSYC433-16W (C) Research in Behavioural Pharmacology and Teratology 8/11/2016 9:30 2 PSYC437-16W (C) Health Psychology - Theories and Interventions 27/10/2016 14:30 3 PSYC460-16S2 (C) Research Methods in Psychology 25/10/2016 14:30 3 PSYC477-16S2 (C) Special Topic: Mental Health and Food 3/11/2016 9:30 1 RUSS235-16S2 (C) Tsardom to Empire: Russian History 1480 to 1917 26/10/2016 14:30 2 RUSS335-16S2 (C) Tsardom to Empire: Russian History 1480 to 1917 28/10/2016 14:30 3 SCIM101-16S2 (C) Science, Maori and Indigenous Knowledge 29/10/2016 9:30 3 SENG440-16S2 (C) Special Topic: Topics in Mobile Computing 3/11/2016 9:30 2 SOCI112-16S2 (C) Global Society 1/11/2016 9:30 3 SOCI209-16S2 (C) Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi 25/10/2016 14:30 3 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time SOCI218-16S2 (C) Crime and Justice SOCI358-16S2 (C) Prisons and Corrections SOIL203-16S2 (C) Soil Fertility SOWK102-16S2 (C) Human Services in Aotearoa SPAN102-16S2 (C) Beginners' Spanish B SPAN202-16S2 (C) Title Duration (Hours) 26/10/2016 14:30 3 2/11/2016 9:30 3 27/10/2016 14:30 3 3/11/2016 9:30 3 26/10/2016 14:30 2 Intermediate Spanish Language B 1/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO103-16S2 (C) Sport Psychology 1 4/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO103-16S2 (D) Sport Psychology 1 4/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO104-16S2 (C) Anatomy and Physiology 2/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO104-16S2 (D) Anatomy and Physiology 2/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO204-16S2 (C) Biomechanics 4/11/2016 14:30 2 SPCO204-16S2 (D) Biomechanics 4/11/2016 14:30 2 SPCO207-16S2 (C) Ethics in Sport 7/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO207-16S2 (D) Ethics in Sport 7/11/2016 9:30 2 SPCO221-16S2 (C) Sports Injuries and their Management 27/10/2016 14:30 3 SPCO221-16S2 (D) Sports Injuries and their Management 27/10/2016 14:30 3 SPCO242-16S2 (C) Weight Management 8/11/2016 14:30 2 SPCO242-16S2 (D) Weight Management 8/11/2016 14:30 2 SPCO341-16S2 (C) Strength and Conditioning for Sports Performance 29/10/2016 9:30 2 SPCO341-16S2 (D) Strength and Conditioning for Sports Performance 29/10/2016 9:30 2 SPCO343-16S2 (C) Nutrition and Recovery for Sports Performance 4/11/2016 14:30 2 SPCO343-16S2 (D) Nutrition and Recovery for Sports Performance 4/11/2016 14:30 2 STAT101-16S2 (C) Statistics 1 25/10/2016 9:30 2.5 2016 End-of-year Examination Timetable Code Date/time Title Duration (Hours) STAT202-16S2 (C) Regression Modelling 25/10/2016 9:30 2.5 STAT213-16S2 (C) Statistical Inference 4/11/2016 14:30 2 STAT314-16S2 (C) Bayesian Inference 3/11/2016 9:30 3 STAT315-16S2 (C) Multivariate Statistical Methods 31/10/2016 9:30 3 STAT318-16S2 (C) Data Mining 7/11/2016 9:30 2 STAT461-16S2 (C) Bayesian Inference 3/11/2016 9:30 3 STAT462-16S2 (C) Data Mining 7/11/2016 9:30 2 STAT463-16S2 (C) Multivariate Statistical Methods 31/10/2016 9:30 3 TEPE202-16S2 (C) Biomechanics 4/11/2016 14:30 2 WATR201-16S2 (C) Freshwater Resources 26/10/2016 14:30 2 hrs 10 mins WATR402-16S2 (C) Determinants of Water Availability and Quality 25/10/2016 9:30 2 hrs 10 mins WATR403-16S2 (C) Water Management, Policy and Planning 26/10/2016 9:30 2 hrs 10 mins