Introduction to RF Filter Design RF Electronics Spring, 2016 Robert R. Krchnavek Rowan University Objectives • Understand the fundamental concepts and definitions for filters. • Know how to design filters using tabulated parameters for common filter types. • Know how to convert lumped-element filter designs into distributed-element filters. Filter Configurations ω Ω= ωc where ωc is defined as the cutoff frequency for low-pass and high-pass filters and the center frequency for bandpass and bandstop filters. Low-Pass Filters Profiles for Three Common Types • • • Binomial or Butterworth - easy to implement; monotonic profile; requires numerous elements to get step profile. Chebyshev - equal amplitude variations; steeper profile than Butterworth. Elliptic or Cauer - amplitude variations in both stopband and passband; steepest profile; complicated to design. Bandpass Filter - Profile Filter Definitions • • • • • • Pin Insertion loss - how much power IL = 10 log is lost in going through the filter. PL Ripple - the flatness of the signal in the passband. Bandwidth - the width of the BW 3dB = fU3dB − fL3dB passband. Shape factor - the sharpness of 60dB BW the filter response. SF = BW 3dB Rejection - the attenuation of the undesired signals. fU60dB − fL60dB = 3dB Quality factor - see next slide. 3dB fU − fL Q - Quality Factor The quality factor, or Q, is a parameter that is used to describe the selectivity of the filter. The unloaded Q is defined as Q = 2πfC ! maximum energy stored in the filter at fC power lost in the filter " The loaded Q is defined as QLD = 2πfC ! maximum energy stored in the filter at fC power lost in the filter and to the external circuit A higher Q indicates a more selective filter. Details to follow. " Series RLC Bandpass Filter Find VR1 for this circuit. Series RLC Bandpass Filter Q = 2πfC ! maximum energy stored in the filter at fC power lost in the filter " 1 2 LIp = maximum energy stored in the filter at fC 2 2 Irms R = power lost in the filter 2 Irms 1 2 = Ip 2 L L Q = 2πfC = ωC R R The resonant frequency is the frequency where the imaginary component of the impedance is 1 equal to 0: ȷωC L + ȷωC C =0 1 ωC = √ LC Series RLC Bandpass Filter Solving for the frequencies at which VR1 is down 3 dB yields R ωU = + 2L !" R 2L #2 1 + LC and −R ωL = + 2L !" R 2L #2 The bandwidth is given by R BW = ωU − ωL = L and 1 R BW = fU − fL = 2π L And, using our previous result for unloaded Q, we see the relationship between Q and BW is given by fC L Q = 2πfC = R BW or fC BW = Q 1 + LC Series and Parallel Resonators Quantitative Analysis of a Series RLC Bandpass Filter VL H(ω) = VG VL ZL H(ω) = = VG (ZG + ZL ) + R + ȷ [ωL − 1/(ωC)] This filter is different from the previous one because of the addition of ZG and ZL. Series RLC Bandpass Filter where RE = ZG + ZL Define three different Q factors: Unloaded, internal, or filter Q External Q Loaded Q ωC L QF = R ωC L QE = RE QLD ωC L = R + RE Series RLC Bandpass Filter Note: ZL=ZG=50Ω, R=20Ω, L=5 nH, and C=2 pF. Series RLC Bandpass Filter • • • Series RLC bandpass filter is easy to analyze. Minimum attenuation at the resonance point. HOWEVER, the transition from passband to stop band is not very sharp (large shape factor.) Butterworth Filter • One of a series of special filter designs that consist of more elements than a simple RLC and give better control over the filter parameters. • • Also known as a maximally flat filter - no ripple. Strategy • • First, do the normalized, low-pass filter. • Third, if necessary, create distributed elements. Second, implement the desired form through a frequency scaling. Butterworth Filter gm gN +1 = ! ⎧ ⎫ ⎨ inductance for series inductor ⎬ capacitance for shunt capacitor = ⎩ ⎭ (m ≡ 1, . . . , N ) load resistance if the last element is a shunt capacitor load conductance if the last element is a series inductor Two different networks that are used to implement the Butterworth filter. " Butterworth Filter ! " Pin 2 2N IL = 10 log = 10 log 1 + a Ω PL The coefficient “a” is usually taken to be 1 so that the IL is 3 dB at the cutoff frequency. Butterworth Filter The attenuation vs frequency as a function of the number of stages. Note: this design does NOT result in a linear phase relationship. Butterworth Filter Coefficients for a maximally flat response. Butterworth Filter Coefficients for a linear phase response. Comments • Coefficients for a 3 dB Chebyshev filter design are in Table 5.4 (a). • Coefficients for a 0.5 dB Chebyshev filter design are in Table 5.4 (b). • The generic, multisection, normalized element circuits designs are the same for Butterworth and Chebyshev filters. Butterworth Example Design a 4th-order, low-pass, standard (maximally flat), 3 dB Butterworth filter. Frequency and Impedance Transformations • The normalized values need to be modified to produce • The desired response (low-pass, high-pass, etc.) • • At the desired center frequency. With an impedance that is realistic. Frequency Transformation • All of the different filter types are derived from the low-pass filter. • The key is to determine a transformation function that maps the normalized, low-pass design into the appropriate (low-pass, high-pass, etc.) at the desired frequency. • New values for L and C are obtained by maintaining the same Z through the transformation. Frequency Transformation – Low Pass ωc is the new cutoff frequency ! = ⌦!c The impedances should remain the same: ! ZL = |⌦L = | L = |!Lnew !c L Lnew = !c 1 !c 1 ZC = = = |⌦C |!C |!Cnew Cnew C = !c Normalized Low-Pass Low-Pass ω = Ωωc ω ZL = ȷΩL = ȷ L = ȷωLnew ωc L Lnew = ωc ωc 1 1 = = ZC = ȷΩC ȷωC ȷωCnew C Cnew = ωc Frequency Transformation – High Pass ωc is the new cutoff frequency !c != ⌦ Again, the impedances should remain the same giving . . . . Normalized Low-Pass −ωc ω= Ω Cnew 1 = ωc L Lnew 1 = ωc C High-Pass Frequency Transformations Bandpass and Bandstop • These transformations are more complex. See the textbook for both. Frequency Transformations Summary Impedance Transformation • For the Butterworth designs, the source and load resistances have a value of 1. • For the Chebyshev designs, even-number ordered designs have a non-unity load. • Impedance transformation is the process of adjusting all the elements to account for different source and load impedances. Impedance Transformation Assume the source impedance, RG, is scaled from 1 in the original design to RG,new. Then, the new values are: RG, new = 1RG, new Lnew = LRG, new C Cnew = RG, new RL, new = RL RG, new Distributed-Element Filters • Above approximately 1 GHz, lumped-element filter design is problematic because the elements are approaching a significant fraction of λ. • • Distributed-element filters are common. One approach is to design the lumped-element filter and then convert it to a distributedelement realization. Distributed-Element Filters • Assume you have a lumped-element filter design that you want to build as a distributed-element filter. • Recall our expression for the impedance of a terminated (lossless) transmission line: ZL + ȷZ0 tan βd Z(d) = Z0 Z0 + ȷZL tan βd • If ZL = 0, then Z(d) = ȷZ0 tan βd • If ZL = ∞, then Z(d) = −ȷZ0 cot βd • The electrical length, βd, can be put in the following form 2π 2πf 2π d= d= d βd = λ vp /f vp • Assume we chose a line that is 1/8 of a wavelength d = λ/8 • The expression for impedance explicitly in terms of frequency is then (ZL = 0) π f 2πf vp = ȷZ0 tan Z(d) = ȷZ0 tan vp f0 8 4 f0 • The impedance of the stub must equal the impedance of the lumped element π f ȷωL = ȷZ0 tan 4 f0 • For a capacitive element, you could use the opencircuited transmission line. • One significant difference is the frequency range is shortened because the tan function is periodic. • For a d = short-circuited line, we have the following for the Richard’s transform: • For a d= open-circuited line, we the following for the Richard’s transform: Distributed-Element Filters - Physical Realization • Using transmission line sections to build the filter may require sections of line that separate elements from each other. These are called unit elements. • The unit elements have an electrical length of π f βd = 4 f0 • We also need to be able to create distributed element sections for difficult-to-replace lumped elements such as series inductors. We use Kuroda’s identities for this. Distributed Filter Implementation Design a 4th-order, low-pass, standard (maximally flat), 3 dB Butterworth filter. It should have a cutoff frequency of 1 GHz. 1. Select the normalized filter order and parameters to meet the design criteria. 2. Replace inductances and capacitances with equivalent λ/8 transmission lines. 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. 4. Denormalize and select equivalent microstrip lines. Distributed Filter Implementation 1.8478 H 0.7654 H G=1 0.7654 F 1.8478 F 1. Select the normalized filter order and parameters to meet the design criteria. Ω R=1Ω Distributed Filter Implementation Z0=1.8478 Z0=0.7654 R=1Ω Y0=0.7654 Y0= 1.8478 2. Replace inductances and capacitances with equivalent λ/8 transmission lines. Ω G=1 Distributed Filter Implementation R=1Ω Z0=0.7654 ZUE=1Ω ZUE=1Ω UE UE Y0=0.7654 Y0=1.8478 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. G=1 Ω Z0=1.8478 Distributed Filter Implementation Z0=1.8478 Z0=0.7654 ZUE=1Ω UE UE Y0=1.8478 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. G=1 Ω R=1Ω Distributed Filter Implementation Z0=1.8478 R=1Ω UE Y0=1.8478 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. G=1 Ω UE Distributed Filter Implementation Z0=1.8478 UE UE UE Y0=1.8478 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. G=1 Ω R=1Ω ZUE=1Ω Distributed Filter Implementation R=1Ω UE UE Y0=1.8478 3. Convert series stub lines to shunt stub lines through Kuroda’s identities. G=1 Ω UE