An Automated Transit Stop Data Collection System Albert Gan, Ike Ubaka, and Fabian Cevallos ABSTRACT A transit stop inventory is needed for various transit planning, operational, and maintenance applications. The traditional methods of collecting data for a transit stop inventory using clipboard, pencil, and paper are time-consuming, inaccurate, and difficult to update, which often discourage transit agencies from committing resources to such effort. The accessibility of transit agencies to an automated, affordable system that facilitates the collection and update of a transit stop inventory is thus important to help improve transit service. The availability of such a system will also contribute directly to the standardization of transit stop inventories, allowing the development of customized tools and applications that can be used by multiple transit agencies. This paper describes an effort to develop an automated system for the collection of a standard transit stop inventory for Florida’s transit agencies. Taking advantage of today's computing, imaging, and satellite technologies, the system allows both attribute and imagery data to be entered or captured in the field and saved directly into a GIS database, thereby, eliminating the labor-intensive task of entering data in office. INTRODUCTION A transit stop inventory is needed for tracking the location of stops, identifying the type and conditions of amenities, determining how well areas of interest are served by transit service, assessing the accessibility for disabled persons and ADA compliance, upgrading the right-of-way appearance, etc. The advent of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) makes it even more important for transit agencies to keep an up-to-date inventory of transit stop data. To implement APTS projects such as automatic passenger counters, automatic vehicle locators, computerized trip planners, and automatic voice annunciation systems, an accurate transit stop inventory is necessary. However, many transit agencies still do not have a transit stop inventory that can adequately support APTS applications, and many others do not have an inventory at all. The traditional methods of collecting transit stop inventory using clipboard, pencil, and paper are time-consuming, inaccurate, and difficult to update, culminating to the reluctance of transit agencies to commit resources to such effort. The accessibility of transit agencies to an automated and affordable system that can facilitate the collection and update of the transit stop inventory can help improve transit service. The availability of such a system can also contribute directly to the standardization of transit stop inventories in Florida. Currently, transit stop inventories are developed separately by each transit agency and they do not share the same data structure, attributes, accuracy, coordinate system, software platform, etc. A standard transit stop inventory will allow customized tools that can be used by all agencies to be developed, thus avoiding duplication of efforts by individual agencies. This paper describes an automated system for the collection of a standard transit stop inventory for Florida’s transit agencies. Taking advantage of today's computing, imaging, and satellite technologies, the system will allow both attribute and imagery data to be entered or captured in the field and saved directly into a GIS database, thereby, eliminating the labor-intensive task of processing and recording data in office. The system facilitates the development of transit stop inventory databases and help to establish a uniform standard of transit stop data attributes for Florida’s transit systems. SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND CONFIGURATION It was envisioned that a system capable of recording both location and other transit stop attributes in the field would meet the need. It was also desired for digital pictures to be collected to allow transit agencies to view the actual transit stop and its surrounding areas. Accordingly, the system would consist of the following components: 1. 2. 3. 4. A handheld computer. A GPS (Global Positioning System) unit. A digital camera. A database application for data recording. As transit agencies are usually working on tight budgets, cost was a major criterion in the development of the system. Accordingly, it was decided that each of the above component would be acquired separately, as opposed to purchasing a bundled package (e.g., combining components 1, 2, and 3 in a single unit) marketed by various vendors, which was relatively pricy. This approach also provides the flexibility to upgrade individual components as needed. ArcPad was selected as the platform for the database application component. ArcPad provides a GIS interface and a relatively easy-to-use development tool called Application Builder. ArcPad also provides functionality to communicate with a GPS receiver that can display the current GPS location on the map. Because the ArcPad application is not stand-alone, each handheld computer must be pre-installed with a copy of ArcPad in order to execute the application. The cost for ArcPad licenses range from $495 for a single license to $300 per license for 51 or more licenses. The developed field data collection system basically consists of an ArcPad application running on a handheld computer that is wirelessly connected to a GPS receiver for location information. The digital camera works as a stand-alone unit and is not connected directly to the handheld. Pictures from the digital camera are merged with their respective transit stops based on time stamps of the transit stop records and the picture files. This merging process is described in the Post Processing section later in greater detail. While a variety of handheld computers are available in the market, the highly popular HP iPAQ Pocket PC was selected. However, any other brands can be used. Most handhelds today come with at least 32 MB ROM and 32 MB of SDRAM that are sufficient for this application. A more critical system requirement, however, is the CPU speed. Because the system is expected to make uses of a street network and a list of street addresses, a faster CPU can help reduce the data loading time. An iPAQ model that provides good performance at a reasonable cost is HP iPAQ model hx2415. It includes 64MB ROM and 64MB SDRAM and comes with the Intel® 520MHz processor. The estimated cost for the unit is about $400. The HP iPAQ Navigation System was selected for the GPS component. The system is a selfpowered, Bluetooth-enabled unit capable of eight hours of continuous operation on a single charge. The self-powered device, as opposed to the one that needs to be plugged to a charger, allows the survey crew to leave their vehicle to collect data. Compared to those connected through the Secure Digital slot, this stand-alone unit does not take away the slot that can be used for additional memory for the handheld, nor does it consume the handheld’s limited battery power. The unit provides a minimum of 16-meter location accuracy, which is sufficient for this particular application. The price for the unit is about $270. STANDARD TRANSIT STOP ATTRIBUTES The first step in developing the ArcPad application was to identify a set of transit stop attributes that can be treated as standard for Florida transit systems. A survey of Florida transit agencies was conducted to obtain information on the state-of-the-practice in transit stop inventories. The survey was sent to all 25 Florida transit agencies with fixed route services. A total of 16 systems responded to the survey, yielding a 66% response rate. The survey included a total of 13 questions on inventory collection methods used, desirable transit stop attributes, transit stop data applications, transit stop data maintenance, and transit stop data utilization. Based on information obtained from the survey, a set of 36 transit stop attributes were identified. These attributes assure that Florida’s transit system will have those attributes and with the same consistent definitions. The standard attributes are defined and explained below: • • • • • • • • • • • • Assessor: The name of the person who performs the field data collection. Latitude and Longitude: The real-time latitude and longitude locations and are automatically collected from a GPS unit. Stop Number: A unique identifier assigned to a particular transit stop and sometimes displayed on the transit stop sign. Status: “Active” if the transit stop is currently being used or “inactive” if it is not. Placement: The location of a transit stop in relative to the cross street. It can be “far” for far-side stop, “near” for near-side stop, or “middle” for mid-block stop. Route Direction: This is the route direction. Depending on the route structure, some agencies may define this as one general direction for the whole route (e.g., NB for northbound), while others may specify the direction of the route at the specific stop. Distance to At-Street: The distance to the cross street in feet. If a measuring wheel is not used, this can be a distance approximated by the assessor. On-Street: This is the name of the street along the transit route. At-Street: Enter the name of the closest cross street to the transit stop location. Transit stop amenities: The following amenities are included: shelter, bench, advertisement, trash can, schedule holder, lighting, info fare booth, bike rack, vending machine, restroom, nearby phone, parking, electrical message, and info kiosk. Sidewalk: Three levels of sidewalk conditions can be entered: no sidewalk, 5-foot or wider sidewalk, and below 5-foot sidewalk. ADA: There levels of ADA accessibility are used: accessible, functional, and not accessible. A transit stop is considered accessible when it can be accessed by people in wheelchair. Functional stops can be accessed by people in wheelchair, but they are not in • • • • • • • • • • full compliance with ADA regulations. Not accessible stops are those that cannot be reached by people in wheelchair. Curb Cut: Whether there are ramps for people with wheelchairs to get to the transit stop. Loading Pad: Whether there is a loading pad to load people in wheelchair. Obstructions: Check if there are obstructions that will prevent people in wheelchair from accessing the transit stop, including obstructions in any access directions. Bay: Whether there is a transit bay, usually a bus bay. Bike Lane: Whether there is a bike lane in front of the transit stop. Trees: Whether there are trees beside the transit stop. Stop Sign: Whether there is a transit stop sign. Sign not Clear: Whether the information on the stop sign has become difficult to read. Routes: The route numbers that are usually shown on the transit stop sign. Post Type: The type of post to hold a transit stop sign: a dedicated post used exclusively for transit stop sign, a utility pole, or any others. In addition to the above attributes, a total of eight general attributes were included to allow individual transit agencies to define their own additional attributes. MOBILE GIS IMPLEMENTATION After the transit stop attributes were identified, they were programmed using the ArcPad Application Builder. The attributes were organized in four tabs, as shown in Figures 1(a) to (d), respectively. Once the GPS is connected to the ArcPad application, the latitude and longitude data fields are automatically filled in. To speed up data entry in the On-Street and At-Street fields, a list of all possible street names are stored in a file and is automatically loaded when the ArcPad application is executed. Within the data entry field, as soon as part of a street name is typed in, all street names that match the tapped-in portion of the street name will be displayed. The user can then identify and select the correct street name from the list and then go to the next field. Alternatively, the user can type in the complete street name from the screen keyboard, if a street name is not found on the list. In addition, the system allows setting overall default values for entries that are seldom changed. The Assessor and On-Street fields can be set at a specific value until a new value is reset. This is done by simply tapping the set button besides these entry fields. For shelters and benches, the user enters the number of each. Other transit amenities that are less common, thus only the presence of each is recorded with a check mark. All of these features were designed with the intent to speed up data collection in the field. POST PROCESSING After returning from a field data collection session, the user may decide to transfer the collected data resided from the handheld to a desktop computer. It is advisable that such data transfer be done after each data collection session to avoid accidental data loss. If the file transfer is done for the first time, the user first creates a project folder to store all the data for the entire data collection project. For each data transfer, the user creates a subfolder to store the application shapefiles. If pictures are collected for the transit stops, they are also transferred to the same subfolder. (a) Location Attributes (c) ADA and Miscellaneous Other Attributes (b) Amenity Attributes (d) Additional User-Defined Attributes Figure 1. Data Entry Screens on ArcPad The Florida Transit Geographic Information System (FTGIS) was used as the desktop GIS platform for these applications. FTGIS is a system component of the Florida Transit Information System (FTIS)—a user-friendly software system designed specifically for transit planning applications in Florida. As a stand-alone GIS system, FTGIS comes with ready-to-use GIS shape files for Florida’s fixed-route transit systems as well as many easy-to-use, customized GIS functions and applications. The system also provides functionality for retrieving the transit stop attributes and pictures, querying the transit stop inventory, and visualizing the transit stop summary data. For detailed information on FTIS and FTGIS, refer to the FTIS User’s Guide or visit the FTIS homepage at: Since pictures for transit stops are taken and stored separately from the handheld, they must be merged with their respective transit stops as part of the post-processing tasks. This is done by matching the time stamps of transit stop records (i.e., the specific time at which each record is saved) and the time stamps of pictures taken (i.e., the specific time at which each picture is taken). FTGIS provides a function to automatically perform this linkage. Figure 2 shows the main screen for this function. In this screen, the user first specifies the folder that contains all the transit stop attribute data and the pictures collected from the field from different time periods. The user can click the Browse button to bring up the screen shown in Figure 3, which allows a folder that stores the collected transit stop data to be specified. As soon as the folder is specified, all the subfolders under the folder will be listed on the list box. Figure 2. Screen for Merging Transit Stop Databases Figure 3. Screen for Searching and Specifying a Data Folder Since the attribute data and the pictures are collected using two separate hardware units, the difference in the system timers of the two units must be accounted for, so that pictures can be correctly merged with their respective transit stop records based on the time stamps. As shown in Figure 2, the timers for the camera and the handheld computer are entered in the second and third columns, respectively. When these fields are left empty, it is assumed that the timers for the two units were closely synchronized to at least within one minute at the time of data collection. For the merging scheme to work efficiently, the pictures must be the last item collected by the data collector. This can be done either right before or right after an attribute record is registered in the handheld computer for a transit stop, so the times from both devices are close. Since multiple pictures for a transit stop can be taken at around the time the attributes for a transit stop are saved, the merging process must allow a range of time within which the pictures are considered to be those of the transit stop. This is by specifying a time in minutes under the subfolder list box to tell the system to include pictures that are taken within a certain number of minutes after the attribute record was registered in the database (i.e., saved to database). The last step in completing the input specification for data merging is to indicate the output shapefile layer that will store all the attribute records from all the subfolders, including information on the merged pictures. Once this is completed, the user can click the Merge button to start the merging process. Figure 4 shows an example report that summarizes the merging results. The report gives the total number of pictures merged as well as the numbers and percentages of stops with zero, one, and two and more pictures merged. The user can select to list the transit stops that have a certain number of pictures successfully merged by clicking the appropriate radio buttons. After transit stop pictures are merged with the database, the complete transit stop inventory together with the merged pictures will be automatically stored under the folder for the transit system from which the merging function was accessed. Figure 4. Merging Result Summary SAMPLE APPLICATIONS The following subsections describe three applications of the standard transit stop inventory in FTGIS. Retrieving Transit Stop Attributes and Pictures A basic need of transit agency for transit stop information is to be able to find out quickly the conditions at a transit stop and its surrounding area. A function was developed in FTGIS to allow the user to quickly retrieve all the attribute information of a transit stop. A sample output of this function is shown in Figure 5, which lists transit stop attribute data side-by-side with pictures. The user can click a picture to get an enlarged version of the picture, a sample of which is shown in Figure 6. Querying Transit Stop Inventory A query function customized for the Florida standard transit stop inventory was developed to allow users to quickly identify transit stops that possess a specific set of features. As an example, Figure 7 display query specifications for amenity attributes. Specifications for these attributes act as filters to retrieve only those transit stops that met the specified attribute option(s). Once the query specifications are completed, the user can click the Apply button to execute the query. All transit stops that satisfy the query conditions will be listed on the list box below the tabs. The user can then select any one transit stop on the list by clicking on the appropriate list item and then apply various functions, including saving selected stops as either an Excel file or a Shape file, highlight a specific stop, and pan and zoom to a specific stop. Figure 5. Retrieved Transit Stop Attribute Data and Pictures Figure 6. An Enlarged Picture Figure 7. Query Filters for Amenity Attributes Visualizing Transit Stop Summary A summary function was developed to allow the user to quickly obtain the number and percentage breakdowns of each attribute option. For example, one can quickly find out the percentage of transit stops that are ADA accessible. The statistics can be summarized for a specific route or any combinations of routes. Figure 8 shows a screen that has four attributes selected. Attributes are selected by clicking the checkboxes on the Attributes list on the top-left corner. One or more routes may be selected. This is done by clicking the checkboxes on the Routes list right below the Attributes list. When multiple routes are selected, the summaries may be based on individual routes or all route combined. This option selection is given at the bottom left of the screen. Note that because of missing values (i.e., null cells), the percentages may not add up to 100%. By default the system will display the tabulated summaries first. Summaries for different routes are displayed in different rows. Summaries for different attribute options for one or more attributes are displayed in different columns. When multiple attributes are selected, their attribute options will be displayed in sequence. The tabulated summaries will give the number of transit stops under each attribute option. Each number is accompanied by a percentage value that is shown in parentheses. The same information displayed in table can be displayed by chart. Figure 9 shows such an example. Figure 8. Output Transit Stop Summary Displayed by Cross Table Figure 9. Output Transit Stop Summary Displayed by Chart SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK A transit stop inventory is needed for tracking the location of stops, identifying the type and conditions of amenities, determining how well areas of interest are served by transit service, assessing the accessibility for disabled persons and ADA compliance, upgrading the right-of-way appearance, etc. The advent of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) makes it even more important for transit agencies to keep an up-to-date inventory of transit stop data. This paper has described an effort to develop a standard database for transit stop inventories for transit agencies in Florida and a system for collecting the standard inventory. The application was designed for easy data entry and recording in the field. It replaces the traditional methods of collecting transit stop inventory using clipboard, pencil, and paper, which are time-consuming, inaccurate, and difficult to update. The application also included a GPS that supplies location information to the handheld computer through wireless connection. In addition, an optional digital camera is used to capture the views of transit stops and their surrounding areas. The system, which costs about $1,300, provides transit agencies an affordable automated system for the collection and update of transit stop inventory. It also contributes directly to the standardization of transit stop inventory in Florida. To achieve the goals set out for the system, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has decided to implement the following three tasks to facilitate and encourage deployment of the system by transit agencies: 1. To procure the software and hardware components of the system for distribution to all Florida transit agencies with a fixed route system. 2. To setup the ArcPad application such that the system will be ready to use by transit agencies. 3. To hold workshops at various FDOT District Offices to distribute and demonstrate the use of the system and to provide technical support on the use of the system. Additional future work will involve continued development of functionality in the Florida Transit Geographic Information System (FTGIS) to analyze data from the standard inventory. AUTHORS’ INFORMATION Albert Gan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Lehman Center for Transportation Research Florida International University 10555 West Flagler Street, EC 3680 Miami, Florida 33174 Phone: (305) 348-3116 Fax: (305) 348-2802 Email: Ike Ubaka, AICP Transit Program Manager Public Transit Office Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 26, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Phone: (850) 414-4532 Fax: (850) 414-4508 Email Fabian Cevallos Senior Research Associate Center for Urban Transportation Research University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Avenue, CUT100 Tampa, Florida 33620-5375 Phone: (954) 234-4183 Email: