Benefit-Cost Analysis Course: Efficiency Analysis BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS Financial and Economic Appraisal using Spreadsheets Ch. 5: Efficiency Benefit-Cost Analysis Efficiency Benefit-Cost Analysis • Deals with the overall net benefits of the project irrespective of who gains and loses. • Measures the economic efficiency of the project: if net benefit is positive, the project is a more efficient allocation of resources than the alternative (the world “without” the project). © Harry Campbell & Richard Brown School of Economics The University of Queensland The distribution of net benefits is not relevant in efficiency benefit-cost analysis • the project net benefit, as measured by the efficiency analysis, will accrue to various groups in various forms: - the private sector proponents of the project, in the form of profits - the public sector, in the form of taxes or charges - the general public, in the form of employment benefits, rents, pollution costs etc. What is the standard methodology? The efficiency benefit-cost analysis is based on the “with and without” approach. Figure 1.1: The “With and Without” Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis Decision Undertake the Project Do not Undertake the Project Scarce Resources Allocated to the Project Value of Project Output Scarce Resources Allocated to Alternative Uses Value of Output from Resources in Alternative Uses Project Benefit = $X Project Opportunity Cost = $Y If X>Y, recommend the project In measuring project benefit ($X) and project opportunity cost ($Y): - ALL project outputs and inputs must be valued - the prices used in the valuations must accurately reflect value or opportunity cost to the economy In attempting to measure value or opportunity cost, it is natural to look to the private market system. However: - some project outputs or inputs may not be traded in markets e.g. pollution, outdoor recreation - in some markets, the market price does not accurately measure the value of an output or the opportunity cost of an input. © Harry Campbell & Richard Brown, School of Economics, University of Queensland, 2003 Summary In conducting efficiency benefit-cost analysis we will be faced with two kinds of problems: - missing markets, e.g. pollution, recreational fishing - markets in which market price does not measure value to the economy, e.g. non-competitive markets, markets distorted by taxes or regulations We deal with these two problems using: - non-market valuation techniques, e.g. contingent valuation - shadow-pricing techniques – adjusting observed market prices to make them reflect marginal benefit or marginal cost to the economy. 1 Benefit-Cost Analysis Course: Efficiency Analysis Shadow-pricing: adjusting observed market prices to make them reflect marginal benefit or marginal cost to the economy. When markets are distorted (by regulations or taxes) or are noncompetitive (because of monopoly or monopsony), in effect, there are two prices corresponding to the equilibrium quantity traded – one reflecting demand conditions and one reflecting supply conditions. There is a pricing rule telling us which is the appropriate price to use in benefit-cost analysis. Figure 5.1: The Efficiency Benefit-Cost Analysis Pricing Rule ITEM TO BE VALUED VALUED AT EQUILIBRIUM POINT ON A: DEMAND CURVE SUPPLY CURVE OUTPUT SATISFIES ADDITIONAL DEMAND SATISFIES EXISTING DEMAND FROM ALTERNATIVE SOURCE INPUT SOURCED FROM AN ALTERNATIVE MARKET USE SOURCED FROM ADDITIONAL SUPPLY We now consider the pricing rule and why it is required. Figure 5.2: Competitive Market Equilibrium Figure 5.3: The Effect of a Minimum Wage $/hour $/unit Wage S Price S0 S1 P0 Wm E Wa P1 D D O0 O1 Qd Qs Labour Hours/year Quantity/year Suppose a small quantity of labour is to be hired to undertake a project with output valued at $B. There are two possibilities regarding the opportunity cost of the labour: 1. the labour would otherwise have been employed at wage wm; 2. the labour would otherwise have been unemployed with an opportunity cost of wa. • In the first case the net benefit is $B - wmL. • In the second case the net benefit is $B - waL; in this case, if wm was used to cost the labour, the project net benefit would be understated by (wm - wa)L, which is the value of the jobs (the employment benefits). © Harry Campbell & Richard Brown, School of Economics, University of Queensland, 2003 Figure 5.6: The Market for an Imported Good Subject to a Tariff $/unit SD Price Pb Pw S D QD Q Quantity of Imported Goods (units/year) 2 Benefit-Cost Analysis Course: Efficiency Analysis Figure 5.7: The Market for Diesel Fuel Subject to a Subsidy Figure 5.8: Demand and Costs in the Electricity Industry $/unit $/unit MC D Price, Cost Price AC P S P Ps Ss Pm D Q Quantity/year Figure 5.9: Demand For Labour by a Monopoly Output per year Figure 5.10: Supply of Labour to a Monopsony $/unit $/unit MFC Wage WP WP S S W W VMP VMP MRP L L Labour Units/year Figure 5.1: The Efficiency Benefit-Cost Analysis Pricing Rule ITEM TO BE VALUED VALUED AT EQUILIBRIUM POINT ON A: Demand Curve Output Input Satisfies Additional Demand Supply Curve Satisfies Existing Demand from Alternative Source • gross of tax (F.5.12) • net of tax (F.5.6) • net of subsidy • gross of subsidy Sourced from an Alternative Market use Sourced from Additional Supply • gross of tax • net of tax • net of subsidy • gross of subsidy (F.5.7) © Harry Campbell & Richard Brown, School of Economics, University of Queensland, 2003 Labour units/year What is the logic of the efficiency pricing rule in the presence of distortionary indirect taxes or subsidies? – When a project output meets additional demand, or when a project input is diverted from an alternative use, the appropriate price is a point on a demand curve. A point on a demand curve is the supply price plus indirect tax (i.e. gross of tax), or the supply price less subsidy (i.e. net of subsidy). – When a project output satisfies additional demand from an alternative source, or when a project input is in addition to existing supply, the appropriate price is a point on a supply curve. A point on a supply curve is the demand price less indirect tax (i.e. net of indirect tax), or the demand price plus the subsidy (i.e. gross of subsidy). 3 Benefit-Cost Analysis Course: Efficiency Analysis Figure 5.6: The Market for an Imported Good Subject to a Tariff Figure 5.7: The Market for Diesel Fuel Subject to a Subsidy $/unit $/unit SD Price Price Pb S P Pw S Ps Ss D D QD Q Quantity/year Quantity of Imported Goods (units/year) What happens if the indirect tax or subsidy is a corrective tax or subsidy? Figure 5.12: A Consumer Good Subject to an Indirect Tax A corrective tax (subsidy) is intended to discourage (encourage) an activity that is at too high (low) a level as a result of market forces. $/unit Price, Cost Example: the tax on tobacco. Suppose that a project is designed to satisfy additional demand for cigarettes. If the tobacco tax is distortionary, the pricing rule tells us to value the additional output at the price gross of tax (i.e. including the tax). If the tobacco tax is corrective (intended to discourage consumption), the pricing rule tells us to value the output at the net of tax price. Now consider an input which is subject to a corrective tax: for example, suppose the tax on diesel fuel is set at the level of the marginal cost of the air pollution resulting from use of diesel. S+t Pb Ps S MR D Q Output (units/year) When an output (input) is in addition to current demand (supply) and is subject to a corrective tax, we use the net (gross) of tax price to measure benefit (cost). If the fuel used as an input to the project is sourced from additional supply, the pricing rule under distortionary taxation is to use the net of tax price as a measure of opportunity cost. In the same circumstances, if there was a corrective subsidy (designed to encourage demand or supply), we would use the unsubsidized price to measure benefit and the subsidized price to measure cost. If the diesel fuel tax is corrective, we would use the gross of tax price to measure opportunity cost: the price net of cost measures the marginal production cost, and the tax measures the marginal external cost. If the output (input) satisfies existing demand from an alternative source (is sourced from an alternative market use), there is no need to modify the pricing rule to account for corrective taxes or subsidies, as the level of the external benefit or cost does not change. © Harry Campbell & Richard Brown, School of Economics, University of Queensland, 2003 4