20150507 IPTF Item 05 NRIS Definition

NRIS Tariff Definition
Interconnection Process Task Force
May 7, 2015
Network Resource Interconnection Service (NRIS)
Tariff Definition
– Align Module A and Attachment X definitions of Network
Resource interconnection Service
– Insert prior to integration established Interconnection
Agreement language into MISO’s Tariff definition for NRIS
NRIS Current Tariff Definitions
Module A
Network Resource Interconnection Service: The interconnection of
a Generation Resource to the Transmission System in a manner that
would allow it to qualify as a Network Resource without additional
Network Upgrades.
Attachment X
Network Resource Interconnection Service (NR Interconnection
Service) shall mean an Interconnection Service that allows
Interconnection Customer to integrate its Generating Facility with the
Transmission System in the same manner as for any Generating
Facility being designated as a Network Resource. Network Resource
Interconnection Service does not convey transmission service.
Module A & Att. X Current NR Definition
Network Resource: Any designated Generation Resource,
External Resource or portion there of, that is owned or leased by
a Network Customer, or whose output is under contract to a
Network Customer, and that is designated under the Network
Integration Transmission Service provisions of Module B in this
Tariff. Network Resources do not include any Resource, or any
portion thereof, that is committed for sale to third parties or
otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network
Customer’s Network Load on a non-interruptible basis, except
for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing
NRIS Definition
In order to recognize prior established Interconnection
Agreement language in MISO’s Tariff definition for NRIS
Proposed Language Insertion
Network Resource Interconnection Service shall include any
network resource interconnection service established under an
agreement with, or the tariff of, a Transmission Owner prior to
integration into MISO, that is determined to be deliverable
through the integration deliverability study process.
Proposed Tariff NRIS Definition
Network Resource Interconnection Service (NR
Interconnection Service) shall mean an Interconnection
Service that allows Interconnection Customer to integrate its
Generating Facility with the Transmission System in the same
manner as for any Generating Facility being designated as a
Network Resource. Network Resource Interconnection Service
does not convey transmission service. Network Resource
Interconnection Service shall include any network resource
interconnection service established under an agreement with, or
the tariff of, a Transmission Owner prior to integration into
MISO, that is determined to be deliverable through the
integration deliverability study process.
Questions ?
Paul Muncy
(317) 249-5632