Drawing Notes: 1. All drawings are subject to structural and architectural design. Parking bay Parking bay 2. Drawings are for illustration purposes only. 3. This drawing remains the copyright of The Big Basement Company. 4. Do not scale of Drawings. 5. All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise noted. Parking bay 6. Hoarding is to be erected around the entire house and skip & compressor to be also fully enclosed. Parking bay Parking bay Footpath Road Parking bay Front of Property Fully enclosed with Hoarding Skip Grab Lorry Parking bay Fully enclosed conveyor belt Parking bay Parking bay Parking bay Parking bay Orbital Building Contractors 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5m Rusholt House, willlets lane, denham, UB9 4HE Address: 2 Netherton Grove Drawing: PLAN OF SITE SET UP Phase One Job no: Drawing no: 1 Revision: Scale: n/a Date: 2410012 Drawn by: Drawing Notes: Parking bay 1. All drawings are subject to structural and architectural design. Parking bay 2. Drawings are for illustration purposes only. 3. This drawing remains the copyright of The Big Basement Company. 4. Do not scale of Drawings. 5. All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise noted. Parking bay Parking bay Parking bay Footpath Road Skip & Compressor to be fully enclosed in hoarding Parking bay Compressor Front of Property Fully enclosed with Hoarding Skip Parking bay Fully enclosed conveyor belt Parking bay Parking bay Parking bay Parking bay Grab Lorry Parking bay Parking bay Orbital Building Contractors 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5m Rusholt House, Willets Lane, Denham UB9 4HE Address: 2 Netheron Grove Drawing: Plan of Site set up Phase 2 Job no: Drawing no: 2 Revision: Scale: N/A Date: 24-10-2012 Drawn By: Drawing Notes: 1. All drawings are subject to structural and architectural design. 2. Drawings are for illustration purposes only. 3. This drawing remains the coypright of The Big Basement Company. 4. Do not scale of Drawings. 5. All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise noted. Fully enclosed conveyor belt Hoarding lights 110V Road Pavement yellow Line Property Orbital Building Contractors 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5m Rusholt House, Willets Lane, Denham UB9 4HE Address: 2 Netherton Grove Job no: Drawing no: 3 Revision: Drawing: SECTION SHOWING HOARDING PHASE 2 Scale: N/A Date: 29-10-2012 Drawn by: