UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7 Fall, 2014 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Eqs. 7.1 Introduction and review 1. Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields ∇×E = 0 ∇·D = ρ (electrosttic field E is conservative) ∇·B = 0 ∇×H = J (no magnetic monopole) (ρ is the source of electrostatic field) (J is the source of magnetostatic field) 2. Constitutional relations (linear isotropic medium) D = ϵE H = B/µ 3. Continuity relations (conservation of charge) ∇ · J + ∂ρ/∂t = 0 4. Lorentz’s force equation F = q(E + u × B) 5. Current density conduction current: J = σE convection current: J = ρu 6. Potential function ∇ × E = 0 → E = −∇V ∇·B=0 → B=∇×A * In static cases, electric and magnetic fields are independent physical quantities. c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-1 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7.2 Fall, 2014 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction 1. Electrostatic field, electrostatic potential, and electromotive force (emf) (ref: §5-3) (a) Electrostaic field is a conservative field. The total energy gained by an electric charge moving along a closed loop in a lossless medium in an electrostatic field is zero. However, when an electric energy source (such as a battery) and a load (such as a resistor) are connected to form a closed loop, the charge will gain a net energy (which is then lost in the load and leaves the system) from the source when moving around the closed loop. Therefore, the ’equivalent’ electric field due to the energy source is not conservative. (b) Electromotive force (emf, V) is used to describe the capability of the source to provide energy to the charges. It is defined as the energy gained by a unit charge as it moves across the source. 2. Faraday’s experiment: a current was induced in the circuit when the magnetic flux linkage changed. For an open surface S with boundary C, the electromotive force (emf) V induced in C is defined as the energy gained by a unit charge traveling around the contour C once: V = c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-2 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 The magnetic flux linkage in S is ⇒ Faraday’s law can be expressed as - one of the fundamental laws (Coulomb’s law, Lorentz’s law, etc.) - link of E and B through time derivative - negative sign follows the Lenz’s law ⇒ Fundamental postulates for electromagnetic induction integral form: differential form: - if ∂B/∂t ̸= 0 ⇒ ∇ × E ̸= 0, E is not conservative - if ∂B/∂t = 0 ⇒ electrostatics, conservative field (a) Lenz’s law → induced E and I in the negative direction → induced B and Φ (by E and I) in the negative direction → induced current and flux are opposing the change of Φ (b) eddy current and transformer A time-varying magnetic field induces an emf and a non-conservative electric field in a conductor such as the ferromagnetic cores in transformers. c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-3 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 → an eddy current J = σE around the magnetic field → ohmic loss and local heating for σ ̸= ∞ → power loss can be reduced with laminated cores 3. Moving circuits in time varying fields (§7-2.4) In calculating the magnetic flux Φ in a time varying situation, both field (B) and circuits (S and C) can vary. It can be shown that the induced emf V = −dΦ/dt can be written as I V = E · dℓ I ∂B · ds + (u × B) · dℓ = − S ∂t C = transformer emf Va C∫ + motional (or flux-cutting) emf Va′ Ex 7-4: Rotating loop in changing magnetic field (see textbook) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-4 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7.3 Fall, 2014 Maxwell’s Equations 1. Elecrtromagnetic postulates including Faraday’s law 2. Continuity equation (conservation of charge) must be satisfied at all time. Therefore, ⇒ Postulates must be modified ⇒ Macroscopic electromagnetic phenomena can be fully described by (a) Maxwell’s equations - Differential form ∇·D=ρ ∇ × E = − ∂B ∂t ∇·B=0 ∇ × H = J + ∂D ∂t * ρ, J: free charge and volume current density * two divergence equations can be derived from two curl equations c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-5 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 * constitutive relations (for linear isotropic medium) D = ϵE H = B/µ - Integral form I D · ds = Q (Gauss′ s law) IS dΦ (Faradys′ s law) E · dℓ = − dt IC B · ds = 0 (No isolated magnetic charge) S I ∫ ∂D H · dℓ = I + · ds (Ampere′ s law) ∂t C S (b) Continuity equation (conservation of charge) ∇·J+ ∂ρ =0 ∂t (c) Lorentz’s force equation F = q(E + u × B) - Conduction current density in a conductor: J = σE Convection current density in vacuum: J = ρu - In static cases, electric and magnetic fields are independent physical quantities. In time-varying cases, electric fields and magnetic fields are coupled. Ex 7-5: Displacement current in a capacitor (a) conduction current ic and displacement current id c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-6 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 (b) Find H around the wire (from Ampere’s law) C isI the common I boundary of open I surfacs S1 and S2 . ⇒ H · dℓ = ∇ × H · ds = ∇ × H · ds C S1 S2 i. calculation of H from C and S1 ii. calculation of H from C and S2 ⇒ (If displacement current JD were not included in the Maxwell’s equations, H field calculated from S1 and S2 would be different.) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-7 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7.5 Fall, 2014 Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions I D · ds = Q S ∫ I d B · ds E · dℓ = − dt S IC B · ds = 0 S ∫ I ∂D H · dℓ = (J + ) · ds ∂t C S 1. B.C. can be found by applying the integral forms of Maxwell’s Eqs. to a small loop or box across the boundary of two media. The results are (same as B.C. in static fields): - Tangential components E =E 1t 2t a × (H − H ) = J n2 1 2 s - Normal components a · (D − D ) = ρ n2 1 2 s B =B 1n 2n (a) (b) (c) (d) - In time varying cases, (a) is equivalent to (d), (b) is equivalent to (c). 2. Interface between two lossless linear media (σ = 0, ρs = 0, Js = 0) E =E , H =H 1t 2t 1t 2t D =D , B =B 1n 2n 1n 2n 3. Interface between dielectric and perfect conductor Metal E2t = 0 H =0 2t D2n = 0 B =0 2n Dielectric E1t = 0 a × H = J , |H | = |H | = |J | n2 1 s 1 1t s an2 · D1 = ρs , |E1 | = |E1n | = ρs /ϵ1 B =0 1n (time varying component only) c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-8 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7.6 Fall, 2014 Wave Equations and Solutions 1. Source-free wave equations In source free regions (ρ = 0, J = 0), the Maxwell’s equations are reduced to ⇒ ⇒ 2 =0 Similarly, ∇2 H − 12 ∂ H u ∂t2 • homogeneous wave equations for E and H √ • wave propagation speed = 1/ µ0 ϵ0 = C in vacuum 2. In Cartician coordinate, 1 ∂ 2 Hx ∇ Hx − 2 =0 u ∂t2 2 1 ∂ 2f 1 ∂ H 2 y 2 =0 wave equation: ∇ f − ∇ Hy − 2 = 0 u2 ∂t2 u ∂t2 1 ∂ 2 Hz 2 ∇ Hz − 2 = 0 2 u ∂t 2 1 ∂ 2f ∂2f − =0 3. Wave equation in one dimension: ∂x2 u2 ∂t2 The solution of the wave equation (wave function) has the general form f (x, t) = f (kx ± ωt), where k 2 − ω 2 /u2 = 0. For a sinusoidal solution, c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-9 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 f (x, t) = f0 sin(kx − ωt), where 4. Phase velocity f (x, t) = f0 sin(kx − ωt) = sin(ϕ), where ϕ = phase. At fixed t, If we look at the velocity of the constant-phase point P , 5. Propagation and time delay Consider two points x1 and x2 ⇒ the wave function value at x2 is a delayed version of that at x1 6. Waves in 2D and 3D c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-10 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II 7.7 Fall, 2014 Time-Harmonic (Sinusoidal) Fields 1. In circuit analysis, a sinusoidal time-varying (time harmonic) signal can be written as where Is = I0 ejϕ (= phasor) contains both amplitude (I0 ) and phase (ϕ) information. The phase ϕ represents time delay with respect to a reference starting time instant. 2. In phasor analysis, Is is used to represent the signal. All time derivative operation d/dt can be replaced by a multiplication operation by jω. The real signal in time domain can be obtained by taking the real part of the product of Is and ejωt , i.e. i(t) = ℜ[Is ejωt ] = ℜ[I0 ej(ωt+ϕ) ]. 3. Similarly, for a time harmonic EM field, the field at each point R can be written as where - E(R) is the vector phasor that contains amplitude, direction, and phase information of the field at R - Real solution of the fields can be obtained by taking the real part of E(R)ejωt , i.e. E(R, t) = ℜ[E(R)ejωt ] = ℜ[E0 (R)ejωt+ϕ(R) ], where ϕ(R) is now a position-dependent phase delay. - A vector phasor has three scalar phasor components: where Ex , Ey , Ez are scalar phasors and ⇒ In terms of phasors, the Maxwell’s Eqs. can be written as c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-11 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II instantaneous form ∂H ∇ × E = −µ ∂t ∂D ∇×H=J+ ∂t ρ ∇·E= ϵ ∇·H=0 Fall, 2014 phasor form 4. In time harmonic fields, the source free wave equations can be written 2 as (from Eqs. 7-81, 7-82, ∇2 E − µϵ ∂ E = 0) ∂t2 (homogeneous vector Helmholtz’s equations) √ where k = ω µϵ = ω/u = 2π/λ = wave number = spatial frequency 5. If the medium is conductive, J = σE ̸= 0, where - If permittivity can be a complex number, the same form of Maxwell’s Eqs. can be applied to conductive and non-conductive materials. - Imaginary part of ϵc represents energy loss (Ohmic loss, frictional damping, ...). An equivalent conductivity for all losses can be defined as σ , ωϵ′′ . - Similarly, magnetic permeability can be a complex number µ = µ′ − jµ′′ - For µ′ ≫ µ′′ , µ ∼ µ′ , complex wave number kc in a lossy dielectric medium becomes c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-12 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II Fall, 2014 6. Loss tangent tan δc = ϵ′′ /ϵ′ loss angle δc = tan−1 ϵ′′ /ϵ′ - If ϵ′′ /ϵ′ = σ/ωϵ′ ≫ 1 ⇒ good conductor If ϵ′′ /ϵ′ = σ/ωϵ′ ≪ 1 ⇒ good insulator - Dielectric properties may depend on frequency Ex 7-8 (自己看) 7. Electromagnetic spectrum c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU 7-13 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 7-14 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 7-15 UEE 3201 Electromagnetics II c ⃝Yi Chiu, ECE Dept., NCTU Fall, 2014 7-16