APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95, 073109 共2009兲 Strong UV absorption and emission from L-cysteine capped monodispersed gold nanoparticles S. N. Sarangi, A. M. P. Hussain, and S. N. Sahua兲 Institute of Physics, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar 751005, India 共Received 1 June 2009; accepted 29 July 2009; published online 20 August 2009兲 We report a synthesis of L-cysteine capped monodispersed gold 共Au兲 nanoparticles 共NPs兲 with size ⬃2.0 nm exhibiting a strong surface plasmon resonance optical absorption at 3.13 eV, which is blueshifted by 1.01 eV compared to the uncapped Au NPs of size 20.0 nm. A strong fluorescence 共FL兲 of the capped Au NPs appears at 3.25 eV, whereas the uncapped Au NPs do not show any FL in this range. The L-cysteine concentration has been optimized to achieve one of the strongest ultraviolet absorption and luminescence. The capping of Au NPs has been confirmed by Fourier transform infra red measurement. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.3210788兴 Metallic nanoparticles 共NPs兲 recently have received much attention due to their wide range of applications in biological markers,1 DNA sensors,2,3 molecular recognition systems,4,5 nanoscale electronics,6,7 and catalytic activities.8 Structurally, Au NPs are reported to exhibit a hexagonal phase9,10 apart from a few cases of the fcc phase11 where the lattice constant is 76.6 nm.12 Recent developments in Au NPs synthesis showed the use of alkanethiolets as a capping agent to achieve a size ⬍5.0 nm 共Ref. 13兲 with the surface plasmon resonance 共SPR兲 absorption peak appearing in the range of 2.3–2.39 eV.14 The optical absorption spectra of Au NPs or clusters exhibit pronounced resonance lines caused by the coherent electron motion of the free electron gas.15 The coherent electron motion gives rise to the SPR absorption and decay nonradiatively by electron-electron collisions with a lifetime of a few femtoseconds.16 The position and the width of the SPR absorption band and the luminescence of Au NPs are reported to be size and shape dependent.17 The band generally appears in the visible or in the near infrared 共IR兲 region, but are redshifted with increasing particle size or increasing aspect ratio in the case of Au nanorod.17 For large size 共bulk兲 Au particles and Au NPs with size ⬍2.0 nm either there is no or very weak photoluminescence in the longer wavelength region is observed.15,16 However, Bigioni et al.18 reported that Au NPs of size 1.1–1.7 nm show weak near-infrared luminescence with a quantum yield in the range of 10−4 – 10−5 m, which is higher than the bulk gold’s 共10−10兲.19 A luminescence as high as six orders of magnitude compared to bulk Au has been reported for Au NPs 共Ref. 20兲 and nanorods.17 In this communication, we report a technique to synthesize nearly monodispersed highly stable L-cysteine capped spherical Au NPs, which show SPR absorption as well as FL in the UV region only. The structural and optical properties are evaluated by UV-visible absorption, FL emission, high resolution transmission electron microscopy 共HRTEM兲, and Fourier transform infra red 共FTIR兲 spectroscopic studies. Precursors aurochloric acid 共HAuCl4兲, L-cysteine and sodium borohydride 共NaBH4兲, all 99.9% pure, were used as received and double distilled deionized water was used as the solvent. The synthesis of Au NPs is a simple reduction reaca兲 Electronic mail: 0003-6951/2009/95共7兲/073109/3/$25.00 tion of HAuCl4 with a reducing agent NaBH4 in presence of L-cysteine. 25 ml aqueous solution of 2 mM L-cysteine was prepared by stirring for 30 min. To this solution of L-cysteine, 250 l of 0.05M stock solution HAuCl4 was added under constant stirring and then 350 l of 0.01M NaBH4 solution was added. The solution is then stirred for further 2 h for complete reduction and formation of L-cysteine capped Au NPs 共here after referred as Au NPs兲 at 300 K and then washed and centrifuged to remove any unreacted precursors. The Au NPs thus, prepared was found to be stable at least for more than two months as confirmed from repeated absorption and FL measurements. The L-cysteine concentration was varied from 0 共uncapped兲 to 4.0 mM to optimize the average size of the capped Au NPs size, the size distribution and their optical properties. The UV-visible spectra of the NPs were recorded with a Shimadzu UV-3101PC spectrophotometer. The FL behavior of the NPs was studied at 300 K using Oriel PL setup with 250 nm incident excitation from the Hg–Xe lamp. The HRTEM of the Au NPs were carried out with a JEOL JEM 2010 electron microscope operating at 200 keV. The wide SPR absorption of the uncapped Au NPs appearing as 540 nm 共2.3 eV兲, shown in Fig. 1, indicates the presence of a size distribution and an energy gap in the Au NPs. Considering that the energy of bulk Au phonons is of the order of 10 meV, an energy gap of 2.3 eV or more should provide sufficient decoupling from phonon-mediated nonra- FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 UV-visible absorption spectra of Au NPs synthesized with different concentration of L-cysteine. 95, 073109-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 20 Aug 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 073109-2 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 073109 共2009兲 Sarangi, Hussain, and Sahu TABLE I. Absorption peak position, FWHM of absorption peaks and particle size with size distributions at different L-cysteine concentration. L-cysteine concentration 共mM兲 Absorption peak position 共nm兲 FWH 共nm兲 Particle size 共from TEM兲 Size distribution 共nm兲 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 541 378 375 365 371 53 51 45 33 36 20 9 5 2 2 ⫾5 ⫾4 ⫾3 ⫾1 ⫾1 diative process for radiative process to become significant, which in turn would enhance the luminescence yield. This effect would be more pronounced for smaller NPs with still larger energy gaps and this we can see with L-cysteine capped Au NPs in our subsequent discussions. The SPR absorption peak 共Fig. 1兲 of the Au NPs for 0.5 mM L-cysteine concentration appears at 375 nm. This peak shows low peak intensity with reduced width and a large blueshift compared to corresponding peak of the uncapped Au NPs. This suggests that the NPs are very small and have a narrow size distribution. On further increasing the L-cysteine concentration to 1.0 mM, there is a little increase in the SPR absorption but blueshifted to 365 nm. However, for 2.0 mM L-cysteine concentration, there is a sharp increase in the Au NPs SPR absorption, which is symmetric but slightly blueshifted without any change in the spectral shape. This suggests the presence of monodispersed spherical NPs21,22 in the colloid. Interestingly, for 4.0 mM L-cysteine concentration, one can also achieve sharp and symmetric SPR absorption but slightly redshifted compared to the 2.0 mM L-cysteine capped Au NPs. The peak positions and the full width at half maxima 共FWHM兲 of the SPR absorption peaks given in Table I clearly demonstrate the high quality of the Au NPs whose SPR absorption is being observed in the UV region. This has not been reported earlier. The spectral position of the SPR absorption band depends on the dielectric properties, the crystalline size and shape of the clusters. It is also influenced by the surrounding medium, the resonance energy generally shifts with a change in the refractive index of the surrounding medium, due to the screening of the Coulomb attraction between the oscillating electrons and the positively charged cluster ions,22 also be influenced by chemical interactions with the environment.23 The small blueshift with increasing capping agent concentration is due to the smaller particle size with narrower size distributions arising from a better confinement of the Au NPs by the capping materials. The latter essentially forms a shell-like structure around the metal NPs. The organic shell-like coating may become sufficiently thick at higher L-cysteine concentrations, which may exert stress on the Au NPs. Further, as the L-cysteine concentration is increased, the refractive index of the solution containing the capped Au NPs also probably increased and this result in a small redshift of the plasmon absorption peak17,22 in case of samples prepared with 4.0 mM L-cysteine compared to 2.0 mM. The decrease in absorption at the highest concentration of L-cysteine may be attributed to the less absorption by the surface plasmon due to the change in the dielectric properties of the surroundings of the Au NPs. The underlying idea of the blueshift is based on the assumption that the screening effects are reduced over a sur- FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 FL spectra of Au NPs at different L-cysteine concentration. face layer inside the metallic particles due to localized character of the core-electron wave function. The uncoated Au NPs do not exhibit any luminescence under 250 nm excitation. The FL spectra of the Au NPs 共Fig. 2兲 recorded with 250 nm excitation show emission peak at 382 nm 共3.25 eV兲 with increase in intensity 共without any change in peak position兲 and a small decrease in FWHM as the L-cysteine concentration is increased. The decrease in the FWHM with increasing L-cysteine concentration can be attributed to the narrower size distribution of the Au NPs, which also contributes to the increase in the FL emission intensity. For Au NPs prepared at 2.0 mM L-cysteine concentration the FWHM is 11.0 nm. We do not believe the observed FL involves the ligand shell as the FL emission studies of the organic ligand alone did not exhibit any emission signature in this range. The vibrational mode of the ligand shell too is an unlikely source since the transitions are of very low energy as is the case of Au–S linkage. Combination bands as seen in the transmission spectrum of the solvent where typical transitions are quite discrete and unique to molecules.24 FL possibility due to surface related mechanism such as those involving charge transfer or localized states can be ruled out as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of thiol capped Au NP indicate that the core Au is metallic.25 Hence, the origin of FL of L-cysteine capped Au NPs appearing at 382 nm 共3.25 eV兲 can be ascribed to the localized surface plasmon only in contrast to the reported visible FL arising due to the interband transition between the sp conduction band and occupied d band.26 FL of Au NPs in the near infrared region is ascribed to the intraband transition inside the sp conduction band.27 A small shift in the FL peak position due to a change in the L-cysteine concentration follows a similar trend as is the case with the plasmon FIG. 3. TEM image of Au NP synthesized without any capping agent. Downloaded 20 Aug 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 073109-3 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 073109 共2009兲 Sarangi, Hussain, and Sahu FIG. 4. TEM image of 2.0 mM L-cysteine capped Au NPs. absorption.28 For the FL emission due to a transition between a d band hole and an sp conduction band electron, the peak position does not change with a small change in the NP radius or a change in the aspect ratio in case of Au nanorods.8,29 This is not the case in the present work. Attempts have been made to excite the capped Au NPs with two excitation energies, 4.97 and 3.82 eV, but no change in the peak position could be detected but the intensities do change. As we observe a strong FL in the UV regime, which is not expected from metallic NPs, we expect the L-cysteine capped Au system could be the Au cluster instead of Au NPs. Since an eight atom cluster is a stable structure of the smallest cubic unit cell, we strongly feel that the 2 nm particles could be Au clusters. However, the time of flight measurement can identify such a cluster and the same has been planned as a future work. The TEM micrograph of uncapped Au NPs 共Fig. 3兲 gave the average size as 20 nm. Figure 4 shows the HRTEM image of the L-cysteine 共2.0 mM concentration兲 coated Au NPs. The crystallites are fairly isolated and the size variation from 2.0 to 3.0 nm implies a monodispersed NPs system. The inset in Fig. 4 is the selected area electron diffraction pattern, which shows the crystallites to be small and monocrystalline in character. The FTIR spectra of L-cysteine and L-cysteine coated Au NPs are shown in Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲, respectively. The S-H bond occurring in the spectra of L-cysteine at 2550 cm−1 is absent in the L-cysteine coated Au NPs indicating a breaking of the S-H bond and removal of the hydrogen from L-cysteine to form the Au-S bond in the surface passivation process of Au NPs at the sulfur site of the coating materials.30 This confirms the coating of the Au NPs by L-cysteine. All other peaks occurring in the FIG. 5. FTIR spectra of 共a兲 L-cysteine and 共b兲 L-cysteine capped Au NPs. L-cysteine 关Fig. 4共a兲兴 are also present in the spectra of the L-cysteine coated Au NPs 关Fig. 4共b兲兴. High quality Au NPs giving emission in the UV region are expected to be useful in biological applications. The present work reports a synthesis of highly stable L-cysteine capped Au NPs of very narrow 共⬃2 nm兲 size distribution. The NPs exhibit a strong SPR absorption as well as emission in the UV region. The intense luminescence observed in the UV region in this study is unique to its material property. 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