Jihong Solomon Zhao, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
College of Criminal Justice
Box 2296
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Tel: 936-294-4940
Fax: 936-294-1653
Email: jzhao@shsu.edu
Washington State University, Department of Political Science
Ph.D. in Political Science, May, 1994
Dissertation: Contemporary Organizational Change in Community-Oriented Policing: A
Contingency Approach
Washington State University, Department of Political Science
M.A. in Criminal Justice (January, 1990)
Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai, China
University Diploma [B.A. equivalent] (July, 1986)
Professor: Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, College of Criminal Justice, Sam
Houston State University, August, 2007.
Professor: Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha, August, 2005.
Associate Professor: Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha, August,
Updated August, 2016
Assistant Professor: Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha, August
1995 to May 2000.
Senior Research Analyst: Bureau of Research, Ohio Department of Correction, June 1994 to
July 1995.
Research Fellow: Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Summer 1991.
Adjunct Instructor: Department of Political Science, Washington State University, August
1993 to May 1994.
Lecturer: Shanghai Police College, China, 1982-1988.
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Police & Society
Survey of Correction
Police Organization and Management
Crime Trends in the United States
Introduction to Research Methods
Criminal Justice Organizations and Management
Criminal Justice Planning and Management*
Critical Issues in Criminal Justice*
Seminar in Police and Society*
Seminar in Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice System*
Seminar in Police Organization Effectiveness*
Seminar in Police Organization and Management*
Criminal Justice Organizations and Management*
Seminar in Organizational Theories*
Special Topics in Policing*
* at Master or Ph.D level
Principal Investigator, “Houston Police Department Community Survey: The 4th Wave”, funded
by the Houston Police Department, $55,070. (Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Ling Ren),
Principal Investigator: “The Evaluation of DWI/Drug Court Program in Williamson County,
Texas” funded by Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Community Justice Assistance
Division. $74,199. (Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Ling Ren), November 2012.
Co-Principal Investigator: “Houston Community Survey: Perception of Houston Police
Department and Social Environment: The Third Wave”, funded by the City of Houston,
$37,000 (Principal Investigator, Dennis Longmire), November 2011.
Co-Principal Investigator: “Geographic information system and its effects on police efficacy”
funded by Campbell Collaboration, $50,000. (Principal Investigator, Larry Hoover, CoPrincipal Investigator, Yan Zhang).
Co-Principal Investigator: “Houston Community Survey: Perception of Houston Police
Department and Social Environment”, funded by the City of Houston, $67,000 (Principal
Investigator, Dennis Longmire), May 2008.
Principal Investigator: “Developing A Strategic Planning Handbook for Police Agencies in An
Era of Community Oriented Policing”, funded by the Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services, Department of Justice, $145,000 (Co-Principal Investigator, Samuel
Walker), September, 2003 - August, 2005.
Principal Investigator: “Evaluation on The Impact of Federal Grants on Police Productivity and
Crime Reduction: 1994 to 2000”, funded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services, Department of Justice, $127,000 (Co-Principal Investigator, Quint Thurman),
Fall, 2002 - Fall, 2003.
Principal Investigator: The Phase II Evaluation on “The Impact of additional Police Officers and
Federal Grants on Crime Reduction in 7,000 Cities between 1994 to 1999: An Analysis
of Panel Data”, funded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services,
Department of Justice, $40,000, Summer and Fall, 2001.
Principal Investigator: “The Impact of additional Police Officers and Federal Grants on Crime
Reduction in 7,000 Cities between 1994 and 1999: An Analysis of Panel Data”, funded
by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Department of Justice,
$118,000, Spring and Summer 2001.
Principal Investigator: “The Evaluation of TEAM Phase III (drug resistance program) in Omaha
Metropolitan area (five school districts including the Omaha Public School)”, funded by
the City of Omaha, US Attorney’s Office-Nebraska, and Westside School District,
$22,000, Fall, 2000.
Principal Investigator: “The Evaluation of TEAM Phase II (drug resistance program) in Omaha
Metropolitan area (five school districts including the Omaha Public School)”, funded by
the U.S Attorney’s Office-Nebraska, $23,000, Fall, 1999.
Principal Investigator: “Community and Departmental Assessment Project”, funded by the
Council Bluffs Police Department, $8,000, Fall, 1999.
Principal Investigator: “The Evaluation of TEAM (drug resistance program) in Omaha
Metropolitan area (five school districts including the Omaha Public School)”, funded by
the U.S Attorney’s Office-Nebraska, $21,000, Fall, 1998.
Principal Investigator: “Community and Departmental Assessment Project”, funded by the
Council Bluffs Police Department, $8,000, Fall, 1997.
Co-Principal Investigator: “The Structure of Large Municipal Police Organizations During the
Community Policing Era”, funded by the National Institute of Justice, $178,000
(Principal Investigator, Edward Maguire), December, 1997.
Summer Fellowship Recipient: “A Continuation of the Evaluation of Total Quality Management
Project in the Omaha Police Department”, funded by the University of Nebraska at
Omaha, $6,000, Summer, 1997.
Outstanding Visiting Professor awarded by Ji Nan University, China.
Internationally Distinguished Chair Professor awarded by Shanghai Municipal Government
2013 to 2015.
2013 Outstanding Paper Award by Emerald LiteratiNework, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
for the article, “The Effects of Gun Possession Arrests Made by a Proactive Police Patrol Unit”
published by Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management.
2013 Outstanding Alumni Award, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Washington
State University.
Fulbright Senior Expert Program, summer, 2004.
Annual award for Distinguished Research, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2003.
Highly Commended Award by Literati Club for the article, “Gender and Police Stress: The
Convergent and Divergent Impact of Work Environment, Work-Family Conflict, and Stress
Coping Mechanisms of Female and Male Police Officers” published in Policing: An
International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 2003.
Research Fellowship, Washington State Institute for Public Policy, summer, 1991.
Best Graduate Student Award, Department of Political Science, Washington State University,
Fulbright program, Center for American Studies, Shanghai International Studies University,
I. Books
Thurman, Q. and J. Zhao. (2003) Contemporary Policing: Controversies, Challenges, and
Solutions. (Eds.) Los Angeles: Roxbery Publishing.
Thurman, Q., J. Zhao, and A. Giacomazzi. (2001) Community Policing in A Community Era: An
Introduction. Los Angeles: Roxbery Publishing.
Zhao, J. (1996). Why Police Organization Change: A Study of Community Oriented Policing.
Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.
II. Refereed Journal Articles
77. Wang, Liang & Jihong Zhao. (Forthcoming). Contemporary police strategies of crime control
in U.S. and China: A comparative study. Crime, Law and Social Change.
76. Zhang, Hongwei, Ruohui Zhao, Jihong Zhao & Ling Ren. (Forthcoming). The impact of
child sexual abuse and psychological distress on delinquency among incarcerated juveniles in
China. Crime, Law and Social Change.
75. Luo, Fei, Ling Ren & Jihong Zhao. (Forthcoming). The effect of micro-level disorder
incidents on public attitudes toward the police. Policing: An International Journal of Police
Strategies & Management.
74. Lee, Jae-Sueng and J. Zhao. (Forthcoming). Disentangle the may about citizen participation
in the collaborative work with police: The difference between general citizens and volunteers.
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.
73. Cao, Liqun, Jihong Zhao, Ling Ren, & Ruohui Zhao. (Forthcoming). Do In-group and Outgroup Forms of Trust Matter in Predicting Confidence in Order Institutions? A Study of Three
Culturally Distinctive Countries. International Sociology.
72. Luo, Fei. Ling Ren, and J. Zhao. (2016). Location-based fear of crime: a case study in
Houston Texas. Criminal Justice Review. 41: 75-97.
71. Ren, Ling, Hongwei Zhang, Jihong Zhao, & Ruohui Zhao. (2016). Delinquent subculture,
traditional models and juvenile offenders’ attitudes toward the police in China. Police Quarterly.
19: 87-110.
70. Hoover, L., Zhang, Y., Wells, B., Ren, L. and Zhao, J. (2016). Houston enhanced action
patrol: Examining the effects of differential deployment lengths with a switched replication
design. Justice Quarterly, 33:538-568.
69. Ren, Ling, Jihong Zhao, Ni He, & Ineke Haen Marshall, Ruohui Zhao, Hongwei Zhang, &
Cheng Jin. (2016). Testing for measurement invariance of attachment across Chinese and
American adolescent samples. International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative
Criminology. 60:964-991.
68. Zhao, J., Lawton, B., & Longmire, D. (2015). An examination of the micro-level crime-fear
link. Crime & Delinquency, 61, 19-44.
67. Zhao, J., and Ren, L. (2015). Exploring the dimensions of public attitudes toward the police.
Police Quarterly. 18:3-26.
66. Zhang, Yan, Jihong Zhao, Ling Ren, & Larry Hoover. (2015). Space-time clustering of
crime events and neighborhood characteristics in Houston. Criminal Justice Review, 40:340360.
65. Ren, Ling, Yan Zhang, & Jihong Zhao. (2015). The deterrent effect of the castle doctrine
law on burglary in Texas: A tale of outcomes in Houston and Dallas. Crime & Delinquency, 61,
64. Zhao, J., Lai, E., Ren, L. & Lawton, B. (2015). The impact of race/ethnicity and quality of
life policing on public attitudes toward racially biased policing and traffic stops. Crime &
Delinquency. Crime & Delinquency, 61, 350-374.
63. Zhang, Y., Hoover, L., and Zhao, J. (2014). Geographic Information Systems Effects on
Police Efficacy: An Evaluation of Empirical Assessments. International Journal of Applied
Geospatial Research. 5(2):30-43.
62. Zhang, H., Zhao, J., Ren, L., and Zhao, R. (2014). Social bonds, traditional models and
juveniles attitudes toward the police in China. Policing: An International Journal of Police
Strategies and Management, 37, 596-611.
61. Zhang, H., Zhao, R., Zhao, J., and Ren, L. (2014). Social attachment and juvenile attitudes
toward the police in China: Bridging Eastern and Western wisdom. Journal of Research in
Crime and Delinquency, 51, 703-734.
60. Zhao, J., Tsai, L., Ren, L., & Lai, Y.L. (2014). Public satisfaction with police control of
disorder crime: Does public hold police accountable? Justice Quarterly. 31:394-420.
59. Wells, W., Zhang, Y. & Zhao, J. (2012). The effects of gun possession arrests made by a
proactive police patrol unit. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies &
Management, 35, 253-271.
58. Kuo, S., Cuvelier, S.. Chuen-Jim, S., & Zhao, J. (2012). The concentration of criminal
victimization and patterns of routine activities. International Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology. 56:573-598.
57. McCarty, W., Ren, L., & Zhao, J. (2012). Panel analysis of the determinants of police
strength during the 1990s. Crime & Delinquency, 58, 397-424.
56. Zhao, J., Ren, L., & Lovrich, N. (2012). Political culture vs. socioeconomic approaches to
predicting police strength in U.S. police agencies: Results of a longitudinal study, 1993-2003.
Crime & Delinquency, 58, 167-195.
55. Lai, Y.L., Zhao, J., Longmire, D.R. (2011). Specific crime-fear linkage: the effect of actual
burglary incidents reported to the police on residents’ fear of burglary. Journal of Crime and
Justice, 34, 1-22.
54. Webb, V., Ren, L., Zhao, J., He, N. & Marshall, I. (2011). A comparative study on youth
gangs in China and the United States: Definition, offending and victimization. International
Criminal Justice Review, 21, 225-242.
53. Ren, L., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2011). Local political structures & violent crime in U.S.
cities: Patterns of association in a longitudinal panel study. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 22,
52. Zhao, J., Zhang, Y., & Thurman, Q. (2011). Can additional resources lead to higher levels of
productivity (arrests) in police agencies? Criminal Justice Review, 36,165-182.
51. Zhao, J., Ren, L., & Lovrich, N. (2010). Budgetary support for police services in US
municipalities: Comparing political culture, socio-economic characteristics & incrementalism as
rival explanations for budget share allocations to police. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 266275.
50. Lai, Y. L., Cao, L., & Zhao, J. (2010). The impact of political entity on confidence in legal
authorities: A comparison between China and Taiwan. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 934-941.
49. Lai, Y. L., & Zhao, J. (2010).The impact of race/ethnicity, neighborhood context, and
police/citizen interaction on residents’ attitudes toward the police. Journal of Criminal Justice,
38, 685-692.
48. Cao, L., Zhao, L., Ren, L., & Zhao, J. (2010). Social support & anomie: A multilevel
analysis of anomie in Europe and America. International Journal of Offender Therapy &
Comparative Criminology, 54, 625-639.
47. Zhao, J., Ren, L., & Lovrich, N. (2010). Wilson’s theory of local political culture revisited in
today's police organization. Policing: An International Journal of Police Science &
Management, 33, 287-304.
46. Zhao, J., Ren, L., & Lovrich, N. (2010). Police organizational structures during the 1990s:
An application of contingency theory. Police Quarterly, 13, 209-232.
45. Jang, H., Joo, H, & Zhao, J. (2010). Determinants of public confidence in the police: an
international perspective. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 57-68.
44. Wilson, S., & Zhao, J. (2008). Determining the correlates of police victimization: An
analysis of organizational level of factors on injurious assaults. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36,
43. Briggs, S., Zhao, J., Wilson, S., & Ren, L. (2008). The effect of collective bargaining on
large police agency supplemental compensation policies: 1990-2000. Police Practice &
Research: An International Journal, 9, 227-238
42. Ren, L., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2008). Liberal vs. conservative policies on crime: What is
the comparative track record during the 1990s. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 316-325.
41. Zhao, J., Thurman, Q., & Ren, L. (2008). An examination of strategic planning in America
law enforcement agencies: A national study. Police Quarterly, 11, 3-26.
40. McCarty, W., Zhao, J., & Garland, B. (2007). Occupational stress and burnout between male
and female police officers: Are there any gender differences. Policing: An International Journal
of Police Science and Management, 30, 672-691.
39. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (2006). The effect of local political culture on policing
behaviors in the 1990s: A test of Wilson’s theory in more contemporary times. Journal of
Criminal Justice, 34, 569-578.
38. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (2006). Pursuing gender diversity in police organizations in
the 1990s: A longitudinal analysis of factors associated with the hiring of female officers. Police
Quarterly, 9, 463-485.
37. Wilson, S., Zhao, J., Ren, L., & Briggs, S. (2006). The influence of collective bargaining on
large police agency salaries: 1990-2000. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 31, 19-34.
36. Ren, L., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2006). Participation in community crime prevention: Who
volunteers for police work. Policing: An International Journal of Police Science and
Management, 29, 464-481.
35. He, N., Zhao, J., & Ren, L. (2005). Do race and gender matter in police stress? A
preliminary assessment of the interactive effects. Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 535-547.
34. Zhao, J., & Hassell, K. (2005). Policing styles and organizational priorities: Retesting
Wilson’s theory of local political culture. Police Quarterly, 8, 411-430.
33. Cao, L., & Zhao, J. (2005). Confidence in police between U.S. and Latin American
countries. Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 403-412.
32. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (2005). Predicting the employment of minority officers in
U.S. cities: OLS fixed-effect panel model results for African American and Latino officers for
1993, 1996, and 2000. Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 377-386
31. He, N., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2005). Community policing: A preliminary assessment of
environmental impact with panel data on program implementation. Crime & Delinquency, 51,
30. Cao, L., Cao, J., & Zhao, J. (2004). Family, welfare, and delinquency: A panel study.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 32, 565-576.
29. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (2003). Community policing: Did it change the basic
functions of policing in the 1990s? A national follow-up study. Justice Quarterly, 20, 697-724.
28. Zhao, J., Scheinder, M., & Thurman, Q. (2003). A national evaluation of the effect of COPS
grants on police productivity (arrest) 1995 to 1999. Police Quarterly, 6, 387-409.
27. Hassell, K., Zhao, J., & Maguire, E. (2003). Structural arrangements in large municipal
police organizations: Revisiting Wilson’s theory of local political culture. Policing: An
International Journal of Police Science and Management, 26, 231-250.
26. Maguire, E., Shin, Y., Zhao, J., & Hassell, K. (2003). Structural change in large police
agencies during the 1990s. Policing: An International Journal of Police Science and
Management, 26, 251-275.
25. Worral, J., & Zhao, J. (2003). The role of COPS office in community policing. Policing: An
International Journal of Police Science and Management, 26, 64-87.
24. Zhao, J., He, N., Lovrich, N., & Cancino, J. (2003). Marital status and police occupational
stress. Journal of Crime and Justice, 26, 23-46.
23. Zhao, J., Scheider, M., & Thurman, Q. (2002). The effect of police presence on public’s fear
reduction and satisfaction: A review of literature. The Justice Professional, 15, 273-299.
22. Gibson, C., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2002). Sociological measurement confusion,
paradigmatic imperfection, and etiological nirvana: Striking a balance in pursuing science.
Justice Quarterly, 19, 793-808.
21. He, N, Zhao, J., & Archbolt, C. (2002). Gender and police stress: The convergent and
divergent impact of work environment, work-family conflict, and stress coping mechanisms of
female and male police officers. Policing: An International Journal of Police Science and
Management, 25, 687-708.
20. Zhao, J., Scheider, M., & Thurman, Q. (2002). Funding community policing to reduce crime:
Have COPS grants made a difference? Criminology and Public Policy, 2, 7-32.
19. Gibson, C., Zhao, J., Lovrich, N., & Gaffiney, M. (2002). Social integration, individual
perceptions of collective efficacy, and fear of crime: An empirical assessment in three cities.
Justice Quarterly, 19, 537-563.
18. He, N., Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (2002). Police and the policed: A comparison of value
orientation and ideological perspective. Police Practice and Research, 3, 217-229.
17. Zhao, J., Gibson, C., Lovrich, N., & Gaffiney, M. (2002). Participation in community crime
prevention: Are volunteers less or more fearful than other citizens: A research note. Journal of
Crime and Justice, 25, 41-59.
16. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (2002). Predicting five dimensions of police officer stress:
Looking more deeply into organizational settings for sources of police stress. Police Quarterly,
5, 43-62.
15. Zhao, J., Lovrich, N., & Robinson, H. (2001). Community policing: Is it changing the basic
functions of policing: Findings from a longitudinal survey of 200+ municipal police departments.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 29, 365-377.
14. Zhao, J., Herbst, L., & Lovrich, N. (2001). Environmental and institutional effects present in
the employment of women police officers: Separating the predictors of minority and nonminority female officer hiring. Journal of Urban Affairs, 23, 243-257.
13. Reiner, M., & Zhao, J. (1999). The determinants of job satisfaction among United States Air
Force security police. Journal of Public Personnel Administration, 19, 5-18.
12. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (1999). Value change among police officers at a time of
organizational reform: A follow-up study using Rokeach values. Policing: An
International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 22, 152-170.
11. Zhao, J., Thurman, Q., & He, N. (1999). Job satisfaction and police work: A test of two
competing models. Justice Quarterly, 16, 153-173.
10. Zhao, J., Lovrich, N., & Thurman, Q. (1999). The status of community oriented policing in
American cities: Revisiting facilitators and impediments after three years. Policing: An
International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 22, 74-92.
9. Zhao, J., He, N., & Lovrich, N. (1998). Individual value preferences among American police
officers: The Rokeach theory of human values revisited. Policing: An International Journal of
Police Strategies and Management, 21, 22-37.
8. Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (1998). Determinants of minority employment in American municipal
police agencies: The representation of African American officers. Journal of Criminal Justice,
26, 267-277.
7. Zhao, J., & Thurman, Q. (1997). Community policing: Where are we at now? Crime &
Delinquency, 43, 345-357.
6. Zhao, J., & Lovrich, N. (1997). Collective bargaining and the police: What consequences for
supplemental compensation policies in large agencies. Policing: An International Journal of
Police Strategy and Management, 20, 508-518.
5. Cao, L., Zhao, J., & Van Dine, S. (1997). Prison disciplinary tickets: A test of the deprivation
and importation models. Journal of Criminal Justice, 25, 103-114.
4. Zhao, J., Lovrich, N., & Gray, K. (1995). Moving toward community policing: The role of
postmaterialist values in a changing police profession. American Journal of Police, 14, 151-172.
3. Zhao, J., Thurman, Q., & Lovrich, N. (1995). Community-oriented policing across the U.S.:
Facilitators and impediments to implementation. American Journal of Police, 14, 11-28.
2. Thurman, Q., Jackson, S., & Zhao, J. (1993). Drunk-driving research and innovation: A
factorial survey study of decisions to drink and drive. Social Science Research, 22, 245-264.
1. Zhao, J. (1991). The intellectual’s contribution and rewards in the development of the
national economy. Chinese Economic Studies, 24, 82-101.
III. Book Chapters
Zhao, R. Cao, L. & Zhao, J. (2013). Fear of crime and punitivity among college students in
Macau, China. In Helmut Kury and John Winterdyk (Eds.) Fear of Crime and Punitiveness:
Results from International Students Surveys. Bochum, Germany: Universitaetsverlag
Zhao, J., C. Simon, and Q. Thurman. (1999) "Innovation in Police Organizations: A National
Study." Dennis Kenney (Ed.) Police and Policing: Critical Issues. 2nd Edit. New York: Praeger.
Zhao, J. and Q. Thurman. (1997). "Community Policing in Small Cities." In Q. Thurman and E.
McGarrell (Eds.) Community Policing in Rural Setting, (pp. 27-32). Cincinnati, OH: Anderson
Zhao, J. and Q. Thurman. 1996. The Nature of Contemporary Organizational Innovations in
American Policing: Does the Ends Justify the Means? Washington, D.C.: Police Executive
Research Forum.
IV. Evaluation Reports
Zhao, J., and L. Ren. 2015. Report on Houston Police Department — Citizen Contact/Impression
Survey 2014.
Zhao, J., and L. Ren. 2013. Williamson County DWI/Drug Court Evaluation.
Longmire, D., L. Ren, and J. Zhao. 2012. Report on Houston Police Department — Citizen
Contact/Impression Survey 2012.
Longmire, D., L. Ren, and J. Zhao. 2010. Report on Houston Police Department — Citizen
Contact/Impression Survey 2010.
Longmire, D., J. Zhao, and B. Lawton. 2008. Report on Houston Police Department — Citizen
Contact/Impression Survey 2008.
Zhao, J. and Q. Thurman. 2006. Handbook of Strategic Planning in American Police. The
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Department of Justice.
Zhao, J. and N. Lovrich. 2003. Report on The 2003 Spokane Police Department Employee
Survey: General Findings.
Zhao, J., and Q. Thurman. 2002. The Effects of COPS grants on Police Productivity: A Panel
Study. A Final Report to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Department of
Zhao, J., and Q. Thurman. 2001. The Effects of COPS grants on Crime Reduction: A Panel
Study. A Final Report to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Department of
Zhao, J. and Q. Thurman. 2001. The Effect of Police Presence on Public Fear of Crime and
Satisfaction with Police: A Review of Literature. A Final Report to the Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services, Department of Justice.
Herbst, L. and J. Zhao. 2001. A Final Report to the Omaha Police Department: An Assessment of
the 2000-2001 To Educate and Motivate (T.E.A.M.) Nebraska Program.
Zhao, J. 2000. Report on the 1999 Council Bluffs Police Department Survey.
Zhao, J. 2000. Report on the 1999 Nebraska State Patrol Survey.
Zhao, J. 2000. Final Report on the 1999 Council Bluffs Police Department Citizen Survey:
General Findings.
Payton, J. and J. Zhao. 2000. A final Report to the Omaha Police Department: An Assessment of
the 1999-2000 To Educate and Motivate (T.E.A.M.) Nebraska Program.
Herbst, L. and J. Zhao. 1999. A final Report to the Omaha Police Department: An Assessment of
the 1998-1999 To Educate and Motivate (T.E.A.M.) Nebraska Program.
Zhao, J. and N. Lovrich. 1999. Report on The 1999 Spokane Police Department Employee
Survey: General Findings.
Zhao, J. and Ben Menke. 1998. Report on The 1998 El Paso County Sheriff Office Survey:
General Findings.
Zhao, J. 1998. Final Report on the 1997 Council Bluffs Police Department Citizen Survey:
General Findings.
Zhao, J. 1997. Evaluation on the Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Omaha
Police Department: An Interim Report.
Zhao, J. 1997. Report on the 1997 Council Bluffs Police Department Survey: General Findings.
Zhao, J. 1997. Monitoring the Change Efforts in the Omaha Police Department: General
Findings from the 1996 Employee Survey.
Zhao, J. and N. Lovrich. 1996. Report on the 1996 Spokane Police Department Employee
Survey: General Findings.
Zhao, J. 1995. Report on the Relationship between Educational Programs and Inmate Rule
Observation in the Ohio Prison System.
Thurman, Q., J. Zhao, and S. Jackson. Assessing Drunk Driving Countermeasures: An
Experimental Vignette Approach to Informed Anti-Drunk Driving Policies. In the Alcoholic
Beverage Medical Research Foundation 1992 Research Conference Report, Baltimore, MD.
Ling Ren, Jihong Zhao, Hongwei Zhang, & Ruohui Zhao. Testing the dimensionality and
invariance of Grasmick et al.’s (1993) self-control scale across three groups in China. Presented
in Asian Criminological Society annual meeting in Hong Kong, June 2015.
Jihong Zhao, Ling Ren, Hongwei Zhang, & Ruohui Zhao. Theories of subculture and juvenile
delinquency in China. Presented at American Society of Criminology annual meeting in San
Francisco, November 2014.
Ling Ren, Solomon Zhao, Ruohui Zhao, Hongwei Zhang, Ni He, and Ineke Haen Marshall.
Exploring the Dimensionality of Perceived Social Bonding among Juveniles: A US and China
Comparison. Presented at American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, November 2013.
Hongwei Zhang, Ruohui Zhao, Solomon Zhao, and Ling Ren. Attitudes towards the Police
among High School Students in Southern China. Presented at American Society of Criminology
in Atlanta, November 2013.
Ren, Ling, Jihong Solomon Zhao, & Dennis Longmire. Public satisfaction with the police:
Landline phone vs. cell phone-only users in a random telephone survey. Presented at the
American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Chicago, November 2012.
Zhao, Jihong. Management models and police training in U.S. paper presented at International
Conference of Police Education sponsored by Shanghai Police College and Shanghai Police
Bureau, Shanghai, October, 2012.
Ren, Ling, Jihong Solomon Zhao, Vincent J. Webb, Ni He, Ineke Haen Marshall, & Cheng Jin.
A comparative study of juvenile victimization in China and the United States. Presented at the
American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Washington DC, November 2011.
Ren, Ling, Jihong Solomon Zhao, Vincent J. Webb, Liqun Cao, & Cheng Jin. Confidence in the
police among adolescents in China. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting in Washington DC, November 2011.
Zhang, Yan, Jihong Solomon Zhao, & Ling Ren. The effect of police presence on crime.
Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Washington DC,
November 2011.
Ren, L., V. Webb, & J. Zhao. 2010. “A Preliminary Effort to Test the Feasibility of Using SelfReport Methodology to Assess Juvenile Delinquency & Misbehavior in Chinese School-based
Sample Using ISRD Instrumentation.” Presented at the European Society of Criminology annual
meeting in Liège, Belgium.
Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., and L. Hoover. 2010. “GIS and its effect on policing.” Campbell
Collaboration Annual Conference in London, with Drs. Zhang and Hoover.
Lai, Y., L. Cao, and J. Zhao. “The impact of political regime on confidence in legal authorities:
A comparison between China and Taiwan.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology
annual meeting in San Francisco, November, 2010.
Ren, L, V. Webb, J. Zhao, C. Jin, N. He, & I. Marshall. “Self-Reported Delinquency,
Victimization and Gang Involvement in School-Based Samples: A China and U.S. Comparison.”
Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in San Francisco, November
Ren, L, J. Zhao, L. Hoover, & Y. Zhang. An evaluation of police storefronts in Houston.
Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in San Francisco, November
Ren, Ling, Jihong Solomon Zhao, Larry Hoover. The Impact of Houston Crime Reduction Unit
on Violent and Property Crimes in Four Patrol Districts. Presented at the American Society of
Criminology annual meeting in Philadelphia, November 2009.
Yan Zhang, Jihong Solomon Zhao, Ren, Ling, Larry Hoover. Spatio-temporal Interaction of
Urban Crime in Houston Southwest. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting in Philadelphia, November 2009.
Ren, Ling, Yan Zhang, & Jihong Solomon Zhao. A catalyst for change? The impact of Katrina
evacuees upon crime patterns in Houston. Presented at the American Society of Criminology
annual meeting in Philadelphia, November 2009.
Ren, Ling, Jihong Solomon Zhao, & Nicholas Lovrich. Political culture vs. socioeconomic
approaches to explaining the variation in violent crime rates in U.S. cities. Presented at the
American Society of Criminology annual meeting in St. Louis, November 2008.
Ren, Ling, & Jihong Solomon Zhao. “Race, Ethnicity, & the Risk of Homicide Victimization:
A Multilevel Model Comparison of Three Time Periods in Chicago”. Presented at the
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting in Cincinnati, March 2008.
Ren, Ling, & Jihong “Solomon” Zhao. “The Impact of Neighborhood Transition on Homicide
Rates in Chicago: A Longitudinal Study from 1965-1995”. Presented at the American Society of
Criminology annual meeting in Atlanta, November 2007.
Zhao, Jihong “Solomon”, Ling Ren, and Nicholas Lovrich. “Static vs. dynamic approaches to
predicting police strength in U.S. police agencies: Results of a longitudinal study, 1993-2003.”
Paper was presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting in Seattle,
March 2007.
Ren, Ling, & Jihong “Solomon” Zhao. “Drugs and Crime Drop in America during the 1990s”.
Paper was presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Los Angeles,
November 2006.
Zhao, Jihong “Solomon”, Ling Ren, & Nicholas Lovrich. “Change in Police Organizational
Structures During the 1990s: An application of Contingency Theory”. Paper was presented At
the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Los Angeles, November 2006.
McCarty, William, Jihong “Solomon” Zhao, & Ling Ren. “Panel Analysis of the Determinants
of Police Strength during the 1990s”. Paper was presented at the American Society of
Criminology annual meeting in Los Angeles, November 2006.
Zhao, Jihong “Solomon”, Ling Ren, & Nicholas Lovrich. “Wilson’s Theory of Local Political
Culture Revisited in Today’s Police Organizations: A longitudinal Study”. Paper was presented
at the Midwest Criminal Justice Association annual meeting in Chicago, September 2006.
Ren, Ling & Jihong "Solomon" Zhao. "Police Strength, Social Disorganization, & the Crime
Drop in the United States during the 1990s." Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice
Sciences annual meeting in Baltimore, 2006.
Ren, Ling, Jihong "Solomon" Zhao, & Nicholas Lovrich. "Liberal vs. Conservative Policies on
Crime: What is the Comparative Track Record during the 1990s". Paper presented in
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting in Baltimore, 2006.
Zhao, Jihong "Solomon", Ling Ren, & Nicholas Lovrich. "Wilson's Theory of Local Political
Culture Revisited in Today's Police Organizations: A longitudinal Study". Paper presented in the
Midwest Criminal Justice Association annual meeting in Chicago, September 2006.
McCarty, William, Jihong "Solomon" Zhao, & Ling Ren. "Panel Analysis of the Determinants of
Police Strength during the 1990s". Paper presented in American Society of Criminology annual
meeting in Los Angeles, November 2006.
Zhao, Jihong "Solomon", Ling Ren, & Nicholas Lovrich. "Change in Police Organizational
Structures During the 1990s: An application of Contingency Theory". Paper presented in
American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Los Angeles, November 2006.
Ren, Ling & Jihong "Solomon" Zhao. "Drugs and Crime Drop in America during the 1990s".
Paper presented in American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Los Angeles, November
He, N., J. Zhao, and N. Lovrich. “Organizational Culture and Individual Values of Police
officers: An Assessment of Reciprocal Relationship.” Paper presented at American Society of
Criminology meeting at Toronto, Canada, 2005.
Briggs, S, J. Zhao, S. Wilson, and L. Ren. “Junk Yard Dogs or Paper Tiger: The Effect of
Collective Bargaining on Fringe Benefits among Large Police Departments. Paper presented at
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting at Chicago, 2005.
Ren, L., J. Zhao, and N. Lovrich. “Participation in Criminal Investigation: Who Are the
Volunteers? Paper presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting at Chicago,
Wilson, S., J. Zhao, L. Ren, and S. Briggs. “The Relationship between Collective Bargaining and
Economic Reward.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting,
Nashville, November 2004.
He, N., J. Zhao, and N. Lovrich. “The Impact of Participative Mechanism of Municipal
Government on the Implementation of Community Policing: A Panel Data Analysis.” Paper
presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting, Boston, MA, 2003.
Zhao, J., M. Scheider, and Q. Thurman. “The Effect of COPS Funding on Crime Reduction in 70
Largest U.S. Cities.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting,
Boston, MA, 2003.
Zhao, J., N. He, C. Archbolt, and L. Cao. “Gender and Police Stress: A Closer Examination.
Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2002.
Zhao, J., K. Hassell, and E. Maguire. “Wilson’s Theory of Political Culture and Police Behavior
Revisited.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting, Anaheim, CA,
Zhao, J., M. Scheider, and Q. Thurman. “Community Policing and Crime: A National
Assessment of the Effects of COPS Grants and Crime.” Paper presented at the American
Association of Criminology meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
Zhao, J., N. He, and N. Lovrich. “Predicting Five Dimensions of Police Officer Stress.” Paper
presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
Gibson, C., J. Zhao, N. Lovrich, and M. Gaffiney. “Collective Efficacy and Fear of Crime: An
Assessment of Three Communities.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice
Sciences annual meeting, Washington, DC, 2001.
Worrall, J. and J. Zhao. “The Role of COPS Office in Facilitating change Consistent with
Community Policing: A Resource Dependency Perspective.” Paper presented at the American
Society of Criminology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2000.
Leigh, H. and J. Zhao. “T.E.A.M. Nebraska: Its Impact and Effect.” Paper presented at the
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2000.
Maguire, E. and J. Zhao. “The Structure of large Police Organizations: Data from Five National
Surveys.” Paper presented at the Annual Research Meeting sponsored by the National Institute of
Justice, Washington, DC, 1999.
Hassess, K., J. Peyton, J. Zhao, and Ed. MiGuire. “Structural Change in Large Municipal Police
Organizations: Evidence from a National Study.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal
Justice Sciences annual meeting, Orlando, FL, 1999.
Maguire, Ed., J. Zhao, and Robert Langworthy. “The Structure of Large Police Department:
Preliminary Survey Results.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting, Washington, DC, 1998.
Zhao, J., Quint Thurman, and Ni He. “Sources of Job Satisfaction among Police Officers: A Test
of Two Competing Models.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 1998.
Zhao, J. “The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Omaha Police Department:
An Evaluation.” Paper presented at the Annual Research Meeting sponsored by the National
Institute of Justice, Washington, DC, 1998.
Zhao, J., Ni He, and Nicholoas Lovrich. “Value Change among Police Officers at A Time of
Organizational Reform: A Follow-Up Study Using Rokeach Values.” Paper presented at the
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 1998.
Zhao, J., J. Cao, and L. Cao. "The Effects of Female Headship and Welfare Experience on
Juvenile Delinquency." Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, annual
meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 1997.
Zhao, J. and N. Lovrich. "Collective Bargaining and the Police: What Consequences for
Supplemental Compensation Policies in Large Agencies." Paper presented at the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences, annual meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 1997
Zhao, J. "Perceived and Objective Levels of Crime among Police Organizations: A National
Study." Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, 1996.
Zhao, J. and Q. Thurman. "The Nature of Contemporary Organizational Innovations in American
Policing: Does the Means address the Ends?" Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal
Justice Sciences annual meeting, Boston, MA, 1995.
Zhao, J., N. Lovrich, and K. Gray. "Societal Value Change, Community Oriented Policing, and
Dynamics of Change in Police Agencies: The Role of Postmaterialist Values in a Progressive
Police Agency." Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting,
Chicago, IL, 1994.
Zhao, J., C. Simon, and Q. Thurman. "The Impact of Internal Organizational Factors on
Contemporary Organizational Change in American Policing." Paper presented at the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, Chicago, IL, 1994.
Thurman, Q., J. Zhao, and S. Jackson. "General Prevention of Decisions to Drink and Drive:
Perceptual Correlates and Self-Reported Drunk Driving," Paper presented at the American
Society of Criminology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1991.
Zhao, J. and E. Stromsdorfer. "Determining the Causes of Women Returning to Welfare After an
Initial Exit." Final Report prepared for Washington State Institute for Public Policy, 1991.
Thurman, Q., S. Jackson, and J. Zhao. "A Factorial Survey Approach to the Study of Drunk
Driving Decision-Making." Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology annual
meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1990.
1. Ph.D Students supervised
Garcia, Hector. Houston Police Department, 2012
Lai, Edward. Central Police University, Taiwan, 2011
Zhao, Ruohui. Macau University, China, 2007
Garland, Brett. Missouri State University, 2007
Ren, Ling. (co-chair). Sam Houston State University, 2006
Wilson, Steve. University of Texas at Brownsville, 2005
Hassell, Kimberly. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2004
I have served on many Ph.D student dissertation committees as member and chaired many
master thesis committees.
2. University & Department Services
Graduate Standard Committee, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU
2007- 2008
University Distinguished Professor Nomination Committee, UN-Omaha
University Academic Planning Committee, UN-Omaha
Personnel Committee, College of Public Affairs & Community Services, UN-Omaha Fall 2003
University Faculty Senator, UN-Omaha
2000 to 2002
Graduate Fellowship Committee, Department of Criminal Justice, UN-Omaha
Curriculum Committee, Department of Criminal Justice, UN-Omaha
Graduate Student Committee, Department of Criminal Justice, UN-Omaha
1998 to 2000
3. Professional Services
Member of Editorial Board: Police Quarterly
Associate editor: Justice Quarterly
Deputy Editor: Justice Quarterly
Book Review Editor: Justice Quarterly
Reviewer for the following journals:
Justice Quarterly
Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Crime & Delinquency
Criminology & Public Policy
Policing: An International Journal
Journal of Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Review
Police Practice & Research: An International Journal
Internal Criminal Justice Review
American Journal of Police
Police Quarterly
Police Studies
Journal of Urban Affairs
Journal of Crime & Justice
2004 to 2006
1998 to 2001
1998 to 2001
4. Other Professional Services
Invited presenter at The Second International Symposium on Police Education sponsored by
Shanghai Police Department and Shanghai Police College. Topic: An Examination of Police
Field Training Program in U.S. Shanghai, 2013.
Invited presenter at Asian Association of Police Studies Conference in Taiwan sponsored by
New Taipei Municipal Government and Central Police University. Lovrich, N., Zhao, J., and
Ren, L. Topic: Isomorphism & American Policing of Metropolis: A New Understanding of
Police Reform. 2013.
Invited presenter at The First International Symposium on Police Education sponsored by
Shanghai Police Department and Shanghai Police College. Topic: The Management Models and
Contemporary Police Training in the U.S. Shanghai. 2012.
Invited presenter at China Armed Police Academy. Topic: Intelligent Lead Policing and
Predictive Policing in U.S. The lecture was sponsored by China Ministry of Public Security.
Herbei, China. 2012.
Invited professor at the Chinese People’s Public Security University, sponsored by the Ministry
of Public Security in P. R. China, 2005.
Invited professor at the Chinese People’s Public Security University, sponsored by the Ministry
of Public Security in P. R. China, 2004.
Invited presenter at the Annual Conference sponsored by the Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services, Department of Justice, 2006.
Invited Fulbright senior expert at School of Law, Shanghai University, 2004.
Invited speaker at Community Policing: Keep America Safe sponsored by the Office of
Community Policing Services, Washington D.C, July 2002. Topic: The Effect of COPS Funding
on Crime and Police Productivity.
Invited presenter at the Annual Conference sponsored by the Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services, Department of Justice, 2002.
Invited scholar to testify at U.S Senate, Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs hearing on
the COPS program, Washington D.C., December, 2001.
Invited speaker at International Association of Police Planners Conference, September, 2001.
Topic: Problem Solving and American Police.
Invited speaker at Annual Conference of Criminology sponsored by the National Taipei
University in Taiwan, July, 2000. Topic: Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: A Panel Data
Invited speaker at Hong Kong Chinese University, August, 2000. Topic: Community Policing in
Invited speaker at Annual Research Conference sponsored by National Institute of Justice, July,
1999. Topic: The Implementation of Total Quality Management in Omaha Police Department:
A Three-Year Study.