Designing Lessons - Florence School District One

Florence School District #1
Training Module 2 Designing Lessons Designing Interactive SMART Board Lessons- Revised June 2009
Designing Interactive SMART Board Lessons
Lesson activities need to be designed for both content and presentation. The SMART Board interactive
whiteboard is a visual and an interactive medium. Knowing a little about design and the best practices on
how to integrate interactivity using Notebook software will help you create lesson activities that meet
curriculum learning objectives and engage students. Creating content in Notebook software with the
knowledge it will need to be presented in a classroom setting will ensure your lesson goes smoothly.
Creating a Title Page and Teacher's Notes Page
Once you have determined what content you will be teaching, create a title page and write your teacher’s
notes at the beginning of your lesson activity. Titles and teacher’s notes focus learning objectives and
provide important information to any other teachers who use the lesson activity.
You can see examples of how other teachers have created these things by downloading any lesson
activity from the education solutions website .
Setting up your page
Once you have an idea for a Notebook software lesson activity, you will need to start designing your
page. One of the first things you will want to do is decide on a background color. When choosing a color,
keep in mind that very bright or intense colors can be distracting and draw attention from the page
content to the background. A bright yellow might seem like a fun choice, but it may also distract from
other elements on your page. Reserve the most vibrant colors for individual objects on your Notebook
page to which you want to draw student attention.
Designing Interactive SMART Board Lessons- Revised June 2009
Saving a Notebook File Automatically (Timed Saves)
You can set Notebook software to save your Notebook file automatically every time you navigate to a
different page or after a specified period of time.
1. Select File > Timed Saves.
2. Select Every time I move to a different page to save your Notebook file automatically every
time you navigate to a different page.
Select 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes to save your Notebook file automatically
after a specified period of time.
3. Press Next.
4. Select Notebook Document.
5. Browse to your network folder where you'd like to save the new file.
Type a name for the file in the File name box. Notebook software automatically saves the file as
a .notebook file.
NOTE: In Notebook software 9.5, the default file type is .notebook, whereas in versions 8, 9.0 and9.1, the
file type was .xbk. If you want to create a file in Notebook software 9.5 that older versions of Notebook
software can open, save your file manually as an .xbk file.
6. Press Save.
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Aligning Objects on a Notebook Page
You can move objects to another location on a Notebook page. If you want, you can display
guidelines on a Notebook page to assist you in aligning objects with other objects, as well as the
page's vertical and horizontal centers. You can also set objects to align automatically with these
guidelines when you move the objects on a Notebook page.
To display guidelines:
1. Select Format > Alignment.
The Alignment Guides dialog box
2. To display a guideline when you move an
object into alignment with another object,
select Show guides for active objects
3. To display a guideline when you move an
object into alignment with the page's
vertical center, select Show vertical page
center guide
4. To display a guideline when you move an
object into alignment with the page's
horizontal center, select Show horizontal
page center guide.
5. To automatically align objects to guidelines when you move the objects on a Notebook
page, select Snap objects to guides.
6. If you want to change the color of the guidelines, press the colored bar to the left of
Guide Color, and then select a color.
7. Press OK.
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Background Color
Select a background color by selecting Format > Background Color from the Notebook software menu.
A color palette will launch from which you can choose the background color of your Notebook page.
Next, you should choose the fonts you will want to use for the remainder of your lesson activity. When
you are choosing a font, you are choosing how your text will appear in Notebook software. For example,
Times New Roman, Comic Sans and Arial all look very different.
If possible, try using only one font throughout your lesson activity. Too many fonts can be distracting to
the eye and draw attention away from important points.
Consider the size and color of text you will be using throughout your lesson activity. Good choices will
make it easier for all your students to read the text on your Notebook page. Once you have decided what
your text will look like, make sure you keep it consistent to give your lesson a nice flow from one page to
General guidelines for choosing fonts for your Notebook software lesson activity include the following:
• Titles should be at least 28 point and a bold type face
• Text used for sentences and paragraphs should be the same font as the header, 22 point and in a
regular type face
• Make sure the font color you choose is easy to read and see against the background color you have
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NOTE: The content of your Notebook software lesson activity is more important than the overall color
scheme. It’s OK to use black text on a white background if you would rather not spend time choosing
Working with fonts in Notebook software
One way to set your font is to select your text and use the functions available from the Fonts toolbar. The
Fonts toolbar appears whenever you are typing on the Notebook page or after you double press a text
Setting up a Permanent Font Style
If you know you will be using the same font over and over, you may want to set up a permanent font style
under the Text button. To do this, press the arrow beside the Text button on the Notebook software
toolbar and select Customize Text. The Customize Text dialog box will allow you to tailor the fonts
available from the text button drop-down menu to the styles you
will use most often.
Grouping Objects on a Page
You can create a group of objects, which lets you interact with all grouped items at the same time. After you
create a group, you can select, move, rotate, resize or flip the group as if it were an individual object. However, if
you want to interact with an individual object in a group, you must ungroup the objects first.
To group objects
1. Select the objects.
2. Press the menu arrow of any one of the selected objects, and then select Grouping > Group.
To ungroup objects
1. Select the group.
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2. Press the group's menu arrow, and then select Grouping > Ungroup.
Automatic Grouping
When you draw or write on an interactive screen, SMART Notebook automatically groups the objects you create
in close proximity, enabling you to interact with these objects as a single object. For example, if you write the
letters of a word, SMART Notebook groups the individual letters into a single object, allowing you to interact with
the whole word.
If SMART Notebook groups objects that you want to manipulate individually, ungroup the objects, as described
Rearranging Stacked Objects on a Page
If objects overlap on a page, you can rearrange the order of the stack (that is, you can control which objects appear in front of
To move an object to the front of the stack
Select the object.
Press the object's menu arrow, and then select Order > Bring to Front.
To move an object to the back of the stack
Select the object.
Press the object's menu arrow, and then select Order > Send to Back.
To move an object one place forward in the stack
Select the object.
Press the object's menu arrow, and then select Order > Bring Forward.
To move an object one place backward in the stack
1. Select the object.
2. Press the object's menu arrow, and then select Order > Send Backward.
Designing Interactive SMART Board Lessons- Revised June 2009
Adding Interactivity
One of the benefits of Notebook software is the ability to modify objects on the page. This section will
focus on some of the different ways you can engage your students by designing interactive lesson plans.
One of the quickest ways to add interactivity to a lesson activity is to hide the answer to a question
behind an object on the Notebook page. The following information will provide three different methods
that you can use to create reveal activities that can easily be integrated into any curriculum.
Move and reveal
One way to create a reveal activity is to hide an answer behind another object.
1 Type your question and answer
2 Draw a rectangle and fill it with color to hide the answer
3 Double-press the shape for the ability to add text to it – ensure your text is a different color than the
4 Type Move the box to reveal the answer – you are adding instructions to the shape so others will be
able to work with the file. Without the instructions, someone might assume they are supposed to write the
answer over the shape instead of moving it to reveal the answer.
NOTE: It is a good practice to select Order > Bring to Front from the drop-down menu on any object
you will be using to cover an answer. This action will ensure your students don’t see the answer before it
is time for it to be revealed.
5 Move the shape to reveal the answer
6 Cover your answer with the rectangle.
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7 Move the shape to reveal the answer.
Erase and reveal
Another way to reveal information is with the Eraser tool.
1 Type your question and answer
2 Select a pen color (do not choose highlighter) and drag across the answer with digital ink.
3 Set the page background color to that of the pen. For example, if the page background is white, then
the digital ink should be white.
4 Select the Eraser tool, and erase the digital ink covering the answer.
NOTE: The Eraser tool will only erase objects created with digital ink. Anything typed with your keyboard cannot be
erased with the Eraser tool.
NOTE: You may want to add instructions that let the class or other teachers know that all they need to do is to use
the eraser.
Screen Shade reveal
The third way you can reveal information is with the Screen Shade tool.
1 Type your question and answer
2 Click on the Screen Shade button on the Notebook software toolbar
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3 Drag the Screen Shade so only the answer to your question is covered
4 When you are ready, drag the Screen Shade so it no longer covers the answer. This action is similar to
using paper to cover answers that would be displayed through an overhead projector.
NOTE: When you open a Notebook file, the Screen Shade will be covering the same area it was hiding, and you
will be able to start discussing the content in your file from exactly where you left off.
Identifying and labeling
Drag and drop
Drag and drop activities are an excellent way to determine if your class has achieved recognition about
specific learning objectives.
To create a drag and drop labeling activity:
1. Add the object you want labeled to the work area.
NOTE: The object can come from the Notebook software Gallery, the My Content area or it might be a graphic you
imported using the Insert menu.
2. Use the object drop-down menu to lock the object that will be labeled in place. This action ensures the
object won’t be accidentally moved during the lesson activity.
3. Next, make the labels for your diagram and line them up on the Notebook page. Then you can ask
students to drag the labels to the appropriate area of the graphic.
Student Activity
Answer Page
You may want to add a link to an object, such as the cell above, to another Notebook software page with
an answer key. This page will help anyone you share the file with find the correct answers.
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Drag and drop activities can also be used for text-based lessons. For example, you might drag events to
specific dates on a timeline or define a series of words.
Infinite Cloner
The Infinite Cloner allows you to reproduce an object an unlimited number of times, without having to
select clone repeatedly from the drop-down menu. The Infinite Cloner also helps keep your Notebook
file’s size smaller than if you were to copy and paste the same information, making the file easier to
share with your colleagues.
To set an object as an Infinite Cloner, complete the following steps:
1 Select an object
2 Click on the object's drop-down menu
3 Select Infinite Cloner
4 Click on the object, then drag to create an identical object
One advantage of the Infinite Cloner feature is the ability to use the same
object for multiple answers to create a drag and drop activity without diluting the pool of available options
each time a question is answered correctly.
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Another benefit of the Infinite Cloner feature is to keep information in context which makes it easy to
keep information in context. This feature is especially useful for text-based lessons.
Inserting Tables on a Notebook Page
You can add tables to your Notebook page. After you create a table, you can insert objects into
the table's cells, including freehand objects, geometric shapes, straight lines, text and graphics
If you want to customize a table, you can select a table,
column, row, cell or selection of cells, and then you can:
Move the table.
Change line type, fill and text properties.
Resize the table, a column or a row.
Insert or remove columns, rows or cells.
Split or merge cells.
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Add or remove a cell shade.
You can also delete the tables that you don't want.
To insert a table
1. Press Table
Select Insert > Table.
An eight by eight grid appears.
2. Move the pointer over the grid to select the number of columns and rows that you want in the
table. The cells of the grid correspond to the cells of your table.
The table appears on the Notebook page.
Animating Objects on a Notebook Page
You can animate an object to fly onto a page from the side, spin, fade in, shrink, and more. You
can set the animation to start when you open a page or when you press the object.
To animate an object
1. Select the object.
2. If the Properties tab isn't visible, press Properties
3. Press Object Animation.
4. Select options in the Type, Direction, Speed, Occurs and Repeats lists.
Designing Interactive SMART Board Lessons- Revised June 2009
Using sound
Notebook software makes it very easy to engage auditory learners by
using sound within a lesson activity. It is also a good way to give
students insight into a speaker’s personality – listening to a historical
speech, rather than reading, can be more engaging for students.
Search the Notebook software Gallery to help you find the sounds you
need. Try keywords like sound or phonics to learn what content is
already available.
Adding Sound from the Gallery
1. Press the Gallery tab.
2. Search for a sound item.
**NOTE: Sound objects have a sound icon on it.
3. Drag an item onto the page OR click an item and select Insert
in Notebook from the item's menu arrow.
4. To play the sound, click on the object.
Sound as a Reinforcement Tool
One way to use sound is to give immediate feedback to students when they
touch specific objects in Notebook software. (See linking below)
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Attaching Files, Shortcuts and Web Links
You can use the Attachments content pane to attach a copy of a file, a shortcut to a file or a Web page
link to your Notebook file. This enables you to find and open a file or Web page easily during your
You can move the Attachments content pane to either side of the screen and change its size.
To open the Attachments content pane
Click the Attachments tab or select View > Attachments.
The Attachments content pane appears.
To change the location of the Attachments Content Pane
By default, the Attachments content pane is on the right side of the whiteboard area. To move it to the
left side, press the arrow beneath the tabs. To return it to the right side, press the arrow again.
NOTE: This setting is saved and then restored each time you open Notebook software.
To expand the Attachments content pane
To make the Attachments content pane larger, drag its border into the whiteboard area.
NOTE: This setting is saved and then restored each time you open Notebook software.
To attach a copy of a file to a Notebook document
1. If the Attachments content pane isn't visible, press the Attachments tab.
2. Click Insert at the bottom of the content pane and select Insert Copy of File.
3. Browse to and select the file you want to attach to the Notebook file. Press Open.
NOTE: When you attach a file, the size of the Notebook file increases. Although Notebook software compresses
the file to conserve space, some kinds of files are more compressible than others.
To open an Item from the Attachments content pane
1. If the Attachments content pane isn't visible, press the Attachments tab. The Attachments content
pane lists all the attachments for the current Notebook file. If an attached item is a copy of a file, the file's
size appears in the Size column. If an attached item is a shortcut to a file, Shortcut appears in the Size
column. If an attached item is a Web page link, URL appears in the Size column.
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2. To open a file, double-press the file name or its shortcut from those listed in the Attachments
content pane. To open a Web page, double-press the page from those listed in the Attachments
content pane.
Link Types
You can attach a file, web link or sound to any object in Notebook.
To add a link to an object
In Notebook, select the object to which the animated
link indicator will be attached.
Click the menu arrow and select Link.
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The Insert Link dialogue opens.
Select the type of link you wish to add to the object, ex: web page URL, page in this file, file on
this computer, or current attachments.
Select how you want to launch the link, either by clicking a corner icon or by clicking the object
Click OK.
NOTE: If you choose to launch by clicking object you may want to use the Show All Links When Page Opens
To Show all Objects, select View > Show All Links When Page
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Any object with an attached link will be briefly surrounded by an
animated link indicator.
To check whether a link has been attached to an object
Select View > Show all Links.
When a page is opened that has an object with an attached link, the link icon or the object itself will be
briefly surrounded by an animated link indicator.
Save and close your lesson.
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Organizing Your Lessons in the Notebook Gallery
The My Content area is a Gallery collection reserved specifically for objects and
lessons you have imported, captured or created, such as the lesson you just finished
creating. It’s also a good place to store objects and lessons you use frequently or
want to share with your colleagues.
1. Open the Notebook software.
2. Select the Gallery tab. By default, the My
Content folder is selected.
3. Press the My Content drop-down menu
and choose New Folder.
4. Add your lesson to My Contents
Adding Items to My Content
If you want to make background pages or objects easier to reuse, you
can easily add them to the My Content category of the Gallery.
To add a Gallery item to the My Content category
If the Gallery is not yet open, press the Gallery tab.
From the item's menu arrow, select Add to My Content.
Navigate to and select the item you would like to add to
My Content then click “ok.”
The content is added to the My Content category
Drag the lesson on to the page.
Click the lesson and select Insert in Notebook from
the lessons menu arrow.
Adding Pages to the Notebook Gallery
Open the lesson you created.
Choose a page you would like to add to the gallery.
Create a new folder in My Contents if needed.
Select the Page Sorter tab.
Click the page thumbnail’s drop-down menu in the Page Sorter tab.
Select Add Page to Gallery to place the entire Notebook page into the My Content area of the
Gallery collections.
NOTE: This gives you quick and easy access to Notebook pages for lesson planning and delivery. Name your
new Notebook page so you can organize your Gallery items into meaningful groups.
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7. Drag the lesson from My Content the into your new gallery
collection folder (the one you created).
Sharing files
Select Export as Collection File from the My Content drop-down
menu to distribute your electronic file.
NOTE: Share your imported lesson with other colleagues using the SMART
Board interactive whiteboard in the classroom. This is an easy way to
transfer files from home to school
Grouping Notebook Pages
You can group together pages within the current Notebook file. This enables you to find a
particular group quickly within the Page Sorter and display its pages. This is useful when there
are a large number of pages within a file.
Tip: You can apply a theme to all pages within a group.
To create or edit a group
1. If the Page Sorter isn't visible, press Page Sorter
2. Press the Groups button in the Page Sorter, and then select Edit Groups.
The whiteboard area displays all groups and pages for the current Notebook file. Groups appear
as blue bars and Notebook pages appear as thumbnails. If you have created and edited the
groups in this Notebook file, the pages appear under the blue bars you created and renamed. If
you haven't edited the groups, a default group entitled Group 1 appears and includes all of the
pages and their thumbnails below its blue bar.
Note: Thumbnails below each blue bar include the same menu arrow option as thumbnails in the
page sorter. This enables you to press a thumbnail in a group, select its menu arrow, and then
delete the page, clear the page, insert a new page, clone the page, rename the page, add a
screen shade to the page or add the page to the Gallery.
3. Press the Add New Group button in the upper left corner.
A new blue bar appears and a new page appears below the blue bar.
4. Press the blue bar's menu arrow, and then select Rename Group.
5. Type a new name for the group.
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Note: If a connected keyboard isn’t easily accessible, type a new name using the SMART
6. To move a page into a group, press the page's thumbnail, and then drag it below the
group's blue bar and to the right of the thumbnail you want it to proceed.
To rearrange the order of pages within a group, press a page's thumbnail, and then drag it to the right of
the thumbnail you want it to proceed.
To rearrange the order of groups, press a group's blue bar, and then drag it below the blue bar of the
group you want it to proceed.
Note: You can also change the order of the groups by selecting a blue bar’s menu arrow and then
selecting Move Up or Move Down.
To delete a group and keep its pages, move all of its pages to different groups. When a group contains no
pages, Notebook software automatically deletes it.
To delete a group and all pages in the group, press the blue bar's menu arrow, and then select Delete
7. When you finish creating and editing groups, double-press on a thumbnail to display this
To move to a group within the Page Sorter
1. If the Page Sorter isn't visible, press Page Sorter
2. Press Groups, and then select the group's name.
The Page Sorter displays the thumbnail for the first page in this group.
Recording a Page
The Page Recording options enable you to record your actions on the current page.
To record a page
1. If the Properties tab isn't visible, press Properties
2. Press Page Recording.
3. Press Start Recording.
A red circle appears in the upper left corner of the whiteboard area.
4. Perform the actions that you want to record on the current page.
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5. When you finish performing these actions, press Stop Recording.
6. Press Play to view the recording.
7. Control the playback using the Page Recording toolbar.
NOTE: You can also record your actions on the interactive screen, including your actions in programs
other than SMART Notebook, using SMART Recorder. With SMART Recorder, you can record a full
screen, specified window or rectangular portion of the screen. If you connect a microphone to your
computer, you can also record audio.
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More Ways to “Jazz Up” Lessons
To add a picture from a scanner:
1. Select Insert > Picture from Scanner.
The Insert Scanned Picture dialog box opens.
2. Select a scanner from the list.
3. Press the Scan button.
4. Scan your picture and adjust it as needed following the instructions that came with your scanner.
5. Close the dialog box and return to Notebook software.
Adding Flash Content to the Gallery
If you want to make Flash content easier to reuse, you can easily add
file to the My Content category of the Gallery.
a .swf
To add Flash content to the Gallery:
1. If the Gallery is not yet open, press the Gallery tab.
2. Click the My Content menu arrow, and select Add to My
The Add to My Content dialogue box opens.
3. Browse to select a Flash .swf file and press OK.
The new Flash item appears in the Gallery's content panel
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as a Flash icon:
4. Repeat this process for all the content you'd like to add.
**Before adding flash content, you may need to know about zipped files. See below.
Downloading Compressed Files to Your Computer
In some cases, large individual documents or groups of files have been archived together and compressed into a
single (smaller) file. File names of these archives end in "EXE" if you are a PC user or "SIT" for Mac users.
1. Click on a link to an archived file
Note: The file will download to your computer as a compressed file
Double-click on the file to decompress it
Choose a destination folder to store for the file.
Open file.
Note: You need special decompression software to decompress or extract these files, and each compressed file
type has its own decompression software or utility. Decompression software packages such as WinZip
( or Stuffit Expander ( are available on the Internet.
Saving a File to the Computer
1. Right click on the link
2. Click "Save target as" (in Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (in Netscape)
3. Browse to the appropriate drive and folder
4. Save the file.
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Adding Themes to the Gallery
The Gallery includes some predefined themes.
To apply a theme
1. If the Gallery isn't visible, press Gallery
2. Select Themes in the Gallery's category list.
The Gallery displays thumbnails of the available themes.
3. Press the thumbnail of the theme you want to apply.
4. Press the thumbnail's menu arrow, and then select Insert
in Notebook.
The Insert Theme dialog box appears.
5. To apply the theme to all pages in a Notebook file, select
Insert theme on all pages, and then press OK.
To apply the theme to all pages in the current group, select
Insert theme on all pages of current group, and then
press OK.
To apply the theme to the current Notebook page, select Insert theme
on current page only, and then press OK.
You can use themes to customize pages in a Notebook file. You can create a theme and add it
to the Gallery so that it's available in a convenient location. You can apply this theme to a
Notebook page, all pages in a group or all pages
in a
Notebook file.
To create a theme
1. If the Gallery isn't visible, press Gallery
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2. Select Themes in the Gallery's category list, press its menu arrow, and then select
Create New Theme.
3. Type a name for the theme in the Theme name box.
NOTE: If a connected keyboard isn't easily accessible, type the name using the SMART Keyboard.
4. Set the background for the theme in the same way that you would for a Notebook page.
5. Add, manipulate and edit objects on the theme in the same way that you would on a
Notebook page.
6. Press Save.
The theme appears in the Gallery's Themes category list. You can use the theme to customize a
Notebook page, all pages in a group or all pages in a Notebook file.
To remove a theme
1. Right-click on the whiteboard area.
2. Select Delete Theme.
NOTE: If you applied the theme to all the pages in the Notebook file, you remove the theme from all pages. If
you applied the theme to all the pages in a group, you remove the theme from the pages in the group. If you
applied the theme to a page, you remove the theme from the page.
Working with the Gallery
Adding New Categories
You can add your own content in Notebook software's
by using the My Content folder.
To add a new category to My Content
1. If the Gallery is not yet open, press the
Gallery tab.
Select the My Content menu arrow or a
category menu arrow, and select New Folder.
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A new folder is created. Rename the folder as required. The new folder will appear in the My Content
Creating your own collection in “My Content”
1. Select clipart or image that you want to add to your “My Contents” folder in the notebook
2. Save your clipart or image in My pictures or to your desktop.
3. Open Notebook software.
Select Insert > Picture File on the Notebook software menu.
The Insert Picture File dialog box appears.
6. Browse to the folder that contains the picture you'd like to add, select the picture, and press the
Open button.
TIP: To select more than one picture, hold the CTRL key down as you press each file name.
7. Click Open to insert the picture into your Notebook file
8. Resize your picture
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9. Open the “My Content” tree in the Gallery Collection of the Notebook software.
10. Drag resized picture directly into the thumbnail view of “My Content.”
11. Rename picture by clicking on the drop down arrow. Scroll down the menu to “rename.”
Click on rename.
Creating a Gallery Item
A Gallery item gives you a way to reuse content on your Notebook pages.
To create a Gallery item, just design a page using the tools in Notebook software to save that page in .gallery item
format. Gallery items can include a custom background color, background pages, freehand objects, text, shapes,
lines and images.
If you want to reuse the page, you can add it to My Content in the Gallery. That way, all of the background pages
and pictures that you need for your lesson or presentation are available in one convenient location.
To create a Gallery item
1. Create a page in your Notebook file exactly as you want the Gallery item to appear.
TIP: If you want to protect objects on the page from being edited, select the objects and then choose
Format > Lock in Place. You might want to place them in the background using Draw > Order > Send to
2. Select File > Save Page As Gallery Item.
The Save Page As Gallery Item dialog box opens.
3. Select the directory you want in the Save in box, type a name for the
background page in the File name box and click the Save button.
The Gallery item is saved, and you can easily add it to future Notebook
files using Insert > Gallery Item File.
NOTE: Once you've added a Gallery item to a page, it can't be
removed. However, you can delete the page after moving any
objects you want to keep to another page.
Adding Items to the Gallery
If you want to make background pages or objects easier to reuse, you
can easily add them to the My Content category of the Gallery.
To add a Gallery item to the My Content category
1. If the Gallery is not yet open, press the Gallery tab.
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2. From the item's menu arrow, select Add to My Content.
3. Navigate to and select the item you would like to add to My Content then click “ok.”
The content is added to the My Content category
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