January – June - UMT Admin Panel

A Chartered University
Recognized by HEC
Volume: 12
Issue: 5
January – June 2009
CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif visits UMT
The Honorable Chief Minister of Punjab,
Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif visited the
purpose-built campus of the University of
Management and Technology (UMT) on
February 1, 2009. He was received by Dr
Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, Dr A
R Kausar , Pro-Rector UMT, Abid
Shirwani, Director External Affairs, and
other UMT officials. Prof Dr Abdul Raouf,
Sitara-e-Imtiaz, University Professor and
Advisor, was also present. A large number of
students, faculty members and management
staff welcomed the honorable guest. The
Chief Minister hoisted the national flag at
the campus. He also visited the well-stocked
library, state-of the-art laboratories and
Information Processing Center (IPC).
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Hasan
Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, welcomed
Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif on behalf of
the UMT community. Dr Hasan observed
that unlike others who remained confined to
their palaces, Shahbaz Sharif spent fifteen
hours a day in public service. He said that
here was a leader who observed things for
himself, mingled with the people and made
his decisions. Equating him with great
leaders of our times, the Rector said that he
was in the tradition of those regional leaders
who had created islands of progress and
– Continued on Page 2
PPAF and UMT ink agreement
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) and the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore inked an agreement of understanding whereby UMT will provide professional consulting, training and survey related services to PPAF and its partner organizations.
Kamal Hayat, CEO, PPAF and Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT represented both the
organizations respectively and signed the agreement.
Earlier Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad in a presentation introduced UMT and the UMT Consultants
to the PPAF delegation. TheAgreement Signing Ceremony was held at UMT on June 12, 2009
and was attended by Abid
H K Shirwani, Director
External Relations, UMT,
Amir Qureshi, Head Human and Institutional Development PPAF, Ahmed F
Siddiqi, Director, UMT
Consultants, Dr Abdul
Hameed , Dr Kamran
Siddiqui, Mr Masir,
Wa q a r A h m a d , D r
Naveed Yazdani, Adnan
Ali, Muhammad Nazim,
Mobin-ul-Haq, and
Ibrahim Qazi. Towards the
CEO PPAF, Kamal Hayat, and Rector UMT,
end, Rector UMT presented
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, ink the agreement
the UMT souvenir to the
ILM celebrates 19th Anniversary
The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) celebrated its 19th Anniversary on June
16, 2009 by holding a special ceremony commemorating its achievements and unveiling
future development goals. Distinguished deans, directors, and senior members of the ILM
community attended the event.
Delegates from 7 countries
attend UMT organized
2nd International Conference on
Textile and Clothing (ICTC) 2009
Technical Textiles is the most promising
area that must attract government priority to
lead Pakistan into the new realm of the competitive world. The fact was highlighted by
speakers from seven countries who were
present in the 2nd International Conference
on Textile and Clothing (ICTC) held on May
7-8, 2009 at the Pearl Continental Hotel,
Lahore. The ICTC-2009 was organized by
the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore and The Textile Insti-
tute, UK. The conference attracted a large
number of textile experts, researchers, industrialists and textile students.
ICTC-2009 is a serious effort in Pakistan to
explore business and value addition opportunities in the promising technical textiles
sector, remarked Dr Mirza Ikhtiar Baig,
Advisor to the Prime Minister on Textiles,
who was the Chief Guest of the concluding
ceremony of the 2nd ICTC - 2009.
– Continued on Page 2
The faculty of textile department and
ICTC-2009 organizers snapped with Rector UMT
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, delivered the keynote address on “Vision 2013: The
road ahead”. He said the renewal of his term as Rector had helped him to renew his commitment to UMT. Making UMT No.1 was his top priority in this term and this could be achieved
by leap-frogging rather than waiting for time to run its due course. He said that he wanted
UMT to be at the top of the global knowledge community and become an agent of change. In
order to do this, the Rector said that a lot of back tasking needed to be done. Describing his
future strategy for UMT, he said that he wanted UMT to shift more to research, even at the
undergraduate level. He said that benchmarking needed to be done against the best in the
world, preferably by following the American model.
Evaluation and assessment of
students also needed to be
done according to the American Model. For the future, he
also envisaged a faculty
linkage program with the
global community whereby
UMT faculty members
would spend time in a foreign
university. The Rector also
said that the well being of the
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Dr A R Kausar, Mr Abid H K Shirwani, Rana Iftikhar Ahmad
students was a top priority.
and A G Ghaffari celebrate the 19th Anniversary of ILM
– Continued on Page 2
Seminar on Society, Technology and
Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) organized a seminar on "Society, technology and development" on January 20, 2009 at the UMT campus. A G Ghaffari, Director EFP, hosted the
event. The seminar was attended by a large number of students, faculty members and UMT
officials. The speakers
included Prof Dr
Mohammad Nizamuddin,
Vice Chancellor, University
of Gujrat, Prof Dr Muhammad Zakria Zakar, Professor of Sociology, Punjab
University, Dr Hasan
Sohaib Murad , Rector
U M T, D r A R a s h i d
Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT,
and Dr Abdul Hameed,
Director School of ProfesOn the stage (R to L): Dr A R Kausar, Dr Mohammad Nizamuddin,
sionalAdvancement, UMT.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Dr Abdul Hameed, and Prof Dr Muhammad Zakria Zakar
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CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif visits UMT
2nd International Conference on Textile and
Clothing (ICTC) 2009
He also recalled Shahbaz Sharif's earlier visit in 1991 for distributing certificates at the end of
a faculty training program when UMT was functioning as the Institute of Leadership and
Management (ILM). Eighteen years down the road, he still remembered that visit and agreed
to visit UMT again when requested to do so.
At the end of his brief address, Dr Hasan invited the honorable guest to take the stage. In his
address, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif acknowledged that UMT was being run along
professional lines. He appreciated the state-of-the-art machinery in the laboratories and the
well-stocked library.
He said that Pakistan was facing huge challenges over numerous issues pertaining to security,
good governance, literacy and education, dispensing justice to the poor, provision of the basic
means of life, and wiping out corruption.
He said that that such challenges could be met through untiring efforts, dedication and commitment, burning the midnight oil, and doing all those things that were part of the state of
Medina, i.e. sacrifice, hard work, austere life style, and promoting educational justice through
an inclusive policy rather than an exclusive one.
Speaking about the state of the educational system in Pakistan, the Chief Minister said that
facts gathered in the last two months revealed that 50% of the toppers of the FSc and Matric
examinations came from South Punjab where facilities were totally denied.
He said that he invited them over tea and found out that in spite of being such high achievers,
they felt alienated from the rest of the society. This, he observed, was the worst form of educational apartheid and showed a class struggle within the educational system. He felt that this
needed to be addressed urgently and required a soft revolution that could only be brought
about through institutions like UMT that had an inclusive approach to education.
The Chief Minister said that in remote areas of the Punjab and Pakistan, there were hundreds,
if not thousands of ghost schools and colleges that were the result of a deeply flawed system
and lack of commitment and responsibility on the part of those who were responsible for educational policies and their implementation in the past sixty years since independence. He
stressed that while there was no use crying over past mistakes, we could still compensate for
the loss of the past.
He said that Pakistan was carved out of India in the name of Islam so that the next generation
would be born in a country where justice would be the order of the day and the basic needs of
life such as education and health would be the right of every Pakistani, Muslim or nonMuslim. It was only through education that one could differentiate between democracy and
martial law or create the revolution required to help our society to find its lost place in the
comity of nations. Short of education and justice, our society was likely to remain a cave-aged
The Chief Minister pointed to three areas that needed to be strengthened: Justice, education,
and law and order. Without justice, there could not be a society to teach students and without
education there could be no justice.
Sharing his vision for the future, he said that if Pakistan had to move forward, it needed a
strong educational system to cater for the needs of 160 million Pakistanis and not only for the
few. He said that he had set up the Education Endowment Fund for the first time in the history
of the country with seed money of Rs two billion to meet educational needs of the poor but
talented Pakistani boys and girls and each year Rs two billion would be added to the Fund. He
concluded his thought provoking address by urging everyone to conserve resources, and
adopt simple way of working.
At the end, he thanked the UMT management for inviting him and said that he would provide
support for UMT campus expansion projects in consultation with Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad.
The ceremony came to an end after brief remarks by Dr Hasan who thanked the Chief Minister
for sharing his ideas and vision with all those present.
– Continued from Page 1
Seminar on Society, Technology and
The seminar began with recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. In his opening remarks, Dr A R Kausar welcomed the distinguished guests for gracing the occasion with their
presence. He observed that the twentieth century had witnessed the predominance of technologists and physical scientists and it seemed as if social scientists had gone to the background.
While interest in the social sciences had gone up and down over the years, today it was being
realized that the solutions to the problems being faced by the people could be found in the
social sciences. He said that this had created a technology divide as some technologies could
provide solutions to the developed world while others were amenable to solutions of problems in the developing world.
Dr Abdul Hameed gave an overview of different definitions of technology as defined by
various schools of thought. He said that academicians accepted that technology had produced
a huge body of knowledge that had contributed to changes and advancement in societies. He
was of the view that there was a difference between science and technology. The basic purpose of science was to gain a fundamental understanding of nature while technology was
concerned primarily in physical manifestation of this understanding.
Prof Dr Muhammad Zakria Zakar, Professor of Sociology, Punjab University gave a presentation on “Technology, freedom and human development”. He explained how modern information technology provided new opportunities of freedom and development with special
reference to Pakistan. He said that freedom provided the social environment for development
and freedom was not possible if people were not secure.
Dr Mohammad Nizamuddin, Vice Chancellor, University of Gujrat, said that initially it was
believed that technology alone could drive society. He said surveys indicated that higher
education was more technology focused and surveys indicated that experts in the physical
sciences, IT, etc, were in demand in the universities. He added that now there was a realization among higher education institutions that social sciences could drive human society.
However, he lamented the fact no significant research in social sciences had been conducted
at the national level in Pakistan.
The concluding remarks were given by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad. He shared his observations
in terms of how technology was transforming human society and said that a meaningful dialogue was the need of the hour. He said that only by making the right choices now could one
hope to take the nation forward and lay the foundation for the future.
Page 2
While speaking on the occasion, he acknowledged that textiles generated forty percent
employment in the country and constituted sixty percent of the GDP. He said that the National
Textile Policy was formulated by the Government after taking all stakeholders into
confidence but suggestions for improvement were welcome from all quarters. The policy
aimed to increase exports and stimulate industrial productivity. He added that the Textile City
was being set up with the same purpose and its impact on the industry was being gauged on a
daily basis. He also congratulated UMT on holding the conference and said that he felt that it
was an honor for him to have attended it.
Dr Baig said that the ICTC-2009 would serve as a platform for cross-fertilization of ideas
through meaningful interaction of scholars, practitioners and experts already working in this
area or who have a stake in this key sector and we look forward to benefit from the deliberations. Technical textiles will be one of the most prosperous industries in the coming years, he
added. Unfortunately, Pakistan is far behind in technical textiles. ICTC-2009 aimed to generate a change for the better by bringing together experts from different parts of the world. Nevertheless, the government is taking up steps to address the key issues in the critical textile
sector. Elaborating the steps taken by the government to help the textile industry, he said that
the textile sector was tax free for one year. The government was seeking advice from experts
and institutions and the co-operation of institutions such as UMT was essential for the progress of the textile sector. He also promised financial assistance by the government for setting
up a Technical Textile Research and Development Center in UMT. He said that the government was considering abolishing all duties on raw materials and friendly countries were being
consulted for technology transfer. He added that ensuring access to international markets was
also a top priority. A day earlier, Mian Tariq Mehmood, Chairman All Pakistan Textile Mills
Association (APTMA), Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector University of Management and
Technology (UMT), Lahore, Dr A Rashid Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, and Nusrat Ali Chisti,
Secretary, Textile Institute, UK, addressed the inaugural ceremony. The speakers highlighted
the significance of the textile sector, particularly technical textiles, for Pakistan.
Earlier, Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad welcomed Dr Mirza Ikhtiar Baig to the ICTC-2009 and
hoped that the conference would lead to better collaboration in the textile sector in general and
technical textile in particular between the government, educational institutions and industries,
thus ensuring better research. He emphasized that the future of millions of people was associated with the textile industry. Therefore it was very important to discourage the flight of capital and skilled labor from the country. He said that the efforts of Dr Mirza Ikhtiar Baig who
himself was an industrialist and expert would lead to expansion of the role of educational
institutions in the textile sector. This he said was only possible if the government supported all
such institutions that were imparting modern education in textiles. This would also ensure that
there would be no need to spend large amounts of capital on getting experts from abroad. He
pointed out that the contribution of UMT for the development of the textile sector was well
known to everyone. He also announced setting up of a UMT Center of Excellence for the
promotion of technical textiles. All Pakistan Textile Mills Associations (APTMA), Melanex
International, Popular Chemical (Pvt) Ltd, Moderno Fabrics & Apparel, Spelltech International Lahore, Chemical Traders, Eco-Gen Engineering Lahore, Clariant Pakistan, German
Specialty Chemicals, Noon Cooperation, and the Institute for Marketecology (IMO) were the
leading sponsors of this mega event.
The first technical session was chaired by Mr S M Qutub, The Textile Institute, Pakistan.
Speakers included Dr Zubair Bandukha (President TIP Karachi), Dr Faheem Udeen (Pakistan), Asim Ahmed and Faiza Jamil. The second technical session was chaired by Dr
Faheem Udeen, UMT, Lahore. Papers were presented by B Voncina (Slovenia, Europe), M
Salehi (Iran), Dr Umer Farooq (UK) and Dr Arshad Mehmood. Dr Tanveer Hussain,
National Textile University, Faisalabad chaired the third session in which S Ibrahim (Czech
Republic), Noman Haleem (Pakistan), Mushtaq Mangat (Pakistan) and Saad Nauman
(Iran) presented their technical papers. Papers were presented by Fariha ooj (PU Pakistan),
Irfan Ahmed Shaikh (Pakistan), Jausovec, B Vonica (Slovenia, Europe), Dr Sarwar Rana
(Pakistan) and Ibrahim Sayed in the fourth session chaired by Dr Amjid Hussain Delawari,
Comsats Institute, Pakistan. The fifth and final session speakers included Dr Lubos Hes
(Czech Republic), Dr Umer Farooq and Dr Tahir Shah who presented their papers. The 2nd
International Conference on Textile and Clothing (ICTC) 2009 played host to delegates and
experts from seven countries of the world who presented their research papers and emphasized the importance of technical textiles for Pakistan. They also urged the government to take
steps to develop technical textiles on a priority basis.
Arooj (PU Pakistan), Irfan Ahmed Shaikh (Pakistan), Jausovec, B Vonica (Slovenia, Europe), Dr Sarwar Rana (Pakistan) and Ibrahim Sayed in the fourth session chaired by Dr
Amjid Hussain Delawari, Comsats Institute, Pakistan. The fifth and final session speakers
included Dr Lubos Hes (Czech Republic), Dr Umer Farooq and Dr Tahir Shah who presented their papers. The 2nd International Conference on Textile and Clothing (ICTC) 2009
played host to delegates and experts from seven countries of the world who presented their
research papers and emphasized the importance of technical textiles for Pakistan. They also
urged the government to take steps to develop technical textiles on a priority basis.
– Continued from Page 1
ILM celebrates 19th Anniversary
Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, appreciated the leadership and vision of Dr Hasan and
said that his operational strengths had helped UMT grow to its present stature. He observed
that as ILM entered upon its twentieth year, he was confident that the strength, past history
and leadership of Dr Hasan would take it to greater heights.
Dr Abdul Raouf, SI, University Professor and Advisor, advised everyone to build on their
strengths in order to achieve their goals. He said that he was very happy to be associated
with UMT. Now at the age of eighty, he kept himself updated in order to satisfy his students
and still worked hard because he had to plan ahead for them.
Abid H K Shirwani, one of the two founding members, revived memories of the days when
he was working along with Dr Hasan to set up ILM. He said that the dream of the Late
Khurrum Murad had been realized.
Nauman Nadeem, Abrar M Khan, Muhammad Anwar, Ahmad Abdullah, Col (Retd)
Zafar Ali, Ahmad F Siddiqui, Muhammad Nazim, Naseem Zafar Iqbal, Dr Abdul
Hameed, and Professor Aslam spoke briefly about their experiences at UMT. A G
Ghaffari, Director EFP, conducted the event. At the end, Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, Head
OPA, presented a souvenir to Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad. A special anniversary cake was also
cut on the occasion.
Seminar: Impact of Energy Crisis on
Textile Imports
A seminar on the 'Impact of energy crisis on textile imports' was held at the UMT campus on
January 20, 2009. It was organized by the Textile Department, School of Science and Technology (SST). Tahir Bisharat Cheema, Managing Director, PEPCO, Rehan Nawaz, Chief
Sales Officer SNGPL, Ch Masood Ahmed, General Manager Corporate and Retail Sales
SNGPL, Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, and Mushtaq Mangat,Assistant Professor
SST, expressed their views on the topic. Faculty members and students attended the seminar,
participated in the discussion and benefited from the sharing of views.
Seminar: Pak US Relations
Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) organized a seminar on Pak US relations at the UMT
campus on June 16, 2009. Dr Nisar Ahmad Chaudhry, President Pakistan American
League, shared his views on the prospects of Pakistan's relations with the United States. Dr
Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, and Dr Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening
Programs, also spoke on the occasion. The seminar was attended by students, faculty and staff
members who were interested in the subject.
Dr Nisar Ahmad Chaudhry, President Pakistan American League, addresses
on the prospects of Pakistan's relations with the United States
Managing Director, PEPCO, Tahir Bisharat Cheema addresses the seminar at UMT
Seminar: Role of Media in Pakistan
A seminar on “Role of media in Pakistan” was organized on May 26, 2009 by the Media Society, a student body of Media and Communication Department, UMT. Suhail Warraich, Director Geo News, renowned journalist and writer was the chief guest. Suhail has set a record in
the history of journalism in Pakistan by interviewing more than 900 public figures.
The seminar began with recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Abdullah Tariq
presented a naat. Speaking on the occasion, Suhail Warraich criticized the role of media in the
past by highlighting their role during the various regimes that have ruled Pakistan over the
years. A question and answer session was later held. The proceedings were led by Tayyab
Farooq Bhatti, Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Communication at UMT. A
wide range of questions were asked by the participants. While responding to an interesting
question, Suhail Warraich said that he preferred to treat the interviewee as a friend and
adopted a pleasant approach rather than an antagonistic one.
In the end, Dr Zafar Iqbal, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) presented
a shield to the honorable guest in recognition of his outstanding performance in the TV Show
“Left-Right” and thanked him for sparing the time to visit UMT on the request of faculty members and students of the Department. The seminar concluded with hi-tea and group photo
sessions of students and guests.
Seminar: Pak China Relations-Trade,
Education, Security, Peace and
Strategic Partnership
A seminar on 'Pak China relations-Trade, education, security, peace and strategic partnership'
was held at UMT on May 26, 2009 with the joint efforts of Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT
Evening Programs, and Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) Division. The event was attended by a large number of students, faculty and staff members.
The seminar began with recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. The welcome note
was given by Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening Programs. Zafar Uddin Mahmood,
former Counsel General to Shanghai, China and CEO Punjab China Bureau, Government of
Punjab, expressed his views on “Pak China trade relations: Prospects for education”.
Shamshad Ahmad Khan, Former Foreign Secretary Government of Pakistan, delivered a
talk on “Pak China relations: Security, peace and strategic partnership”.
A question and answer session was also held and many important questions related to future
prospects of Pak China relations were asked by the participants. The concluding note was
delivered by Dr A R Kausar, Pro Rector UMT, who thanked the distinguished guests for
taking the time to visit UMT and share their expertise with all those present.
Dr A R Kausar, Shamshad Ahmad Khan, Zafar Uddin Mahmood,
Dr Kamran Siddiqui, address the seminar
National Conference: Islam and Modernity
The Department of Islamic Thought and
Civilization, School of Social Sciences and
Humanities (SSH) organized a national
conference on Islam and Modernity at the
university campus on March 30, 2009. The
conference was attended by a large number
of intellectuals, academicians and
educationists from the country.
In the inaugural session, the welcome address was given by Dr Muhammad Amin,
Chair Department of Islamic Thought and
Civilization. The keynote address was given
by Dr Anis Ahmad, Rector, Riphah University, Islamabad, who said that Muslims had a
rich heritage of knowledge-based civilization and have the potential to meet the contemporary challenges. The concluding remarks of the inaugural session were given
by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT,
who said that Islam promotes harmony and
peace among civilizations based on justice
and equality; as such Muslim intelligentsia
Professor Anis Ahmad, Rector, Riphah University, Islamabad,
delivers the keynote address
should welcome inter-faith and intercivilization dialogue. The conference was
divided into three working sessions during
which noted educationists and scholars
presented their papers. The first working
session was chaired by Dr Absar Ahmad,
former Head of the Department of Philosophy, Punjab University, Lahore. The session
was based on “Western Philosophical
Thought”. The second session was based on
“Western Ideologies and Movements” and
was chaired by Dr Basit Bilal from the Lahore University of Management and Sciences (LUMS). The final working session
was chaired by Ahmad Javaid from Iqbal
Academy, Lahore and was based on “Islam,
Modernity and the Muslim World”. All
sessions were followed by question and
answer sessions during which the participants raised some thought provoking issues
regarding the challenges faced by the Muslim world in modern times.
Page 3
Seminar: Engineering Innovations at
DESCON and Future Prospects
Seminar: Sayings, Proverbs, and Politics
of Representation
A seminar on “Engineering innovations at DESCON and future prospects” was held at the
UMT campus on May 14, 2009. The guest speaker was Azeem Akhtar, Business Development Executive DESCON. A question and answer session was also held during which participants asked many pertinent questions regarding the engineering mechanism of DESCON. At
the end, a souvenir was presented to the guest speaker as a gesture of good will and appreciation.
The Department of English Language, SSH invited Prof Dr Shahid K Siddique for a seminar
on “Sayings, proverbs and politics of representation” on May 22, 2009. Dr Hasan Sohaib
Murad, Rector, UMT, was the chief guest on the occasion. Shaban Rafi, faculty member at
the Department of English welcomed the guests and the participants of the seminar. He expressed his gratitude to the Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) Division for making arrangements for the seminar. Prof Dr Anjum P Saleemi, Chairman of the Department of English, introduced the guest speaker and invited him for the formal talk. Dr Siddique talked
about the influence of society on language and the relationship between language and the
speaker. He said that social and political construction assigns roles, expectations and opportunities to males and females, and the same process leads to evolution and growth of stereotypes
in a society. He envisaged that stereotypes get strengthened because of their popularity among
the people and reinforcement through social institutions such as family, school/college and
workplace. He presented examples of proverbs that portray negative role of females in our
society. They easily become famous because of brevity and attractive vocabulary. He suggested that critical thinking should be developed among students to discourage the use of
these stereotypical proverbs and educational institutions could play an important role for
promoting non-sexist language by enabling the students to challenge these stereotypes.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector, UMT acknowledged the excellent efforts of the speaker for
creating effort awareness on such a sensitive issue in his concluding remarks. He encouraged
the Department to arrange such events frequently.
Azeem Akhtar speaking during the Seminar on
Engineering Innovations at DESCON
Seminar: The Structure of Child
Labor in Punjab
A seminar was arranged for MS Management students and faculty members of the School of
Business and Economics (SBE) on April 22, 2009 by the Graduate Research Centre of the
School of Business and Economics. The introductory remarks were given by Dr Rukhsana
Kalim,Associate Dean, Research/PhD Program, who also introduced the speaker.
Ahmad Siddiqui, Assistant Professor / Director, UMT Consultants, presented his research
paper on the subject 'The structure of child labor in Punjab. A question and answer session was
held after the presentation. The proceedings concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr Rukhsana
Dr Shahid Siddique speaking during the seminar
Innovations in TelecommunicationBlackBerry Technology
Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) organized a seminar on 'Innovations in telecommunication - BlackBerry technology' on April 30, 2009. The guest speaker was Atif Mushtaq who
holds a Master's degree in Marketing and Finance from University of Indianapolis (USA), and
is an Enterprise Solutions Specialist, Mobilink Pakistan.
Director, UMT Consultants, Ahmed Siddiqui addresses the Seminar on Child Labour
Seminar: US - Iran Conflict, Strategic
Options and Spillover in Pakistan
During the lecture, the speaker pointed out that BlackBerry is the 51st top most brand in the
world. It is always connected to the office and helps to send e-mails directly from the handset.
A single user can send 2750 mails and make 1444 calls in a year. BlackBerry may be considered the innovative communication of Mobilink Vision. He added that Mobilink covers 95%
to 96% percent areas in Pakistan. BlackBerry software can access other sets by messaging or
voicemail. It has high resolution, light sensing screen for business tools and reaches business
in a second. It is helpful to the students as it allows them to send and receive study notes instantly. The lecture was widely attended by students and members of the UMT community. At
the end, a shield was also presented to the guest speaker as a gesture of good will.
A seminar was arranged for the MS Management students and faculty members of the School
of Business and Economics (SBE) by the Graduate Research Centre of School of Business
and Economics (SBE) on May 6, 2009. The introductory remarks were given by Zamin
Abbas, ResearchAssociate SBE, who also introduced the speaker.
Dr Naveed Yazdani, Chairman, Department of Business Administration, presented his research paper on the “Strategic options of US in its conflict with Iran: Spillover in Pakistan”. A
question and answer session was held after the presentation. The proceedings concluded with
a vote of thanks by ZaminAbbas.
Atif Mushtaq demonstrates the innovations in blackberry technology
Science and Technology Seminar:
Introduction to Textile and Apparel
Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) organized a Science and Technology seminar on 'Introduction to Textile and Apparel' on April 23, 2009. Haroon Asaf, General Manager, Kohinoor
Mills Ltd., was the guest speaker.
Dr Naveed Yazdani presents his research paper
Page 4
The textile and apparel manufacturing industries include establishments that turn fiber into
fabric and fabric into clothing, and other textile products. The industry is rapidly undergoing
transformation and modernization as new products are being developed. The lecture focused
on these developments and also provided an introduction to the basic concepts of the industry.
It was followed by a question and answer session as well. A shield was also presented to the
distinguished guest as a gesture of appreciation.
Seminar: Current Financial and Energy
Crisis - Prospects for Textile and
Garments Industry
Textile Productivity Center (TPC), Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PRGMEA), and Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers Association (PHMA)
organized a seminar on the 'Current financial and energy crisis - Prospects for textile and garments industry' at the UMT campus on May 28, 2009. The seminar was well attended by textile students, and faculty and staff members.
The seminar began with recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. The welcome note
was given by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT. Those who spoke on the occasion
included Shahzad Azam Khan, Former Chairman, Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers Association (PHMA), Sajid Saleem Minhas, Member Managing Committee, Pakistan Readymade
Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PREGMEA) and Muhammad Farooq
Saeed Khan, Federal Minister for Textile who was also the chief guest. The speakers highlighted the problems faced by the textile and garment industry under the present financial and
energy crisis and suggested solutions as well.
Seminar: Socio Economic Development
through Education
A seminar on “Socio economic development through education - The case of Baluchistan and
pathways for FATA” was held at the UMT campus on May 2, 2009. The guest speaker was
Zafar Iqbal Qadir, Director General,Aiwan-e-Saddar, Islamabad.
He is a civil servant and philanthropist who has taken an unprecedented initiative for the development of marginalized population in Baluchistan through a network of schools and
learning centers. A question and answer session was also held after the lecture. The concluding note was given by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT. The seminar was attended by a
large number of members of the UMT community.
The concluding note was given by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector, UMT. A question and
answer session was also held during which many thought provoking issues were raised by the
participants. The vote of thanks was given by Dr Muhammad Farooq Aslam, Dean, School
of Social Sciences and Humanities (SST). Souvenirs were also presented to the distinguished
corporate guests.
Zafar Iqbal Qadir, Director General, Aiwan-e-Saddar, Islamabad, receives
UMT souvenir from Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT
Seminar: Moving Towards Inclusive
Education Policy in Pakistan
A seminar on “Moving towards inclusive education policy in Pakistan” was held by School of
Professional Advancement (SPA) at the UMT campus on May 13, 2009. Events, Forums and
Publishing (EFP) facilitated in organizing the seminar.
Muhammad Farooq Saeed Khan, Federal Minister for Textile,
receives a memento from Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT
The Rise of Civil Society in Pakistan
The guest speaker was Terje Magnussønn Watterdal, Consultant Inclusive Education,
International Development Partners Norway. IDP, Sight Savers and Government of Pakistan
are running a project of twenty inclusive schools in Islamabad and Baluchistan. A question
and answer session was also held at the end of the presentation. Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector
UMT gave the concluding remarks. A large number of professionals of education, special
education and heads of schools attended the seminar.
The Department of Social Sciences, University of Management and Technology (UMT)
organized a seminar on 'The rise of civil society in Pakistan' on May 19, 2009. The keynote
speaker was Hamid Khan. Mujib ur Rehman Shami presided over the seminar. Ambreen
Salahuddin, gave the introduction. Hamid Khan threw light on the dynamics of civil society
and talked about the scope and limitations of the civil society movement in Pakistan. He
opined that the civil society that emerged for the restoration of the chief justice of the Supreme
Court was basically a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious movement. It
touched the core issue of “right to justice' which has been violated time and again. This rise of
civil society was unprecedented in the history of Pakistan and demonstrated a new consciousness of our people. The role of Bar Councils in this regard could never be forgotten.
Mujeeb ur Rehman Shami in his presidential speech, emphasized the need of a vibrant civil
society. He identified the vested interests of the government, the establishment and foreign
players as barriers to the civil rights movements. He said that no foreign agenda had ever culminated a meaningful civil society anywhere in the world. He also highlighted the role of
academia and philanthropic organizations for the burgeoning of a civil society. He appreciated the efforts made by Hamid Khan for civil rights of the people of Pakistan and acknowledged that today he was a role model for all of us. He strongly condemned the use of the bullet
as an instrument for human rights. Such movements neither protect the rights of people nor
bring a peace which is a pre-requisite for the movement of human rights.
Dr Abdul Hameed, Head, Department of Social Sciences, in his concluding remarks, said
that the department would continue this dialogue. He reiterated that a civil society movement
needed an agenda that could best protect the real interests of the people. The present situation,
however, indicates conflicting interests among the NGOs, religious groups and political parties. Each of these segments of our society has a different picture of what Pakistan should look
like. There is need to conduct research studies to identify these conflicts and ways to resolve
them. The Department of Social Sciences had a role to play in this regard and would make
every effort to evolve a common agenda to sustain civil society. The seminar ended with a
question and answer session.
Seminar organizers snapped with Hamid Khan,
Mujib ur Rehman Shami, Dr Abdul Hameed and Ilyas Ansari
Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, presents UMT souvenir
to Terje Magnussønn Watterdal, Consultant, IDP, Norway
Seminar: Economic Stability - Teachings
of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
The Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization organized a seminar titled Economic
stability - Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on May 18, 2009.
Dr Hafiz Mehmood Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab,
Lahore was the speaker. He stated that the approach of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on
economic strategy was not only on the material world but also focused on the life hereafter it
based on the Islamic moral values of Iman and the higher approach of Ihsan. The seminar was
attended a large number of students and faculty members.
Dr Hafiz Mehmood Akhtar lectures on the 'Teachings of
the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Page 5
West and Muslim Civilization
Seminar: Genesis of Power Crisis
and Its Management
The Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization invited Commodore (R) Tariq Majeed
to speak in a seminar on “West and Muslim Civilization”. The seminar was held on January
19, 2009. Dr Muhammad Amin, Head, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization,
introduced the speaker. The guest speaker was of the view that the faults and weaknesses in
Muslim society and civilization are overly exaggerated and its strengths and assets are concealed or described vaguely. On the other hand, the power and achievements of western civilization are aggrandized, its evils are given little publicity, and some of these are even publicized as desirable accomplishments. The main focus of his discourse was on analyzing what
had gone wrong with the Muslim Civilization over time and what was going on in the Western
world now. Dr Zafar Iqbal, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), presented a souvenir to the distinguished speaker as a gesture of good will. The seminar was attended by students, faculty members and UMT officials. One must commend the organizers
of the seminar for initiating this sharing of ideas on an issue that is of special significance in
our times when the Muslim world is facing huge challenges. We hope that the points discussed
by the distinguished speaker helped all those present to gauge an idea of the strengths of Muslim civilization and not underestimate its contribution to the progress of mankind.
A seminar on “Genesis of power crisis and its management” was held at the University of
Management and Technology (UMT) on April 2, 2009. Saleem Arif, former CEO PEPCO,
currently serving as Advisor PEPCO, Lahore, was the guest speaker. He was accompanied by
Brigadier (Retd) Najam-us-Saqib, former General Manager HR WAPDA. The distinguished speaker highlighted power sector reforms, explained the roles and responsibilities of
the different power sector players, and discussed the challenges facing the Pakistani power
sector. The seminar was attended by a large number of students and senior staff and faculty
members.Ashield was also presented to the guest speaker as a gesture of good will.
Saleem Arif, Advisor PEPCO,
explains the 'Genesis of power crisis and its management’
Quranic Lecture on Seerat-un-Nabi
Leaders Forum (SST) organized a Quranic lecture on “Serat-un Nabi” by Moulana DrAslam
Siddiqui, Scholar and Chairman Idara Hudal-lin-Nas onApril 14, 2009.
Commodore (R) Tariq Majeed shares his
views with the audience during the seminar
Lecture: Cancer Awareness
Events, Forums and Publishing (EFP) organized a lecture on cancer awareness in collaboration with Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (SKMC&RC) on
March 3, 2009. Dr Fatima Khawaja, PhD, was the guest speaker. She delivered an informative lecture on various aspects of this disease. Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, also spoke
on the occasion and presented a shield to the speaker.
The lecture was preceded by recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. Dr Aslam then
delivered his thought provoking lecture based on the life of our holy Prophet Hazart Muhammad (S.A.W.W). He threw light on various aspects of seerat-un-nabi by showing its reflections through the Quran.
At the end, Saffi-ullah Tarar, President Leaders Forum, thanked everyone for attending the
Prof Dr Aslam Siddiqui delivers a lecture on Serat-un Nabi
Dr Fatima Khawaja, PhD, receives memento from
Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT
Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
A seminar was arranged for MS Management students and faculty members of the School of
Business and Economics (SBE) on January 15, 2009. Dr Bilal Rafaqat, Corporate Sales
Manager, Pak-Qatar Takaful Family, delivered a lecture on 'Takaful' (Islamic Insurance).
Mahmood Shah, Assistant Professor SBE, introduced the speaker to the audience and gave
an overview of his contributions to the banking sector. The lecture was followed by a question
and answer session. The proceedings concluded with a vote of thanks by Mahmood Shah. A
bouquet was also presented to the guest speaker by Dr Rukhsana Kalim, Professor/Associate Dean, Research/PhD Program.
Dr Bilal Rafaqat delivering a lecture on Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
Page 6
Business Information and Its Security
A seminar was arranged for MS Management students and faculty members of the School of
Business and Economics (SBE) on January 16, 2009. Naveed Baqir, Adjunct Faculty Member, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, delivered a lecture on “Business information
and its security'. Dr Rukhsana Kalim, Professor/Associate Dean, Research/PhD Program
introduced the speaker to the audience. A question and answer session also followed the lecture. The vote of thanks was given by Dr Rukhsana Kalim. Dr A Rashid Kausar, Pro-Rector
UMT, gave the concluding remarks and appreciated the contents of the lecture. In the end, Dr
Tashfeen Azhar, Dean SBE, presented a bouquet and souvenir to the guest speaker as a gesture of good will.
Naveed Baqir delivering a lecture on
'Business information and its security’
Orientation Seminar
Spring Semester 2009
A special orientation seminar was arranged
for new students for the Spring Semester
2009 at the purpose-built UMT campus on
February 12, 2009. New students of the
School of Science and Technology (SST),
School of Business and Economics (SBE),
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
(SSH), and the Institute of Audit and
Accountancy (IAA) attended the seminars.
Hundreds of students were present on
Orientation Day. A Help Desk was set up to
assist them in every possible way.
Orientation seminars are organized after
every admission campaign to help students
make the transition from their colleges/schools to the educational environment of UMT. These seminars provide information to the new entrants about the
academic culture, rules and regulations,
facilities, and ethical and disciplinary standards to be maintained during their stay at
Information related to morning programs
i.e. MBA Morning and BBA, offered by the
School of Business and Economics (SBE),
was provided by Dr Tashfeen Azhar, Dean
SBE, who gave an overview of the programs
offered by the school. He also welcomed
new students and advised them to keep on
dreaming with their eyes open and then act
upon their dreams to become successful.
Dr Khalid H Qamar, Dean, School of
Science and Technology (SST), conducted
the orientation for newly admitted students
of the BS, MS and PhD programs in the
disciplines of computer science, textile
engineering, electrical engineering, and
telecom engineering. The students were
given valuable information regarding their
programs and were also briefed about the
high academic performance expected from
Dr Zafar Iqbal, Dean, School of Social
Sciences and Humanities (SSH), gave an
introduction of the various departments of
the school and said that academic life would
be very challenging for them here. He added
that the wide range of programs offered by
SSH were taught by a dedicated and professionally groomed faculty.
Mohyuddin Tahir Mahmood, Director,
Institute of Audit and Accountancy (IAA),
gave an overview of the programs and specializations offered by the institute. He also
explained the importance of the accounting
profession to the new students. He gave a
brief of the various
registration procedures, add drop courses,
and the rules and regulations governing
student behavior at UMT.
Salman Saeed Qureshi, Registrar UMT,
gave a presentation regarding the core functions and the wide range of services provided by the Office of the Registrar (ORG).
He gave details of the support provided to
the statutory bodies by ORG, correspondence with students, record keeping services
and financial assistance provided to deserving students. He informed them that ORG
had launched 'One Window Operations' to
facilitate students as a result of which all
student queries regarding their studies
would be answered within three working
Asif Saeed Haider, Controller of Examinations welcomed the new participants and
defined the purpose of holding the orientation. The participants were briefly acquainted with useful and viable information
with regard to examination rules and regulations covering grading policy, letter grades,
and calculation of Grade Point Average
(GPA) and CGPA. He emphasized on participants to monitor their CGPA to avoid academic probation. The Controller introduced
his team and assured participants full cooperation in solving their problems. He entertained queries of the participants as well.
Firdous Ahmed, Head, Information Processing Center (IPC), gave detailed introduction of IPC and talked about the modern
computing resources and state-of-the-art
computing services available to the students. Muhammad Anwar, Chief Library
Officer, gave an introduction of the services,
digital resources, and the wide range of
books and other learning resources provided
by the library to facilitate the students.
Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, Head, Office of
Participants Affairs (OPA), briefed the students about the various sports and extracurricular activities organized for them by
OPA. He encouraged them to take part in
such activities and become members of the
many clubs and societies operating under
the banner of OPA to groom the students,
channelize their creative energies and prepare them for their professional life in the
future. Col (Retd) Zafar Ali, Head, Office
of Facilities Management (OFM), gave
information about the various administrative issues such as the provision of hostel
accommodation, transport and parking
facilities for students.
Assessing the Link Between Intellectual Capital
Formation and Performance of a University
A seminar was arranged for MS Management students and faculty members of the School of
Business and Economics (SBE) on January 1, 2009. The introductory remarks were given by
Muhammad Nazim, Assistant Professor/Director Center for Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (CGRLI), who also introduced the speaker.
Naveed Yazdani, Head, Department of Business Administration, presented his paper on
'Assessing the link between intellectual capital formation and performance of a university'. A
question and answer session was also held. The proceedings concluded with a vote of thanks
by Dr Rukhsana Kalim, Professor/Associate Dean, Research/PhD Program.
Dr Naveed Yazdani presents his research paper in MS Scholars Seminar
Workshop on Office Management
Office of Human Resources (OHR) organized a two-day workshop on Office Management
from May 08-09, 2009 Mr Salman Saeed Qureshi, Registrar UMT was the workshop leader.
The training objectives were to bring uniformity in internal correspondence of the University;
to devise a comprehensive filing system for the maintenance of records; to elaborate norms of
inter-organization and intra-organization correspondence; to conduct and regulate official
meetings; and to provide concept of workflow processes in order to improve efficiency and
effectiveness of Organization.
Training Workshop on Goal, Time and
Stress Management
Office of Human Resources (OHR) organized a two-day training session from April 03-04,
2009 on Goal, Time & Stress Management, Mr Waqar Ahmed, Assistant Professor SBE and
Mr Mobin ul Haq,Assistant Professor SBE jointly conducted the workshop.
The workshop objective was to help participants look at their goals and related stress with a
completely new and positive approach. The participants developed the ability to stay relaxed
and use stress for their advantage.
Seminar on the Roles, Responsibilities
and Evaluation of Deans
A Seminar on the Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluation of Deans was organized under the
auspices of Academic Development Center of UMT from April 02, 2009. Dr Abdul Raouf,
UP&A gave a key note lecture on roles, responsibilities and evaluation of deans. All Deans,
Academic Department Chairperson/Heads, and Professors, Associate Professors participated
in the seminar.
Ms Neelam Yousaf Wins
Talent Contest 2009
Ms Neelam Yousaf, Senior Officer Training & Development, OHR has won the Talent Contest 2009 organized by Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) held on March 28,
2009. The LCCI talent contest was in process for last three months and gone through three
rounds of the competition. Neelam has successfully passed interviewing process, semi-final
presentation and final competition. The participants were judged on multi-level professional
skills and expertise along with their exposure to worldly life. Talent was assessed based on
various criteria like communication skills, presentation skills, audience handling, style of
dealing with difficult scenarios, professionalism, and knowledge ability.
UMT officials on stage for the orientation: Seen from L to R: Firdous Ahmed (Head IPC), Muhammad Anwar (Chief Library Officer)
Dr Khalid Qamar (Dean SST), Dr Zafar Iqbal (Dean SSH), Dr Tashfeen Azhar (Dean SBE), Salman Saeed Qureshi (Registrar)
Col (Retd) Zafar Ali (Head OFM), Asif Saeed Haider (Controller of Examinations) and Mohyuddin Tahir Mahmood (Director IAA)
Orientation for New Faculty Members
The increasing number of students and the ongoing development and expansion projects at
UMT require the services of additional faculty members in a wide range of disciplines. Many
faculty members have joined UMT recently and are making their contribution towards academic advancement of the university.
An orientation seminar for new faculty members was organized by the Office of Human Resources (OHR) on February 13, 2009 to familiarize them with the academic culture of UMT
and engage in mutual sharing of ideas and knowledge. Waqar Ahmad, Assistant Professor
SBE, explained organizational structure, policies and procedures. Prof Dr Sarwar M Azhar
gave a lecture on diverse aspects of quality teaching. Dr Abdul Raouf, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, University Professor and Advisor, spoke on various techniques for effective teaching. Later, faculty members participated in an active question and answer session that was beneficial to the
participants.At the end, certificates were awarded to the participants.
Ms Neelam Yousaf has won this contest and made UMT extremely proud. MayAllah bless her
with lasting success for the rest of her life.
Orientation for New Faculty Members
An orientation seminar for new faculty members was organized by the Office of Human Resources (OHR). Prof Dr Sarwar M Azhar gave a lecture on quality teaching. Dr Abdul Raouf,
Sitara-e-Imtiaz, University Professor and Advisor, spoke on various techniques for effective
teaching. A question and answer session was also held. At the end, certificates were awarded
to participants.
Orientation for MS Management Program
The orientation seminar for MS Management program offered by the School of Business and Economics (SBE) was held on February 20, 2009. The students were welcomed by Dr Tashfeen
Azhar, Dean SBE. Dr Rukhsana Kalim, Professor/Associate Dean, Research / PhD Program,
gave details of all the evening programs. Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, and Dr Kamran
Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening Programs, addressed the students. They advised them to concentrate on their studies and apply themselves to get good grades. Dr Rauf Butt and Dr Sarwar
Azhar were also present during the orientation.
Page 7
Workshop: Inclusive Education
The School of Professional Advancement (SPA) organized a two-day workshop on “Inclusive
education” at the UMT campus on March 26-27, 2009. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Hasan
Sohaib Murad said that revolutionary changes were required to revert the impact of industrial revolution on education. The present school was created to meet the need of human resource as an input to industrial system. All indicators of good school still better fit to industrial
requirements rather than to humanistic demands.
DrAbdul Hameed, Director SPA, said that inclusive education is a new education movement
for rewaping the system of education in terms of its outlook, curricula and system of evaluation. Inclusive education is a right based approach that welcomes human diversity and takes it
as an opportunity for holistic development of personality. Dr Abdul Tawab, Director Rising
Sun School System, also spoke at the occasion. He was of the view that without inclusive
education the dream of education of all the disabled children would not come true as they were
scattered everywhere. Dr Nasir-ud-Din elaborated on various methodological issues. The
participants from various school systems of the city actively participated in the workshop.
HEC National Workshop on Program
Assessment and Continuous
Improvement of Quality
The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) in collaboration with the University of
Management and Technology, Lahore (UMT) organized a two-day workshop on ‘Program
assessment and continuous improvement of quality for public sector universities’. The workshop was held on April 15-16, 2009 at the UMT campus and was conducted by Dr Abdul
Raouf, Sitara-e-Imtiaz., University Professor and Advisor, and Engr. Salman Saeed
Qureshi, Registrar, UMT. It was coordinated by Aneed Butt, ResearchAssociate, HEC.
Prof Dr Azam Ali Khawaja, Managing Director, Quality Assurance Agency of HEC, welcomed all participants and spoke about the importance of quality assurance in higher education. He also expressed his gratitude to Dr Abdul Raouf and to the University of Management
and Technology for hosting the workshop.
Dr Abdul Raouf, a living legend and the pioneer of quality assurance of higher education in
Pakistan, shared his views regarding the need of program assessment and how it contributes to
quality of education. He explained the importance of continuous improvement towards enhancement of quality.
Later in the day Prof Dr Riaz Hussain Qureshi, Advisor, Quality Assurance & Learning
Innovation, HEC urged the dire need of quality assurance and also emphasized latest trends of
quality in education across the globe. Engr. Salman Saeed Qureshi inculcated practical
knowledge by initiating an exercise regarding program mission, objectives, course objectives
and program outcomes. The second day of the workshop started with a recap of the first day's
learning. Criterion referenced self assessment was discussed followed by many hands-on
exercises. The workshop ended with closing remarks by Dr Azam Ali Khawaja and certificates were distributed among the participants.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, expresses
his views during the workshop on 'Inclusive education'
Workshop: Managing Relationships
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) organized a workshop on “Managing relationship”
on March 5-6, 2009. WaqarAhmad, Assistant Professor SBE, was the workshop leader. This
highly interactive workshop helped participants learn that customer care comes from the
inside of an individual. Thinking of “Customer First” cultivates the desire to provide excellent
service whether they are a customer or co-worker.
The workshop inspired and motivated participants to go beyond “customer care” and genuinely strive to bring a smile on the co-worker's face. It also served to remind them that internal
customers are as important as external customers. Organizations must develop customer
orientation in their employees to enable them to work in cross functional teams. Developing
the ability to manage relationships ensures a climate of trust and harmony. People show empathy and give space to others. They honor other's priorities and deadlines and extend their help
to achieve the same. The interactive workshop was very beneficial to the students.
Participants of the 'Workshop on Program Assessment and Continuous Improvement
of Quality for Public Sector Universities' pose for a group photograph
Sketching Workshop
Ms. Alvina Fatima from National College of Arts, Lahore, who works in UMT - OCM department
as a Web and Graphic Designer is conducting a Sketching and Design course at UMT during the
months of June-July, 2009. This is the first time in UMT that Art and design course is being offered
in response to the need felt among participants to encourage self expression.
The purpose of this course is to make the participants to think out of the box and guide them to the
way of self expression by enhancing their knowledge. This course will introduce a new concept of
designing to the participants and will also support them in courses like computer based managerial
applications, advertisement and marketing etc.
The upcoming sketching and design course is open to all. Participants have shown great interest in
the course which is expected to help them with 'out of the box' thinking, creativity and networking
with students from different schools within UMT.
Waqar Ahmad, Assistant Professor SBE,
conducts the 'Workshop on Managing Relationships’
Sketching Workshop
A sketching workshop was organized by the UMT Fine Arts Club on May 19, 2009. It was
conducted by Hafiz Umair Iqbal who has taken professional art education from GCU and
several diplomas from the LahoreArt Council. The workshop was attended by 15 -18 trainees.
It was a basic pencil sketching workshop for members of the UMT Fine Arts Club. The workshop content was based on the use of sketching equipment, sketching technique, composition,
proportion, still life sketching exercises, and rendering/shading.
Ms Alvina Fatima makes the participants think out of the box
Intellectual Performance Measurement
Hafiz Umair Iqbal conducts the Workshop on Sketching
Page 8
The Department of theAuditor General of Pakistan, PerformanceAudit Wing organized a five
week training program from February 10 to March 14, 2009. Neelam Yousaf, Officer Training and Development, UMT was invited by the Performance Audit Department, Government
of Pakistan, to provide training to the foreign participants on “Intellectual Performance Measurement”. Neelam spoke on the emerging issues of intellectual assets, intangible resources of
the organizations, brand value and importance of knowledge worker in the organization. The
methods for intellectual assessment, job of performance auditors and general guidelines to
measure intellectual performance were also shared.
Demonstrating Ownership and Initiative
Online Verification of Degrees/Transcripts
A workshop on “Demonstrating ownership and initiative” was organized for faculty members
in the UMT Board Room from February 11-13, 2009. Waqar Ahmad and Mobin-ul-Haque,
Assistant Professors SBE, conducted the workshop.
A one day workshop for 'online verification of degrees/transcript' was hosted by University of
Management and Technology (UMT) in collaboration with Higher Education Commission
(HEC) of Pakistan on January 15, 2009. Dr Ayub Alvi, Dean, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Islamabad conducted the workshop. Amir Nadeem,
Deputy Manager, Pakistan Security Printing Corporation, also gave presentation on security
measures being taken to minimize fake degree cases. The participants took immense interest
in the workshop and contributed enthusiastically in the discussions. Javed Khan, Director
General Attestation and Accreditation, and Abid Hussain, Deputy Director Attestation and
Accreditation, were present on the occasion on behalf of HEC. They thanked Rector UMT for
hosting the workshop.
The workshop equipped participants with confidence and courage to take initiative by developing in them a high level of ownership. Participants were encouraged to come up with creative ideas to bring about positive changes in UMT. The faculty members came up with various suggestions leading to expansion in the schools and other education related activities.
Participants of the workshop on 'Demonstrating ownership and initiative’
Hands-on Training Workshop: System and
Network Administration for RedHat Linux
A two-day hands-on training workshop on “System and network administration for RedHat
Linux” was organized by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) on January 2-3, 2009.
The workshop was conducted for Windows power users and support personnel who want to
familiarize themselves with Linux and gain experience with its operating environment. In his
opening words, Nauman Nadeem, Head OIT, introduced the various services offered by the
Department. He also explained the need for conducting the workshop.
Muhammad Rashid Ali Malik, Assistant Manager Networks, was the workshop trainer. He
demonstrated the installation and configuration of the operating system, and the use of dozens
of Linux commands with focus on system and network administration.
Dr Abdul Rashid Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, graced the event with his closing remarks. He
also awarded certificates to the participants of the workshop. He stressed the importance of
conducting such a workshop for both working professionals and students who wanted to update their skills or learn new avenues of knowledge. He also appreciated the efforts of the OIT
team for organizing such an excellent workshop and hoped that more events of this kind will
be held in the future.
Dr Ayub Alvi conducting the workshop regarding ‘online verification of degrees/transcripts’
Using SPSS for Performance Analysis
A training workshop on “Using SPSS for Performance Analysis” was held at UMT. Abid H K
Shirwani, Director External Affairs, invited participants from nine countries for performance
audit training. The participants were favorably impressed by the academic environment of UMT
and service of the administrative staff. Mushtaq Mangat, Assistant Professor, Department of
Textiles, UMT conducted the training. He shared the applications of SPSS tools for performance
evaluation, data management and various statistical techniques used for performance assessment. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, also addressed foreign delegates undergoing
training. Tahir Mehmud, Director General Performance Audit Department, Government of
Pakistan, was also present on the occasion. The workshop was a sub-component of the forty-day
training package organized by the Performance Audit Department, Govt of Pakistan. The subcomponent was organized by Institute of Research Promotion (IRP).
Participants of the OIC training workshop photographed with
Mr Abid H K Shirwani, Director External Relations, UMT
Participants of the workshop on ‘system and network administration
for RedHat Linux’ pose for a group photograph
SPSS Training Workshop
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) organized a basic training course of SPSS for students and faculty members of the University of Management and Technology (UMT) from
January 29-31, 2009. Mushtaq Managat was the resource person. SPSS Version 16 was used
for the workshop. Participants were given plenty of exercises to familiarize them with the
basic concepts of SPSS and this hands-on experience facilitated their learning process. Six
sessions were held over three days. These sessions focused on data entry, data cleaning and
sorting, data feel, data correlation, regression analysis, and compare means. At the end of the
training, three top participants were presented books as a token of encouragement.
Prof Mushtaq Mangat conducting the SPSS workshop
CV Writing and Interview Skills
A workshop on student CV writing and interview skills was conducted by two alumni Ms
Saqiba Zahoor and Ms Mehreen for the students of Batch 39. The trainers helped students
write professional CVs and also advised them on how to handle interview questions. Mock and
live interviews were conducted by HR managers of three companies. About seven candidates
were short-listed and two of them are now employed. Such workshops should be conducted
regularly at UMT to facilitate students and well build good relations with our alumni us.
CV writing and interview skills workshop in progress
Page 9
Ibrahim Qureshi,
CEO Raffles Visits UMT
US Consulate Officials Visit UMT
UMT has started a series of talks based on the achievements of leading personalities from the
business world. This series is titled 'From Success to Significance: Life Story of a CEO'. The
distinguished guest met with students, faculty members and staff of the university during the
visit. DrAR Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, also awarded a shield to Ibrahim Qureshi.
Ms Traci L Mell, Public Affairs Officer, and Mr Asif, Director, American Information Resource Centre (AIRC), US Consulate Lahore, visited the UMT campus on June 4, 2009. They
were cordially received at the campus by Muhammad Anwar, Chief Library Officer UMT.
This visit aimed at underscoring the collaboration and linkage between the two institutions
regarding sharing of knowledge resources, subject experts and resource persons. Ms Mell and
Mr Asif gave a presentation about online and other information resources available with
AIRC and the prospect of their accessibility to the UMT learning community. Needless to say,
these resources have great potential and are of immense value to the faculty, staff and students
(MS/MPhil/PhD in particular). The presentation was attended by a large number of faculty
Meet the CEO program organizers and participants
snapped with Mr Ibrahim Qureshi, CEO Raffles
Ms Mell and Mr Asif, US Consulate officials, pose for a group
photograph with their hosts at the conclusion of their visit to the UMT campus
PEC Accreditation Visit
Department of Media and Communication
Students Visit Mangla Dam
The University of Management and Technology (UMT) invited Ibrahim Qureshi, CEO,
Raffles Private Limited, Pakistan, to give a talk to the students and staff of the university on
March 12, 2009. Ibrahim Qureshi is an alumnus of UMT.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Accreditation Committee visited UMT from January
15-16, 2009 for accreditation of Electrical Engineering programs offered at UMT. They reviewed the curriculum of the Electrical Engineering programs offered at the School of Science and Technology (SST) and facilities available. PEC regulates the engineering profession
in the country and maintains realistic internationally relevant standards of professional competence and ethics for engineers. Its main statutory functions include registration of engineers, consulting engineers, constructors/operators and accreditation of engineering programs run by universities/institutions.
Students of the Department of Media and Communication went on a trip to Mangla Dam on
January 31, 2009.They were accompanied by Tayyab Farooq Bhatti, Assistant Professor at
the Department of Media and Communication, School of Social Sciences and Humanities
(SSH). The students had plenty of opportunity to enjoy themselves at Mangla where they ate a
delicious lunch while sitting on a raft in the middle of the lake. Later they took a ride of the lake
on the boat. Then there was a sitting arrangement at the resort where students enjoyed tea and
cookies along with the beautiful sunset. There was little time left for exploring as the students
had to embark on the return journey as well. However, they did explore the lake. The return
journey turned out to be a fun-filled affair. They arrived back at the campus safely at night.
Such excursions should be planned more often to encourage students to interact informally
with their class fellows and teachers.
Meeting of the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Accreditation
Committee and UMT officials in progress
Fine Arts Club Arranges Visit to the
Puppetry Museum
Fine Arts Club arranged its first event in the form of a visit to The Puppetry Museum set up by
the Late Rafi Pirzada. The trip accommodated 30 participants which included members of
the Fine Arts Club, office bearers of OPC, Reboot and Sports Club. Office bearers of all clubs
and societies were invited by the Fine Arts Club. Office bearers of the club include Umera
Shaukat,Anila Yousaf, Bilal Farooq and Naeem Bashir.
Hafiz Umair Iqbal from OPAaccompanied the group. The museum is a three storey building.
Each storey displayed various puppets. Some of these were imported while some belonged to
famous puppet shows of PTV. The students thoroughly enjoyed the display of this art form.
They also had the privilege to hear “Riyaz” of Mr Shahnawaz who had been a student of the
Late Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan for seven years. This visit provided a good platform to
gather all those who shared a common interest and promote an understanding of puppetry.
Report by Umerah Shaukat, Club Manager, Fine Arts Club
Group photo of the visitors to The Puppetry Museum
Page 10
Students of the Department of Media and Communication photographed
together at Mangla Dam with their teacher Tayyab Farooq Bhatti
Beaconhouse A-Level Students Visit UMT
A delegation of 30 A-Level students from Beaconhouse School System (Canal Branch) visited University of Management and Technology (UMT) on February 16, 2009 along with Ms
Sehrish Tahir, Career Advisor. The students were given a brief presentation introducing
UMT by Madiha Shairwani, Marketing Communications Officer, OCM. Dr Khalid
Qamar, Dean SST, gave an overview of the programs offered at the School of Science and
Technology. Adeel Shaikh, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, and
Muhammad Jawad Qureshi, Research Associate, Institute of Audit and Accountancy
(IAA), also spoke to the students.
Later, the students were taken on a round of the campus. They visited the library, science and
engineering laboratories, Information Processing Center (IPC), and the Office of Admissions
(OAD). The students were favorably impressed by the well-stocked library, and the science
and engineering laboratories.
Beaconhouse A-Level students pose for a
group photograph on their arrival at the UMT campus
City School Students Visit UMT
Agroup of over 60A-Level students from City School, Ravi Campus Lahore, along with their
teachers, Waseem Hassan (accounting teaching) and Ishaq Khan (GP teacher), visited the
UMT campus on January 13, 2009. They were cordially received at the campus.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, spoke on the occasion and welcomed the students to
UMT. He assured them that they would receive the best quality of education should they
choose UMT for their higher studies. He said that while most private sector universities
thrived on minimal faculty, UMT had 130 full time faculty members in addition to 70 part time
teachers drawn from the corporate and industrial world. As such, UMT offered the best blend
of academic and professional experience to its students. He informed the students that at present UMT had 30 teachers with PhD degrees to their credit while another 15 were already pursuing doctoral degrees in prestigious institutions at home or abroad. In the next 2 years, 50-60
teachers with PhD degrees would be teaching at UMT.
Dr Hasan said that the objective of education at UMT was to make students master of their
self. Students were taught in a manner that allowed them to compete at a global level. They
were encouraged to become leaders instead of being passive members of society. He added
that one of the unique features of UMT was its multidisciplinary approach to education. The
students were taught a wide range of courses with the objective of making them global citizens of the world with a broad perspective on all issues.
Later, the students were given a brief presentation about UMT by Madiha Shairwani, Marketing Communications Officer, OCM. Mobin-ul-Haque, Assistant Professor SBE, introduced the School of Business and Economics. Col (Retd) Khan Nazir, Assistant Professor
SST, M Jawad Qureshi, Research Associate IAA, briefed the visitors about programs offered by the School of Science and Technology and the Institute of Audit and Accountancy
The visitors were also taken on a tour of the campus. They visited the library, IPC, engineering, physics and textile labs, and the admissions office.
from the
Yet another issue of UMT News is in your hands.
From a range of innovative, market-relevant and
knowledge supplemented programs, strategic partnerships and initiatives to the number of events held,
there was so much to report. Simply, we could not
cover all.
From educational programs to executive development, from corporate research to business consulting,
and from software solutions to media and publishing,
one thing is central to all UMT initiatives:
Knowledge rekindles the flame of innovation.
Knowledge balances creativity and practicality.
Knowledge is power, to assume control. Knowledge
is wisdom, to discharge responsibility. Knowledge
makes us look, what we so often overlook.
Knowledge helps us see, what is obvious.
UMT advances the knowledge frontier, fosters learning revolution and builds upon technological evolution. To this end, UMT processes, manages, develops,
creates, and disseminates knowledge. Participants
learn how to acquire and utilize knowledge to live up
to their leadership potential. Resource persons
empowered by knowledge, transform knowledge as
they learn, unlearn, and relearn.
City School A-Level students pose for a group photograph
on their arrival at the UMT campus
BS Social Sciences Students Visit
Shalimar Gardens and Wagha Border
Students of BS Social Sciences went on an educational and recreational trip to Shalimar Gardens and Wagha Border on January 7, 2009. The fifteen member student group was accompanied by Ilyas Ansari, Assistant Professor SSH, and Ambreen Salahuddin, Lecturer SSH.
This trip was arranged for Pakistan Studies students to help them learn about their cultural
heritage. Foreign students were particularly interested in the gardens. The teachers briefed
them about the history of the Gardens, and the culture and life style of the Mughal period.
Later, they headed towards Wahga Border which is the area between India and Pakistan. The
students had been brought here to witness the flag ceremony.
The formal ceremony started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Qur'an followed by the national anthem. As the guards assembled on each side, the Indian and Pakistani
crowd waved their national flags.After the lowering down of the flags, the two gates were shut
with a loud clang and the ceremony ended leaving everyone with a feeling of patriotic fervor.
However, as time was running out, students departed on the return journey to the campus.
Students pose for a group photograph
alongwith Ambreen Salahuddin and Ilyas Ansari at the Wahga border
Instep with the contemporary challenges and market
needs, UMT is all about knowledge. If you aspire to
create a world of your own, control your destiny and
shape the future of society, join UMT– a gateway to
the knowledge cosmos, and explore the world of
opportunities available to match your dreams.
As 'zeal without knowledge is fire without light', don't
take chances, when it comes to your own future.
Drive for knowledge. Drive to UMT.
A G Ghaffari
Visitors at the UMT stall in the
6th Dawn Education Expo 2009, Islamabad
Page 11
Clash 20 – 6th UMT Cricket Challenge Trophy 2009
The Office of Participants Affairs led by Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, General Manager Participants
Affairs at UMT organized the 6th UMT Cricket Challenge Trophy 2009 from March 24 to
April 7, 2009. It was sponsored by Acson International, Urbansole, TCS and Bata
Pakistan. The co-sponsors included Wateen Telecom, Coca Cola Pakistan, Shandy Cola
Pakistan, Jockey, and Sparkletts. Media partners were City 42, Mast FM 103 and Daily
Times. Other collaborators included Red Bull, Topaz Communication, A&A Enterprises,
Parks & HorticultureAuthority.
Fifteen teams from the educational institutions of Lahore participated in the tournament.
University of Management and Technology (UMT), National College of Arts (NCA), Institute of Management Sciences (Pak-Aims), Quaid-e-Azam Law College (QLC), University of
Veterinary & Animal Sciences Lahore, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS),
College of Advance Accountancy (CAA), University of Engineering & Technology (UET),
SKANS School of Accountancy, National College of Business Administration and Economics (NCBA & E), University of Lahore, COMSATS, IQRA Millennium University, Center of
Financial Excellence (CFE) and University College Lahore (UCL).
The final match was played between UMT and CFE at Model Town Whites Cricket Ground.
UMT won the toss and elected to bowl first, CFE Scored 139 runs, UMT chased the target but
they were all out for 102 runs in 17.2 overs. CFE won the match by 37 runs.
The Man of the Final Match was Hashim Afzal (CFE) who scored 48 runs. Best bowler of the
tournament was Usman Asif (UMT) who took 16 wickets with one Hatrick against College of
Advanced Accountancy. The Best Batsman was Umer Riaz (UMT) who scored 198 runs. The
Man of the Series was Abdul Wahab (CFE) who scored 148 runs and took 11 wickets in 6
matches. The closing ceremony of the tournament was held on April 13, 2009 at the UMT
campus. Saleem Altaf, Chief Operating Officer, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) was the chief
guest on the occasion. Other honorable guests included Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector
UMT, Imran Nazir, Player Pakistan National Cricket Team, and Mian Muhammad
Muneer, Member Governing Body, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).
1st UMT Volleyball Tournament
The 1st UMT Volleyball Tournament was organized by UMT Sports Club and Office of Participants Affairs (OPA) on May 4-6, 2009. A total of eight teams participated in the tournament. These included Stand Back (captain Syed Waqar Shah), The Generation X (captain
Omar Afzel), Sahi Squad (captain Abdullah Saqlain Sahi), 8th Batch (captain Syed
Abdullah Abbas), Guzz v/s Buzz (captain Muhammad Sharif), Vital Sign (captain Muhammad Faheem Akhtar), MCom Rocker (captain Rana Shahbaz) and Eagle Champs
(captain Muhammad Faisal). Stand Back won the tournament while The Generation X were
the runners up. Muhammad Tayab was declared the best player of the tournament.
A view of the volleyball match
Gamers Cry'09
There are a growing number of high stakes video gaming tournaments taking place all over the
world and serious gamers now make quite a lot of money during these competitions. Video gaming
has caught the imagination of youngsters and the older generation alike and is now a highly competitive multi-billion dollar industry. Serious gamers are the envy of video game lovers of all ages
across the globe. REBOOT organized the first video gaming competition of its kind in UMT and
invited serious gamers to battle each other in cyber combat. REBBOT is a student body that is dedicated to promoting innovative activities among UMT students. Its office bearers include Usman
Khan, President, Ali Raza, Vice President, Sajid Nawaz, Manager Creativity, and Syed Hateem,
Manager IT. Gamers Cry'09 was played on Sony Playstation 2 consoles. The games that were chosen included Tekken 5, Need for Speed and Most Wanted but Tekken 5 was the most competitive
game. Gamers were chosen after trials and the best twenty players of Tekken 5 were shortlisted. The
competition was won by Osama Sameer while Muhammad Adeel was the runner up. Prizes were
distributed by Dr Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening Programs. The first prize comprised
of a Bluetooth head set while the second prize was a Play Station DVD Pack. Rana Iftikhar
Ahmad, Head OPA, Faisal Sarfraz, Manager Career Development and Placement OPA, and Hafiz
Umair Iqbal, were present during the competition. This is the first time that video gaming has been
introduced as a serious competitive game within the UMT community. We hope such events will
now be regularly held at the UMT campus.
Participants of the Gamers Cry'09 with Dr Kamran Siddiqui
Director UMT Evening Programs, and Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, Head OPA
Page 12
Clash 20 winners pose for a group photograph
at the prize distribution ceremony
Sports Events at UMT
At the University of Management and Technology (UMT), special emphasis is placed on the physical
fitness and well being of its students. The Office of Participants Affairs (OPA) organizes sports activities
on a regular basis. Both male and female students are actively encouraged to take part in these activities
that are held in the campus. They also compete in sports events held at other institutions as well. Here is a
round up of sports activities over the past few months.
– Friendly Cricket Match between the teams of UMT and COMSATS was held on February 28, 2009
at the COMSATS cricket ground. UMT won by 40 runs. Mubashir Bhatti from the UMT team was
declared man of the match.
– The UMT team participated in theAll Pakistan Intervarsity Tennis Championship 2009 that was held
at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore on February 26, 2009.
– Cricket Trial was held in February 2009. Ijaz Shah, Wapda coach was present for the trials. A hundred participants took part in these trails out of which16 were selected for the upcoming 6th Clash 20
Cricket Tournament.
– The UMT team participated in the HEC Squash Intervarsity Championship held on January 4, 2009
at LUMS.
– Mr South Lahore Bodybuilding Championship was held on December 28, 2008 at Al-Hamra. Muhammad Samee Liaquat got the second position.
– Mr Lahore Bodybuilding Championship was held on December 7, 2008 at Al-Hamra Hall. Muhammad Samee Liaquat got fourth position in the competition.
– Friendly Badminton Match between the teams of UMT and LGS was played on November 24, 2008
at the LGS Sports Complex. The UMT team won by 5:4.
– A Friendly Chess Match between teams of UMT and LGS was held on November 24, 2008 at the
LGS Sports Complex. The match ended in a draw as each team scored one goal each.
– LUMS T-20 Cricket Tournament was held from November 24 to December 4, 2008 at the LUMS
Cricket Ground. The UMT team lost the semifinal against GCU.
– Practice cricket match between teams of UMT and Mobilink was held on November 21, 2008 at the
Imtiaz Cricket Academy, Model Town Lahore. UMT scored 258 runs and won by 105 runs. Hafiz
Saeed from the UMT team was not out at 103 runs.
– The UMT team participated in HEC Intervarsity Teak Wando Championship held from November
20 – 21, 2008 at UCP.
– The 6th Staff/Faculty Badminton Championship was held on November 19, 2008 at the new badminton court (North Block). Faisal Sarfraz, Manager Placement OPA, won the match while Muhammad Saeed Ashraf, Admin Assistant from OFM and Yasir Amjad, Coordinator Dean Office
SBE, secured the second and third positions respectively.
– The 6th Staff/Faculty Table Tennis Championship was held on November 18, 2008 in the Boys
Common Room. Aasher Ramish, Assistant Professor SBE won the championship while Kamran
Rashid, Assistant Professor SBE and Salman Saeed Qureshi, Registrar UMT, secured the second
and third positions respectively.
– UMT participated in the 3rd LSE Sports gala held from November 10-15, 2008 Football and Table
Tennis teams participated.
– Pakistan's first University Rugby Sevens Tournament was organized by LUMS on November 9,
2008 at the LUMS campus. The UMT team secured second position.
– The 4th Girls Badminton Championship was held on November 8, 2008 at the UMT Badminton
court. Aysha Parveen (Mass Comm) secured the first position while Sara Naseem (MS) and Anam
Yaseen (BBA) got the second and third positions respectively.
– Friendly Football Match was played between the teams of UMT and UCL on November 7, 2008 at
the UMT football ground. The match ended in a draw as no team was able to score a goal.
Participants of the cricket trial
First UMT Employees Tape Ball
Cricket Tournament
The First UMT Employees Tape Ball Cricket Tournament 2009 was organized by the Office
of Human Resources (OHR) in collaboration with the Office of Participants (OPA) on March
7-8, 2009. A total of twelve teams participated in the tournament. These included Fighters,
Hakeem Solutions, Registrar XI, Extroverts, Scorpions Cricket Team, Xeon, IAA Cricket
Club, UMT Royals, SST XI, Hostel XI, ASU Tigers and OFM XI. There were four pools comprising of three teams each.
Super Cricket League
Cricket is one of the most popular games among members of the UMT community. The Office
of Participants Affairs (OPA) organized a Super Cricket League for the UMT community
from February 24 – March 2, 2009. A total of twenty-two teams played the tournament. The
event was sponsored by Acson International. A large number of cricket enthusiasts gathered
during the tournament to watch the matches and cheer their favorite teams. The first semifinal was played between Azee Super and Lahore Stallions. Azee Super won the match. The
second semi-final was played between SST Champs and Corner Tigers. SST Champs were
declared the winners.
The first semi final was played between Hakeem Solutions and OFM XI. The second semi
final was played between Registrar XI and Xeon. OFM XI and Registrar XI made it to the final
match. Finally, OFM XI won the tournament while Registrar XI was the runners up. Muhammad Shakeel of Hakeem Solutions was declared Man of the Series. He scored 82 runs and
took 4 wickets. Muhammad Zakraya of OFM XI was declared the Best Bowler of the Tournament. He took 5 wickets. Muhammad Ashfaq of Registrar XI was the Best Batsman of the
Tournament. He scored 100 runs which included one half century as well. Dr Tashfeen
MahmoodAzhar, Dean SBE, was the Chief Guest for the prize distribution ceremony.
The final match was won by “Azee Super”. The winning team was captained by Hafiz Saeed
and sponsored by Rana Iftikhar Ahmed, Head OPA. “SST Champs” were the runners up.
They were captained by Mubashar Bhatti and sponsored by Bazigh Qureshi.
OFC XI and Registrar XI pose for a group photograph
after the prize distribution ceremony
A view of the Super Cricket League
Players also received prizes for individual outstanding performance. Saim Ahmed was declared Man of the Final Match. Ali Shahid Malik was the best bowler of the series. Ejaz
Masud Khan Niazi was the Man of the Series. Umer Riaz won the title of Super Sixes (batsman).
Super Cricket League Teams
Team Name
Captain Name
Azee Super
Hafiz Saeed
Sponsor name
Rana Iftikhar Ahmed
Corner Tigers
Ali Shahid Malik
Naveed Yazdani
SST Champs
Mubashar Bhatti
Bazigh Qureshi
Dare Devils
Usama Bin Masood
Amer Saeed
BS Tigers
Syed Abdul Wahab
Syed Khawar Nadeem Karmani
Royal Champs
Shehryar Ahmed
Nash Hiters
Shabbar Ali
Nadeem Khan II
Abdullah Sohail
Asi Munir
Asif Joya
UMT Warr iors
Badar Butt
Malik Umer Ayub
UMT Badshah
Mahad Hussain Chishti
Qamar Abbas
Zalim II
Malik Sadiq Hussain
Nouman Nadeem
The six-day UMT Hostel Sports Festival 2009 was organized under the auspices of Leaders
Forum on May 4-9, 2009. The chief organizer of the event was Ehtisham Ismail. A large
number of students participated in the event. Cricket, football and racing was held in the university ground while the remaining games were held in the hostel.
SBE Tigers
Qamar Ali
Qamar Ali
Asif Iqbal
Sufian Habeeb
Malik Nayab Sultan
Haris Aslam
The festival was inaugurated by Fareed Paracha. Speaking on the occasion, he advised the
students to work hard with sincerity of purpose. The chief guest on the second day was Dr
Saeed Elahi who looked back to his college life while addressing the students.
Lahore Stallions
Aqif Nawaz
Change Team
Ghulam Dastagir
A view of the match
UMT Hostel Sports Festival 2009
The cricket tournament was won by Eagle Champs while Sahi Squad were the runners up. The
football tournament was won by the Paradigm Team while Eagle Champs were the runners
up. In Volleyball, Sahi Squad were the winners while Eagle Champs were the runners up. The
tug- of-war was won by Shaka Tigers while Eagle Champs were the runners up.
The badminton tournament was won by Kashif Iqbal and Mobeen Ahmad. Syed Aamir
Shah was the runners up. Table Tennis (double matches) were won by Asad Haroon and
Waqas Abdul Razzaq. The runners-up included Rayed Malik and Noman Iqbal. Table
Tennis (single) matches were won by Asad Haroon while Waqas Abdul Razzaq was the
runner up. Mess competition was won by Naveed Akram and Muhammad Arslan was the
runner up. Racing was won by Abid while Aamir Shahzad was the runner up.
Dr Fareed Paracha inaugurating the Hostel Sports Festival
Brave Hearts
Syed Ahsan Askari
MCom Rockers
Nadeem Khan
Muhammad Usman Khan
Ahmed Sohail
Mushtaq Mangat
Hassan Nasir II
Syed Ijaz Azeem
Hassan Hasseb, Nasir Khan
Shining Stars
Mahed Aamir
Mehmood Shah
The Super Cricket League was a huge success. All the participating teams got an
opportunity to engage in healthy competition. Sports activities like these are now
regularly organized at the UMT campus.
Azee Super (the winning team) snapped with Dr A R Kausar, Pro Rector UMT
and Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, General Manager Participants Affairs
Page 13
Student Academic Forum (SAF)
Knowledge Contest
The Student Academic Forum (SAF) organized a special event to formally open the SAF
Office on January 2, 2009. The office was inaugurated by Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT.
This was followed by a knowledge contest. The contest included questions in three basic
categories: marketing, entrepreneurship and management. There were 36 participants in the
contest. Three winners were selected after four rounds. The first prize went to M Abid Khan
(BBA Batch 30). The second prize was given to Irfan Ahmad (MBA Batch 43) and the third
prize went to M Awais (MBA Batch 39). A competition was also held to select logos for SAF.
The first prize went to Atif Hussain (BBA Batch 32). The second prize was given to Zeeshan
Chohan (MBA Batch 36) and the third prize went to Fatima Abdul Sattar (BBA Batch 35).
The winners received shields from DrAR Kausar.
Welcome Party for the Evening Students
A welcome party for evening students was hosted by the UMT Executive Club in the UMT
Lawns on May 15, 2009. The Guest of Honor was Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad. The welcome party
was attended by a large number of evening students enrolled in Spring 2009. The party began
with recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Dr Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening Programs, presented the welcome note. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, took oath
from the first thirty members of UMT Executive Club. The party turned out to be a memorable
and enjoyable experience for all participants and ended with a well organized dinner.
There was a special prize for the submission of SBE advertisement made by M Abid Khan
(BBA Batch 30) and Zunair (BBA Batch 34). The print advertisement of SBE made by
Zeeshan Chohan (MBA Batch 36) also received a special appreciation prize. Student activities like the ones organized by SAF should be encouraged because they develop the creative
abilities of the participants. We hope that SAF will remain active in the coming days and students will get a chance to take part in many extra-curricular activities.
A view of the guests of the welcome party for evening students
Welcome Party for Students of
Batch 13, SST
Leaders Forum (SST) organized a welcome party for students of Batch 13, School of Science
and Technology and oath ceremony of new members of Leaders Forum (SST) on April 9,
2009. Dilawar Khan, Coordinator of Leaders Forum (SST) conducted the event. The basic
purpose of the party was to introduce the new students to their teachers and senior students.
Almost 70 students attended the party.
Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, inaugurating the office
of the Students Academic Forum (SAF)
Welcome Party for New
Students of Media and
Communication Department
DrAdul Aziz Bhatti, Chairman, Department of Computer Science, was the chief guest on the
occasion. Dr Ehsan Elahi Khawaja, Zaheer Shah, Nadeem Moazam and others also attended. All faculty members advised their students to work hard and take a keen interest in
their studies. New students were introduced to the UMT management during the proceedings.
Safi-ullah Tarrar, President Leaders Forum, addressed the students and shared his experience with them.At the end, he took oath from the new members of Leaders Forum.
A welcome party for new entrants in the Department of Media and Communication was organized by Batch 3 students on March 19, 2009. Dr Zafar Iqbal, Dean SSH, Tayyab Farooq
Bhatti, Assistant Professor, and Professor Abdus Samad were present on the occasion. Mr
Tahir, Ms FouziaAhsan and Ms Rabia Sajjad also attended the party.
The welcome party began with recitation of some verses from The Holy Quran and naat.
Students performed some acts and skits to make the evening truly entertaining. A small act
“aik kanwara” demonstrated the students' creative abilities and efforts. Dr Zafar Iqbal and
Tayyab Farooq Bhatti wrapped up the event by speaking to the students. At the end, a well
organized hi-tea was arranged. The welcome party was enjoyed by everyone and the hard
work of the students was appreciated.
Dr Abdul Aziz Bhatti addressing students
during the welcome party and oath taking ceremony
Introductory Session:
Scouting in Pakistan
Students of the Department of Media and Communication pose for a group photograph
with Prof Tayyab Farooq Bhatti, Head Media and Communication Department
UMT Rovers Crew, a new club functioning under the auspices of OPA organized an introductory session on “Scouting in Pakistan” on May 26, 2009. The Chief Guest on the occasion was
Sahibzada Sajjad Ahmed Chishti, Country President and Patron Punjab Boy Scouts. The
Guest of Honor was Eugin John, Chairman People to People International Organization.
Those who spoke on the occasion included Mr Shahid, Deputy Regional Head Scouts, Bilal
Chishti, Director Youth Association and Miss Izzah, President GC. The vote of thanks by
was given by Faisal Sarfraz, Manager Career Development and Placement OPA. At the end,
souvenirs were presented to the guests by Muhammad Anwar, Chief Library Officer. The
introductory session was attended by a large number of students who were interested in getting information about scouting in Pakistan.
Welcome Party for
4th Batch of MCom students
A welcome party for the 4th Batch of MCom students was hosted by Senior Batch No 3 in the
Boys' Common Room on March 2, 2009. The party was attended by large number of students
and faculty members of Institute of Audit and Accountancy (IAA). Javad Ahmad and
Ammara Nasim (students of MCom program) organized the party. The party began with
recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran and naat by Adnan Ghulam Nabi of Batch No
3. Students of the senior batch presented skits and jokes to entertain all those present. Tahir
Mahmood, Director IAA, addressed the party. Amer Hussain, Muhammad Gulzar, Jawad
Qureshi, and Asim Iftikhar also attended the event. The party turned out to be a memorable
and enjoyable experience for all participants and ended with a well organized lunch.
Page 14
Participants of the UMT Rovers Crew Introductory Session
Seerat-ul-Nabi Conference and
Leaders Forum organized a Seerat-ul-Nabi Conference and Mehfil-e-Naat at the UMT hostel
on March 26, 2009. The program started by recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran by
Qari Abdul Raheem and Qari Waqar Ahmad Chitrali (International Award Holder). The
naats were presented by Hafiz Hussain Ahmad, Hafiz Leique Ahmad and Suffyan Ali.
UMT students NaveedAkram and Imran Khan Soomro also presented naats.
Around 100 students attended the event. At the end of the program, the Chief Guest Syed
Waqas Anjum Jafferi addressed the students. He advised them to lead their lives according
to the teachings of Islam. The concluding words were said by Khalid Mahmood, Deputy
PFL Library Section
at UMT Inaugurated by
Mrs Sadia Rashid,
President Hamdard Foundation
PFL Scholarship Award Ceremony 2009
The PFL Scholarship Award Ceremony 2009 was jointly hosted by Pakistan Foundation London (PFL) and UMT on June 3, 2009. Dignitaries from different walks of life attended the
event. Mrs Sadia Rashid, President Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, was the chief guest on
this occasion. She also inaugurated the PFL Library Section.
This was followed by the PFL Scholarship Award Ceremony. The welcome note was given by
DrA R Kausar, Pro Rector UMT. Zafar Iqbal, Chairman, Pakistan Foundation London, and
Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami, renowned journalist, also spoke on the occasion. Mrs Sadia
Rashid awarded scholarships to the students of various medical and engineering universities
from different cities of Pakistan who were awarded Hakim Mohammed Said and Abdul
Qadeer Khan Scholarships for medical and engineering education respectively. Later, she
also addressed the gathering.
The concluding note was given by Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, who thanked the
distinguished guests for their presence and congratulated the scholarship recipients on their
Paying tribute to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ecological Process for Denim
Industry Developed at UMT
Research studies conducted at Textile Department, UMT with the support of local textile
industry, have led to the development of an ecological process required in bringing fading
effect on denim jeans. The existing process in the denim industry utilized reagent that is highly
adverse to workers, ecology and the environment. The developed process is significantly ecofriendly and cost- effective. Research plan and methodology was designed at UMT, and pilot
project work was run at a local denim industry. Dr Faheem Uddin, research advisor, textile
department, showed optimism that future development in the process will transfer definite
benefits to the denim industry and UMT’s contribution will go a long way in the development
of the industrial process.
Punjab University Awards
PhD to Amjad Waheed
Dr Amjad Waheed, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) has successfully completed his PhD degree in the subject of Islamic Studies from University of the
Punjab, Lahore.
Recipients of the PFL scholarships snapped with Mrs Sadia Rashid,
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami, Dr A R Kausar, Mr Zafar Iqbal
Entrepreneurial Spring Festival 2009
The Entrepreneurial Club of the School of Business and Economics (SBE) at UMT organized
the Entrepreneurial Spring Festival 2009 on April 8, 2009. It was inaugurated by
Rehmatullah Javed, Convener Standing Committee on SMEs (LCCI) and CEO, Grand
Group of Companies. The event offered a competition amongst the emerging young entrepreneurs of the university. More than twenty groups of master's and bachelor's level students
showcased their entrepreneurial talent and different stalls were set up. The festival was attended by a large number of students, faculty and staff members.
His thesis title was "Conflict of faiths: The real cause of civilizational clash”. The UMT community congratulates its learned colleague on this scholarly achievement and wishes him the
best for the future.
UMT Participates in the EMCOT 2009
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology organized the EMCOT 2009 on May 11-12,
2009. The event aimed to develop an environment of academic collaboration where institutes
could exchange their expertise in their respective fields. The program included project competitions, seminars, panel discussion and talks by eminent scientists and academicians on
cutting edge electrical and electronic engineering technologies.
Shahzad Khan, Lab Engineer cum Lecturer at the School of Science and Technology, UMT,
along with Faisal Mohiuddin and Ihtisham Khan (students of electrical engineering) participated in the EMCOT 2009. Shahzahd was the project supervisor. The purpose of the project
was to design a prototype wheel chair system for disabled persons who are otherwise unable
to power the wheel with hands. We congratulate the UMT team for representing UMT in the
EMCOT 2009 and wish them the best for the future.
A view of the stalls set up during the festival
UMT Approved as Computer Based
Exam (CBE) Centre for CAT/ACCA (UK)
The University of Management and Technology (UMT) has been approved as Computer
Based Exam (CBE) Centre for CAT/ACCA (UK). Consequently, CAT and ACCA students
can now attempt their Computer Based Exams online at UMT. Sessions are offered round the
year and not constrained as is the case in manual sessions of June and December.
Students have many advantages of taking Computer Based Exams. For example, CBE results
are announced on the spot. Students can submit their exam fees directly at UMT. Students'
ACCA Account is updated with results within 72 hours. CBE re-attempts or re-sittings are
unrestrained. CBE Demo can be accessed at the ACCA website or by clicking this link:
The first Computer Based Exam for ACCA/CAT students was conducted on 13 and 15 January, 2009 in two sessions. Forty seven students appeared in the exams. The success rate for
ACCAstudents was 100% while CAT students locked 94% results.
It is important to note that Ameer-ud-Din, anACCAstudent, secured highest marks of 94% in
F2 taught by Jawad Qureshi. Abdul-Rehman Yazdani, a CAT student, achieved 98% marks
in T3 taught by Asim Iftikhar.
UMT team with their project at EMCOT 2009
The 2nd CB Exam was held in February 2009, which obtained excellent results for IAA’s
faculty and students by demonstrating a pass rate of 100%.
Page 15
All Green UMT Plantation Day
The Social Welfare Society organized All Green UMT plantation campaign on May 5, 2009
with the support of a local NGO named Sunrise Green Pakistan that aims to make Pakistan
clean and green. The purpose of this campaign was to make UMT green by planting trees in
the campus premises. The Guests of Honor included Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT,
Ch Zahir-ud-din Khan, Opposition Leader Punjab Assembly, Mian Zahid, Chairman Urban Development, and Fakhar Imam, senior TV actor and producer, who planted a tree of
their name. Sunrise Green Pakistan provided about 100 trees and around 300 vegetables for
the nursery. Students and teachers appreciated this effort a lot. Kamran Rashid, Assistant
Professor / Head, Department of Marketing & Supply Chain, SBE, Mushtaq Mangat, Assistant Professor SST, and Ilyas Ansari, Assistant Professor SSH, planted a tree of their name.
About 125 students got themselves registered.
Open Session with Rector:
How to Improve Quality of
Academics at UMT
An Open Session on “How to improve the academic quality at UMT” with Dr Hasan Sohaib
Murad, Rector UMT, was held at the campus on May 22, 2009. The event was well participated by the students, staff and faculty members who highlighted the issues and problems
pertaining to the university and academics, and come up with better solutions.
The open session was also attended by Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT, Dr Tashfeen
Azhar, Dean SBE, and Salman Saeed Qureshi, Registrar UMT. UMT employees from other
departments and faculty members also attended the forum. Dr Hasan welcomed everyone to
the session and encouraged them to speak freely on any issue regarding UMT. Everyone participated enthusiastically in the forum and discussed a wide range of issues ranging from
purely administrative problems such as provision of air-conditioned transport, parking problems and proper seating arrangements for students to academic related issues such as the behavior of teaching staff, quality of academics, problems in degree issuance and difficulties
encountered while changing sections. Towards the end, name of participants who had come
up with the best ideas for improving academic quality and culture of UMT were announced.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, planting a tree during the plantation campaign.
Ch. Zaheer-ud-Din Khan, Opposition Leader in the Punjab Assembly is also seen
Ice Cream Party
An ice cream party was arranged by Muhammad Ilyas Ansari, Assistant Professor SSH for
all team members of the Cultural and Dramatic Society. Several faculty members including
Qamar Abbas, Hamid Mahmud, and Hammad Raza were present. The purpose was to
encourage students to engage in more activities and appreciate past performances.
The program started with recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Osama Tayyab,
President Cultural and Dramatic Society, informed all those present about future programs
and activities planned by the students. Omer, Production Manager, gave a brief about the
tasks associated with production. Wahaj Umer, Finance Secretary, gave some details about
financial situation of the Cultural and Dramatic Society. The event served as a good opportunity for students and faculty members to interact informally.
Ek Sham
Wasi Shah ke Naam
The Office of Participants Affairs (OPA) and ADAB UMT Literary Society organized a get
together with the renowned poet Wasi Shah on January 20, 2009. Saima Ashraf, Vice President ADAB, anchored the proceedings of the evening. Muqarram, President ADAB,
Mohsin Sajid, General Secretary ADAB, played a key role in organizing the event. The entire
OPA team also worked tirelessly to organize the event. Students and faculty members with an
interest in poetry attended the evening. These included Hafiz Bilal Farooq, Lecturer and PhD
Scholar SSH, and Ambreen Salahuddin, Lecturer SSH, who also presented her poem which
was very well received. Farrukh, MPhil student SSH, also presented some of his poetry.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, interacting with
the students, faculty and staff members during the open session
Corporate Guests
Speak to the Class of 'Strategic
Distribution Network'
The class of 'Strategic Distribution Network' at the School of Business and Economics (SBE)
listened to views of corporate sector professionals regarding this topic on May 27, 2009.
Tariq Mahmood, Distributor of Dairy Queen in Lahore talked about the distribution system
of milk and issues regarding Haleeb. Mr Hasnain, CEO Allied Marketing, talked about the
dynamics of distribution business and upcoming challenges. Allied marketing is a century old
distribution company that acts as distributor of PTC and Unilever.
Wasi Shah's latest book "Mairay ho k Raho" was launched this evening and was available with
his autograph. His poem titled “Kash mei teray khubsurat hath ka kangan hota” was very well
received by the audience. The evening was attended by a large number of poetry enthusiasts.
The importance and power of poetry in our culture is well understood. The ability to compose
poetry extemporaneously and drop couplets said by renowned poets was once considered the
mark of cultured people. The efforts of OPA and ADAB in reviving this cultural and aesthetic
tradition deserve our full support and commendation as such events go a long way in promoting literary activities among the younger generation while exposing them to the works of
some of our finest poets.
Tariq Mahmood, Distributor of Dairy Queen in Lahore,
talks about distribution network and Haleeb issues
UMTC Appoints Quality Inspectors and
External Verifiers
UMT Consulting (UMTC) was set up to provide thought leadership and actively engage in the
provision of professional, state of the art, pertinent, and effective solutions to a wide variety of
clientele, leading to knowledge-based decision making for their organizations. UMTC believes that sustainable change can only be achieved through a genuine understanding of the
real issues facing organizations. It consults by working collaboratively with clients, involving
them in creating and developing a participative process to bring about real change with the
mission of leading and vision for providing knowledge-based services and solutions.
Wasi Shah presenting his poems before a gathering of enthusiasts
Page 16
Recently, Capt. (R) Imtiaz Ahmed Hashmi, Assistant Professor (SST), Dr Nabeel Amin, Assistant Professor (SST),Ahmad Hassib Hassan, Lecturer (SBE) and Muhammad Shaban Rafi,
Research Associate (SSH) have been appointed as 'Quality Inspector and External Verifier in
City and Guilds' on behalf of UMTC. The UMT community congratulates them on their appointment and wishes them the best for the future.
Recipients of Financial Awards and
Scholarships Appreciate UMT
The Knowledge School Arranges Seminar
“Teaching Children to Think”
The University of Management and Technology (UMT) is committed to help deserving
students showing excellent educational background. Each year, we provide many
scholarships to students if they are able to meet the criteria set up by the University. Our
objective is to create equal opportunities for all those bright students to come and study at
UMT by providing generous financial assistance. Here are some of the testimonials of
students who have received full tuition fee waiver on merit basis and are currently enrolled in
different programs of the University.
The Knowledge School, in collaboration with Raheem Books, organized a seminar on
“Teaching children to think” on May 30, 2009. The event was held at Hotel Ambassador Lahore. Teachers from The Knowledge Schools and from some other private schools attended
the seminar. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Dr Isabel William, Ms Musarrat Shahid, Fakhra
Shahid, and Prof Muhammad Aslam spoke on the subject. Daily Express participated as
media partner and gave extensive commercial and non-commercial coverage to this event.
Zoha Hadayat (ID 083805079) is a student of BBA (Honors) at the School of Business and
Economics (SBE). A student of Beaconhouse Liberty Campus, Zoha received 7 A's and 1 B in
O-Levels and straightA's inA-Levels.
“Auniversity grooms students and turns them into well rounded individuals. With its welcoming building and comfortable norms, UMT really provided a great experience for me and my
friends who came to UMT along with me. It has been a great honor to be a part of this prestigious university. To tell the truth, I did not hear a lot about UMT before joining it but as I got
admission into it I realized that it is as good as any other renowned institution. Its highly qualified faculty and pleasant environment is unparalleled.”
Syed Humza Shah (ID 081220118) is a student of BS Electrical Engineering at the School of
Science and Technology (SST). He got 5 A's and 3 B's in his O-Levels (Beaconhouse Peco
Road) and 4A's and 1 B in hisA-Levels (Beaconhouse Defence Campus).
“UMT's financial policy has given me a great chance to continue my education. Becoming an
engineer can be a very expensive process but thanks to UMT's merit scholarship, my tuition
fees are completely waived. I have been freed from any financial worries related to my university life. Now I can focus on the only thing students should be focusing on – my studies.”
Muhammad Adeel Kamran (ID 081220223) is a student of BS Electrical Engineering at the
School of Science and Technology (SST).
A view of the gathering during the seminar in 'Teaching children to think'
The Knowledge School (TKS)
Project Celebrates First Anniversary
The Knowledge School (TKS) celebrated its first anniversary at the UMT Campus on February 28, 2009. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, the project Chairman and Rector UMT, was the
Chief Guest. Students of various Knowledge Schools of Lahore presented tableaus and sang
national songs. The most prominent was the TKS Song presented publicly for the first time.
The ceremony was attended by Deans and Directors of UMT, and Directors, Principals and
teachers of The Knowledge Schools. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Hasan highlighted the
need of values-based education in the schools with an aim to producing holistically developed
youngsters turning into valuable citizens of the country. He congratulated The Knowledge
School team on their achievements. It is important to note that the The Knowledge Schools
have shown rapid growth in their very first year.
From L to R: Zoha Hadayat, M Adeel Kamran, Syed Hamza Shah
and Muhammad Asad Ali promote merit
“I belong to Jauharabad, District Khushab. I did my matriculation from Government Technical Model High School Jauharabad in 1st Division. I did my DAE diploma in electronics during session 2005-2008 from SPI Jauharabad. I took second position in the Punjab Board in
2nd year and 3rd year. After DAE, I took admission in UMT for BS Electrical Engineering. I
was not financially strong enough to start my studies. UMT gave me full fee concession on
merit basis. The scholarship is quiet helpful for my further studies. I am very thankful to UMT
for granting me merit based scholarship.”
Muhammad Asad Ali (ID 081220-157), is a student of BS Textile Engineering at the School
of Science and Technology (SST).
“On completion of my O-Levels from Laurel Bank Public School, Lahore, I joined American
National School, Lahore. By the grace of Allah, I got 6A's in O-Level and 3 straight A's in ALevels. On completion of A-Levels, I was searching for the best university for engineering
and chose UMT, a great institution with the best teachers. Due to my outstanding result, I got
100% scholarship at UMT. The teaching staff at UMT has ample experience with a passion
and dedication for education. Up till now, I have not found a single teacher who has ever compromised with the standard of studies. I have seen students acquiring knowledge and achieving their aspirations. UMT is a place where theoretical knowledge is transformed into practical knowledge.”
Fayyaz Hussain (ID 060293008) is a PhD Scholar in Education at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
“Being struck by financial crisis, I was surrounded by ideas like "how will I continue my studies? How will I be able to serve my nation as a scholar? How will I give my contribution to the
rise and development of the oppressed and underdeveloped Muslim Ummah? Being a blind
person how will I be able to meet my study expenditures (which are many times higher than
those of the normal students)? But thanks to the University of Management and Technology
for giving me 100% financial assistance for my PhD studies.”
The Knowledge School students celebrate first anniversary
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT and Professor Aslam, CEO TKS, applaud
The Knowledge School First Annual
Declamation Contest
TKS Declamation: 2009
The Knowledge School (TKS) and Daily Jang Cultural Wing held the first TKS Declamation
Contest at Ali Institute of Education, Lahore on April 2, 2009. Muhammad Nazim, Director
General CGRL, was the Chief Guest, whereas Rehmatullah Javaid, Chairman ECMMA,
was the Guest of Honor. The declamation topic was “Me and My Country”. Contestant
schools from Lahore comprised of Johar Campus, Johar Town; Quaid Campus, Ittefaq Town;
Township Campus, Township; Sabzazar Campus, Sabzazar; Samanabad Campus,
Samanabad; andAlhamd Campus, Gulshan Ravi.
Narowal Campus, Narowal; Shakargarh Campus, Shakargarh; and Tanda Campus, TandaGujrat; also participated in this annual TKS event. Johar Campus took the first position both in
Urdu and English speeches.
MOU with Pakistan
Industrial Technical
Assistance Centre (PITAC)
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Science and Technology, UMT and Pakistan Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (PITAC) have forged a
University-Industry partnership and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on
January 14, 2009. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide support to achieve mutual
goals and objectives to promote practical education and training in Pakistan. The MOU constitutes an implementation framework covering practical aspects of the degree course in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. This partnership will enable students to practically
explore the classroom teaching / instructions.
Winners of the TKS Declamation: 2009. Standing in the back row from
L to R: A G Ghaffari, Director UMT, Professor Muhammad Aslam, CEO TKS,
Professor Muhammad Nazim, Director General CGRL, Mr Rehmat Ullah Javed from LCCI
Page 17
Walk Against Israeli Aggression in Gaza
Experimenting with Pakistani Cuisine
The students and staff of the University of Management and Technology (UMT) held a walk
on January 23, 2009 to protest against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians in Gaza. A
large number of students and staff members participated in the walk organized by the Office of
Participants Affair (OPA). The participants designed their own placards and banners displaying slogans against the slaughter of innocent civilians by Israeli forces and open violation of
human rights in front of the international community. The event was widely reported in the
print media.
Some time ago, a very interesting thing happened in our Pakistan Studies classes. While going
through our syllabus content, our discussion tilted towards a somewhat different idea. The
course instructor, Muhamad Illyas Ansari has always emphasized the practical aspect of
things. Upon discussing the culture of Pakistan, the students noticed that the Pakistani society
comprises of diverse cultures and ethnic groups from the Punjabis and Sindhis in the east to
the tribal cultures of the Baloch and Pashtuns in the west, as well as the ancient Dardic to the
north. A very important facet of a culture of any society is its cuisine. As such, the cuisine of
Pakistan can be described as a fusion of three Asian regions: Central Asia, Middle East, and
SouthAsia. Pakistani cuisine is often spicy and is known for its richness.
Students protest against Israeli aggression in Gaza
Within Pakistan, cuisine varies greatly from region to region, reflecting the country's ethnic,
cultural and culinary diversity. The cuisine in Sindh and the Punjab can be very hot and spicy
characterizing the SouthAsian flavor. Food in the North-West Frontier Province, Baluchistan,
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir involves the use of mild aromatic spices and relatively less
oil is used characterizing the Central Asian and Middle Eastern influence. The main course is
served with wheat bread or rice. Salad is generally taken with the main course rather than
before. Assorted fresh fruit are consumed for dessert. International cuisine and fast food are
popular in cities. Thus, in order to observe this diversity, the students organized a 'mini' cultural exchange program under the Department of Social Sciences with the support of their
teacher. Since the university has a mix of students from different cultural backgrounds, they
were requested to bring to the table their 'traditional' food which is eaten in their homes. The
culinary art in Pakistan comprises of a mix of Middle Eastern, Indian, Iranian, Afghan, and
Turkish cuisine that reflects the country's history as well as the variation of cooking practices
from across the surrounding regions. The students participated enthusiastically. Besides the
main dishes of curry with or without meat cooked with vegetables or lentils, there were a number of provincial specialties such as karahi, biryani and haleem in various forms and flavors
which was eaten alongside a variety of breads such as naan, chapati or roti. There were also
local forms of grilled meat or kebabs, desserts such as apricot curd. The influence of western
culture was also evident as some of the student brought Italian pasta and chicken nuggets.
UMT Students at the 'DAWN All About
Lifestyles Exhibition 2009’
Another feature of this program is also worth mentioning. As a result of the Gaza conflict,
students refused to have the usual variety of hot and cold drinks as a mark of protest. The event
was well organized. The cooperation of the students amongst each other was also worth appreciating. Such events are indeed self-enlightening. The participants at UMT with their
teachers' supervision look forward to such events that promote a re-awakening of the students
as citizens of Pakistan.
'DAWN All About Lifestyles Exhibition' was held on February 7, 2009 at Fortress Stadium,
Lahore. The exhibition featured a display of consumer and commercial products by leading
local and multinational brands. In addition to autograph and book signing sessions with eminent authors, visitors enjoyed specialties at the Food Court. A paintball gaming competition
was also held during the exhibition. The paintball gaming comprised of an official intercollege tournament. UMT students participated in the competition and reached the semi-final
but could not qualify for the final battle. The players included Usman Khan, Sajid Nawaz,
Karam FarooqAli, Saad Liaqat, Syed Hateem and Zohaib Ilyas Butt. Paintball is an exciting, organized but fun-filled recreational sport.
By Mariyam Murad (BS Social Sciences)
In its simplest form, paintball brings together two opposing teams competing at a game of
capture the flag. The game is played with a pneumatic air gun that propels a biodegradable
gelatin capsule. These capsules break on impact leaving a "Splat" of (washable) water-soluble
paint. A game is won when a player successfully returns the opponent's flag to their own
team's flag station.All games are professionally refereed to insure player safety and fair play.
Report by Syed Hateem, Manager IT, Reboot
Exploring diverse cultures and rich cuisine
1st UMT Girls LUDO Championship
The 1st UMT Girls LUDO Championship was played in the girls common room on April 28,
2009. UMT Girls Sports Wing and Office of Participants Affairs (OPA) organized the event.
thirty two students participated in the tournament. The first position was secured by Ramissa
Mushtaq (SID 083705-032) while Zofeen (SID 063305-033) secured second position. The
LUDO Championship was a fun filled affair and the girl enjoyed it thoroughly.
The UMT paintball team at the 'DAWN All About Lifestyles Exhibition 2009’
Movie Nights Organized by the Social
Welfare Society
The Social Welfare Society recently organized movie nights and screened two movies for the
students. The movie nights were organized to gather funds for the society and utilize them in
helping deserving students and low paid employees of the university.
The first movie night was held on November 19, 2008 during which The Pursuit of Happiness
was shown. The movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardner and shows his struggle in
life. It is a moving picture and Will Smith was nominated for an Oscar in the best actor category for the movie. This movie shows what can be achieved through hard work and determination. The movie attracted around 80 students which was encouraging as it was the first time
that an event of this kind had taken place in UMT.
Another movie night was held on February 23, 2009 and the animated movie Madagascar
Escape 2Africa was screened. The movie did not attract as many students and only 45 students
came to watch it. These fun activities should be organized more often as they are part of university life and divert attention from the tough study routine. We hope that the Social Welfare
Society will come up with more fun filled activities in the coming days as well.
Page 18
Participants of the 1st UMT Girls LUDO Championship
Irfan Shaikh's Book to be Taught
at US Campuses
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in USA has adopted Irfan Shaikh's
book 'Pocket Textile Dyeing' as a text book for the upcoming semester. This book will be used
in the Los Angeles and San Francisco campuses. A total of 186 books for both campuses have
been ordered through Atexinc Corporation, Missouri, USA. FIDM is a co-educational, specialized private college located in California (USA) and is dedicated to educating students for
the fashion, entertainment, interior design and graphic design industries. It offers a Bachelor
of Science degree program in business management, and a 2-year associate of arts degree,
advanced study programs. FIDM has over 6,500 full-time students and 1000 staff and faculty
members. We congratulate our learned colleague on bringing a good name to UMT and hope
that he will continue to excel in more scholarly pursuits of this kind.
Book Launching Ceremony at UMT
The University of Management and Technology (UMT) organized the book launching ceremony of Dr Muhammad Tahir Mustafa's book titled Falsfa-e-Asmaa-e-Rasool at its campus on January 14, 2009. Dr Mustafa is Professor at the Department of Islamic Thought and
Civilization at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and has written over fifty
books on a wide range of topics.
The ceremony was attended by Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami, Chief Editor Daily Pakistan,
Orya Maqbool Jan, Columnist and Writer, Dr Muhammad Aslam Siddiqui, Scholar and
Chairman Idara Hudal-lin-Nas. The distinguished guests observed that the underlying philosophy discussed in the book had significant value for our times. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad,
Rector UMT, and Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector UMT also spoke on the occasion. The book
launching ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries, scholars and students of
the university.
Recent Research Publications
by Dr Aziz A Bhatti
UMT faculty members are actively engaged in research work in their respective disciplines.
Research papers by faculty members emphasizing critical and thoughtful levels of enquiry
into their respective domains are regularly accepted in prestigious national and international
journals and conferences. Here is a list of some of the scholarly accomplishments by Dr Aziz
A Bhatti, Chairman, Department of Computer Science, School of Science and Technology
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti and Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad's paper titled “Development of a new computer based grading method for measuring the students performance in higher education”
was invited and accepted in the Journal USA-China Education Review, 2009.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti's paper titled “Reduced order multiport parallel and multidirectional
neural associative memories” was accepted by the Journal of Biological Cybernetics
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti's paper titled “A minimum interconnection directed storage model of a
neural bidirectional memory” (Paper # NN0034) has been accepted in the International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks to be held from June 14-19, 2009 inAtlanta, GA.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti's paper titled “A model of an intraconnected neural parallel bidirectional
memory” (Paper # NN-0032.) has been accepted in the International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks to be held from June 14-19, 2009 inAtlanta, GA.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti's paper titled “Comparison of an efficient directed storage BAM model
with traditional neural bidirectional memories” (Paper # NN-0167) has been accepted at
the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks to be held from June 14-19, 2009
inAtlanta, GA.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti and Asif Saeed Haider's paper titled “The role of basic education, industrial and other infrastructures in higher education in developing countries” (Paper # 1300)
was accepted in the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
(ICERI 2008) held from November 17-19, 2008 in Madrid, Spain.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti and Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad's paper titled “On the improvement of quality of teaching-learning process in undergraduate and graduate studies in higher education” (Paper # 1301) was accepted for the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2008) held from November 17 to 19, 2008 in Madrid,
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti's paper titled “A new E-grading method for fair evaluation of performance in higher education” (Paper # 1302) was accepted at the International Conference
of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2008) held from November 17 to 19, 2008
in Madrid, Spain.
– Dr Aziz A Bhatti and Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad's paper titled “Development of a new computer based grading method for measuring the students performance in higher education”
(Paper # 420) was accepted at the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education held from January 4-7, 2009 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
– Dr AzizABhatti's paper titled “On the measures for improving the quality of higher education” (Paper # 421) was accepted at the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
Education held from January 4 to 7, 2009 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Seen on stage from L to R: Dr Muhammad Tahir Mustafa (author), Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad
Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami Dr Muhammad Aslam Siddiqui, Orya Maqbool Jan, Dr A R Kausar and A G Ghaffari
Case Study Accepted for Presentation at
International Forum in Glasgow
A case study titled “Intellectual asset improvement: A case study” was accepted for presentation at the 4th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics held on 17-18 February,
2009 in Glasgow, UK. The present work was the outcome of joint collaborative efforts by
Neelam Yousaf, Officer Training and Development, and Prof Dr Abdul Raouf, Sitara-eImtiaz, University Professor andAdvisor.
The intellectual asset improvement process of the University of Management and Technology
(UMT) has been taken as case study.Avariety of efforts at UMT have been made for the development of faculty to enhance their intellectual assets. The documented case of UMT reveals
various dimensions to treat faculty as an asset of the organization and utilize it for competitive
institutional performance while improving it continuously. The UMT case study presents the
history of intellectual assets over a period of 5 years. The process may help other institutions,
especially those in developing countries, to measure and manage the intellectual assets of
faculty, thus assisting in achieving higher level of performance.
Naveed Yazdani
Presents Research Proposal
Naveed Yazdani, MS/PhD Management Scholar Batch 1, presented his research proposal on
'Future of organization theory: The new silver lining of civilization and metaphysics” on
February 4, 2009 for approval of the same by the MS/PhD Committee.
Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, graced the occasion with his presence as the supervisor of the thesis drafting process. Other members of the thesis supervisory committee who
were present included Dr Kamran Siddiqui, Director UMT Evening Programs and Dr
Rukhsana Kalim, Professor/Associate Dean, Research/PhD Program. PhD Committee
Members and SBE faculty members attended the presentation.
Paper Accepted at
World Conference on
Educational Sciences
Faculty members at UMT are always encouraged to undertake research based academic pursuits in addition to their regular academic duties. Research papers contributed by UMT faculty members are regularly accepted at prestigious national and international forums.
A paper written by Saima Muneer, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences and Humanities
(SSH), and coauthored by Dr Usman Khalil, Associate Professor, SSH and Awais Imam
was accepted for presentation at the World Conference on Educational Sciences held from
February 4-7, 2009 in North Cyprus. The paper is titled “Knowledge management: Towards
integrating a quality framework for higher education”. We congratulate the learned authors on
this scholarly achievement and wish them the best for the future.
Paper Accepted for Presentation at
Conference in Hawaii
UMT faculty members are always actively engaged in research work. A paper titled “Greenfield in Pakistan: Is it really Green? An Empirical Study” has been accepted for presentation at
the 16th Global Finance Conference to be held from April 5-8, 2009 at Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
The paper has been authored by M Mahmood Shah Khan, Lecturer SBE. We congratulate
the author on the acceptance of the research paper at such a prestigious international forum
and wish the best for him in the future as well.
Dr Naveed Yazdani presents his MS research proposal
Book Review Accepted for Publication
A review written by Ms Neelam Yousaf on the book “Safety Management and Engineering:
An Integrated Approach” has been accepted for publishing in the 'Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering'. The book has been written by Dr Abdul Raouf, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, University Professor and Advisor. Neelam Yousaf is working at UMT as Officer Training and
Development. In this capacity, she has designed and organized a variety of training sessions
for faculty and staff development at UMT.
Page 19
Success to Significance
Established since 1990, Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), is now chartered as the
University of Management and Technology (UMT) Lahore, by the Government and recognized by
Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. UMT distinguishes itself with 150 full-time faculty
members including 30 PhDs, 10,000 alumni/ae, and almost 3300 students from 46 districts of
Pakistan and 11 countries across the globe.
20 Years proven track of
excellence in higher education
Established in 1990 as a project of ILM
Trust, the University of Management and
Technology, Lahore, then known as the Institute of Leadership and Management, has
evolved into a premier institution of higher
learning in the country. This success rests on
the high teaching and research standards
maintained by the University over the years.
– employs the super mix of the methods of
assessment to develop a different breed of
leaders to affront the millennium challenges.
Performing inland and abroad
The Higher Education Commission (HEC)
of Pakistan recognizes all degree programs
offered by UMT. In September 2007, the
HEC awarded “W” category to the University. UMT now ranks among the select few
universities in the country in this category.
To date, over 10,000 ILM\ UMT alumni
have graduated from this institution. Many
of our alumni have gone on to join leading organizations in Pakistan and abroad. Our
alumni are one of our greatest assets. Over
the years, they have maintained a relationship with their alma mater either by returning to attend events especially arranged for
them or by registering themselves in the
UMT alumni portal.
Our Faculty
The real strength
UMT Students
Avid learners
The UMT faculty consists of 150 full-time
faculty members including 30 PhDs, besides
110 visiting faculty members which represent a rich blend drawn from the academic
and business world. The faculty:
At present, nearly 3300 students are enrolled
in various programs offered by the University. UMT is an energetic, constantly evolving academic institution with exceptional academic resources for the intellectual and professional development of its students.
– creates contextualized, relevant and current course materials and curricula.
– blends a variety of teaching methods including industrial visits, group projects,
case studies and computer-simulations
with traditional classroom instruction,
seminar teaching, and laboratory-based
– develops analytical, presentation and communication skills of participants required
by the employers.
– distinguishes itself by breadth of knowledge, industry exposure, and quality and
excellence in research.
– presents high quality research papers in
national and international seminars and
3D View of UMT Campus
Academic Programs
Learning for leadership
Programs are based on our heritage of leadership, innovation, high quality research and
teaching of the highest standard.
State-of-the-art learning resource center
Learning Resources with access to 14,000
peer reviewed leading international journals
and over 35,000 e-Books along with 50,000
books, 105 magazines and journals, databases with more than 325,000 indexed
items, and immense online resources.
Congenial Environment
Augments learning
Congenial Environment is friendly, condu-
cive, and congenial augmented with unique
learning resources, state-of-the-art laboratories, and student support services.
Academic Culture
Promotes holistic development
Learning Culture is an exquisite blend of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.
Purpose-built campus
Place to be
The 160 kanal purpose-built University campus attracted an increasing number of students to the University. The number of female students seeking admission to UMT is
on the rise due to the safe and secure environment, and also due to the highly supportive nature of the faculty and management.
Hostel Facility
Home outside home
UMT also provides hostel accommodation
for both male and female students. Transport
facility is available for students from predetermined pick/drop points in the city.
Computer Network
UMT's computer network consists of more
than 1300 nodes with a bandwidth of 8 MB.
Networked computers offer many software
for the use of the students and staff. Wireless
connectivity is also available. UMT has
fully equipped telecom labs for the use of its
Science and Engineering Laboratories
Blending theory with hands on practice
UMT has excellent laboratory facilities to
assist engineering and science students.
Laboratories are being expanded according
to the pre-set five-year development plan.
laboratories and other infrastructure related
to practical training. Industrial visits and
internships are planned for all technical
disciplines to impart hands-on training in
select areas. UMT offers following
laboratories Our laboratory facilities are
generally considered to be among the best in
the private sector universities of the country.
Laboratory work is an essential part of
curriculum and teaching at UMT. We are
continuously upgrading our laboratories and
other infrastructure related to practical
training. Industrial visits and internships are
planned for all technical disciplines to
impart hands-on training in select areas.
UMT offers following laboratories
– Textile Testing and Quality Control
– Wet Processing Laboratory
– Apparel Manufacturing Laboratory
– Fabric Manufacturing Laboratory
– Textile Engineering Drawing Laboratory
– Chemistry Laboratory
– Physics Laboratory
– Digital Logic Laboratory
– Communication Laboratory
– Electronics Laboratory
– Projects Laboratory
– Usability Laboratory n
A G Ghaffari
Arjmand Zahra
Zafar Siddique
Zaheer Sultan
Mehr Yaqoob
C-II, Johar Town, Lahore-54770
Pakistan Ph: (042) 5212801-10
Fax: (042) 5212819
Email: umtnews@umt.edu.pk
Web: www.umt.edu.pk