Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances _______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) Factors that Influence the Electric Field Effects on Fungal Cells Maricica Stoica1, Gabriela Bahrim1 and Geta Cârâc*2 1 Department of Biochemistry and Technologies, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 111 Domneasca Street, 800008- Galati, Romania;, 2 Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 111 Domneasca Street, 800008- Galati, Romania; Fungi are an important group of microorganisms studied due to on their positive biochemical abilities as starter cultures in biotechnology to positive modify food characteristics and stability and at the same time they play an important role in the development of products with economical importance such as: enzyme, vitamins, organic acids and antibiotics. On the other hand, the spoilage of food by fungi is a serious economic issue; therefore the control of fungi is essential and decisive. In recent years, the use of electric field for microbial inactivation has received much attention in applied microbiology. Pulsed electric field (PEF), a food preservation method, has proved to inactivate the spoilage microorganisms and also pathogens. The process consists in the application of a short duration high electric field to food product, which is placed between two electrodes. Successful application of PEF depends strongly on the cells morphology and physiological properties, the fluid medium properties, the type and characteristics of the used electric field waveform. The overall aim of this review is to systematically present the factors that influence the electric field effects on fungal cells. Keywords fungi; inactivation; pulsed electric field 1. Introductory remarks Fungi are eukaryotic microrganisms [1] that include yeasts and molds [2], which are unicellular [3] and multicellular microorganisms [4]. The fungal cells are larger than bacteria [5] and structurally more complex than other microorganisms [6]. Some strains are important in food biotechnology as starter cultures with the ability to modify food characteristics and stability [7], and in industrial biotechnology to produce enzymes [8], and other beneficial byproducts, such as antibiotics [9], vitamins [10], organic acids [11] and others. On the other hand, the food spoilage by fungi [12, 13] raises an economic issue [14] and it is estimated that between 5 and 10% of the world’s food production is lost annually due to fungal biodeterioration [15]. The risk of health problems can appear due to mycotoxins produced as secondary metabolites by fungi during the stationary phase of growth in some specific physic-chemical conditions [16]. Control of fungal spoilage is therefore, essential and decisive to prevent different biological risks. Different undertaking methods for food safety and microbial inactivation with thermal processing as the dominant conventional treatment which extends the shelf-life and at the same time mantaining food safety [17]. The thermal processing leads to change in the sensory attributes, such as flavours, stability of thermolabil compounds as vitamins, aminoacids as well as the modifying nutritional quality of the products [17, 18]. The ever-increasing trend towards safety, consumer’s health, and minimal food processing [19] has challenged food preservation technology to inactivate microorganisms using new methods instead of the heat treatments [17, 20-22]. The nonthermal methods correspond to the expectations for minimal processed food and they add higher nutritional value with evident efficiency upon microorganism’s inactivation [23]. Among all emerging nonthermal technologies, high intensity pulsed electric fields (PEF) has been gained interest over the last decade [24] and it is one of the most appealing technologies due to its short treatment times and reduced heating effects [25, 26]. High intensity pulsed electric field, as a nonthermal food preservation technology, involves the discharge of high voltage electric short pulses through the food product [25]. PEF technology is considered more efficient than traditional heat treatments of food and consequently it presents several advantages over conventional heat treatments: better retention of flavour, colour and nutritional value, improved protein functionality, increased shelf-life and reduced pathogen contamination levels [27]. Successful application of PEF depends strongly on biological factors [28] such as: cell type [17, 29 - 31], size and shape of the cell [29], cells density [32], arrangement and cell position; dielectric breakdown [33], and physical and chemical properties of food are also considered (conductivity, pH, ionic strength) [17, 34]. The type and characteristics of the used electric field waveform in PEF [34, 35] are critical for the outcome of this process [17]. The breakdown of the cell membrane, as effect of the PEF, can be a reversible or irreversible process [35]. The reversible breakdown has wide applications in biotechnology and medicine [36], while the irreversible breakdown finds applications in food industry, pharmaceutical research, public health and water purification [35]. PEF, as an innovative minimal processing, is receiving considerable much attention from research groups as well as food companies as a new technique with potential to be fully adapted to processing food at larger industrial users [37]. ©FORMATEX 2011 291 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances ______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) 2. Biological factors Biological factors are determinant for PEF application [25]. The susceptibility of the microorganisms to high intensity pulsed electric inactivation is highly related to the morphological and physiological characteristics of treated microorganisms [25] such as: cell type [17, 29 – 31, 38], cell size and shape [29], cells density [32], the cell arrangement in suspension; dielectric breakdown [33]. 2.1 Type of microorganisms PEF treatment has been tested on a wide range of microorganisms including different Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [25, 28, 39], yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae [25, 39, 40 - 44] and moulds [45, 46]. Barsotti and Cheftel [28] reported that the efficiency of microbial inactivation depends first on the type of microorganism. Many authors have found that Gram-positive bacteria are more resistant to PEF than those Gram-negative [25, 31, 35]. The yeasts show a higher sensitivity to electric fields than vegetative form of bacteria [25, 31, 35] due to their larger size [25] than most bacteria have, so they may exhibit a lower breakdown transmembrane potential, and therefore, they would be more sensitive to PEF processing [31]. PEF has only been proven to be effective on vegetative cells [47]. Bacterial spores and mold ascospores are more resistant to PEF exposure than vegetative cells [47, 48], whereas bacteria spores exhibit a greater resistance to PEF treatment due the dehydrated cytoplasm, which reduces their electrical conductivity and makes it difficult to develop a sufficient high voltage gradient to breach the surrounding membrane [49] and also, the mainly the cortex of spores that enclose the cytoplasmatic membrane, probably prevent the permeabilisation effect of PEF [45]. The degree of resistance of molds or yeast ascospores is not yet established [28]. The yeast ascospore wall did not protect these against the PEF treatment. The resistance of them to PEF exposure is due to their structure, which includes an extremely thick intermediate space between the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane. The thick space in the cell wall of ascospores has been considered as a possible factor in their high heat resistance to PEF treatments. Alvarez et al. [45] reported that ascospores and conidiophores were sensitive to PEF treatment. Taking into account that PEF inactivates microorganisms should vary not only for different species but also for different growth phase’s characteristics of each species [31]. Cells and membrane properties vary at different time of cultivation [18]. In the logarithmic phase cells are more sensitive to the applied electric field than lag and stationary phase [51 – 54]. Treatment parameters for inactivation of the most resistant microorganisms should be carefully selected without affecting nutritional qualities of culture media [18]. 2.2 Cell size and shape The size and shape of a microorganism play an important role in its inactivation during PEF treatment [40, 55, 56] and these factors are responsible not only for the different PEF sensitivity of yeast comparing with bacteria but also for the one among strains of the same species [57]. The cells with larger diameters, such as yeast, were killed at lower electric direct field than the cells with smaller diameter (typical cells [47, 58, 59]) and conversely, they are more resistant to alternating current, compared with small cells. Cell size and cell shape, as well as the varying morphological and biochemical properties of cells, are responsible for the particular behaviour of microorganisms. The influence of the cell size on the lethal effect of PEF has been related to the transmembrane potential created by external electric field strengths. Some authors [40, 51, 60] found a decrease in critical breakdown potential when the cell volume increases. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells have a larger diameter compared to Aspergillus niger spores (Figure 1 and Table 1) which exhibit a lower critical external electric field for breakdown and were the most sensitive to PEF treatment. The size and the composition of Aspergillus niger spores (highly melanised) was more favorable to protect the spores of chemical and electrical stressing [61]. For the cells with a radius of about 2.5÷5μm, an applied electric field, less than about 1–3 × 105 V/m, would not produce electropermeabilisation [62, 63]. Also, the cell shape influences the transmembrane potential [64 - 67]. a b Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy of different spoilage fungi colonised on stainless steel a) Aspergillus niger, b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae 292 ©FORMATEX 2011 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances _______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) Table 1. Typical size and shape for the common spoilage fungi Fungal strain Cell characteristic Reference Aspergillus niger 2.5-4 μm, globose, spinose [68] Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5-10 μm, ellipsoidal [69] 2.3 Density and cells arrangement in suspension The efficiency of PEF inactivation is dependent on number of microorganisms in the food to be treated [54]. However, the fact that high cells density decreases the PEF lethal effect is not fully understood. Jayaram et al. [70] found that a higher transmembrane potential developed across clusters of cells rather than across an individual cell for the same electric field intensity and the larger number of microbial cells indicated the less effective PEF treatment [71]. Others authors who studied the inactivation of Escherichia coli in simulated milk ultrafiltrate found that PEF doesn’t affect when the concentration of this bacterium was variable [72]. Some authors [53] reported that an increasing concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in apple juice has resulted in a slightly lower inactivation with PEF (pulse duration 25 ms at an electric field of 25 kV/cm). Also, Jeantet et al. [73] reported for a greater inoculum size of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a lower antimicrobial action by PEF treatment. Qin et al. [53] explained that the effect of microbial concentration on inactivation may be related to the cluster formation of yeast cells and/or possibly concealed microorganisms in a low electric field region. In recent studies, both the cells arrangement [33] and density in suspension influence the induced transmembrane voltage [74]. 2.4 Dielectric breakdown The dielectric material is a substrate that is a poor electricity conductor, but it is an efficient supporter of the electric fields [75]. The dielectric breakdown of a biological compound results from the local combination of an intense electric field and of neutral, dielectric (non-conductive) constituents or molecules, which suddenly change and become strongly conductive [76, 77]. Thus the resulting current induced by dielectric breakdown may cause ohmic heating [78]. The latter, would enhance the modification (unfolding and denaturation) of bioactive macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids in the treated food. During the PEF treatment, the dielectric breakdown is characterized by a spark and it is attributed to the presence of chemical compounds that substantially enhance the local electric field due to the differences in the dielectric properties of the material. Dielectric breakdown is a limiting factor in PEF technology [79]. The intent of food treatability with PEF processing is to induce the dielectric breakdown of the membrane, rather than the dielectric breakdown of the fluid food. Therefore, preventing the dielectric breakdown of food is a key to success of PEF treatment [80]. 3. Mechanism of inactivation of cells by PEF in food processing Microorganisms are inactivated when they are exposed to factors that substantially alter their cell structure or physiological functionality. Cell functions are altered when the membrane selectivity is disabled [20]. Membrane structural or functional damage is generally accepted as the cause of cell death during exposure to high-voltage electric field. The mechanism of inactivation for the exposed biological cells to pulsed electric fields has not been fully clarified until today [31]. The microorganism’s inactivation by PEF is a multi-step process which may cause cell death through multiple mechanisms. Saulis [30] suggested that the effect of PEF treatment upon microorganisms during food processing consists of four main stages: (a) increase in the transmembrane potential due to charging the cell plasma membrane by the external electric field applied, (b) pore initiation stage, (c) evolution of the pore population during an electric treatment and (d) post-treatment stage (pore resealing, cell death). Primary effects of PEF on microbial cells depend on the pulse amplitude and cell size and include structural fatigue due to induced membrane potential and mechanical stress [46] with duration from nanoseconds to milliseconds [30]. The transmembrane potential generated by external electric potential field can be done not only for the spherical cell but also for spheroidal [64, 66] ellipsoidal, cylindrical [65] or the cell with irregular form [67]. The transmembrane potential of non-spherical biological cell will depend on the cell orientation connected to the external electric field [66]. The cell membrane acts as a capacitor filled with a material with a low dielectric constant (Figure 2) and is regarded as an insulator shell to the cytoplasm due to its electrical conductivity, which is six to eight times weaker than that of the cytoplasm [81] as see in Table 2. ©FORMATEX 2011 293 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances ______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) Figure 2. The intact cell membrane (modeled by a capacitor and a resistor placed in parallel) has a potential Vm [82] Table 2. Electrical conductivity values for cell membrane and cytoplasm Cell component Membrane Cytoplasm Electrical conductivity, μS/cm 30 3÷5·107 References [83] [84 - 85] When the cells are exposed to an electric field, the free charges generated on the membrane surfaces are attracted to each other due to the difference in the signs (- and +) which causes a compression [86]. The accumulation of negative and positive charges in cell membranes forms a transmembrane potential (Vm). Vi potential induced by field application is superimposed onto the initial transmembrane potential Vm (Figure 3). Induced potential on the cell membrane is important for studying the effects of the electric field on cells and can be calculated analytically or numerically [33]. In the spherical coordinate system, a biological cell can be represented by a sphere surrounded by a shell. Figure 3 shows a cross section of such a sphere. A cell membrane is presented as a shell, where d denotes the membrane thickness and r the cell radius (Figure 3a). Figure 3. Distribution of the transmembrane potential in a spherical cell [82]: a) transmembrane potential (Vi) induced by the electric field, adds on to the initial transmembrane potential (Vm ). Breakdown potential VR is first reached at the pole, where potential vectors point to the same direction, b) breakdown (rupture) potential VR is reached in other membrane zones when field E >> ER is applied For physiological conditions where d << r, Vm, can be calculated with Eq. 1, favorable for potential on a surface of a nonconducting sphere [33]: Vm ≈ frEcosθ (1) The further membrane thinning increases the electrostatic attraction between the two sides of the membrane. At a given time and location, electrocompression supersedes the elastic resistance of the membrane. Local membrane breakdown with pore formation takes place for a given value of the applied field (E). The transmembrane potential reaches a critical value, referred to as the breakdown potential (VR). Experimental data clearly indicate that the electric field necessary for membrane disruption increases when the cell radius decreases. The breakdown potential VR induced on the cell membrane due to an external electric field is given as [82]: VR ≈ frERcosθ 294 (2) ©FORMATEX 2011 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances _______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) where ER is rupture electric field, θ is the angle between the vector of the electric field and the vector of the cell radius r at the relevant point on the membrane and f is a parameter depending on the cell shape (f =1.5 for the spherical cell). This equation is compatible with a nearly constant VR value, whatever the type of cell, while ER is inversely related to the value of the cell radius. More precisely, membrane rupture occurs when and where the sum of the initial and induced potentials equals the breakdown potential VR. In the membrane zone where the two potential vectors are oriented in the same direction, rupture occurs at a lower electric field than in the region where these vectors are oriented. High transmembrane potential exerts pressure on the cell membrane; this pressure decreases membrane thickness and ultimately causes pore formation. Cell lysis with loss of membrane integrity occurred when transmembrane potential was approximately 1 V [87]. The electrical breakdown of the cell membrane, as effect of the PEF, can be reversible or irreversible [35]. Reversible breakdown has wide applications such as applied biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, medicine and other biological research domains [36, 88, 89] while the irreversible breakdown finds applications in the food industry to preserve the quality of foods [47, 54, 90 – 93] pharmaceutical research and public health [35] and in water purification [35, 94]. Following exposure to PEF treatment, the microorganism either survives or dies [95]. When an intact cell is exposed to electrical field (Figure 4a) the lipid bi-layer and proteins of the cell are temporarily destabilised and perforation ensues, but if the electric field is removed, the pores reseal [96, 97] electroporation can be completely reversible [96] and cells retain their viability [98] (Figure 4b). The total area of induced pores is small in relation to the total surface area of the membrane and the pores are able to close again mainly due to the diffusion of lipid molecules and rearrangement of the proteins. The mechanistic details of the membrane restructuring that follows electric field exposure in living cells have not been definitively established. If the intensity of the electric fields is higher, the membrane will not be able to recover the pores, an irreversible breakdown occurs and small compounds will start leaking undergo lysis [99] (Figure 4c). Figure 4. Reversible and irreversible breakdown: (a) intact cell, (b) cell membrane reversible permeabilised, (c) cell membrane irreversibly permeabilised (inactivated cell) The attempts to describe the dependences the of inactivation efficiency on the different process variables have been done [30]. The magnitude of the breakdown potential depends on the microorganism type, cell size and shape, growth phase of microorganism and the physical and chemical characteristics of the medium in which the cells are present. The fraction of survived microorganisms, S, is correlated with the applied field intensity E and treatment time t can be represented by [47, 50]: S= (t/tc)(E-Ec)/k (3) where tc is the critical treatment time, Ec is the critical electric field strength and k is the kinetic constant. This equation implies that increasing the amplitude of electric pulses is much more effective than lengthening the treatment time [100]. If logarithms to base 10 on both sides of Eq. 3 are taken, the left-hand side of such equation would represent the log reduction (90% reduction in the initial population of microorganisms) [31]. The transformed equation depends linearly on the applied field strength and on the treatment time, the electric field strength having a more pronounced effect than treatment time, but both are important factors [31]. For the efficiency of food processing as well as other applications, the size and the evolution of the created pores is especially important [30]. The pore behaviour is affected by the more factors such as: pore resealing capacity [101] dependence of pore formation energy on pore density the variations of the transmembrane potential [102, 103] the ionic strength of the medium [30, 104] membrane fluidity [105]. The number and pores distribution depend on both time and position on the cell surface [104]. The behaviour of pores after PEF treatment has not been examined in sufficient detail yet, neither theoretically nor experimentally. Microorganisms will retain their viability or die [30, 95, 106]. Recent theoretical analysis and experimental data show that the resealing of the pore consists of a few stages of the quick (microseconds - milliseconds, minutes) reduction in pore size and the stage of the slow complete pore closure [107]. Analysis shows that the time ©FORMATEX 2011 295 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances ______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) necessary for the pores resealing varies from cell to cell [30, 108]. Dutreux et al. [109] consider that the most important reasons of cell death after PEF treatment are the increased permeability or even structural damage of the cell membrane causing the release of the intracellular components outside of the cell. Others authors suggest that the cell dye after PEF processing through apoptosis or necrosis [110 – 112] and/or osmotic swelling [113]. To understand the mechanism for the cells inactivation by PEF technology, it is not enough to know the changes occurring in the cell membrane during and after the PEF [30]. The factors causing the different cell death such as mammalian cells, yeasts, and bacteria treated by PEF have to be considered as well [30]. Knowing the mechanisms of different cell death types could help in increasing the efficiency of PEF treatment technology. 4. Fluid medium properties In general, microbial inactivation through PEF technology depends on process parameters, but few data reports that the prediction PEF inactivation of food spoilage microorganisms is a function of process parameters and also environmental factors [21]. Fluid (food product matrix) properties, such as electrical conductivity, ionic strength and pH strongly influence the PEF sensitivity of present microorganisms as specific and unspecific microbiota [28, 31]. 4.1 Medium conductivity The medium conductivity influences significantly the action of the electric field which passes through that medium [114-116] and in this case there are living cells, the medium conductivity is an important factor that influences the biological properties (electropermeabilisation, motility and microbial inactivation) [54]. The electric medium conductivity is an important parameter in PEF treatment [86]. The correlation between microorganism’s inactivation and medium electrical conductivity has been investigated by different authors [50, 91, 117 – 125]. A significant increase in the microorganism’s inactivation at lower ionic strength and conductivity was shown, whereas other authors [124] did not confirm this theory. Some researchers [86, 118] argued that the PEF treatment is more effective in medium with lower conductivity due to a larger difference on the ionic concentration between the suspension and the cell cytoplasm. The large ionic gradient facilitates an increase by ionic substances across the cell membrane, which weakens the membrane structure and makes it more susceptible to the PEF [54, 76, 86]. Thus, more articles argue that the microorganism’s inactivation increases with decreasing the medium conductivity [70]. Other authors have reported that by decreasing the medium conductivity it is possible to increase the inactivation level of yeast strains, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or other microorganisms [47, 120, 126]. In fact, food which have high electrical conductivity are difficult to process by PEF since they generate low peak electric fields across their treatment chambers due to the high current that is typically generated during PEF technology [54]. A lower medium conductivity is suitable to obtain greater microbial inactivation for the same applied electric field. The input voltage can be increased to obtain the same applied electric field for a different conductivity level, but however, it did not influence cells inactivation. 4.2 Ionic strength and medium pH The microbial inactivation by PEF technology is highly influenced by ionic strength and medium pH [31]. The inactivation ratio is generally enhanced when the medium has a low ionic strength [31, 50, 54, 118, 127]. VegaMercado et al. [119] reported that the ionic strength was responsible for electroporation and compression of the cells while the pH influenced the cytoplasmatic system when the poration was completed. These authors consider that the ionic strength and pH disturb the homeostasis of the microorganisms leading to an increase of the inactivation ratio. The increasing of ionic strength has as results an increasing in the electron mobility through solution and a decreasing in the microorganism inactivation by PEF treatment. Tsong [128] considered that the reduced inactivation rate in high ionic strength solutions can be explained by stability of the cells membranes when they are exposed to a medium which contains several ions. The ions dissolved in the treated medium have been found to produce effects on microbial inactivation with PEF. Ions such as Ca2+, Na+, K+ and Mg2+ can be influence the membrane and the cellular physiology, while ions as Na+ and K+ do not influence inactivation of microorganisms; Ca2+ and Mg2+, however, have been shown to induce a protective effect against PEF [50]. Bruhn et al. [129] showed that the presence of ions in a medium appears to be necessary to increase the transmembrane potential. The pH of the PEF treatment medium is one of the factors that generated most controversy in literature. Some researchers have observed that microorganisms were more PEF sensitive in acidic medium [43, 91, 119]. Other authors have indicated that microbial resistance was lower at neutral pH [43, 73, 124, 130] and with no influence on microbial PEF inactivation [125, 131, 132]. These differences have not been elucidated yet but they could be correlated with the increase number of pulses and electric field strength applied at the lower medium pH, the microorganism’s type [45] and a change in the cell capability to maintain a transmembrane pH gradient due to membrane electroporation [45]. The medium pH plays an important role in microbial inactivation when PEF is combined with organic acids treatment having antimicrobial effect [18]. The strong synergic inactivation by combination of organic acids and PEF treatment at lower pH (e.g. 3.4) indicated that entry of undissociated acids into microbiological cells was enhanced [133]. Wouters et al. [91] also showed that the PEF inactivation of some 296 ©FORMATEX 2011 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances _______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) microorganisms (Listeria innocua, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in phosphate buffer were more effective when the pH of the buffer was decreased from 6.8 to 5.0. It is possible that the inactivation levels achieved were due to not only the combined effect of pH and PEF, but also the antimicrobial potential of the organic acids [86]. Since the pH have influences the microbial inactivation by PEF, the acidic food such as fruit juices are good candidates for processing by PEF technology. 5. Electric field waveforms The electric-field is the most important treatment parameters affecting the performance of microbial inactivation by PEF [90]. The PEF technology consists of delivering an electric field in pulses into a food [134] to reduce the most resistant microorganisms which are significant to the public health to level that is not likely to present a health risk under normal distribution and storage conditions [135]. The PEF process involves the application of pulses of high voltage, typically of 20-80 kV/cm for short periods of time (less than 1 second) to fluid food placed between two electrodes [54]. Once the applied electric field exceeds a critical value for a certain period of time, the transmembrane potential is induced which leads to cells death. The factors that affect the microbial inactivation with PEF depend not only the biological factors and fluid medium properties, but also they on the processing factors. From the electric field strength and the treatment time, some other variables such as pulse characteristics can also influence the inactivation ratio and reaction kinetics in PEF treatment [31]. The pulse waveshapes is briefly taken into account below. The square wave and exponential decay pulses (in bipolar or monopolar form) (Figure 5) are generally used for PEF cells treatment [25, 46, 86]. a b c d Figure 5. Pulse waveforms commonly used in PEF technology adapted from [134]: (a) exponentially decaying pulse, (b) bipolar exponential, (c) square pulse and, (d) bipolar square Qin et al. [35] and Zhang et al. [136] reported the effects of different voltage waveforms on the inactivation rate of bacteria and yeasts. Authors reported that the square wave pulses are more energy and lethally efficient in the microbial inactivation that exponentially decay pulses. However, exponentially decaying pulses are easier to generate and change in direction than square pulses [137]. In terms of pulse polarization, the bipolar pulses (square or exponential decay) are more lethal than monopolar pulses [35, 138] science the alternating stress produced by bipolar pulses causes intense structural changes of the membrane increasing the risk of the cell membrane to electrical breakdown [31]. The bipolar pulses produce alternating changes in the movement of charged molecules, which cause a stress in the cells membrane and enhance cells lysis. Moreover, bipolar pulse reduces deposition of solids on the electrode surface, decreases food electrolysis, and economical efficiency is increased by reduce of the energy consumed [27, 54]. ©FORMATEX 2011 297 Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances ______________________________________________________________________________ A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) 5. Final Remarks The biological risks linked to the consumption of unpasteurized food as vegetal product, fruit juices, milk and dairy products due to microorganisms are affecting various countries worldwide. Consumers today are demanding high quality, minimal food processing and food safety. PEF technology opens up new possibilities with respect to utilisation of raw products and reduction of microbial contaminants from food microbiota. The efficiency of the microorganism inactivation by PEF treatment depends on a variety of factors which can be divided into some main: biological properties of treated microorganisms (type, size and shape; cells density; association and cells position; dielectric breakdown) and physical and chemical properties of foods (medium conductivity, ionic strength, ions, pH and electric treatment, shape of the pulses). These factors affect the different stages of microorganism’s inactivation. Consequently, it is clear that in order to produce safe and stable food products more researches are required to establish the correct minimal processing techniques parameters. The processing parameters used for the inactivation of microorganisms should be clearly highlighted to allow comparisons and scale up the technology at the industrial level. Thus, the intrinsic factors referring to microorganisms, fluid characteristic of processed food and processing conditions (pulse waveforms) should be reported to facilitate the optimization and standardization of the PEF treatment. The authors hope that the data presented in this chapter can be helpful for a better understanding of the technology to applied PEF treatment as food preservation technique. Acknowledgements. This work has benefited from financial support through the 2010 POSDRU/89/1.5/S/52432 project, ORGANIZING THE NATIONAL INTEREST POSTDOCTORAL SCHOOL OF APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGIES WITH IMPACT ON ROMANIAN BIOECONOMY, project co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. References [1] Pommerville JC. Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology. 9th ed. Sudbury, Md: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc; 2010. [2] Tournas VH, Heeres J, Burgess L. Moulds and yeasts in fruit salads and fruit juices. Food Microbiology. 2006;23(7):684-688. [3] Zuin A, Castellano Esteve D, Ayté J, Hidalgo E. Living on the edge: stress and activation of stress responses promote lifespan extension. AGING. 2010;2(4):231-237. [4] Tibayrenc M. Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases: Modern Methodologies. New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2007. [5] Orcutt DM, Nilsen ET. The Physiology of Plants under Stress: Soil and Biotic Factors. 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