t,i:,::i.;i.a:l:it:r+:r.::r'):::.:::::.)::iiii!.nialji:;aja:.ii.:;,.i 'iii ;i,Original 00't219 ::i: ii :| :i!. t:::, THE REPUBLIC OF UCANDA THE NATIONALENVIRONMENTMANAGEMENTAUTHORITY(NEMA) The NationalEnvironmentStatute,No.4 of 1995 The Environmental lmpact Assessment Regulations, S.[ No. 13 of 1998 Certificate of Approval of Environmental trmpact Assessment CertificateNo. NEMA/ElA/ LZtg Tlris is to certify that the Project Brief/Environmental Impact Statement *,F received f.o* LIRA MUNICTPAI. GOUNCIL , , ii:i :i:::: P.O. ROX 199, LIRA of submitted in accordance u,ith the National Environment Statute,t0 the National Environrnent Management Authority (NEMA) regarding: THE PROPOSED LANDFILL (Title of Froject) briefly deicribedas THE LANDFILL:AN,D AND WASTE COMPOSfING , , PLANT WASTE COMfOSTING,PLANT . ( Nalure, Purpose ) Iocated at - ALER \r.ILLAGE- ANYQMPREM PARI$H, ADEKOKWOK $UBCOUNTY LIRA DISTRICT ,Districr/Sub-coun^'/Cin'/Tou,n/Wa:rd)... has been reviewedand wasfound to: *x no(d(i6)6*Irxd6rnxKeefixxx xwd{JGxe{d6xpflg{d€x ** havesignificantenvironmental impactsand the following appropnatemitigationmeasures were identified and madea conditionprecedentfor approvaland implementation: =PLEASE TURN OVER= (Attach relevant dctails v'hL,renecessan') Dated at r9TH MARCH, ZOOT KAMPALA Signetl r (NEM j: Optr',ttrt l)er,'l,rn,.r l)t tr r. rrr I rrd Aorner * * D e l e t eu ' h i c h e v eirs n o t a p p l i c a b l e Th TntpLrcelE : eA u r h o n r \ Q r r A t ) RpLr r c r r e : A n Y o t h c r r e l e v a n ta g e n c r v i.rtl CONDITIONSOF AI'PROVAL (AdditionalInformationSheet) APPROVAL ta::l FOR THE PROPOSED LAND FILL CONDITIONS AND WASTE COMPOSTING PLANT of Enwironmental The approwal that Lira Municipal (i) fulfill for (ii) Council Impact construct is granted on condition shall; for the legal requirement waste Assessment handling and and maintain the site as special zoning disposal; an access road for transportation of waste to the site; (iii) provide (iv) take the necessary such as clinical step to ensure and chemical waste to be subjected (v) restrict that the waste th.at hazardous etc., composting are not interfered with are off and disposal by actiwities not waste part of the process; to the composting access to the site by fencing waste with wegetation; and appropriate trees the site planted zolae around buffer an adequate the site actiwities to ensure at the site in the surroundings i.:,, ',;.': t:,j and wice-versa; lt:t:l l:l.ll ||:::: ii:.:l Daredat 19TH MARCH, 2OO7 KAMPALA .tt:.1 :::::: ,ll Signed ive Dirccto i:iiiitri:::ti::iia:::;ij:t:t:::i::::::frqryttt:tt::r:11:t:t:::::t:|:t:::tit::t:t:::t:t:t:t:t::.1::t:::t::tttai rinledby UgandaPrinling andPublishing Corporalion EMA) APPROVAL CONIDITIONS FOR THE PROPOSED LAND FILL AND WASTE COMPOSTING PLANT (continued) (vi) ensurethat any effluent dischargesfrom the waste site conform to the NationalEnvironment(Standards for Dischargeof the Effluentinto Wateror on Land)Regulations, 1999. (vii) obtain the requisite licencesfor operation/owninga waste disposal site and transportationof waste to the site under the National Environment (Waste Management)Regulations1999. (viii) ensure that the waste site is used solely for composting and disposal of wastecategorisedas municipal wasteunlessa licenceis obtainedfor handling and disposalof suchother waste. (ix) provide an alternativesourceof water for communitiesin the area in form of a boreholeor waterkiosks. (.x.) put in place proper and adequatedrainagearound the site to trap storm water and preventit from invadingthe compostingprocessoperationalarea. (xi) encourage the separatecollection of plastic mineral water bottles, other recyclableplasticsand materialsin the Town Council for recyclingpurposes. (xii) control rodents, pests and disease vectors at the waste site and the surroundinss. (xiii) createcommunity awarenessabout the wastecompostingproiect activities so that there is appreciationof the project and supporl of the pro.|ectobjectives, activitiesand outputs. (xv) ensure that personsworking under the direction of Lira Municipal Council comply with the National EnvironmentLaws and that they managewaste in a mannerthat doesnot causeill heathto personsor damagethe environment. (xvi) undertakeannualself-auditsand transmitthern to NEMA bv Julv 2008: (xvi) implement the Environmental Monitoring Plan contained in the EIS and ensurerecord keeping as containedin Section 7'/ af the National Environment Act Cap 153and their transmissionto the Authority as requiredby Section78 of the Act. (xvii) in accordancewith Section 22 (4) of the National Environment Act Cap 153, Lira Municipal Council will be required to ensurethat any other undesirable environmentalimpactsthat may arise due to implementing this project but were not contemplated by the time of undertaking this Environmental impact Assessment aremitigated. The PermanentSecretary Ministry of Local Government KAMPALA c.c: The Cornmissioner Departmentof physicalplanning Ministry of Water.Landsand Eivironmenr KAMPALA The Mayor Lira Council LIRA c.c: T'heChairman LocalCouncilV Lira District LIRA c.c: The DistrictEnvironmentOfficer Lira District LIRA DATEDAT KAMPALA ON 19THMAR CH,zOTl EXECUTIV