commissioning and testing complex busbar

Lubomir Sevov
GE Multilin
Markham, Ontario
Bogdan Kasztenny
GE Multilin
Markham, Ontario
Ed Taylor
Pacific Gas & Electric
Oakland, California
1. Introduction
As “junction points” at all voltage levels, carrying energy in
electric power schemes, power substation buses are critical
to scheme topology. Exposure to high-fault currents imposes
stringent performance requirements on both bus protection
relays and current transformers. Saturation of current
transformers (CTs) caused by external problems may jeopardize
the security of bus protection due to unbalanced currents in the
differential relay.
Improper operation of a bus relay, in turn, considerably changes
scheme topology and significantly impacts both power delivery,
in the case of a distribution bus, and scheme stability in the case
of a transmission-level bus.
Historically, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has
standardized on the double-bus single-breaker arrangement
for major transmission buses (Figure 1).
The standard protection for these buses has been a high
impedance bus differential relay. The single breaker double bus
configuration, formerly used, required complex switching of
the bus differential CT, dc tripping circuits and breaker failure
tripping circuits whenever the bus configuration was changed
by operating the bus isolator switches. Operations personnel
were often required to execute more than 100 switching steps
to reconfigure the bus in order to take one breaker out of service
by bypassing and clearing it while maintaining protection of the
circuit using a substitute breaker.
Low-impedance microprocessor-based bus protection
schemes have provided a better solution to protecting the
double-bus single-breaker bus configuration. Such schemes
monitor all currents as well as the positions of breakers and
isolators, and dynamically adjust their zones of protection for
Fig 1.
115 kV single breaker double bus and control building.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
Fig 2.
60 kv bus with outdoor relay cabinet and indoor control building
optimum selectivity while the bus is being switched. These
schemes do not require operator intervention, which saves time
and reduces the risk of an incorrect operation. The schemes
can also be installed in outdoor cabinets close to the protected
bus, reducing the length of CT wiring to the differential relays
(Figure 2).
switching and bypassing of breakers on a double-bus single
breaker configuration, and focuses on some of the practical
aspects of commissioning complex bus schemes.
Other reasons for the increasing penetration of low-impedance
microprocessor-based relays are their advanced monitoring
functions, integrated breaker failure protection, and cost.
This penetration became particularly noticeable after several
vendors released affordable phase-segregated low-impedance
bus relays around 2002 [1].
While monitoring bus configuration is unimportant for many
bus arrangements (Figures 3 and 4), for other configurations
monitoring bus topology and following it in terms of measuring
and tripping zone boundaries, is essential (Figure 5).
Lastly, and most importantly, the installation a low-impedance
differential makes it easier to accommodate added generation
or expansion of existing buses because it is not necessary to
change existing CTs or add slip-on CTs as is sometimes required
for high-impedance bus differentials.
The high-impedance bus differential requires that all CTs have
the same ratio, preferably no tapped CT windings, and similar
excitation characteristics. Traditionally, robust high-impedance
schemes may fail to operate correctly if all the CTs are not
properly matched. Modern low-impedance solutions show very
high immunity to extreme cases of CT saturation; in many such
cases, performance is better than that of the high-impedance
schemes [2]. The low-impedance microprocessor-based relay
is a complex piece of protection equipment to commission.
Quite often the scheme consists of many ac current inputs, ac
voltage inputs, trip outputs, and several - perhaps hundreds - of
status inputs.
This paper reviews some of the basics of bus protection,
discusses some unique logic requirements for handling
2. Cost-Efficient Bus Protection Schemes
Reconfigurable buses, such as is shown in Figure 5, are best
protected by low-impedance microprocessor-based bus
differential schemes. Such schemes recently became quite
affordable and relatively easy to install, with the introduction of
a phase-segregated version such as solution [3-4].
From the perspective of the most important area of protection,
the bus differential function (algorithm) is naturally phasesegregated, which means that no information is required
regarding currents in phases B and C in order to fully protect
phase A. The results are as follows [2-4]:
Completely independent microprocessor-based devices
can process the ac signals that belong to phases A, B
and C. No data transfer is required between the individual
devices of the bus protection scheme.
• Sampling synchronization is not required between the
separate microprocessor-based relays that process signals
from individual phases.
These facilitate phase-segregated busbar protection. In Figure
6, three separate relays (Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
Fig 3.
Bus arrangements: single-bus single breaker (a,b), single-bus singlebreaker with a transfer bus (c), double-bus double-breaker (d).
Fig 4.
Bus arrangements: breaker-and-a-half (a) and ring-bus (b).
Fig 5.
Bus arrangements: double-bus single-breaker without (a) and with (b) a transfer bus.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
bus to the other, the isolator switch connecting the circuit to the
target bus is closed, after which the other isolator, connecting
with the original bus, is opened, and the transfer is complete.
Isolator positions are indicated by LEDs on the relay faceplate,
allowing the operator to validate that the bus differential relay
is accurately reading the bus configuration before and after
Fig 6.
Idea behind phase-segregated bus protection schemes.
[1]) are used to provide protection for a three-phase busbar.
Each phase of each device is fed with its own ac currents and
voltages, the signals are processed, and the trip/no-trip decision
is made. At least one device operates for any type of fault. For
phase-to-phase faults, two relays operate.
Traditional low-impedance bus differential protection schemes
monitor all bus currents, derive differential and restraint
signals, and apply these signals to a pre-configured operating
characteristic for the tripping/restraining action.
Modern relays [1,2] sample their input signals relatively fast
64 samples per cycle, or faster – and are therefore capable of
incorporating sophisticated and robust means of dealing with
CT saturation while maintaining excellent sensitivity and speed
of operation.
3. Switching Procedures in Typical
Double-Bus Configurations
Double-busbar configurations in this case study, have 9 or 10
circuits on average, connected via isolator switches to either
bus, have a bus coupler connecting the two buses, and use
sectionalizing breakers to divide bus sections (Figure 5a). In
addition, each feeder circuit breaker is equipped with a bypass switch. This switch facilitates breaker substitution where
the coupler is temporarily used to protect any of the feeder or
transformer bank circuits when the original breaker is taken
out of service for maintenance. During the breaker substitution,
one bus becomes a part of the transmission circuit, with all the
other circuits routed to the other bus.
Low-impedance differential protection applied in this case
[1] provides continuous monitoring of all isolator switches,
and dynamically includes or excludes currents into or from
the applied differential zones. Allocation of trip commands to
individual breakers follows this dynamic bus image. The same
situation applies to trip commands from the breaker fail function
where the secondary breakers are selected dynamically for
the failed breakers based on the topology of the busbar at
the moment. The isolators are switched either manually or
automatically. When a circuit needs to be transferred from one
For a short time, when both isolators are closed during switching,
the two buses are connected together via the isolator switches
of the transferred circuit. In the case of a fault occurring at this
time, the faulted bus cannot be separated from the other bus
(no breaker; two isolators connected in series). In addition, the
relay cannot identify the faulty bus (Bus #1 or Bus #2) as the CT
associated with the transferred circuit measures only the sum
of the currents flowing towards each of the paralleled buses
without knowing how much current is flowing into each bus.
The bus protection relay takes this into account by treating the
double-bus as one single bus for the period of time that both
isolators are closed for any breaker [3,4].
Breaker substitution is another switching strategy used in this
case study. The goal is to isolate a breaker for maintenance
while keeping a specific circuit energized. First, with the coupler
closed, all other circuits are transferred to one bus (Bus #2 for
example) by operating the appropriate isolators. The circuit of
interest remains as the only circuit on the other bus (Bus #1).
Next, protection of this circuit is provided by enabling substitute
relays on the coupler breaker. These relays have CTs on the
coupler breaker and are also wired to trip the same breaker.
At this time, Bus #1 is part of the transmission circuit from
the standpoints of both fault detection (CT) and isolation (CB).
The breaker to be maintained is then bypassed by closing the
bypass switch, after which disconnects are opened on each
side of the breaker in question, to facilitate the work on it.
When the CT on this breaker gets by-passed, its measurements
become incorrect (a current divider of an unknown and random
division factor). The bus protection zone that uses that current
(Bus #1) must therefore be inhibited. Note that differential
protection on Bus #1 is not needed at this point, because the
bus is already protected as a part of the circuit, by the substitute
relays on the coupler breaker. Logic has been developed for
the low-impedance bus protection relay, that automatically
re-adjusts the bus protection zones of protection when the
breaker by-pass switches are operated. During commissioning,
bypass switches are operated on selected breakers to verify
that the differential scheme is stable, and that the correct zone
of protection is blocked. LEDs on the front of the relay indicate
when a zone of protection is blocked.
Breaker failure (BF) detection is another important feature
supported by the low-impedance bus differential protection
and logic. When the breaker is bypassed, and substituted by the
coupler, this feature is automatically switched to the coupler. In
general, BF trips are always routed dynamically in order to trip
the minimum zone required to isolate the failed breaker under
any possible bus topology.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
4. Scheme Configuration
The bus protection scheme for the double-bus single-breaker
configuration in this case study, consists of seven relays mounted
on two panels, test switches, terminal blocks, and an Ethernet
switch for engineering access and SCADA communications
(Figure 7).
Each phase relay is populated with modules supporting binary
inputs, output contacts, and ac input cards, in order to match
the needs of the application. Three relays are used to provide
bus protection zones and BF overcurrent sensing for the three
phases of the power scheme. The trip outputs also reside on
these relays so that a bus fault can be cleared very fast, without
the time delay involved in communicating the trip signal to
another IED of the bus scheme. Typically these three relays are
configured identically.
The fourth relay is configured to accept inputs from the bus
isolator auxiliary contacts, and provide bus replica information
for the phase relays. Dynamic association of currents to zones
of protection is achieved by monitoring the status of each
isolator connecting the circuit to either of the buses (Figure
8). Each isolator auxiliary switch is equipped with a pair of NO
and NC contacts wired to the relay and used to provide the
“opened”, or “closed” isolator position to the relay. Relay logic
looks for discrepancies between these contacts, such as when
both auxiliary contacts are opened, or both closed, and can be
programmed to issue an alarm, to continue to run individual
protection zones, to issue a signal inhibiting switching within
the bus, or to provide for one overall (hence less-selective)
zone of protection. The fifth relay is dedicated to BF timing and
The sixth relay is populated with only latching output contacts,
which provide the physical isolation of the circuit breaker
tripping circuits, replacing traditional cut-out/in switches. Output
tripping contacts from the phase relays are wired in series with
these latching contacts. Latching contacts are controlled from
the seventh relay.
The seventh relay is used for remote control of the scheme,
using 12 large programmable faceplate pushbuttons, and for
SCADA interface. Bus Differential Tripping, Zone 1 Protection,
Zone 2 Protection and Automatic Reclosing can be controlled
from this relay.
All relays are connected via dedicated redundant rings of
fiber-optic cable and exchange hundreds of digital signals to
distribute bus status, logic, or indications (Figure 9). Note that
this communication is isolated from the rest of the substation
network. It is based on optimized protocol and dedicated
hardware, and is not based on Ethernet. The Ethernet connection
is for Engineering and SCADA access only.
Fig 7.
Multi-IED phase-segregated bus scheme: allocation of functions and
physical arrangement.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
5. Commissioning Tests
Commissioning of bus protection schemes for such
reconfigurable buses, requires good knowledge of the applied
bus relays: inputs, outputs, protection, logic, indications,
interfaces, and bus switching procedures, used by a given
utility. Another very important aspect when commissioning, is
the actual design and application of sufficient tests to prove all
scheme components and logic.
5.1. Logic testing
A RTDS digital simulator was used for proof-of-concept testing
of the unique scheme logic that was developed for the doublebus single-breaker bus protection scheme. Several scenarios
were modeled to simulate bus switching under load conditions
and to check for correct operation of the scheme under internal
and external fault, and saturated CT, conditions.
5.3. Polarity check of current transformers
One of the most important tests on the installed scheme is the
CT’s polarity check, as the chances of making wiring mistakes
are proportional to the number of connections made.
First, the CT ratio and current contribution are checked for each
bus circuit breaker by forcing secondary current from each
circuit breaker to the respective relay inputs in order to assure a
complete current circuit.
Proper testing and tuning of the isolator’s auxiliary contacts is an
important aspect of configuring and testing such bus protection
schemes. Whether motorized or manual, isolators usually take
a few seconds to move from one position to another. The same
mechanism that moves the isolator main contacts changes
the auxiliary contacts, but at slightly different times during the
movement of the isolator main contacts
Next, with all tripping outputs disabled, the normal scheme
load currents are allowed to flow through the bus differential
scheme. The load currents are verified with a simple crosscheck
of magnitudes and angles of currents as measured by the
bus relay, and as measured by meters/relays in the individual
circuits. A single bus potential is used as a common reference
for the bus relay and feeder relays. In some cases the loading
on one feeder circuit may be below the relay’s minimum
measurement threshold, making it impossible to validate the
proper CT phasing of that circuit. This can usually be resolved
by switching the power scheme to increase loading on that
feeder circuit.
For example, to assure smooth insertion of the feeder circuit
current into the bus differential zone, the auxiliary contacts
are adjusted to read status “closed” at 75-80% of the isolator’s
travel distance, when the isolator is moved from open to closed.
When the isolator is moved from closed to open, the auxiliary
contacts are adjusted to change their state and read “open” at
35% of the travel distance, right after the main isolator contacts
separate. The bus differential relay scheme is set to detect any
auxiliary NO/NC contact pair discrepancy, issue an alarm, and
optionally block bus switching, until the problem is fixed.
Lastly, the differential relay’s metering function is used to
check that no differential current is seen for each zone of the
bus protection scheme, and that the restraint quantities are
as expected. Even though absence of the differential current
is a good indication of correct polarity, this check alone is not
enough. It could happen that all the currents presently included
in the zone have inverted polarities, and are therefore balanced
for this particular topology, but would manifest problems
when the zone boundary gets dynamically changed as the bus
switches its circuits.
Fig 8.
Fig 9.
5.2. Importance of testing auxiliary contacts of
Implementation of the dynamic bus replica.
During isolator transitions, security of bus protection is ensured
by the application of the check zone or undervoltage trip
supervision, or both. However, it is necessary to ensure that the
NO/NC auxiliary contacts perform reasonably well and do not
generate unnecessary discrepancy alarms.
Redundant Fiber Ring
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
5.4. Check of the transfer / paralleling logic
Normally each circuit is connected to only one of the two buses,
and the scheme applies separate zones of protection for each
bus. During the short period when transferring a circuit, the
two buses cannot be protected individually. This particular
application is developed to expand the two zones to cover
the entire bus (Figure 10). For example, ISO1 and ISO2 closed
simultaneously trigger the BUS 1 AND 2 PARALLELED condition.
This in turn acts to include all circuit currents into both zones
of protection. With the logic identical for all circuits but the
coupler, all currents become part of zones 1 and 2 making the
two zones identical. The coupler, in turn, is removed from both
zones under the BUS 1 AND 2 PARALLELED condition (internal
circulating current that must not be measured).
The applied logic must be exercised during commissioning by
transferring each circuit breaker from the preferred bus to the
alternate bus and back again, thus checking both the operation
of the scheme under load and the proper operation of the
isolator auxiliary contacts.
5.5. Breaker by-pass and substitution
Figure 11 shows the breaker substitution case. Circuit C1 is
transferred to the coupler (CT12, CB12). Its original breaker is
bypassed by closing ISO 2. At this point zone 2 must be stopped
because the CT12 and CT1 currents will not balance (CT1 is
bypassed and measures a fraction of the current in the C1
circuit). This portion of the logic is checked by forcing the breaker
substitution condition and examining the bus zone boundaries.
These zone boundaries can be easily checked by reading the
internal relay flags via PC software, or via LED indication on the
relay faceplate [1]. During commissioning, one circuit breaker
is set up to be bypassed on each bus in order to prove proper
operation of the bypass switch auxiliary contacts and the relay
6. Trip Tests and Verification of Voltage
Trip checks are performed on each zone of the bus differential
by simulating an internal fault either by injecting test currents
or by shorting out currents from the circuit with the greatest
load and verifying that the proper circuit breakers are tripped.
Coordination with voltage supervision is critical to making this
test a success. At the same time as the fault is simulated, the
bus voltage to the relay must be momentarily reduced below
the voltage supervision pickup in order to get a trip output.
Fig 10.
Logic covering the case of paralleled buses when transferring a circuit.
Individual zones for the two buses adjust constantly to the
changing bus topology. For security, the check zone and an
undervoltage condition “supervise” the trip signals originating
at the bus protection zones. There are two reasons for this:
Fig 11.
Protection zones under breaker substitution.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
there may be a circulating current between input currents to
the check zone. Circulating currents may fool features aimed at
detecting CT saturation problem, and may thus inhibit operation
during internal faults.
Undervoltage supervision uses bus voltage for security. Note
that phase A protection is supervised from either AG, AB or
CA voltage. Sometimes two sets of voltages must be wired to
the relay and proper voltage must be selected for each of the
two buses, to cover the case where the two buses are entirely
The tests described above are performed during commissioning
to make sure that spurious pickup of the tripping zones is stopped
by the check-zone and/or overvoltage condition (security). At
the same time, both the check-zone and the undervoltage must
be checked for dependability.
Fig 12.
Breaker Failure protection.
First, there are conditions in the logic that re-assign currents
between the two zones of bus protection during switching. This
is a necessary consequence of the response time of auxiliary
contacts during switching, and the lack of “advanced” signaling
by certain switching operations. The voltage supervision
prevents false operation of the bus differential during these
Second, a CT problem condition may occur resulting in a wrong
current reading if there is a problem in the main CT wiring, test
switches or the input circuitry of the relay. In such a case, the
voltage supervision blocks tripping and the relay can be set to
alarm only, or block tripping of the affected zone.
The check-zone includes all the currents on the outer boundary
of the entire bus. These currents are assigned permanently to
say Zone 3. Zone 3 picks up conditions for any fault within the
bus, and can release Zones 1 and 2 for operation. Zones 1 and
2 are responsible for selectivity and security. Zone 3 should
have CT saturation detection or similar features disabled, as
7. Breaker Failure Considerations
The microprocessor bus differential has logic built in to provide
breaker failure protection with fault detectors and timers
that can be set independently for each circuit breaker. In this
particular case study an external BF function is used. With
reference to Figure 12, the BF trip signal is issued by the line/
feeder relay and is input to the bus protection scheme. The bus
relay selects breakers that need to be tripped to isolate the
problem, based on the bus topology at that moment.
A second BF function, integrated with the bus relay, is used for
bus faults. The BF is initiated from the 87B function and sent to
the line/feeder BF relays in order to force the re-trip and provide
for redundancy of the BF function.
Commissioning tests include simulation of breaker failure for
each circuit by closing the corresponding BFI and External BF
contact inputs to the bus differential scheme, and verifying that
the trip contacts trip only the breakers connected to the same
bus as that of the failed breaker.
Fig 13.
Lockout logic
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes
8. Lockout and Reclose Block
The scheme incorporates internal lockout logic to block auto
reclose of the bus following a permanent bus fault or breaker
failure operation. A combination of a software feature (nonvolatile latch) and NC output contacts is used to implement
this feature. The logic includes a feature to enable/disable auto
reclose by one breaker in order to test the bus following a bus
fault. If this test is unsuccessful, further auto reclose actions are
blocked by the lockout relay.
Figure 13 presents the applied logic. Based on this solution,
the lockout will not be initiated when the first bus fault occurs
unless the test is eliminated. If a second fault occurs after the
scheme has detected undervoltage for at least 5 seconds, the
lockout will be set. This feature can be enabled or disabled by
the operator and is tested during commissioning by simulating
an auto reclose operation.
9. Pushbuttons
This microprocessor relay design uses pushbuttons in place of
conventional control switches, to enable and disable (a) bus
protection, (b) breaker failure protection on each breaker and
(c) auto reclose following a bus fault. This design simplifies
both wiring and overall design of the scheme and allows the
substation operator to control the scheme from one location,
such as a control building, if the protective relays are installed
in a remote location.
10. Self-Monitoring
Microprocessor relays have a great advantage over
electromechanical relays because they are self-monitoring.
Each microprocessor relay in the bus differential scheme has
its typical self-monitoring features and provides an alarm
for critical failures such as failure of the processor or power
supply. In addition, alarms are provided for communication
failures between relays, for disagreement between the auxiliary
contacts on the isolator and bypass switches, and for failure of
a CT. This last one is very important since it can identify a failed
CT before the scheme is called on to operate for a bus fault.
A high impedance relay scheme can fail to operate due to a
CT failure and this scheme has no way of detecting this type
of failure. Each of these alarm conditions is tested as part of
Operator Training
Operator training was provided as part of the final testing and
commissioning of the microprocessor bus differential relay
scheme, because of the significant differences between it and
the previous high-impedance differential design. One major
difference is that the new scheme has essentially no relay
switches for the operator to switch while switching is being
performed on the bus isolators. Previously, the operator was
required to manually operate one control switch to connect the
two bus differentials prior to switching the bus, and to manually
operate another switch for each breaker being switched to
match the position of the isolators on the bus. In addition, the
operator had to manually take the scheme out of service and
place it in test mode after switching, in order to confirm that the
differential was balanced prior to disabling the relay. Operators
also need to understand how to interpret the LED status and
relay alarm indicators, and how to operate the pushbuttons to
enable tripping and automatic reclosing.
Modern bus protection solutions may be developed as multiIED phase-segregated schemes. They are built on standard
software and hardware platforms, resulting in significantly lower
costs compared with first-generation microprocessor-based
bus relays, and providing a high degree of user familiarity, initial
product maturity, and flexibility of application [1]. Application of
these relays to reconfigurable and relatively complex buses can
be done in user-programmable logic allowing accommodation
of various protection philosophies, greater flexibility, and “future
proofing.” Modern relays support remote access, enhanced
faceplate indicators, metering, oscillographic recording and
other features that facilitate testing and commissioning as well
as provide a record of scheme faults. This case study shows
that a complex bus application, pre-tested at the factory (Figure
5), can be commissioned within a 2 to 3-day time period.
Built in logic allows operators to perform routine switching of
the bus without the need for manually operating relay control
switches, thus saving time and eliminating the possibility of
incorrect operation.
13. References
[1] B90 Bus Differential Relay (Instruction Manual), GE
Publication GEK-106387, 2003 (
[2] Kasztenny B., Brunello G., Sevov L., “Digital Low-Impedance
Busbar Protection with Reduced Requirements for the
CTs”, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE T&D Conference and
Exposition, Atlanta, GA, October 28 – November 2, 2001,
paper reference 0-7803-7287-5/01.
[3] Kasztenny B., Cardenas J., “Phase-Segregated Digital
Busbar Protection Solutions”, Proceedings of the 57th
Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College
Station, TX, March 30 – April 1, 2004. Also Proceedings of
the 58th Annual Georgia Tech Protective Relaying, Atlanta,
GA, April 28-30, 2004.
[4] Kasztenny B., Brunello G., “Modern Cost – Efficient Digital
Busbar Protection Solutions”, Proceedings of the 28th
Annual Western Protective Relay Conference, Spokane,
WA, October 21-24, 2002. Also presented at IV Simposio
“Iberoamericano Sobre Proteccion de Sistemas Electricos
de Potencia”, Monterey, Mexico, November 17-20, 2002;
2003 T&D Conference, Adelaide, Australia, November 1619, 2003.
Commissioning and Testing Complex Busbar Protection Schemes