Data Sheet, V1.5, Nov. 2007 Uni- and Bipolar Hall IC Switches for Magnetic Field Applications TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Sensors N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2007-11 published by Infineon Technologies AG, Am Campeon 1-12, 81726 München, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2007. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Uni- and Bipolar Hall IC Switches for Magnetic Field Applications TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Features • • • • • • Digital output signal For unipolar and alternating magnetic fields Large temperature range Temperature compensated magnetic performance Protection against reversed polarity Output protection against electrical disturbances PG-SSO-3-2 P-SSO-3-2 Type Marking Package TLE4905L 05 L PG-SSO-3-2 TLE4935L 35 L PG-SSO-3-2 TLE4935-2L 35 2 PG-SSO-3-2 TLE4945L 45 L PG-SSO-3-2 TLE4945-2L 45 2 PG-SSO-3-2 TLE4905/35/45/45-2 L (Unipolar/Bipolar Magnetic Field Switches) have been designed specifically for automotive and industrial applications. Reverse polarity protection is included onchip as is output protection against negative voltage transients. Typical applications are position/proximity indicators, brushless DC motor commutation, rotational indexing etc. Data Sheet 1 2007-05 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Pin Configuration (view on branded side of component) Center of sensitive area 1.35 ±0.1 2.08 ±0.1 1 VS 2 3 GND Q AEP01364 Figure 1 Pin Definitions and Functions Pin No. Symbol Function 1 VS Supply voltage 2 GND Ground 3 Q Output Data Sheet 2 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Circuit Description The circuit includes Hall generator, amplifier and Schmitt-Trigger on one chip. The internal reference provides the supply voltage for the components. A magnetic field perpendicular to the chip surface induces a voltage at the hall probe. This voltage is amplified and switches a Schmitttrigger with open-collector output. A protection diode against reverse power supply is integrated. The output is protected against electrical disturbances. Threshold Generator VS 1 3 Q HallGenerator VS VRef Amplifier Output Stage 2 AEB01243 GND Figure 2 Data Sheet SchmittTrigger Block Diagram 3 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Functional Description Unipolar Type TLE4905 (Figure 3 and 4) When a positive magnetic field is applied in the indicated direction (Figure 3) and the turn-on magnetic induction BOP is exceeded, the output of the Hall-effect IC will conduct (Operate Point). When the current is reduced, the output of the IC turns off (Release Point; Figure 4). + Branded Side Ι S VQ N + Figure 3 VS - AES01231 Sensor/Magnetic-Field Configuration B BOP Induction BRP 0 t VQ VQH Output Voltage VQL t AED01420 Figure 4 Data Sheet Switching Characteristics Unipolar Type 4 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Functional Description Bipolar Type TLE4935/45/45-2 (Figure 5 and 6) When a positive magnetic field is applied in the indicated direction (Figure 5) and the turn-on magnetic induction BOP is exceeded, the output of the Hall-effect IC will conduct (Operate Point). The output state does not change unless a reverse magnetic field exceeding the turn-off magnetic iinduction BRP is exceeded. In this case the output will turn off (Release Point; Figure 6). + Branded Side Ι S VQ N + Figure 5 VS - AES01231 Sensor/Magnetic-Field Configuration B BOP 0 t Induction BRP VQ VQH Output Voltage VQL t AED01421 Figure 6 Data Sheet Switching Characteristics Bipolar Type 5 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = – 40 to 150 °C Parameter Supply voltage Supply voltage Output voltage Output current Output reverse current Junction temperature Junction temperature Junction temperature Storage temperature Thermal resistance Symbol VS VS VQ IQ – IQ Tj Tj Tj Tstg Rth JA Limit Values Unit Remarks min. max. – 40 32 V – – 40 V t < 400 ms; ν = 0.1 – 32 V – – 100 mA – – 100 mA – – 40 150 °C – – 170 °C 1000 h – 210 °C 40 h – 50 150 °C – – 190 K/W – Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Operating Range Parameter Supply voltage Junction temperature Symbol VS Tj Limit Values Unit Remarks min. max. 3.8 24 V – – 40 150 °C – – 170 1000 h, thresholds may exceed the limits Note: In the operating range the functions given in the circuit description are fulfilled. Data Sheet 6 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L AC/DC Characteristics 3.8 V ≤ VS ≤ 24 V; – 40 °C ≤ Tj ≤ 150 °C Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition Test Circuit min. typ. max. ISHigh ISLow VQSat – – 3 4 7 8 mA mA B < BRP B > BOP 1 1 – 0.25 0.5 V IQ = 40 mA 1 Output leakage current IQL – – 10 µA VQ = 24 V 1 Rise/fall time tr / tf – – 1 µs RL = 1.2 kΩ CL ≤ 33 pF 1 Supply current Output saturation voltage Note: Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at Tj = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. Data Sheet 7 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Magnetic Characteristics 3.8 V ≤ VS ≤ 24 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values TLE4905 unipolar min. max. TLE4935 bipolar latch min. Unit TLE4945 bipolar switch TLE4945-2 bipolar switch max. min. max. min. max. Junction Temperature Tj = – 40 °C Turn-ON induction Turn-OFF induction Hysteresis (BOP – BRP) BOP 7.5 19 10 20 –6 10 –3 6 mT BRP 5.5 17 – 20 – 10 – 10 6 –6 3 mT ∆BH 2 6.5 20 40 2 10 1 5 mT Junction Temperature Tj = 25 °C Turn-ON induction Turn-OFF induction Hysteresis (BOP – BRP) BOP 7 18 10 20 –6 10 –3 6 mT BRP 5 16 – 20 – 10 – 10 6 –6 3 mT ∆BH 2 6 20 40 2 10 1 5 mT Junction Temperature Tj = 85 °C Turn-ON induction Turn-OFF induction Hysteresis (BOP – BRP) Data Sheet BOP 6.5 17.5 10 20 –6 10 –3 6 mT BRP 4.5 15 – 20 – 10 – 10 6 –6 3 mT ∆BH 2 5.5 20 40 2 10 1 5 mT 8 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Magnetic Characteristics (cont’d) 3.8 V ≤ VS ≤ 24 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values TLE4905 unipolar min. max. TLE4935 bipolar latch Unit TLE4945 bipolar switch TLE4945-2 bipolar switch min. max. min. max. min. max. Junction Temperature Tj = 150 °C Turn-ON induction Turn-OFF induction Hysteresis (BOP – BRP) BOP 6 17 10 20 –6 10 –3 6 mT BRP 4 14 – 20 – 10 – 10 6 –6 3 mT ∆BH 2 5 20 40 2 10 1 5 mT Note: The listed magnetic characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at Tj = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. Data Sheet 9 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L VS ΙS 1 + VS 4.7 nF - 2 RL TLE 4905/35/35-2/45-2 GND CL 3 ΙQ Q AES01244 Unipolar Type TLE4905 Bipolar Type TLE4935 VQ VQ VQH VQH VQL VQL 0 B RP B OP B B RP B HY B B OP 0 B HY AED01422 AED01426 8 B _V _ 24 V < 3.8 V < S mT 6 B HYmax 4 B HYtyp 2 0 -40 B HYmin 0 50 100 200 ˚C Tj Figure 7 Data Sheet Test Circuit 1 10 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Mainframe Line Sensor 1 VS VS 4.7 nF 2 1.2 k Ω GND TLE 4905/35/35-2/45-2 4.7 nF 3 Signal Q AES01247 Figure 8 Data Sheet Application Circuit 11 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L If not otherwise specified, all curves reflect typical values at Tj = 25 °C and VS = 12 V Quiescent Current versus Supply Voltage ΙS Quiescent Current versus Junction Temperature AED01248 8 ΙS mA AED01249 8 mA VQ = High VQ = High 6 6 4 T j = -40 ˚C 4 VS = 24 V T j = 150 ˚C VS = 4.0 V 2 2 0 -50 0 5 0 10 15 25 V 0 50 100 Tj Quiescent Current Difference versus Temperature Saturation Voltage versus Output Current AED01459 1.0 AED01461 1.2 ∆Ι S VQ mA V 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V 1.0 ∆ Ι S = Ι SLow - Ι SHigh 0.75 200 C VS Ι Q = 40 mA 0.8 0.6 0.5 T j = 125 ˚C 0.4 0.25 0.2 0 -40 0 50 100 0 150 ˚C 200 0 20 40 60 mA 100 ΙQ Tj Data Sheet T j = -40 ˚C 12 2007-05 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L TLE4905 Operate-and Release-Point versus Junction Temperature AED03289 25 B TLE4905 Hysteresis versus Junction Temperature B 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V mT AED03290 8 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V mT 20 6 B OPmax B HYmax 15 B RPmax 4 10 2 B OPmin 5 B HYmin B RPmin 0 -40 0 50 100 0 -40 200 ˚C 0 50 100 Tj TLE4945 Operate-and Release-Point versus Junction Temperature TLE4935 Operate-and Release-Point versus Junction Temperature AED03291 30 B B 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V mT 20 B OPmax 20 AED03293 30 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V mT B OPmax 10 B OPmin 10 200 ˚C Tj B RPmax 0 0 B OPmin -10 -10 -20 -40 -20 0 50 100 B RPmin 200 ˚C -30 -40 0 50 100 200 ˚C Tj Tj Data Sheet B RPmin B RPmax 13 2007-05 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L TLE4945-2 Operate-and Release-Point versus Junction Temperature AED03294 18 B 3.8 V <_ VS <_ 24 V mT 12 B OPmax 6 B RPmax 0 B OPmin -6 B RPmin -12 -18 -40 0 50 100 200 ˚C Tj Data Sheet 14 2007-05 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Package Outlines PG-SSO-3-2 (Plastic Single Small Outline Package) 0.8 ±0.1 x 45° 7° 0.2 2 A 1.52±0.05 1) 1 MAX. 7° 0.35 ±0.1 x 45° 3 ±0.06 1 .9 MAX. 3.29±0.08 4.06±0.08 (0.25) 0.15 MAX. 4.16±0.05 (0.79) 0.6 MAX. 0.2 +0.1 0.4 ±0.05 1.27±0.25 1 2 3 1.27±0.25 18±0.5 6 ±0.5 1-1 38 MAX. 9 -0.5 +0.75 23.8 ±0.5 12.7±1 A Adhes iv e Tape Tape 6.35±0.4 4 ±0.3 0.39 ±0.1 12.7±0.3 1) N o s older func tion area Data Sheet 0.25-0.15 Total toleranc e at 10 pitc hes ±1 15 GP O05358 V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L d Branded Side Hall-Probe d : Distance chip to branded side of IC P-SSO-3-2 : 0.57 ±0.08 mm AEA02510 You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: Data Sheet 16 Dimensions in mm V1.5, 2007-11 TLE4905L, TLE4935L, TLE4945L, TLE4945-2L Revision History: 2007-11, V1.5 Previous Version: V1.4:§ Page Subjects (major changes since last revision) Package changed to PG-SSO-3-2 For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Infineon Technologies offices in Germany or the Infineon Technologies Companies and Representatives worldwide: see our webpage at We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: Data Sheet 1 V1.5, 2007-11 w w w . i n f i n e o n . c o m Published by Infineon Technologies AG