24 HOUR – URGENT ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTIC < 18 PRIOR AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FORM Complete ENTIRE form and Fax to: 866-940-7328 Today‘s Date SECTION A - PATIENT INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: Member ID: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: DOB: Allergies: Primary Insurance: Policy #: Group #: Is the requested medication NEW □ or a CONTINUATION of THERAPY□? If so, start date:______________ Is this patient currently hospitalized? □ Yes □ No SECTION B - PHYSICIAN INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: M.D./D.O. Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: NPI #: Specialty: Office Contact Name / Fax Attention to: SECTION C - MEDICAL INFORMATION Medication: Strength: Directions for use: Diagnosis (Please be specific & provide as much information as possible): ICD-10 CODE: 1. Does the patient have severe behavioral problems related to psychotic or neuro-developmental disorders? □Autism Spectrum Disorder □Intellectual disability □Conduct disorder □Bipolar disorder □Tic Disorder (Including Tourette’s Syndrome) □Transient encephalopathy □Schizophrenia □Other:______________________ 2. Does the patient have chart documented evidence of a comprehensive evaluation, including non-pharmacologic therapies, such as, but not limited to, evidence based behavioral, cognitive, and family based therapies? YES or NO ( circle answer) 3. Does the patient have documented baseline monitoring of weight or body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, fasting glucose, fasting lipid panel, and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) using the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)? YES or NO ( circle answer) 4. Is the requested medication being prescribed by, or in consultation with a pediatric neurologist, child and adolescent psychiatrist or child development pediatrician or general psychiatrist? YES or NO ( circle answer) 5. Has the patient tried and failed ALL available preferred antipsychotics (covered on the pharmacy benefit) that are FDA approved for the patient’s age? YES or NO ( circle answer), If yes, please list below. CONTINUATION of THERAPY ONLY: 1. Does the patient have documented improvement in target symptoms? YES or NO ( circle answer) 2. Does the patient have documented monitoring of weight OR BMI done quarterly? YES or NO ( circle answer) 3. Does the patient have documented monitoring of blood pressure, fasting glucose, fasting lipid panel, and EPS using AIMS after the first 3 months of therapy, and then annually? YES or NO ( circle answer) 5.Does the patient have a documented plan for taper/discontinuation of the antipsychotic OR rationale for continued use? YES or NO ( circle answer) Other Medications tried Medications Strength Directions Dates of Therapy Reason for failure / discontinuation Physician Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Confidentiality Notice: This transmission contains confidential information belonging to the sender and UnitedHealthcare. This information is intended only for the use of UnitedHealthcare. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or action involving the contents of this document is prohibited. If you have received this telecopy in error, please notify the sender immediately. Phone: 800-310-6826 Fax: 866-940-7328 Website: www.uhccommunityplan.com UHC-ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTIC < 18 PA 1.12.16