Flux induction capacitor: using alternating magnetic fields and

Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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Flux induction capacitor: using alternating magnetic fields and
inductors with a regular capacitor to theoretically increase its storage
Abstract: The problem with regular capacitors is that although they are a useful storage
device for energy, and can be used as batteries, they don’t hold anywhere near enough
electrical energy in comparison to a regular chemical battery. A regular chemical battery
is heavy because of the chemical components used in its construction, and these
chemicals are hazardous to the environment and living things. In this paper, I present a
theoretical means for dramatically increasing the capacitance or storage capacity of
regular capacitors, using a modified capacitor that utilizes magnetic flux from inductorshence the name Flux induction capacitor.
Theory: The current conventional theory behind the idea of how a capacitor works is as
follows: Two electrically conducting plates are placed in close proximity to each other, or
are separated by an insulator, but don’t touch each other. An electric charge builds up on
one of the plates which can come about using electricity, and this accumulated charge is
considered to be positive or negative. If this charge is positive, then the other plate
becomes negative, and vice versa. Hence, capacitors can store electrical energy as
magnetic flux, or as an electric field. The basic principle for this energy storage all comes
down to the potential difference between the two plates. The bigger the potential
difference between the plates, the more energy that the capacitor can store. The distance
between the plates is also important, in that they should be as close together as possible
without touching each other. Also, capacitors are inhibiters of direct current when they
are fully charged, so they tend to only be used in alternating current applications.
Therefore, in order to make capacitors more powerful, hence store more charge, hence
have stronger magnetic or electric fields, we need to find a way to amplify the magnetic
or electric field of a capacitor. To begin with, lets compare the magnetic or electric field
of a capacitor with that of a regular magnet, as presented in figures 1 and 2 on the
following page. It can be seen that both flux or electric field patterns are identical, for the
capacitor and magnet.
However, capacitors and magnets have one major difference. Since capacitors have
alternating current applications, because they can break circuits in direct current
applications, it’s magnetic or electric field alternates as the current alternates. Due to the
fact that permanent magnets have set magnetic fields that don’t alternate, we cannot
simply insert a very thin magnet between the plates of a capacitor to reinforce its
magnetic field. Also, doing this will short out the capacitor. Although the flux or electric
field lines would overlap and reinforce each other, which would increase the strength of
the electric or magnetic field hence increase the potential difference between the plates
resulting in higher storage capacity, magnets offer resistance to polarity changes. We
must therefore come up with a way of increasing the strength of the electric or magnetic
field around a capacitor, without causing it to short out.
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
Figure 1: The electric field or flux lines of a capacitor.
Figure 2: The flux or electric field lines of a magnet.
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Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
Copyright ©
Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
Page: 3 of 9
In order to reinforce a regular capacitor, I suggest combining it with inductors. Figure 3
below shows the four basic components used in a flux induction capacitor.
Figure 3: The basic components of a Flux induction capacitor.
The inductor is simply a wire wrapped as a coil around a material that is easily
magnetized, and responds to magnetic flip-flops. The coil plate is a wire, wrapped around
itself, which forms a circular plate. The insulator is simply a thin ceramic material that
has the highest possible heat resistance and does not conduct electricity, and the capacitor
plate is composed of an electrically conductive plate composed of the highest possible
surface area, which is in contact with magnetic nanoparticles (which are electrically
conductive) and are sealed in a vacuum by the same thin heat resistant ceramic used for
the insulator. I’ll go into more detail about the capacitor plate. Refer to figure 3a
Figure 3a: Magnetic nanoparticles within the capacitor plate.
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
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Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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In Figure 3a, we see the magnetic nanoparticles which are in contact with the electrically
conductive plate. As the polarity of the plate changes, the magnetic nanoparticles flip
their orientation. As a result, because we are dealing with magnetic nanoparticles, this
greatly increases the surface area of the capacitor plate. Only the thinnest layer of
magnetic nanoparticles should be used. Because the nanoparticles flip their orientation to
match the plate, this further increases the effective surface area further. This is because
the nanoparticles will be basically vibrating when AC current flows through the
capacitor. The only problem with this design appears to be friction. Because the
nanoparticles continually change direction, this could generate a friction resulting in heat.
This is one of the reasons only the thinnest layer of nanoparticles should be used. This is
also why a heat resistant insulating material such as a ceramic is used. If possible, the
magnetic nanoparticles should be sealed in a vacuum to help stop heat transfer.
Combining these four basic components together, we have a flux induction capacitor.
Refer to figure 4 below.
Figure 4: The flux induction capacitor. Note that the coils around the inductors are wound in the same
The flux induction capacitor is assembled as follows: The inductor wire is connected to
the coil plates inside wire. An insulator is then pressed against the coil plate, and the wire
coming out of the furthest edge of the coil plate passes through the insulator, and is
attached to the metal plate in the capacitor plate. We have now made one- half of a flux
induction capacitor. All we need to do now is repeat the above procedure to make the
other half.
Also, it is extremely important that the inductors and coil plates be wound in such a way
that the magnetic flux lines emanating from them have the same orientation as the electric
field lines of the capacitor, as shown in figure 5 on the following page. It is also
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
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Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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important that the magnets in the inductors alternate their poles as the current alternates.
It is also important to note that conventional current flows in the opposite direction of
actual electron flow. For the setup to work, it must be wound exactly as shown in figure
5, where the direction of the wire wrapping around the inductors is the same direction of
the wire wrapping for the coil plates- namely in the direction shown in figure 5. This
ensures that electrons all flow in the same direction- both as flux through the plates and
as electricity through the wires. The setup won’t work as well if the wire is wound in the
opposite direction to that depicted in figure 5. This is explained in figure 6.
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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Figure 5: Flux induction capacitor flux lines. I have not depicted the flux lines of the coil plates, but they
move in the same direction as those of the inductors and capacitor. Note that in both instances A and B, the
conventional current moves in the opposite direction to actual electron flow. The flux emanating from the
inductors, coil plates and the capacitor all occur in the same direction. In this way, the flux from the
inductors and coil plates reinforces the flux emanating from the capacitor.
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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Figure 6: Correct vs incorrect winding direction. We want the flux lines through the inductor to move in
the same direction as actual electron flow through the wires and capacitor plates. In this way, the flux lines
through the capacitor plates will be reinforced, and will move in the same direction as the electrons through
the wires.
The magnetic fields generated by the inductors and coil plates reinforce the electric field
of the capacitor plates, and both the inductors and coil plates themselves are able to store
energy. I am unsure just how much energy a flux induction capacitor can store, so I will
perform some calculations to predict the minimum energy that a flux induction capacitor
is expected to store.
Now, I will present some calculations comparing the energy storage between a normal
capacitor, a normal inductor, and a flux induction capacitor. For references to some of
these formulas, refer to: Serway, R.A. (1996).
Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store energy in an electric field. It is given by
the basic equation:
C = q/V, where:
C = capacitance, V = volts, q = charge.
In relation to voltage, we can re-arrange this to say:
V = q/C
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
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Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
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If we attempt to move a small element of charge (dq) from one capacitor plate to another,
against the potential difference between the plates, work is needed, where:
Work= Energy stored = dw =q/C x dq
The energy stored in a capacitor can therefore be found by integrating this work equation:
Energy stored = oƒq q/C x dq = 0.5 q2/C
Substituting Q = CV into this equation gives us:
Work = 0.5(C2V2)/C = 0.5CV2
Therefore, the energy stored in a normal capacitor = 0.5CV2
Now, lets consider inductors.
From basic electrical laws, we know that:
P = IV, where:
P = Power, I = current, V = volts.
We also know that:
V = L dI/dt, where L = inductance
Therefore, we can say:
P = I(L dI/dt)
Since energy, E = 0ƒtPdt, we may place:
E = 0ƒtIL x dI/dt x dt
E = 0ƒIIL x dI = 0.5LI2.
Therefore, the energy stored in an inductor = 0.5LI2
Therefore, for the flux induction capacitor, since it behaves like both a capacitor and four
inductors, as the coil plates also behave as inductors, the energy stored in a flux induction
capacitor may be approximated by the equation:
E (minimum energy) = 0.5CV2(capacitor)+ LI2(inductors)+ LI2(coil plates)
However, since the inductors and coil plates produce magnetic fields that reinforce the
electric field between the capacitor plates, we must also consider that there may be a
reinforcing effect that increases the storage capacity further. The only way to determine
this reinforcing effect value, if it exists, would be to build and test a flux induction
capacitor, and identify the parameters that contribute to such a value. Therefore, to
simplify things, the maximum energy stored by a flux induction capacitor may be
approximated by the following equation:
E (maximum energy) = 0.5CV2(capacitor)+ LI2(inductors)+ LI2(coil plates) + T
Where T= the reinforcing effect value.
In conclusion, we can see that the energy stored in a flux induction capacitor is much
greater than that stored in either an inductor or capacitor alone.
Mr Casey Ray McMahon, B.Sci (Hons).
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Version: 6 October, 2011 – 21 October, 2011
updated 9th October 2015
Page: 9 of 9
Serway, R.A. (1996) “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with modern physics”
Saunders college publishing, 4th edition.