A Basic Study of Electrical Variable Transmission and Its Application in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Shumei Cui, Yuan Cheng, and C.C. Chan, Fellow, IEEE Abstract-A novel electromechanical converter-electrical variable transmission (EVT) is introduced. EVT comprises two concentric induction motors and two inverters and is suitable for hybrid electric vehicles. Firstly, an elementary EVT model will be given. Next, the operation modes in an EVT-equipped vehicle are analyzed, and the prototype machine and the test bench with results analysis are presented. It is concluded that EVT can achieve the function of continuously variable transmission and starter and generator which will optimize the operation of internal combustion engine and enhance vehicle performance. Index Terms-Continuously variable transmission, electrical variable transmission, induction machine, modeling, hybrid electric vehicle, operation modes. I. INTRODUCTION TITH THETHEdevelopment WITH development of hybrid hybr1d electric electr1c vehicles, veh1cles, many novel electric machines appear, such as concentrically arranged double-rotor machine [1]-[3]. Using induction machines or permanent magnet machines, these converters have a stator and two rotors and could transfer two mechanical energies and exchange mechanical and electrical energies. Electrical variable transmission (EVT) is one kind of these machines. In principle, EVT comprises an induction generator with two rotors, a normal induction motor, two power converters and energy storage equipment. This structure enables the function of continuously variable transmission (CVT), starter and generator, and is especially suitable for hybrid electric vehicles. Choosing EVT as the research object, this paper builds the field-oriented control (FOC) model of the double-rotor induction motor, followed by the analysis of the EVT-equipped vehicle control strategy and motor control methods for EVT in different operation modes. Finally, the EVT prototype machine and test bench are introduced. 11. STRUCTURE OF EVT EVT iS composed of stator, inner rotor and outer rotor (as the stator, rotor and interrotor in [1], respectively) shown in Fig.l1. It could be seen as a machine with two concentrically Shumei Gui, Yuan Cheng, and C. C. Chan are with Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, China (cuism a hit.edu.cn, chengyuanl(hit edu nr, ccchan@eee.hku.hk ).ancotl rtees arranged induction machines. The outer machine is a normal squirrel-cage induction motor. The inner machine has its squirrel-cage winding on its outer part and its 3-phase winding on its inner part with sliprings. Different from similar designs, p p g g aitional to e exists b..etwe el dstationd inne ror, which makes the electromagnetc field distribution much more complicated than the simple combination of two induction motors. In an EVT-equipped vehicle, the internal combustion engine (ICE) shaft is connected to the inner rotor and the final gear is connected to the outer rotor. To simplify EVT structure and control methods, the foloin alys is based EVT illustratedi g2 a on split EVT illustratedin Fig.2. followhng analysds When the field coupling of two airgaps shown in Fig.1 iS absent, EVT could be divided into the left double-rotor machine (the primary machine) and the right machine (the secondary machine), so that only mechanical ' . connection Sr Outerrotor ~ ~Stator Secondary shaft Primary shaft X X _ e rotor Ig ~K1nner rotor P. cm P2 )2Z ,1 l + 1-, Enrg Fig.2. The split EVT exists. This treatment helps to understand its operation modes ancotlsrtei. 1-4244-01 59-3/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:40:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. III. MODELING OF THE SPLIT EVT The secondary machine can use the mature model of induction motor as reference, whereas the model of the primary machine should take the effect of the rotating inner "stator" into account. For the whole model of the split EVT, it can be deduced from the torque equations of the two machines. A. FOC modelfor the double-rotor machine The primary machine could be considered as a normal induction motor with the exception that the "stator" is rotating and placed inside. If d-axis is aligned with the flux of the outer rotor and the two rotors have the same rotating directions, we can get the voltage equations for the primary machine: Udl Rlidl + P /dl - (ws - n p * m1 )!Vql Rliql + P Ymql + (os - np *Wml )Y/dl uql O = Rizd2 + P Y'd2 = V1d2 = IV. THE ANALYSIS OF EVT OPERATION MODES A. CVTMode The output characteristics of EVT make it very suitable for use in a vehicle as a continuously variable transmission. The basic working principle of EVT working as a CVT could be seen in [1] and [4]. Here we will look at how to apply EVT in a vehicle. To make the problems simple, EVT losses are neglected. Fig.3 shows the ICE optimal operation line (OOL) where ICE has specific throttle level, speed and torque. Once the throttle level a is specified, the optimal ICE speed and torque will be specified: 0mi f(a), Tm1 g(a). R2lq2 + oslYVd2 the equations of flux linkage: Vdl = Lsidl + Lm'd2 Vql = Lsiql +Lmiq2 O torque, the EVT output speed and torque, and the electromagnetic torque generated by the primary and secondary machine, respectively. TL is the load torque. J1 and J2 are the moments of inertia. (3) Point P2 shows the torque and speed required at the final gear when vehicle is running at a constant speed, and point PI is the equivalent ICE operation point at OOL. Hence, Lm1dl + Lr1d2 O = Lmiql + Lriq2 P1 and the synchronous speed and slip speed: s (2) =flp co., + c= WS + fp '0m2 Cos/ = scos = (miqlT(rCVd2) Here, the subscripts 1 and 2 represent for the inner rotor and outer rotor, respectively. From these equations we can see that in the equations of conventional vector control, s is replaced by s -np CWmI . Due to the rotation of the inner rotor, its mechanical speed )ml should be considered into the synchronous speed s . t1 is the inner rotor angular frequency, and W)sl is the slip angular frequency. np is the number of pole pairs. = P2 . The EVT control strategy is that the primary machine adopts speed control to change the speed by An from the speed required at the final gear to the optimal speed of the ICE. In the same manner, the torque is changed by AT with the secondary machine to the optimal torque for the required power. The control strategy keeps the operation of the ICE at maximum efficiency during all driving conditions [5] and [6]. Speed and torque demand sent to EVT could derive from the relationship of EVT ratio i, vehicle speed V (km/h), and ICE speed c0ml,' i = Awm1 IV A = 18r / 5io, where io is the ratio of final gear, r is the radius of wheels. When the throttle level a is designated, the desired ICE B. SplitEVTModeling operation speed and torque will be specified from (2) and (3). To integrate two separate machines as one system are the the Finally, speed demand sent to the primary machine equals torque equations. to For the primary machine, A\n* = mlt2 m (1-I) f ((X)- VIA, _Jdo.,m and from (1) the torque demand sent to the secondary machine Tmi Tel=i dt equals to for the secondary machine, T +T -T -J 61(0m2 ~~~~~AT'*TL+J T cm2 Tm -Tr J2 dV 2 dt\*= L+J dt -m=TL+A d gx Tel + e2-L = dt an EVT-equipped vehicle, the throttle level has no direct ~~~~~~In T T + ]7e2~~~TL+Jldw dw m2 tml Jl ,j ~connection to the position of the acceleration pedal. Hence, a (1) Where W)ml,S Tmi, W m2 , Tm2, Tel, Te2 are the ICE speed and Authorized licensed use limited to: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:40:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. T(Nm? \,P22 (wm, T\\ V. THE EVT PROTOTYPE MACHINE AND TEST BENCH T2) A. The E VTPrototype Machine -An Because there is no mature method for designing double(/, m1 Tm17rotor machine, we combine two specially designed induction machines into EVT by repeating choosing and calculating the / ">Power yoke of the outer rotor. The structure of EVT prototype machine is shown in Fig. 5, the photos of prototype machine, / ,show n in Fig.6. n(rpm) Some parameters and geometric dimensions of EVT Fig. 3. EVT control strategy in CVT mode Acceleration~~~~~~~ Brk PeaPedal ea rototype are shown in Table I and Table II. Acceleration PedalC c Brake hl I O N .......................B. Test Bench _ehe Cntrl Uni 3 Brake --,lA split EVT test bench, shown in Fig.7, has been built [8]. The primary machine is a 20kW conversion induction machine with two rotors, and the secondary machine is a ranisaxl normal 20kW induction machine. Two 40kW induction machines are used as the power source and the load machine AItuator |nergy s ure 1respectively. A modular system containing a CPU board and IC some I/O boards from dSPACE monitor and store test data. ke Some experiments have been done to verify the EVT concept. From the results, EVT can be controlled according to Fig. 4. Structure of an EVT-equipped vehicle the CVT control strategy. But efficiency measurements are not vehicle control unit is needed as shown in Fig. 4 to receive the carried out due to mechanical imperfections. driver demands and calculate the demands of ICE and EVT. If the required power exceeds the ICE output ability, external electrical energy is needed. The power flow is shown in Fig.2 innr rotor. when EVT working as a CVT. Optimal Operation Line ltl XB& B. Starter Mode In starter mode, only the double-rotor motor works. The primary machine works in torque control in order to make full use of the fast response of the current loop [7]. Because of action and reaction, the direction of rotating field is opposite to the rotating direction of the inner rotor. Hence, special consideration should be taken into account, because ICE has a specific rotating direction. When the ICE shaft speed reaches the critical starting speed judged by ICE control unit, ignition signal can be sent out. i slip rin Fig. 5. The structure of EVT prototype C. Generator Mode In CVT mode, all the electricity generated by the doublerotor motor supplies the secondary machine. By increasing the ICE throttle level, via a power electronic converter, the onboard network can be supplied and hence the on-board battery can be charged. The EVT could be in generator mode when vehicle stops. At that time, the output power from ICE supplies the energy storage equipment. The secondary machine can also work as a generator to store the brake energy. D.) Purea ElectricModeSpeed(rpm) When an EVT-equipped vehicle iS operating In pure electric mode, the ICE does not work. To avoid the rotation of ICE, the primary machine does not work either. Hence, only the secondary machine iS working and operating in torque GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS OF EVT PROTOTYPE MACHINE Sao ue oo ne oo Inedimtrm)27175 Outer diameter(mm) 310 236 166 mode. Number of turns Fig.6. Photos of EVT inner rotor, and inner/outer rotor set TABLE I PARAMETERS OF EVT PROTOTYPE MACHINE Rated Power(kW) Rated Voltage(V) Slots Primary Machine 20 200 48/44 Secondary Machine 20 200 36/24 1500 1500 TABLE II 60 1/2 Authorized licensed use limited to: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:40:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 48 dSPACE ~~~REFERENCES System [1] Hoeijmakers Martin J., Jan A. Ferreira, "The electrical variable transmission," in Conf Rec. 39th IAS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2004, pp. Powhier Machine Prmaryin Secindar machinEVT stMaechin Fig.e7.EVT test bench Load Machine VI. CONCLUSION noel elctroechaical onveter, This This aper aperintroucesa ntrodces anovelelectomechnicalconveter, as well as the modeling of a double-rotor machine and elementary analysis of different operation modes. EVT has the potential of making vehicles more efficient. Experimental results show that the split EVT could work well according to control objective. The future work is in progress, including the test of prototype machine, the electromagnetic coupling and outer rotor saturation, the investigation of EVT operation modes and control strategies, and the exploration of other application possibilities. 1-4. [2] E. Nordlund, and C. Sadarangani, "The four quadrant energy transducer," in Conf Rec. 3 7th IAS Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, 2002, pp. 390-39 1. [3] Longya Xu, "A new breed of electric machines- basic analysis and applications of dual mechanical port electric machines," in Proc. 8th it. Conf Electrical Machines and Systems, Nanj,ing, 2005, pp. 24-29. 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Sadarangani, "Four-quadrant energy transducer test bench," in Proc. 2002 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuelcell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, EVS- 19, Busan, Korea, October, 2002, pp. 225-234. Authorized licensed use limited to: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa. Downloaded on July 12,2010 at 17:40:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.