Cell Phones and Mobile Computers-NV

 In‐Vehicle Electronics Policy Cell Phones and Mobile Computers 1 Cell Phones and Mobile Computers
Human Resource Policy
1. Purpose ............................................................................................................3
2. Introduction........................................................................................................3
3. Responsibility.....................................................................................................3
4. Policy ................................................................................................................4
5. Definitions..........................................................................................................5
CSP Exhibit A – Safety Sensitive Guidelines......................................................6
Revisions and Approvals
Words in BOLD type are found in the definitions section in alphabetical order.
The purpose of this policy is twofold:
A. To define the policy of (the “Company”) on the use of cell/mobile phones
(personal and Company) and Company radios while driving and/or performing
safety sensitive work while on duty.
B. And to define Company policy for the use of mobile computers while driving.
Safe practices contained herein should be adhered to when using other
potentially distracting devices such as GPS units, AM/FM radios, satellite
phones, CD players, iPods, paper maps, etc.
It is the intention of the Company to provide proactive corporate policy to prevent
injuries, vehicular damage and property damage.
Cell phone usage during the performance of safety sensitive tasks
(See definition on pg. 5 and Exhibit A, pg. 6) and the operation of hand-held
radios, mobile computers and the use of distracting devices in Company vehicles
are activities that can cause employees to lose focus on the task being
A. Supervisors: Supervisors are responsible for communicating, monitoring and
enforcing this policy.
B. Employees: Employees are responsible for complying with all items contained
within this policy.
A. Cell Phone Use during Safety Sensitive Tasks:
Personal or Company cell phones shall not be used while performing “safety
sensitive” (See pg. 5) tasks.
Cell phone and radio communications, related to the immediate work
being performed, are permissible.
The following are allowed: the use of a cell phone by a supervisor, foreman,
or other responsible lead person needing to make calls to make decisions
about the work, and/or when requesting or issuing clearances.
Lone workers should have a means to communicate in emergency situations;
example: working alone in a bucket aloft.
While driving as defined below in Section B.
B. Cell Phone and Radio Use While Driving on Company Business:
Company cell phones should not be used while driving during Company
business. If it is necessary to answer an incoming business call or make an
outgoing business call, a hands-free cellular device shall be used. Outgoing calls
using a hands-free device shall be limited to calls, which demand an immediate
decision or answer. Duration of calls should be kept as short as possible.
Personal cell phones shall be turned off while driving and calls returned when the
vehicle is stopped and otherwise secured.
Employees shall use hands-free technology while driving a vehicle when on
duty. This includes rental vehicles. If a hands-free device is not available,
employees shall allow calls to go to voice mail and return calls or retrieve
voice mail when the vehicle is in park, turned off or otherwise secured.
Hands-free examples: ear-buds, head-set devices, external speaker-phone
kits and internal speaker-phone functions, etc.
A Company two-way radio should not be used in heavy traffic conditions,
while navigating intersections, or in areas frequented by children or
Reading or sending e-mail or text messages is prohibited while driving.
4 C. Mobile Computer Use in Company Vehicles:
Employees shall not operate computers while driving Company vehicles. Open
computer screens obstruct the driver’s view of the passenger rearview mirror
causing visual impairment of traffic conditions. Data may not be entered or
retrieved while the vehicle is moving. The vehicle must be in park or otherwise
The computer shall be set so that the screen is “frozen” or unusable while
driving or in motion and the computer top shall be closed to allow
unobstructed view of the passenger side mirror.
The vehicle shall be placed in “park”, turned off, or otherwise secured before
operating the computer.
Drivers with computer posts installed and located so that they impede the
deployment of the passenger air bag, shall not transport passengers in the
front seat.
The use of a GPS unit while in a moving vehicle is allowed.
Cell/Mobile Phone: A cellular, mobile telephonic device.
Hands-Free Device: A telephonic device that allows a driver to talk on the phone
with both hands remaining on the steering wheel. (This includes ear-buds, headset devices, external speaker-phone kits and internal speaker-phone functions,
Mobile Computers: Computers and/or laptops with the ability to be mounted or
operated in a vehicle.
On Duty: An employee who is getting paid and/or who is otherwise required to
be alert and fit for duty. (Includes On-Call -- available in person, without
impairment, on a moments notice.)
Safety Sensitive: Any job or task that could put the employee, or any other
personnel, at risk if the employee in question is impaired. (See Exhibit A, page
Voice Mail: An audible electronic storage system that saves voice messages for
later retrieval.
Safety sensitive means any job or task that could put the employee, or any other
personnel, at risk if the employee in question is impaired or not fully focused on
the work at hand.
Safety sensitive duties could include, but are not limited to, any of the following
job tasks.
Confined space entry.
Operating equipment and vehicles, such as pick-up trucks, cranes, boom
trucks, forklifts, loaders, mules, etc.
Operating power plant equipment, such as boilers, turbines, pumps, fans,
compressors, etc.
Working from ladders, platforms, or lifts.
Working with power tools.
Working with lathes, drill presses, power presses, or other machining tools.
Working with hazardous chemicals.
Welding, cutting, grinding.
Working with steam, hot water, compressed air, hydraulic fluid, or other
pressurized fluids.
Using respirators.
Working on any federally regulated gas pipeline facility.