Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Passive and Active RF-Components Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Introduction Passive and Active Microwave Components Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Axel Murk Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Institute of Applied Physics University of Bern 13.10.2009 1 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Objective Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive I Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Basic overview of the microwave hardware that is used at our institute (and in all modern communication and navigation equipment). I Practical introduction to fundamental test equipment, with an invitation to a hands on experience for those who are interested. I Discussion of problems and possible error sources in microwave remote sensing instruments. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 2 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Example of a 22 GHz Receiver Passive and Active RF-Components IAP Radiometer Praktikum Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Atmosphere H2O Coupler Antenna Amplifier Mixer Filter Amplifier RF = 22.2 +/− 0.5 GHz Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator DC Attenuator IF =0 to 0.5 GHz Local Oscillator IF = |RF +/− LO| LSB Noise Diode USB LO LO =22 GHz Power Black Body Calibration Target Active Detector Frequency 3 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Outline Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Introduction Passive Microwave Components Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrite Devices Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Active Components Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 4 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Background Knowledge Passive and Active RF-Components I Electromagnetic waves and their complex representation x E = E0 e jω(t± c ) I Decibel scale for power ratios: 10 · log10 (P1 /P2 ) [dB] I Transmission lines: waveguides, cables, micro-strip lines ⇒ theory later in this lecture I Impedance, matching and standing waves 4 Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator " > :, "# 5 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Scattering Parameters Passive and Active RF-Components % ( 4 :, Passive 7 ( 7 ! Introduction !( % " % (( " Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites ( % ( 4 Active I Relation between incident (a) and reflected or transmitted waves (b) of a Device Under Test (DUT) b1 = S11 a1 + S12 a2 b2 = S21 a1 + S22 a2 b1 S11 S12 a1 Matrix notation: = b2 S21 S22 a2 Easily measured with a Vector Network Analyzer I Expandable to devices with N ports I I Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 6 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Cascaded S-Parameters Passive and Active RF-Components Total Network T Port 1 I I I aA1 EA1 A Network B Network aB2 EB2 Introduction Port 2 Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Cascading two 2-port devices A and B: ST 6= SA SB Multiplying the S-parameter matrices does not work! Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Definition (T-Matrix) of transmission parameters b1 T11 T12 a2 = a1 T21 T22 b2 TT = TA TB Conversion between S and T − det(S) S11 T12 det(T ) 1 1 T = S21 S = T22 −S22 1 1 −T21 . determinat: det(S) = S11 S22 − S12 SS21 I 7 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Passive Microwave Components Passive and Active RF-Components Definitions Introduction I Linear transfer characteristic – S-parameters do not depend on the power – A continuous wave signal does not get distorted Passive I Most passive components are reciprocal Sij = Sji Ferrite isolators and circulators are an exception Active I For lossless two-port devices: – Reflections at both ports are identical S11 = S22 – Energy conservation |S11 |2 + |S21 |2 = 1 Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Design depends on the frequency range, the required performance and other aspects (e.g. costs, size, mass, power handling). 8 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Lumped Element Devices I Discrete network of individual components, e.g. coils, capacitors, resistors. I Dimensions < λ, phase differences from the assembly can be neglected. I Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Usable up to ∼3GHz (and above), but parasitic effects and radiation losses increase with frequency. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Example for a lumped element 100MHz bandpass filter of a radio amateur receiver. 9 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Distributed Devices I All components are connected by transmission lines with dimensions in the order of λ. I The connections are an integral part of the circuit, e.g. for tuning or impedance matching. I Usable up to ∼100 GHz (and above). I Dielectric and ohmic losses increase with frequency, and manufacturing becomes very demanding. Example of an integrated 24 GHz receiver module. Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 10 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Quasi-Optics I At Millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths free space propagation provides lowest losses. I Quasi-optical components with dimensions > λ are used to guide, split or combine the beams. Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites FSP Sideband Filter to Cryostat Active 300 mm Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Local Oscillator Image BBH to Cold Sky Signal BBH to Antenna Quasi-optical module characterized at IAP for the 660 GHz receiver SMILES, a Japanese remote sensing instrument for the International Space Station. 11 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Termination Passive and Active RF-Components I Terminates a transmission line (ideally S11= −∞ dB ). I Tapered absorbing dielectrics in waveguides (a), resistive films in planar or coaxial devices (b). I I Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Standard coaxial 0-18 GHz terminations specified with return loss < -26dB (VSWR<1.1), expensive matched termination for VNA calibration have ≥ -36 dB. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Free space terminations for anechoic chambers or radiometric calibration targets. Often made of lossy foams with a pyramidal surface to improve the matching. 12 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Attenuator Passive and Active RF-Components I Lossy two-port device to reduce the signal level by -xx dB Introduction I Ideally well matched and frequency independent. Passive I Resistive networks in coaxial (a) and planar devices, absorbing vane in waveguides. I Often used to reduce standing waves caused by components with a bad matching. Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 13 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Filter Passive and Active RF-Components I Used to reject certain frequency bands I Realized as low-, high or bandpass filter (and also band-reject) Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Bandpass Filter for a L−Band Radiometer 10 Insertion Loss −0.39 dB 0 FWHM Amplitude [dB] −10 S11 S12 S21 S22 Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator −20 −30 −40 Center Frequency Out−of−band Rejection −50 −60 −70 −80 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.4 1.42 1.44 Frequency GHz 1.46 1.48 1.5 Measurement example of a cavity filter with four sections. 14 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Cavity Filter Example Passive and Active RF-Components 7.8 GHz high pass filter made out a series of iris coupled waveguide resonators. Mesh of the finite element model and simulation results. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Simulated E-fields in the rejection and transmission band. 15 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Software for Cavity Filter Design at IAP Passive and Active RF-Components I Finite Elements: COMSOL Multphysics, Agilent EMDS I Mode Matching: S&P (written by P. Füholz) MICIAN ”Microwave Wizard” Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 16 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Planar Filter Passive and Active RF-Components Steps to get from a lumped element lowpass filter (a) to an equivalent microstrip design (d). Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Inductors and capacitors are replaced by microstrip ”stubs”. Easy to integrate in a circuit, but degraded out of band performance. 17 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Power Splitter Passive and Active RF-Components Used to distribute an input signal at port 1 equally and in phase between the two output ports 2 and 3. An example is a simple waveguide or microstrip T-junction. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites It can be shown, however, that it is not possible to match all ports of a symmetric, reciprocal and lossless device, i.e. the Sii parameters cannot be zero. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 18 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Resistive Power Splitter Passive and Active RF-Components I I A simple resistive power splitter is matched at all ports and has a wide bandwidth, but it has additional -3dB loss and ports 2 and 3 are not isolated. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites The Wilkinson power divider has a limited bandwidth, but it is lossless for S21 and S31, and ports 2 and 3 are 0 1 1 −j 1 0 0 isolated. For an ideal device [S] = √ 2 1 0 0 Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 19 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Directional Coupler Passive and Active RF-Components I 4-port device, input port 1 is isolated from port 4. I Splits the power coming from port 1 equally or with a different coupling ratio between ports 2 and 3. I Most important characteristics: Directivity, bandwidth, phase and amplitude balance I Very usefull to measure the return loss of a device. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Reflectometer setup with a directional coupler to measure the return loss ρL of a device. which corresponds to the power ration P4 /P3 . 20 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Hybrid Coupler I I Passive and Active RF-Components Input power is split equally between port 2 and 3. For a matched and lossless device the phase difference has to be either 90 or 180 degrees. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 180 degree ”rat-race” coupler 0 1 1 [S] = √2 1 0 1 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 0 1 1 0 90 degree ”quadrature” coupler 0 1 j 0 1 0 0 j [S] = √12 j 0 0 1 0 j 1 0 21 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Multihole Waveguide Coupler Passive and Active RF-Components I Coupling holes connect two parallel waveguides. I Bandwidth increases with number of holes. Introduction Passive 1 2 4 3 Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Submm devices tested at IAP: micromachined 350 GHz hybrid and etched 600 GHz hybrid 22 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Ferrites Passive and Active RF-Components I Ferromagnetic ceramic (Fe2 O3 +impurities) with high resistivity, µr > 1000, εr < 10. I Can be magnetized permanently by an external magnetic field. I Electromagnetic waves interact with the magnetic dipoles. → − Propagation parallel to H results in different effective permeability − µ+ r and µr for left- and righthanded circular polarization, and thus in different propagation constants (Faraday rotation): γµ0 MS ± µ = µ0 1 + ω0 ±ω I Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Larmor frequency ω0 = γB0 23 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Faraday Isolator I Non-reciprocal two-port device to reduce standing waves (ideally S21 = 1 and S12 = 0) I Resistive vanes at both ports of a circular waveguide are oriented at an angle of 45◦ to each other and absorb energy when they are parallel to the E field. I Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Ferrite rod in the center rotates the polarization by ±45◦ , depending on the propagation direction. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 24 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Circulator Passive and Active RF-Components I I Non-reciprocal three-port device with a ferrite post at the junction. Introduction Passive Allows to use the same antenna for transmission and reception (radar, communications). Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Circulator example simulated with COMSOL Multiphysics 25 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Isolator Example I I Passive and Active RF-Components Measured performance of a high quality 1.4 GHz isolator, which will be used in an L-band radiometer for SMOS validation Good performance only over a very narrow bandwidth Isolation, loss and matching degrade outside of the specified frequency band Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Measurement of a 1.4 GHz narrow−band isolator −0.07 dB 0 −10 Amplitude [dB] I −20 −30 −40 S11 S12 S21 S22 −50 −60 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Frequency GHz 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 26 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Other Ferrite Devices Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive I Waveguide switch by reversing the magnetic field of a circulator. I Variable phase shifters for electronic beam steering: Fast change of the pointing of a phased-array antenna without any moving parts I Absorbers for low frequencies. I Electrically tunable filters and oscillators Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 27 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Common Symbols for Passive Devices Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 28 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Active Components Passive and Active RF-Components I I Nonlinear transfer characteristic leads to signal distortions and frequency conversion (b), which is not the case on a linear curve (a). Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Nonlinear devices can still have an almost linear behavior for small scale signals (c) Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 29 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Power Measurements Passive and Active RF-Components I DC AC to ∼ GHz AC to ∼ 0.1 THz AC to > THz I Introduction Different ways to measure electric power, depending on the frequency range: −→ −→ −→ −→ Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites voltmeter + ampèremeter oscilloscope diode detector bolometer Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Other selection criteria: I I I I Power range (nW or kW?) Accuracy (absolute or relative?) Linearity (required dynamic range?) Time constant (continuous wave or modulated?) 30 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Bolometric Detection Passive and Active RF-Components I Microwave energy is absorbed and heats the device, the temperature change ∆T = R · P is measured with a thermometer. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Absorber T(P) P Active Thermometer Radiation Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Thermal conductance R Heat sink T0 = const I Advantages: good power handling, no fundamental frequency limit, possibility for absolute calibration. I Disadvantages (which can be overcome): relative slow, not very sensitive, thermal drift. 31 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Cryogenic Bolometers Passive and Active RF-Components Most sensitive detectors used in radio astronomy: I Cooled below 0.5 K I ”Spiderweb” geometry to minimize mass, heat capacity and thermal conductivity I Used in many cosmic background experiments Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Complete bolometer array and close-up views of the spiderweb bolometers. 32 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Diode Detector Passive and Active RF-Components I I Junction betwee semiconductors with different doping (p-n diode) or metal-semiconductor (Schottky diode). Non-linear I/V curve rectifies the RF signal. For small signals it can be approximated by a quadratic curve, and the DC output signal is linear with the input power. reverse bias n I Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator forward bias I = I0 [exp(V/V0)−1] p _ _ _ + + + 〈 I(t)〉 > 0 V breakdown voltage Forward direction Introduction Passive reverse current I0 V(t) 33 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Characteristics of Diode Detectors I Advantages: I I Passive and Active RF-Components Very fast (rise times < ns), relative sensitive Introduction Passive Disadvantages: I I I Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Easily destroyed by ESD (electrostatic discharge) Moderate linearity and temperature stability Upper frequency cut-off given by the parasitic capacity of the junction Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Response of a typical diode detector. Only in the square-law region the output signal is proportional to the input power. 34 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Diode Layout Passive and Active RF-Components To use diodes at THz frequencies the junction area needs to be as small as possible, which is achieved by point-like whisker contacts or very small planar devices. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator F i g . 1 . S c a n n i n g e l e c t e n r o n m i c r o g r a p h o f a p l a n a r S c h o t t k y b a r r i e r d i o d e . C h i p d i m s i o n s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 8 0 x 8 0 x 4 0 m . 35 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Frequency Multiplication Passive and Active RF-Components A nonlinear device generates harmonics of an input signal with the fundamental frequency f0 . Introduction Passive V(t) |V(t)| Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active 0 f0 −10 −20 −30 −40 Time Amplitude [dB] Amplitude [dB] Time Frequency Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 0 0 −10 −20 −30 −40 2f0 4f0 6f 0 8f0 Frequency 36 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Examples of Frequency Multipliers Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 37 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Heterodyne Principle Passive and Active RF-Components I I Superposition of a strong local oscillator (LO) signal with a weaker radio frequency (RF ) signal on nonlinear device generates an intermediate frequency IF = |LO ± RF | Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Normal double sideband mixers (DSB) convert both sidebands, single sideband conversion (SSB) requires a RF filter or a special mixer. Mixer RF Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator IF LO RF−LO RF + LO LO Power 2 LO USB LSB IF LO−RF down−conversion up−conversion Frequency 38 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Mixers Designs I Single ended mixer (a): Common for mm wavelengths. No isolation between RF and LO. I Balanced mixer (b): Two mixing elements, 3dB hybrid combines LO and RF. Good LO to RF isolation, LO noise and spurious harmonics are rejected. I Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Double balanced mixer (c): Also IF port is isolated, dynamic range is improved. Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 39 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Subharmonic Mixer I I I Passive and Active RF-Components Antiparallel diode pair down-converts with the second LO harmonic IF = |RF − 2LO| Advantages: Lower LO frequency and good LO/RF isolation. Disadvantages: Higher conversion loss and LO power requirement. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator RF diode pair RF filter LO IF Filter IF 40 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: SIS Mixer Passive and Active RF-Components Superconductor-Isolator-Superconductor tunnel junction: I I Two Niobium layers at 4K (ρΩ = 0), separated a 2 nm thick Al2 O3 barrier Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Cooper-pairs (2e − ) tunnel through the barrier, resulting in a sharp bend in the I/V curve Active superconductor V0 insulator superconductor I0 bias current I0 [µA] 400 a) Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator b) 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 bias voltage V U00 [mV] 41 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: SIS Mixer Passive and Active RF-Components Band structure and photoassisted tunneling in a SIS junction. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites S I S Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator unfilled energy states energy superconductor "bandgap" photon 2e filled energy states 42 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: SIS Mixer Characteristics Passive and Active RF-Components I Very low noise, close to the quantum limit hν/kB I Upper frequency limit from the bandgap voltage Niobium: 1.4 THz Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites 65 µm Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator junction 1µm2 (1) O (2) 48 µm Nb top-wiring (3) NbTiN SiO2 ground dielectric plane feed point O Example of an SIS mixer for the HIFI instrument. The junction has an area of only 1µm2 , most parts in the image are tuning elements for the impedance matching. 43 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: HEB Mixer I I I I Passive and Active RF-Components Hot Electron Bolometers (HEB) are extremely fast bolometers, which can be used as mixing element. Superconducting microbridge (d <10 nm) close to the transition temperature. No fundamental RF frequency limit (>2THz) Limited IF bandwidth (∼ 5 GHz) given by cooling rate of the electrons. Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 44 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Amplifier bias I Increase signal amplitude I Made with bipolar or FET transistors Passive and Active RF-Components out in Introduction C B Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites E I Tradeoff between low noise and high power Active emitter n p base source gate Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator drain n AlGaAs n+ quantum−well with 2DEG GaAs bipolar transistor collector undoped GaAs HEMT−FET transistor Schematic of a bipolar npn transistor and a High Electron Mobility (HEMT) field effect transistor, which works with a 2D electron gas in a quantum well. 45 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Amplifier Specifications Passive and Active RF-Components I Gain (amplification in dB) I Frequency range and gain flatness Introduction I Noise figure (how much noise is added) Passive I Maximum output power and 1dB compression point Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Examples: Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Power amplifier G=45dB (±2dB), NF=8dB f=0.8-2 GHz, 1dB Gc = +36dBm VSWR = 1.7dB Bias supply 24V, 2A Lownoise amplifier G=15dB (±1dB), NF=0.4dB f=1-1.4 GHz, 1dB Gc = +12.5dBm VSWR = 1.7dB Bias supply 12V, 40mA 46 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Oscillator Passive and Active RF-Components Active element (1) with a resonant feedback (2) Introduction (1) Transistor, electrons in a vacuum tube (for high power), Gunn diode (semiconductor with negative resistance), ... Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites (2) LC-circuit, microstrip and dielectric resonator, waveguide cavity, quartz crystal, ... Active L Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator C Schematic of a LC oscillator with ω0 = √1LC and example of a dielectric oscillator in stripline technology. 47 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Magnetron I Microwave generator for high output power (>1MW) with good efficiency (>80%) I A high electric field accelerates electrons in a circular cavity, a magnetic field forces them on a spiral path which excites microwave resonances. I Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Standard for microwave ovens and radar systems Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator 48 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Oscillator Specifications Passive and Active RF-Components I Frequency accuracy and stability I Phase noise (specified in dB below carrier [dBc]) I Harmonic and spurious signals I Phase noise and short term accuracy depends on the quality of the resonator (Q-factor). Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Active ● ● ● Phase Noise Residual FM Spurious Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator CW output Residual FM is the integrated phase noise over 300 Hz - 3 kHz BW phase noise harmonic spur ~30dBc non-harmonic spur ~65dBc sub-harmonics 0.5 f0 f0 2f0 49 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Oscillator Types I Atomic clocks (Cs or Rb) for absolute time standards with ∆f /f < 10−15 (e.g. at METAS, UniNE, NIST) I Quartz oscillators as reference signals up to 100 MHz reach ∆f /f = 10−6 to 10−9 , depending on temperature compensation or temperature stabilization. I Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites All higher frequencies are usually synchronized to a quartz crystal with a phase-locked loop (PLL). Active Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator free running phase locked Example of a 6 GHz cavity oscillator 50 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Modulation Analog Passive and Active RF-Components I Amplitude modulation (AM): VAM = A(t) sin(f0 · t) Introduction Passive Carrier Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Voltage Time Active Modulation Frequency modulation (FM): VFM = A0 sin(f (t) · t) Phase Modulation (PM): VPM = A0 sin(f0 · t + φ(t)) Voltage I Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Time 51 Microwave Physics and Quasioptics: Modulation Digital Passive and Active RF-Components Introduction Amplitude Passive Termination Attenuator Filter Coupler Ferrites Frequency Active Phase Detector Multiplier Mixer Amplifier Oscillator Quadrature Digital Modulation phase-shift keying (QPSK): Polar Display: Magnitude & Phase Represented Together QPSK IQ Diagram Q 01 00 g Ma Phase 0 deg I ● ● Magnitude is an absolute value Phase is relative to a reference signal 11 10 52