Exemplar for Internal Assessment Resource Spanish Level

Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Exemplar for Internal Assessment Resource
Spanish Level 1
Resource title: Win A Trip
This exemplar supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 90910
Interact Using Spoken Spanish to Communicate Personal Information,
Ideas and Opinions in Different Situations
Exemplifies standard
The moderators have found generic work suitable to be used to exemplify the standard but
may not match an A or B assessment resource.
Date version
published by Ministry
of Education
© Crown 2010
December 2010
To support internal assessment from 2011
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: Low Excellence
This student effectively interacts using language features which reflect the objectives
of Level 6 of the curriculum successfully (reflexive verbs, a variety of past tenses,
exclamations, modifiers).
The student effectively manages and maintains all interactions with her partner by
using natural fillers, volunteering more information, giving opinions and ideas that are
relevant to the task and fit for its purpose.
There are few instances where communication could be hindered by inconsistencies
(hicimos devertido, few pronunciation hesitations) which makes the interaction
borderline Excellence.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: High Merit
This student uses a range of language features with confidence and manages and
maintains interaction in a variety of situations by using exclamations, questioning,
agreeing and disagreeing to their partner’s part of the interaction.
He generally uses a successful selection from a repertoire of language features
through sharing opinions and ideas in a clear manner and offers extra details when
Communication is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies (dejare ir, espero sera
divertisimo) but prevents Excellence.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: Low Merit
This students uses a range of conversational language features and manages and
maintains the interaction at all times by providing natural language fillers, questions,
humour, agreeing and disagreeing.
He uses language that reflects the objectives of Level 6 of the curriculum with general
success e.g. ocasionalemente..me gusta escuchar, es bueno pero.., solía jugar.
Understanding is not significantly hindered by inconsistencies, as he corrects himself
sometimes which shows understanding of what he is saying as well as the ability to
maintain interaction.
To achieve Excellence, this student would need to effectively use a range of
language and language features which are consistently fit for context.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: High Achieved
This student uses language to reflect the objectives of Level 6 of the curriculum with
some success. The conversational language that she uses is fit for purpose and
context, e.g. ¿dónde prefiere sentarse?, ¿y de beber?
She achieves interaction overall, although undestanding is hindered at times by
inconsistencies such as pronunciation - mi meyor amigo, pronunciation of 'h' ,
inserting a 'w' in the middle of 'segu(w)ida, structures, volvo en seguida, me gustan
escuchar and agreements.
To achieve with Merit, this student would need to show a range of language and
language features and the inconsistencies would hinder communication less
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: Low Achieved
This student uses a range of language to communicate ideas and opinions that are fit
for purpose, context and their partners. Inconsistencies (in language and
pronunciation – such as wrong formation of past tenses, en que for aunque, ‘vamos a
parer’ for ‘vamos a pagar?’) do hinder communication often. The ability to negotiate
meaning or ask for clarification is not evident.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.3A for Achievement Standard 90910
Grade Boundary: High Not Achieved
This student uses language that reflects the objectives of Level 6 of the curriculum
but there is a limited range of it (necesito caminar para coger, parece emocionateI).
Interaction is hindered often by inconsistencies in language (puse fenomenal, basic
errors with ser/estar, piero el bocadillo, quiero que prefiero) and pronunciation
(franques for frances, ghente for gente).
Student communicates some opinions and ideas that are fit for context.
To achieve the standard, this student would need to show some ability to use
interactive strategies and use language where inconsistencies do not dominate and
make comprehension impaired.
© Crown 2010