TEN OU ESTIONS ,d,s*&. s*. -* s-tu f,.e&w drwg*" s ' tu ry dS W ,rS -8tJH;$,&w&.& I voH ol o b I o o What waslour most memorable theatrical experience as Who arelour heroes a childT (writing/ composing etc. or otherwise?) scene in The !/ul Brvnner's death I rcing And l, Philadelphia Acad- I I lYl emy of Music, 1984. y collaborators; Bobbv r-"p"r; anyone who dreams big and doesn't give up. Is there a productionlou wish-you'd seen? 5',1,:;::i:,,::^T:s:",",, f I unny Girl closing night on Broad- 1ou choose to be and wly? *uy, 12/26/65. Or my mother's "oll"g" e, but the independently production of Harug. wealthy version. First purchase: more creative time. A giant Who roas the person who made the biggest impact onlour career? midtown apartment with parking and a om, the musician & Dad, the storyteller - they supPort every $azy dream and scheme I have. view couldn't hurt either. un. I went from mv couch lo two D l\marathons, waiting lor In Iransir to open. / lfyou could haue a loue affair with O ,ron, (past, present or fctionaD, 6lfvou hadn't become a dramarist, 7 wharprofession wouldlou haue who wouldlou choose? chosen? Plus, they never told me to get a real y husband, fames iob. o-host of The Tod31 Show (or at Wordsworth. I least the Kathie Lee & Hoda found a straight man in musical Sane WonoswoRrH lrt theatre. Still coach. JWhenyou is a NYC-based cist/Iibrettist, AEA performer, & the a cappella musical In Transit (Primay Stages, Edgerton Foundation New American PIg Award, She co-wrote O'Neill NMTC), which re c eiu ed multiple Drama Deslz, Drama League, Outer Critics I countingmyblessings. hour). I'm sit doun to worl<, what must youhaue .A TJ wirhlou in the room? pen collaborators, a slowly- time. numerous NYC &regional theatres. wwu. 8; 8Y;ffi";:::::;:::x*:,r:: SaraWordsworth.com. ofthat? 6lThe Dram rcf::::{iUo';;7"h'i"'"' consumed beverage, laughter, Circle &Lucille Lortel Award nomina- fions. Sarat also written for/appeared at perky in the morning. I I n Transir. I got t to write somelhtng truly believe in wi{h my best friends. And as it turns out, some people like it. W