Prreteen n Camp p 20144 July 14-18 (Mondaay – Fridayy) Riverrbend Retrreat Centerr in Glen R Rose, TX Leavving for cam mp and com ming back ho ome: Checck-in begins at the Curb at 12:30 p.m m. on Mondaay, July 14. T The bus willl leave the parking lot byy 1:00 p.m. You need to be here h at 12:30 0 p.m. to cheeck in and alllow time forr loading youur things. Pleaase drop off all luggage in the grasssy area outsside of the C Curb. Checkk In will be in the Curb. Each h preteen sh hould bring a sack luncch or eat beffore you com me. The chuurch will proovide bottledd water. We w will return to o the Curb att 12:30 p.m. on Friday, July J 18. Med dications: All pprescriptionss or medicatiions should be b placed in n a zip-lock bbag along wiith the comppleted Mediccal Adm ministration Form. F All prrescription medications m must m be in thhe original bottle. The baag should bee clearly labelled with the preteen’s naame and FBC C Allen. Thiis should be given to thee sponsor at tthe check-inn table on Monnday. All preescriptions will w be admin nistered by th he camp nurrse. Rescue m medications can be with the preteen at alll times or wiith their smaall group spo onsor. The nu urse suggestts bringing tw wo, one for tthe preteen aand one for the nnurse. Shott records: Shot records just j need to be current. You Y don’t haave to list thhe dates. me: Who’s your y Idol? Them Cam mp Verse: “H He must become greaterr, I must beco ome less.” Joohn 3:30 Pasttor: David Laflin. L Go to this link to see a promotional video Team m Color: BL LUE. Pack blue b clothing g, if possiblee. Com ming and going from ca amp during camp: If a ccamper has to t leave the campground c d during the week, w a Cam mper Excuseed Release Form must bee completed and ssigned by th he parent. It must m be turn ned in on Mo onday at checck-in beforee the group leeaves for cam mp. The campper will also o have to sign n out at the camp c office. ping bag or tw win sheets, pillow, p persoonal toiletriees, washclothhs, towels (11 for showerss Whaat to bring: Bible, sleep & 1 for swimmin ng), swimsuit (one piecee swimsuit or two piece w with a coverr up for girlss), cover up, sunscreen, insecct repellant, water bottle, disposable camera, flasshlight, snaccks (in re-seaalable contaiiners), extra money for snack bar, comfo ortable shoess, comfortab ble clothes (sshorts and t-sshirts will bee acceptablee for all activvities) Mornning recreatiion will be wet. w Please send s one set of clothes annd shoes forr recreation. Lab bel everyth hing with your y preteeens namee and FBC C Allen!!! Spen nding moneey (this is op ptional): Item ms at the can nteen range ffrom $.50 too $1.75. Therre is also a ggift shop withh everything from candy to shirts. An n offering wiill be collectted during thhe afternoon celebration time to help p withh camp groun nd renovations. What not to bring: bad attitude, cell phones, electronic games or entertainment devices of any kind, weapons, practical joke stuff, anything you don’t want to lose. Camp Rules - There will be no use of items from the “what not to bring” list at any time. All clothing should be modest. No: short-shorts, inappropriate logos, etc… Shoes and cover-ups (shirts for boys) must be worn to and from the pool or lake. Do not leave a meeting until it is over. (Use the restroom before an activity starts.) The group will travel to many activities together. A camper may not wish to take part in an activity, but he/she must stay with the group. No camper should be in the cabin during scheduled activity times. Any camper found on the hiking trails, archery course, challenge course, or at the lake without a counselor will be sent home. Remain in your cabin after lights out. The bottom line is this: All campers are expected to cooperate with the decisions and leadership of all sponsors and staff throughout the entire camp. The final authority on all matters at camp will be Lezah Maitland. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary work (picking up trash, etc.), removal of privileges or being sent home. Camp Schedule: 8:00: Breakfast 8:45 - 10:00: Recreation (Group 1) Bible Study (Group 2) 10:15 - 11:30: Bible Study (Group 1) Recreation (Group 2) 11:45: Lunch 1:00: Afternoon Celebration 2:00 - 5:15: Free Time: Pool, Lakefront Activities, Hiking, Archery, Paintball, BMX Track, Crafts (3-4:30 p.m.) and Zip Line (6th grade only) 5:30: Clean Up 6:00: Supper 7:00: Worship 8:30: After Worship Event 9:30: Church Group Time 10:30: Get ready for bed 11:00: Lights out Contacting your preteen at camp: Riverbend Retreat Center: 1-888-269-2363 Mail: We will have mail bags for each day at check-in. Also parents are encouraged to send mail during the week. Preteen’s Name FBC Allen Riverbend Preteen Camp Riverbend Retreat Center 1232 CR 411B Glen Rose, TX 76043 Emails: To send an e-mail to your preteen or see pictures from camp (posted daily) go to then click on Camp Link. Please address to: your preteen’s full name and First Baptist Allen. Lezah Maitland’s Cell #214-542-6730 Sponsors: **We are in need of 2 more adult male sponsors**