COURSE OUTLINE - University of Lethbridge

COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction to Information Technology
Mgt 2060, Section YOL & Lab 6 – Spring 2012
Marie Matkin (contact by email to; or phone 403.329.2735)
M, Tu, W, Th 10 to 11 a.m., or by appointment
The following materials ARE required for this course (order through…
Textbook for Class Section YOL: Computer Essentials 2012, Complete edition, by Timothy J. O’Leary and
Linda I. O’Leary
o NOTE: in the Spring 2012 semester, this textbook can be purchased as a new or used edition through the
U of L Bookstore, or private sales **IF PURCHASING A USED BOOK through a private sale, it is the
student’s responsibility to ensure the book is the correct book for this current semester!
Lab materials: there is no textbook for the Lab 6 portion of Mgt 2060, but there is a required ONLINE
ACCESS CODE for an online software simulation web site called SimNet. This code comes bundled with a
NEW copy of the above textbook, and can be purchased separately through the bookstore site, if
purchasing a used copy of the current textbook
o ALL students are required to individually purchase this online access code, for use in the current semester –
multiple students cannot share one access code!
 Do not purchase a used access code through a private sale, as the codes CANNOT be reused (if you are
using a SimNet code you purchased and registered in your own name in the last 2 years, you can reuse
that code – contact Instructor if this applies to you)
 Mgt 2060 lab assignment and lab exam requirements will be completed using this online simulation
software web site (called SimNet) that can only be accessed using the purchased access code
**DO NOT PURCHASE Mgt 2060 class or lab books used in semesters prior to Fall 2011 as a replacement
for the required materials listed above.
o Students are welcome to use Mgt 2060 books from semesters prior to Fall 2011, if desired. However, these
older books WILL NOT contain the required access code and MAY NOT contain the correct content that is
required for the current semester. Students will be required to purchase the materials listed above even if
other, older materials have been acquired. Purchasing old materials as an effort to save money, in place of the
required materials for the current semester, may end up costing you more money in the long run!
File storage requirements: Calgary campus students will be required to have access to their own personal
computer to complete course requirements & will also learn how to access file storage space that is available on
the U of L network P: or W: network drives, from off-campus computers. Students should also have a USB drive
that they can use to store exam files during the completion of lab exams.
o Do NOT store personal files on the hard drive (drive C:) of ANY public-use, campus computer, as others may
be able to access/use those files; and because files are frequently deleted from public-use computers
* when using campus computers, all U of L students must “Log In” to get access to network resources
such as printing, email, file storage, the Internet, etc. – NO throwing of logs into monitors allowed,
* remember to always “Log off” a public, campus computer when you are finished your current session,
so others cannot access your account
* image from
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
There are no prerequisites for Mgt 2060. The 2011/2012 University of Lethbridge Calendar stipulates that Mgt. 2060 and
Computer Science 1000 are "substantially similar." This means that students who take/complete both courses will be
required to "complete more than the minimum number of courses required in a program." Also, post-diploma students
should not be enrolled in Mgt 2060. Please see an Advisor, as soon as possible, if either of these apply to you!
Mgt 2060 is an overview of concepts in personal computer system fundamentals as well as
system and productivity software. Students will learn how to effectively use an operating system
along with programs for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, web design, and related
purposes. Credit hours: 3.0 Contact hours per week: 1.5-3-0
* from *
We live in a digital and information age. Working efficiently and using effective problemsolving strategies with technology is required for success in our academic and career
experiences. The Mgt 2060 Section YOL content and learning activities will provide an overview of topics/concepts
related to hardware, software, the Internet and the impact and/or ethical considerations related to the use of computers and
technology, as applicable in academic and business/organizational environments. There is also a required hands-on lab
component where students acquire a working knowledge of productivity applications. Students are expected and strongly
encouraged to use these knowledge, skills and abilities in all course-related work, and in other courses.
Learning Outcomes for the Mgt. 2060 Class and Lab content, students will be able to…
 Describe and explain computer hardware/software topics for information technologies, systems and processing
 Understand computer- and technology-related issues
 Explain and use operating system functions and concepts
 Use the Windows operating system
 Use the Internet ~ web browsers, email, create and publish web page content
 Use productivity applications for spreadsheets, word processing, databases and electronic presentations ~
Microsoft Excel 2010, Word 2010, Access 2010 and PowerPoint 2010
ALL Mgt 2060 students are registered in TWO different portions of this course; one CLASS section (Section YOL), AND
one LAB section (Lab 6). The Section YOL content covers the conceptual aspects of technology, and the Lab content
covers hands-on learning activities using productivity software. In both of these sections, students will complete a total of
FIVE exams (3 Section YOL Written Exams and 2 Lab 6 Lab Exams), a variety of Section YOL online, electronic
Participation Activities, and TWELVE Lab 6 Lab Assignments – exam dates/times and assignment due dates can be
found on the Section YOL Schedule and the Lab 6 Schedule. More information pertaining to Written Exams, Lab Exams
and Lab Assignments is available in other sections of this Course Outline.
Section YOL: this Mgt 2060 Class section is delivered by independent-study/online format
o There are NO Sec. YOL classes to attend for instruction, so there is no in-class attendance requirement for
Section YOL during the semester, EXCEPT for the 3 required Written Exams (see YOL Topics Schedule)
Lab 6: this Mgt 2060 lab section is delivered by independent-study/online format
o There are NO Lab 6 classes to attend for instruction, so there is no in-class attendance requirement for
Lab 6 during the semester, EXCEPT for the 2 required Lab Exams (see Lab 6 Schedule)
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
Mgt 2060 Final Grades will be calculated using weighting values assigned to a variety of learning activities - including
Written Exams and Participation Activities for Section YOL; AND Lab Assignments and Lab Exams for Lab 6. The total
weightings will be out of a total of 1000 possible points, and the calculation of Mgt 2060 final grades will be determined
according to the following information...
Section YOL: there will be THREE Written Exams covering textbook concepts and some lab content that
will be worth 300 points, weighted at 100 points each (for a total of 30.0% of student’s overall, final grade)
o Refer to Mgt 2060 Section YOL Topics Schedule for written exam dates and content information
o Written Exams #2 and #3 are NOT cumulative
Section YOL – Participation Activities: there will be a variety of online, electronic activities throughout the
semester that will be worth 30 points (for a total of 3.0% of student’s overall, final grade)
o These activities will require students to participate in online, electronic activities that typically will be open &
available for completion until the day of the corresponding Written Exam
o Students can complete these activities using any computer with Internet access
o There will NOT be ANY extensions or make-up activities for missed Participation Activities
Lab 6: there will be a variety of Lab Assignments and TWO Lab Exams worth a total of 670 points
(for a total of 67.0% of student’s overall, final grade)
o 6 SimNet Lab Assignments will be worth 130 points (or 13.0% of overall, final grade)
o 6 Practical Lab Assignments will be worth 240 points (or 24.0% of overall, final grade)
o 2 Lab Exams will be worth 300 points (or 30.0% of overall, final grade)
 Lab Exam 1 will be weighted at 160 points; Lab Exam 2 will be weighted at 140 points
o Specific information for Lab Assignment and Lab Exam dates are found on the Lab 6 Schedule
Final Grades will be calculated out of a total of 1,000 possible points based on the assigned WEIGHTING (not the total score)
for each Exam, Assignment and Participation Activity scores; and based on the following letter grade range distributions...
GPA Levels
from U of L
* FACT: Internet content is not always
factual or trustworthy; consider all
Internet sources carefully! (* image from *)
Point Ranges
for each
Letter Grade
% Ranges
for each
Letter Grade
NOTE: there is NO standardized final grade distribution at the U of L, so the Mgt 2060 final grade distribution given above
will NOT be the same as what is used in other U of L courses. This distribution scale is likely higher than other courses
because a large portion of the Mgt 2060 final grade is earned from hands-on, skills-based Lab Assignments and open-book
Lab Exams. Many of the skills-based activities allow Mgt 2060 students multiple attempts to complete assigned work and,
thus, the opportunity to earn 100% on a large portion of the course work.
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
Specific Exam & Assignment weightings to be used in calculation of Mgt. 2060 Final Grades:
Each student’s final grade will be calculated based on the number of points earned on all class and lab exams,
class participation activities and lab assignments, which will be weighted out of a total of 1000 points…
5 Exams will be completed throughout the semester – 3 Written Exams AND 2 Lab Exams
Section YOL Written Exam 1 =
100 points (or 10.0% of final grade)
Section YOL Written Exam 2 =
100 points (or 10.0% of final grade)
Section YOL Written Exam 3 =
100 points (or 10.0% of final grade)
Lab 6 Lab Exam 1 (Excel/Word) =
160 points (or 16.0% of final grade)
Lab 6 Lab Exam 2 (Access/PPT) =
140 points (or 14.0% of final grade)
Total Exam points
600 points (or 60.0% of final grade)
A variety of electronic Participation Activities that will be completed throughout the semester and
submitted via either the Mgt 2060 Moodle and/or Mgt 2060 SimNet web sites
Electronic activities for Section YOL =
30 points (or 3.0% of final grade)
Total Participation Activity points
30 points (or 3.0% of final grade)
6 SimNet Lab Assignments will be completed throughout the semester
Windows =
15 points (or 1.5% of final grade)
Internet Activities =
10 points (or 1.0% of final grade)
Excel 2010 =
30 points (or 3.0% of final grade)
Word 2010 =
30 points (or 3.0% of final grade)
Access 2010 =
25 points (or 2.5% of final grade)
PowerPoint 2010 =
20 points (or 2.0% of final grade)
Total SimNet Assignment points
130 points (or 13.0% of final grade)
6 Practical Lab Assignments – will be completed throughout the semester using Windows and the Office
2010 applications and submitted via the Mgt 2060 Moodle site
Windows =
20 points (or 2.0% of final grade)
Internet Activities =
20 points (or 2.0% of final grade)
Excel 2010 =
60 points (or 6.0% of final grade)
Word 2010 =
60 points (or 6.0% of final grade)
Access 2010 =
60 points (or 6.0% of final grade)
Web Publishing =
20 points (or 2.0% of final grade)
Total Practical Assignment points
240 points (or 24.0% of final grade)
Most contact between YOL/Lab 6 students & Instructor will be through email &
the Moodle site, but students are also encouraged to receive assistance via phone
o Students are requested to use their uleth email acct for class-related email
Students can seek help during Instructor office hours, or by appt
o Instructor will try to answer student emails as quickly as possible – email sent
* click on the above image to view a video called
outside of regular business hours (i.e. evenings & weekends) will be
“Symphony of Slang,” which illustrates how easy
answered on the next business day
it is to misinterpret English idioms and slang!
o Students are asked to communicate in a professional manner and use
* video @
proper English and/or full-text words in email, to avoid confusion or
Example of how NOT to communicate with Instructors by email…
Hey, WU? I hope UR AAK! AFAIK there is an assignment due ADN. JW when UR able to meet with me F2F as ITIGBS, IYKWIM – JK & LOL :). LMK. BFN.
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
Information pertaining to the THREE Mgt. 2060 YOL closed-book, Written Exams:
Mgt 2060 Section YOL students will have the opportunity to complete 3 CLOSED-book Written Exams
The majority of Written Exam contents will cover Section YOL topics, but there will be some lab-related material
and concepts included (approximately 15 to 25% of exam marks)
o These exams will consist of multiple-choice style questions
o Lab content included on Written Exams will be based on conceptual aspects of using the programs covered
in Mgt 2060 Lab course work
 Lab content questions on Written Exams will NOT be point-and-click types of questions
 i.e. What menu is command "X" found in, when using program "Z"? -- this is the type of applicationrelated question that will NOT be included on the Written Exams
Exam location for Written Exams
o Calgary campus students will complete in computer lab at that location
o See the Mgt 2060 Section YOL Topics Schedule for Written Exam dates & content covered
Students will not be permitted to use items such as calculators, electronic dictionaries, cell phones, PDAs, pagers,
disks, papers, books and all other materials or communication devices during the completion of Written Exams
Written Exams must be completed when scheduled – alternate arrangements will be made for extenuating
circumstances only (i.e. personal/family illness or death), and supporting documentation will be required
o Making end-of-the-semester travel arrangements OR arrangements for employment-related travel,
BEFORE the end of the Official Final Examination Period are NOT types of
extenuating circumstances that would warrant the scheduling of an alternative
exam date, should such a conflict arise (please refer to Missed Examinations
section on pg 86 of the 2011/2012 Calendar)
Information pertaining to the TWO Mgt. 2060 Lab 6 hands-on, Lab Exams:
 Mgt 2060 Lab 6 students will have the opportunity to complete 2 OPEN-book Lab Exams
 Calgary campus students will complete in computer lab at that location
* from *
o Lab Exam dates are found on Lab 6 Schedule
o Lab Exams will be completed using online simulation software that can only be
accessed using a purchased SimNet access code; and/or using files within the software programs
o Each student MUST have their own purchased SimNet access code to complete Lab Exam requirements
 If you choose to share the cost of the text book with other students, only 1 student can use the code that
comes with the book - additional students MUST purchase individual access codes separately
o Students are to complete their own Lab Exams using their own SimNet access code. If it is discovered
that students allow any other person to complete work using their access code, disciplinary action will
be commenced - refer to this Course Outline’s "Academic Dishonesty" section
During Lab Exams students WILL BE allowed to use: personal notes; reference books; calculators and electronic
o Students WILL NOT BE allowed to: communicate with any other persons in the room or by email
Lab Exams must be completed during the scheduled times – alternate arrangements will be made for
extenuating circumstances only (i.e. family illness or death), and supporting documentation will be
required (please refer to Missed Examinations section on pg 86 of the 2011/2012 Calendar)
If ANY technical problems are encountered during a Lab Exam, notify the Exam Invigilator immediately
o The Exam Invigilator will be in constant contact with Instructor for assistance with technical problems
o Extra time will be given if a Lab Exam cannot be completed in the allotted time due to technical difficulties
related to hardware/software
NOTE: at the Calgary campus computer lab, which is run & maintained by the Bow Valley College campus IT
Dept, Lab 6 students will use Excel, Word, PowerPoint 2007, and Access 2010 applications on the 2 Lab Exams;
due to that software being used & maintained by & for BVC courses. There are minimal differences between the
Office 2007 & 2010 user interface, and should not present any problems for students.
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
Information pertaining to Mgt. 2060 Lab Assignments:
There will be a variety of Lab Assignments assigned throughout the semester
o 6 of the Lab Assignments will be completed using the SimNet online simulation software that can only be
accessed using a purchased access code
o Each Mgt 2060 student MUST have their own access code to complete Lab Assignment requirements
 If you choose to share the cost of the text book with other students, only 1 student can use the code that
comes with the book - additional students MUST purchase individual access codes separately
o Students are to complete their own Lab Assignments using their own SimNet access code. If it is
discovered that students allow any other person to complete work using their access code, disciplinary
action will be commenced - refer to this Course Outline’s "Academic Dishonesty" section
o All Mgt 2060 Lab assignment work will have an assigned due date, AND there will also be a 24-hour "grace
period" following ALL assignment due dates (for SimNet and Practical assignments)
 Lab Assignment due dates are clearly shown on the Lab 6 Schedule, but they could be changed slightly
during the semester (any changes will be announced via posting in the Mgt 2060 Lab 6 Moodle site,
and/or by email)
 Assignments need to be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (i.e. at midnight, at the end of the day), on due dates
 The purpose of the "grace periods" is to facilitate the resolution of technical problems that cannot be
resolved prior to a due date
 Students SHOULD NOT interpret the availability of “grace periods” simply as extra time to delay
assignment completion; rather students should endeavor to complete the Lab assignments by the
scheduled due dates
 IF technical difficulties are encountered prior to a due date, students should contact the SimNet Tech
Support system as soon as possible for technical support and assistance; and their Mgt 2060 Instructor
 Except in cases of extenuating circumstances, for which supporting documentation will be
required before work is accepted and graded
 Running out of time due to a "busy schedule" will not be accepted as an extenuating
o 6 of the Lab Assignments are “Practical” assignments – this means the assigned work is completed in files, in
which students will problem-solve using the actual applications (in other words, these assignments are NOT
completed using SimNet)
 Instructions for the Practical assignments will be posted in the Mgt 2060 Lab 6 Moodle site; students will
submit their work using the Moodle site, as well
 Some Practical assignments can be completed with a partner
 If it is discovered that students submit work that is not their own (or partner’s), disciplinary action
will be taken – refer to this Course Outline’s "Academic Dishonesty" section
ONLINE sites used for Mgt. 2060 activities:
 Mgt 2060 students will use the following URLs regularly and frequently during the
semester ~ it is recommended that students bookmark these sites in their web browser for
easy access throughout the semester
o ~ Mgt 2060 SimNet site
o ~ U of L Moodle Courseware Management site
o ~ U of L Mgt 2060 classes site
o ~ U of L student email accounts
o ~ U of L network file-storage (P: and/or W: drives) that can be
accessed from off-campus computers using FTP
** NOTE: an FTP URL must be entered into a WINDOWS EXPLORER window
as it will NOT work when using a web browser on a Windows PC
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
* from:
2007/04/18/undelivered-e-mail/ *
1. Prerequisites. It is the responsibility of students to check the prerequisites for courses before registration. If students
are found to be registered in a course for which they do not have the prerequisites, and they have not received prior
permission from the appropriate program chair, they can be de-registered. If this occurs after the drop/add date,
tuition will not be refunded.
2. Examinations. Alternative arrangements for writing a missed exam may be made at the discretion of the instructor.
Deferrals may only be granted in extenuating circumstances such as extreme illness or other serious circumstances
beyond the student’s control. Work commitments, holidays or traffic are not considered legitimate reasons for missing
an exam.
Students who fail to write final exams must provide satisfactory evidence of illness or extenuating circumstances
AND must have the approval of the Dean for a makeup exam. For missed exams, a grade of F (0 marks) will be
Deferred final exams can only be written at times set by the school and instructor. Please note that if a final exam
deferral is granted, the date will be set by the instructor and department. Students who fail to write final exams must
provide satisfactory evidence of illness or extenuating circumstances AND must have the approval of the Dean for a
makeup exam. For missed exams, a grade of F (0 marks) will be given.
3. Exam policies: For security reasons, students may not leave the examination site during the first thirty (30) minutes
nor enter after the first thirty (30) minutes. Data or internet-enabled phones (i.e. Blackberry, I-Phone etc.), laptops or
other electronic devices may not be used during examinations without prior approval of the instructor. Students, who
are found to have an electronic device on their person or desk during an examination, could be in breach of the
electronic devices policy, which could result in a 0 grade on the exam. Please see additional examination policies in
the 2011/2012 University Calendar, page 86.
4. Academic Dishonesty. In cases of academic misconduct, you will receive an F on the assignment and/or you will
receive an F in the course. Students can find further information in the 2011/2012 Calendar.
Ethical Conduct: The University’s policies are described in the calendar and all students are expected to read and
comply with them. Special care should be taken to understand and avoid the Academic Offenses of Plagiarism
and Cheating listed in the Student Discipline Policy.
Students will respect the basic standards of intellectual integrity, including, but not limited to, refraining from
plagiarism, cheating or copying someone else’s work. In addition, students are expected to take an active role in
encouraging other members of the academic community to refrain from academic dishonesty, and are asked to
advise the instructor if they are aware of any such violations. This provision applies to any work submitted as a
group project.
Plagiarism: “to steal and pass off the ideas and words of another as one’s own” (Webster’s). Plagiarism will not
be tolerated and will automatically result in a zero grade for the submission. Any student caught plagiarizing may
also be subject to additional University sanctions. For the current university policy on Cheating and Plagiarism,
please consult University of Lethbridge calendar. The University of Lethbridge subscribes to a plagiarism
detection service. Students may be required to submit their written work in electronic form for plagiarism
Course Outline Mgt 2060 Sec YOL/Lab 6 ~ Spring 2012
Mgt 2060 Section YOL Topics Schedule
~ Spring 2012 ~
** this is an independent-study class section, but students are required to attend
THREE Written Exams for this portion of the course - see exam information below, in red **
Week #: Dates
Information for Section YOL Topics and Exams
All chapter#s below are from the O’Leary/O’Leary book called
“Computing Essentials 2012 (Complete Edition)”
Week #1: Jan 9 to 15
**During this first week of the semester, students should access the Mgt 2060 Moodle and
SimNet web sites
**read through the Mgt. 2060 Section YOL Course Outline and Topics Schedule, and
other related course information & announcements posted in Moodle, or sent by email
Week #2: Jan 16 to 22
**read/study Chap 1: Info Technology... & Chap 2: The Internet…
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #3: Jan 23 to 29
**read/study Chap 3: Basic App S/W & Chap 4: Specialized App S/W
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #4: Jan 30 to Feb 5
**read/study Chap 5: System Software
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #5: Feb 6 to 12
** Written Exam #1: this exam will cover concepts from the Section YOL Topics
covered in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, as listed above; and the lab topics of Windows &
Written Exam #1: Internet Activities.
to be completed by
Mgt 2060 YOL
students on February 7
For students located in Calgary:
o this exam will be completed at Calgary campus (in room N637
@ Bow Valley College) on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, starting at
4 p.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m.
Week #6: Feb 13 to 19
**read/study Chap 6: System Unit & Appendix: Evolution of Computer Age (p. 462)
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #7: Feb 20 to 26
Week #8: Feb 27 to Mar 4
**read/study Chap 7: Input/Output & Chap 8: Secondary Storage
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #9: Mar 5 to 11
**read/study Chap 9: Communications… & Appendices: Buyer’s… and Upgrader’s
Guides… (p. 472 & 477)
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #10: March 12 to 18
Written Exam #2:
to be completed by
Mgt 2060 YOL
students on March 13
** Written Exam #2: this exam will cover concepts from the Section YOL Topics
covered in Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, three Appendices, as listed above; and lab topics of
Excel & Word.
For students located in Calgary:
o this exam will be completed at Calgary campus (in room N637
@ Bow Valley College) on Tuesday, March 7, 2012, starting at
4 p.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m.
Week #: Dates
Information for Section YOL Topics and Exams
All chapter#s below are from the O’Leary/O’Leary book called
“Computing Essentials 2012 (Complete Edition)”
Week #11: Mar 19 to 25
**read/study Chap 10: Privacy, Security & Ethics
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
**students will complete Lab Exam 1 during this week – refer to the Lab 6 Schedule
Week #12: Mar 26 to Apr 1
**read/study Chap 11: Information Systems
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #13: Apr 2 to 8
**read/study Chap 12: Databases
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #14: Apr 9 to 15
**read/study Chapter 15: Your Future & Information Technology
**read Announcements posted in Moodle & complete assigned Participation Activities
Week #15: Apr 16 to 18
** catch up and review
**students will complete Lab Exam 2 during this week – refer to the Lab 6 Schedule
Week #16: Apr 23 to 25
** Written Exam #3: this exam will cover concepts from the Section YOL Topics
covered in Chapters 10, 11, 12 & 15, as listed above (Chapters 13 & 14 are not
Written Exam #3: included on this exam); and the lab topics of Access, PowerPoint & Web Publishing.
to be completed by
 For students located in Calgary:
Mgt 2060 YOL
o this exam will be completed at Calgary campus (in room N637
students on April 24
@ Bow Valley College) on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, starting at
4 p.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m.
making end-of-the-semester travel plans OR arrangements to start a
job, etc., are NOT the type of extenuating circumstances that would
warrant the scheduling of an alternative Exam date, should such a
conflict arise
This schedule may change slightly during the semester!
** all Mgt 2060 students will complete a total of FIVE exams during the semester – the
THREE exams listed above AND there are also TWO Lab Exams in the lab portion of this
course. Lab Exam dates are found above and on the Mgt 2060 Lab 6 Lab Schedule, which is
posted on the Mgt 2060 YOL/Lab 6 Moodle site.
How to tell if you are addicted to
using your computer….
The expectation is that students will keep up with and work through the class
content, as outlined above
It is each student's responsibility to stay on schedule and complete all readings
and activities as outlined and presented throughout the semester
Alternative Written Exam dates will be arranged ONLY for extenuating
circumstances (i.e. family illness or death) supported by documentation.
Arrangements will NOT be made for travel or because readings and content
study are incomplete at exam times
Mgt 2060 Section YOL Topics Schedule ~ Spring 2012
* from *
Lab 6 Lab Schedule ~ Spring 2012
**NOTE: this is an Independent-Study lab for students at the Calgary campus. Students will complete
work independently, but will be required to attend TWO Lab Exams (dates shown below, in red).
Lab 6 students are also registered in Mgt 2060 YOL which has 3 Written Exam dates (shown below, in blue).
Schedule of Lab Topics
covered each week
Schedule for Lab Assignment work
and Due Dates
** read additional information about assignments
in the NOTES section on page 2 of this schedule **
Introductory activities ~ student should…
 access the Mgt. 2060 Moodle site to read/print
the Lab 6 Schedule
Jan 9 to 15
 print/read any "Supplementary Notes for …"
file(s) that are posted in the Mgt 2060 Moodle
site for Lab 6
Unit 1: Windows & Internet Activities
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Jan 16 to 22  see “Supplementary Notes…” files for
information on how to access U of L network
resources from off-campus computers
Unit 2: Excel 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
 see “Supplementary Notes for Excel…” file for
Jan 23 to 29
PRACTICE exercises to be completed in Excel
(the practice exercises help students complete
the Lab Assignment requirements!)
Jan 30 to Feb 5
Feb 6 to 12
Excel 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Excel 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
**access the Mgt 2060 SimNet site (each student
must purchase the access code through the U of L
** start working on Windows & Internet assignments
** continue working on Windows & Internet
** start working on Excel assignments
Jan 26 - SimNet AND Practical assignments due
for Unit 1a: Using Windows AND Unit 1b Internet
Activities (see Practical instructions in Moodle)
** continue working on Excel assignments
** continue working on Excel assignments
**Section YOL, Written Exam 1 on Feb 7**
Unit 3: Word 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
 see “Supplementary Notes for Word…” file for
Feb 13 to 19
PRACTICE exercises to be completed in Word
(the practice exercises help students complete
the Lab Assignment requirements!)
Feb 16 – Practical assignment due for Unit 2:
Excel (see instructions in Moodle)
** start working on Word assignments
Feb 27 to Mar 4
Word 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
** continue working on Word assignments
Unit 4: Access 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Mar 8 – Practical assignment due for Unit 3: Word
 see “Supplementary Notes for Access…” file for (see instructions in Moodle)
Mar 5 to 11
PRACTICE exercises to be completed in Access
** start working on Access assignments
(the practice exercises help students complete
the Lab Assignment requirements!)
Mar 12 to 18
Access 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
**Section YOL, Written Exam 2 on Mar 13**
** continue working on Access assignments
Schedule of Lab Topics
covered each week
Schedule for Lab Assignment work
and Due Dates
** read additional information about assignments
in the NOTES section on page 2 of this schedule **
Mar 19 – SimNet assignments due for Unit 2:
TUESDAY, March 20, 2012; meet in room
Excel AND Unit 3: Word
Mar 19 to 25
N637 (computer lab @ Bow Valley College)
** continue working on Access assignments
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Mar 26 to Apr 1
Apr 2 to 8
Access 2010
see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
** continue working on Access assignments
Unit 5: PowerPoint 2010
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Apr 4 – Practical assignment due for Unit 4:
Access (see instructions in Moodle)
** start working on PowerPoint assignments
PowerPoint 2010
Unit 6: Web Publishing
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Apr 9 to 15
 see Supplementary Notes for Creating Web
Content for PRACTICE exercises (the practice
exercises help students complete the Lab
Assignment requirements!)
on TUESDAY, April 17, 2012; meet in room
N637 (computer lab @ Bow Valley College)
Apr 16 to 18
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Web Publishing
 see Weekly Announcement in Moodle
Apr 24
** start working on Web Publishing assignment
Apr 16 – SimNet assignments due for Unit 4:
Access AND Unit 5: PowerPoint
(no Practical assignment for PowerPoint)
Apr 17 - Practical assignment due for Unit 6: Web
Publishing (see instructions in Moodle)
**Section YOL, Written Exam 3 on Apr 24**
This schedule may change slightly during the semester!
**all Mgt 2060 students will also complete THREE Written Exams for the Section YOL portion of this course (as shown in
blue above) – Written Exam dates are found above & on the Mgt 2060 Section YOL Topics Schedule
All Lab Assignment work will be due at 11:59 p.m. (i.e. MIDNIGHT, at the end of the day) on the dates indicated in this Lab
All Lab Assignments will have a 24-hour grace period to allow students time to resolve technical difficulties that may arise
unexpectedly – the expectation is that assignments will be submitted by the scheduled due dates whenever possible – IF
SUBMITTING assignment work during the grace period, students should notify their Lab Instructor
Students are strongly advised NOT to leave completion of assignment work to the last minute as they will likely be more
time-consuming to complete, than students may expect
All Lab Assignment work can be submitted earlier than scheduled due dates
SimNet is an online simulation tool that all Mgt 2060 students will use throughout the semester to complete Lab Assignment
and/or Lab Exam work – each student must purchase their own, personal, unique SimNet access code – see the Course
Outline for more information
All the online submissions sites for Lab Assignments will be timed and will NOT accept submissions for grading after the
end of the grace period
Submission of Lab Assignment work after the end of the grace period will be accepted and graded ONLY in cases of
extenuating circumstances, for which supporting documentation MUST be provided
Alternate Lab Exam dates will be scheduled ONLY in cases of extenuating circumstances, for which supporting
documentation MUST be provided
The definition of extenuating circumstances includes illness of self or immediate family member, or death of immediate
family member (for the purpose of requesting additional assignment time, or alternate exam arrangements), for which
supporting documentation will be required; travel for personal or work-related reasons is NOT considered an extenuating
Lab Exam 1 & 2 software: Calgary campus students will complete Lab Exam 1 using Excel 2007 & Word 2007, and Lab
Exam 2 using Access 2010 and PowerPoint 2007 due to the Bow Valley College lab not having the Office 2010 applications
installed for Excel, Word & PowerPoint. There are only minor differences between the Office 2007 & 2012 applications.
Mgt 2060 Lab 6 Lab Schedule ~ Spring 2012