Departmen D nt of Electtrical and Computerr Engineerring Facuulty of Enggineering and Archiitecture Universitty of Beiruut A American EECE E 605: Neu uromuscuular Engineeering ption: Cataalog descrip Introoduction on n the nervouus system, electrophysio e ology, and chemical kiinetics. The cell mem mbrane in th he steady staate: resting membrane m vooltage and membrane m eqquivalent cirrcuit. Genneration and propagationn of the actioon potential:: Hodgkin-H Huxley modeel, propertiess and proppagation of the action potential. Synapses: neuromuscuular junctionn, fast chem mical synaapses, secon nd-messengerr systems, sy ynaptic plassticity, and electrical e synnapses. Neurrons: neurronal currentts, firing pattterns, and siggnaling in deendrites. Muuscle: contracction, mechaanics, and receptors. Control C of moovement: mechanics, spinnal reflexes, hierarchical organizationn and conttrol, locomottion, equilibrrium-point hyypothesis. Credit hours: 3 credits quired or eleective: Req Elecctive, open too ECE, CCE, and studentts from outsiide the ECE Dept. D Prerrequisites: By ccourse: (1) BIOL B 210 (Huuman Biologgy) or BIOL 202 (Generaal Biology II), or PHYL 246 2 (Hum man Physiollogy), (2) EE ECE 210 (Eleectric Circuitts) or PHYS 228 (Electroonics) and PH HYS 228L L (Electroniccs Laboratorry), (3) MAT TH 202. By ttopic: Humann biology, baasic electric circuits, c calcculus and diff fferential equuations. Textbook(s) and d/or requireed materialss Extensiv ve class notes are provideed. General book b references include: Johnstonn D., Wu, S.M M.S., Found dations of Ceellular Neuroophysiology, The MIT Preess, Cambrid dge, Ma, 19995. Kandel, E.R., Schwaartz, J.H., Jesssel, T.M., Principles P of Neural N Sciennce, fifth ed.,, Y 2012. McGaw-Hill, New York, Nieuwennhuys, R., V Voogd, J., vann Huijzen, C.., The Humann Central Neervous System m, fourth edd., Springer, Berlin, 20077. Shepherrd, G.M., Thee Synaptic Organization O of the Brain,, fifth ed., Oxxford Univerrsity Press, 20004. urse Objectivves Cou 1. Explain the ellectrical propperties of the cell membraane at rest o the actionn potential annd its 2. Prresent the Hoodgkin-Huxlley model annd discuss thee properties of m modes of proppagation 3. Elucidate synaaptic action at a the neurom muscular junnction, fast chhemical synaapses, and ms underlyingg second-meessenger systtems and electrical synaapses and thee mechanism syynaptic plastticity 4. Prrovide an ovverview of hoow spikes aree triggered inn neurons, th he various meechanisms thhat m modulate neuuronal firing, and the resuulting firing patterns p 5. Examine the structure s of various v typess of muscle, the t mechanissms underlyiing muscularr m p properties, annd the propeerties of musccle receptorss contraction, thhe resulting mechanical C how movement m is controlled, and a the roles of various motor m hierarcchical structuures, 6. Clarify Course Topics 1. Introduction: living cells, neurons and glia, organization of the nervous system, diffusion fluxes and potentials, ionic equilibriums, and chemical kinetics 2. The cell membrane in the steady state: structure, electrical properties, active pump, resting voltage, equivalent circuit, rectification, reactance, and semiconductor analogy 3. Generation and propagation of the action potential: the Hodgkin-Huxley model, properties of action potential, propagation along unmyelinated and myelinated axons 4. Synapses: the neuromuscular junction, fast chemical synapses, second-messenger systems, synaptic plasticity, electrical synapses 5. Neurons: spike triggering, neuronal currents, firing patterns and their modulation, dendritic signaling 6. Muscle: structure, contraction, mechanics, receptors, cardiac and smooth muscle 7. Control of movement: mechanical considerations, spinal reflexes, hierarchical organization and control, middle hierarchical level, lower hierarchical level, locomotion, equilibrium-point hypothesis Course Learning Outcomes 1. The origin of the resting membrane voltage, the derivation of the membrane equivalent circuit, and how membrane rectification and reactance arise 2. The basic features of the Hodgkin-Huxley model, the properties of the action potential and how it is propagated along unmyelinated and myelinated axons 3. The operation of the neuromuscular junction, fast chemical synapses, second-messenger systems, and electrical synapses, as well as the mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity 4 How spikes are generated in neurons and how spike triggering is modulated to provide different firing patterns 5 How force is generated by muscle, the mechanical properties of muscle, and the characteristics of muscle receptors 6 Mechanical aspects of movement, the nature of spinal reflexes, and the roles of the various motor hierarchies in the brain and the spinal cord Class/Laboratory schedule Two 75-minute lectures per week Resources of the course Lecture notes, references, Moodle, and Web Computer Usage Moodle, Web searches Evaluation methods Term paper, topic of choice from approved list Midterm (short answer) Final Exam (short answer) 20% 30% 50% Professional component Engineering topics: 35% Biological Topics: 40% General education: 0% Mathematics and basic sciences: 25% Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation Nassir Sabah, March 2013