lca for “feeding the planet and energy for life”



Assumpció Antón Vallejo – Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology (IRTA), Barcelona, Spain

Maurizio Cellura – University of Palermo, Italy

Camillo De Camillis - FAO, Roma

Vito D’Incognito – Take Care International, Milan, Italy

Ulrike Eberle – Private Universität Witten/Herdecke, Zentrum für Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung, Germany

Peter Fantke – Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Quantitative Sustainability Assessment, Denmark

Chris Foster – EuGeos Limited, United Kingdom

Pierre Gerber – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO

Monica Lavagna – Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Adrian Leip – European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Catherine Macombe – Irstea UMR ITAP-ELSA, Montpellier, France

Paolo Masoni –Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA),

Bologna, Italy

Sarah McLaren – Massey University

Llorenç Milà i Canals – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Bruno Notarnicola – University of Bari, Italy

Carolyn Opio - FAO, Roma

Andrea Raggi –University “G. d’Annunzio”, Pescara, Italy

Serena Righi – University of Bologna, Italy

Serenella Sala – European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Roberta Salomone – University of Messina, Italy

Erwan Saouter – European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Simona Scalbi - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA),

Bologna, Italy

Antonio Scipioni – University of Padova, Italy

Rita Schenck - Institute for Environmental Research and Education (IERE), US

Rogier Schulte - Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership and Teagasc Ireland

Ulf Sonesson – SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden

Stefan Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann -– European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and

Consumer Protection

Hayo van der Werf - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Rennes, France


Serenella Sala - European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Monica Lavagna - Rete Italiana LCA, Politecnico di Milano

Valentina Castellani - European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Arianna Dominici Loprieno - Rete Italiana LCA, ENEA

Sara Ganassali - Rete Italiana LCA, Politecnico di Milano

Alberto Prinzo - Rete Italiana LCA, Politecnico di Milano


Rete Italiana LCA

Joint Research Centre, European Commission

The conference is organized in cooperation with the Livestock Environmental Assessment and

Performance (LEAP) Partnership



International conference on Life Cycle Assessment as reference methodology for assessing supply chains and supporting global sustainability challenges

Stresa, 06-07 th October 2015 - Milano, Expo 2015, 08 th October 2015

Italy is hosting EXPO 2015 the Universal Exposition having as central theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.

Life cycle assessment (LCA) represents a reference methodology that helps analyzing supply chains toward achieving sustainability objectives, including improved agriculture, food production and consumption as well as more efficient energy conversion and use.

The Italian LCA network and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission jointly organize a conference during EXPO 2015, discussing the role of

LCA on the EXPO 2015 topics and presenting latest research in the field.

6 th OCTOBER 2015

Stresa, Grand Hotel Bristol

08:15 Registration





Serenella Sala (European Commission, Joint Research Centre,

IES) and Paolo Masoni (Rete Italiana LCA and ENEA)

LCA as methodology for Better Regulation

David Wilkinson (European Commission, Joint Research Centre,

Director of IES)

Towards eco-efficient agriculture and food system: the special issue of the journal of cleaner production


Donald Huising (editor in chief JCP)





Pesticide emissions in the Environmental Product

Footprint – Lessons learnt from refined sugar from sugar beet

Alessandra Zamagni (Ecoinnovazione)

Nestlé Ecodesign Tool: Recent Developments that can contribute to improving the Product

Environmental Footprint Initiative

Urs Schenker (Nestlé Research Center)

Five crucial complicating issues for harmonising environmental footprints of food and beverage

Tommie Ponsioen (PRé Consultants)

Environmental impacts of different dairy farming systems in the Po Valley

Alessandro Agostini (European Commission, Joint Research

Center, IET)

of future development

Chairs : Erwan Saouter and Constantin Ciupagea

09:30 The European State and Outlook 2015 - Key findings related to the food supply chain

Ybele Hoogeveen (European Environment Agency)







12:50 Discussion

13:00 Lunch and Poster Session

Tomorrow’s healthy Society: research priorities for foods and diets

Sandra Caldeira (European Commission, Joint Research Center,


and footprints of food chains

Chairs : Paolo Masoni and Ulf Sonesson

Framing the role of LCA in integrated assessment tools for transition to sustainable food and agriculture: the case of livestock supply chains

Camillo De Camillis (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)



Life Cycle Inventory database for seafood products

Sophie Omont (CYCLECO Bureau d’études)

Towards the Global Reference for Feed LCA data: the Global Feed LCA Institute

Nicolas Martin (European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation)

Environmental Impact of the European Food Basket using LCA

Serenella Sala (European Commission, Joint Research Center,


Environmental Implications of Dynamic Policies on Food Consumption and Waste Handling in the

European Union

Michael Martin (IVL-Swedish Environmental Research Institute)





The World Food LCA Database: a global inventory database for the food sector

Simone Pedrazzini (Quantis)

Creating coherent life cycle databases for ecodesign and product declaration of agro-industrial products: how to implement methodological choices

Patrik Mouron (Agroscope)

Wheat of today and tomorrow: an assessment of current LCI inventories

Sara Corrado (Agrisystem UCSC)

Coffee Break and Poster Session

15:45 Discussion

16:05 Coffee break and Poster Session

in the food sector

Chairs : Bruno Notarnicola and Hayo Van der Werf



ENVIFOOD Protocol: Facilitating consumer choice for more sustainable products

Erwan Saouter (European Commission, Joint Research Center,


Developing Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Olive Oil

Hanna Tuomisto (European Commission, Joint Research Centre,


Session 1.4. LCA and footprints to assess food

production chains

Chairs : Vito D’Incognito and Urs Schenker

16:25 Mediterranean countries’ food supply and food sourcing profiles: an Ecological Footprint viewpoint

Alessandro Galli (Global Footprint Network)





Energy Use in the EU Food Sector: State of Play and Opportunities for Improvement

Fabio Monforti Ferrario (European Commission, Joint

Research Center, IET)

Energy Flows and Greenhouses Gases of EU national breads using LCA approach

Bruno Notarnicola (University of Bari)

Life Cycle Assessment for Enhancing Environmental

Sustainability of Sugarcane Biorefinery in Thailand

Thapat Silalertruksa (Joint Graduate School of Energy and

Environment, King Mongkut’s University of Technology


Coupling LCA with forest and geographical information system models for bioenergy: a Norwegian case study

Clara Valente (Ostfold Research AS)




7 th


Meeting Association Italian LCA Network

Social Dinner


Stresa, Grand Hotel Bristol

8:15 Registration

production chains

Chairs : Adrian Leip and Peter Fantke




Coffee break and Poster Session

Session 2.2. Life Cycle Impact Assessment:

Chairs : Serenella Sala and Assumpció Antón Vallejo







Pesticide Substitution: Combining Food Safety with Environmental Quality

Peter Fantke (Technical University of Denmark)

Outcome of WULCA harmonization activities: recommended characterization factors for water footprinting

Step han Pfister (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)

Building consensus for assessing land use impacts on biodiversity: contribution of UNEP/SETAC’s

Life Cycle Initiative

Assumpció Antón Vallejo (Research & Technology Food &


Coupling land use information with remotely sensed spectral heterogeneity: a new challenge for life cycle impact assessment of species diversity

Benedetto Rugani (Luxembourg Institute of Science and


Biodiversity impact: Case study beef production

Ulrike Eberle (Private Universität Witten/Herdecke)

Pollinators in LCA: towards a framework for impact assessment

Eleonora Crenna (University of Milano - Bicocca)



Environmental assessment of wheat and maize production in an Italian farmers cooperative

Valentina Fantin (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile)

Protein quality as functional unit – a methodological framework for inclusion in LCA

Ulf Sonesson (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden)




Lunch and Poster Session

Session 2.3. Eco-innovation and industrial

symbiosis in the food sector





LCA as a decision support tool in policy making: a case study of Danish spring barley production in a changed climate

Monia Niero (Technical University of Denmark)

Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Production from

Freshwater Macro-algal Feedstock: Substitution of

Energy Crops with Algae

Funda Cansu Ertem (Technische Universität Berlin)

Simplified modelling of environmental impacts of foods

Hayo van der Werf (Institut national de la recherche agronomique)

Life Cycle Assessment of Organic Rice Farming in

Thailand to Support Policy Decision on Sustainable


Rattanawan Mungkung (Kasetsart University)

Chairs : Maurizio Cellura and Chris Foster




Lost water and nitrogen resources due to EU consumer food waste

Adrian Leip (European Commission, Joint Research Center,


Sustainability assessment of ultra-high pressure homogenisation for milk and fresh cheese production: from pilot to industrial scale

Lucia Valsasina (Aalborg University and German Institute of Food)

Strategies for reducing food-waste: Life Cycle

Assessment of a pilot plant of insect-based feed products

Roberta Salomone (University of Messina)

14:45 Environmental Impact Assessment of caproic acid production from food waste: A case study of a novel pilot-scale biorefinery in the Netherlands

Wei-Shan Chen (Wageningen University)

8 th OCTOBER 2015

Expo 2015 Site, EU Pavilion, Rho

10:45 Registration





Recovery of waste streams from agroindustry through industrial symbiosis in Sicilia

Grazia Barberio (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile)

Roundtable “LCA for feeding the planet, energy for life”

Chairs : Paolo Masoni and Serenella Sala

Roundtable Discussion: Environmental impact of using specialty feed ingredients in pig and broiler production: A life cycle assessment

Alexander Liedke (Thinkstep AG)



Coffee break and Poster Session

Session 2.4. Sustainability assessment of food supply chain: socio-economic drivers and impacts

Chairs : Sarah McLaren and Ulrike Eberle

Giovanni Brunelli (Italian representative Ministry of


Tassos Haniotis (European Commission-DG AGRI)

Michele Galatola (European Commission-DG ENV)

Ybele Hoogeveen (European Environment Agency)

Llorenç Milà i Canals (United Nations Environment


Camillo De Camillis (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

16:10 In food supply chain: social LCA, what to do?

Catherine Macombe (Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l’environnement et l’agriculture)

12:20 Open Discussion

16:40 Food redistribution in Helsinki Metropolitan and

Turku Area

Kirsi Silvennoinen (Natural Resource Institute Finalnd)

16:55 An integrated LCA study to evaluate feasibility, viability and desirability of bioethanol from giant reed crop for transport in Campania Region, Italy

Angelo Fierro (University Federico II of Napoli)

17:10 Combining frontier analysis and Exergetic Life

Cycle Assessment towards identification of eco nomic-environmental win-win situations on dairy farms

Sophie Huysveld (Ghent University - Institute for Agricultural ans Fisheries Research)

17:25 Life cycle sustainability assessment of consumption and production of ready-made meals

Adisa Azapagic (University of Manchester)

17:40 LCC, S-LCA and LCSA in food and energy sectors: lessons from scientific literature

Andrea Fedele (University of Padova)


6 th OCTOBER 2015

Stresa, Grand Hotel Bristol

Session 1.4. LCA and footprints to assess food

production chains

Session 1.1 Consumption trends and sustainability

of future development

10 - Comparative LCA study on environmental impact of oil production from microalgae and terrestrial oilseed crops

D.Spinelli,S. Jez, E. Busi, R. Basosi

1 - Quantification of the health and environmental impacts of different food diets

S. Castañé Sanmartin, A. Antón, S.Bruun

2 - How much meat can we eat to sustain a healthy life and planet?The case of Swedish meat production and consumption

Hallström, E. Sartas, M. Röös, E. Koca, D. Börjesson

11 - Liquid whey recycling within the traditional dairy chain, as a sustainable alternative for whey waste management

N. Palmieri, M. Bonaventura Forleo, E. Salimei, L. Perrella

12 - Quantification of life cycle energy use for a more efficient building design

F. Ricci, S. Toniolo, A. Mazzi, F. Aguiari, A. Scipioni

3 - Carbon footprint of Italian eating habits: how consumer food choices might lead to a reduction of greenhouse gases emissions

L. Tagliabue, J. Famiglietti, S. Caserini, M. Zanchi

13 - Resource footprint of Vietnamese Pangasius frozen fillets and export to the European market

Trang Thuy Nhu, T. Schaubroeck, S. De Meester, M. Duyvejonck,

P. Sorgeloos, J. Dewulf

Session 1.2. Product Environmental Footprint

in the food sector

4 - The Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules

(PEFCR) Packed Water Pilot Testing

S. Pedrazzini, V. Magaud, S. Humbert, P. Fosselard, L. Struebbe, F.

Rivet, R. Pavanello, P. Peuch, C. Van Den Hungen, L. Verkinderen, P.

Diercxsens, G. Dadà, B. Pruvost, A. de Schryver, J.-B. Schrans

5 - Limitations of the attributional PEF and LEAP approach in assessing the environmental impact of changes in feed composition

H. Blonk, B. Durlinger, N. Martin

6 - Environmental Footprint software for small companies, a case study for beers

Rupena Sergio, Omont S., Payet J.

7 - Identification of the most relevant impact categories with normalisation and equal weighting methods: inconsistencies found in raw milk case study

S. Scalbi, V.Fantin, P. Buttol, P. Masoni

Session 1.3. Inventories and database for LCA

and footprints of food chains

8 - Food PEFCRs and the need for consistent secondary databases such as Agri-footprint®

H. Blonk, B. Durlinger, J. Scholten

9 - Environmental profile of an Italian vineyard life cycle

D. Sassi, M. Pini, S. Mohaddes Khorassani, P. Neri, E. Zerazion, A.

M. Ferrari

14 - Comparative LCA of bread baked in novel Low Energy Ovens and conventional ovens

B. Durlinger, R. Broekema, Laura Batlle Bayer

15 - Life Cycle Assessment of the production and import of

Arabica Brazilian coffee

L. Guagliumi, M. Pini, S. Mohaddes Khorassani, P. Neri, E. Zerazion, A. M. Ferrari

16 - The link between CSR, EMS and LCA with coffee as an example

S. Furfori, V. Antonini, G. Nardelotto, A. Aiello, L. Breedveld

17 - Sustainability and performance design of open loop recycling strategies in the production of innovative building materials

A. Pierucci

18 - A tool for the sustainability assessment of transformation activities of buildings

A. Pierucci , G. R. Dell’Osso

19 - LCA of clean technologies in food value chains of emerging economies

M. Stucki, L. Eymann, D. Scharfy, H. von Blottnitz

20 - Life Cycle Assessment of Food Smoking Technologies

S. Smetana, S. Toepfl, A. Mathys, K. Bärwinkel, S. Knaup, V. Heinz

21 - Low Emission Farming – a significant step forward to improve the ecological footprint of livestock production

M. Binder, E. Rother, T. Kaufmann

22 - Energy and water savings by exploiting nanotechnological self cleaning textiles

E. Busi, S. Maranghi, L. Corsi, R. Basosi

23 - Selecting an appropriate fuel mix in LCA of energy savings

P. Girardi, C. Brambilla, A. Gargiulo

24 - Assessing the impacts of onshore wind energy by using a spatio-temporal LCA approach

M. Maier, M. Mueller

25 - Life Cycle Assessment of Palm Biodiesel Production in

Thailand: Impacts from Improvement Technologies, Land

Use Changes and Modelling Choices

T. Prapaspongsa, S.H. Gheewala

26 - Energy recovery from garden waste in a LCA perspective

I. Naroznova, J. Møller, C. Scheutz

27 - Environmentally sustainable biogas? The key role of manure co-digestion with energy crops

J. Giuntoli, A. Agostini, F. Battini, V. Tabaglio, M. Padella, D.

Baxter, L. Marelli, S. Amaducci

28 - Perspectives on the use of algae for biofuels and biomaterials production

S. Rocca, J. Giuntoli, A. Agostini, L. Marelli

29 - Environmental impact of rice straw utilization for bioenergy purposes

C. Bulgheroni, J. Giuntoli, A. Agostini, L. Marelli

30 - From food to energy: a spatialization continuum to assess the environmental impacts of collective biogas plants

S. Le Féon, L. Aissani

31 - Comparing Water Footprint impact methods: a case study on biogas production from energy crops

T. Pacetti, E. Caporali, L. Zanchi, G. Federici

32 - Environmental assessment of electricity generation from anaerobic digestion of agricultural by-products

J. Bacenetti, A. Fusi, M. Fiala, A. Azapagic

33 - Energy embedded in the EU Food Basket of Products

E.M. Schau, M. Goralczyk, S. Sala, E. Saouter, F. Monforti-Ferrario,

B. Notarnicola, G. Tassielli, P. A. Renzulli

34 - LCA and Water Footprint of biofuels used in transport sector: a review

P. Masotti, B. Campisi, P. Bogoni

35 - Methodological choices for a global Life-Cycle Assessment in the field of alternative aviation fuels

L. Lonza, M. Kousoulidou

36 - Simplified LCA tools: selected approaches assessed for their implementation in the agri-food sector

I. Arzoumanidis, R. Salomone, L. Petti, A. Raggi

37 - “Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG”: towards a sustainable wine farming

E. Neri, R.M. Pulselli, F.M. Pulselli, N. Marchettini

38 - Environmental impact of the brewing sector: Life

Cycle Assessment of Italian craft and industrial beer

C. Gavinelli, F. Recanati, G. Dotelli

7 th OCTOBER 2015

Stresa, Grand Hotel Bristol

production chains

1 - Life Cycle Assessment of Oilseed Canola Production in

Iranian Agriculture

S. Hashe m Mousavi Avval, S. Rafiee, M. Sharifi, S. Hoseinpour, B.

Notarnicola, P.A. Renzulli, G. Tassielli

2 - Carbon footprint assessment of rapeseed in intensive, conventional production system in Wielkopolska region


J. Bienkowski, J. Jankowiak, M. Holka, R. Dąbrowicz

3 - The ecological footprint of products of oil palm and rubber plantations in Thailand

C. Musikavong, S.H.Gheewala

4 - Comparative LCA of sunflower, rapeseed and soybean oil

É.G. Castanheira, F. Figueiredo, J. Malça, F. Freire

5 - Life Cycle Assessment of organic apples supply chain in the north of Italy

S. Longo, M. Mistretta, M. Cellura, M. Kelderer, F. Paoletti

6 - Environmental assessment of rice cultivation: a case study of fertilization with urban sewage

A. Fusi, J. Bacenetti, S. González-García, G. Feijoo, M.T. Moreira,

M. Fiala

7 - Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Grown Tomatoes in Thailand

D.Dashzeveg, V.M.Salokhe, P. Soni

8 - The evolution of LCA in milk production

C. Baldini, D. Gardoni, M. Guarino

9 - Dairy products: Energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions

A.Fusi, B. Gowreesunker, S. Tassou, A. Azapagic

10 - Carbon footprint analysis of mozzarella and ricotta cheese production and influence of allocation procedure

M. Simonetto, C. Pieretto, A. Fedele, A. Scipioni

11 - Mitigating the environmental impacts of milk production via anaerobic digestion of manure: Case study of a dairy farm in the Po Valley

A. Agostini, F. Battini, J. Giuntoli, S. Amaducci

12 - Environmental impact of Lombardy cow milk production at farm

M. Zucali, A. Tamburini, A. Sandrucci, L. Bava

13 - Life cycle assessment of sugar production in Hamadan sugar mill

M. Namdari, S. Rafiee, M. Aghbashlo, S. Hosseinpour, B. Notarni cola, P.A. Renzulli, G. Tassielli

14 - Sustainability in breeding farms: the case of the

Maremmana beef

E. Neri, R.M. Pulselli, M. Marchi, S. Bastianoni

15 - The dark side of the grilled tenderloin (fillet), i.e. the management of sewage and manure of breeding farms: how to turn a problem into an opportunity

V. D’Incognito, G. Dotelli, S. Caimi

16 - Life Cycle Assessment of tropical Amazon fruit jam from agroforestry

G. Scaccabarozzi, F. Allievi, S. Parmeggiani, C. Camera, M. Saini,

T. Espinosa, R. Espinosa, G. Dotelli

17 - Life-cycle assessment of fresh and frozen chestnut produced in Portugal

D. Rosa, F. Figueiredo, É. Castanheira, F. Freire

18 - LCA-LCC decision tool for optimization of sustainable food processing plant

C. Strazza, A. Del Borghi, F. Magrassi, M. Gallo, M. Robba

needs and challenges for assessing

food supply chains

18 - Evaluating use stage exposure to food cantact materials in a LCA framework

A. Ernstoff, O. Jolliet, P. Fantke

19 - Assessing freshwater biodiversity as endpoint modeling of impacts in LCIA : case of run-of-river hydropower

J. Cettier, J. Payet

Session 2.3. Eco-innovation and industrial

symbiosis in the food sector

28 - Alternative scenarios of food-waste treatment: a comparative Life Cycle Assessment

Pirilli M., Salomone R., Ioppolo G., Saija G.

29 - Lost water and nitrogen resources due to EU consumer food waste

D. Vanham, F. Bouraoui, A. Leip, B. Grizzetti, G. Bidoglio

30 - Feasibility of industrial symbiosis in the food production chain: focus on carotenoids extraction from tomato processing waste

V. Castellani, S. Sala

31 - Sustainable Management of EU Food Waste with Life

Cycle Assessment

S. Manfredi, C.T. Matos, J. Cristóbal, F. Mathieux

32 - How food wastage is addressed in LCA studies

S. Corrado, F. Ardente, S. Sala, E. Saouter

33 - Challenges and opportunities in using Life Cycle

Assessment and Cradle to Cradle® for bio-based polymers

M. Niero, R. Manat, B. Lindberg Møller, S. I. Olsen

34 - The Hamlet dilemma for aluminium cans in the circular economy: to be or not to be in a closed loop?

M. Niero, S.H. Boas, H. Langen, S. I. Olsen

20 - Evolution of AiiDA the Aquatic Impact Indicators

Database for supporting the Product Environmental


J. Cettier, J. Payet

21 - Applying USEtox™ model for environmental footprinting calculation of freshwater ecotoxicity

J. Cettier, J. Payet

25 - Marine eutrophication impacts from present and future production of spring barley

N. Cosme, M. Niero

Session 2.4. Sustainability assessment of food supply

chain: socio-economic drivers and impacts

35 - Applying Social Life Cycle Assessment in the Thai

Context: Challenges from the sugar industry

J. Prasara-A, S.H. Gheewala

36 - Material Flow and Water Footprint Analysis of Cassava

Starch Production Systems

N. Jakrawatana, Shabbir H. Gheewala 22 - Spatio-temporal assessment of GHG from cocoa farming in the San Martin region, Peru

G. Raschio, S. Smetana

23 - Land use in life cycle impact assessment: a review of models at midpoint level to incorporate impacts on soil state and functioning

B. Vidal-Legaz, S.Sala, A. Anton, R.M.F Teixeira, D. Maia de Souza, O. Michelsen, B. Putman, G. Thoma

24 - Environmental Damage Assessment under the LCA approach

L. Maiorino, G. Arcese, L. Arru, M.C. Lucchetti, M. Mezzapelle

37 - Ancient cultivars, improved performance: reflections on the environmental sustainability of traditional foods

A. K. Cerutti, D. Donno, G. Mellano, G.L. Beccaro

38 - Social LCA: a framework for social impacts assessment in Italian wine sector

G. Arcese, M.C. Lucchetti, I. Massa

39 - LCA and SLCA on Indian curcuma production

E. Zerazion, S. Mohaddes Khorassani, M. Pini, P. Neri, A.M.Ferrari

40 - Social Life Cycle Assessment in the honey industry

M. D’Eusanio, M. Serreli, L. Petti

41 - Environmental and social impact indicators of soil consumption

M. Lavagna; V. D’Incognito; A. Prinzo; S. Ganassali

26 - Integration of Land Use aspects in LCA: determination of land use types as a crucial factor influencing the result

U. Bos, D. Arana, A. Liedke, E. Knüpffer, S. Albrecht, J.P. Lindner,

T. Kupfer

27 - Ecocentric Water Scarcity Index to address for local and temporal climate variability: the case of a tomato sauce

A. Manzardo, A. Loss, M. Mason, L. Spadotto, A. Scipioni

42 - Tools to improve the energy efficiency of the institutional food system

M. Clementi, C. Ducoli, G. Scudo, P. Caputo

43 - E-LCA and Social capital: some theoretical assumptions

G. Benedetto, A. Fusi, I. Vázquez-Rowe
