1308.4136 1311.6485 1408.xxxx DECONSTRUCTING DIMENSIONS AND MASSIVE GRAVITY COSMO 2014 Andrew Matas, Case Western Reserve University Co-Authors: Claudia de Rham, Andrew Tolley Why modify gravity (in the IR)? Dark Matter and/or Dark Energy Test Gravity on Large Scales Cosmological Constant Problem(s) ⇤ Psaltis 2008 Massive Gravity 2 MPl S= 2 Z 4 d x ✓ R m2 U (g, f ) 4 Modify gravity by adding a mass term External “reference metric” needed to make nontrivial potential. Breaks diff invariance. Can address the Cosmological Constant Problem. m can be small in a natural way. ⇤!m ◆ fµ⌫ Degrees of Freedom of a Massive Graviton 2 ds = Tensors Scalars Vectors Will 2006 2 dt + ( ij i + hij ) dx dx j Degrees of Freedom of a Massive Graviton 2 ds = Tensors 2 dt + ( ij i + hij ) dx dx j A healthy massive spin 2 particle has 5 polarizations Scalars 2s + 1 = 5 when Vectors Will 2006 s=2 Degrees of Freedom of a Massive Graviton 2 ds = 2 dt + ( ij i + hij ) dx dx j Two possible scalar modes: Tensors Scalars Vectors Will 2006 - One is healthy, but must be screened via the Vainshtein Mechanism Vainshtein, 1972 - The other is a ghost (negative kinetic energy) if it appears Fierz and Pauli, 1939 Boulware and Deser 1972 dRGT Massive Gravity de Rham et al, 2010 2 MPl S= 2 4 U (g) = X n=2 Z 4 d x ↵n Un (g) 2 U2 = [K] U3 = [K]3 U4 = [K]4 2 p ✓ g R [K ] 3[K2 ][K] + 2[K3 ] m2 U (g, f ) 4 K⌫µ = 6[K]2 [K2 ] + 3[K2 ]2 + 8[K][K3 ] µ ⌫ ⇣p g 6[K4 ] ◆ 1f ⌘µ ⌫ dRGT Massive Gravity de Rham et al, 2010 2 MPl S= 2 4 Z 4 d x p ✓ g R m2 U (g, f ) 4 ◆ Very special structure chosen to ↵ U (g) ⇣p ⌘ K = g f U = [K] [K ] avoid Boulware-Deser ghost U = [K] 3[K ][K] + 2[K ] U (g) = 2 3 X n=2 n n 2 3 U4 = [K]4 µ ⌫ 2 2 µ ⌫ 1 3 6[K]2 [K2 ] + 3[K2 ]2 + 8[K][K3 ] 6[K4 ] Can we get a physical picture of why dRGT works? de Rham, AM, Tolley, 1308.4136 µ ⌫ Multi-gravity Extension of massive gravity: Reference Metric becomes dynamical S= Z 2p 2 M M p g f d4 x gR[g] + f R[f ] 2 2 m2 Mg2 U (g, f ) 4 Hassan and Rosen, 2011 Hinterbichler and Rosen, 2012 Can have arbitrary number of metrics S= Z d4 x X M2 p I I 2 gI R[gI ] m2 M12 U [gI ] 4 Kaluza-Klein Compactification y Consistent theories of massive gravitons arise in extra dimensional setups: Kaluza-Klein, DGP. 5D General Relativity has 5 propagating degrees of freedom. Coordinates: µ x y 4 large dimensions we observe 1 compact extra dimension Kaluza-Klein Compactification f x (@y )2 ! 2⇡n kn = L kn2 2 n We interpret the wavenumber along the y 2⇡n mn = direction as a mass in 4d L Infinite tower of massive modes .. . (5) GAB Consistent theory of an infinite number of massive gravitons 2⇡ m=2 L (2) Hµ⌫ 2⇡ m= L (1) Hµ⌫ m=0 gµ⌫ Aµ Dimensional Deconstruction y Arkhani-Hamed et al, 2001, 2002 Dimensional Deconstruction: Intuition f Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Introduce new scale: Lattice spacing m-1 Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ⇣n⌘ Arkhani-Hamed et al, 2001, 2002 N N = mL Ê Ê mn = m sin x Ê Tower is truncated 0 n <1308. N 4136 Deconstruction and Gravity N Sites: 1 Massless Mode N-1 Massive Modes (2) gµ⌫ (3) gµ⌫ x(2) x(3) (1) (1) gµ⌫ x x(i) (i) gµ⌫ Can we do this while preserving the number of degrees of freedom? Discretizing Integrals become sums Z Derivatives need to be handled with care @y f (x, y) ! m (fi+1 (x) Fix y diffs before discretizing Ny 1 X fi (x) dyf (x, y) ! m i fi (x)) Linear Level Straightforward at the linear level Fix gauge hµy = 0, hyy = 1 Discretize @y hµ⌫ (x, y) ! m2 h(i+1) (x) µ⌫ 5d SGR = Z 4 d xdy 1 hµ⌫ E µ⌫⇢ h⇢ 4 Linearized GR ⇣ h(i) µ⌫ (x) 1 [(@y h)2 ] 8 UF.P. [h] = m2 [h]2 ⌘ [@y h]2 [h2 ] However, need a non-linear theory for Vainshtein mechanism Implementing Deconstruction SGR,5d = M53 Z 4 d x dy p g Ny R + [K]2 [K 2 ] Implementing Deconstruction SGR,5d = M53 Z 4 d x dy p g Ny R + [K]2 [K 2 ] The potential will come from here after discretizing Implementing Deconstruction SGR,5d = M53 Z Fix the gauge 4 d x dy p g Ny R + [K]2 [K 2 ] The potential will come from here after discretizing N5 = 1 Kµ⌫ Nµ = 0 1 = @y gµ⌫ 2 Implementing Deconstruction SGR,5d = M53 Z 4 d x dy Fix the gauge p g Ny R + [K]2 The potential will come from here after discretizing N5 = 1 Kµ⌫ Discretization prescription? [K 2 ] Nµ = 0 1 = @y gµ⌫ 2 Kµ⌫ !? Most procedures will introduce new DOFs Discretizing the metric directly will introduce the BD ghost ⇣ (2) @y gµ⌫ ! m gµ⌫ (1) gµ⌫ ⌘ The potential is a function of the Fierz-Pauli combination: this is known to lead to a BD ghost Discretizing using the Vielbein de Rham, AM, Tolley, 1308.4136 gµ⌫ = eaµ eb⌫ ⌘ab First write derivatives of the metric in terms of the vielbeins Then discretize the derivative a @ y eµ We recover the ⇣dRGT structure ⌘µ p K⌫µ = µ ⌫ g 1f ⌫ !m @y g ⇠ e@y e ⇣ (2),a eµ (1),a eµ Kµ⌫ ! Kµ⌫ ⌘ Discretizing using the Vielbein Many features of multi-gravity theories arise naturally in this construction Symmetric Vielbein Condition Strong Coupling Scale Stuckleberg Fields Discretizing using the Vielbein Different discretizations of the derivative lead to different dRGT type interactions (2) gµ⌫ (3) gµ⌫ x(2) (1) gµ⌫ x(3) x(1) x(i) Example: ⇣ @y eaµ (x, y) ! m e(2),a (x) µ ce(1),a (x) µ (i) gµ⌫ ⌘ Scale of interactions ⇤s ⇠ ✓ M5 L ◆1/2 ⇠ 2 1/3 M 4 m1 The scale that arises is the usual strong coupling scale for the lightest KK mode Extensions @y [f (y)g(y)] = @y f (y)g(y) + f (y)@y g(y) We can now apply this method in other cases We find generically that other cases are more sensitive to discretization Structures that are total derivatives in 5d (and thus safe) can become physical upon discretization Gauss-Bonnet We can apply Deconstruction to Gauss-Bonnet SGB = ↵GB Z d5 x p G R2µ⌫⇢ 4R2µ⌫ + R2 5d 4d 2 R⇠R+K 2 2 2 R ⇠R +K R+K 4 New Kinetic Interaction? Hinterbichler 2013 de Rham, AM, Tolley, 1311.6485 Gauss-Bonnet We can apply Deconstruction to Gauss-Bonnet SGB = ↵GB Z d5 x p G R2µ⌫⇢ 5d 4d 2 R⇠R+K 2 2 2 R ⇠R +K R+K 4 New Kinetic Interaction? Hinterbichler 2013 4R2µ⌫ + R2 The deconstructed theory has a ghost, can be seen in minisuperspace de Rham, AM, Tolley, 1311.6485 Gauss-Bonnet We can apply Deconstruction to Gauss-Bonnet SGB = ↵GB Z d5 x p G R2µ⌫⇢ 5d 4d 2 R⇠R+K 2 2 2 R ⇠R +K R+K 4 New Kinetic Interaction? Hinterbichler 2013 4R2µ⌫ + R2 More general result: Only consistent kinetic term for Massive Gravity with flat reference metric in 4d is Einstein Hilbert de Rham, AM, Tolley, 1311.6485 Charged Spin-2 Can try to keep the vector zero modes @µ h̃n,µ⌫ ! Dµ h̃n,µ⌫ = (@µ U (1) Zn de Rham, AM, Ondo, Tolley, 1408.xxxx iqnAµ ) h̃n,µ⌫ U(1) can be restored but this introduces new degrees of freedom Summary Special structure of dRGT can be understood from a higher dimensional perspective Higher derivative extensions are challenging because total derivative combinations can be broken dRGT Massive Gravity: Vielbein Special Structure avoids BD ghost U (e, f ) = U1 (e, f ) = U2 (e, f ) = U3 (e, f ) = Hinterbichler and Rosen, 2012 3 X n=1 ✏abcd ea a ✏abcd e ✏abcd ea n Un (e, f ) ^ eb ^ ec ^ f d b c d ^e ^f ^f ^ fb ^ fc ^ fd Vainshtein Mechanism Non-linear interactions screen the helicity-0 mode Hµ⌫ gµ⌫ = ⌘µ⌫ + MPl 1 Hµ⌫ = hµ⌫ + 2 @µ @⌫ ⇡ m Screening when 2 @ ⇡ 2 m MPl Boulware-Deser ghost Screening when 2 @ ⇡ 2 m MPl 2 U (H) ! U(@ ⇡) Generically, 2nd derivative operators in the action will lead to EOMs that are higher order. This leads to a ghost, with mass 2 mghost MPl m4 ⇠ @2⇡ The mass of the ghost becomes small in the regime where the Vainshtein mechanism is active. Wilson Lines Can discretize in a gauge with the shifts, just get the Stuckleberg fields Nµ 6= 0 WIJ J I LDy f ! m (WIJ fJ fI ) Symmetric Vielbein Condition Metric and Vielbein formalisms equivalent only when a,µ b e(1) e(2),µ b,µ a e(1) e(2),µ =0 In Deconstruction this condition emerges in a natural way as a gauge choice ab ⌦y 1 a,µ b = e @ y eµ 2 e µb a @ y eµ =0 Origin of Low Strong Coupling Scale [K 2 ] 2 m [K]2 = [(@y h)2 ] 4 hµ⌫ ! hµ⌫ + 2@µ @⌫ ⇡ Canonically Normalize [@y h]2 + O(MPl1 ) Kinetic term for π (@y2 @µ ⇡)@ µ ⇡ ⇡ ⇡! @y Leads to low strong coupling scale since the y derivatives can be small Scale of interactions ⇤ = (m2 MPl )1/3 LGR,5d Discretized Version X I Z Diagonalize mass matrix (fourier transform) (@ 2 ⇡I )2 N hI+1 ⇠ 3 3 ⇤ ⇤ Canonically Normalize 1 h̃n ! p h̃n N 1 N ⇡ ˜n ! p ⇡ ˜n N n dy @y h @ 2 ⇡ X h̃n1 @ 2 ⇡ ˜ n2 @ 2 ⇡ ˜ n3 n1 ,n2 ,n3 Identify the strong coupling scale 1 ⇤s ⇠ p ⇤ N