LAB ASSIGNMENT #1: Identifying key attributes considered by consumers using three different approaches For each research approach interview two people • A. Direct solicitation Please tell me what factors you usually consider when deciding to attend a sporting event? [Write down what the consumer tells you] • B. Free sort task: One small cards write the name of the following sports – one name per card – • Football, • women’s softball, baseball, • men’s basketball, • swimming, • women’s basketball, • diving, • men’s gymnastics, • cross-country running, • women’s gymnastics, • rowing, • men’s ice hockey, • men’s soccer, • women’s ice hockey, • women’s soccer • track and field, • women’s volleyball • women’s field hockey, wrestling, • men’s volleyball Ask: Here are several sports. Assume that you are thinking about attending a contest. I want you to sort these sports into groups so that the sports in each pile are alike in some way important to you and are different from the sports in the other piles Or Here are some sports. I want you to sort them into groups using any basis you wish Once they have sorted the cards then ask Now please describe what each pile means to you. Why are these sports together? How are these sports different from those other sports? [Write down what the consumer tells you] • C. Triad task Select three types of sports – at least one must be woman’s basketball. Say the following: Here are three types of sports. Assume that you were thinking about attending one of the contests. In what important ways are two of these similar and different from the third? Are there any other ways? [Write down what the consumer tells you] Write up you experiment. Identify the key attributes suggested by your data 1 LAB ASSIGNMENT #2: Measuring means-end chains Find two consumers who you can talk to separately for about 10 minutes each. Try to find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. You will be assigned one of the following sports: men’s basketball, women’s basketball, men’s hockey, women’s gymnastics. Use the laddering technique (see example) to probe the means-end chain for the sport that is assigned to you. Begin the interview by stating. . . Assume that you would like to attend a game. What factors do you consider when you are deciding whether to attend? • Then ask What two factors are most important for you in making your decision? • Then, for each of these two factors, do the laddering Why is important to you? Or, What does give you? • • • • • • Continue the process for each factor until the consumer cannot go on Then, draw out the two means-end chains you measured for each person Discuss what you have learned about these consumers’ product knowledge and what implications your analysis could have for developing marketing strategies Finally, identify any problems that you had with the measurement procedures. Was this process easy or hard for the consumers? Why do you think so? Write up your results. 2 An example of a laddering interview Researcher: You said that the lacing pattern in a running shoe is important to you in deciding what brand to buy. Why is that? Consumer: A staggered lacing pattern makes the shoe fit more snugly on my foot. [physical attribute and functional consequence] Researcher: Why is it important that the shoe fit more snugly on your foot? Consumer: Because it gives me better support [functional consequence] Researcher: Why is better support important to you? Consumer: So I can run without worrying about injuring my feet [psychosocial consequence] Researcher: Why is it important that you not worry while running? Consumer: So I can relax and enjoy the run [psychosocial consequence] Researcher: Why is it important that you can relax and enjoy the run? Consumer: Because it gets rid of tension I have built up at work. [psychosocial consequence] Researcher: Why is it important for you to get rid of tension from work? Consumer: So when I go back to work in the afternoon, I can perform better [valuehigh performance] Researcher: Why is it important that you perform better? Consumer: I feel better about myself. [value- selfesteem] Researcher: Why is it important that you feel better about yourself? Consumer: It just is [the end] LAB ASSIGNMENT #3: Attitude change strategies (to accompany chapter 5) This project concerns marketing strategies designed to change consumers’ attitudes by changing their salient beliefs. We have discussed four strategies--add new positive belief, increase strength of existing positive belief, increase evaluation of strongly held belief, or increase salience of existing positive belief. • Do a 10-15 minute interview with someone about women’s basketball. Record and write it up (see sample interview as an example of what you must do) • Identify all the beliefs this individual has about women’s basketball • Hand in a copy of your interview and analysis of beliefs • Now, find an ad related to women’s basketball that corresponds to one of these attitude change strategies - it can be any ad. • Identify the target attitude (Is it A0 or Aact?). What is the focal attitude object (the precise object or act)? What types of consumers are in the target audience for the attitude change strategy? • Describe the attitude change strategy in detail. What are the intended effects of the ad on the target belief(s) and the related means-end chains? How do these effects influence the overall attitude? • For ads that attempt to change the ei of a belief show the means-end chain that would produce the desired ei • Analyze and evaluate the attitude change strategy. Give your opinion as to the likely effects of the strategy on consumers’ belief structures. Do you think the attitude change strategy was/would be successful? Why? • Show the ad to five different people and write a summary of their reaction to the ad as it relates to women’s basketball 3 LAB ASSIGNMENT #4: Perceived risk in consumer decision making This project deals with perceived risk--the perception of significant negative consequences associated with a behavior such as a attending a sports event. This project requires that you deal with perceived risk in terms of the major concepts such as negative choice criteria, links to higher consequences via means-end chains, strategies for dealing with consumers’ perceived risk. Find someone you can talk to for about 15-20 minutes about their attendance at a women’s basketball game (see the sample interview in your reading). Here’s a general outline of the interview that you can follow and/or modify to suit yourself. Your goal is to understand the negative meanings of perceived risk this person feels when attending a women’s basketball game. Elicit Decision Criteria: “I’d like you to think about the times when you attend a sports event. What are the key factors that you consider when deciding to attend an event?” [Try to get a list of 4-10 decision criteria. Probe for more detail if necessary.] “Sometimes people think about the positive aspects of attending a sports event — the “good” things that will happen if they attend. In other cases, people think about the negative aspects of attending — the unpleasant consequences of attending.” [ Try to identify perceived risk criteria and write them down] Are there any of these considerations [show person his/her list] that you think of in terms of avoiding potentially negative consequences? What aspect (or level) of___________are you trying to avoid?” Discussion: In a page or two, describe what you have learned about the risk perceptions of this consumer. Also, discuss the implications of your research for developing marketing strategies for women’s basketball. 4 LAB ASSIGNMENT #5: Operant or classical conditioning and vicarious learning (chapter 8) • Select a sports marketing strategy that is based on principles of classical or instrumental conditioning or vicarious learning that is associated with attending a sports event. • Describe the strategy in one or two pages. Also include an analysis of the key factors that were operating in that situation to affect consumers’ behaviors. • Critically evaluate the marketing strategy and make suggestions for improvement. LAB ASSIGNMENT #6: Promotions (Chapter 9) Go to this web site and study this promotion run by the Tigers. Now, find another promotion for sports. • • Describe the promotion in detail How can managers judge the effectiveness of this promotion. You should describe “effectiveness” in behavior terms—and refer to consumers’ affect and cognition (increases in positive brand attitude, intentions). • • Explain why or why not you would be influenced by this promotion Find another person and try to determine how and why this promotion would affect this other person Write up your findings • LAB ASSIGNMENT #7: The marketing environment (Chapter 10) This project is intended to give you experience in analyzing aspects of the marketing environment. • Describe the various components of the marketing environmuent for a sports stadium or arena of your choice choice. • Discuss the consumption environment in this overall marketing environment. • Then, describe and evaluate the marketing strategies that are relevant to this environment. • Write up your analysis to be handed in for evaluation, or come to class prepared to present your analysis to the class for discussion. 5 LAB ASSIGNMENT #8: Cultural influences (Chapter 11) This project is intended to demonstrate the importance of cultural factors for developing sport marketing strategies. • Find examples of a sport marketing strategy that is targeted at important cultural values in your society. These could be ads, but other marketing strategies (pricing promotions) could be used too. • Describe the strategy in detail and critically evaluate it. • Did the strategy adapt to the culture (or social class), ignore certain cultural (or social class) differences, or try to change the culture (or social class). Do you think the strategy wa effective? Why or why not? LAB ASSIGNMENT #9: Reference group influences This project is intended to give you experience in thinking about and analyzing reference group influences. • .Find an example of a sport marketing strategy that uses a reference group appeal. • Next, identify the target consumer. • Then, identify the type of reference group influence that is involvedinformational, utilitarian, or value-expressive--and describe that influence in detail. • Then, critique and evaluate the strategy as to its likely effectiveness. Write up your analysis in a page or two and hand it in and come prepared to discuss it in class. 6