I_-->-H I=,,+r\f Sf_Sf I__ with Grill. Main lron Safe. Fire Cabinets. SS Cabinets. 55 Card Trollev and Teller Box Supplv of Lockers, Stronq Room Door Bid Evaluation Report Name of Procurino Aoencv Sindh Bank Ltd. Tender Reference No. 2 SNDB/COT./ADMIN 3 Tender Description 4 lvlethod of Procurement 5 Tender Published & SPPRA S.No. 6 Total Bid Documents Sold 0'r 7 01 I Total Bids Received Technical & Financial Bid Opening Oate & Time 9 No. of bid qualifled 01 D I 55AI2O1 5 Single Stage One Envelop Bidding Procedure S.No: 23531. Express Tribune, Daily Express, Daily lbrat (o6t04t201sl 21104/2015 at 1630 Hrs Bid(s) Reiected 10 below: Details on the above at Quolilied / oisquolified 5 itJo fi Supply of Lockers, Strong Room Door with crill, l\4ain lron Safe, Fire Cabinets, SS Cabinets, SS Card Trolley and Teller Box or Bidder Ronklng ln Eligibllity Ctite o Ma (Passing Reosons tot olfercd olrered cost E timoted Cost ( Rs.396,000) 4 4.a 5 5 7 Rs.683,500/- Rs.369,500i- Per Branch Per Branch Only Bidder Rs.26,500/below the eatimated cosl Oualified as per Totol Bid lems ot s = 7Ao/a) 0 1 z I M/s. H.M Obtalnsd 70% mark! ln Evaluation Ouallfled' Abdullah 8 Acc€ptedRule.48 has Eligibility Accordingly going by the Technical/Financial Evaluation offered in the tender document, M/s. H.M Abdullah stands as only Qualified Bidder for Supply of Supply of Lockers, Strong Room Door with Grill, Main lron safe, Fire Cabinets, SS Cabinets, SS Card Trolley and Teller 8ox Members - Procurement Co Head of Administration (Lt. col (R). Shahzad Begg) Chief Financial Officer (Mr. Saeed Jamal) Chief Manager, IDBL (Mr. Syed Muhammad Aqeel) V d )v Sunpll* of Lockers etc. Evaluation Performa .\'arr.r/,\',; aiddo, ])-JyL ;fri,&/k/,) )y'ir\ S}DB shal-l rtaluate Dettriptiou., s. !nl.rr1 the Io, Tatrl lLrrh: llarks Obrdned Rem;rrli* {.{rrarhrneur oi rrl*-ant eridcoct is tach cace i: tnau*ltotr. ID {x!p ofnt!ril! b. .{ttarh {idrt er a5 .tmrrurt compli:uxe uo mltl.: I'u.r$cr oi oiEcrs 1 il citie: ;rt'ardtd) { 10 i .Llers€f-qsrp , t. PEC L Clarlber clCoo:rxrce r' Intsaaaomi ,'- b. c. Q.{. Is0certiied '.' BmLr o* CLexrl Ln d. J :\'u$er ol Years In , IklC 6 l I hetd Crsillall1lr Ird! 0,'cr in i-rrt i u' $ fi Total urultrer of bralcbes barlls wbere bart btm lqpbed Total i i a) Oc ao ar.ragr lo S(t lI t' of srd abor,t per war d00 aod abor.e ZO F .{* -100 r.d abcte j 100 aad abote ox 100 qn -1 I00 4tn E 100)daod abart D€:'ltsa! lg l0 l) abort airort ooos.erageca :x qi ]Iarks 8 rearl and 5 lears aod 11 j of \ L abct'* j a.d sbor:e 103eao and above )o :0 r' asdabort 5 ard Yearr, ?;,-tq- : a, i,5l,i*:l' 2.,.,,\ 3 :. ' 1!'"i "i6 2-"i2-- - i{.?cY,l(? B held /2a i i .rll hrld .LL s :ll thf lruaurert l'l 51 ) --1tl {m.ncales . l/ r.-d abo.,e Belox Qu:rlifi ed.Dirquali6cd &alr as ;:er riaele :nge ece earelqre are&od i.e- the fiaaocial ard t*ctcical al orr tit:e ".d aier aauorurciug of fir:rcial bidr. tbe rsonact *ill be ar*.ardrd to a b:rlder wlro qr:ak6*5 lhe $wo criterii. Acquiring ?[tor or above uart', il eligibilir,t crirm. Offered lcnest er.aturtrd fi.aaonal b) Tbe coaryaav s'ill bc ooa{dered diqrulified Aoor thr 1rr}. outi,€r. rf aot GST The tander e-ill be bldt r.r'r11be q2ened i!r. bid" regisrered. f ' :, fu C%},,*' _ ,2,1 c'Alt> -/'/> Administrntior Dilision C)perations Division i Head of Administration {Lt- Col {R}. S}ratrzad Begg) Chief f inancial Officer {Mr. 5aeed Jamal) Chief ManaSer, lDBl {&?lr. Syed Muhammad Aqeel} )-' '&'?"r' +&,fr MINUTES OF THE OPENING OF THE TENDER (TECHNICAL/FINANCIAL PHASE) TYPE OF PROCUREIVIENT AOMIN / IT / CONSULTANT/ MEDIA Lcnr t.:rnc TENDER NAME TYPE OF TENDER S|NGLE STAGE,oNE ENVELo?E / S|NGLE sTAGE-Two ENVELopE / Two STAGE rrwo sracE,rwo ENVEtopE OPENING OATE OPENING TIME ATTENDANCE (tvtEtvlBER PC) tAlol+oqr H6ad of Adminislralion Chicf Financial Oliccr Chiaf Manag€r IDBL, Karachi MIIE r . ATTENDANCE (REPS. OF BIODERS) TOTAL BIDS ACCEPTED FOR EVALUATION TOTAL BIDS REJECTED REMARKS Head of Administration Chief Financial Ofllcer Chief Manager (IDBL) illtlhtdlpw* <[ rt(l t E]EU IN I\{EMOW OF SIIAHEED ]\{OI{TARtr{AEENAzIR BITUTTO SrxoH*'*. PowETt To THE TtoPu TENDER REF# SNDB/ADMtN/TD/ossglz0ts /s I l<, oate: 2: Subiect: Certificate in Compliance of rule 48 of SPPRA S.No Last tender Unit Price. As per detail attached Rs.726,OOO/= Market Price Current tender Price As per detai! As per detail attached attached Rs.736,4OOl= Rs.683,500/= Member Procurement Committee ./---!--t--t-.............. Head of Admin Division Estd.1880 Deals in: All Sorts.of burglar, fire resisting Safe ruggedly build to give prctection against oxyacetylene torch, penetEting tools, Pneumatic or hydraulic jack, small charge ot explosive, halving Electronic. 3-wheel Combination, Manual locks, Almirah, Lockers, Filling cabinet, SS Card box, Racks, Strong Room Door, Aluminum Revolving Doo( Pad lock, Modular furniturE, Electroni6, Repair, Shifting, Breaking of locker, making new key, Change of locks of strong room doors & sate, etc. 4 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL PRICE SCHEDULE (Applicable for the year 2014-2015) Name of the Bidder: I HM AB S. No. Item Description .L Quantity Amount SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKER CABINET Z h Size: 80 x 43 x22 inches 1. 195,000.00 STRONG ROOM AND LOCKER ROOM DOOR WITH GRILL Size:84" height x 48"width x 12" depth with Grill Door 1 155,000.00 7 L 95,000.00 55,000.00 1 95,000.00 1 55,000.00 1 32,500.00 1 4,500.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 12,500.00 IRON SAFE !ize: 60" height x 30" width x 30 depth : 36" height x 24" width x 24 depth . -4 I FIRE RESISTANT ALMI RAH 'Size:72" height x 36" width x 20" depth IFIRE RESISTANT FILING CA.BIIJET Size: 56" height x 21" width x 26" depth 4 drawers SS CARD TROLLY 6 Size: as per card size. 6 drawers 7, r> wit bottom cupboard TELLER BOX Size: 18" LxL2" W x 9" D for Lockers for safe 3ft Lock for safe 5ft Lock for vault doors ,B 9 10 L1 Lock 1 Lock 1 1. 1 TOTAL AMOUNT ( i250€€r- >\ ns.726,000.00 Note: Conditions remaining the same as per tender documents. $?1,,'I sIGilf Head - Fill s r,: ?c- iliu. AnEreit} tl*r )) llember.trSlll. ru.l; (Bidder) \ @ Head Off: Hafizabad Road, Gujranwala. (Pakistan) pn: gZ 55 4219021-2, 4232556-7, Fax: 4219020 E-mail:hmabdullah@Ptcl.net i nfo@h mabdu I I ahandsons, Web : -www. h com ma bd u I laha ndso n s.com Gffi4/ (( Karachi Office: Flat #1, Building #16-C, Al-Rahim Apartments, 25 Commercial Street, Tduheed C-ommercial Area, DHA,- {ag-cfri, iel:92 21 35867627, 35834774 Fax: 92 21 3586 7691 Lahore Office: 25th Munawar Chamber 1, Mozang Road, Lahore. Mobile # 0301 844 2468, Fax: 042 3577 4888 lllJ",:ll|l tu MANUF: STEEL OFRCE EQUIP'''ENTS, AL}4IMH, NUNG CABINEI h#"irtll SAFES,MNK LOCKERS, STRONG ROOM CaATES, ALUMINUM WINDOWS SINCE 1976 N.T,N. # {413095-5 oae:62L44dnE The ManagerAdmin, : Shdh Banklimited, Karachi. Fon Quotation for Steel Funiture STRONG ROOM T'OOR n I Dear Sir, We herewith submit our competitive quotation for the above and hope satisfy you and expecting an opportunity from you to serve your esteemed organization which helps us to proof our commitment for quality and efficient this will service. Number i 2 3 4 5 6 SAFE 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 Steel Items Steel Locker Cabinet 80"x43"x22" Rate 01 200,000/- Strong room and locker room Door With Grill door 0l Size 84"x48"x24" with srill door 0l Iron Safe 60"x30"x30" 0l Iron Safe 36"x24"x24" 0l Fire Proof Almirah 72"x36"x20" 0l Fire proof Cabinet 4 drawers S.S Card nolley Size as per Card size with six 0l drawers with Bottom Cupboard 01 Teller Box 0t Lock for Locker 0l Lock for 36"x24"x24" 0l Locker for 60"x30"x30" 0l Lock for Strqng room Door Total Amount Reeards FIRE PROOF CABIHET N*prk Hrr*, Society Phase II, canal Bank Road, Lahore Ph'Off: 042-35 lsgeisos, Not: o:oo-sq26950, 0321-9426950, E-mail: nooranigroups@gn ,, Otv 155,000/- 95,000/55.0001- 95.000/55.000/35,000/5,000/4.4001I I,000/13,0001- 13.000/- 736,400/- Estd.'t880 oeels in: All Sort5 of burSlar, ffre resisting $fe ru&edly build to Slve protedion against oxyacetylene torch, penetEting tools, Pneumatic or hydraulic .iack, small charge of explosive, having Elestronic, 3-wheel combination, Manual locl6, Almirah, Locke6, Filling @binet, SS Card bo)q Racks, Strong Room Door, Aluminum Revolving Door, Pad loclq Modularfurniture, Electroni6, Repair, shiftinS, EreakinS of locke4 making new key, Chan8e of locks of strong room doors & safe, etc. 4 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL PRICE SCHEDULE (Applicable for the year 2015-2016) sidder:HM ABDULLAH- Name of the SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKER CABTNET (One Need Basis) { (80" x 43" x22") ONG ROOM AND LOCKER ROOM DOOR WITH GRILL Size: 84" height x 48"width x 24,, depth with Grill Door : 50" height x 30" width x 30,, depth : 35" height x24" width x 24,' depth HII RE 90,000.00 50,000.00 RESTSTANTALMTRAH X :72" height x 36" width x 20,' de ilF E RESISTANT FITING CABINET ze:72" height x 36" width x 20" d 4 drawers SS CARD TROLLY ize: as per card size. 6 drawers with bottom cupboard Size:18" Lx72"W x9" Lock for Lockers \' Lock for safe 3ft :( Lock for safe 5ft x Lock for vault doors D 12,500.00 TOTAL AMOUi.IT Rs. 683,500 {(' ilead - Fln Div, Head - Adminx Div 1A {' l,Iember-IDBL For HM (Bidder) (( Head Office: Hafizabad Road, Gujranwala' (Pakistan) Ph: 92 55 421g12t-2, 4232556-7, Fax: 42L9020 E-mail: info@hmabdullahandsons'com Web: www.hmabdullahandsons'com Facebook: www.fb.com/hmabdullahandsons Karachi Office: Flat #1, Building #16-C, Al-Rahim Apartments, 25 Commercial Street, Tauheed Commercial Area, DHA, Karachi Tel: 92 2t 35867627, 35834774 Fax: 92 2t 35867691 Lahore Office: 25th Munawar Chamber 1, Mozang Road, Lahore' Tel: 92 42 37354090, Fax: 92 42 35774888