We now wish to consider the situation in which a p-type and an n-type semiconductor are brought into contact with one another to form a pn junction. Most semiconductor devices contain at least one junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor regions. Semiconductor device characteristics and operation are intimately connected to these pn junctions, so considerable attention is devoted initially to this basic device. The pn junction diode itself provides characteristics that are used in rectifiers and switching circuits. In addition, the analysis of the pn-junction device establishes some basic terminology and concepts that are used in the discussion of other semiconductor devices. The fundamental analysis techniques used for the pn junction will also be applied to other devices. 1 Basic Structure of the pn Junction Basic Structure of the pn Junction , Figure 1a schematically shows the pn junction. It is important to realize that the entire semiconductor is single-crystal material in which one region is doped with acceptor impurity atoms to form the p region and the adjacent region is doped with donor atoms to form the n region. 7 • 1 Basic Structure 0: the po The interface separating the n and p regions is referred to as the metallurgical junction N... negativ charge p I I l .' " - Metallurgical junction P I I .I I I (a) : - Sp<lce I N, Hole diO'usion - - - I : f - - - - - - N. - +- EICCI"(lll I . "Diffusion : force" on ----.: hole... I I x =o (b) : li,·ncl i-4-- (ur.:e I hQles I (.) Simplified Figure 1: (a) Simplified geometry"Igure of a pn7,1 junction. (b) dopinggeometry profile of of an ideal uniformly doped pn junction. a po junction: (b) doping profile of ideal unifonnly doped pn junction. Figure 7.2 111\e charg forces acting on the charg(.-d The impurity doping concentrations in the p and n regions are shown in Figure 1b. For simplicity, we will consider a step junction in which the doping concentration is uniform in each region and there is an abrupt change in doping at the junction. 11le impurity doping concentrations in the p and n regions are shown Initially, at the metallurgical junction, there is a very large density gradient in both the electron and hole ure 7.1 b. For simplicity. we will consider a step jUlJction in which concentrations. uniform ininto each there is carrier an abrupt change Majority carrier electrons in the ncentration region will is begin diffusing theregion p regionand and majority holes in the p region will begin diffusing into the n region. Initiall y, at the meUlllul'gical jUnction, there is a very large junction. the dop in dopin density If we assume there are no externalin connections the semiconductor, this diffusion process cannot continue both the to electron and hole then concentrations. Majority carrier elect rons in indefinitely. gion will begin diffusing into the p region and majorily carrier holes in the will begi n diffusing into the n region. If we ",sume there are no external con to the semiconductOr, then this diffusion process cannot continue indefin 1 electrons diffuse from the n region, positively charged donor atoms are lef As electrons diffuse from the n region, positively charged donor atoms are left behind. Similarly, as holes diffuse from the p region, they uncover negatively charged acceptor atoms. The net positive and negative charges in the n and p regions induce an electric field in the region near the metallurgical junction, in the direction from the positive to the negative charge, or from the n to the p region. The net positively and negatively charged regions are shown in Figure 2. These two regions are referred to as the space charge region. Essentially all electrons and holes are swept out of the space charge region by the electric field. Since the space charge region is depleted of any mobile charge, this region is also referred to as the depletion 239 7 • 1 Basic Structure 0: the po Junction region. Density gradients still exist in the majority carrier concentrations at each edge of the space charge N... negative Not pos.itj\'e charge thargc I " - Metallurgical junction P I I .I I I - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I : - Sp<lce dl<lrgt' n:gioll - : I I : f - - - - - - N. +- EICCI"(lll =o (b) E·fic ld I . : I "Diffusion : force" on ----.: hole... I : I I I : li,·ncld E-licld i-4-- (ur.:e Oil force ,)1} I hQles dcctrnns "Oiffu-"ion forcc" on cleeu'Ons : l I I mplified geometry of Figure 7.2 111\e charge region, the electric field, and the oping profile of Figure 2: The space charge region, the electric field, and the forces acting on the charged carriers. forces acting on the charg(.-d carriers. ped pn junction. region. We can think of density gradient as producing a ”diffusion y doping concentrations in athe p and n regions are shown in Fig- force” that acts on the majority carriers. Theseconsider diffusionaforces, acting on in thewhich electrons holes at the edges of the space charge region, are shown in mplicity. we will step jUlJction the and doping the figure. orm in each region and there is an abrupt change in doping at the The electric field in the space regiondensity produces another force on the electrons and holes which is in the , at the meUlllul'gical jUnction, there is a charge very large gradient opposite direction to the diffusion force for each type of particle. on and hole concentrations. Majority carrier elect rons in the n rethermal equilibrium, the diffusion force exactly balance each other. iffusing intoInthe p region and majorily carrierforce holesand in the the E-field p region ng into the n region. If we ",sume there are no external connections uctOr, then this process cannot continue indefinitely. As 2 diffusion Zero Applied Bias from the n region, positively charged donor atoms are left behind. es diffuse from p region, Zerothe Applied Biasthey uncover negatively charged ace net pOSitiveWe and negative charges in the p regions an have considered the basic pn nand junction structureinduce and discussed briefly how the space charge region is formed. he region near the metallurgical junction, in the d ireClion from the In this section we will examine the properties of the step junction in thermal equilibrium, where no current gative charge, or and fromnothe n to Ihe p reg ion. exist external excitation is applied. ilivcly and We negatively charged regions are shownwidth, in Figure will determine the space charge region electric7.2. field, and potential through the depletion region. s are referred to as the space clUlrge region, Essentially all electrons ept out of the space charge region by the electric field. Since the ion is depleted of any mob ile charge, this regio n is also referred to egioll; these two tenos will be used interchangeably. Density gradithe majority carrier concentrations at each edge of the space charge hink of a density gradienc as producing a "ditTusion force" that2 acts arriers. These diffusion forces, acting On the electrons and holes at lO mOve into the conduction band of the p region. This potential barrier is referred 10 as thebuill·ill potential barrier and is denoted by Vbj . The built-in potential barrier maintCJins equilibrium between majorilY carrierelectJ'ons in the n region and minority l carrier electrons in the p region, and also between majority carrier holes in the 2.1 Built-in Potential Barrier p region and minority carrier holes ill the n region. This potential difference across the Built-in Potential Barrier junction cannot be whh <\ voltmeter bet:3use new potemial baff\el'S wiU be , If we assume that no voltage is applied across the pn junction, then the junction is in thermal equilibrium and formed between the probes and the semiconductor th at will cancel Vo,. The potential the Fermi energy level is constant throughout the entire system. Vb' maintains equilibrium, so noforcurrent is produced byequilibrium. this Voltage. ' Figure 3 shows the energy-band diagram the pn junction in thermal intrinsic Fermiband level is equidistant conduction band region, edge since through The The conduction and valance energies must bend asfrom we gothe through the space charge the relative position thu of the and valence bandsbarrier with respect thedetermined Fermi energy changes p and rhe junction, s conduction the built-in potential cantobe as thebetween difference I I n regions. p n E, Ii,·, Ef "', - I , ... - - - - - - .. .. , --t-.. __ m __ Ef :'!: '" Figure 7.3 I Energy-band diagram of a pninjunction in Figure 3: Energy-band diagram of a pn junction thermal equilibrium. thermal equilibrium. Electrons in the conduction band of the n region see a potential barrier in trying to move into the conduction band of the p region. This potential barrier is referred to as the built-in potential barrier and is denoted by Vbi . The built-in potential barrier maintains equilibrium between majority carrier electrons in the n region and minority carrier electrons in the p region, and also between majority carrier holes in the p region and minority carrier holes in the n region. This potential difference across the junction cannot be measured by a voltmeter because new potential barriers will be formed between the probes and the semiconductor that will cancel Vbi . The potential Vbi maintains equilibrium, so no current is produced by this voltage. The intrinsic Fermi level is equidistant from the conduction band edge through the junction, thus the built-in potential barrier can be determined as the difference between the intrinsic Fermi level in the p and n regions. We can define the potentials φF n and φF p as shown in Figure 3 so we have Vbi = |φF n | + |φF p | (1) In the n region, the electron concentration in the conduction band is given by Ec − EF n0 = Nc exp − kT which can also be written in the form n0 = ni exp EF − EF i kT (2) (3) where ni and EF i are the intrinsic carrier concentration and the intrinsic Fermi energy, respectively. We may define the potential φF n in the n region as eφF n = EF i − EF 3 (4) Equation (3) may then be written as eφF n n0 = ni exp − kT (5) Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, setting n0 = Nd and solving for to the potential we obtain Nd kT ln φF n = − e ni Similarly, in the p region, the hole concentration is given by EF i − EF p0 = Na = ni exp kT (6) (7) where Na is the acceptor concentration. We can define the potential φF p in the p region as eφF p = EF i − EF (8) Combining Equations (7) and (8), we find that φF p kT =+ ln e Na ni (9) Finally, the built-in potential barrier for the step junction is found by substituting Equations (6) and (8) into Equation (1), which yields Built-in potential kT ln Vbi = e Na Nd n2i = Vt ln Na Nd n2i (10) where Vt = kT /e and is defined as the thermal voltage. Previously in the discussion of a semiconductor material, Nd and Na denoted donor and acceptor impurity concentrations in the same region, thereby forming a compensated semiconductor. From this point on in the text, Nd and Na will denote the net donor and acceptor concentrations in the individual n and p regions, respectively. If the p region, for example, is a compensated material, then Na will represent the difference between the actual acceptor and donor impurity concentrations. The parameter Nd is defined in a similar manner for the n region. 2.2 Electric Field Electric Field An electric field is created in the depletion region by the separation of positive and negative space charge densities. Figure 4 shows the volume charge density distribution in the pn junction assuming uniform doping and assuming an abrupt junction approximation. We will assume that the space charge region abruptly ends in the n region at x = +xn and abruptly ends in the p region at x = −xp (xp is a positive quantity). The electric field is determined from Poisson’s equation which, for a one-dimensional analysis, is d2 φ(x) −ρ(x) dE(x) = =− dx2 s dx (11) where φ(x) is the electric potential, E(x) is the electric field, ρ(x) is the volume charge density, and s is the permittivity of the semiconductor. From Figure 4 the charge densities are ρ(x) = −eNa − xp < x < 0 (12) 0 < x < xn (13) and ρ(x) = eNd 4 7. 2 Zero .ed Bi p (Oem' ) p " + 7.41 The space charge density In Figure 4: The space charge density in a uniformly doped pn junction assuming the abrupt junction approximation. a unifonnly doped pn junction assuming the abrupt junction approximation. The electric field in the p region is found by integrating Equation (11) Z Z ρ(x) eNa eNa E(x) = dx = − dx = − x + C1 s s s (14) The where electric field is detennined from Poisson's equation which. for a oo C is a constant of integration. 1 dimensional ana\ysis, is to be zero in the neutral p region for x < −x The electric field is assumed p since the currents are zero in thermal equilibrium. As there are no surface charge 2 densities within the pn junction structure, the electric field is a continuous function. d tP(x) -pCx) dE(x) ----;Rl = -E-, - = - ---;t;(" (711 The constant of integration is determined by setting E = 0 at x = −xp . The electric field in the p region is then given by where ",(x) is the electric potential. eNa E(x) is the e lectri c field. pIx) is the volum E=− (x + xp ) − xp ≤ x ≤ 0 (15) s density. and E, is the permittivity of the semico nductor. From Figure 7 .4 . th In the n region, the electric field is determined from charge densities are Z and E(x) = ρ(x) dx = s Z p(x) = - eN" eNd eNd dx = x + C2 s s - Xp < x < where C2 is again a constant of integration. (16) 0 The constant C2 is determined by setting E = 0 at x = xn , since the E-field is assumed to be zero in the n region and is a continuous function. Then p(x) = eN,1 eNd E=− s (xn − x) 0<x < Xn 0 ≤ x ≤ xn (7. [ 2 (7. 12 (17) The The electric field the pat region is found by Equation (7.1 I). W electric field is alsoin continuous the metallurgical junction, or at xintegrating = 0. have thatSetting Equations (15) and (17) equal to each other at x = 0 gives E= f p(x) - - dx = - f Na xp = Nd xn eN. - -eN. d.t = -- x (18) + C, Equation (18) states that the number of negative charges per unit area in the p region is equal to the number of positive charges per unit area f .l in the n region. Figure 5fsis a plot of the electric {fJ field in the depletion region. (7. 1 where C, is a constant of integrati on. The5 elec tri c field is assumed to be zero in th neUlral p region for x < - xp since the currents are zero in thermal equilibrium. A C; here is again a constant of integration. The potential difference through th n junction thefield important pan, rather thexabsolute poremial, so we ma The is electric direction is from the nmeter, to the p region, or in than the negative direction for this geometry. the uniformly doped pn junction, the E-field is a linear function of distance through the junction, and the bitrarilyFor set the potential equal to zero at x = -xp. The constant of integration maximum (magnitude) electric field occurs at the metallurgical junction. An electric field exists in the depletion region even when no voltage is applied between the p and n regions. p n Figure 7.5 I Electric field in the ' pace Figure 5: Electric field in the space charge region of a uniformly doped pn junction. charge region of a unifonnly doped pn . In the p region then, wejUllcti()n have Z Z The potential in the junction is found by integrating the electric field. eNa (x + xp )dx s eNa x2 φ(x) = + xp x + C10 s 2 φ(x) = − or E(x)dx = (19) (20) where C10 is again a constant of integration. The potential difference through the pn junction is the important parameter, rather than the absolute potential, so we may arbitrarily set the potential equal to zero at x = −xp . The constant of integration is then found as C10 = eNa 2 x 2s p (21) so that the potential in the p region can now be written as φ(x) = eNa (x + xp )2 2s − xp ≤ x ≤ 0 (22) In the n region then, we have Z or Z eNd (xn − x)dx s eNd x2 φ(x) = xn x − + C20 s 2 φ(x) = − E(x)dx = (23) (24) where C20 is another constant of integration. The potential is a continuous function, so setting Equation (22) equal to Equation (24) at the metallurgical junction, or at x = 0, gives eNa 2 C20 = x (25) 2s p 6 The potential in fhe n region Can thus be wrillen as X') eNd ( x"·x - - +-X eN. 2 4>(x)=p 2 2€, The potential in the n region canf.tthus be written as 2 eNdpotentialxthro eNa 2 junction and of=the Figure 7.6 is a plot φ(x) xn x − +ugh the x 0 ≤ x ≤ xn s 2 2s p (7.25) shows fhe quadratic (26) dependence on di stance. The magnitude of the potential at x = x" is equal to the Figure 6 is a plot of the potential trough the junction and shows the quadratic dependence on the distance. p n , =0 " .1,. F'iKUrl' 7.61 Electric potenlial through Ihe space charge region of a uniformly doped pn junction. Figure 6: Electric potential through the space charge region of a uniformly doped pn junction. The magnitude of the potential at x = xn is equal to the built-in potential barrier. Then from Equation (26), we have e Nd x2n + Na x2p (27) 2s The potential energy of an electron is given by E = −eφ, which means that the electron potential energy also varies as a quadratic function of distance through the space charge region. Vbi = |φ(x = xn )| = 2.3 Space Charge Width Space Charge Width We can determine the distance that the space charge region extends into the p and n regions from the metallurgical junction. This distance is known as the space charge width. From Equation (18), we may write, for example, xp = Nd x n Na Then, substituting Equation (18) into Equation (27) and solving for xn we obtain 1/2 1 2s Vbi Na xn = e Nd Na + Nd (28) (29) Equation (29) gives the space charge width, or the width of the depletion region xn extending into the n-type region for the case of zero applied voltage. Similarly, if we solve for xn from Equation (18) and substitute into Equation (27), we find 1/2 1 2s Vbi Nd xp = (30) e Na Na + Nd where xp is the width of the depletion region extending into the p region for the case of zero applied voltage. The total depletion or space charge width W is the sum of the two components, or W = xn + xp (31) Using Equations (29) and (30), we obtain W = 1/2 2s Vbi NA + Nd e Na Nd 7 (32) 3 Reverse Applied Bias , Reverse Applied Bias If we apply a potential between the p and n regions, we will no longer be in an equilibrium condition: the Fermi energy level will no longer be constant through the system. CHAPTBR 7 The pn Junction Figure 7 shows the energy-band diagram of the pn junction for the case when a positive voltage is applied to the n region with respect to the p region. p £,. " --------------r-· eV'IUotlII ------ £,. Figure Energy-band djagrnm a po under junction under Figure7.71 7: Energy-band diagram of a pn of junction reverse bias. reverse bias. As the positive potential is downward, the Fermi level on the n side is below the Fermi level on the p side. The difference between the two is equal to the applied voltage in units of energy. when a potential positivebarrier, volt"ge is 'lpplied n region with respect to the p region. As the The total indicated by Vtotal , to hasthe increased. positive the Fermi level on the n side is below the Fermi level The appliedpotential potential is is thedownward) reverse bias condition. TheOle totalppotential barrier is now given between by 011 side. The difference Ihe twOis equal to Ihe applied ,'ollag< in units ofencl'gy. Vtotal = |φF n | + |φF p | + VR (33) The total potential batTier. indicated by V,,,,,). has increased. The applied poten· where VR is the magnitude of the applied reverse-bias voltage. tial is the The total potential barrier is now given by Equation (33) can be rewrittencondition. as Vtotal = Vbi + VR where Vbi is the same built-in potential barrier we had defined in thermal equilibrium . (34) (7.32) where V8 isCharge the magnitude of Electric the applied reverse-bias voltage. Equation (7.32) can 3.1 Space Width and Field be rewritten as Space Charge Width and Electric Field Figure 8 shows a pn junction with an applied reverse-bias voltage VR . (7.33) I Also indicated in the figure are the electric field in the space charge region and the electric field Eapp induced by the applied wbore V voltage. is Ihe same built-in pOlenlial \)<lrrier we had defined in thermal M The electric fields in the neutral p and n regions are essentially zero, or at least very small, which means that equilibrium. the magnitude of the electric field in the space charge region must increase above the thermal-equilibrium value due to the applied voltage. The electric field originates on positive charge and terminates on negative charge. This means that the number of positive and negative charges must increase if the electric field increases. 7.3.1 Space Charge Width and Electric Field 8 Figure 7.8 shows a pnjunctioll with an applied reverse-bias voltage IIR . Also indicated in the figure arc the electric field in the space cMrge region and the electric field E. • 7 • 3 Reverse App!'e<l Bias • ,, : E: i t ,, , -- :;: ++ •, -- + + , p a .. '. I I 1-11'-1 v. - Figure 7.8 I A pn junction. with + appUcd reverse-bias Figure 8: A pn junction, with an applied reverse-bias voltage, showing the directions of the electric field induced voltage, showing by VR and the space charge electric field.the diret:lions of the electric field induced by VH and the space charge electri c field. For given impurity doping concentrations, the number of positive and negative charges in the depletion region can be increased only if the space charge width W increases. therefore, with an increasing reverse .. bias vollage VR _ \Ve are assuming that the elecThe space charge width W increases, therefore, with an increasing reverse-bias voltage VR . tric field in the bulk nand p regions is zero. This assumption will become clearer in the We are assuming that the electric field in the bulk n and p regions is zero. next chapter when we discuss the current-voltage characteristics. In all of the previous equations, the built·in potential barrier can be replaced by the total potential barrier. In allspace of the previous the bui lt·in barrier can be replaced by The total charge width can equations, be written from Equation (32)potential as the total potential barrier. The IOtal space charge width 1/2 Can be written from Equa· 2 (V + V ) N + N tion (7.3 1) W = s bi R e a d (35) Na Nd showing that the total space charge widths increase as we apply a reverse bias voltage. By substituting the total potential barrier Vtotal into Equations (29) and (30), the space charge widths in the n and p regions, respectively, can be found as a function of applied reverse-bias voltage. (7.34) The magnitude of the electric field in the depletion region increases with an applied reverse-bias voltage. The electric field is still given by Equations (15) and (17) and is still a linear function of distance through the space charge region. showillg that lora} space wjdrtheh magnitude increase.')of as apply a increases. Since xn and xp lhe increase with reversecharge bias voltage, the we electric field also age. By substituting thestill total pote barrier junction. into Equations (7.28) The maximum electric field occurs at ntial the metallurgical The maximum electricand field (7.29), at the metallurgical junction, from Equations (15) and (17) is the space charge width s in the n and p regions. respectively, can be found as H −eNd xn −eNa xp lic)n of applied reverse· bim; voltage. Emax = = (36) \f,.", s s If we use either Equation (29) or (30) in conjunction with the total potential barrier Vbi + VR then 1/2 2e(Vbi + VR ) Na Nd Emax = − s +N d space charge region in NaaI'll juncli()n Objective To <:illculate Iht width of the (37) when a reverse· bias voltage can show that the maximum electric field can also be written as isWeapplied. ) Ago'lin consider a silicon Pl1 jUI)cljon−2(V III biT +==VR300 K with doping Ci)nCelllrDrions of (38) Emax = t W II , Nfl = crn-) and Nd 1015 cm- · • th:tl 1,5 X 1011) cm-) and lei VR = 5 V. = = where W is the total space charge width. • Solution The potential barrier was calculated in Example 7. I for this case and is v",,' = 0.635 V. 3.2 built-in Junction Capacitance The space charge width is determined from Equation (7.34) . We have Junction Capacitance 12(J Since we have a separation of positive and negative charges in the depletion region, a capacitance is associated IV '" 1.7)(8.85 " 10- ")(0.635 5) ( 10" 10" ] with the pn junction. + 1.6 x 10-'· (10'6)(10") 9 :-00 that + j'/2 CHAPT . A 7 ThBpnJunction 2 p n p (' +eNd dX "-I_l IQ' + +x li,\'" - ,, eNo - -- - Withapplil.:d ,, ,, , ,,, , ,,, , V"'- -- _ t'igUrf: 7.9 I Differential change in the charge width with Figure 9: Differential change in the space charge width with a differential change in reverse-bias voltage for a a differential change in rc"crse·bias voltage {or a uniformly uniformly doped pn junction. doped pn junction. so that Figure 9 shows the charge densities in the depIetion region for applied reverse-bias voltages of VR and VR + dVR . An increase in the reverse-bias voltage dVR will uncover additional positive charges in the n region and additional (7.4 negative charges in the p region. The junction capacitance is defined as dQ0 0 C = Exactly the same capacitance expression is obtained by con.idering the dVR where (39) region extending into the p region xp. The junction capacitance is also referred to at the depletioll layer capacitallce.dQ0 = eNd dxn = eNa dxp t 0 (40) 0 2 The differential charge dQ is in units of C/cm so that the capacitance C is in units of farads per square (F/cm2 ), or capacitance per unit area. For the total potential barrier, Equation (29) may be AMPLE 7.5 centimeter Objective written as 1/2 2s (Vof VRjunction. ) Na 1 To calculate the junction capacitance bi a+po xn = (41) e in Example Nd 1.3. Na Again + Nd assume th at VR = 5 V. Consider the same: pnjuDction as mat The junction capacitance can be written as • Solution dQ0 (7.42)dx n The junction capacitance is found from C 0 E<luation = = eNd as So we obtain •= C I dVR dVR ( 1.6 x 10- ")(1 1.7}(S.85 x 10-")(10'.)(10" ) 2(0.635 + 5)(10'. + 10" ) (42) 1'/2 JunctionorCapacitance Na NFlcrn' d C' = 3.66 e x s10-' C = 0 2(Vbi + VR )(Na + Nd ) 1/2 (43) Exactly the same capacitance expression is obtained by considering the space charge region extending into the p region xp . The junction capacitance is also referred to as the depletion layer capacitance. If we compare Equation (35) for the total depletion width W of the space charge region under reverse bias and Equation (43) for the junction capacitance C 0 , we find s C0 = (44) W 10 Equation (44) is the same as the capacitance per unit area of a parallel plate capacitor. The space charge width is a function of the reverse bias voltage so that the junction capacitance is also a function of the reverse bias voltage applied to the pn junction. 3.3 One-Sided Junctions One-Sided Junctions Consider a special pn junction called the one-sided junction. If, for example, Na Nd , this junction is referred to as p+ n junction. The total space charge width, from Equation (35), reduces to W ≈ 2s (Vbi − VR ) eNd 1/2 (45) Considering the expressions for xn and xp we have for the p+ n junction xp xn (46) W ≈ xn (47) and Almost the entire space chargeCHAPTER layer extends into region of the junction. 264 7 the Thelow-doped pn Jur.ct:On This effect can be seen in Figure 10 The junction capacitance of the p+ n junction reduces to P. II + eNd 1------, + I , I I I - V"j 0 Figure 10: Space charge density of one-sided p+ nof. junction. Figure 7.10 I Space charge density one-sided p+njullclion. 0 C ≈ es Nd 2(Vbi + VR ) Figure 7.111 (I/C) ' unifonnly doped pn ju 1/2 (48) \Vhich shows that the inverse capacilance squared is a linear fun The depletion layer capacitance of a one-sided junction is a function of the doping concentration in the low-doped reverse-bias voltage. region. Figure 7.11 shows a pial of Equation (7.48). The built-in poten tion can be determined by extrapolaling the Curve 10 the point whe The slope of the 11 curve is inversely propOrtional to the doping con low-doped region in (he junction; thu s. this dopi ng concen trati on ca Equation (48) may be manipulated to give 1 C0 2 2(Vbi + VR ) es Nd = (49) pn Jur.ct:Onwhich shows that the inverse capacitance squared is a linear function of applied reverse-bias voltage. Figure 11 shows a plot of Equation (49). The built-in potential of the junction can be determined by extrapolating the curve to the point where (1/C 0 )2 = 0. II The slope of the curve is inversely proportional to the doping concentration of the low-doped region in the junction; thus, this doping concentration can be experimentally determined. 1------, The assumptions used in the derivation of this capacitance include uniform doping in both semiconductor regions, the abrupt junction approximation and a planar junction. + I , I I I - V"j 0 charge density of. Figure ' ve"usdoped V.ofa Figure 11: (1/C 0 )27.111 versus (I/C) VR of a uniformly p+ n junction. unifonnly doped pn junction. on. 4 pn Junction Current the inverse capacilance squared is a linear funclion of appli(-d pn Junction Current e. When a forward-bias voltage is applied to a pn junction, a current will be induced in the device. ows a pial Equation The built-in potential junco We of initially consider a(7.48). qualitative discussion of how charges flowof in the the pn junction and then consider the mathematical derivation of the current-voltage relationship. ined by extrapolaling the Curve 10 the point where (1/ C')2 "" urve is inversely propOrtional to the doping concentration of the 4.1 Qualitative Description of Charge Flow in a pn Junction n (he junction; thu s. this dopi ng concen trati on can be experimenQualitative Description of Charge Flow in a pn Junction he assumptions used in the derivation of this capacitance include We can qualitatively understand the mechanism of the current in a pn junction by again considering the energy bOlh semiconduclor band diagrams. regions, the abrupi junction approximation. Figure 12a shows the energy band diagram of a pn junction in thermal equilibrium. on. o. We argued that the potential barrier seen by the electrons, for example, holds back the large concentration of electrons in the n region and keeps them from flowing into the p region. Similarly, the potential barrier seen by the holes holds back the large concentration of holes in the p region and keeps them from flowing into the n region. The potential barrier, then, maintains thermal equilibrium. purity doping concentrations in a p+ n junction given [he parameters 110m n p+ n junction at T 12 10 = 300 K with n, = 1.5 X 10 cm- J . Assume thaL agram of a pn junclion in thermal equilibrium Ihat was developed in the last chapter. We argued that the pOlential barrier seen by the electrons. for example. holds back the large concentratioll of electrons in the n region and keeps them from flowing into the p region. Similarly, the potential barrier seen by the holes holds back the large - v. ,----I! 11 - - - , p p p • 04- E rv Electron flow T 1 1 1 1 V ) 1.; - " __ ['"'-.;:::,l...I-,-__ I t ! I £1-1' _ •• ---: £1"1· - - - - -' 1 EI'N I 1 1 r-- - 1 eF.. Hole now 1 I 1 (a) (b) (e) Figure 8.1 IA pnjuncti on and its associated energy band diagram for (a) zero bias. (b) reverse bias. and (c) forward bias. Figure 12: A pn junction and its associated energy band diagram for (a) zero bias, (b) reverse bias, and (c) forward bias. Figure 12b shows the energy band diagram of a reverse-biased pn junction. The potential of the n region is positive with respect to the p region so the Fermi energy in the n region is lower than that in the p region. The total potential barrier is now larger than for the zero-bias case. We argued in the previous sections that the increased potential barrier continues to hold back the electrons and holes so that there is still essentially no charge flow and hence essentially no current. Figure 12c now shows the energy band diagram for the case when a positive voltage is applied to the p region with respect to the n region. The Fermi level in the p region is now lower than that in the n region. The total potential barrier is now reduced. The smaller potential barrier means that the electric field in the depletion region is also reduced. The smaller electric field means that the electrons and holes are no longer held back in the n and p regions, respectively. There will be a diffusion of holes from the p region across the space-charge region where they now will flow into the n region. Similarly, there will be a diffusion of electrons from the n region across the space-charge region where they will flow into the p region. The flow of charge generates a current through the pn junction. The injection of holes into the n region means that these holes are minority carriers. The injection of electrons into the p region means that these electrons are minority carriers. The behavior of these minority carriers is described by the ambipolar transport equations. There will be diffusion as well as recombination of excess carriers in these regions. The diffusion of carriers implies that there will be diffusion currents. The mathematical derivation or the pn junction current-voltage relationship is considered in the next section. 4.2 Ideal Current-Voltage Relationship Ideal Current-Voltage Relationship The current-voltage relationship is based on four assumptions: 13 = n;/Nd lip 1. p, op(- x,) p region Thcmlai equilibrium minority carrier hole concentration in the n region Total minority camer electron concentration in the. p region The abrupt Total depletionminori layer approximation The space charge regions abrupt boundaries and ty carrier applies. hole concentration in thehave n regioll the semiconductor is neutral outside of the depletion region. Minority carri er electron concentration in the p region al lhe spacc- 2. The Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation applies to carrier statistics. charge edge 3. The concept of low injection applies. Minority carrier hole concentration in the n region at the space charge 4. As concerning the current: edge The total current millOrity is a constantcarrier throughout the entireconcentration pn structure. Snp ::::: np - (a) Il pO Excess electron in the p region (b) The individual electron and hole currents are continuous functions through the pn structure. Excess minority carrier hole concentmlion in (he n region :'1/'11 = p" - p"(J (c) The individual electron and hole currents are constant throughout the depletion region. Table 1 lists some of the various electron and hole concentration that appear. appear. Many lerms term have already been u<cd in prcviou< chaplers bUI are repealed meaning N Acceptor concentration in the p region of the pn junction here for convenience. N Donor concentration in the n region of the pn junction a d 8.1.3 nn0 = Nd pp0 = Na np0 = n2i /Na pn0 = n2i /Nd np pn np (−xp ) pn (xn ) δnp = np − np0 δpn = pn − pn0 Thermal equilibrium majority carrier electron concentration in the n region Thermal equilibrium majority carrier hole concentration in the p region Thermal equilibrium minority carrier electron concentration in the p region Thermal equilibrium minority carrier hole concentration in the n region Total minority carrier electron concentration in the p region Total minority carrier hole concentration in the n region Minority carrier electron concentration in the p region at the space-charge edge Minority carrier hole concentration in the n region at the space-charge edge Excess minority carrier electron concentration in the p region Excess minority carrier hole concentration in the n region Boundary Conditions Figure 8.2 shows Ihe conduction· band energy through the pn junclion in thennal equilibrium. The n region contains many more eleclrons in Ihe conduclion band Ihan Ihe P region; Ihe buill-in pOlenlial barrier prevenls Ihisforlarge densilY of eleclrons from Table 1: Commonly used terms and notations this section. flowing inlo Ule p region. The built-in pOlential barrier maintai ns equilibrium beIween Ihe carrier distributions on either side of Ihe junclion. Boundary Conditions An4.3expression for Ihe built-i n potential barrier was derived in Ihe lasl chapter Boundary and wa< gi ven Conditions by Equalion (7. 10) as Figure 13 shows the conduction-band energy through the pn junction in thermal equilibrium. The n region contains many more electrons in the conduction band than the p region. The built-in potential barrier prevents this large density of electrons from flowing into the p region. The built-in potential barrier maintains equilibrium between the carrier distributions on either side of the junction. An expression for the built-in potential barrier is Electron J p ent:rgy n Figure M.2 I Conduction-band energy (hro\lgh a pll junction. Figure 13: Conduction-band energy through a pn junction. 14 (f we divide the equation by V, then take the reciproc"I, we obtain =k T / e, take the exponential of both sides, J -eVbi Vbi = Vt ln Na Nd'" exp ( - kT n2i ) (8 (50) If we assume complete ionizalion, we can wri te If we divide the equation by Vt = kT /e, take the exponential of both sides, and then take the reciprocaI, we (8. obtain n2i −eVbi = exp where IJnO is the thermal-equilibrium concentration of majority carrier elcc((onS in (51) Na Nd kT the n region. In the p region, we can write If we assume complete ionization, we can write nn0 ≈ Nd (52) where nn0 is the thermal-equilibrium of majority carrier electrons the n region. where n"oconcentration is the thermal-equilibrium concentration of in minority carrier electrons. (&.2) and (8.3) into Equation (8. J) yields Substituting Equations In the p region, we can write n2 np0 ≈ i (53) (8.4) Na where np0 is the thermal-equilibrium concentration of minority carrier electrons. This (53) equation the minority carrier electron concenttation on the p side of the Substituting Equations (52) and into relates Equation (51) yields junction to the majority carrier electron concentration on the n side of the junction in −eVbi thermal equilibrium. np0 = nn0 exp (54) If a positive voltage is applied to kTthe p region with respect [0 the n region, the porenti,tl barrier is reduced. Figure 8.3a shows ,t pn junction with an appHed voltage VoThis equation relates the minority carrier electron concentration on the p side of thesmall. junction to theallmajority The electric field in the bulk p and n regions is nomlally vcry Essentially of carrier electron concentrationtheonapplied the nvoltage side ofisthe junction in thermal equilibrium. If a positive voltage is across the juncrion region. The elecrric field E,pp induced by the applied to the p region with respect to the n region, the potential barrier is reduced. applied voltage is in the opposite direction to the thermal equilibrium space Figure 14a shows a pn junction withfield, an applied voltage . in the electric so the net electricVafield charge region is reduced below tl.e equili brium The delicate balance hetween diffusion and the E-field force The electric field in the bulk p and n regions is normally very small. Essentially all of the applied voltage is across the junction region. I-IV,-\ p E"" ,,, I + p • n Ii:, _____ E,." - + + + .. ... - ......eVa EFp -- - - -- - - - - to,. v. I - ----T-------------- £F. A -.............. ----- (0) FIgure 8.3 } (3) A pn jum:tlon with a.n applied \foliage showing the: dirct::Iion." of the electric field induced I Figure by 14:Va (a) junction with an applied forward-bias voltage showing thepodirection and A thepn space <.: harge e1ectric fi eld. (b) Energy-band diagram of the forward-biased junction. of the electric 1 field induced by Va and the space charge electric field. (b) Energy-band diagram of the forward-biased pn junction. The electric field Eapp induced by the applied voltage is in the opposite direction to the thermal equilibrium space charge electric field, so the net electric field in the space charge region is reduced below the equilibrium value. The delicate balance between diffusion and the E-field force achieved at thermal equilibrium is upset. electric field force that prevented majority carriers from crossing the space charge region is reduced. The Majority carrier electrons from the n side are now injected across the depletion region into the p neutral, and majority carrier holes from the p side are injected across the depletion region into the n material. As long as the bias Va is applied, the injection of carriers across the space charge region continues and a current is created in the pn junction. This bias condition is known as forward bias; the energy-band diagram of the forward-biased pn junction is shown in Figure14b. The potential barrier Vbi in Equation (54) can be replaced by (Vbi − Va ) when the junction is forward biased. Equation (54) becomes np = nn0 exp −e(Vbi − Va ) kT = nn0 exp 15 −eVbi kT exp +eVa kT (55) If we assume low injection, the majority carrier electron concentration nn0 for example, does not change significantly. However, the minority carrier concentration, np can deviate from its thermal-equilibrium value np0 by orders of magnitude. Using Equation (54), we can write Equation (55) as np = np0 exp eVa kT (56) When a forward-bias voltage is applied to the pn junction, the junction is no longer in thermal equilibrium. The left side of Equation (56) is the total minority carrier electron concentration in the p region, which is now greater than the thermal equilibrium value. The forward-bias voltage lowers the potential barrier so that majority carrier electrons from the n region are injected across the junction into the p region, thereby increasing the minority carrier electron concentration. We have produced excess, minority carrier electrons in the p region. When the electrons are injected into the p region, these excess carriers are subject to the diffusion and recombination processes. Equation (56) then, is the expression for the minority carrier electron concentration at the edge of the space charge region in the p region. Exactly the same process occurs for majority carrier holes in the p region which are injected across the space charge region into the n region under a forward-bias voltage: eVa (57) pn = pn0 exp kT where pn is the concentration of minority carrier holes at the edge of the space charge region in the n region. Figure 15 shows these results. By applying a forward-bias voltage, we create excess minority carriers in each region of the pn junction. The minority carrier concentrations at the space charge edges, given by Equations (56) and (57), were derived CHAPTER 8 ThepnJunctionO:ode assuming a forward-bias voltage (Va > 0) was applied across the pn junction. However, nothing in the derivation prevents Va from being negative (reverse bias). r..,. p Hole injection -+\--- Ei I!':lnln injtclic.n 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - P'IO " pO - - - - - - - - - - - - -Xi' .r - 0 .r" Figure 8.4 I Ex<.:ess minority carrier lhe space charge edges generated by the focwurd·bias voltage. Figure 15: Excess minority carrier concentration at the space charge edges generatedSby31the forward-bias voltage. COllccnlrali()I1 , If a reverse-bias voltage greater than a few tenths of a volt is applied to the pn junction, then we see from Equations (56) and (57) that the minority carrier concentrations at the space charge edge are essentially zero. The minority carrier concentrations for the reverse-bias condition drop below the thermal-equilibrium values. Objective '1'0 calculate the minority carrier hole concentration at the edge of the space charge region of a pn junction when a forward bias is "PI)lied. 16 1 4.4 Minority Carrier Distribution Minority Carrier Distribution We developed previously the ambipolar transport equation for excess minority carrier holes in an n region: Dp ∂ 2 (δpn ) ∂(δpn ) δpn ∂(δpn ) − µp E + g0 − = 2 ∂x ∂x τp0 ∂t (58) where δpn = pn − pn0 is the excess minority carrier hole concentration and is the difference between the total and thermal equilibrium minority carrier concentrations. The ambipolar transport equation describe the behavior of excess carriers as a function of time and spatial coordinates. We calculated previously the drift current densities in a semiconductor. We determined that relatively large currents could be created with fairly small electric fields. As a first approximation, we will assume that the electric field is zero in both the neutral p and n regions. In the n region for x > xn , we have that E = 0 and g 0 = 0. If we also assume steady state so ∂(δpn )/∂t = 0 then Equation (58) reduces to d2 (δpn ) δpn − 2 = 0 (x > xn ) dx2 Lp (59) where L2p = Dp τp0 . For the same set of conditions, the excess minority carrier electron concentration in the p region is determined from d2 (δnp ) δnp − 2 = 0 (x < xp ) (60) dx2 Ln where L2n = Dn τn0 . The boundary conditions for the totaI minority carrier concentrations are eVa pn (xn ) = pn0 exp kT eVa np (−xp ) = np0 exp kT (61) (62) pn (x → +∞) = pn0 (63) np (x → −∞) = np0 (64) As minority carriers diffuse from the space charge edge into the neutral semiconductor regions, they will recombine with majority carriers. We will assume that lengths Wn and Wp shown in Figure 14a are very long, meaning in particular that Wn Lp and Wp Ln . The excess minority carrier concentrations must approach zero at distances far from the space charge region. The structure is referred to as long pn junction. The general solution to Equation (59) is δpn (x) = pn (x) − pn0 = Aex/Lp + Be−x/Lp (x ≥ xn ) (65) (x ≤ −xp ) (66) and the general solution to Equation (60) is δnp (x) = np (x) − np0 = Cex/Ln + De−x/Ln Applying the boundary conditions from Equations (63) and (64), the coefficients A and D must be zero. The coefficients B and C may be determined from the boundary conditions given by Equations (61) and (62). The excess carrier concentrations are then found to be, for (x ≥ xn ), eVa xn − x δpn (x) = pn (x) − pn0 = pn0 exp − 1 exp (67) kT Lp 17 hrough Ihe depletion region. Since the electron and hole currents arc continuous fun OIlS Ihrough Ihe pn j unclion. Ihe IOlal pn junction current will be the minority carr hnle diffusion curren I at x = Xn plus the minorily carrier e1cctron diffusion current and for (x ≤ −x ) = -x p • The gradients in the minority carriereoncentrations, as shown in Figure 8 eV x +x δn (x) = n (x) − n = n exp − 1 exp (68) kT L produce diffusion currents, and since we are assuming tile eleclric field 10 be zero p a p p p0 p p0 n minorityedges, carrier concentrations exponentially away from the junction their thermalhe space The Charge we candecay neglect anywith midistance nority carrier drift tocurrent compone equilibrium values. This approach delermining Ihe pn junction current is shown in Figure 8.6. Figure 16in shows these results. Again, we have assumed that both the n-region and the p-region lengths are long compared to the minority carrier diffusion lengths. p n - Pnil ft(.IJ - - - - Figure 16: 8.51 Steady-state minority carrier concentrations in a pn cOllccntrations junction under forward in bias.B Figure Steady-state minority camer pn j unction under forward bias. To review, a forward-bias voltage lowers the built-in potential barrier of a pn junction so that electrons from the n region are injected across the space charge region, creating excess minority carriers in the p region. These excess electrons begin diffusing into the bulk p region where they can recombine with majority carrier holes. Current 1 The excess minority carrier electron concentration then decreases with distance from the junction. density : The same discussion applies to holes injected across the space charge region into the n region. p I D I 4.5 Ideal pn Junction Current I I Ideal pn Junction Current The approach we use to determine the current in a pn Ijunction is based on the three parts of the fourth I assumption stated earlier in this section. I The total current in is the sum) of the individual electron and hole currents which are constant = the J,I.junction ....,,) J,,(-x I p ...-- "p(x,, ) through the depletion region. I Since the electron and hole currents are continuous functions through the pn junction, the total pn junction I x = xn plus the minority carrier electron diffusion current will be the minority carrier hole diffusion current at current at x = −xp I J.(carrier - Xp ) / The gradients in the minority concentrations, as shown in Figure 16, produce diffusion currents, and I since we are assuming the electric field to be zero at the space charge edges, we can neglect any minority carrier I drift current component. I ./+ I This approach in determining the pn junction current is shown in Figure 17. Figure 8.6 , Electron and hole18 curreRI densities through the spilce charge region of a pn jum;(ion. pn j unction under forward bias. Current 1 density : p = I I I I ./ J,I.....,,) + J,,(-x D I I I I I p) ...-- "p(x,, ) I I I I J.( - Xp ) / I I densities through the Figure 8.6 , Electron and hole Figure 17: Electron and hole current densities through the space charge region of a pn junction. curreRI spilce charge region of a pn jum;(ion. We can calculate the minority carrier hole diffusion current density at x = xn from the relation dpn (x) Jp (xn ) = −eDp dx x=xn (69) Since we are assuming uniformly doped regions, the thermal-equilibrium carrier concentration is constant, so the hole diffusion current density may be written as d(δpn (x)) Jp (xn ) = −eDp (70) dx x=xn Taking the derivative of Equation (67) and substituting into Equation (70), we obtain eDp pn0 eVa Jp (xn ) = −1 exp Lp kT (71) The hole current density for this forward-bias condition is in the +x direction, which is, from the p to the n region. Similarly, we may calculate the electron diffusion current density at x = −xp . This may be written as Jn (−xp ) = −eDn d(δnp (x)) dx (72) x=−xp Using Equation (68), we obtain eDn np0 eVa Jn (−xp ) = exp −1 Ln kT (73) The electron current density is also in the +x direction. An assumption we made at the beginning was that the individual electron and hole currents were continuous functions and constant through the space charge region. The total current is the sum of the electron and hole currents and is constant through the entire junction. Figure 17 again shows a plot of the magnitudes of these currents. The total current density in the pn junction is then eDp pn0 eDn np0 eVa exp −1 J = Jp (xn ) + Jn (−xp ) = + Lp Ln kT 19 (74) Equation (74) is the ideal current-voltage relationship of a pn junction. We may define a parameter Js as eDp pn0 eDn np0 Js = + Lp Ln (75) so that Equation (75) may be written as Ideal characteristic of a pn junction diode eVa J = Js exp −1 kT (76) Equation (76), known as the ideal-diode equation, gives a good description of the current-voltage characteristics of the pn junction over a wide range of currents and voltages. Although Equation (76) was derived assuming a forward-bias voltage (Va > 0), there is nothing to prevent Va from being negative (reverse bias). Equation (76) is plotted in Figure 18 as a function of forward-bias voltage Va . If the voltage Va becomes negative (reverse bias) by a few kT /e V, then the reverse-bias current density becomes independent of the reverse-bias voltage. The parameter Js is then referred to as the reverse saturation current density. .. t 8. 1 The current-voltage characteristics of the pn junction diode are obviously not bilateral. J_ -1+ p V. J_ + pn Junction Current i [;PI v. . -- - ] .' v._ 18: Ideal l-V characteristic of a(If.( pn junction diode. Figure 8.7Figure Ildeall-V dmracleristic ptl junction diode. If the forward-bias voltage in Equation (76) is positive by more than a few kT /e volts, then the (−1) term in Equation (76) becomes negligible. so thaI Figure Equation ) llIay current-voltage be wrinencharacteristic as 19 shows(8.21 the forward-bias when the current is plotted on a log scale. Ideally, this plot yields a straight line when Va is greater than are few kT /e volts. The forward-bias current is an exponential function of the forward-bias voltage. (8.23) : Equalioll (8.23), known as the idcal-diode20 equation, gi ves a good description of the current- voltage characteristics of the pn junction over a wide range of currents and GN MPLES.3 CHAPTER 8 The pnJl.lncticn DIode which may be rt\,,,rittcn ,\S Substituting the paramelers. we obtai!) == 4. \S X lQ- IJ A/cml . • Comment "The idea) rcvfJ'se-hias salUr3tion curren! density is very small. ]f the pn junction sectional area were A = 10- 4 cml, for example. then the ideal reverse-bias diode currer.l would be I , = 4.15 X 10- 1•1 A. tS .s , , ,, J ' T Figure K.S 1Ideal 1-V charJctcris(ic of a pn juntliOfl diode with the current plotlcd on a iog sca1e. Figure 19: Ideal I-V characteristic of a pn junction diode with the current plotted on a log scale. If the forward-bias voltage in Equation (8.23) i. positive by more than a few kTjevolts. then the (-I) term in Equation (8.23) becomes negligible. Figure 8.8 shows the forward -bias current-voltage characteristic when the Current is plOtted on a log scale. Ideally. this plot yields a straight lillc when V" is greater than are'll kTjevolts. The forward-bias current is an exponential function of the forward-bias voltage. Objective To design a po junclion diode t'O produce particu);tr eleclron and hole <.:um!nt densities at a given forward-bias VO ltage. Consider a silicon pn junclion diode 3t T = 300 K. Design the diode such that J... = 20 AJcn,l and JI • = 5 at V II = 0.65 V. Assume the remaining semtconducto( parameter$ are as given in Example 8.2. 21