International Journal of Research and Engineering Volume 3, Issue 1 A New Single Switch Resonant Power Converter For PV Application Author: Raisa Hudson PG Scholar, Dept. of EEE, Toc H Institute of Science & TechnologyArakkunnam P.O, Kerala, India Toc H Institute of Science & TechnologyArakkunnam P.O, Kerala, India Abstract—This paper develops a novel single-switch resonant power converter for renewable energy generation applications. This circuit topology integrates a resonant converter with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) with an energy-blocking diode with zero-current switching (ZCS). Only one active power switch is used for power energy conversion to reduce the cost of active power switches and control circuits. The active power switch is controlled by pulse width modulation at a fixed switching frequency and a constant duty cycle. When the resonant converter is operated at discontinuous conduction mode, the inductor current through the resonant tank could achieve ZCS of the energy-blocking diode. Accordingly, a high energy conversion efficiency is ensured. Given appropriately chosen circuit parameters, the active power switch can be operated with ZVS, and a measured energy conversion efficiency of the proposed topology of 97.3% can be achieved. Using MATLAB/SIMULINK the proposed converter topology is simulated Keywords—Photovoltaic (PV), resonant power converter, zero-current switching (ZCS), zero-voltage switching (ZVS). I.INTRODUCTION The most common source of energy that is used for our daily needs is obtained from fossil fuels. Owing to increase in consumption, fossil fuel sources may be exhausted in the near future. As people are much concerned with the fossil fuel exhaustion and the environmental problems caused by the conventional power generation, renewable energy sources and among them fuel cells, photovoltaic panels and windgenerators are now widely used ([1],[2]). So a time has come where we have to completely depend on renewable energy sources. They include wind turbines, photovoltaic (PV) modules, and fuel cell systems. PV power generation systems have been regarded as the most promising future sources of energy because of their advantages, such as the absence of a need for fuel and the associated cost saving, low maintenance, and lack of noise. If the direct-current (dc) output of renewable energy generation systems is directly connected to a battery energy storage system (BESS), then the output voltage of the dc output source of the renewable energy generation system will be fixed to the voltage of the BESS, so the renewable energy generation system cannot always operate optimally. Hence, a dc/dc interface must be installed between the renewable energy generation system and the BESS to ensure that the renewable energy generation system always operates at its optimum operating points. Power electronics use switching circuits to transform energy and control power flow. Power semiconductor switches are the critical components of power electronic circuits. The simplest method for controlling power semiconductor switches is pulse width modulation (PWM)[3]-[8]. The PWM approach is to control power flow by interrupting current or voltage by switching with control of the duty cycles. Conventionally, the voltage across or current through the semiconductor switch is 8 abruptly altered; this approach is called hard-switching PWM. Because of its simplicity, relatively low current stress, and ease of control, hard-switching PWM approaches have been preferred in modern power electronics converters. Owing to the rapid developments of new power device technologies, the switching speed of power devices has increased greatly. Therefore, PWM power converters can now operate at a much higher switching frequency, reducing the size of passive components, reducing the overall cost of the system.However,the converter switching loss also increases in proportion to the frequency. The increases in dv/dt and di/dt caused by the increased speed increase stress on the device and system electromagnetic interference noise. These effects set an upper limit on the frequencies at which conventional hardswitching PWM converters can operate. Resonant converters are extensively utilized in the application of renewable energy generation systems. The basic requirements of resonant converters are their small size and high efficiency. A high switching frequency is required to achieve small size. However, the switching loss increases with the switching frequency, reducing the efficiency of the resonant converters. To solve this problem, some softswitching approaches must be used at high switching frequencies. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero- current switching (ZCS) techniques are two commonly used softswitching methods. In these techniques, either voltage or current is zero during the switching transition, substantially reducing the switching loss and increasing their liability of resonant converters in renewable energy generation systems. Traditional ZCS converters operate with constant on-time control. They must operate with a wide range of switching frequencies when the ranges of the input source and load are wide, making the filter circuit design difficult to optimize. However, the traditional ZVS scheme eliminates capacitive turn-on losses and decreases the turn off switching losses by reducing the rate of increase in voltage, reducing the overlap between the switch voltage and the switch current. II.OPERATING PRINCIPLES Figure 1 shows a basic circuit diagram of the novel singleswitch resonant converter for PV applications. It comprises a choke inductor Lm, a metal oxide-semi-conductor field-effect transistor(MOSFET)that operates as a power switch S,a shunt capacitor C, a resonant inductor Ls, an energy-blocking diode D, and a filter capacitor Co. The capacitor Co and the load resistance R together form a first-order low-pass output filter, which reduces the ripple voltage below a specified level. The MOSFET is a favoured device because its body diode can be used as an anti-parallel diode DE for a bidirectional power switch. Notably, the shunt capacitance C includes the power switch parasitic capacitance and any other stray capacitance (such as the winding capacitance of the choke Lm). Careful design of the circuit parameters guarantees that the power switch S is switched by ZVS and the energy-blocking diode D is switched by ZCS, optimizing the operation of the converter. ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online) (This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) International Journal of Research and Engineering Volume 3, Issue 1 Interval IV :Between ωt3 and ωt4: At the beginning of Mode IV, the active power switch S is switched off. The capacitor current iC becomes iLm. Then, the capacitor voltage Vc rises from zero to a finite positive value. For ZVS operation, S is switched off at zero voltage, and the capacitor voltage Vc increaseslinearlyfromzeroataratethatisproportionalto iLm. The capacitor current iC flows through capacitor C tocharge C, transferring the energy from the dc input source to capacitor C. During this mode, the output power of load resistor R is supplied by the output capacitor Co. This mode ends when the energy-blocking diode D is forward biased (Vc>Vo). Then, the circuit operation enters Mode V. Figure.1 Novel Single Switch Resonant Power Converter A. Steady State Operation of the Converter The key waveforms for each mode of the proposed converter are shown in Figure. 2. One switching cycle is divided into six modes, which are described as follows. Interval I:Between ωt0 and ωt1 Prior to Mode I, the active power switch S is off. The resonant tank current iLs is positive and exceeds the dc input current iLm. The power switch must be turned on only at zero voltage. Otherwise, the energy stored in the capacitor C will be dissipated in the active power switch S. To prevent this situation, the antiparallel diode DE must conduct before the power switch is turned on. Since the capacitor current iC is negative, it flows through capacitor C. When the capacitor voltage VC falls to zero, a turn-on signal is applied to the gate of the active power switch S. Therefore, the active power switch S turns on under ZCS and ZVS conditions. At the beginning of this mode, the antiparallel diode DE conducts because the difference between currents iLm - iLs is negative. In this mode, the energy-blocking diode D is turned on because the resonant tank current i Ls is positive. This mode ends as soon as the antiparallel diode DE is reverse biased by a positive current iLm - iLs. Interval V: Betweenωt4 and andωt5: InModeV,the active power switch S remains in the OFF state. The inductor current iLs is positive,andtheenergyblockingdiodeD isturnedon,yielding a resonant stage between inductor Ls and capacitor C. In this interval, the capacitor current iC is still positive. Hence, the capacitor voltage VC continues to increase to its peak value. Mode V ends when capacitor current iC resonates to zero at ωt5, and operating Mode VI then begins. Interval VI:Between ωt5 and 2π: InModeV,theactivepower switch S remains in the OFF state. The inductor current iLs is positive,andtheenergyblockingdiodeD isturnedon,yielding a resonant stage between inductor Ls and capacitor C. In this interval, the capacitor current iC is still positive. Hence, the capacitor voltage vc continues to increase to its peak value. Mode V ends when capacitor current iC resonates to zero at ωt5, and operating Mode VI then begins. Interval II :Between ωt1 and ωt2: In this period, the switch S remains in the ON state. The line voltage is applied to the choke inductor Lm, and iLm increases continuously. In this mode, the current iLm - iLs naturally commutates from the antiparallel diode DE to the activepower switch S. Accordingly, the voltage across the capacitorC is clamped at zero. The resonant current iLs passes through the energy-blocking diode D. The circuit operation enters Mode III when the inductor current iLs falls to zero. Interval III :Between ωt2 and ωt3: In Mode III, the active powerswitchS remainsinthe ONstate,andtheinputdccurrent iLm continuously increases. The choke inductor current iLm flows through the active power switch S. The inductor current iLs falls until it reaches zero and is prevented from going negative by the energyblocking diode D. Notably, the dc input sourceisneverconnecteddirectlytotheoutputloadinthenovel single-switch converter. Energy is stored in the choke inductor Lm whentheactivepowerswitchisturnedonandistransferred to the output load when the active power switch is turned off. This mode is exited at the time when the power switch S is turned off. 9 Figure.2 Steady-state operating waveforms of the novel singleswitch resonant power converter. INPUT PARAMETERS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Parameter ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online) (This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) Attributes International Journal of Research and Engineering Input Voltage 15V Duty ratio 0.35 Load resistance 10Ω Switching frequency 70 KHz Resonant frequency 86 KHz Inductors Lm 8mH Ls 19µH Co 220µF C 0.18µF Capacitor Volume 3, Issue 1 III.SIMULATION RESULTS The circuit was simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The open loop simulation of the single switch resonant power converter is shown in Figure.3. To realize ZVS operation of the active power switch and ZCS operation of the energyblocking diode of the converter, the switching frequency must satisfy fs < fo. The low-pass filter is designed to be small, light, and low-cost. Simulation result of output voltage andcurrent is shown in Figure.4 and the MOSFET voltage and current waveform is shown in figure5. Figure5. Waveforms of switching pulse, MOSFET Voltage and current The following equation gives the efficiency of the novel single-switch resonant power converter: OUTPUT PARAMETERS Figure.3.Open loop simulation diagram Output Voltage 18V Output Power 32.4 W Input Current 2.2A Output current 1.8A Efficiency 97.3% IV..CONCLUSION Figure.4Open loop simulation results 10 In this work, a highly efficient single-switch resonant boost converter with an energy-blocking diode was designed for use in a solar energy generation system. The structure of the proposed converter is simpler and cheaper than other resonant power converters, which require numerous components. The developed single-switch resonant power converter offers the advantages of soft switching, reduced switching losses, and increased energy conversion efficiency. The performance of the proposed converter is analyzed with the help of simulation results and the simulated efficiency of the converter is found to be 97.3%. If the converter is connected to a PV energy generation system with Constant Voltage MPPT control, the system can be used as a battery charger without any feedback controllers as the output voltage of the converter remains constant. ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online) (This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) International Journal of Research and Engineering Volume 3, Issue 1 REFERENCES [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. J. Parikh, K. Parikh, “Growing Pains: Meeting India's Energy Needs in the Face of Limited Fossil Fuels,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 59-66, 2012. J. I. Nishizawa, “A Method to Avoid Dangers Caused by Fossil Fuels,” Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 96, No. 10, pp. 1559-1561, October 2008. W. Jiang and B. Fahimi, “Multiport power electronic interface Concept, modeling and design”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 7, pp.1890-1900, Jul. 2011. ]A. M. Rahimi and A. 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