THICK-WALLED ALUMINUM PLATE INSPECTION USING REMOTE FIELD EDDY CURRENT TECHNIQUES Y.S. Sun, W. Lord, L. Udpa, S. Udpa, S.K. Lua and K.H. Ng Material Characterization Research Group Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, lA 50011 S. Nath Amtak, Inc. ISU Research Park, Suite 800 2501 N. Loop Drive, Ames, lA 50010 INTRODUCTION The detection of defects that are located deep in thick walled ( >12 mm) alumirrum plates is of interest to both the aircraft and space industries. Conventional eddy current (EC) techniques are limited to the inspection of surface and subsurface anomalies. Newly developed high sensitivity magnetic sensors, such as magnetoresistive e1ements and superconducting quantum interface devices (SQUIDs) have enhanced the EC technique's capability. Suchsensors can be used to detect flaws that are located deep in alumirrum plates. However, inspection of a defect located 12 mm to 25 mm below the surface of an alumirrum plate is beyond the ability of conventional single frequency EC techniques. The remote field eddy current (RFEC) technique, that is currently being used for metallic tubular product inspection, is characterized by equal sensitivity to a flaw irrespective of its location in the tube wall. In recent few years, it has been successfully extended to the inspection of metallic plates[1], [2]. A prototype of such a probe designed for inspecting thick alumirrum plate has been designed and evaluated using finite element models. Preliminary experimental results obtained support the validity of the approach. This paper presents some of the finite element (FE) modeling and experimental results obtained to date. The experimental results were obtained during efforts to inspect a 12.7 mm thick alumirrum plate with a defect machined on the other side ofthe plate (related to the probe). Revzew of Progress m Quantitative Nondestructzve Evaluatwn, Val 16 Edtted by D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chtmentt, Plenum Press, New York, 1997 1005 PROBE DESIGN The key objective in designing the RFEC probe is to ensure that the energy flows through the plate wall twice. In the case of tubes, the eddy current induced inside the tube wall restricts the flux pattem from expanding axially resulting in rapid attenuation of the directly coupled field. In the case of metal plates the following four steps have been taken to force the energy to traverse the plate twice [2]: I. Using a special designed magnetic circuit consisting of a pot-core and an excitation coil. 2. Employing a magnetic circuit to improve the sensitivity ofthe pick-up coil. 3. Using an auxiliary coil to help guide the signal path. 4. Excitation and pick-up coils are shielded to minimize direct coupling between them. It has been shown by both through FE modeling studies and experimental measurements that in the case of an RFEC probe for aluminum plate inspection the auxiliary coil is not necessary, because of the low permeability value of aluminum typical better surface conditions. Consequently, the size of the probe can be reduced significantly relative to probe for inspecting steel plate. A schematic of the probe is given in Fig. I. The probe consists of an excitation coil wounded inside a pot-core that provides a magnetic circuit for the flux. The parameters of both the magnetic circuit and the metallic cover are chosen carefully to enable the electromagnetic energy released from the coils to penetrate downward into the plate. The pick-up coil senses the electromagnetic field that traverses the plate from the bottom to the upper surface. The magnitude and phase of the signal are sensitive to the condition (the thickness, permeability and conductivity) of the aluminum plate. With the help of a FE model, a prototype has been designed and built for inspecting aluminum plates up to 25 mm of thickness. The excitation unit is about 100 mm in diameter and 65 mm in height. Two sensor units, one is with an E-shaped ferrite core the other with a U-shaped core, similar to those used for inspecting steel plate, are used. EXCITATIO aluminum plate IT RECEIVER UNIT d fcct Fig. 1 Schematic of the probe prototype for thick walled aluminum plate inspection. 1006 NUMERICAL MODEL A linear, 2-D (axisymmetric) finite elementcodewas used to estimate the optimal design parameters ofthe probe. A simple 2-D code, capable of providing reasonably good estimates quickly, was used to arrive at the initial design ofthe probe. The performance of the probe was evaluated after the probe parameters were established. Figs. 2, 3 show the magnetic field distributions, equi- ln1(flux magnitude) lines and equi-phase Iines, around the probe inspecting a 25 mm thick aluminum plate. Fig. 2 shows a case without any defect, while Fig. 3 shows results obtained with a 20 mm wide, 40% deep slot on the plate on the far side. The Iift-off for both cases was 2 mm. A cursory review of the data reveals little difference between the two plots in the near field (R<60 mm) region. However, if one carefully compares the two plots at the remote field region undemeath the receiver unit ( 130 mm<R> 170 mm), a noticeable difference between the two cases can be observed. The difference becomes even more evident in Fig. 4 where the phase distributions on the upper surface of the plate are compared. The phase in the 'defect' case Ieads the phase values observed in the 'no-defect' case in the remote field region. Note that there is a small area around R=160 mm where the phase is lagging in the case when the defect is present. The lag is due to the special shape of the core of the pick-up coil. Equi-ln(magmtudc) plot. no dcfcct. f=400Ht Equo-phasc plot, no dcfcct. f=400111 ontcrval bctwccn contours = 18 dcgrees 120 E E 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 R: Oi;tancc from cxcilallon coil ccntcr, mm 160 180 Fig. 2 Magnetic field distribution around the probe used for inspecting a 25 mm thick aluminum plate without defect. 1 Naturallogarithm. 1007 Equi-ln(magnitude) plol. 40% dcfcct, f=400HL E E Equi- phasc plol, 40'* dcfccl. f=4001 1z intcrval bet\\cen contours = 18 dcgrccs E E 100 R. Di>tancc from cx itauon co•l ccntcr. mm Fig. 3 Magnetic field distribution around the probe used for inspecting a 25 rnrn thick alurninum plate containing a 20 rnrn wide, 40% deep defect. Phase dl\tnbuuon on the upper surfa c of the 25mm plate 404defect - 200 ~ <> ~ -400 () "0 ~-600 no defect "E. -00 defe 140 120 100 0 Duance from eAcitauon cotl center, mm - 1~ ~----~----~----~-----L-----L~--~~--~----~----~ 20 40 60 160 10 200 Fig. 4 Comparison of flux-phase distributions right at the upper surface of the plate for the 'no-defect' and the 40% deep 'defect' cases. In theory, it should not be possible to obtain any signal response to a defect if an axisyrnrnetric FE code is used, since the distance between the probe and the defect is fixed. Neither the probe, Jocated along the R axis, nor the defect, which is a circular slot, vary in location. A 3-D code is required to simulate the geometry accurately. However, for an initial probe design the reduction of computation time represents a higher priority over accuracy, Consequently following approximationwas used in arriving at the solution. 1008 If we assume that the scan length LlR is much smaller than the average radius of the defect, Rter, we can ignore the change in defect radius with the radial distance. The assumption allows movement of a defect within LlR and enables the estimation of the probe responses. The responses to two defects in a 15 mm thick aluminum plate areshownon Fig 5. The scanning was performed directly underneath the receiver unit ( 130 mm < R > 170 mm ). Their signal phase to ln(signal magnitude) trajectories are compared in Fig 6. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS A 2 mm wide, 25 mm lang and 50% deep slot was machined on the bottarn side of a 12.7 mm thick a1uminum plate. The probe excitation unit and receiver unit are mechanical1y coupled, with a 25 mm gap in between. Note, the probe is scanned along the length of the defect, while the defects in the FE simulation were perpendicular to the scan direction. An 200Hz, 0.5 Ampere AC current was applied to the excitation coil. A lock-in amplifier, Model ITHACO 3981A, was used for measuring the signal magnitude and phase. Fig. 7 shows the results when an E-shaped core is used in the receiver unit. Fig. 8. shows the results when a U-shaped core is used. The phase to ln(magnitude) trajectories of the signals obtained using E-shaped and U-shaped cores are compared in Fig. 9. ln( ignnl mngnitudc) in E- hnpc fcrritc cotl. 40% dcfcct nnd O'l dcfcct, f=400 11t - 24r----.----,-----,----,-----,----.----,-----.----.---- . -24.5 :g -25 2 -~-25.5 ~ -26 - 26.5 _____ L_ _ _ _L __ __ J_ _ _ _ -27L---~ 140 142 -L----~--~~---L----~--~ 144 146 148 150 152 ignnl phasc m E-shape ferrne cotl. 40% dcfect and 8 154 156 15 160 defcct. f=400H7 50r----.----,-----,---~-----r----~---,-----.----.----. 0 "~ ".; -50 "Q ~ 5: -100 142 144 146 14 150 152 Dcfcct ccntcr locatton, mm 154 160 Fig. 5 Simulated signal responses of the probe inspecting a 15 mm thick plate to 40% and 80% deep defects. 1009 ignal to ln(signal magnitude) trajectoric for the "40% defect" and "80% defect" ca~es 50.------.------.-------.------.------.------. 0% defecr 0 "' -SO ~ '-' "0 .; :(! s: -100 -150 ______ -200L-----~------_L -27 -26.5 _ L_ __ _ _ _~------~----~ -26 -25.5 ln( ·ignal magnitude) -2 - 24.5 -24 Fig. 6 Comparison of signal phase vs. ln(signal magnitude) trajectories for the '40% defect' and '80% defect' cases. E - SHAPE S )( 10"' NSOR 150 100 ~ ~ 5C ~ 50 0 I eC I 50 100 - 200 0 2 3 a 9 10 Fig. 7 Signal obtained by scanning the specimen with a receiver using an E-shaped core. 1010 U - SHAPE SENSOR )( 10 .. 4 .2 4 - 10 r-----r-----r-----r-----r-----r-----~----~----~----~----. - 15 DOIUC::t - 45o ~----L-----.,~----3~----~----~s----~--~~7----~a----~----_J ,o dlstanco. c:rn Fig. 8 Signal obtained by scanning the specimen with a receiver using a U-shaped core. E- HAPE SENSOR 150 100 50 e ., CO 0 -o ...; ..."' E: -50 - 100 - ISO -200 -11.5 - II - 10.5 - 10 (magnitude), log - 9.5 -9 Fig. 9 Comparison of phase vs. ln(magnitude) trajectories from signals obtained from a receiver using an E-shaped core. Signals obtained when the probe scans over the defect. !Oll -15 -20 C) ~ CO C) "'0 ,..:.-25 C) "'"' ..<: & Defecl - 0 -35 ~ L---------~--------~--------~------~ - 7.95 -7.9 (magnilude), log -7.85 -7.8 Fig. 10 Comparison ofphase vs.ln(magnitude) trajectories from signals obtained from a receiver using a U-shaped core. Signals obtained when the probe scans over the defect. CONCLUSIONS A novel RFEC probe has been designed and built for inspecting thick aluminum plate employing a finite element model. Modeling results obtained to date show that it can be used for inspecting a plate with thicknesses up to 25 mm. Preliminary experimental measurements carried out on a 12.7 mm aluminum plate demonstrated excellent performance. REFERENCES 1. Y. S. Sun, S. Udpa, William Lord, and D. Cooley, "A Remote Field Eddy Current NDT Probe for Inspection of Metallic Plates", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 54, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 510-512. 2. Y. S. Sun, S. Udpa, William Lord, and D. Cooley, "Inspection ofMetallic Plates Using A Novel Remote Field Eddy Current NDT Probe", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 15A, Edited by Donald 0. Thompson and Dale E. Chimenti, Plenum, 1996, pp. 1137-1141. 1012