MM-5 DISTORTION IN MICROWAVE REVERSE Robert BIASED Gerald of Electrical system reverse compromise This and experimental biased PIN are presented published University bias frequency presents an of distortion with As a result original expressions by order relationships the authors’ 01803 degradation distortion intercept The will can be worse than further of an analysis to the first points compare PIN contrary diodes Many microwave causes undesired which may particularly distortion. harmonic result in worsens Distortion contributing system and reverse introduced has been analyzed data. It increasing frequency, biased PIN diode. of the distortion introduced by the reverse time biased diodes, i(t) = dQ/dt = d[C vi(t)] / dt (1) each where C is the PIN diode reverse bias capacitance by a forward and is now predictable varying limitations, A PIN diode switch a measure of distortion. The distortion with of the predicted generated by reverse biased PIN diode is based on the nonlinear current passing through the diode [4,5]: in switches signals or spurious in-band signals significant both forward The ANALYSIS in sensitive receiver circuits. may contain derivatives to experimental that distortion to the case of the forward The analysis PIN diode switches have a requirement permissible tail capacitance, second and third characteristic. favorably INTRODUCTION for maximum relating and second (C-V) also be demonstrated biased as the increases. of diffusion have been developed capacitance-voltage previously biased PIN diode distortion. with MA because of the diffusion tail phenomena, will exhibit a definite capacitance change and will generate real distortion. can generated distortion that reverse bias distortion distortion, switches Division Products Inc. and RF communication Concise diodes. and compared results indicate diode paper study work on forward forward PIN microwave performance. analytical by Hiller M/A-COM, South Ave. Burlington, ABSTRACT caused BY Semiconductor and Computer Engineering Southeastern Massachusetts N. Dartmouth, MA 02747 significantly RF SWITCHES H. Caverly Department Distortion AND PIN DIODES biased PIN diode the microwave [1-3]. capacitance, Distortion voltage across the diode. then i(t) will is contain and intermodulation account because it has been assumed to be much lower components, that will produce signal distortion in a microwave or RF switching circuit consisting of a series been reported biased diode and no analysis to predict its distortion generating This paper reports the results of an original than to date has and experimental investigation of the reverse biased PIN diode. Concise distortion prediction expressions have been developed and conclude generate more distortion The primary varying that reverse biased PIN diodes may than forward capacitance assumed will exhibit and therefore higher than no change generate the dielectric in capacitance no distortion. The actual reverse voltage, PIN of the ideal for all reverse voltage. PIN diode bias voltages In actual PIN diodes, between the intrinsic is generally beyond the however, the layer and the end regions are not exactly abrupt, but rather exhibit a continuously increasing doping concentration that approaches the end region doping These so-called diffusion tails cause the concentration. frequency increasing constant boundties induced by the relaxation with capacitance punchthrough microwave or RF signal. An ideal PIN diode operated at a reverse bias voltage beyond the punchthrough voltage and at frequencies AC voltage. The biased PIN diodes. cause of reverse biased PIN diode distortion is the small but finite time varying to the fundamental connected PIN diode between generator and load. The distortion analysis focuses on the variation of the PIN diode’s reverse bias capacitance and its relationship to the time properties. analytical in addition harmonic generated by a reverse biased PIN diode is often not taken into that of the forward products, and vi(t) If C is a time-vmying biased for voltages &lode, PIN diode’s beyond capacitance punchthrough, to continue independent to decrease of frequency, 1073 CH2725-O/89/0000- 1073$01.00 (!3 1989 IEEE 1989 IEEE MTT-S Digest since the depletion with increasing change profile layer will advance reverse bias voltage. with reverse voltage is dependent shape, but may be directly C-V data. and 100 Figures micron measurement illustrates profiles frequencies of Thicker than thinner device capacitance determined 1 MHz PIN exhibit forward portion computed from 1 and 2) that demonstrate and third circuit contributor distortion measurements the theoretical have reverse analysis. Figures distortion [1,2,6]. Good agreement between the measured and computed distortion intercept points is noted. The second order intercept point for the 50 micron PIN diode They are related to the is approximately 10 dB higher than that of the 7 micron diode. reverse bias voltage Z03 by 60 dB. Also, at 10 MHz at 1000 MHz using series connected The third order intercept (dc/dv)2 relative increases range the 5 and 6 show the results of these measurements using previously described techniques for measuring PIN diode as follows: = l/32 order reverse bias voltage. point shows similar that the reverse bias distortion IP2 that for the 7 micron third is the significant order biased PIN diodes to verify 1 MHz PIN diodes of the C-V data, measured at the input frequency, and are expressed with increasing been performed this point. reverse biased PIN diode. derivatives improves bias distortion Second Equations for the two tone intermodulation distortion intercept points have been derived from Eqn. 1 for the series connected bias distortion improves of This results in a lower rate of C-V data for 7 and 100 micron (- 10v) at 1000 MHz it is the reverse bias dktortion that In all cases, the reverse bias distortion predominates. change with reverse voltage for thick PIN diodes. and 1000 MHz bias whereas C-V diodes since the depth that the depletion thickness. These results imply the reverse the forward that flatter diode distortion (dBc) degrades by 32 dB as frequency from 10 to 1000 MHz. In the same frequency from measured and 1000 MHz diodes Figures 3 and 4 show plots of dC/dV (Figures PIN on this diffusion extends into the end region is a smaller the overall charge data [1,2]. 1 and 2 show the C-V characteristic for 7 I-region width PIN diodes using this. boundary into the end regions The rate of capacitance intercept behavior. Note point increases as the increases in all cases. (2a) (OX +C02)2 CONCLUSION The and objective understanding of this PIN diode switches. IP3 where = l/12 COland 0J2 are the intercept point available from evident that increases) @2c/dv2)zo2 intercept as frequency diodes exhibiting perform are the source. the +on) referenced to the From these expressions point decreases C-V characteristic with better distortion properties order distortion) These forward power distortion it is The fundamental and frequency. bias PIN improves diode switch a better in reverse biased analytical conclusion is inversely (for second This is in contrast distortion with increasing to the case where frequency. shows that thick PIN diodes tend to exhibit (distortion increases. Also, thicker I-region a flatter was to provide mechanism is that the magnitude of the reverse bias distortion proportional to the slope of the C-V characteristic (2b) tone input ft_qUetICkS. two equations (2tol paper of the distortion the The analysis less distortion than thin diodes. Experimental distortion data taken at 1000 MHz on diodes of different thicknesses confirm this phenomenon. PIN are expected to than thinner diodes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This APPLICATIONS Reverse using bias distortion Eqn. operating 2 for around a series National intercept points connected frequencies PIN material were derived by the Naval diode NOOO 14-87-C-2449. of 10 and 1000 MHz. switch These Goodrich is based Science Foundation Research and Theresa results are shown in Table I. The results are based on C-V their help and expertise measurements devices. and their derivatives 1000 MHz using the HP4 192A the HP4191A Table same PIN RF Impedance I also illustrates diodes taken at 10 MHz LF Impedance Analyzer, forward based on 10 mA Analyzer and and respectively. bias distortion resistance on the and stored 1074 upon work Laboratories The supported under Grant MIP-861 authors Suscavage under wish Contract No. to thank Joel of M/A-COM, in the processing by the 1239, and Inc., for of some of the test REFERENCES 0,46 CAPACITANCE 1. Caverly, Circuits”, “Distortion IEEE Trans. Microwave MTT-35 2. R. and G. Hiller, (5); pp. 492-501, May, Theory Microwaves 1 and Tech., vol. 1987. Holler, G. and R. Caverly, distortion”, (PF) in p-i-n Diode “Predict 0.35 PIN diode switch and RF, vol. 25(l), p. 111, Jan. 1986. 0.26 3. Caverly, R. and G. Phaneuf, “Nonlinem and Transient Microwave and RF Modeling of the PIN Diode”, to be presented at the 1989 IEEE Intl. Symp. Circuits and .. ** “.. ...* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.16 10 0 Systems. Penfield, P. and R. P. Rafuse, M. I. T. Press, Cambridge, MA, “Varactor 6. Hingham, Microwave Technology, VOLTAG:(VOLTS) Applications”. FREQUENCY 1962. ‘ 5. Mortenson, K., Variable House, Dedham, MA, 1974. Capacitance E., “Measuring 50 40 REVERS: 4. *1--1 .. * Distortion Diodes, Artech Figure 2. 1 * MHZ 1000 MHZ Reveree blae PIN diode capacitance for 100 micron device at 1 and 1000 MHz. a in PIN Diodes”, System News and Communication p. 97, May, _,* LOG[ ldC/dVl 1988. IN F/V] —,-12 I -13 * -14 1 -15 CAPACITANCE * 1“ (PF) -16 - .*. -13 - -14 .* - -15 * - -16 t 1 0.4 “ 0.3 0.2 I -171 o . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . Figure * ‘iOLAi 35 (voYTs) 3. 1 MHZ 1000 MHZ Reveree blaa dC/dV at 1 and a 7 micron PIN diode, * 1000 MHz for I 40 10 REVERS: 60 _12 LOG [ldC/dVl IN F/V] -12 VOLTAG:(VOLTS) FREQUENCY . Figure —-~_,7 FREQUENCY %-... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0’ o , 30 R&RsE Y.+ ....= ....... 0.1 , 5 1 MHz * 1000 -13 -. -13 T MHZ 1. Reverse bias PIN diode capacitance 7 micron diode at 1 and 1000 MHz. for a -14 1 “ I . -14 -15 -15 1 . * -16- . * ~ -17 0 -17 5 30 RE!ERSE ‘;OLTA3E (VOyTs) FREQUENCY “ Figure 1075 4. “d -16 * 1 MHZ * 1000 Reverse bias dC/dV at 1 and a 100 micron PIN diode. MHz 1000 MHz for 36 lnterceDt Point (dBm) TABLE I I 90 I Predicted Diode Intercept pOhS * 80 0 70 - REVERSE BIAS 0 60 -y:+ . Width 40 -* , 6 30 o , 10 Reverse * Voltage I , 16 20 + w2-50 (MEASUREDl IP2-7 (TbtEORy) 0 w2-60 (THEORY) 5. 1000 MHz second ordsr Intsrcept point measurements on a T snd 50 micron PIN Point (dBm) * o 60 - * 40 -W* * 30 * , 6 20 I o , 10 Reverse 16 Voltage , 20 (MEASUREDJ + lp3-60 (MEA5URED) IFS-7 {THEORY) m w%-so (THEORY) 6. I 26 (volts) tp9-7 Figure 1000 MHz Third Order Interoept Point on a 7 and 50 micron PIN diode IP2 [P-3 IPZ IP3 IP2 1P3 -l@ -1OV -20T -20V +lomA +lomA 10MHz 94dBm 58dBm 102dBm 62dBm 39dBm 28dBm llX)OMHz 6 ldBm 42dBm 72dBm 47dBm 79dBm 58dBm 10MHz 92dBm 60dBm l12dBm 70dBm 77dBm 56dBm lfXIOMHz 85dBm 57dBm 91dBm 6C!dBm 117dBm 86dBm diode. lCO GoIntercept BIAS 25 7 (MEA5uRED] Frequency microns (Volts) IP2-7 Figure FORWARD * 50 -.* * PIN Measurements 1076