Power system adequacy with intermittent renewable energy

Power system adequacy with intermittent
renewable energy
Energy Transformed Flagship
Geoff James
AIE National Conference
Sydney, 19 November 2012
Important influences in the Asian region
• Universal access to clean energy
• There are 800 million Asians relying on basic fuels (Asian Development
• The best overall solution is likely to be a mixture of interconnected grids and
separate regional grids – or interconnected and local energy supplies in an
Australian context
• Interconnection and trading
• Increased quality and diversity of renewable resources that may be
accessed and traded – each region can use its best resources
• Long-distance interconnection by HVDC transmission creates a new
dispatchable resource for grid management
• The emergence of energy storage
• Storage will modify demand, smooth supply, and create a new dispatchable
resource for operators of clean grids
Geoff James, Power system adequcy with RE, 19/11/2012
Question about system adequacy
• Presuming that power grids will trend towards majority renewable
energy supply and that much of this will be intermittent
• Allowing that the purpose of power grids of any size is to balance
supply and demand continuously
• Given (historical) knowledge of the renewable energy resource over an
interconnected region
• How much installed generation capacity will be needed (and
where) to ensure system adequacy?
• Minimising the overall installed capacity
• Maximising the proportion of renewable energy supply
• With or without consideration of transmission capacity
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Reliability = security + adequacy
• Security of the power system
• Physical, information technology, and communication threats
• Thermal, transient, voltage, oscillatory instabilities
• Adequacy of generation, transmission, substation, and distribution
infrastructure to meet the electrical load at all times
• Without violating system voltage and frequency limits
• In the presence of planned and unplanned outages (e.g. N-1 contingencies)
• Separate measures for installed adequacy and operating adequacy
• Typical requirement for interconnected power systems
• Loss-of-load expectation (LOLE) is less than 0.1 days per year
• Expected energy not served (EENS) is less than 0.002% of total
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Renewable & fossil-fuel generation capacities
Intermittent RE
r(t) ≤ R(x,y)
Fossil fuel
g(t) ≤ G
l(t) ≤ L
r (t )   R( x, y) ( x, y, t ) dx dy
Generating “efficiency” of the installed
RE capacity according to the weather
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Begin with generation-only risk assessment
Ignore transmission
With transmission
• A fast optimisation method can compute R(x,y) and G
• Tested with wind and solar and extensible to represent a diverse mix
of sources
• Hydro generation h(t) ≤ H
• Biomass generation b(t) ≤ B and potentially separate treatment of biogas
• Geothermal generation u(t) ≤ U
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Wind deployment with unconstrained G
• Optimise using 30-min intervals over 1 year (17,600 constraints)
• Resolution 1 degree in latitude and longitude (1,500 unknowns)
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Solar deployment with unconstrained G
with load!
• Now introducing ramp-rate limits for fossil-fuel generation plants
• Also constraining the emissions (= maximising RE penetration)
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Traditional way to model generation availability
Wenyuan Li. (2005). Risk Assessment of Power Systems. IEEE on-line.
• Artificial time series for generation availability using MTTF and
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Combine with artificial load to calculate LOLE
Wenyuan Li (2005). Risk Assessment of Power Systems. IEEE on-line.
• But for an accurate result the simulated period can be many years!
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New way to model generation and load
Keane et al. (2011). IEEE Trans. Power Systems 26 (2), 564-572.
• Recommends a Preferred Methodology for calculating system
adequacy with wind generation
• Each generator capacity and FOR is convolved via an iterative method to
produce the capacity outage probability table (COPT) of the power system
• The COPT of the power system is used in conjunction with the hourly load
time series to compute the hourly LOLPs without the presence of the wind
• The annual LOLE is then calculated
• This approach uses coincident time-series data for load and
renewable generation output – and these are significantly
• The fast optimisation method can include LOLE and EENS calculated
this way as optimisation targets
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Energy storage to balance supply and demand
• Energy storage options and costs have been compared in the context
of high-penetration RE future for the National Electricity Market
• James and Hayward (2012). AEMO 100% Renewable Energy Study:
Energy Storage. CSIRO, Australia. Available on the DCCEE website.
• Several technologies available at grid scale were studied
Solar thermal storage using molten salts
Storage of biomass solids – and production and storage of biogas
Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
Three different battery technologies
• Pumped hydro storage was analysed in detail by another consultant
• ROAM Consulting (2012). Pumped Storage modelling for AEMO 100%
Renewables project. ROAM, Australia. Also available on the DCCEE
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Storage costs as $/MWh of delivered energy
which depend on a number of assumptions about operating regimes
Woody biomass solids
Crop biomass solids
Repurposed lithium-ion
Advanced lead-acid
Above-ground CAES
Underground CAES
Pumped hydro
Biogas from MSW
CST with molten salt
1 hour
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Biogas from woody/crop sources
1 day
30 days
Deciding what to do with biomass
Use for “baseload” generation
Direct to solid biomass storage
Direct to biogas storage
1  fb  f s  f g
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Not used
Flow rates in biomass electricity generation
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Availability of woody biomass in 2030
used to help
identify the
resource that
can be
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Availability of crop & stubble biomass in 2030
quite well the
availability of
Geoff James, Power system adequcy with RE, 19/11/2012
The East Australian biogas storage network
Storage capacity on the gas pipeline network
measure measure
150 PJ
14.6 TWh
Processing and transmission capacity of the network
4 PJ/day
Geoff James, Power system adequcy with RE, 19/11/2012
16.2 GW
CSIRO Energy Technology
Geoff James
Principal Research Scientist
Phone: +61 401 681 282
Email: geoff.james@csiro.au
Web: www.det.csiro.au
Thank you
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