SNS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, COIMBATORE AFFILIATED TO ANNA UNIVERSITY ,CHENNAI FACULTY PROFILE NAME Dr. R. Sudhakaran QUALIFICATION Ph. D DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGNATION Professor & Head E-MAIL EXPERIENECE SPECIALIZATION SUBJECTS HANDLING Teaching – Years Industry- years Research - Years 19 01 06 1. Welding, Material Science 2. Energy Conservation and Management. (Application of HPHE in the area of heat recovery). 3. Eco Friendly Refrigerants. Thermal Engineering Research Methodology Heat and Mass Transfer PUBLICAITONS Gas Dynamic and Jet Propulsion Conference Proceedings NATIONAL 25 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS SEMINARS/SYMPOSIA/ WORKSHOPS/ CONFERENCES /STTP/ FDP PROFESSIONAL BODY MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL LECTURES DELIVERED Journals Books 02 02 15 23 Minor Major Total Amount(Rs.) COMPLETED 01 5 Lakhs ON-GOING Nil PROPOSALS SUBMITTED State National ORGANIZED 15 ATTENDED 27 International Nil Life Member in ISTE Fellow of Indian Institute of Production Engineers Delivered a Guest Lecture at Angel College of Engineering and Technology on the Topic of Engineering Thermodynamics Delivered a Guest Lecture at Sriguru College of Technology on the Topic of Engineering Thermodynamics Delivered a Guest Lecture at K u m a r a g u r u College of Technology on the Topic of Heat Exchangers EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD/ REVIEWER PROJECTS GUIDED SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS/ AWARDS ROLES IN SNSCE-IQAC Reviewer for the Journal of Engineering Science and Technology published by Taylors University, Malaysia Reviewer for the Journal of Engineering R e s e a r c h Reviewer for Applied Mathematics and Information sciences. UG Projects Guided : 19 and PG Projects Guided : 09 Won Best Faculty Award at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai for the year 1999-2000 Received excellence award for research and administration at SNS College of Engineering Executive Member in IQAC