/ h>ps://success-­‐for-­‐boys.tki.org.nz/ This site is designed to help you as school leaders and teachers to look at the teaching-­‐learning rela6onships with boys in your classrooms, create suppor6ve learning environments for boys, and access a range of approaches and tools to address the diverse learning needs of boys so they achieve to their full poten6al. H O M E P A G E Success for Boys provides you with a directory of programmes, resources, and informa6on to help your school engage boys in learning. There are three resources that have been developed to support teachers. They are: • Story Starters • 48 hour SLAMs and inspiring crea6ve wri6ng • Graphic Novels Story Starters There are eight story starter anima6ons. There are two versions for each anima6on: “What happens next?” animated videos, and Complete Story animated videos. Accompanying each anima6on is an "inspira6on" video where the kiwi role-­‐ model who inspired the video talks about why they like wri6ng and how they use it in their work. They also read their story starter opening sentence. Story Starters is a video resource aimed at engaging boys and inspiring them to write. • Bret McKenzie Big vs Bigger • Brian Falkner Best First Day Ever • Cohen Holloway Hooked on Danger • Dai Henwood Runaway Robot Rampage • Greg Broadmore (Weta) Captain Taniwha and the S>cky Space Sno@ • Johnson Raela That Really S>nks • Levi Hawken The Great Skateboard Mystery • Rodney Cooke Try Tackling a Pterodactyl PLUS Extra inspira6onal video clips from: James Rolleston, John Schwalger, Nua Finau, Mike McRoberts 48 hour SLAMs and inspiring crea6ve wri6ng • 2014 pilot programme for boys aged 10-­‐15 • Workshops linked to each of the five key competencies • Research report links • Digital books In 2014, the Ministry of Educa6on piloted an innova6ve learning programme for boys iden6fied as having problems engaging with tradi6onal educa6on methods. The pilot involved using the 48HR SLAM programme to develop innova6ve resources and a parallel enquiry process, with the goal of finding new ways to lia boys’ achievement and success. A comprehensive enquiry process was undertaken to ensure the learning was captured for sharing with other teachers and schools. Graphic Novels x2 Graphic novels are a genre of literature that present their narra6ve primarily through pictures. Graphic novels are an ideal way of encouraging reluctant readers to engage with a detailed extended text. MEARIKI: THE QUEST FOR TRUTH TSM FOR EACH AS A DOWNLOAD Families, whānau, and your school community have a key role to play in the success of boys in your school. By working with whānau and your community, you can work towards a shared understanding of the importance of mee6ng boys’ learning needs and suppor6ng their educa6onal achievement. Families, whānau and communi6es -­‐ explore what’s out there • The Complexity of Community Family Influences on Children’s Achievement in New Zealand (BES) • Ka Hiki6a: Accelera6ng Success 2013-­‐2017 • Be>er Rela6onships for Be>er Learning: Guidelines for Board of Trustees and Schools on Engaging with Maori Parents, Whanau and Communi6es • Te Mana Korero: Rela6onships for Learning • Career Educa6on, Parents, Caregivers and Whanau Success for Boys provides you with a portal to access na6onal and interna6onal research and evalua6on on boys’ learning needs and educa6onal achievement. Research and Evalua6on United States • The Truth About Boys and Girls United Kingdom • Boys’ Achievement in Secondary Schools • Selected Current Research in Gender and Educa6on A>ainment Australia • Mee6ng the Challenge • Success for Boys New Zealand • Boys’ achievement: a synthesis of data • ERO case studies PLUS further readings This portal includes “Quick Tips” to help you look at success factors This portal includes key ques6ons to provide your school leadership with a star6ng point to engage with your community about raising the success of boys in your school. This portal includes links to provide an opportuni6es to see what other schools are doing. Explore what is out there… Effec6ve teaching for diverse learners can be achieved by crea6ng learning environments and implemen6ng classroom prac6ces that cater to the many individua characteris6cs of boys in your school.