This is a key to help you understand grade level expectations for this

This is a key to help you understand grade level expectations for this quarter. This document provides details on what a student must be able to do to
receive an M (M means Meets Standards).
Fourth Grade - Quarter 1
Shows cooperation
Shows assertion in appropriate ways
Takes responsibility for actions and work
Shows empathy
Demonstrates self-control
Is able to read and comprehend a variety of grade level texts
- Fountas and Pinnell Level P
Is able to make inferences, summarize, and evaluate a text
- summarizes fiction grade level texts
- writes book recommendations, determines the theme or lesson of a fiction text
Is able to locate important information/evidence in the text
- uses evidence from a fiction text to summarize a text, make inferences, and
answer questions.
Is able to understand how and why an author structures a text the way
they do.
- contributes to discussions on author’s craft using grade level texts
- applies knowledge of the 5 elements of fiction (setting, character, conflict,
resolution, and theme)
Reading: Foundational Skills
Is able to use knowledge of phonics and word structure to figure out
unknown words
- can figure out 3 and 4 syllable words using chunking strategy
Is able to read grade level text with accuracy and appropriate fluency to
support comprehension.
- can read 93 words per minute on a grade level text with expression
- reads punctuation (pauses at periods, commas, question marks, and
exclamation marks)
Is able to use context clues to understand new vocabulary, words, or
- using grade level text, creates a reasonable definition of a new word based on
context clues
Speaking, Viewing, Listening and Media Literacy
Is able to communicate effectively in discussions about grad- level topics
- participates in discussions using classroom vocabulary and stays on task
during discussions
Is able to distinguish between and use various types of media
- uses books, magazines, and internet to find information
Is able to create a multi-media work
- uses the computer and other classroom resources to create a presentation
Is able to write clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes
- writes a descriptive paragraph and personal narrative
- writes reading responses
- writes about learned information in science and math
Is able to use the writing process
- brainstorms and organizes ideas into webs or other graphic organizers
- writes clear and interesting ideas in draft form
- is able to revise writing for clear and interesting ideas
- edits writing for correct writing conventions
- publishes work
Is able to use correct writing conventions.
- capitalizes beginning of sentences
- ends all sentences with periods
- spells high frequency words correctly
Is able to understand place value up to millions
- reads, writes, and uses numbers up to millions
Is able to demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and division facts
- demonstrates mastery (90%) on a 50 fact three minute multiplication time test
(Facts 0-9)
Is able to demonstrate understanding of and accurately solve word
- shows understanding of which operation to use to solve a word problem
- uses other strategies to solve word problems, such as drawing a picture or
- uses strategies to check accuracy of work
Is able to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems accurately.
- uses standard algorithms to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction
Is able to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems accurately.
- not applicable during 1st quarter
Is able to use fractions and decimals accurately
- not applicable during 1st quarter
Is able to apply measurement and geometry concepts
- uses geometry vocabulary to describe and name shapes
- compares and contrasts two shapes using geometry vocabulary
- accurately labels angles as right, obtuse, or acute
Is able to collect, organize, and interpret data in graphs and charts
- correctly interprets data from bar graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, and
venn diagrams
Is able to write and solve problems using algebra
- solves number sentences with variables, true and false number sentences,
and in/out charts
- writes an algebraic number sentence for a word problem
Valley View
North Park
1st Quarter
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of Science and
Magnetism and Electricity
(Physical Science, Nature of Science and
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of Science and
Science Standards:
Nature of Science and Engineering: Demonstrates an understanding
that scientific
investigations improve in accuracy with repetition, that evidence must be
given to support observations, and that using scientific tools improves
Physical Science: Demonstrates an understanding of properties of
matter, states of matter, sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism.
Earth and Space Science: Demonstrates an understanding of change
in daily and seasonal patterns of the sun and moon’s movement, and of
other celestial bodies. Understands that water circulates through the
Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere in what is known as the water
Life Science: Demonstrates an understanding of basic needs of
organisms, how the environment meets those needs, life cycles, and the
structures and functions of organisms.
ART, MUSIC and PE: Please refer to separate document.
This is a key to help you understand grade level expectations for this quarter. This document provides details on what a student must be able to do to
receive an M (M means Meets Standards).
Fourth Grade - Quarter 2
Shows cooperation
Shows assertion in appropriate ways
Takes responsibility for actions and work
Shows empathy
Demonstrates self-control
Is able to read and comprehend a variety of grade level texts
- F&P Level Q
Is able to make inferences, summarize, and evaluate a text
- summarizes non-fiction grade level texts, including informational, biographies,
autobiographies, and memoirs
- evaluates a non-fiction text, determines the reliability of a source and
usefulness of information
- identifies main idea of a non-fiction text and a poem
- infers themes and makes meaning of poetry
- infers the meaning of figurative language in poetry
Is able to locate important information/evidence in the text
- uses non-fiction text features to determine important details in the text.
Is able to understand how and why an author structures a text the way
they do.
- determines the author’s purpose for writing a text, and determines why the
author included or excluded information
- determines the structure of a non-fiction text as cause and effect, fact and
opinion, compare and contrast, chronological, or problem-solution
Reading: Foundational Skills
Is able to use knowledge of phonics and word structure to figure out
unknown words
- can figure out 3 and 4 syllable words using chunking strategy
Is able to read grade level text with accuracy and appropriate fluency to
support comprehension.
- can read 114 words per minute on a grade level text with expression
- reads punctuation (pauses at periods, commas, question marks, and
exclamation marks)
Is able to use context clues to understand new vocabulary, words, or
- using grade level text, creates a reasonable definition of a new words based
on context clues
Speaking, Viewing, Listening and Media Literacy
Is able to communicate effectively in discussions about grad- level topics
- participates in discussions using classroom vocabulary and stays on task
during discussions
Is able to distinguish between and use various types of media
- uses books, magazines, and internet to find information
Is able to create a multi-media work
- uses the computer and other classroom resources to create a presentation
Is able to write clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes
- writes a factual report and compare/contrast essay
- writes various types of poetry
- writes reading responses
- writes about learned information in science and math
Is able to use the writing process
- uses the writing process effectively (prewriting, writing a draft, revising, editing,
and publishing)
Is able to use correct writing conventions.
- capitalizes beginning of sentences and proper nouns
- ends all sentences with periods, question marks, or exclamation marks
- spells high frequency words correctly
Is able to understand place value up to millions
- reads, writes, and uses numbers up to millions
Is able to demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and division facts
- demonstrates mastery (90%) on a 50 fact three minute multiplication time test
(Facts 0-9)
Is able to demonstrate understanding of and accurately solve word
- shows understanding of which operation to use to solve word problems
- uses other strategies to solve word problems, such as drawing a picture or
- is able to check accuracy of work
Is able to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems accurately.
- uses standard algorithms to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction
Is able to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems accurately.
- solves 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication problems using standard algorithms
- solves 2 digit / 1 digit division problems using standard algorithms
Is able to use fractions and decimals accurately
- reads and writes decimals through the thousandth place accurately (0.893)
- adds and subtracts decimals accurately
- compares the values of decimals accurately
Is able to apply measurement and geometry concepts
- uses geometry vocabulary to describe and name geometric figures
- compares and contrasts two shapes using geometry vocabulary
- labels angles with acute, obtuse, and right
Is able to collect, organize, and interpret data in graphs and charts
- correctly interprets data from bar graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, and
venn diagrams
Is able to write and solve problems using algebra
- solves number sentences with variables, true and false number sentences,
and in/out charts
- writes an algebraic number sentence for a word problem
Valley View
North Park
2nd Quarter
Magnetism and Electricity
(Physical Science, Nature of Science and
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of Science
and Engineering)
Structures of Life
(Life Science, Nature of Science and
Science Standards:
Nature of Science and Engineering: Demonstrates an understanding
that scientific
investigations improve in accuracy with repetition, that evidence must be
given to support observations, and that using scientific tools improves
Physical Science: Demonstrates an understanding of properties of
matter, states of matter, sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism.
Earth and Space Science: Demonstrates an understanding of change
in daily and seasonal patterns of the sun and moon’s movement, and of
other celestial bodies. Understands that water circulates through the
Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere in what is known as the water
Life Science: Demonstrates an understanding of basic needs of
organisms, how the environment meets those needs, life cycles, and the
structures and functions of organisms.
ART, MUSIC and PE: Please refer to separate document.
This is a key to help you understand grade level expectations for this quarter. This document provides details on what a student must be able to do to
receive an M (M means Meets Standards).
Fourth Grade - Quarter 3
Shows cooperation
Shows assertion in appropriate ways
Takes responsibility for actions and work
Shows empathy
Demonstrates self-control
Is able to read and comprehend a variety of grade level texts
- F&P Level R
Is able to make inferences, summarize, and evaluate a text
- summarizes grade level traditional literature, including folk tales and myths
- infers themes, character changes, motivation, and traits, and how the setting
impacts the plot
- interprets figurative language in fiction
- applies previously learned strategies in non-fiction and fiction test passages
Is able to locate important information/evidence in the fiction text
- uses evidence from the text to support inferences and conclusions
Is able to understand how and why an author structures a text the way
they do.
- determines the author’s purpose for writing a text.
- identifies the point of view and perspective of a text
- identifies characteristics of traditional literature
- applies previously learned skills in fiction and non-fiction texts
Reading: Foundational Skills
Is able to use knowledge of phonics and word structure to figure out
unknown words
- can figure out 3 and 4 syllable words using chunking strategy
Is able to read grade level text with accuracy and appropriate fluency to
support comprehension.
- can read 114 words per minute on a grade level text with expression
- reads punctuation (pauses at periods, commas, question marks, and
exclamation marks)
Is able to use context clues to understand new vocabulary, words, or
- using grade level text, creates a reasonable definition of a new words based
on context clues
Speaking, Viewing, Listening and Media Literacy
Is able to communicate effectively in discussions about grade level topics
- participates in discussions using classroom vocabulary and stays on task
during discussions
Is able to distinguish between and use various types of media
- uses books, magazines, and internet to find information
Is able to create a multi-media work
- uses the computer and other classroom resources to create a presentation
Is able to write clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes
- writes a fractured fairy tale, adventure story, or other short stories
- writes reading responses
- writes about learned information in science and math
Is able to use the writing process
- uses the writing process effectively (prewriting, writing a draft, revising, editing,
and publishing)
Is able to use correct writing conventions.
- capitalizes beginning of sentences and proper nouns
- ends all sentences with periods, question marks, or exclamation marks
- uses commas and quotation marks in writing dialogue
- spells high frequency words correctly
- organizes writing into paragraphs
Is able to understand place value up to millions
- reads, writes, and uses numbers up to millions
Is able to demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and division facts
- demonstrates mastery (90%) on a 50 fact three minute multiplication time test
(Facts 0-9)
Is able to demonstrate understanding of and accurately solve word
- shows understanding of which operation to use to solve word problems
- uses other strategies to solve word problems, such as drawing a picture or
- is able to check accuracy of work
Is able to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems accurately.
- uses standard algorithms to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction
Is able to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems accurately.
- solves 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication problems using standard algorithms
- solves 2 digit / 1 digit division problems using standard algorithms
- applies knowledge of multiplication and division to rates
Is able to use fractions and decimals accurately
- reads and writes decimals (to thousandths place) and fractions (with
denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12) accurately
- adds and subtracts decimals accurately
- adds and subtracts fractions accurately
- compares the values of decimals and fractions accurately
Is able to apply measurement and geometry concepts
- uses geometry vocabulary to describe and name shapes
- compares and contrasts two shapes using geometry vocabulary
- labels angles with acute, obtuse, and right
- accurately finds area and perimeter of a rectangle and other irregular shapes
- identifies symmetry, rotations, reflections, and translations
Is able to collect, organize, and interpret data in graphs and charts
- correctly interprets data from bar graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, and
venn diagrams
Is able to write and solve problems using algebra
- solves number sentences with variables, true and false number sentences,
and in/out charts
- writes an algebraic number sentence for a word problem
Valley View
North Park
3rd Quarter
Structures of Life
(Life Science, Nature of Science and
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of Science
and Engineering)
Magnetism and Electricity
(Physical Science, Nature of Science and
Science Standards:
Nature of Science and Engineering: Demonstrates an understanding
that scientific
investigations improve in accuracy with repetition, that evidence must be
given to support observations, and that using scientific tools improves
Physical Science: Demonstrates an understanding of properties of
matter, states of matter, sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism.
Earth and Space Science: Demonstrates an understanding of change
in daily and seasonal patterns of the sun and moon’s movement, and of
other celestial bodies. Understands that water circulates through the
Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere in what is known as the water
Life Science: Demonstrates an understanding of basic needs of
organisms, how the environment meets those needs, life cycles, and the
structures and functions of organisms.
ART, MUSIC and PE: Please refer to separate document.
This is a key to help you understand grade level expectations for this quarter. This document provides details on what a student must be able to do to
receive an M (M means Meets Standards).
Fourth Grade - Quarter 4
Shows cooperation
Shows assertion in appropriate ways
Takes responsibility for actions and work
Shows empathy
Demonstrates self-control
Is able to read and comprehend a variety of grade level texts
- F&P Level S
Is able to make inferences, summarize, and evaluate a text
- summarizes grade level fiction and non-fiction texts
- infers themes, character changes, motivation, and traits, and how the setting
impacts the plot
- applies previously learned strategies in non-fiction and fiction
Is able to locate important information/evidence in the fiction text
- uses evidence from the text to support inferences and conclusions
Is able to understand how and why an author structures a text the way
they do.
- compares and contrasts multiple works by the same author to identify
recurring themes, conflicts, and other characteristics
- identify characteristics of fantasy
Reading: Foundational Skills
Is able to use knowledge of phonics and word structure to figure out
unknown words
- can figure out 3 and 4 syllable words using chunking strategy
Is able to read grade level text with accuracy and appropriate fluency to
support comprehension.
- can read 124 words per minute on a grade level text with expression
- reads punctuation (pauses at periods, commas, question marks, and
exclamation marks)
- reads aloud with expression in a reader’s theater performance
Is able to use context clues to understand new vocabulary, words, or
- using grade level text, creates a reasonable definition of a new words based
on context clues
Speaking, Viewing, Listening and Media Literacy
Is able to communicate effectively in discussions about grade level topics
- participates in discussions using classroom vocabulary and stays on task
during discussions
Is able to distinguish between and use various types of media
- uses books, magazines, and internet to find information
Is able to create a multi-media work
- uses the computer and other classroom resources to create a presentation
Is able to write clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes
- writes an opinion piece and friendly letter
- writes reading responses
- writes about learned information in science and math
Is able to use the writing process
- uses the writing process effectively (prewriting, writing a draft, revising, editing,
and publishing)
Is able to use correct writing conventions.
- capitalizes beginning of sentences and proper nouns
- ends all sentences with periods, question marks, or exclamation marks
- uses commas and quotation marks in writing dialogue
- spells high frequency words correctly
- organizes writing into paragraphs
Is able to understand place value up to millions
- reads, writes, and uses numbers up to millions
Is able to demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and division facts
- demonstrates mastery (90%) on a 50 fact three minute multiplication time test
(Facts 0-9)
Is able to demonstrate understanding of and accurately solve word
- shows understanding of which operation to use to solve word problems
- uses other strategies to solve word problems, such as drawing a picture or
- is able to check accuracy of work
Is able to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems accurately.
- uses standard algorithms to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction
Is able to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems accurately.
- solves 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication problems using standard algorithms
- solves 2 digit / 1 digit division problems using standard algorithms
- applies knowledge of multiplication and division to rates
Is able to use fractions and decimals accurately
- reads and writes decimals (to thousandths place) and fractions (with
denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12) accurately
- adds and subtracts decimals accurately
- adds and subtracts fractions accurately
- compares the values of decimals, fractions, and percents accurately
- applies knowledge of fractions and percents to probability
Is able to apply measurement and geometry concepts
- uses geometry vocabulary to describe and name 2-dimensional and 3dimensional shapes
- compares and contrasts two 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes using
geometry vocabulary
- labels angles with acute, obtuse, and right
- accurately finds area and perimeter of a rectangle and other irregular shapes
- identifies symmetry, rotations, reflections, and translations
Is able to collect, organize, and interpret data in graphs and charts
- correctly interprets data from bar graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, and
venn diagrams
Is able to write and solve problems using algebra
- solves number sentences with variables, true and false number sentences,
and in/out charts
- writes an algebraic number sentence for a word problem
Valley View
North Park
4th Quarter
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of
Science and Engineering)
Structures of Life
(Life Science, Nature of Science and
(Earth and Space Science, Nature of
Science and Engineering)
Science Standards:
Nature of Science and Engineering: Demonstrates an understanding that
scientific investigations improve in accuracy with repetition, that evidence must
be given to support observations, and that using scientific tools improves
Physical Science: Demonstrates an understanding of properties of
matter, states of matter, sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism.
Earth and Space Science: Demonstrates an understanding of change in daily
and seasonal patterns of the sun and moon’s movement, and of other celestial
bodies. Understands that water circulates through the Earth's crust, oceans
and atmosphere in what is known as the water cycle.
Life Science: Demonstrates an understanding of basic needs of organisms, how
the environment meets those needs, life cycles, and the structures and functions
of organisms.
ART, MUSIC, and PE: Please refer to separate document.